73 6. A History of Indian Philosophy, Vol. I, S.N. Dasgupta, Cambridge,
1957, p. 282, fn. 3 7. Erich Frauwallner's Posthumous Essays, translated from German
by Jayandra Soni, Pub. Aditya Prakashan, New Delhi, 1994, pp.
37-40 8. A History of Indian Philosophy, Vol I, S.N. Dasgupta, p. 288, fn. 1 9. Ibid, p. 287-288. 10. अस्मदादीनांसकाशाद्यो भगवान् विज्ञानादिभिर्विशिष्टो महेश्वरस्तदीयं संज्ञाप्रणयनं नवानामेव
द्रव्याणां भावे लिङ्गम्, दशमस्य संज्ञाऽनभिधानात्। Candranandavrtti, Edited by
Muni Shri Jambuvijayaji, Oriental Institute, Baroda, 1961 11. TERTERI AMAI' Prasastapādabhāsya, Sampurnananda Visva
vidyalaya, Vārānanasi, 1977, p. 464 12. RYUCUTR Hissetta:yadat, aldrella, arendal Nyāyakusu
māñjali, 5.4 13. ...370Tİ HEYET 7.4fg14 I V.S., 5.2.13 14. HP Hayfori 4414514614 41894 94r: Rufafa Hra: 1 Kandali,
Ganganath Jha Granthamala 1, Vārānaseya Sanskrit Mahāvidyālaya,
p. 133 15. gegyre: Pf...ISIRAHAT: R9:1 Nyāyamañjarī, Vol. I, Kāshi
Sanskrit Series p. 175 16. afecaf arrafada V.S, 6.1.1 17. A History of Indian Philosophy, Vol. I, Dasgupta, p. 234 18. Ibid, p. 234
“The Sūtras (=Vaiseșikasūtras) do not as yet recognise the concept of God, nor even Candramati's Daśapadārthaśāstram. And in his Nyāya-vārtikam Uddyotakara still deals with the Vaiseșika polemic against Isvara... That it was still known at that time that this was a later interpolation into the old system, is evident from the polemic in the commentary to the Sānkhyakārikā called Yuktidīpikā, which belongs more or less to the same period. After showing in detail that the author of the Vaišeşikasūtras does not recognise Isvara, the author concludes with the words : evam kāņādānām Isvaro'stīti pāśupatopajñam etat. According to him, then, the doctrine of the supreme God was introducd into the system by Siva devotees." Erich Frauwallner's Posthumous Essays, p. 36