I am the Soul
The life of the sages is like a laboratory. The greatly compassionate sages first experiment with their own life and then inspire others to do the same. Pujya Mahasatiji's life too has been revolutionary and experimental.
The new generation is learning through the medium of English. Our youth settled here and abroad were in dire need of an English version of 341HT '. Sri Gujarati Swetamber Sthanakwasi Jain Association, Chennai's efforts in publishing the English version, in association with the Research Foundation for Jainology, Chennai are indeed opportune and praiseworthy.
The honourable Shri Surendrabhai Mehta and his team at the Association and the Research Foundation, deserve rich accolades for their effort in this publicaiton.
This great treatise, which is like an invaluable deed for spiritual upliftment, quenches the thirst for knowledge in the mumukshus (those desirous of moksa), jijnasus (those curious to know) and sadhakas (those in devoted pursuit).
If we can only partake of a few drops from this pristine, incessant flow of spirituality, we can taste the nectar of the Self and make our lives exalted.
Gunwant Barwalia
Mumbai 24.10.2000
Jain Educationa international
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