को मलिन करने वाले और जहर से भर देने वाले चण्डकौशिक का मन अब स्वामी जी की दृष्टि से घुले मोती की भाँति स्वच्छ (निर्मल) हो गया। स्वामी जी को देखते ही उसका मन बदल गया । इस प्रकार आकस्मिक रूप से लज्जित होकर वह अपने पापों का प्रायश्चित्त करने के लिये स्वामी जी के चरणों पर पड़ा और शरण की भिक्षा माँगने लगा। स्वामी जी ने अहिंसा का प्रभाव मौन रूप से चण्ड कौशिक को बताया। उसके बाद गंगा के किनारे से सुरभिपूर की तरफ स्वीमी जी चले गये।
Swami's left foot. Even after this, Bhagawan Mahavira was unperturbed in perfect calmness. The serpent was now filled with the wonder of its life and, coiling himself in front of the Swami began to gaze at himself fixedly. The Swami who now woke up from his Dhyana began to eye the serpent with compassion. One look into those kindly eyes, the black mind of the serpent was now divested of all impurities and shone like a pearl (a symbol of cleanliness and purity). Chandakausika was now smitten with remorse and feeling ashamed of himself fell upon the feet of the Swami and begged his forgiveness. And wonder of wonders, with one silent look the Swami conveyed to Chandakausika the value of respect for life and kindness towards all creatures which in normal parlance is called Ahimsa, nonviolence. Having transformed Chandakausika thus, the Swami now travelled towards" Surabhipura on the banks of the Ganges.
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