and discover the impacts of new inspirations that it wields (Yields) on our minds.
You should not come in public & mix with your friends and others when you have a mood of depression, a mood of hatred, lust or jealousy, as these brings menance to the society..
When a thought - good or evil - leaves the mind of a person it gives rise to vibrations in the Manas or mental atmosphere which travel far and wide in all directions.
(9) A saint is a living assurance for others, to realize Soul. Many draw inspiration from the sight of holy saints. No one can check the thought vibrations from the saints. Their pure, strong thought vibrations travel a very long distance, purify the world and enter the minds of many thousands of persons. A wrong. thoughts binds. A right thought liberates. Therefore, think rightly and attain freedom. Unfold the ocult powers hidden within you by understanding and realizing the powers of the mind. Interest, attention, will, faith and concentration will bring the desired fruit. Remember that mind is born of the Atman through his maya or illussory power.
Understand the laws of thought. Raise thought of
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