Having understood this cycle, Mahapragya suggested two experiments to avoid the formation of vicious circle and to reinforce the healthy cycle - (i) Use of Breath – Concentration of attention towards the natural
breathing cycle sends refining vibrations to our inner karmic body. It is an example of how outer body actions feed back the reactions
to inner body. (ii) Use of Determination - Our resolutions set in a wave of vibrations
within our karmic body. These vibrations are fed back to the outer macro body which starts acting accordingly. Our emotions and actions are thus modified. A benign resolution therefore can initiate refinement of karma. It is an example of close-loop association of inner and outer units of a body.
Dissociation and Refinement of Karma
Penance and fasting are often associated with the soul-refinement. A prudent view needs to be taken on this account. Mahapragya has clarified a popular belief prevailing with his disciples regarding the hardship undergone' and the ‘resolve maintained during the fasting. He says there are two aspects involved in the process of fasting - firstly, our mortal body is deprived of food and secondly, our conscience is privileged by the vibrations of the underlying resolution. While the former is the cause of bodily suffering, latter is responsible for the refinement of karmic body. It would be a grave mistake to link the associated suffering with the dissolution of karma. Jain religion does not preach to inflict pain to the body. It would be paradoxical to seek the ultimate pleasure of salvation through the process of anguish and distress. If the fasting lacks resolution and is observed only because of competition, social pressure or allurement, it will not be able to initiate the vibrations necessary to have effect at micro level. But a resolution which renders the food redundant will surely be strong enough to create an ambiance for karma refinement. Bottom line for the dissipation of karma, therefore, is the strength of resolution and not the magnitude of suffering.
One of the steps towards the right resolution is Kayotsarg. It puts the body in such a favourable state of mind that the self-suggestions start becoming effective. Kayotsarg involves breathing and this exercise connects the mortal body with the karmic body by establishing a bridge between the fine atoms of breathing and finer constituents of consciousness. Our karmic body is constituted of such fine atoms (sukshma pudgals) which have quadruple properties
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