Book Title: Ganitasara Sangraha of Mahavira
Author(s): Rangacharya
Publisher: Rangacharya

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Page 335
________________ CHAPTER VI-MIXED PROBLEMS. 133 birds for 5 panas, purchase, O friend, for 56 panas 72 birds and bring thein (to me)". So saying a man gavo over the purobasemoney (to his friend). Calculato quickly and find out how many birds (of cach variety he bouglt) for how many punas. 150. For. 3 panas, 5 pilis of ginger aro oltained ; for 4 panax, 11 palas of long pepper; and for 8 panis, I pula of pepper is obtained By means of the purchase-money of 60 parnus, quickly obtain 68 palas (of these drugs). The rule for arriving at the desired numerical value of certain specified objects purchased at desired rates for desired sume of monoy as their total price : 151. The rato-values of the varions things purchased aro cach separately) multiplied by the total value (of the purchase-money), and the varions values of the rate-monoy are (aliko scparately) 151. The following working of the problem given in 152-153 will illustrato the rule :5 7 93 Write down the rate-things and the rate-prices in 500 500 900 30) two rows, on below other. Multiply by the total 300 500 700 M) price and by the total number of things in pectively. Thon mubtruct. Remove the common furtur 100. Multi0 0 0 0 200 2001 2000 ply by tho chen humb 3, 4, 7, 1. Add the numbers in ach horisontal row and remove the commun factor (: 0 0 0 0 Change the position of these figuren, ud write down in 2 2 2 0 two rows owch figuro non many times in there are compo. nent elements in the corresponding sun change in pomition. 0 0 0 36 Multiply i bo two rows litho rate prices and the ruto6 X 100 things respectively. Then remove the common factor 6. Multiply by the already chon number 3, 4, 5, 8. The numbers in the two POW represent the proportion according to which the total price and the Wotal number of thingn become distributed 6 6 6 18 30 30 42 42 64 This rule relate ton problemi in indeterminato 4 equations, and an mich, thoro may be many wel of answers, thene Answers obviously depending upon the quantition 36 chosen optionally an multipliers. 12 It can be camily mean that, only when certain not of numbers are chosen an uption multipliern, integral 7 answers are obtained ; in other CAKCH, fractional anwera are obtained, which are of course not wantod. For an 36 explanation of the rationale of the proces, weo thu note 13 giron at the oud of the chapter. 9 18 20 28 36 48


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