Terminology relating to the measurement of) Time.
32. The time in which an atom (moving goes beyond another atom (immedliately next to it) is it sumaya; innumerablo xamayas make an avali.
33. A mensured number of mulis inakes an urhreisil; soven uccharsex make one stökie ; soven stokrx make one lura, 'aud with thirty-eight and a half of this the ghuli in formed.
34. Two ghatis make oue muhürlu; tbirty muharlux make ono day ; fiftoen days make ono pokre; and two parkos ir tukou to be a month.
35. Two months make one rtru; three of these are understood to make one nyinu ; two of theso form one year. Next, I give the grain-moasine.
Terminology relating to (the measurement of) Grain.
36. Know that four solaikas form here we kwuhu ; four kulahux ono prasth.; and four posthus one indhaha.
37. Four colhukus make one drown, ami four times one drona make one mant; four waniy make one khuri; live khurin muke one pravurtiku.
35. Four times that ramo (prarartikit) in it maha ; five pravartikis make (3kumbht. After this the terminology relating to the measurement of gold is described.
. Terminology relating to the measurement of) Gold,
39. Four yanulakas make one yunja; five yunga maku oje pana, and cight of this (puni) make one dhuruwa: two charanma mako one kars, and four karsus make one pala.
Terminology relating to the measurement of) Silver.
40. Two grains make one yunji; two yunjiix make one masa ; sixteon minax are sail loro to make one tharum.
41. Two and u half of that (dharana) make one kursa; four puriinux (or karxis) make one pla--80 day personin well worror in calculation in respoct of the m isurement of silver wecording to the