Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 47
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications
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From the above tabular statement we may frame the following pedigree of the sisanum Composers
of the Vijayanagara Empire :
S. 1434—1463.
Composer of No. 1, Shimoga ; No. 79, Bêlûr; No 94, Holalkere; No. 16, Naijangod;
No. 30, Gundupêt; No 6, Hasan; No. 4, Pâvugada; No. 167, Châmara japêt; . No, IV of the Kumbhakôņam Plates; No. 46, Hasan; No. 153, Channapatna; No. 10, Chiknayakanhalli ; No. V of the Kumbhakôņam Plates ; No. 11, Krishnarajapêt; No. 132, Holalkere; No. 28, Chintamani; No. 75, Pâvugada;
No. 55, Mandya; No. 126, Arsikere; the Polepalli Grant; No. 197, Bêlûr; the Yadavalli Grant.
$. 1462—1493. Composer of the Onamäñjèri Plates; No. 186, Channapatna: No.58, Nagamangaļa; the Mamadipândi Grant; No. 7, Hasan; the Kțishņapuram Grant; and No. 1, Tumkûr.
Kamakshi or Kâmakoti (?)
$. 1505. Composer of Varatuigarama Pândya
and Srivallabha Pandya's Grant, (Pudukottai Plates.)
Ś. 1497 Composer of the Mare
dapalli Grant.
Rájanátha Kavi
S. 1517. Composer of the Dalavky Agraharam Plates of Ativiraråma Påndya.
Kșishņa Kavi.
Ś. 1510. Composer of No. 83, Shimoga and No. 39, Chiknayakanhalli.
Somanatha Rama Kavi, S. 1566-1569. Ś. 1556–1558. Composer of the KallaComposer of the kuruchi and the Utsûr Kûniyûr and the Grants and No. 60, MulKondyata Grants. bagal.
[MARCH, 1918