For the position of this Gātha here as 31, see above, p. 161.
mānapauttha which is found in Ma and Tp, on the one hand, and in Bh, on the other, goes back to the MS of the archetype. Bhuvanapāla (ISt., p. 40) explains it as a BahuvrThi-compound in which the order of its members is reversed, meaning '(the heart) from which the sulking mood has disappeared' (for instances in Skt of such compounds, see Gonda, 1968: 246). This interpretation seems to have been generally accepted as appears from the variant pautthamāna. In my opinion, however, we should accept the compound as it stands and take it as a Tatpuruşa, meaning '(the heart) (still) away or distant because of the 'sulking mood' (compare pauttha, literally '(physically) abroad', in the expression ekkaggāma ccia pauttho in 129). My interpretation agrees with the fact that the woman is silent using gestures instead of words, which is an indication that her sulking mood is not over at all.
Var. II 4 and Hem. I 186 derive Pkt cihura by a special rule from Skt cikura 'hair on the head'. Skt cikura would regularly have become ciura, which is actually found in this and the other instances in which the word occurs as a variant; see, for instance, 273 in which cihura in Ma, Ti, Tp, Bh, R, V, P and S and ciura in Y and T. The latter is obviously an 'emendation' for cihura which does not have a clear derivation from Skt (Skt cikhura is found only in the lexicons):
For the reasons to adopt pāavadiassa as found in Bh instead of opadiassa found in the other MSS, see above, p. 164.
Y, 194.G, 38
5, TT;
32( 69 Ma, 70 Tp; 30 Bh, 32 R; 197 K, 1961, 198 322 T; 420 S) Missing in B, P, W and X. .
sā tai sahatthadinnan uvvasi anaaraharade-
ajja vi o suhaa gadhar ahi am pi vae vva nomālia vahai.
tue Tp; tań R; tui K, Y; tue T -- suhattha K -- dinnaa Ma; dinha K -- ajjha Bh; aja K -- u Bh; re K, y, Y; S -- gamdharaia Bh; andharahian K -- uccasia -- ghara Ma, Tp; Bh, R; W, ghara missing in Y; ghara T; S -- devaa wa Ma; Bh, R; devau vau K, devada va Y; devaa vya T; S -- omāliyah Bh, nomāņi aħ R; (devau va) u mālian K; omālian S.