वाला श्रमण भगवान ही है । ऐसा समझाकर आँसू भरी आँखों से स्वामी के आने की राह देख रही थी। स्वामी के आगमन की प्रतीक्षा कर रही थी।
"चन्दनबाला' कह कर पुकारने का दिव्य उच्चारण स्वामी के ओठों से आया । उच्चारण के शब्दों को सुनते ही चन्दनबाला सिर उठा कर स्वामी जी को देखा और तुरंत उनके चरणों में प्रणाम किया । स्वामी जी ने चन्दनबाला को देख कर कृपापूर्ण नेत्रों से उस पर अनुग्रह किया। भिक्षा के लिये स्वामी जी ने अपने हाथ बढ़ाये । इसे अपना परम भाग्य मान कर चन्दनबाला ने तुरन्त उबले हुए उड़द स्वामी के हाथ में रखे। जिस क्षण स्वामी जी ने हाथ में भिक्षा ली उस क्षण चन्दनबाला पहले की तरह राजकुमारी के रूप में बदल गई।
देव गण घनवाहन के घर पर फूल बरसाये। उसी समय लुहार को साथ लिये आये घनवाहन इस दृश्य को देख कर बहुत प्रसन्न हो गये । स्वामी जी का स्वयं अपने घर पधारना अपना परम भाग्य समझकर उसने स्वामी के चरणों पर गिर कर प्रणाम किया और उनका यश गाया।
in a tone of compassion and looking in the direction of the utterer whom should she see, on lifting her head, but Bhagawan Mahavira? At once Chandanabala bowed to his feet and begged for protection. The Swami looked at her in a compassionate way and extended his cupped hands towards her, seeking alms. Chandanabala immediately gave away the quantity of boiled black gram with her as alms to the Swami. She thought that it was her good luck that she could give alms to such a holy person. The moment she gave alms to the Swami tresses of hair grew upon her head and Chandanabala became her former lovely self. Even the Gods were struck with wonderment at this happening and they sent down a shower of flowers upon the house of Dhanavahana. Just at that moment, Dhanavahana who came there accompanied by a blacksmith, saw the sight and was greatly filled with wonderment. He thought that it was his goodluck to be a witness to the miracle. He immediately fell at the feet of the Swami and began to praise him. The Swami then blessed both Chandanabala and Dhanavahana and immediately left the spot and travelled towards the village Trumbhaka.
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