gold obtained in exchange ay multiplied by the second of the specified urnas of the exchanged gold - these two differences) havo to be written down. If theu, they are altorod in position and divided by the difference between the two sperilicl) murras (of the two varieties) of the exchanger gold, the result happons to be the (two required) quantities of the two kinds of gold (obtained in exchange).
Au couple in illustration thereus. 1987. Seven hundroil in weight of gold characterise! by 16 virus produccs, on being exchanged, 1,008 (in weight) of two kinds of gold characterised (respectively) by 12 and 10 virnas. Now, what is the woight (of cach of these two varieties of gold!
The rule for finding out the various woights of) gold obtamod as the result of many (nprocitied) kinds of exchange :
1997. If the (vivon) weight of gold (to be exchanged) as multiplied by the varna (theroof is divided by tho quantity of) the desirod gold (obtained in oxchange), there arises the uniform average vurna. On carrying ont further) operations is mentioned hefore, the result arrived at given tho required weights of th:0 various kinds of gold obtaincel in oxchange.
An example in illustration thereof. 2001-201. In the case of a man exchanging 300 in weight of gold ch: racteriscil by 1.1 varnwx, the gold (obtained in oxchange) is seen to be altogether 500 in weight, (the various parts whoroof aro respectively characterized by 12, 10, and 7 varnis. What in the woight of gold soparutely corrospopiling to each of thoso (different) ournax ?
The rule for arriving at the various weights of goli wbtained in exchange which are characterisou ly known rurnax and ure (elefinite) multiples in proportion :
202-203. The sum of the (given) proportional multiple mumbors is to be divided by the sum of the proucts (obtained) by
1994. The operation which is stated here as having been mentioned before is what is given in stanza 185 aburu.