combine it with the known number remaining, and (then cxtract) the sqnare root of this sum, and make that square root becomo) combined with half of the previously mentioned (coefficient of the) syuare root of the remaining part of the unknown collective quantity). The square of this last sum) will hore be the required result, when the remaining part of the unknown collective quantity) is taken as the original collective quintity itself. But when that remaining part of the nknown collective quantity is treated merely as a part, the rule relating to the Whiye variety (of miscellaneous problemy on fractions) is to be applied.
Examples in illustration thereof. 11. Onc-third of a herd of elephants and three times the nuure root of the remaining part of the herl) were Moon on a mountainslope; and in a Inke was seen a male elephant along with three femalo clephants (constituting the ultimate remainder. llow many wore the elephants here!
12 to 45. In al garden beantified by groves of various kinds of trees, in a place free from all living animals, many asoctics were scated. Of them the number (quivalent to the square root of the whole collection were practising yoyu at the foot of the tren. One-tenth of the remainder, the square root (of the remnjuder after deducting this), (of the remainder after deducting this, theu the square root (of the remainder after deducting this), (of the remainder after deducting this, the Nqunre root (of the remainder after deducting this), ! (of the remainder after deducting this, the square root of the remainder ofter deducting this, (of the remainder after leducting this, the square root of the remainder after deducting this), ! (of the remainder after deducting this), the square root (of the remainder after desueting this)- thene parts consisted of those who were learned in the teaching of literature, in religious law. in logic, and in politicr. as alwo of those who were verscıl in controversy. prosody, astronomy. magic, rhetoric and grammar and of those who poschued the power derived from the 12 kinds of austerities, as well as of those who pokecsked an intallimont knowledge of the twelve varictics of the anga-natra; and