Examples in compound fractions. 100 to 102. To offer in worship at the feet of Jina, lotuses, jasamines, kėtakis and lilies were prrchased in return for the payment of f of 1, of }, of of }, } of fof, of } of ș, of
of }, of } of of }, { of of of of }, } off of of }, and } of }, of a pana. Sum up these (paid quantities) and give out the result.
103 and 101. A cortain person gave (to a vendor) of 1, of of }, of, of }, and of b, (of a pana) out of the 2 panas (in his posscasion), and brought fresh ghee for (lighting) the lamps in a Jina temple. O friend, give out what the remaining balance is
106 and 106. If you have taken pains in connection with com pound fracticus, give out (the rosulting sum) aftor adding these (following fractions) :-} of }, 1 of , l' of 'n ó of, is of and of of:
The rule for finding out the one unknown (element common to each of a set of compound fractions whose sum is given)
107. The given sum, when divided by whatover happens to be the sum arrived at in accordance with the rulo (mentioned) before by putting down one in the place of the unknown (element in the compound fractions), gives rise to the required) unknown (element) in the summing up of) compound fractions.
An example in illustration thereof. 108. The sum of $, of 1, $ of , t of of , of a certain quantity is 1. What is this unknown (quantity) P
The rulo for finding out more than one unknown (clement, one such occurring in cach of a set of compound fractions whose sum is given)
109. Make the unknown (values of the various partially known compound fractions) to he (equivalent to) such optionally chosen
100. This rule will be clear from the following working of the problem giren in stanta No. 110:
Splitting up the sum of the intended fractions, into 3 fractions according to rule No. 78, we get, undt. Making these the values of the three