OCIORER, 1018)
(85) Lakshana-Samuch chaya.-"On the features in images of Celties." Bik. 411
(attributed to Hemadri). Kâm. 12. Quoted by Ecm &dri in Danakhunga p. 823, by Kamalakara, Oxf. 279, in Mukürta-dipaka, Oxf. 336 by Kłan
deråya in Parasurama-prakása. W. p. 312." Auf.. Pt. I. p. 535. (86) Loha-Ratnakara.- A work on metals." Sp. p. 99. Auf, Pt. I, p. 546. (87) Loharnava.--"A work on metale." Sp. p. 99. Auf, Pt. I, p. 546. (88) Loha-Sastra.- Quoted by Sivarama on Vårarac'attâ, p. 198. Auf., Pt. I, p. 546. (89) Vastu-Nirmana.-"On architecture." Pheh. 9. Auf., Pt. I, p. 568. (90) Vastu-Prakaka by Viúvakarman,-"On architecture." Oudh, xii, 30, NP. x. 56. Auf., Pt. I, p. 568.
(To be continued.)
THE BEGINNINGS OY SOUTH INDIAN HISTORY. By writers meant to convey or report, you can dig
8. KRISHNASWAMI AIYANGAR. Madras Univer- actual facts of history out of almost any ancient sity Special Lectures on Indian History and records or writings. At any rate it is worth the Archaeology, Second Series, Madras. The while of scholars to enter on the study of the Modern Printing Worlas, Mount Road. 1928. old ocuments in this spirit, fo: they will in Price, Rs. 3.13-0.
time be duly rewarded, THESE lootures strike me as an honest attempt Patience and time will solve most puzzles and to present to the student the notual facts as ascer explain historical references in the most unlikely tained to date of the earliest known detinite places. Thirty-five years ago I collected and history of South India without any trimmings began to publish the Legends of the Punjab, taken They are to my mind all the more valuable for that down eerbatim from wandering bards, and one and all the more creditable to the lecturer, as he of the early heroes, with every kind of folktale himself is a South Indian. Indeed he has gone fastened on to his memory, was Raja Sirkap. At out of his way to state all the facts-epigrapbio that time no one know and no one could conjecor other that have come before him, so as not to ture who was referred to. We know now that allow patriotism to take command of evidence, Sirkap was one of the citing on the site of Taxila and he has tried to avoid the pitfall of making too and that the modern Punjabi bard is still per much of epigraphical and too little of other formspetuating in his own fortune the memory of thn of evidence, Hero, I am ontirely with him. actual Saka and perhaps Indo-Bactrian rulers of I am glad to note that the author is aware that
that spot in the centuries round the commencethe old oharge against Indian History of a totallment of the Christian era. want of chronological data will gradually have to be I notice that the author lays no olen to great abandoned as untonable. I am of those who believe antiquity for the history of Southem India. In in the establishment in due course of a set of chro- the present state of knowledge perhaps this wise, nological facts of a reliable character, in regard to but I cannot help thinking that as time goes we early Indian History, and that the labours of shall find that this can be properly carried back contributors to such a Journal as this for so many further than is now recognised, Civibastion-end years will not prove to have been in vain. In therefore history--must have beeg very old there. compiling a “popular" history of India from the earliest times to the latest a few years ago,
In brief notion like thin it is impossible to which had noosmarily to be very brief, I felt
enter into any argument on details and I content myself astonished to find how very far towards
myself with expressing gratitude for what the a sufficiently definite chronology for general pur.
book contains-much that is of moral value to ponos scholars and researchers had gone in the last
students, especially to the younger sort, and mucha 35 to 40 yeon. My own impresion is, as an old
Ja that every mature student can take seriously into student of history of all sorts, that if you know
consideration. enough and understand enough of what ancient