measured in) yojana, subtract the continued) product of (the numerical value of) the weight to be carriod, (that of the stipulated) wages, the distance already gone over, and the distanoe still to be gone over. Then, if the fraction (viz., half) of the weight to be carried over, as multiplied by the wholo of the stipulated) distanco, and then as diminished by the square root of this (difference above mentioned), be divided by the distance still to be gone ovor, the required answer is arrived at.
An example in illustration thereof. 227. Here is a man who is to receive, by carrying 2 juckfruits over 1 yöjuna, 7% of them as wages. le broaks down at half the distanco. What amount within the stipulated wagos) is (then) due to him ?
Tho rule for arriving at the distances in yojanas (to be tr:velled over) by the second or the third weight-carrier (aftor tho first or the second of them breaks down) :
228. From tbe product of the wholo) weight to be carried as multiplied by the value of the stipulated) wages, subtract the square of the wagos givon to the first carrior. This difference bas to ho userl as the) divisor in relation to tho (continued) product of the difference between thu (stipulated) wages (and the wages alroady givon away), the (wholo) weight to be oarried, and tho (wholo) distance (over which the weight has to be carriol. The resulting quotient gives rise to the distance to ho travelled over by the scoond (person).
An example in illustration thereof. 229. A man by carrying 21 jack-fruits over (a distance of) five yojanas has to obtaia 9 (of them) as wagos therofor. When 6 of these bave been givon away as wagos (to the first carrier), what is the distance the second carrio, bas to travol over to obtain the remainder of the stipulated wagos)?
228. Algebraically D-d= the equation in the last note.
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, which can beeasily found out from