449 No specific scriptures of this sect have come down to us, and only the epigraphs refer to them.318 It may be noted, however, that sākatāyana or Pālyakīrti belonged to this Sangha: three works of his are known, one on Sanskrit Grammar and two dealing with Strīmukti and Kevalibhukti.
The monks led a wandering life in the eight months of the year except the rainy season. They toured only at daytime walking slowly, looking to the proper distance before them in order to avoid himsā.319
Wandering was deemed essential not only for acquiring knowledge of various regions and languages, but also for qualifying oneself for varied knowledge which was essential for a post in the Church hierarchy.
In the rainy season, however, they stayed at one place from 'āsādhaśukladaśami' to 'kārtikapaurņimā'. Sometimes due to incessant rain or physical inability to travel or study or service to the sick, stay could be prolonged. In the case of epidemics (māri), famine (durbhikṣya), evacuation of population (grāmajanapadacalana) and urgent works of the gaccha, stay could be shortened.320
The normal period of stay at one place during the other seasons seems to have been one month (māsaikaväsitā).321
The old rule of having a residence devoid of women, beasts and animals still prevailed. Besides it, the lodge for a monk was to be pure (i.e., devoid of living beings : prāsuka), and empty (śünya).322
Such places were said to be free from quarrels (kalaha), noise (rola), trouble (sanklesa), and disturbance to meditation and study. There the monk had no possibility of coming in contact with others (sankara), as also no likelihood of his getting attached to that place.323
In such places, the monk had to enter or leave the residence only with the permission of the owner.324
318. See UPADHYE, A. N., article on the Yāpanīyas in BUJ, Vol. 1, pt. VI, (May, 1933), pp. 224-31.
319. Angd. 4, 164; 6, 97; 'bahudeśacaryäh',-6, 103. 320. Ibid. 9, 80-81; comm. p. 675. 321. Ibid. 322. Ibid. 7, 30: comm. pp. 489-90. 323. Ibid. p. 491; also 8, 24.
324. Ibid. 8, 132. BULL. DCRI.-57
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