(4) Shaking the eyes, chest, belly or breasts (of the lady); massag ing the limbs of each other; making a woman lie down on a place full of living beings or on a clod of earth or on eggs, seeds or water, or in gardens pleasure houses, householder's houses or in monasteries; making her eat food or drink; making her lie down or sleep reclining on the lap or on the couch (for sexual purposes),178
(5) Doing the following things for the purpose of sexual intimacy:
Making the diagnosis (of the illness) of a lady; shaking a beast or a bird by its leg, wing or tail; thrusting a piece of wood or a finger in its private parts; embracing or kissing it with the thought that it is of a feminine. category; giving clothes, almsbowl; blanket or broom to or accepting these from a woman; reading to her or making signs to her.179
(6) Praising or or bowing down to a fellow of loose morals (ahäcchanda),180
(7) Making an unknown person serve one.1st
(8) Condemning religion (dhamma) and praising irreligion (adhamma).182
(9) Intimidating or surprising others.183
(10) Forecasting something about the present or the future.184
(11) If a sick nun is embraced by her mother, sister or daughter: (when a sick monk is embraced by his father, brother or son): and if a monk (nun) affords him (her) assistance, and thereby commits impurity,185
(12) If, while a nun at night time or twilight secretes or passes urinary or other excretions, any four-footed animal (pasu) or a flying insect (pakkhijalë) touches an organ of feeling (or penetrates into an opening of her body) with her connivance,186
(13) If monks and nuns indulge in intercourse with a woman or a man respectively, created by gods through magic.187
(14) Telling bad stories to, or making study with, or exchanging food, etc. while on tour with a nun either of one's own gana or of another gaṇa,
178. Ibid., 7, 13-78. 179. Ibid., 7, 79-91. 180. Ibid., 11, 82-83. 181. Ibid., 11, 86. 182. Ibid., 11, 9-10. 183. Ibid., 11, 64-67. 184. Ibid., 10, 7-8. 185. Brh. kalp., 4, 9-10. 186. Ibid., 5, 13-14.
187. Ibid., 5, 1-4.
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