Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 47
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications
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APRIL, 1918)
The members of the family of Svayambhı have left behind certain poetical works of theirs which also yield incidentally some information about them and their ancestors. The Subhadra-Dhananjaya-nataka, a Sanskrit play by Râmakavi yields the following genealogy
Râjanatha Svayambhugreu * Daughter
Author of the Subhadra-Dhananjaya Nataka. It is stated in this work that the author was a native of Mulâņi!am in the Tundiramandala and that he belonged to the Kaśyapagótra. His ancestors were worshippers of Siva, and were called by the distinguishing title Aghôrakavacharya ; these were held in great respect by Sârvabhaumakavi and others.
Again in another work, the Sómavalli-yógánanda prahasana, its author Arunagiri gives his genealogy as follows: Dindimakavi, the opponent of
Kaviprabhu of the Sâmavêda Någanakavi, the court poet
of the Ballâlas
Sabhấpati Abhirâ manâyitâ md. Râjanâthadêsika
Arunagiri (Author of the Sómavalik-yogananda
prahasana). The Bhagavata-champu is another work written by Rajanathakavi, son of Sônagirinatha.
The two kávyas, the Saluvábhyudayam and the Achyutarayabhyudayam, sung in prais e of the deeds of valour of the Vijayanagara kings Sâļuva Narasimha and Achyutarâya are claimed to have been composed by a poet called Rajanatha. In the former work the poet Rajanatha states that he was the son of Sônadrinatha; therein we see him bear a long string of birudas, rather high-sounding in their purport; they are:
1. Dindima-kavi Sarvabhauma, Dind'imakavi Rajanatha. 2. Chêra-chôļa-Pâniya-prathamârâdhya Hridayasivâbhikhya Diņdimakavi-sârva
bhauma-biruda Sônadrinathấtmaja Rajanâtha. 3. Dasarupa-Narayaņa-biruda-manlana Dinima. 4. Rasika-kavitâsâmrajya Lakshmipati. 5. Navanåtåka-bharatacharya. 6. Kavimalla-galla-tâ cana-patu. 7. Pratibhata-kavi-kuñjara-pañchânana. 8. Bindůdaka-kavi-prapitâ maha. 9. Kavisarvabhaumabdhi târâ pati. 10., Chatur-vritti-Sârvabhauma. 11. Dvadasa-dêsya-vritti-paradiśva. 12. Ashțabhâshâ-paramêsvara. 13. Abhinava-nataka-Bhavabhûti. 14. Maghadyati-varti-chitraprabandha-paramés vara. 15. Ashtadigvijaya-patahikṣita-biruda Dinlima ambaca. 16. Sha Idarsana Shanmukha.