aha se tti should be divided into aha sa and tti. Var. VI 24 and Hem. III 87 take aha as a substitute for asau. Like the latter it is used with reference to the masculine: *32 aha sambhāviamaggo, 300 aha...cando, and 908. aha icchai, as well as to the feminine: 613 aha...paai, and 717 aha suai. For the phrase aha sā, see also 57 and 318. In 418 aha so occurs. aha is Apa. in appearance; compare Apa. ehu for eşaḥ and eha for eşā.
For the occurrence of setti (TP, R, Y, P, T) beside sa tti, see also 123 mame tti (Ma, TP, R, T), 360 mae tti (T), 498 mahile tti (Ma, Tp) and 855 na ve tti (Ti, Tp). These instances may be explained by assuming the interference of the corresponding Skt phrases; e.g. seti, mameti, etc. More likely, however, the e for a is due to the palatalizing effect of tt on a preceding a; for another instance of this phenomenon, see Pkt metta beside Skt mātra. On Pkt metta, see Mayrhofer (1955: 224) who refers to an article by Schneider (1954: 576-583) in which the latter shows the existence in the Pāli canon of a form khettiya beside Skt ksatriya.
As such these instances may be compared to 88 se ccia (y) beside sa ccia or to 69 pāniggahana ccia (K, S; for gahaņe ccia), 129 ekkaggāma ccia (Ma, Tp, K, M, Y, P, T), 130 sāloa ccia (Ti, Tp (pr. m.), W, Y, P, T, S), 290 hiaa ccea (Ma, Ti, Tp, K, , Y, S), 383 hattha ccia . (Ma, Ti, TP, T, S), 612 hiaa ccia (Ma,Ti,Tp,Bh,x,y) and 654 uara ccia (Ma, Ti, Tp). They may also be compared to those instances in which o before the enclitic va is replaced by a; e.g. *29 padaha va (Ma, Tp), 74 mutthia va (y, P, T) and 253 murava vva (Tp). In all these cases it concerns a short vowel of which the particular colouring may already have been less distinct than that of the corresponding long one. This may also explain the replacement of o by the more neutral vowel a in 489 ettia ccea (Ma, Ti, Tp, v), 619 magga ccia (Ma, Ti, Tp) and 767 sea ccia (Ma, TP, R).
A problem arises in connection with those instances in which a before vva is replaced by e; e.g.* 32 devae vva (Tp, v), 75 bhatthe wa (Ma), 77 sāņusaene va (v), 91 dāse vva (Ti, Tp), 120 pade vva (Ti, Tp, T), 183 sake vva (Ma, Tp, T), 217 pańcālie vva (T), 417 jāe vva (Ti, Tp), 485 cittālihie wa (Ma, Ti, TP, Y, T), 496 male wa (Ma, Ti Tp), 575 mehale wa (Ti) and 654 paohare wa (Ma, Ti, Tp). In the