2154. The two lateral sides are (each) 13 in measure; the topside is 4; and the hase is said to be 14 in measure. In this case, what may be the diameter of the circle describod about (Buch) & quadrilateral figure with two equal sides ?
216%. The top-side and the (two) lateral sides are oach 25 in measure. The base is 39 in moasure. Tell me (here) the measuro of the diameter of the circle described about such a quadrilateral figure with three equal sides.
2171. One of the lateral sides is 39 in measure; the other lateral side is 52 in measure; the base is 60 and the top-widdo is 25. In relation to this (quadrilateral figure), what is tho value of the diameter of the circumscribod circle) ?
2184. The measure of the side of an equilateral triangle is 6; and that of an isosceles triangle is 13, the baso in this caso) being 10 in measure. Givo out what tiie values are of tho diameters of the oiroles described about these triangles.
219]. In the case of a triangle with unequal sides the two sides are 15 and 13 in monsure; the base is 14. Tell mo the value of the diameter of the circle described about it.
2204. If you know the paikācika (processes of ouloulation), tell me after thinking well what may be the value of the dinmeter of the circle described about a (regular) six-sided figuro having 2 as the measure of cash of (its) sides.
The rule for arriving at the numerical values of the base, of the top-side and the othor) sides of the eight different) kinds of Agures beginning with the aquare, which aro inscribed in a regular ciroular figure having a diameter of known numerical value:
2211. The value of the given diameter (of the circle) is divided by the value of the (bypothetically) arrived diameter of the circle (described about an optionally choson figure belonging to
220. The Kadarese commentary on this stansa works out this problem by pointing out that the diagonal of regular hexagon is equal to the diameter of the circumscribed oircle.
9914. The rule follows a matter of coure from the similarity of the required and the optionally chosen Algure.