Questioner: So despite the neighbor's suffering, You (the Self) are not suffering?
Dadashri: There is no pain at all due to someone else's pain. Pain is not the nature (swabhav) of the Self; on the contrary, by Its "touch' the other person is filled with bliss!
Spiritual Awareness in the World
Questioner: Since the last five years, there is increase in people's spiritual progress. What does this imply?
Dadashri: It shows that spiritual tendencies were completely gone and now they appear to be increasing. This is befitting according to the current times. The other thing is that pain and suffering is going to increase so much so that it will become difficult for people to come out of it. Then dispassion (vairagya) will arise in the people. Otherwise people are not likely to change their ways, are they?
Questioner: Then will that be considered a Satyug (era of the time cycle characterized by unity in thoughts, speech and actions)?
Dadashri: People can call it whatever 'yuga' (era) they want but there is going to be a change. Satyug is gone; it will not come again. In the Kaliyug (the current era of the time cycle characterized by lack of unity in thoughts, speech and actions) such beautiful thoughts, which have never been experienced, will be there!
Today the human intellect has developed in such a way that it has never happened in the last million years. It is becoming viparit (misguided); nevertheless it is highly developed and it will not take long for it to become samyak (well-guided), leading to the right path. Previously the intellect was not developed.
Questioner: That is why, in the past time cycles, one had
to perform very lengthy penances (tapas) in order to get the direct experience of the Self. Was this not the reason for it?
Dadashri: That was it. Nowadays one does not have to do that much severe penance. Nowadays, even before striking a match, there is spontaneous combustion! Why subject people to penance when they are already suffering in agony? Alas! Poor people are already roasting in the "fire pit'!
Inventions in Spiritualism There is no need to bother with those who already have a pure heart, and they are not likely to make much spiritual gain either.
Questioner: So is there benefit for those who are crooked?
Dadashri: It is beneficial only for those who are crooked. I have seen many people with a clean heart, like this man here. I tell them they are happy anyway so why should they bother? I tell them that straightforward and good people like you do not harm the world. But it will take them a very long time to reach the state of the Self, because for them 'invention (seeking and searching) has halted. Their 'engine' runs slowly.
No one has ever said the things that I am saying. Everyone says that only those with a clean heart will attain religion and not anyone else. What I am saying is that as long as the necessities of those with a clean heart are fulfilled, it is enough. Their 'invention' (searching) stops then.
Questioner: But Dada, will it happen if there is a desire, in their heart or in the intellect, to know more?
Dadashri: No, it will not happen even if there is a desire to know ignyasa). Only two to five people will come and they will be reformed. Such persons help a handful who come; they will serve other people, and the same time progress themselves.