Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 47
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 326
________________ 306 INDEX Caius, on coins .. .. .. . 77, n. Chakora, hill, and Gautamiputra cajan, Cajanus Indicus, (Malay kdchang) .. .. 151 Chakrapalita, officer under Skandagupta. 162 n.: 164 dal plant .. .. .. .. 1 & n. Chaldæans, and agriculture Calcutta, and Austria's commercial venture, .. .. 234 ; 256 Chalukyas, western, Kalyani Chronology of, 31-34; and Surâja'ddaula, etc., 266—209; 273 calendar, Jewish, and India .. .. .. 285–290 Chammak, vil., grant by Pravarasena II .. 165 Caliphs, Abbaside Champaner, tn. .. .. .. Callandar) A.J., witness for Wm. Bolts ... 121;123 Châmunda Raya, and the Sravana Belgoļa Callicut, and Wm. Bolts .. .. .. .. 12 statue statue .. Cambay, and Wm. Bolts, 10; or Barygaza .. 77 .. .. .. .. .. 139 Chanakya, 48; Visņugupta or Kautilya, 101; Campbell, agent for Wm. Bolts .. . 91 109; (Cånakya, 158, n.; 190, n.) see Kautiliya, C'anakya, 158, n.; and the Mudrárákfasa, etc., 190, n. ;sce Chanakya .. .. .. 48 157, ff, Chanda, R., and the Abhîras canal, ancient, in Kalinga, and Hathigumph .. .. 35, f. Chånd Bibi, regent of Ahmadnagar .. 148, f. inscrip. .. .. . .. .. .. 223, f. Chandamnagar, and Austria's commercial ven. candil, candi (Candy) Portuguese measure.. 15 ture, 31 : 57, f.; and Calcutta refugees, 260; Candisataka, a work by Bảna, suggested attacked by British .. origin of .. .. . . . . . . . 167 . . .. 267 Chandra bhågå, Chenab, riv. .. .. enab, riv. Candragupta, and Kauţiliya, 159 ; 193; 195: .. .. 218 400 Chandragupta .. .. .. .. 53 Chandragupta, his daily routine, 03-55; and Cannanore, and Wm. Bolts .. .. .. 12 Seleucos, etc., 70, f.; and Chanakya, 101; 138; date, 140; 159 ; and Hâthigumphà inscrip. 223 Cape, of Good Hope, and Austria's commercial venture .. .. Chandragupta II, date, 20; or Devagupta .. 165 .. 2; 6; 68; 85; 93 Chandråvati, Paramâra co. Capell, Rajah Mohaar, of Delagoa Bay, and ara co. .. .. .. .. 168 Chandwar, and Cuttack Wm. Bolts .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 210, n. 1 Changiz Khan .. .. .. 291; 293, f. .. uapital, of Asokan pillars .. .. 141-143 chank shell, Turbinella rapa, fisheries Car festival, in Konarak, etc., 209; or Ratha 48 Charakąs, ascetics .. .. Yatra 73 & n. .. . .. . .. .. .. 212 chariot races, and women .. .. 281 ; 283 Caraka .. .. .. .. .. 104, n. Carayana, and the Kauçiliya .. .. .. 189 Chashtana, founded the second Kshatrapa Carnac, Gen. J., and Austria's commercial ven. . . . .. . .. 153—155 Chatur, form of Satur .. .. ture .. .. .. .. .. 61, n. 4 & n.; 8-10 C'hatuhshashtikaldsástra, the sixty-four kalds, Carnicobar, isls., and Austria's commercial venture .. .. .. 239 .. .. 12, n. carrick, carrikar, cargo boat .. .. .. Chaturmukha-Kalkin, Kalkin, or Kalkirája... 18 12 C'hauthri, and Gaurthi .. .. Cârvaka, founder of the Lokayata philosophy. 104 .. 274 & n. chemin-de-fer, sham-in-dafar, Hobson-Jobson. 196 Carwar, tn., and Wm. Bolts .. .. 13:15 cash, tin pitis .. . .. .. 28 Chenab, Chandrabhaga riv. .. 218 castra of Qastal .. .. .. .. .. 177 Chen Haun-Chang, Dr., on Confucius and cave, inscriptions, Nasik, 70, f.: 73–78, n. ; 151 economics . .. .. .. 256 -153 ; 222 ; Khapdagiri 209; 211 ; 214; 216; Cherrika, Chirakkal .. .. .. .. 8:11 216 Chhandogyopanishad, Cdayagiri, etc. .. .. .. .. .. 216 novy puma , une, the, and and Krishna, Krishna, ceremonies, in temples, etc. .. .. 211, f. Sup. 9 & n.; 11, 12 Ceres, g. .. .. .. .. .. .. 208 chhat, festival, and sun worship .. 219, n. Ceylon, ancient Tambapamne and India, 48; Chhaya, wife of the sun, image .. .. 136 Greek Solen .. .. .. .. .. 49 Chidambaram, Pundarikapura .. .. 94 Ceylonese Chronology, uncertainty of .. .. 20 Chikhalapadra, in Kapur . .. .. .. .. 78 chabútra, garden, and Gaurthi .. .. .. 274 Chikka-Magadi inscrip... .. Chachndma, the, and Arabs in Sind .. .. 198 children, and Uderolâl, 202; slaughter of, in Chahada Achâri, Rånd, Châhamâna Chahada Bethlehem .. .. .. .. Sup. 16 of Ranthambhor and Chahada of Narwar. 243, f. China, and Austria's commercial venture, 67: Chahada Deva, Rajput, founder of Narwar 85; 88—92; and economics, 235; 256 ; and dyn. .. .. .. .. .. 242—244 Alexander .. .. .. .. .. .. 245 Chaitanya, and Bhakti .. .. .. Sup 20 Chingiz Khân .. .. .. .. .. 246 .. 288


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