the specified known quantity which is to be taken away (from the previous remainder) is added; and this resulting sum) is multiplied by that (same kind of) remaining fractional proportion (of the remainder as has beon mentioned above). This is to be done as many times as there are distributions to be made. Then these quantities so obtained should be deprived ol their denominators; and these denominator-less quantities and the ancocesive products of the above-mentioned remaining fractional proportions of the remainder) aro (to be used as the known quantity and the (other elements, viz., the cocfficient) multiple (of the unknown. quantity and the divisor, required in relation to a problem on Vallika-kuttikāra).
Examples in illustration thereof. 131}. On a cortain man bringing mango fruits (honie, his elder son took one fruit first and then hulf of what remained. (On the elder son going away after doing this, the younger (son) did similarly (with wbat was left there. He further took half
The rulo will be clear from the following working of the problem in 132) -- 193:
Here 1 in the first agra, and in the first nyra visa; thereforu 1- or in the teminda. Now, obtain the product of agra and sera visa or 1 x 3 or 3. Writo it down in 2 plucos. O Repeat the qui
add the second ayra 1 (to one of the quantitice) Thon we hav ultiply both by the next sēxa msal - or $, so that you get
Tako then lignres and add the third agru 1 as before ; and you have
i multiply by the next sopa msu 1 - 3 or $ ond by the lantan sa or); and you have {8}
111 The denominators of the first fractions in these three sets of fractions Marked I, II, III, are dropped, and the numerator's represent negative ayras in
problem on Mallika-kuffikara, where in the numerator and the denominator of oach of the second fractions in those sote represent respeotively the dividend ooeficients and the divisor. Thus we have
22 - 2 in an integer;
3 The value of satisfying these three oonditions gives the number of towers,
4% - 10
is an integer; and
81 - 38 in an integer.