would not wander!
The word chetan (sentient) is derived from chit. Pure Knowledge (Gnan) + Pure Vision (darshan) = Pure Chetan
That which the chit has seen very frequently in the past life will appear more often in this life. The chit will then become deeply engrossed in it for hours and longer and this leads to sow seeds of karma. As these phases become less intense, the chit will no longer bind to them with the same intensity. It will stick for a little while and then move away.
If you want to talk about gnan and darshan together, then you have to call it chit. Chit will only show you transient things. Whatever one's vasna (the impression on the mind of past actions whether good or evil which produces pleasure or pain), the chit will go there. The chit shows two different things: darshan, which is indistinct perception and Gnan, which is exact perception.
While doing darshan of an idol in a temple, what the worshipper sees, the darshan, is dependent upon the state of his mind and his chitvruti. So his darshan in the first hour may be different than the darshan in the second hour. Darshan depends on the internal and the external evidences coming together. Darshan of the idol with light coming from the front will be different than that of the light coming in from the side. The face of the Gnani is the same but according to the state of your mind and the restless state of your chitvruti, your darshan will be different. There is only one way to do the darshan of the Gnani.
The Joy Of The Chit
Ananddhanji Maharaj (a Gnani Purush) says that when he does darshan of the deity of Lord Rishabhdev, who is free from any likes and dislikes of the world, it appears to be smiling. The eyes on the deity are made of glass. How come they
appear to be smiling? It can appear that way because the worshipper has focused his chittyruti, his own living energy, into his darshan and that is why the Lord appears to be smiling to him. This is called the joy of chit. Joy of chit prevails where all element of deceit is gone. Joy of chit and deceit do not go together.
Saint Kabir has said:
'I think the Lord is far away, but in my heart He dwells The veil of deceit obscures him, which is why I see him not'
The Lord cannot be seen because the veil of deceit obstructs our vision. The chitvruti, which is devoid of any intent, is pure. The joy of the chit will begin the moment mahatmas become free from any wanderings of their chit. It is then that they will be able to do the right bhakti (devotional worship). People caught up and engulfed by their circumstances cannot even enjoy worldly happiness. If the chit becomes focused in a certain situation, it will remain in that mode and its burden will be carried on to the next event or circumstances. For example if your chit becomes engrossed in a situation, you will remain preoccupied with it for hours, so even when the circumstances unfolding in front of you are that for drinking tea, you drink your tea preoccupied and under pressure. In the worldly dealings, chit is consciousness (chetan), and so it is only of any worth if it's presence is established in the task at hand. If the chit is not present while you are eating, of what use is your eating?
*Absence of wandering of the chit is the religion of all religions.' If you attain this state, the cycle of rebirth will come to an end.
Questioner: Dada, last night, in my sleep I saw a very powerful light, like sunlight, for a long time. What could that be?
Dadashri: That is called chit chamatkar (miracle of the