the specified variety). The values of the sides (of this optionally chosen figure) should be multiplied by the resulting quotient (arrived at as mentioned above). Thus, the numerical values of the sides of the figure produced in the given circle) are deduced.
Examples in illustration thereof. 222}. The diameter of a circular figure is 13. O friend, think out well and tell me the (various measurements relating to the) eight different kinds of figures beginning with the square which are inscribed) in this (circle).
The rule for arriving at the value of the diameter of the circular figure inscribed within the various (kinds of quadrilateral and trilateral) figures mentioned before, with the exception of the longish quadrilateral figare, when the accurate measure of the area and the numerioal value of the perimeter are known in relation to those same) quadrilateral and other figuros :--
2231. The (known) accurate moasure of the area of any of the figures other than thr longish quadrilateral figure should be divided by a quarter of the numerical value of the perimeter (of tbat figuro). The result is pointed out to be the diameter of the cirolo inscribed within that figure.
Eramples in illustration thereof.
2247. Having drawn the inscribed circle in relation to the already specified figures beginning with the squaro, O you who know the secret of calculation, give out now (the value of the diameter of each such insoribed circle).
2981. If o represents the sum of the sides, and a the dian eter of the inscribed oirole, and A the area of the quadrilateral or the triangle in which the circle is insoribed, then
Monoe the formula given in the rule ind