43. प्रशांति में विघ्न ( अडचन )
वज्रभूमि में पहुँचते ही वहाँ के लोगों ने महावीर स्वामी को तंग किया। उनकों अनेक कष्ट झेलने पड़े। उनके हाथ भिक्षा-पात्र की भान्ति जुड़े और वे नंगे बनाये गये । वहाँ के लोगों ने स्वामी जी को भिक्षा नहीं दी । भिक्षा के लिये गये स्वामी को वहाँ के अज्ञानी लोगों ने पत्थरों से मारा और कई तरह के हथियारों से स्वामी के शरीर को घायल किया । वे कष्टों को अनुभव कर रहे थे। वे उन सब कष्टों को प्राक्तन (पूर्व) जन्म के फल समझ रहे थे और मुस्कुराकर रह गये ।
After having reached Vajrabhoomi Bhagawan Mahavira underwent many physical travails on account of the cruelty of the local people. Here we must remember that the Swami cupped his own hands in the likeness of a begging bowl and that he was utterly naked, having discarded all robes. These physical charcteristics struck the foolish local people as odd and in their ignorance, the locals not only refused to give alms to the Swami but also pelted stones at him and injured his body with various weapons as well. The Swami bore all these indiscretions and physical hardships caused to him as he knew that pain and pleasure are the result of past actions (actions in the previous lives). The Swami blessed his tormentors with a smile playing upon his lips and continued to proceed on his way. This lack of angry reaction further infuriated the sinful mob, who followed the Swami wherever he went and began to torment him. In the face of all these cruel acts the Swami was a picture of calmness and composure and he forgave all the wicked actions of his tormentors, even as a father would forgive the wayward actions of his son. Now the local people were overcome with remorse and shame at their own actions. They realised the divinity in the Swami and fell at his feet and begged his forgiveness. The Swami blessed them with affection and, leaving Vajrabhoomi, proceeded towards Samhabhoomi in the Kingdom of Laat.
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