Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 47
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications
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implements, stone, from Singhbhum .. .. 135 Indus, riv., called the sea, 197; and Uderolal, Imrulquis, Lakhmia k., and the Romans .. 177 etc. .. .. .. 199; 204; 206—208 imski, (Arab mashi), to go out, etc., Hobeon. industries, sciences, and Värtta .. 102-104 : 109
Jobson .. .. .. .. .. .. 196 influence, Buddhistic, in the Sun temple, Konincarnation, of the River God, in Sind, 198, 1. ; arak, 209, Buddhistic, and Christian, in the
of Uderulál .. .. .. .. .. 203 Bhagavadgita .. .. .. .. Sup. 28 India, and Austria's commercial venture, 1, ff.; Inscription, the Hathigumphê .. .. .. 223
29, ff.; 57, f. ; 85, ff.; visited by Song Yun Inscriptions, Aboka, Notes on .. .. .. 297 and Cosmas, 19; Abhirs migration into, 36, f.; Inscriptions, Amaravati stúpa, 188; Andhra, & Ceylon, 48; changes, in level of land and 71; Anégonde, etc., 287 & .n.; Arabic, ses, 49; and the Jewish calendar, 112; invad
174 : 176 & n.; Aboka, (edicts 48, 49: 71 ;) ed by Taimur, 115; and Mihirakula, 163; and
51--53; 56; 138; 297; Bådâmi, 70; Bel. the vaulting system, 169; and magic, 197;
gaum, 287 & n.-289; Bhagalpur grant, 109; and Yuan Chwang, 209; and temple sculp
111; Bhitari seal, 161-166; Bihar image, ture, 211, f : 214; other sculptures, 203 ; and
109 & n.-111; Bodh Gaya, 110, f. ; Budhawomen's orthodoxy, 189, n.; and tradition of gupta, etc. 16 & n. ; 18 & n.; 50; Chålukya sciences, 191, n., 192; and literary forgeries, (W.) 285-290 ; Christian, in Syria, 172, on 194 ; and sun worship, 218; medieval, coins coins, 75; 241, f.; Copper-plate, 79-81 ; 162; of, 241 & n. ; 243, n. ; the Brahmans, and 165; 210—212; 220; 242; of Darius, 138; Vartta, 235 : 239; 256, f.; and King "Four," Eran stone pillar, 18; 165, f.; Girnar, 54; 78 (Alexander), 245, f. ; and Kalidea, 264 ; and & n.; Groek, 75; 172 ; Guneriya, 110 ; Gupta, Omnichund, 269: 272, n.; and the British, 274; etc. 19, f. ; 50-57; referring to Gupta history, and Vinasphare, 298; ancient, and the stage, 161-167; Gwalior, 18; 219; 242, n.; Hârâha, 222 ; Central, and Gautamiputra, 149, 151; 162 ; HAthigumpha, 72; 209; 222, f. ; JunaNorth, and the Kushanas, 163; South, or gadh, 150 & n.; 151 & n.; 154, f.; 162, n.; 164; Dakshinapatha, 71, 72; and Gautamiputra, Junnar Cave, 70; 73; 74; 78;KahAur pillar, 20; 151 : 154 ; West, and the Kshatrapas, 73; Kalsi, 63; Kanhêri, 70; 76; 151; 155; Karle, Kings of, 153; and the Satavahana dyn., 70; 73 & n., 74; Khåravela, etc., 216 ; Koda. 156; and Arjun, 197; and the Bhagavadgita,
kani, 288, 289 & n.; Korarak, 210 & n.; KrishSup. 1 & n., 2; 7; 9; 11 ; 13-16; and Christ
ņa, 71, 72, n.; Kshatrapa, 70—73, 75; MagaSup. 16; 18; North and South . Sup. 19 dha, 109, f.; Mandasore, etc., 16 & n.; 50; 163; Indian Philosophy, a Contribution towards Mânda, 177; Nahapana, 72; 74; 75; Nâņ&
the Early History of.. .. .. 101, ff. ghat, 71, n., 72, n.; Nasik, 74, 75 & n. 149 Indian, campaign of Alexander, 245; History, 156; Nebatuan, 169-171; Pala, 165 : of Raja
see Beginninge of, 253 ; calendar, 254, 255 & raja I, etc. 99; Rataul plate, 243; Sanda, n. ; goods, in Bengal, 266; hemp, or bhang, 288; Saranátha, 298 & n.; Sárnáth, etc. 16 & 284 & n. ; bull, Sarnath Pillar, 294 ; other n., 17; 161-167; Sogal, 287; Satakarni, 71 & sculptures, 295 ; South, inscrip. and Våruta, n., 72 & n.; Stone, Bhitari, 161-166; Eran, 257; Spiritual life, and the Bhagavadgita, Sup. 118; 165, f. ; of Narwar Rajputs, 241-244; 2 ; mysticism, Sup. 7; Sages and Christian Stupa, Amaravati, 155; Jagayyapetta, 166 ; ity, Sup. 15; people and renunciation, eto. Ser chi, 72; in Syria, 172 ; Temple, Bhimpur,
Sup. 25; 28; 29 242, Khajuraho, 137; Sun, 219, n.; TaldagunIndians, ancient, and guns, 105, n.; and the dy, 257, n.; Talgund, 278; Taxila Scroll, 76;
Bhagavadgita, Sup. 4; and the Greeks, Sup. Vishnupada, 110 ; Wadagêri, etc., 290 ; on
16; and Krishna .. .. . Sup. 20 Dekkan history, 70—78 & n. ; referring to Indies, E., and Austria's commercial venture, Shivaji .. .. .. .. .. .. 300
30; 85; 88; 89 | intercourse, with prostitutes . .. .. 189 individual soul, see soul . Sup. 26, 27, 28 interests, material, stray expressions of
ado-Bactrian, rulers of the Panjab .. .. 283 thought on, in ancient Europe, 233; in the Indologists, European, and the age of the
ancient East .. .. .. .. 234, f. Bhagavadgita .. .. .. .. Sup. 29 | invasion, Huna, of the Gupta empire, 17; of Indra, g., Jupiter Pluvius, image, 218; Govin ! India, by Taimur, 115; of Khandesh, 118, ff.; da, and Krishna
. ..
. .. Sup. 10 of Mahmud of Ghazni .. Indraloka, and Maudgalya .. . .. 281 Irak, and the Abbaside Caliphs . .. 234 Indrasena .. .. .. .. .. 280, ff. iron, trade in .. .. .. .. 89; 91