Questioner: No.
Dadashri: If you do not like it, why don't you ask Me about how you can get rid of it?
Questioner: A person can find a solution for it himself.
Dadashri: One can only find a solution up to a certain point.
Dependency increases as one gets older and at the time of death there is no end to dependency, the need to take help from others. In the old age your teeth will bother you, the body will bother you, the children will bother you, and your brothers will bother you. Your children will tell you, 'Just sit there and do not talk too much.' How many such dependencies?
Questioner: Does dependency and worries not go hand in hand?
Dadashri: Worrying is an above normal egoism and dependency is helplessness. Worrying occurs when the ego becomes above normal but not otherwise. Who cannot fall asleep in his home? It is the one who has greater egoism.
Questioner: In this matter I am not able to cope and so I worry, so is the next step dependency?
Dadashri: That dependency is something that we have created ourselves. There is one dependency, which arises on its own and that is one associated with old age. Worry and dependency have nothing to do with each other.
you stop hurting or harming anyone, when you stop having negative thoughts about others, that is when your dependency will break.
Questioner: Man has worries about all the necessities in life, so then dependency is bound to come, is it not?
Dadashri: That dependency is different. There he has entered in his own trap. Even if he does not want to get caught in that trap; the traps will naturally arise. A mouse does not have any dependency but if it sees food inside a trap it will, out of greed, enter the trap. However, that dependency will go away one day.
What is the effect' of worrying? It will lead to an animal life (being born in the animal Kingdom).
Questioner: What is the solution so that we do not worry?
Dadashri: To turn around by reducing or completely removing egoism. If a Gnani Purush is around, the egoism will go away when he gives you the knowledge of the Self.
Questioner: What is helplessness (lachari)?
Dadashri: You will understand it if you were to ask a helpless man. Or if you have a lot of debts, you have difficulty in buying things and your wife complains about why you don't buy things for her, you feel tremendous dependency when you do not have any money.
Lord Mahavir's science is to take one from a state of dependency (parvashta) into an independent state (swavash) and then dependency will not affect him.
Questioner: The Self does not have dependency, does
When something goes wrong, then worries will occur. Worries occur depending on the outcome of circumstances whereas dependency is sheer helplessness (lachari). The world does not like dependency; dependency is weakness (nirbadata). Dependency will go away when weakness goes away. As long as weakness is present, dependency will not go away because if we hurt others, they will hurt us back. When
Dadashri: No, the Self does not have any dependency.