Book Title: Agam 20 Upang 09 Kalpvatansika Sutra Kappavadinsiyao Terapanth
Author(s): Tulsi Acharya, Mahapragna Acharya
Publisher: Jain Vishva Bharati
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Muni Dharmasi has composed stubaka (labbā or bālavabodha) on it ul Gujarati. The abundance of commentaries reveals that this ca.101 was síudied very frequently
Shānanga mentions four angababya prajñaptis, of which the first is Candraprajñapri and the second is Súrraprujnapti. Kusayapähuda also mentions them in the same order. As the name comiotes, the first prajñapti deals with the moon while the second one deals with the sun, so they are named as Candruprajiapti and Sūryoprajñupti respectively,
Subject Matter
The list of ūgumes contains both these águmas--Candraprajñupti and Süryaprajñpti. Nandi's Agama-list too tells of Candraprajñapri as Kalika and Süryapruji-pri as Uikalika.“ 'The cause of this distinction demands investigation. The former is not available at prese it but for a very small portion of its beginning. We come across some manuscripts entitled Candrup ajñapri and Süryoprojñapti but their text throughout is identical except the initial sutra. Acārya Maluyagiri has composed cominentaries on both of them did they are almost identical "The general impressio, prevailing at present is that Cundruprujñopri is not at all available these days. Whatever is available is Süryaprajñupti alonc. Dr. Walter Schubring has put forward a conjectureSuryaprajñapti, from its 71 puhuda Ojiwards, ascribes more importance to the moon and ihe stars, so we imagine thui! Candraprajñupri begins from the 10th pāludu.' But in the absence of the whole subject matter of Candruprojiupti, Schubring's conclusions cannot be taken as authoritative outright. Even then there is much toom for consideration.
Commentaries Malayagiri's commentaries are availabic On boin-Cund aprajñopli and Süty prujñopii. The commentaries are identical and whatever iheir difference is has been noted in the Appendix. According to Jinaratnak ośu, the granthägra of the commentaries of these agamus is 9300 and 9000% respectively. Bhadrabāhu's Nirvukiis mention the Niryukti on Sú paprajñop i,? which was, liowever, 1101 1. Thunani, 41189. 2 Kasayapāhida, Chapter 1-"pejjuulosa rihatti". p. 137 3. Nandi, 77,78 4. Schutring : The Doctrine of the Juina, p. 102 5. Jinaratnakosa, p. 118 6 Ibid, P 452 7. Avasyaka-niryukti, gatha, 85
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