It is difficult to destory the evil thoughts by attacking them directly
By repeating "Soham" or "Aham Brahma Asmi" thousands times daily, the idea that you are the spirit -- Atman becomes stronger, the idea that you are the body becomes weaker & weaker.
If evil thoughts enter your mind don't use your will force in driving them, you will lose your energy only. The greater the efforts you make, the more the evil thoughts will return with redoubled force. They will return more quickly & become more powerful. Be indifferent. Keep quiet. They will pass off soon.
In the beginning, there is internal fight between pure and impure thoughts, but at last pure thoughts will gain victory. Positive over comes negative. The prime requisite for happiness is control over the thoughts. You must annihilate all destructive thoughts. It should not bring even the least pain and unhappiness to anyone, then you are a blessed soul on the earth. If you think of the vices and defects of another man, your mind will be charged with those vices & defects. Those who knows this psychological law will never indulge in censuing others or infinding fault in the conduct of others that will see only the good in others. This practice enables one to grow in concentration & spirituality.
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