Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 09
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 9
________________ JANUARY, 1880.] BENGALI FOLKLORE LEGENDS. determined to make her his queen. He then The next day everybody was much surprised ordered the man to be driven from the country, that the King, Wazir, Nazir, and Kotwal did not and went to Adi's wife, and said, "I wish to come to court at the usual time. In the mean marry you, do you agree ?” She replied, "I am while Adi's wife sent her servants with the very much honoured by your wishing to marry wardrobe into the baznar to offer it for sale for me, and make me your queen, but I am acting four lakhs of rupees. Now the sons of the King, as agent for my husband, and if you will give Wazir, Nazir, and Kotwal were wandering about me 2000 rupees, I will pay off my debts, and the city, each in search of his father, and when then come to your house." So the King gave they reached the bazaar, they heard a man the money, and she went home, and had a ward- crying-"A wardrobe to be sold for four lakhs robe made by a carpenter with four compart- of rupees." The King's son said—“What is the ments, which she put in her house. She then meaning of this ? Nobody can buy it but ourinvited the Kotwal, the Nazir, the Wazir and the selves, so send for the money and take it." King, and told the Kotwal to come at midnight, They did so, and one of them took the key, and the Nazir at one o'clock, the Wazir at two o'clock, opened one compartment, and found his father, and the King at three o'clock. So the Kotwal and the three others did the same, so they all came at midnight, and Adi's wife treated him felt very much ashamed, and went home. very politely, and they were talking together, Adi's wife then took a band of singers, and when the Nazir sent word to say he was com- wandered from country to country, till she came ing; the Kotwal was alarmed at that, and said to a place where her husband was a servant in "What am I to do? where can I go ?” She re- the King's palace. The singers were invited to plied, "I have no place to hide you unless you the palace, but Adi's wife remained at home to can get into this wardrobe." The Kotwal said: take care of her property while all the others went "Very well, that is the best place, fasten me up away to perform a nách. As she was alone, quick." So Adi's wife fastened him in, and the they requested the King to send a trustworthy Nazir arrived and sat down till two o'clock, servant to guard the property. Now, the King when the Wazir came and knocked at the door. had no other trustworthy servant but Adi, so The Nazir recognized his voice, and exclaimed: he sent him, and he went and kept guard in the " Find some place to save me from this mig- usual way. His wife recognized him, and asked, fortune." She said she would hide him, but “Where do you live, and whose son are you?" there was no place except the wardrobe, so the So he told her, and she was sure he was her Nazir agreed, and she fastened him up in the husband, but he did not recognize her. Then second compartment. She then invited the she called him in, and the next morning gave Wazir to enter, and made him sit down. him two hundred rupees, and told him she had Nearly an hour passed while she was preparing no further need of his services. After this, she something to eat, when the King came, and as left that country, and went home, and some time the Wazir was very much alarmed, she concealed after a son was born. Now when Adi was with him in the third compartment of the wardrobe, her, he had put a ring on her finger, and about and then received the King with great respect. a year afterwards he returned home, and found While she was preparing some food for him, she all his father's property had increased fourfold, went out of the room, and told one of her and a son had been born, at which he was very servants to put on her husband's clothes, and angry. His wife was much distressed, and said, after a short time to come and knock at the door. "Sir, why are you angry? I lave done what The servant did as he was told, and the King should please you." Adi replied: "It is a very hearing the knock enquired who it was, when wonderful thing: I have been out of the country, the woman replied it was her husband. The and a son has been born!" Then she told King said: "I must conceal myself." Adi's wife him-"He is your son," and showed him the answered—"I will hide you, but there is no placering. except this wardrobe, whatever is done must be 3. The Prince and his two Wives. done quickly." So the King was put into the There was once a king named Dharmasila, wardrobe, and Adi's wife placed a purdah over who was nearly forty years old, but he had it, and put out the candle, and went to sleep. neither son nor daug..ter. One night he said


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