Examples in illustration thereof. 253-255). Three merobants begged money from the hands of each other. The first begged 4 from the scoond and 6 from the third man, and became possessed of twice the money (then on hand with both the others). The second (merobant) begged 4 from the first and 6 from the third, and (thus) got three times the money held on hand at the time by both tho others togethor). The third man beggod 5 from the first and 6 from the second, and (thus) became 5 times (as rich as the other two). O mathematician, if you know the mathematical proces known as citrakuttikära-mikra, tell mo quickly whnt may be the moneys they respectively bad on hand.
256-2584. There were threo very clever porsone. They begged money of each other. The first of them begged 12 from the second and 1: from the third. and became thus 3 times no rich as these two were then. The second of them bruged 10 from the first and 13 from the third, and thus became 5 times as rich (as the other two at the time). The third man begged 12 from the socond and 10 from the first, and becamo (similarly) 7 times as rich. Their intentions wero fulfilled. Tell me, O friend, after calculating, what might be the moneys on hand with them.
The rule for arriving at equal capital amounts, on the last man giving (from his own money) to tbo penultimate man an anonnt equal to his own, (and again on this mau doing the namo in relation to the man who comes behind him, and so on):
2591. One divided by the optionally chosen multiple quantity (in respect of tbe amount of money to be given by the one to the other) becomes the multiple in relation to the ponultimato man's amount. This (multiplier) increased by one becomes the multiplier of the amounts (in the hands of the othors. The
2694. The rule will be clear from tho following working of the problem given in st. 263 :
1+ or 3 is the multiple with regard to the penultimate man' amount; this I combined with 1, s.e., 3 becomes the multiple in relation to the amounts of the other.