Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 52
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Stephen Meredyth Edwardes, Krishnaswami Aiyangar
Publisher: Swati Publications
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Metre, Bhujangaprayāta, --- -- ------ atha Vrācadakhyām Apabhramsabhāsām
Mk. xviii, 1. vadāmah, prasiddhā tu sā Sindhudēsē smrtā Nāgarād ēva siddhis tadiyā
viśēan na yatrocyatē lakṣma tasyah 11 |
We now proceed to describe the Apabhramba Bhāsă called “Vracada', which is current in the Sindhu country. Its basis is recorded as being nothing but Nagara, especially when no definite rule is laid down for it.
This indicates that any changes recorded in this section are not changes from
Sanskrit, but are changes from "Nāgara Apabhramsa. Fol. 45a. tānacyatra vasarayövihasabah2(5)prayõjyo bhftyöpavanastāvihatuprakrtyä antyasthayadhavagatautucajauvidhēyau dvitvē yathāgivišatiychanadvi avay(6)jjē || 2 ||
17 In ihasasab the akşara sa is superfluous. Metre, Vasantatilakā, ---- - --- tālavya ēva sa-kayõr iha bah prayojyo;
Mk, 3. bhịtyâparēsu ra-Țtāv iba tu prakrtya
Mk. 4. antahstha-yâdhara-gatau tu ca-jau vidh@yau .
Mk, 2. dvitvē, yathā (?)païsadi yechalahia rayijë
1121 Only the palatal é may be used, in place of 8 and . In this dialect an original r or is preserved, except in the words bhrtya- and others. When the letters e (including ch) and [? including ih] are doubled, the semi-vowel y is prefixed, as in (?) paisadi yocha. lahia rayjje (=Nāgara paisadi cchalahia rajje=pravišati cchala-bhitō rājyê].
It is unnecessary to mention the letter in the first line, as it does not occur in Nāgara.
As examples of the gana bhrtyadi, Mk. gives niccan (ntyam), kiccan's (krtyam), and kiccā kılyā). The emendation of givisati to pāisadi (cf. the next verse) is conjectural. Although not so written, the scribe certainly meant the chon yochala to be doubled. He always represents this doubled cch by ch, even in Sanskrit passages. Mk. makes the prefixing of y to c and j universal, and not only when
these letters are doubled. Fol. 45a. dadhayõh svavasēratadanasyāt ubhayāḥkiñcaţādaumataupadādau dasanādişudothasõji (?) sva 38saivētyabhidhāne(7)khanundu mahakhadgē | 31 28 The doubtful ak sara sva is superfluous in the metre and is difficult to read. Metre, Aupacchandasika,
------- da-dhayāḥ stara-sēşatā ca na syāt
Not in Mk. albayog kirca ta-dau (?-thau) matau pada dau L C f. Mk. 5. 'da anadişu' do, 'tha sõji 'saivéty'
Mk. 5, 6. abhidhānē khalu [kha Indum āha 'kha Igē
|| 31 Mk, 7. There can be no elision of [modial] d or(substitution of h) for (medialj dh. But, when initial, they become and d [? th), respectively. In the words daiana- eto. [the initial d becomes ] . In this dialect, the word sõji is used as the equivalent of the Sanskrit saiva, and, as regards khadgah, it becomes khandur.
In dealing with d and dh, we must remember that our basis is Nägart: In that dialect, an original d and dh follow the usual Prakrit rules, and, when medial, they are elided and changed to h respectively. In Vråcada, this does not occur, an original medial d and dh remaining unchanged. But, in Nagara (see verse 2 of the preceding chapter), & medial d or dh represents an original t or th, respectively.