1. The Navkar Mantra 2. Aum Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya 3. Aum Namah Shivaya
process, will also give its effect, and when it does, what will become of you? Laxmi (money) is not something that you can obstruct or prevent from leaving. Laxmi is the Lord's consort and you are obstructing and preventing her from leaving! What becomes of a newly wed bride who is confined to her husband's house and prevented from going home to her parents? And yet that is exactly what people do to Laxmiji! She is now tired of these people. Whenever I come across Laxmiji at Baroda railway station, I pay obeisance to her and give her my address in Mamanipod. I tell her that she is free to come and go as and when she pleases. She tells me that she is tired of all the wealthy businessmen and that she will now visit the homes of all the mahatmas (all Self-realized beings), because they garland her whenever she goes to their homes and also garland her, even when she leaves. She says that she will no longer go to the homes that prevent her from leaving. She will not visit the homes for lifetimes to come of those who have contempt towards money. Money comes and goes. Money that is present today will not be there in ten years time; it is constantly circulating.
Everyone in this entire world is caught up in turmoil. Whether a person is an ascetic or married, no living being has inner peace. Inner peace only comes when a person acquires the knowledge of the Self. In the traditional kramic path, inner peace is only acquired once the aspirant crosses the entire ocean of the worldly life over to the other side. What an arduous task! But in this Akram path, once I place my hand over your head, eternal peace occurs spontaneously.
Trimantra Removes Obstacles In life
But the egotistical people, who have created new cults and groups, have divided even this mantra. The Lord had conceded that people could build separate temples and place of worship for convenience but the three mantras should not be separated. Nevertheless, people divided the Mantra. As if that is not enough, they have even divided the 'agiyaras' (Observance of the eleventh day of the moon cycle for fasting); the Shaivites have their own and the Vaishnavas have their own. How can the Lord be pleased with this? God will not be found wherever there is any quarrel or differences of opinion. The Trimantra that I am giving you is very powerful indeed! It will bestow upon you whatever you desire. It will remove your worldly obstacles and will significantly lessen any major difficulties you have to face. This mantra pleases all the gods; it is a completely impartial mantra.
Every moming if you recall my face and recite the Trimantra five times, you will never fall spiritually and will gradually acquire liberation. I am taking full responsibility for this.
I say that let all the misery of the world come to me. If you are strong enough to surrender all your miseries at my feet without any reservation, then do so. Thereafter, if you experience any misery, come tell me. But alas in the current time cycle I have even encountered people who claim that if they were to surrender all their miseries to me, what would they be left with? These poor unfortunate people do not understand that they have within them an ocean of infinite bliss and by surrendering their miseries, they would be left with nothing but bliss. But no one knows how to surrender even his or her suffering.
What is the true meaning of a mantra? Mantra means that which stills the mind. The Lord gave us the Trimantra to help us overcome obstacles in our devotional practices. The Trimantras
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