Book Title: Halas Sattasai
Author(s): Hermen Tieken
Publisher: Leiden

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Page 254
________________ 241 Pāda d quoted in Hem. I 38 (omālayan vahai). Still she wears the navamālikā-flower, o handsome man, you gave her personally, though it has lost all fragrance, like a house-god (in a house) in a deserted town. For the present position of the Gathā as 32, see above, p. 161. For tai, the instrumental and locative (once, in 338) of the personal pronoun of the second person singular, practically each time a variant tui is available. Its long form tae has a variant tue. The MS of the archetype. seems in most cases to have had tai and tae, ascertained through its occurrence in Ma, Ti and Tp, on the one hand, and Bh and R, on the other. Admittedly Ti and Tp often have tui.(T always has tue, for which, see below. S and the Vulgata MSS vary.) tai is comparable to the nominative tan, tui to the other nominative tumam and the genitives tuha and tujjha. These three forms, which together are much more numerous than tan, may have suggested the idea that tui was more correct than tai. The instances of tai and tae are the following: * 34 tai ti, TP, R, S, tae , B, tuha Bh, tue K, Y, tu(yavva) P, tue T, tui W; 137 tae Ti, Tp, Bh, R, K, U, tue Y, P, T, S; 194 tai Ma, Bh, W, S, tan R, tue TP, T, tui K, Y; 212 tai Ti, Tp, . Bh, R, K, M, S, tuha Y, ita P, tue T; 215 tai Ti, Tp, Bh, R, K, V, Y, 'tuhi P, tue T, tuha S; 352 tae Bh, R, K, U, Y, tai S, tue T; 437 tai Ma, Ti, TP, U, Y, S, tue T; 478 tae Ma, Bh, R, tue Tp, (Ti lacuna), 4, Y, S; 667 tae , tue Y, T; 700 tai Ma, Bh, K, P, tuha R, tui Y, tue T, S; 811 tai S; 826 tue T; 860 tue W (tumae T); 876 tue Ti, TP, T, W; 912 tae Ma, tue Ti, Tp, T; 919 tai Tp (tui pr. m.), ruņai Ti, tue T. The occurrence of tai and tae is entirely regulated by the metre. It is possible to explain the final -i in tai as a graphical representation of -ě. However, it is uncertain if and how far the writing of i for ě was carried out in the MS of the archetype, especially for -ě in an open syllable. Alternatively, tai may have been an independent word in Pkt existing side by side with tae. Its form, with -i after short


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