3. Bambhadatta A resident of Răyagihal who was the first to give alms to Muņisuvvaya(1), the twentieth Titthamkara. He is also mentioned as Usabhasena(2).
| 3. Sam. 157.
4. Bambhadatta A prince who relied only on his fate.
1. DasCu. pp. 103-4.
Bambhadatta-himdi (Brahmadatta-hindi) Awork describing the life of Cakkavatti Bambhadatta(1),1
1. UttCu. p. 214, VyaM. IV. p. 47, BrhKs. p. 1660.
Same as Bambhadatta-himời.
Bambhadatti-himời (Brahmadattī-hiņķi)
1. UttCu. p. 214.
Bambhadiva (Brahmadvipa) A territory near Ayalapura and in between Kanhā(6) and Bennā(2) in the Abhira(1) country.
1. AvaCu. I. p. 543, Kalpv. p. 263, PinNM. p. 144.
Bambhadiviyă (Brahmadvipikā ) A monastic branch founded by preceptor Samiya. He had converted the Tāvasas(4) of Bambhadiva and made them his disciples, therefore, the group come to be known as constituting the Bambhadīviyā branch.
1. Kalp. pp. 262-263, AvaCu. I. p. 543, Nan. 32, NanM. p. 51, NisCu. III, p. 426.
Same as Bāṁbhadi viya..
Bambhaddivá (Brahmadvīpā )
1. NisCu. III. p. 426.
Bambhaddiva ( Brahmadvipa) See Bambhadīva.
1. NisCu. III. p. 425, AvaH. p. 413.
A heavenly abode just like Bambha(6).1
Bambhappabha ( Brahmaprabha)
1. Sam. 11.
See Bambhacāri.
Bambhayari (Brahmacārin)
1. Sam. 8, Sth. 617.
One of the four kulas (off-shoots) of
Bambhalijja (Brahmaliya) Kodiyagaña(2).
1. Kalp. p. 260.
A heavenly abode just like Bambha(6).
Bambhalessa ( Brahmaleśya)
1. Sam. 11.
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