intelligence descend into Nihilism following the existence of everything. Those who have medium intellect descend into Nihilism following the view that thought only is real. Those who have great intellectual capacity grasp Nihilism without any intermediate hold of anything". The following verses. from Bodhicharyavatāra are quoted in the Bhamati :
Jain Education International
"The instructions of the preceptors of people follow the inclination of their souls and so differ in many ways by various means. Sometimes the instructions are deep, and sometimes superficial. Sometimes these are of both the above kinds. Though these are different, really they are not different being characterised by Śūnyata (Nihilism)".
The view of Sarvastitvavādins (Realists) who maintain that everything whether external or internal is real is thus described by Sankarāchārya. "What is external is either element (Bhuta) or elementary (Bhautika); What is internal is either mind (Chitta) or mental (Chaitta). The elements are earth, water and so on; elementals are colour etc. 1. In explaining "Vineyabhedat va" in the Sankara Bhāṣya, Bachaspati Misra says:
"होनमध्यमोत्कृष्टधियो हि शिष्या भवन्ति । तत्र ये हीनमतस्ते सर्वास्तित्ववादेन तदाशयानुरोधाद् शून्यतायामवतार्यन्ते । ये तु मध्यमास्ते ज्ञानमात्रास्तित्वेन शून्यताया - मवतार्यन्ते । ये तु प्रकृष्टमतयस्तेभ्यः साक्षादेव शून्यतातत्वं प्रतिपादूयते ।”
Bhamati on Vedanta Sūtra II. 2. 18
2. "देशना लोकनाथानां सत्वाशयवशानुगाः ।
fugurà aguı olan curddgft: ga: 11 गंभीरोत्तानभेदेन क्वचिचोभयलक्षणा ।
भिन्नापि देशनाभिन्ना शून्यताद्वयलक्षणा ||" Bodhichittavivarana.
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