The time (for which the interest has accrued) combined with the interest therefor is 20. What is the time here !
27. The capital put to interest at the rate of 13 per 703 (per mensem) is 705. The mixed sum of its time and interest is 80. (What is the value of the time and of the interest ?)
28. The capital put to interest at the rate of 37 por 80 for 21 months is 400, and the mixed sum of time and interest is 36. (What is the time and what the interest ?)
The rule for arriving at the separation of the capital and the time of interost from their mixed gum :--
29. From the square of the given mixed gum (of the capital and the time), the rate-capital divided by its rate-interest and multiplied by the rate-time and by four times the given interest is to be subtracted. The square root of this (resulting remainder) is then used in relation to the given mixed sum so as to carry out the process of sankramana.
Examples in illustration thereof.
30. This, viz., 4 Purānas is the interest on 70 (per month). The interest (obtained on the whole) is 25. The mixed sum of the capital used and the time of interest) is 454. What is the capital lent out ?
31. By lending out what capital for what time at the rate of 3 per 60 (per mensem) would a man obtain 18 as interest, 66 being the mixed sum of that time and that capital ?
. 32. It has been ascertained that the interest for 11 months on 60 is only 23. The interest here in the given instance) is 24, and
m- OxT
x 4im 29. Symbolically,
... = cort as the case may be, where m e + t.
The value of the quantity under the root, as given in the rule, in (c-t)* and the square root of this and the mijra have the operation of savikramana performed in relation to them.
For the explanation of sankranana see Ch. VI. 2.