________________ Summary: Adhyaya II also occurs in the Bhashya but not so acknowledged), attributing several functions to the five organs, the first five indriyas. The Kosakara, however, holds that the sense organs have supremacy only over the knowledge of their respective objects, e. g., the organ of eye has supremacy over the action of seeing the matter. This says the Vtitti, is not a novel theory. Indeed, it is a Vaibhashika view, and by saying so, the Kosakara has indirectly accepted the Vaibhashika contention that the eye comprehends and not the eye-consciousness. The Vritti next refers to a very important theory of the Darshtanitika (i. e. the Sautrantika), according to whom, no direct perception is possible. It is his contention that perception is not possible, since the objeet, the sense organ and the cognition are all momentary. This leads to the famous theory of bahyanumeyavada closely resembling Locke's doctrine of Representative Perception, attributed to the Sautrantika in later works like Sarvadarsanasangraha. The Vtitti, however, does not enter into any criticism of this Sautrantika position. [Karikas 80-87] If the meaning of indriya, is supremacy, why only twenty-two indriyas ? There are various dharmas, e. g., samjna, chetana, ete., which also have supremacy over different mental states. This question is discussed in five karikas (81-85). It may be noted that the Bhashya too deals with this topic, but instead chooses other examples, e. g., vak, pani, pada, etc. :. [89-90] The only other notable point in this pada is a controversy about five indrijas, viz., sraddha, smriti, etc. The controversy is whether these five are sastava (defiled) or anasrava (undefiled) or both. Here the Kosakara and the Dipakara hold identical views that they are sasravanasrava. In this connection, the Vsitti borrows a whole passage from the Bhashya without any acknowledgement. [Karikas 92-111] The second pada of this Adhyaya is very short. It is devoted to various minor details about the indriyas. It also contains a short but important reference to