Opinion of Pandit Gopinath Kaviraj, NI.., Principal, Governinent Sanskrit College, Benares; Registrar, Sanskrit College Examinations; and Superintendent of Sanskrit Studies, United Provinces, Benares.
I hare glanced through the pages of “ Dharma-Karma-Rahasya " based upon Pandit Bhatani Sunkar's Sadhan Samgrala with great interest. The book has impressed me as a very useful work dealing with the problems of moral and religious life and with the doctrine of "Karma" in all its implications and bearings. Though in some places, one may feel inclined to differ from the author in regard to the presentation and interpretation of certain truths, there is no gainsaying the fact that the general treatment of the subject is uniformly lucid, illuminating and logically coherent. The author has sought to analyse the moral basis of our social life and to bring out the ultimate principles in which the formation of character is really grounded. In viety of its simplicity of style and clearness of presentation the book may be strongly recommended for the use ef the Hindi-reading public in general and of the community of students in particular. In these days of cultured materialism, works of this nature ought to be in the hands of every thoughtful man and woman who bas the welfare of the society at heart.