Book Title: Jain Center of America NY 2005 06 Pratishtha
Author(s): Jain Center of America NY
Publisher: USA Jain Center America NY
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Page #1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Center of America, New York Pratishtha Mahotsav June 2005 SO vain education MSX110L q Page #2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Ramesh, Lajwanti, Ravi, Caren, Sanjeev // Praful, Kishori, Ami, Neel // Paresh, Krina, Shaili, Shrey ONGRATULATIONS Atul, Priti, Payal, Ankit // Rahul, Shilpa, Yash, Kunal, Purnima // Amar, Sonal, Sangam, Sapan, Leela // Jagruti // Nilesh, Sejal // Dilip, Bharti, Levansni, Hardik - Naveen, Pravna 11 Narottam, Chandra, Himanshu, Simpi, Aryan // Kinish, Nipa, Nilang, Rushil We want to express our most sincere thanks to everyone who helped bring the Deharashar Project to life. The time, talent and generosity have provided a gift to the community that will be treasured for generations to come. And the example you've set shows that, with hard work and determination, people can accomplish anything. // Nik, Kavita // Shekhar, Purvi, Sarina, Shaili, Riya // Gaurav // Subhash, Pramila, Ankur, Atika // Sain Education intentional 2010_03 www.jainelibrary Page #3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ GC Shri Neminath Bi Shri Mahavir Swami Namo Achuu Namo Siddhanam Namo Ayariyanam Namo Uvajjhayanam Namo Loe Savvasahunam Eso Panca Namukkaro Savva Pavappanasano Mangalanam Ca Savvesi Padhaman Havai Mangalam Shri Sambhavnath Page #4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ jinezvara paramAtmAnI pratiSThA prasaMge zubha-saMdeza : 1 anaMta anaMta upara che ke je zabdothI varNavI zakAto nathI. te upakArI jIvAtmAothI bharapUra puruSonI sevA-bhakti-pUjA-stavanA vaMdanA jeTalI karIe bharelA, ane anAdi- teTalI ochI ja che. anaMta evA A jaina zAstromAM A vItarAga paramAtmAnI sevAsaMsAramAM ApaNA jIvo bhakti stavanA vigere 'cAra nikSepe' karavAnI kahI che. pUrvabaddha karmonA udayane 1, nAma, 2. sthApanA, 3. dravya, 4. bhAva. anusAre janma-jarA- paramAtmAnuM 'nAma mAtra' levAthI paNa temanA maraNa-roga ane jIvananA Adarzo dRSTi sAme khaDA thatAM hadayamAM paMDIta dhIrajalAla DAhyAbhAI zokanA du:khone ahobhAva-pUjayabhAva vadhe che je kalyANa karanAra bane che. mahetA. anubhavato rakhaDe che. A nAmanikSepa che. teonI gerahAjarImAM teonI sAMsArika sukhano rAga pratimAne ja paramAtmA mAnI pUjA-bhakti-stavanA karavI ane du:khano dveSa rAkhIne anaMta bhavabhramaNA kare che. te sthApanAnikSepa che. temanA dehane joIne paramAtmAnuM mohAMdhatA ane ajJAnatAnA kAraNe pAMca IndriyonAM smaraNa karavuM te dravyanikSepa che ane temanA kevaLajJAnAdi viSayasukhone ja sArabhUta ane zreSTha mAnyAM che. guNone smRtigocara karIne vaMdanA karavI te bhAvanikSepa vAstavikapaNe A Indriyajanya sAMsArika sukho asAra che, che. A cAre nikSepe paramAtmA pUjanIya-vaMdanIya ane tuccha che, du:khamaya che ane aneka du:khonI upAdhiothI stavanIya che. bharapUra che. A viSayanuM samyajJAna nahI hovAthI tene ja pUjaya vIravijayajI mahArAja sAheba pUjAmAM kahe sAra mAnIne madhapuDAmAM coTelI mAkhInI jema ApaNA che ke 'duSamakALe jinabiMba-jinAgama, bhaviyaNakuM AdhArA sarve jIvo te sukhamAM ja (te sukha meLavavAmAM ja) racyA re'- te mATe A paMcamakALamAM paramAtmAnA virahamAM pacyA rahe che. sAMsArika sukhonI asAratA samajAvanAra teozrInI pratimA ja saMsArasAgarane tAranArI che. taraNajo koI hoya ane cittane vairAgyavAsita karanAra jo koI tAraNanA upAya rUpa che tethI ja zrAvaka-zrAvikAoe hoya to zrI vItarAga sarvajJa tIrthaMkara prabhu ja che tathA potAnA AtmakalyANa mATe tathA paropakAra mATe teonI 35 guNothI yukata parama pavitra vANI ja che. jinamaMdira banAvIne jinezvara paramAtmAnI pratimA ApaNane A saMsArathI tAranAra, sAco bodha bharAvavI joIe, pUjavI joIe ane ghaNA ja utsAha karAvanAra ane sadbuddhi ApanAra jo koI hoya to ane ADaMbara sAthe pratiSThA mahotsava karavo joIe. tIrthaMkara paramAtmA ane teonI pavitra vANI ja che. pUrve sInemAmAM, TIvImAM ane calacitromAM dekhAtAM bAdhelA koI addabhUta puNyathI ApaNane 1. mAnavadeha, karUNArasanA citro jotAM hadayamAM karUNA upaje che, 2. paMcendriyapaNuM, 3. nirogI deha, 4. khoDa-khApaNa vIrarasanAM citro jotAM zUrAtana Ave che, zRMgArarasanA vinAnI pAMce Indriyo, 5. Arya dezamAM janma, citro jotAM vikAra-vAsanA janme che ane sarpa-siMhAdi 6. AryakuLamAM janma, 7, dharmanA yathocita saMskAra, bhayanA citro jotAM bhaya upaje che. to pachI zAntarasathI 8. jinezvara paramAtmAnuM zAsana, 9. temanI vANIne bharapUra samatAmaya zrIvItarAga paramAtmAnI mUrtine joIne samajAvanArA dharmagurUo ane dharmazAstro tathA 10. tene A AtmAmAM samatArasa ane vItarAgabhAva kema na utpanna samajavAnI sadabuddhi ItyAdi aneka aneka duSmApya thAya ? arthAta avazya thAya ja. te mATe paramAtmAnI mUrti sAmagrI maLI che. A sAmagrIne A jIvanamAM saphaLa ja mAnavI-pUjavI joIe ane zaktine anusAra moTA karavAnI rahe che. utsava ane umaMga sAthe pratiSThA paNa karAvavI joIe. - paramAtmA, paramAtmAnuM zAsana, paramAtmAnAM - jinamaMdira banAvavAmAM ane pratimAnI bhaktizAstronuM jJAna ane paramAtmAnI parama pavitra vANInuM pUjA-sevA karavAmAM je koI alpa AraMbhazravaNa je maLyuM che teno eTalo badho upakAra ApaNI samAraMbha (hiMsA) che te hiMsA jarUra che paraMtu zrAvaka 2010_03 For Private Personal Use Only Page #5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Adinathji Shri Chandraprabhuji Shri Padmaprabuji 3 ) Page #6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ jinezvara paramAtmAnI pratiSThA prasaMge zubha-saMdeza 2 zrAvikAoe ekendriya jIvonI hiMsA tyajI nathI. te ja AtmAonuM A kartavya che. gharasaMsAra calAvavA jo apAra AraMbha-samAraMbha Adare ja che tenI sAme A vAta to sAmAnya che. snAna mATe phuvArAthI aDhaLaka pANI vApare che ane paramAtmAno 1 kaLaza jeTalA pANIthI abhiSeka karavAmAM hiMsA dekhAya che. ghAsa upara cAle che, ghAsa ugADe che ane kApe che. phulothI gharanI zobhA-zaNagAra kare che ane paramAtmAnI 1/2 phulathI pUjA karavAmAM hiMsA dekhAya che; A kevI vicitra vAta che ! jayAre gharanI hiMsA choDI daIe tyAre paramAtmAnI pUjAmAM thatI hiMsA paNa choDI ja devAnI che. paraMtu jayAM sudhI A apAra hiMsA cAlu ja che tyAM sudhI atyanta alpa hiMsA hovA chatAM paNa te pUjA-stavanA kartavya ja bane che. paramAtmAnI A mUrtine jovAthI-pUjavAthI ane upakArIonA guNagAna gAvAthI je bhAvollAsa Ave che te koI apUrva ane adbhUta ja hoya che. aneka bhavomAM baMdhAyelA karmone toDI nAkhanAro A bhAvollAsa hoya che. 'lAbha ghaNo ane nukazAna thoDuM' e nyAye paramAtmAnI mUrti pUjanIya-vaMdanIya bane che. hajAro-lAkho varSono ItihAsa jozo to jaNAze ke saMprati mahArAjA, kumArapAla mahArAjA, bharata mahArAjA, vastupAla tejapAla, vimalazAha maMtrI jevA aneka rAjarAjavIoe ane maMtrIoe gaNI na zakAya tathA kalpI na zakAya teTalI paramAtmAnI mUrtio banAvarAvI che, maMdiro banAvyA che, pratiSThAo karAvI che. benamuna kalAkArIgarIthI jinamaMdiro sobhAvyAM che. tAraMgA, rANakapura, Abu, zatrujaya, giranAra ityAdi paramapavitra tIrtho tenA pratyakSa jIvatAjAgatA purAvA che mATe jinamaMdira ane jinapratimA avazya karAvavA joIe tathA temanI anahada utsAhapUrvaka pratiSThA karAvavI joIe. te paramAtmAnI sevA-bhakti-pUjA-stuti ane prabhAvanA karIne AtmakalyANa sAdhavuM joIe. A bhArata deza karatAM amerikA dezamAM jinamaMdira ane jinapratimA vadhAre jarUrI che kAraNa ke A amerikA dezamAM sAdhu-sAdhvIjI mahArAjazrIono yoga nathI, jinavANI saMbhaLAvanArA saMto nathI, janmajAta dharmanA saMskAro nathI... AjubAjunuM vAtAvaraNa dharmamaya nathI paNa bhogamaya che. bALakonuM uccheraNa anArya prajAnI _2010_03 sAthe thAya che. AvA kAraNosara A dezamAM to jinamaMdira ane jinapratimA karAvavI te savizeSe upakAra karanAra che. pUrvabhavonA puNyodayathI maLelI lakSmIno sadupayoga ka2vAnuM A ja eka parama pavitra sthAna che ke jayA AvanAra-janAra AtmAo paramAtmAnI pUjA-bhakti kare, bhAvanAmAM layalIna thAya, saMsAranA bhogavilAso kaMIka ochA kare, vairAgI bane, vItarAganA mArge cAlavA preraNA pAme, potAnA jIvanane tyAga ane vairAgyanA raMgathI vAsita banAve. mATe jinamaMdira ane jinapratimA banAvavI-bharAvavI e ja jIvananuM atizaya Avazyaka kartavya che ane A ja parama zreya che. vItarAga paramAtmAnI mUrti sAme bhaktibhAva karatAM karatAM gAna-tAna ane nRtya karatA karatA maMdodarI e ane rAvaNe AtmakalyANa sAdhyuM, rAvaNe jinanAmakarma upArjana karyuM... aSTApada parvata upara gautamasvAmIe jagaciMtAmaNInI racanA karI... zatruMjaya parvata upara aneka AtmAo mokSe padhAryA. AvA to aneka udAharaNo mojuda che. bALa-yuvAna Adi tamAma jIvomA dharmasaMskAra mATe A jinamaMdira atizaya Avazyaka che. zakaya bane teTalo temAM bhAga levo e ja A jIvananI saphaLatA che. badhA ja dezomAM Aje amerikA deza vikAsakSetramA pradhAna kahevAya che. te dezamA nyu yorka zahera sauthI moTuM zahera, amerikAnuM pravezadvAra ane sarva dezonI sAthe aneka rIte saMkaLAyeluM zahera che. tevA prakAranA moTA zaherano menahaTana ane kavInsa jevo vistAra vadhAremA vadhAre vastIthI bharapUra che ane tevA vistAramAM cAra mALa jeTaluM uMcu ane bhavya thatuM A jinamaMdira e kharekhara devavimAna jevuM ramaNIya che. ApaNe badhA sAthe maLIne A bhavyakArya purUM karIe. je je bhAIo-bahenoe A jinamaMdira banAvavAmAM Arthika sahayoga Apyo che ane tana-manathI sevA ApI che te sarve bhAgyazALI jIvonI ApaNe sAthe maLIne anumodanA karIe... teone AvA ne AvA paramazreSTha kAryo karavAnI zAsanadeva zakti Ape evI abhilASA rAkhIe. Page #7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ XOOOOOOOOOOOXOXO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FARTRITIRAR Sadharmic Brothers and Sisters, Jai Jinendra Oh! What a glorious day! Welcome to the Pratishtha Mahotsav We are eternally grateful to Lord Mahavirswami for His Karuna and Blessings. In this Shashan (rule) of Lord Mahavir, He has been our guiding Star XOXOXOXOOO STT af, fet Piet; Tal e a faufa : payasA kamalaM, kamalena payaH payasA kamalena vibhAti sara: Shashina cha Nisha, Nishaya cha Shashi; Shashina Nishaya cha Vibhati Nabhaha: Paysha Kamalam, Kamalen Payaha; Paysha Kamalen Vibhati Saraha: . It means that the darkness of the night brightens the moon, and the moon enhances the beauty of the night, however both the moon and night compliment the grandeur of the sky: (just as) the lotus flower glorifies water, and water in turn) makes the lotus appear lovelier; but water and the lotus both, make the lake enchanting. Similarly the Moorties and the Temple with a vibrant united Sangh make our temple the Holy Tirth. Dear JCA members take pride in your contributions, dedication and participation in this Pratishtha. Your love, faith and inspiration enlighten our heart. Our consecrated Tirthankars, will make our temple a symbol of unity, peace and harmony for the now and future generations. This Dehrasar belongs to all. Pledge to visit often with family, and friends. Mandir needs Darshanarthies, volunteers and donations. Support it and what it stands for without any reservation. To our youth, we welcome you wholeheartedly and request your active participation at all levels. You are the future of our center CHOCoRooooooo I thank everybody, who helped for construction of this temple as well as of Pratishtha Mahotsav, It is not possible to list all, but I acknowledge my co-conveners, various coordinators, leading members of our community, the Board of Trustees, the Executive Committee and the chief coordinator for the temple project. Words fail me in expressing my sincere gratitude and thanks to my wife and my daughters, for their support and love. Thanks for the memories Knowingly or unknowingly, by my thoughts, speech, or deed, if I have hurt you, I ask for your forgiveness "140817 G#54" "MICHCHHAMI DUKKADAM" May Lord Mahavirswami bless all the members of JCA with health, prosperity, long fruitful life, and nudge them along the path of eternal salvation. Blessed are those, who give without remembering, and receive without forgetting DILIP R MUKHTYAR, M.D. Convener, Pratishtha Mahotsav, Chairman, Board of Trustees, JAIN CENTER OF AMERICA, NEW YORK CITY Page #8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAIN CENTER OF AMERICA-NEW YORK PRATISHTHA COMMITTEES PRATISHTHA Dr. Dilip Mukhtyar (914) 633-1448 Mr. Ajit Vora Mr. Amul Shah Mr. Bachubhai Mehta Mr. C.J. Kothari Mr. Dinesh Gandhi Mr. Harsukh Mehta Mr. Hemant Shah Mr. Jawahar Shetti Mr. Jaymik Shah Mr. Jitendra Doshi Mrs. Jyotee H. Shah Mr. Kirit Parekh Mr. Kishor Mehta Mrs. Mridula Shah Mr. Naresh S. Shah Mr. Naresh T. Shah Mr. Pravin Shah Mr. Rajendra U. Shah Mr. Rajni Gandhi Mrs. Tilu Lakhani SOUVENIR Mr. Kishor Mehta (516) 747-0469 Mr. Ajit Vora Mr. Ashok Jain Mrs. Beena Kothari Mr. Mahendra Jain Mrs. Mridula Shah Mr. Naresh T. Shah Dr. Rajesh Patel Dr. Ujwala Shah AUDIO VISUAL Mr. Vijay Dalal (646) 221-9592 Mr. Abhay Mehta Mr. Vijay Shah Mr. Dhaval Mehta Mr. Jawahar Shetti (201) 387-2616 FUND RAISING Mr. Rajni Gandhi (516) 741-2892 Mr. Amul Shah Mr. Ashok Sancheti Mr. Bachubhal Mehta Mr. Bhavanji Lodaya Dr. Dilip Mukhtyar Mr. Dinesh Gandhi Mr. Hemant Shah Mr. Jawahar Shetti Mr. Jitendra Doshi Mr. Kishor Mehta Mr. Mukesh Ajmera Mr. Naresh S. Shah Mr. Naveen Shah Mr. Nitin Vora Mr. Praful Lakhani Mr. Pravin Shah Mr. Raichand Shah Mr. Rajiv Jain Mr. Sanjay Pandya FACILITY MANAGEMENT Mr. Ramesh V. Shah (718) 343-0143 Mr. Bhavanji Lodaya Mr. Chinubhai Shah Mr. Jawahar Shetti Mr. Rajiv Jain Mr. Rajani Shah REGISTRATION Ms. Amy Doshi (718) 279-0140 Mr. Amar Doshi Ms. Amita Shah Ms. Ekta Sancheti Mr. Hardik Sanghavi Ms. Hiral Gosalia Mr. Rohak Doshi Ms. Taruna Jain Ms. Vanita Kothari HOK CONVENER Dr. Dilip Mukhtyar (914) 633-1448 COMMITTEES CO-ORDINATORS & MEMBERS CO-CONVENERS Mr. Hemant Shah (718) 347-0539 RELIGIOUS Mr. Naresh S. Shah (516) 741-9269 Mr. Anand Nahar Mr. Chandresh Panchamia Dr. Hemandra Shah Dr. Jyotiben Gandhi Mr. Mahendra Jain Dr. Mahendra Pandya Dr. Mukesh Ajmera Mr. Rajiv Jain Mrs. Ranjan Mehta Mr. Suresh Doshi PUBLICATION Mr. C.J. Kothari (516) 939-0011 Mr. Ramesh V. Shah CULTURAL Mrs. Alka Shah (718) 428-6385 Ms. Alpa Shah Mrs. Lalita Surana Mrs. Pratibha Shah Mrs. Seema Shah Mr. Sushil Parekh Mrs. Sudha Mehta Mrs. Vimala Jain Dr. Ujwala Shah Mrs. Ulka Kothari Mr. Naresh S. Shah (516) 741-9269 DECORATION Mrs. Purvi S. Shah (914) 997-1717 Mrs. Malti Shah Mrs. Mona Kothari Mrs. Preeti Parekh Mrs. Sunita Zaveri Mrs. Vaishali Shah PUBLIC RELATION Mr. Hemant Shah (718) 347-0539 Mrs. Tilu Lakhani (914) 472-7011 Ms. Amy Doshi Mr. Arvind Pragani Dr. Mamta Shaha Mrs. Pinky Doshi Mr. Raju Mehta Mrs. Rekha Kamani Mr. Sameer Mepani Mrs. Ulka Kothari COMPUTER MR. Gautam Sanghavi (516) 75-1265 Mr. Vipul Sanghavi (516) 822-8262 Mr. Dhaval Mehta FINANCE/BUDGET Mr. Rajendra U. Shah (718) 428-6385 Mr. Arvind Pragani Mr. Girish Sanghavi Mr. Kishor Doshi Mr. Pathik Shah VOLUNTEER Mr. Kirit Parekh (516) 938-8717 Mr. Arvind Lakhani Mr. Bharat Shah Mr. Biren Shah Mr. Jay Kothari Dr. Mamta Shaha Mr. Manina Dalal Mr. Narendra Karnavat Mr. Suketu Koradia Mr. Vipul Sanghavi FLOAT (Varghodo) Mr. Amul Shah (718) 729-2980 Mrs. Bhavna Shah Mrs. Chaula Shah Mrs. Divya Doshi Mr. Haresh Shah Mrs. Kiran Shah Mrs. Kusum Shah Mrs. Maltiben Shah Mrs. Meena N. Shah Mr. Nitin Vora Mrs. Parul P. Shah Mrs. Pinky Doshi Mrs. Pratibha Shah Mrs. Preeti Kothari Mrs. Sudha Mehta Mrs. Sunita Jhaveri Mrs. Sunita R. Shah Mrs. Usha Vora Mrs. Vaishali Shah SWAMIVATSALYA Mr. Jaymik Shah (718) 217-8684 Mr. Abhay Kothari Mr. Bharat Shah Mr. Dhiren Shah Mr. Harsukh Mehta Mr. Hasmukh Shah Mr. Jitendra Mehta Mrs. Kalpana Gandhi Mr. Mulchand Momaya Mr. Pratap Jain Mr. Pravin Shah Mr. Ramesh Vakani Mr. Sunil Dagha Mr. Suresh Shah Mrs. Usha Vora TRANSPORTATION Mr. Biren Shah (516) 294-3231 Dr. Jitendra Tolia Page #9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ A O *MESSAGE FROM PRESIDENT* Sahdharmik Brother and Sisters Jai Jinendra, Welcome to our Pratishtha Mahotsav. Jain Center of America is proud to have a new Shikharbandhi Daherasar with Pran Pratishthist Moorties for both Digambars and the Swetambar sect, for the first time outside of India. For the last nearly twenty-five years, we have a fully functioning temple with Pooja, Aarti, and Mangal Divo daily. Jain Center of America New York is the pioneer of Jainism in North America. We are the largest community of rapidly increasing society of Doctors, Dentists, Pharmacy owners, Entrepreneurs, Professionals, Businessmen, and highly educated, hard working upper middle class members. From a 2,000 sq. ft., we now have a well-equipped 16,000 sq. ft. facility with heated floors, elevator, and air conditioning. We respect all diversities and have also provided a Sthanak, Shrimad Hall, Ashtapad, and Dadawadi temple, all under one banner of "Jain Center of America-New York." We have an assembly room for our seniors, as well as a computer cum Art Gallery for our youngsters. Very soon, our GyanMandir-Pathshala Library will be busy with our adults and youngsters learning about Jainism. With the blessings of Lord Mahavirswami, both the Executive Committee and the Board of Trustees with many dedicated members of JCA, were able to fulfill our dream of a beautiful Daherasar in the middle of this bustling and hustling metropolis New York City-the Gateway to the Americas. Make a visit to Jain Center a habit for the whole family and you will see tremendous progress even in your children, as they learn the values you admire the most. To retain our identity in the midst of this melting pot of cultures, we must all do our share to make our understanding deeper and impart the teachings to our children. The Temple allows you an easy pathway. Five different philosophies within Jainism as presented in our temple are like five fingers in a hand, together they form a fist, a symbol of power. A non-flowing mass of water becomes stagnated and starts stinking, a society is not different. In our lifetime, we accepted electricity, the light bulb, air travel, telephones, and computers. We have settled nearly 10,000 miles away in a foreign land, set in its own ways. The rigidity of thoughts will widen our generation gap, and our dream of leaving a legacy of Jainism will just remain a dream. Society has to adopt the changing times. Leave you minor differences and consider yourself as His (Lord Mahavir's) children. In spite of diversity, we all are one. I am honored and humbled by your confidence in me to be your president for last four years. Indeed, I am fortunate to have this opportunity to serve you during this momentous occasion of Pratishtha. I am also blessed to have a team of hardworking, eager Executive Committee members, along with the Board of Trustees to help me. On behalf of myself, my family, and the Executive Committee, "MICHCHHAMI DUKKADAM." Hemant Shah Z Pas Page #10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jai Jinendra SANGHPATI SMT. HIRABEN CHANDULAL SHAH Hiraben Shah was born in Dhangadra (Gujarat) in the year 1925. She had four brothers and one sister, and was the youngest in her family. She got married to Mr. Chandulal Shah in the year 1941. Chandulal Kasturand Shah, was born in the small town of Sayla, near Surendranagar in the year 1919. Then he went to Rangoon (Burma) at a young age for business, however, he had to leave Burma at the time of World War 2. He then came back to India, and got married to Hiraben. After marriage, they moved to Bombay and had four sons, one daughter and 11 grandchildren. The eldest son Vijay, became a dentist and he came to the US for a better future in 1974. After becoming a US Citizen he sponsored our whole family to come to the USA in 1984. In a few years, all the sons got settled in Westchester County and the daughter settled in Albany. WITH BEST WISHES FROM, Dr. Vijay Shah Mrs. Harsha V. Shah Mrs. Mina B. Shah Mr. Bipin Shah Mr. Ashok Shah Mrs. Varsha A. Shah Mr. Rohit Dagli Mrs. Nayna R. Dagli Mr. Prakash Shah Mrs. Seema Shah Page #11 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jai Jinendra SANGHPATI Shri Pravin R. Shah & Smt. Jyotsna P. Shah We are grateful to Lord Mahavir for his blessings bestowed upon Shri Pravin. R. Shah and Smt. Jyotsna P. shah as they serve the Jain Sangh of New York as "Sanghpati". We pray to Lord Mahavir to always shower them with his blessings and give them more opportunities to provide "Sevabhav" of this kind to serve the Jain communities worldwide. Pravin and Jyotsna Shah were both born in Ahmedabad Gujarat, India. Pravin has 3 brothers and 2 sisters and Jyotsna has 3 sisters and one brother. Pravin did his B.A., M. Com, LI.B and Jyotsna did her B.A, LL.B from Gujarat University, India. Pravin came to the United States in May of 1971 and Jyotsna joined him in April of 1972. After coming to the U.S.A, Pravin landed a Job in the Accounting Field. While working, he completed his M.B.A. in Accounting and Finance from LIU-Brooklyn campus in May of 1974. His hard work and dedication gave him the opportunity to hold a position as a Controller in a Printing Company. His strong will power allowed him to start his own accounting practice which he operated for five years. His zest to connect to people made him change his career and that is when he decided to go into Insurance and Financial Services. He has been providing the services to his clients in the field of Insurance, Financial, Estate and Retirement Planning since 1983. Jyotsna was also working as an Accountant and raising the family. They have a son Nehal who was born in India and a daughter, Nipa, who was born in New York. Nehal is a Mechanical Engineer and has a M.S. in Engineering Management from Brooklyn Polytechnic University, Long Island Campus. He currently holds a position as a Project Manager in a reputed company in N.Y. He lives in East Meadow, N.Y. Nipa is a Pharmacist and is living with her husband Nitish in San Francisco, while Pravin and Jyotsna reside in Westbury, New York. Paombo Page #12 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ HOX GEORGE E. PATAKI GOVERNOR STATE OF NEW YORK Dear Friends: It is a pleasure to send greetings to all to all gathered to celebrate the opening of the new temple built by the Indian Jain community of New York. June 2005 The Empire State is home to many religious institutions that serve as the cornerstone upon which communities are built. The determination and hope shared by all of our citizens have made New York a true symbol of freedom and place where people from around the world have come to realize their fulfillment of the American Dream. The Indian Jain community has been blessed with growth and prosperity that has enabled it to complete this house of worship after years of hard work and commitment. This new temple will allow your members to carry on their good work while continuing the spiritual philosophy that is at the heart of your faith. May your children grow to appreciate the time-honored principles that have guided people of Indian ancestry for centuries, and may this new facility serve your community well as a source of strength today and for generations to come. OO As you reflect upon such a noteworthy achievement, I extend best wishes to all for an enjoyable and memorable celebration. Very truly yours, My E. Patt 10 Page #13 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAIN CENTER OF AMERICA - NEW YORK BOARD OF TRUSTEES 2002-2005 FRONT ROW L TO R MR. JAWAHAR SHETTI-DR. DILIP MUKHTYAR-MR. NARESH S. SHAH-MRS. TILU LAKHANI MIDDLE ROW MR. RAMESH V. SHAH-MR. KISHOR MEHTA - DR. MAHENDRA PANDYA-MR. RAJNI GANDHI - MR. JITENDRA DOSHI BACK ROW DR. RAJESH PATEL - MR. C.J. KOTHARI-MR. RAJENDRA U. SHAH-MR. HEMANT SHAH CAMERA SHY DR. NITIN DOSHI JAIN CENTER OF AMERICA - NEW YORK EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 2002-2005 FRONT ROWLTOR MR. NARESH T. SHAH - MR. DINESH GANDHI MR. HEMANT SHAH-MRS. JYOTEE SHAH MIDDLE ROWL TO R MR. MAHENDRA JAIN - MR. JAYMIK SHAH-MR. C.J. KOTHARI- MR. AJIT VORA- MR. HARSUKH MEHTA BACK ROW L TO R MR. PRAVIN SHAH - MR. KIRIT PAREKH MR. PATHIK SHAH - MR. SURESH DOSHI te 181 Paso Re Page #14 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ June 2005 Dear Friends: I am pleased to have this opportunity to send greetings to each of you attending the Jain Temple's opening ceremony and Pratishtha Mohatsav celebrations. These celebrations are an incredible testament to the noble spiritual principles of the Jain religion. They represent a wondrous message of hope and strength for people today. The tribute today is an exceptional reminder of the precious ideals that your community embodies. The Jain community's rich cultural heritage. and strong character will certainly shine through on this exciting day. This celebration is also a joyous commemoration of the diversity and vitality of New York's communities. New York thrives on its cultural richness - the Jain community continues to make positive contributions to the State's greatness and prosperity. Your efforts remind us of the values, the lessons, and the ideals that we want to preserve in building our future. Please accept my best wishes for a wonderful and fun-filled celebration. Sincerely yours, Hillary Rodham Clinton Hillary Rodham Clinton United States Senator 812er Page #15 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ To 09:00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 JAIN CENTER OF AMERICA PAST AND PRESENT CHAIRMEN Mr. Amulbhai Shah Chairman 1993-1995 Dr. Dilipbhai Mukhtyar Chairman 1996-Present IR JAIN CENTER OF AMERICA PAST AND PRESENT PRESIDENTS SESTRIERTRETTERPRETATIONAL DREPT PROPRIETARIAT De Mahendra Pandya President 1977-1980 Mr. Anand Nahar President 1981-1983 Mr. Rajnilbhai Gandhi President 1984-1986 Mr. Dineshbhai Jhaveri President 1987-1989 Mr. Nareshbhai Shah President 1990-1992 Mr. Amulbhai Shah President 1993-1995 Dr. Jyotiben Gandhi President 1996-1999 Dr. Sumatibhai Shah President 2000-2001 Mr. Hemantbhai Shah President 2002-Present Dr. Narendra Shelti (Picture Not available) President 1973-1976 Page #16 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHARLES E. SCHUMER NEW YORK United States Senate Jain Center of America New York 43-11 Ithaca Street Elmhurst, NY 11373 Dear Friends: WASHINGTON, DC 20510 June 2005 Please accept my warmest greetings and congratulations as you gather to celebrate "Pratishtha Mohatsav" and the opening of your new beautiful temple. I am grateful for the opportunity to recognize the fine work of your organization. Since its inception in 1976, Jain Center of America has worked to promote and fulfill the religious needs of the Jain Community. I applaud the Jain Center of America for its hard work and dedication to their community, New York and America. It is wonderful to see that a religion older than recorded history is still alive and flourishing. The Jain community, along with all other religious communities in New York City, are what make it such a diverse and wonderful place to live. I commend the Jain center and the Jain community for their commitment to their beliefs and their community. Again, congratulations and best wishes for a wonderful evening. I am sure the Jain Center of America will serve the New York community for many years to come. Sincerely, Charles Schuren Charles E. Schumer United States Senator COMMITTEES BANKING ENERGY JUDICIARY RULES Page #17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ pU. AcAryadeva zrI caMdrodayasUrIzvarajI ma. sA.. -1-5. . Adi kavara dhAma ) vi- caMda ke mUri tathA avi - vi- maMda sUri cadi , jena senTara opha amerika? juhA 6) pramukha saMta bhAI je rajanI bhaI Adi kahine pUrva CPvavAnu ke atre dala aru ne miniA 5 n pa- 5 2 vaMtanI para kRpA dRSTi pha kha zALA ane che ke tA ra haze ajo harSa pUrvaka jIuvavAnuM ke tyAM zrI mahAvIra svAmi jI nI pra@ijAno prasaMga che te ja khabara AnaMda as mA to anArya tU ane pap. 52mAmAnI ma@i jI. dvArA taka nI saMgha A <>nasAra saMgha temaja zrI saMghanA NI jIvana jIve e paramakRpALu paramajAnI parama kRSA zI saMgha tathA / saMghanA sarve sabhyane sarva anyadaya ajaya thavAno , - ana zakti maMd pratiSThA paramAtmAnI zakti anaMta che saMdha no tAva ane pama ane pachI adaA cha pratiSThA na pra nividA u Ijha 2 utsAhapUrvaka ghare ja tevI amArI aMtaranI 8 mm vano sana deva zrI saMdhanI sadhI manokAmanA pUy . AvA jIllA ziSa sAthe ja saMdha hai ulan. -zrI -nI sajA che a me+vi-nA majU - nAnA pAyAnA kAna , pU. AcAryadeva zrI azokacaMdrasUrIzvarajI masA. Page #18 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ TOUTE UN CIVIT HOHO BEEL ENOVEER THE CITY OF NEW YORK OFFICE OF THE MAYOR NEW YORK. N. Y. 10007 Dear Friends: It is a pleasure to send greetings to everyone attending this year's Pratishtha Mohatsav celebration. I am delighted to join with the Jain Center of America and all those gathered for this very special occasion. February 9, 2005 For nearly three decades, the center has been a tremendous source of support for our City's Jain community, and on behalf of the City of New York, I recognize its dedicated members for making this event possible. This is a wonderful way for you to come together in honor of your shared faith and in commemoration of the opening of your new temple. This new facility will allow you to welcome even more members of your faith and assist you in furthering your important initiatives. 16 New York City is proud to be the home of the fist Jain Center in North America, and I wish all its members much success with your new temple and in all your future pursuits. Sincerely, Blondary whey Michael Bloom Michael R. Bloomberg Mayor Page #19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ labdhi-vikramagurU kRpApAtra vijaya AcArya rAjayazasurI mArca 11, 2005 jaina senTara opha amerIkA - nyuyorka tamo pratiSThA prasaMge suMdara sovenIyara prakAzita karI rahyA cho, jANI khubaja AnaMda thAya che. je divaso mAM aMjanazalAkA vidhi thai e divaso nI yAda bhulI zakAtI nathI. samasta vaDAcauTA nahIM paNa purA suratamAM tamArA sahu nI bhAva-bhakti nI anumodanA thatI hatI. amerIkA jevA dezamAM aMjanavALA pratimAjI nI pratiSThA karAvavAnuM svapna paNa sahelu nathI, chatAMya zrI rAjendrabhAi, zrI narezabhAi AdI e suMdara Ayojana karI pratiSThA karAvavAnuM kAma AgaLa dhapAvyu che, te khubaja AnaMda nI vAta che. zrI rajanIbhAie A divasomAMja ratnapratimAo nAM darzana karAvI suratavAsIo ne dhanya banAvI dIdhA. basa Akhare to jina- bhakti ja tAranArI che! ApaNe kyAM sRSTinA samasta jIvo ne premadhArAthI cAhI zakavA nA chIe? tIrthaMkara bhagavaMtoe savi jIva karU zAsana rasI nI bhAvanAthI samasta jIva sRSTine potAnI karUNAmaya premadhArAthI nahavaDAvI che! ApaNI tIrthaMkaranI bhakti eTale kadAcit samasta jIva sRSTinA jIvo nI pUjA. AvI dhanyatA keLavI tame sahu videza mAM rahI ne paNa deza karatAM savAyI bhakti karI muktipurI nA (sidhdha lokanA) svAmi bano. pratiSThA mahotsava khubaja sArI rIte ujavAya tathA tIrthaMkara bhagavaMtonI kRpAdraSTi maLe tevI zubhecchA. lI. vijaya AcArya rAjayazasurI nA dharmalAbha FORK17 PRO OTO Page #20 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ HOOK HOUSE OF HEPRESENTATIVES WASHINGTON, DC 20515 (202) 225 2601 218 14 NORTHERN BOULEVARD BAYSIDE, NY 11361 (718) 423 2154 Gary L. Ackerman Congress of the United States 5th District, New York The Jain Center of America 4311 Ithaca Street Elmhurst, New York 11373 Dear Friends: COMMITTEE ON INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS HANKING DEMOCRA, SUBCOMMITH, THE MIDOTE FAST AND SOUTHAVA SUBCOMMITTEE ON FASE ASIA AND THE PACHEC COMMITTEE ON FINANCIAL SERVICES SUBCOMMITTEE ON CAPITAL MARKE INSURANCE AND GOVERNAN SPONSORED ENTERPRISES SUBCOMMITTEE ON FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS AND CONSIMEHE It gives me great pleasure to congratulate everyone at the Jain Center on this momentous occasion. Your new temple in Queens is a magnificent structure, one which I hope will help you to promote the ideals of peace and truth associated with Jainism. I have been privileged to know the members of the Jain center for many years, and I am happy to be able to see your progression as productive members of our community and to wish you all the very best as you celebrate "Pratishtha Mohatsav". 18 As always, please accept my heartiest of congratulations on what I hope will be a new chapter in the history of the Jain Center. Best wishes and future success always!! Sincerely. Gary L. Ackerman Gary I.. Ackerman Member of Congress Page #21 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ HOHOROHOROHOROHONOHONOROHOROHOTOHORORSHORONSHIONOOODHONOHO Aman.mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm jaina maMdira jinendra bhagavAna ke samavazaraNa kA pratirUpa hai| yahA~ sabhI jIva samatAbhAva se eka sAtha baiTha kara jinendra deva kI divya dhvani suna kara mokSa-mArga me lagate haiN| apanI mAtra bhUmi bhArata se dUra rahakara bhI Apa loga jo jaina dharma kA pAlana evaM prabhAvanA kara rahe haiM vaha sarAhanIya hai| ina AyatanoM se Apa apanI evaM Ane vAlI pIDhiyoM kA kalyANa kareM yaha hI maMgala kAmanA CMOHOROMCHOOHOMOH hai| zubha AzISa / Acharya Shri 108 Vidyasagarji Maharaj Jain temples represent the Samavasharan of the Jinas. In the Samavasharan, all living beings-humans, celestials, and animals-sit together, forgetting their ill feelings and listen to the Divya dhwani peacefully, concentrating on the soul in order to attain self realization. Far away from your motherland, your following and propagating Jainism is a laudable achievement. Through these religious places, may you and the coming generations continue to progress on the path of liberation. My blessings to you all. Shubh Ashish. buddhi pUrvaka saMpUrNa parigraha kA tyAga hI digaMbaratva hai| Wise men who abandon all possessions are Digambar. apanA hI pariNAma sukha kA aura apanA hI pariNAma dukha kA kAraNa haiN| para ke dvArA sukha-dukha nahIM hote| One is happy or sad because of his own thoughts. No one else can make him happy or sad. BHOMOHOHOHOMOHOHONOHONOHOOHOES he Atmana! tU vizva ke sabhI prANiyoM ko apane samAna mAna kyoMki unheM yadi choTA mAnoge to abhimAna ke __ kAraNa saMsAra meM patita hI rahoge aura yadi baDhA mAnoge to dIna banakara svabhAva se cyuta hI rhoge| O soul! You should regard all living beings as equal because regarding then inferior will perpetuate your existence in sansar (cycle of birth and death) and regarding them superior will make you will feel inferior and helpless and unable to uplift yourself. rAga ko choDe binA AdhyAtma kA jJAna mAtra bauddhika vyAyAma hai| Without worldly detachment, all scriptural knowledge is merely a mental exercise. HIPirARO-A PATTERatOUPLOACION HKart S Page #22 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Cm/apro/jain/170305 saMdeza jaya jInendra.. vizvanI lagabhaga badhI ja pracIna saMskRtio samayanA vheNa sAthe lagna thai gai, mAtra ne mAtra, bhAratabhUmi para udabhavelI saMskRti ja Aje ajeya che, Aje amITa che, Ajeya aDaga che.. kAraNa ke.. kAraNa ke.. ApaNI saMskRti haMmezA parivartanazIlatAne svIkAratI rahI che. samayanA vheNa badale, sAthe sAthe, saMskRtino hAda adha rahe paNe A saMskRtimAM ucharelo mAnavI parivartananI sAthe samIpa raheto hoya che. kAraNa ke.. vizvanA anya bhAgomAM jayAre lahiyAba jaMga ane kSaNika lAbha-tarakaTathI saMskRtino prasAra thato tyAre ApaNI saMskRtie prema, ahiMsA-zAMti ane sarvadharmasamabhAvanI buniyAda para vasudhaiva kuTumbakama' saMdezo phelAvIne dharatInA TUkaDAM nahIM paNa lokonA hRdaya jItIne dharma saMdeza Apyo che.. AvI bhavyatamU ane akhaMDa saMskRtinA avibhAjaya aMga samAna pU. zrI mahAvIra svAmInI tapa ane ArAdhanAthI udabhavela jaina paraMparA eka jhaLahaLatI jayota che, ahiMsA-za ti-prema-tapa- ArAdhanA jaina paraMparAnI AgavI oLakha banI gayA che, ane mAtra bhAratamAM ja nahIM paraMtu vizvabharamAM patharAyelA jainoe munizrIoAcAryazrIonA tapa baLathI ane preraNAthI dharmadhvajane akhaMDa rAkhavAmAM saphaLatA meLavI che. virATanagara-nyuyorkamAM bhavya jaina derAsara nimAkA pAmyuM che. vaividhyasabharatA vALI amerikAnI bhUmi para jaina paraMparA prabaLa banAvavAnA jaina senTara opha amerikA nyuyorkanA prayAsone aMtarapUrvaka AvakAruM chuM. derAsaranA pratiSThA mahotsava saMskRtika mahotsava banI rahe tevI zubhecchA.. (narendra modI) narendra modI mukhya maMtrI, gujarAta rAjya 20 Page #23 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ HOLY BLESSINGS We are extremely happy to know that Jain Center of North America, New York, NY, USA is publishing a souvenir to commemorate the Pratishtha ceremonies of new idols of Lord Jina in the newly built Jain Temple at Ithaca Street, Elmhurst, NY, USA, scheduled to be held from June 11" through June 19th 2005. WOULUULUULUULULLULUWUDULLUTPUT UUTUUUUUUULTATULT Sri Devendrakeerty Bhattaraka Mahaswamiji All our Teerthankaras used to preach the holy dharma in the samavasaranas. These samavasaranas were free for all peoples of all walk of life including the Heavenly Gods as well as to all the members of living kingdom such as animals, birds and plants etc. All Jivas of that contemporary period used to visit samavasaranas to crave the holy blessings of Teerthankaras. But during the days of absence of teerthankaras and of samavasaranas our ancestors planed to build the Jain temples as the replica of samavasaranas and installed the idols as the image of teerthankaras. This tradition has been followed right from the period of first teerthankara, Lord Sri Vrushabhanatha Swamy. Jainism is the first religion which started the tradition of idol worshipping With pleasure we appreciate the efforts of Jain Center of North America, New York, USA for their yeoman service of bringing all the sub-sects of Jainism under one platform. We pray Bhagawan Sri Vrushabhanatha Swamy and Sri Mahaveer Swamy for the grand success of Pratishtha ceremony. With blessings, yA janya H.H. JAGADGURU SRI SRI SRI DEVENDRAKEERTHY BHATTARAKA MAHA SWAMIJI TIPS Ferrer caOH F OR: LJILJILLE Toro :0 21 cho Page #24 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Ooooooooooooooooooooooooo 0 0 0 0 0 0 bhArata kA pradhAna kauMsala nyU yArka CONSUL GENERAL OF INDIA NEW YORK satyameva jayate 25th January, 2005 MESSAGE It gives me great pleasure to send my tribute on the occasion of Pratishtha oooooooooooXoXoXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO Mohatsav. I had the privilege of visiting the temple at Ithaca Street during the key handing ceremony and was deeply moved. The Jain Centre at New York will serve the 1600 or so Jain families living in New York. It will be the centre of Jain philosophy and culture and an institution which will strongly contribute in inculcating the great traditions of Jainism in our future generations. The Jain community in New York is well known for its scholarship, hard work and generosity, who have tried to put into practice the teachings of Lord Mahavira and his gospel of universal love which states that all living beings, irrespective of who they are, or how spiritually developed, are equal and deserve our love and respect. This is a message that continues to be relevant to our times. o (P Rath) Consul General Jain Centre's Souvenir Committee, 43-11, Ithaca Street, Elmhurst, New York, NY 11373 WOOOOO 3 East 64th Street, New York, NY 10021 (USA) TEL.: General (212) 774-0600. Consul General's Office (212) 879-9473. Direct (212) 879.7888 Email: cg@indiacyny ory Fax: (212) 988-6423 ur ATROPORORO 0 :0:0:0:10Main 0 botten 22 Page #25 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Regd. No. 6467 FOUNDER ACHARYA GURUDEV SRI ROOPCHANDRAJI MAHARAJ Ref. No. OM MANAV MANDIR MISSION TRUST PROJECTS - Phone: 26821348 26315530 Jain Ashram, Ring Road, Opp. Sarai Kala Khan, New Delhi-110013 P.B. 3240 HOROKOK HOPA 23PTC maMgala bhAvanA amerikA kI dharatI para nyUyArka mahAnagara meM divya jinAlaya kI bhavya pratiSThA ke avasara para Apa sabako bahuta bahuta bdhaaii| yahAM jinAlaya ke sAtha divya vizeSaNa kA prayoga vizeSa prayojana se kiyA hai| hamAre zAstroM meM varNana milatA hai tIrthaMkara bhagavAna kA jahAM kahIM padArpaNa hotA hai. deva gaNa vahAM samavasaraNa kI racanA karate haiN| devatA kA artha hai jisameM divya bhAvanAoM kA udaya ho| nyUyArka ke isa jinAlaya ke nirmANameM maiMne prAraMbha se lekara aMta taka una divya bhAvanAoM ke darzana kie haiN| kucha varSoM pUrva DaoN. rajanI bhAI ke mana meM isa devAlaya ke nirmANa kI divya bhAvanA jAgRta huii| nyUyArka jaina samAja ne usa bhAvanA ko divya samarthana diyA / aura rajanI bhAI kumArapAla bhAI, mRdulA bena Adi pUre parivAra ne nAma aura yaza se dUra rahakara apanI divya sevAeM diiN| isa prakAra isa jinAlaya nirmANa meM parivAra aura samAja kI divya bhAvanAeM pUrI taraha jur3I huI haiN| isalie isa seMTara meM Apa jaba bhI jAeMge, merA vizvAsa hai Apako hara kadama para usa divyatA kI jhalaka milegI / Ane vAle yugoM-yugoM taka isa jaina seMTara se pUrI amerikA divya preraNAeM letA bhAvanA ke sAtha rahegA, isI maMgala - Date. 26 janavarI 2885 AcArya rUpacandra mAnava maMdira, jaina Azrama naI dillI-110013 ALL DONATIONS ARE TAX EXEMPTED U/S 80G. MANAV MANDIR A GURUKUL FOR ORPHAN AND DESTITUTE CHILDREN [CERTIFIED BY SOCIAL WELFARE BOARD, DELHI GOVERNMENTI Page #26 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Ir 0 IL L . :0 : Por Pr o 10 0 : 0 : 0 :0 : 0 :0 :0 :0 :0 OLOLOLOLOLO.. .07.2017 :0 : 0 :0 :: JAINA Federation of Jain Associations in North America Founded 1981 A Non-Profit Tax Exempt Religious Organization IRS Code Section 501( C 3) El # 54-1280028 JAINA Headquarters: PO Box 700, Getzville, NY 14068 USA : Phone & Fax (716) 636-5342 WWWWWW NOWOLENCE parasparopagrajheDIvAnAma June 11, 2005 SHOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX President Anop R. Vora Rochester, NY (585) 473-9290 vora 5000 First Vice President Kirit C. Daftary Waco, TX (254) 776-4209 netrattaattnet Secretary Sushil Jain Gaithersburg, MD (301) 670-0519 Jain Center of America 43-11 Ithaca Street Elmhurst, NY 11373 Treasurer Jit Turakhia Liverpool, NY (315) 622-3287 istem I would like to extend my warmest greetings to the members of the Jain Center of America on the occasion of the Pratishtha Mahotsav. It is indeed a very important milestone in the history of your center. Your Sangh is a shining example of what a team of dedicated people can achieve once they focus on a specific goal. Vice Presidents Lata Champsee Don Mills, ONT (416) 441-2200 lat.champscesenet o Rohak Vora San Diego, CA (858) 676-1150 rohaksoraca I would also like to congratulate Dr. Rajni Shah who initiated the project, poured his sweat and blood, and worked extremely hard to make it a grand success. My hats off to him and his family for the sacrifice they have made in terms of time and money and personal dedication. Udai Jain Sugar Land, TX (281) 980-0741 junnudail .com The renovated temple is a symbol of what is best in each of us. It represents an ideal and the highest potential we are all capable of realizing. The challenge for us all is first to identify and then close the gap between where we are and where we could be. Pravin K. Shah Raleigh, NC (919) 859-4994 pk shahl ( Once again my best wishes on this auspicious occasion and for every continuing success in the years ahead. Keerti Shah Bartlett, IL (630) 837-8716 knshah anet With Warmest Personal Regards, umhel Vores Anop &. Vora JAINA President Sumati Shah Searingtown, NY (516) 625-8617 905 Page #27 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Founder His Holiness Pujya Shree Chitrabhanuji Directors Jivan Proctor Pramoda Chitrabhanu Barry Wolfe Devendra Peer ACTION. JMIC Jan Meditation International Center 401 East 86 Street #20A. New York New York 10028 212-362-6483 212-534-6090 TAX EXEMPT M-75-ED-1739 NON-PROFIT EDUCATIONAL ORGANIZATION June 10-19, 2005 RELATIVIT HOHOHOHOHO G *O*O*O My dear President, Chairman, Members and Friends of Jain Center of America ~~ It is a joyful occasion to sanctify this auspicious event of Pratishtha Mahotsav, one of its kind in New York City, which will be a blessing to members of the Jain Center of America. I congratulate you all who have created this beautiful TempleComplex of Peaceful Liberators for mankind's peace and progress. When the world is suffering from war and violence, Ahinsa and co-existence are the answer. We have been seeing even now that unprecedented slaughter of living beings is committed in the name of religion, nationality, post and position. In these times, a sanctuary of peace and prayer becomes an oasis in the desert of conflict. Often people go to religious places to pray for the success of business, for power and position, for protection of their accumulated wealth. This sort of praying is the product of a greedy mind. Real prayer is meant for the peace and spiritual upliftment which open the door to divinity within and without. This extensive renovated building into a Temple and a place for spiritual, cultural and social activities will be a reminder and an inspiration of love, peace, compassion, simplicity, multiplicity of perception, and freedom from war and violence. Again, I want to express my best wishes to all of you on this auspicious occasion, and may my blessings be in the hearts of all who enter this Temple and in the hearts of all who can make a difference in the world by spreading peace through practice. 25 Love and Blessings, Chitrabhanu Jain International Meditation Center E-1. Queen's View. 28-30 Walkeshwar Road, Mumbai 400 006. India Phone: 368 6887 Tel./Fax: 367 3355 * Page #28 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 rAjendra e. dalAla hedAbAda, bhArata mArca, 12, 2005 jaina senTara opha amerIkA, nyuyorka (yu.esa.e) aitihAsika pratiSThA mahotsavanI yAdI ne ciraMjIvI banAvavA Ape soveniyara prakAzita karAvavAno nirNaya lIdho te khubaja suMdara che. A prasaMge mArI hArdika zubhecchA che. jaina zAsananAM itihAsamAM zAsanasamrATa samrati mahArAjA nuM nAma amara che. A mahAna samrATe eka karoDa nUtana pratimAjI bharAvI ne aMjanazalAkA karAvI pUjanIya banAvI saMghane bheTa ApI tyA lAkhkho nUtana daherAsaro nAM nirmANa karAvyA, A eka gauravagAthA che. bhAratathI hajAro mAIla dura nyuyorkamAM Ape bhavyAtibhavya daherAsara nirmANa karAvI seMkaDo varSo mATe lAkho bhAvikone darzana-pUjAno lAbha apAvyo che, te khubaja pUNya nuM kAma che. nyuyorka eTale yu.esa.e. nuM mukhya zahera ane duniyAnuM pATanagara kahevAya, ahIM Ape aMjanazalAkA karAvI prabhujIne pratiSThIta karavAno zAstrokta nirNaya lIdho te yu.esa.e. nA itihAsamAM amaragAthA banI jaze. ApanA senTaramAM varSanAM 365 divasa darzana-pUjA-Arati thaze, lokone khubaja anokho lAbha maLaze ane Ama nyuyorka eka tIrtha banI jaze. Ape prabhujIne aMjanazalAkA karAvI hajAro varSa mATe pUjanIya banAvyA, ApanA A nirNayathI bIjA senTara paNa preraNA meLavaze. huM ApanA senTara no AbhArI chuM ke Ape aMjanazalAkA karAvavAnI bhAratamAM (inDiyAmAM) goThavaNa karavAnI javAbadArI mane soMpI - zAstra niSNAta suprasidhdha pUjya AcAryadeva zrI rAjayazasUrizvarajI mahArAja sAhebanA pavitra maMtroccAraNa thI aMjanavidhi saMpanna thaI. ApanA senTara taraphathI paNa keTalAka bhAvika parivAra vidhi vakhate khAsa yu.esa.e. thI AvyA ane utsAhathI bhakti mAM joDAine aMjanazalAkA no lAbha lIdho. ApanA senTaranA dareka TrasTIo, kAryavAhaka kamITInA sabhyo tyA senTaranA dareka membarasune A aMjanazalAkA tyA pratiSThA mATe hArdika utsAha che, tethI A kArya saphaLa thaze tevI mane khAtrI che ane mArI zubhecchA paNa che. pratiSThA prasaMge Apa saune mArI zubhecchA pAThavu chuM. zAsanasevaka rAjendra dalAla nAM jayajInendra 0i :00 0 0 2 53000 0 0 0 0 che - Page #29 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 000: kavi ::: SOO: 0::00:00: 00.00 0.00 0.00 | | paMnyAsa zrI nakSayabodhi vijaya gaIi ugaLa nA yujhas. , garvamenTa nI sahi thAya to karansI noTa banI, jaya I. tema kArIgare banAvelI pa15 nI kalama 5. AcArya bhagavaMta aMjanazalA nI pavita kathA. karI e pratimAne pAmaya banAve che. nI a5 banelI kAgaLa managamanI vastune tA 32nA zakitamAna bane che tema, paramAtmA arUpa bane bI tima. marana sukhanA ApavA samartha bane che. pravyu rUpa banelI pratimAne jinamaMdiramAM bhavadurta zArInazIna karavI enuM nAma. hati. svAsyA kare che je 2pama - naTaragharamAM mAvapUrvaka abhunI pratiSThA thAya che thAM tananA bhayAnaka dara, kALa, vagaira upayache tema ja mananA bhaMkalezI thanA nathI. abhUnI kaniSThAthI lejharamAM sukha , zAntiA abhyatA, nai, samatA, lasA ane dhananI.. phinI vRddhi thAya che. lo; nAM thA, zAna 33", paropakAra, zraddhA Adi aeonI mArA ddhi thAya che. prabhunI satiSThA manamaMdiramAM 3ranAranA, bhuvanamAM sannatA, mRtyu nirbhayatA tathA paTalomAM umanine prApta karI nikaTanA manamAM paramAtma padane sApta kare che - panyAsa Azvayo gaNA -- - - - Page #30 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ MESSAGE OF ACHARYA Shri Mahaprajna I have come to know that the Jain Center of America at NY has been established to promote the religious activities for all Jains. I think that the need of the hour is to propagate the great principles of Jainism all around the world. For this, I suggest a few activities: Preparation of Jain Books In English, through which not only the Jain followers can get knowledge about Jainism but also the Western people can understand Jainism thoroughly in modern perspectives. The Jain meditation system like Preksha Dhyan, Anupreksha, Kayotsarga etc. should be propagated through practical training. This will also help people in attainment of mental peace as well as getting rid of the passions and negative attitudes (such as anger, fear, etc.), as well as solution to the health problems. Promotion of training in non-violence and 'Science of Living' in institutions of education at all levels. Our Samani-groups sojourning there are ready to work for all these activities which, I think, would go a long way to bring about a revolutionary change in the modern life-style and ultimately establish a new worldorder based on non-violence, economic justice and peace. This would be the greatest tribute to the great Jain Tirthankaras from Lord Rishabha to Lord Mahavira. Jain. Education-Interna -Acharya Mahaprajna 7th May 2005 Jaipur (Rajasthan) India XOXOXOXOXO HOKOK 28 Page #31 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Ho COM Bur mAmAmAmAyapanaananammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. "OM hrIM namaH maMgala saMdeza nyUyArka jaina senTara meM java nirmita bhavya jaina mandira panna mUrti pratiSThA kA vizara gAyojana samAja ke lie sukhada unubhUti se aza eka aitihAsika avasara hai| nagarya rAmerikA meM yaha pahalA jaina senTara hai, jahAM sanI jaina paraMparAoM kI pUjA-ArAdhanA- sAdhanA ke lie alaga- ulaga suniyojita va suvyatAsyeta syAla haiN| yaha anekatA meM ekatA kA bejor3a udAharaNa hai| pAMcoM aMgAla yA alaga se kara bhI ekaholI se jur3I huI hai, tabhI unakI upayogitA hai| vizva ke anya jaila saMsthAnoM ke lie nyUyArka jaina samAja je eka anukaraNIyamizAla peza kI hai| isake lie rAjAja ko bahuta sAsubATa / usa maMgala kArya meM DA. rajanIkAnta zAha kA prazaMsanIya yogadAna raha , jinake samarpaNa ----nAyaka prayAsa se yA mahAna kArya sabhapa para susaMpanna huA hai| Avaka ke dainika kartavyoM ne prathA kapi jijendra jAtA hama tItazaga jina bhagavAna ke upAsaka hai| upAsanA ke lie anukUla sthAna parama Avazyaka pavitra pAvana-paraka mandira isakI pUrti karate hai| jahAM bhaktagaNa zura nAva se bhakti-ArAdhanAsAdhanA kara vItarAga patha para Age bar3hate haiN| hajAroM sAla kI rapa asuraNa paraMparA kA jitahi Aja bhI samAja jAgarukatA pUrvaka kara rahA hai aiai punIta kArya meM jo bhI sahajAgI-sahayogI banate hai ye saba puNyazAlI hai| ------ samAja meM aiai maMgala kAryoM kI bhAvanA baDhatI rahegaai dilpa mAndara meM bhakti - upAsanA kara usa Atma mAndara ko bhI divya bnaaeN| yahI zubhakAmanA - AzAvaTi / ORS muti manaka kumAra basanta paMcamIpUnA (bhArata) ARRIORROPERARY Didationcommendation:OTO:: :: . 29 BIRHAIRER FOridebmore DDLE Page #32 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Valla 2 ishes From rath Best Wishes for WWWWWWUF JEJEJEJEJURU Desai's Pharmacy Mahesh Pharmacy Nancy & Abraham Varghese, RP. Ina <- jignesh Shah, RPH Yari Cisneros, MGR Haresh Desai, MGR Leroy Pharmacy Oval Pharmacy Priti & Paresh Patel, RPL Mark Ackerman, RPL Pushpa Desai, MGR Ashok Patel, MGR Narsinh & Hira Desai Dinesh & Ramila Desai 718.543.0800 "Material compassion, Lamentation and Tears are all Signs of Ignorance of The Real Self In Proper Discharge of Duty, One Has to Learn to Tolerate Nonpermanent Appearance and Disappearence of Happiness and Distress R A Page #33 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ WODUABUDU TUTUCULTURE KNOW THY SELF* Muni Shree Jinchandraji (Bandhu Triputi) Translated by: Yogesh Desai Know thy self' is the ardent call of the Rishis of the Yore. The saints and sages of all the ages by scrupulously adhereing to the said cry of the great Mahatmas, have reached the pinncale of Truth and there is no religion higher than Truth. Thus, inquiry in one's own Real Nature which is nothing but Truth - the Self, the Atmah, starts with introspection of one's own self. One who wants to attain the real peace and bliss of the Self, observation of one's innerself is a must' as a preliminary Sadhana or exercise for treading on the Path of Truth. It is a privilege of Man alone to 'look within'. Animals are not endowed with this faculty of introspection. No spiritual Sadhana or practice or exercise at any level - be it physical, mental or intellectual - will bear any fruit whatsoever unless one knows the art of 'looking within'. Introspection is a process of self-analysis of one's activities performed during the day. At the initial stage it may be performed only for a few minutes at any convenient time, preferably before going to bed. Sadhak should try to remember at least the main events of the day and gradually cover as many details as possible. With consistent and sincere application, more activities reveal themselves to his memory, until at last he is able to remember and recollect the minutest details of all that he has done during the day, with less effort and time. When such introspection is practised regularly, the constant observation of one's own actions with their merits and demerits, helps him to remember and observe them even at the time of performance. Thus man becomes conscious and watchful of all his activities day in and day out. To pause, to think, to judge and then act needs concentration which is provided by introspection. Introspection, therefore, prepares the seeker to think, to speak and to act rightly at the right moment of time. As the Sadhak progresses in observation of one's own self, correction comes automatically when he becomes fully aware of his imperfections. He develops ethical and moral values, mental equanimity and intellectual poise. With these qualities his concentration on any matter is perfected and he emerges successful in any walk of life. The more he lives right values of life, the more he shall succeed in introspection. Thus, the right way of living and introspection promise each other and they together help on to reach the Divine Abode of Truth. "Original Lecture in Gujarati Titled "Anter Ma Dokiyu" Page #34 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ AAAAAAAAAE CONGRATULATIONS AND BEST WISHES TO JAIN CENTER OF AMERICA NEW YORK FROM JOSEPH J. BOLOGNA & CO. INC., 1324 HEMPSTEAD TURNPIKE ELMONT, NY 11003 516-437-2150 MARK SANTORO JOHN SANTORO ALAN SANCHEZ JOJOTIEJICITETETTE Page #35 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ OOOO MILJOL 2 0 :0:0 :0 :0 r. 2001 0:: 20/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 When a state of observation is sustained, then change comes about in a person spontaneously. We see how anger creeps up and how selfishness and pettiness are there in us. Then, when we go back to our worldly relationship. we remain aware of our own susceptibility to anger, greed. jealousy etc. and when we are fully aware of these traits raising their heads at a given moment of time, we shall never succumb to them if we are further aware of the fact that these vices are self-annihilating. Thus, this process of introspection or say observation of one's own self or say 'looking within', will then take place as naturally as inhalation and exhalation of breath takes place. It becomes natural. WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWUWDOPOSUERDADADADADAPTATIAITATATERTO Now a man is said to be a rational animal. A man thus, inherently, is an animal with all traits of animalism in him. However, he has been endowed with the gift of intellect, by which he is capable of conquering all his animalistic tendencies. It is only by "looking within' that he can trace these tendencies in himself and make an attempt to overcome the same. Not only that he will find the Divinity shining in himself which has been temporarily enveloped by the demoniec tendencies in him. It is thus the privilege of man and not of animal to 'look within' and discriminate between the demoniec and the divine traits in his bosom and see that the latter has an upper hand over the former. No animal is endowed with this capacity to discriminate between the fair and the foul. Nature thus has blessed us with the power of discrimination between the right and the wrong or true and the false. It is thus for us to weild this power at every moment of life by 'looking within' and act rightly in all our transactions of life, both inner and outer. Now a look at the animal kingdom will reveal to us that each species of animals has only one or the other animalistic tendency to harm others and not the congregation of all such traits e.g. a tiger is known for his thirst for blood of other animals; a serpent is known for giving poisonous sting to other beings, donkeys are known for giving kicks to others by hinder legs; dogs are known for their unnecessary barking when they are in a crowd; a fox is known for its cunningness; a monkey is well known for its mischievousness and sheeps are known for their blind following without any discrimination. Now if we have developed an art of 'looking within', we will undoubtedly find all the aforesaid traits of all the above-stated animals in our own bosoms, always ready to raise their hoods as and when the occasion arises. All these traits are the outcome of the demonic tendencies broadly classified by our great Rishis in six groups as our deadly enemies, such as Kama (passion). Krodh (anger), Lobha (greed), Moha (delusion), Mada (ego) and Matsar (envy), which all the time are playing a game of hide and seek every moment in the secret chambers of our heart. Unless we are fully aware of the same and are fully alert to check them before they raise their hoods, it is quite likely that we may come under their sway to become a prey to them and lose the battle of life. 'Look within' and 'discriminate rightly' is the only remedy to save ourselves from the outburst of our demonic traits out to annihilate us and the society around us. Page #36 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ atulations & Best Wisha Congratulations TO JAIN CENTER OF AMERICA ON IT'S AUSPICIOUS DAY OF PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV SURATI MANAGEMENTGROUP Harish Surati * Bharti Surati Page #37 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jan Education When we are constantly watching our bosom, we shall at the same time find that the very same bosom is full of Divine virtues like love, goodness, mercy etc. which are generally missing in the animal kingdom. These virtues can be well developed by adhering to Satya (truth). Ahimsa (non-violence). Asteya (honesty), Brahmcharya (control over senses). Aparigriha (nonpossessiveness), Saucha (purity), Santosh (contentment). Tapa (austerity). Swadhayay (self-study) and Ishwar Pranidhana (surrender to Almighty). Thus, so far as human life is concerned, it is endowed both with the demonic as well as divine traits of living and is further endowed with discriminative intellect to keep former tendencies under its complete control by developing the later virtues in one's own life day by day. The choice is thus left to us to make or mar our life by following either of these traits in our daily life. Our choice for the former will make us, two-legged animals and a choice for the later will make us Narayana from Nar, meaning a living God upon the earth. 'Look within' and 'discriminate rightly' is the only way out to conquer the demon in us with the aid of the Divine, which is our real nature. The questioner himself is the answerer in this inquiry of the Self and if he is sincere and truthful, the answer is bound to be correct provided the mind does not take resort to its defence mechanism. Such a correct answer is bound to lift you up even from its grassroot level and by scrupulously adhering to the same, one can easily realise the SELF (ATMAN)which is eagerly awaiting to take us in its lap and shower its Bliss on us. But unfortunately, we are today so much pre-occupied with our activities in the outer world of objects and beings that we hardly find any time to 'look within' and 'discriminate rightly' in the great rush of events of our hurried life from the womb to the tomb. We have no great ideal to live upon nor do we ever think of any higher goal to be achieved in this short span of our life. We are all living a routine mechanical life as others live in the society around us. A great ideal or a higher goal is a prerequisite for treading on the path of spirituality. It is only with the help of this torch-light that we can dive deep into our bosom and have a victory over the demonic tendencies in us. This process of introspection or say 'looking within' should start from our childhood and must continue till we breathe the last. A lapse even for a moment is likely to cause great harm not only to us but to all around us. We have, therefore, to be always vigilant to ourselves and allow not the demonic tendencies to raise their hoods even when the situation so demands. This is possible only when we have developed a capacity to observe every thought arising at every moment in our mind and to discriminate it rightly. The Rishis of the ancient times have, therefore, divided our life span into four parts with specific duties to be performed by us in each span of 35 Page #38 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CHAM AAAAAAAAE CONGRATULATIONS TO JAIN CENTER OF AMERICA ON IT'S AUSPICIOUS DAY OF PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV DAYS INN Business Place Hotel 367 WEST RT.59 * NANUET, NY 10954 tel: 845-623-4567 fax: 845-623-0190 Rajesh Sopariwala Kelvin Sopariwala Ami Sopariwala Rosey Sopariwala BEREZITETE 36 Page #39 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ life. These spans in our scriptural language are known as Ashramas (stages of life) namely: Brahmcharyashrama or the period of training. Grahasthashrama or period of work in the world as a house holder, Vanprasthashram or the period of retreat for loosening the social bonds and Sanayasashram or period of renunciation. In the first span of our life, namely Brahmcharyashram, we are required to devote ourselves singlepointedly only to our studies which should be both academic and spiritual. In this span we prepare ourselves steadily to plunge into the life of house holder to live a controlled life of Dharma (righteousness), Artha (security), Kama (desires) and Moksha (liberation) and which are the four Purusharthas (ways of lite) to be accomplished in our life while living. Dharma in its right spirit and not only in its usual meaning of rituals etc. as understood nowadays, has got to be adhered to while accomplishing Artha and Kama. To indulge in wealth and desire wihout adhering to righteousness in its right meaning, is not only self-destructive but destroys the culture of the entire society. Once these Artha and Kama are accomplished to the extent necessary, one should start withdrawing oneself from the same and gracefully enter the period of retreat, which is the third span of life. In this stage which can be said to be the golden period of life, one should devote himself to the serious study of scriptures and live a life of selfless service of the society around us wihout expecting any reward whatsoever even in the form of recognition from others. The study of the scriptures helps us a lot in rendering great service to our fellow beings in the right spirit of the great aphorism appearing in shrimad "Bhagwad Geeta" karmaNyevAdhikAraste mA phaleSu kadAcana / "To action alone hast thou a right and never at all to its fruits". This in turn gives us great strength and courage to live the life of spontaneous Bliss and joy. We then reach the state of renunciation where we try to tune ourselves with nothing but the Truth, the Self, the Atman which is the Lord of the Lords and merge therein to become one with the same and thus attain liberation from limitations meaning bondage of life, commonly known as Mukti alias Moksha in this very life while alive and are never reborn after the fall of the body. This is the life that we are expected to live in the short span of about eighty to hundred years and reach the pinnacle of Truth while alive and that is possible only if we adhere scrupulously to the teachings of our scriptures laying down the fundamentals of life. 'Look within' and 'Know thy self' is therefore the screaming cry of our great Rishis for treading the path of spirituality leading us to the pinnacle of Truth. Let us all wake up to this great call of our great Rishis and redeem ourselves from the vagaries of our present day life. Try... Try we can... Try we must. Page #40 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CONGRATULATIONS To JAIN CENTER OF AMERICA On It's Auspicious Day Of PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV TRI-STATE FINANCIAL INC. 303 SO. BROADWAY #410 TARRYTOWN, NY 10591914.631.4500 We Specialize in: Estate Planning Health 401KIRA Investments Mutual Funds Life Insurance. Pension PRAVIN SHAH TOM PICONE Managing Partners 914.631.4500 Financial Consultant 516.334.8196 Nationwide On Your Side Securities Offered through Pravin Shah as a registered representative of 1717 Capital Management Company, PO Box 15626, Wilmington, DE 19850 (302) 453-3800 Page #41 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ situtc r * r r::: 0:: :: :: :: :: :: TI, CLE TI tA :: : 3 : 3 :: : :: :: jarA vIra jApa yugapradhAna parama tattvajJa zrImad rAjacaMdrajI 1 lekhaka: gurUdeva AtmAnaMdajI ogaNIsamI sadImAM thayelA bhAratanA prathama paMktinA AdhyAtmika sapurUSomAM jemanuM gauravapUrNa sthAna che tevA zrImad rAjacaMdrajInA vyaktitva ane kRtitvane eka lekhamAM yogya nyAya ApI zakAya nahIM. tethI A laghu-prastutimAM temanA jIvananI agatyanI tavArikha mAtra mudAomAM ApI che ane temanA katitvanA thoDA aMzo gadyamAM Apela che. jijJAsAvALA abhyAsIoe lekhanA aMtamAM Apela 'vizeSa vAMcana'mAMthI vistRta mAhitI meLavavA vinaMtI che. zrImanA jIvananI tavArikha: vikrama saMvata 1924 kArtikI pUrNimA, ravivAra rAtre be vAgye vavANiyA (tA. morabI)mAM janma). 1928 hulAmaNuM nAma lakSmInaMdana badalI rAyacaMda rakhAvyuM. 1931 vavANiyA gAme smazAnamAM bAvaLa upara jAtismaraNajJAna. abhyAsanI zarUAta. 1932 paheluM kAvya racyuM, je aprApya rahyuM che. 1934 zALAno abhyAsa choDayo. 1940 caitramAM 'mokSamALA' racI. avadhAnanI zarUAta. morabImAM aSTAvadhAna. 1941 jAmanagaramAM 12 tathA 16 avadhAna, 'hiMdanA tArA'nuM upanAma, boTAdamAM para avadhAna. 1942 bhAdrathI poSa muMbaImAM zatAvadhAna. kIrtinI Toce. 'bhAvanA bodha'nuM sarjana. vairAgyanI apUrvatA. 1943 'sAkSAt sarasvatInuM birUda. 1944 gRhasthAzramamAM praveza. 'mokSamALA'nuM prakAzana. avadhAna Adi paramArthamAM pratibaMdha lAgatA baMdha. prakAza ane divyatAno anubhava thayo. caitra thI jeTha amadAvAda, 1945 kArtikamAM amadAvAda, mAgazaramAM bharUca, pachI morabI, vavANiyA, zrAvaNamAM muMbaI. paryuSaNa pachI zrI revAzaMkara jagajIvana sAthe bhAgIdArImAM vepAra zarU karyo. 1946 zrAvaNathI vavANiyAmAM paryuSaNa. bhAdaravAmAM morabI. zrI saubhAgyabhAI maLyA. Aso vadamAM sAyalA cha divasa. divALImAM khaMbhAta. muni zrI lallujI mahArAja (prabhuzrI), zrI aMbAlAlabhAI Adino samAgama. 1947 zuddha samakita prakAzya. niraMtara Atma dazAno anubhava-lakSa-pratita. jayotiSano paramArtha mATe tyAga. gAMdhIjI zrI mad muMbaImAM maLyA. 1948 muMbaImAM sthiratA. 1949 zrI lallujI muni vagerenuM muMbaImAM cAturmAsa. paryuSaNa vaDodarA. 1950 muMbaImAM pU. zrI lallujI muni arthe AtmAnAM cha padano patra' racyo. mahAtmA gAMdhIjIe pUchAvela 27 praznonA uttaro lakhyA. 1951 sarvasaMgaparityAga-saMkalpa karyo. mAhamAM kaThora paryuSaNa vavANiyAmAM. pachI sAyalA, haDamatiyA, dharmaja, vIrasada, uDela, khaMbhAta, muMbaI. 1952 zrAvaNa vada 1 thI kAviThA. paryuSaNa rALajamAM. pachI vaDavA, khaMbhAta, ANaMda, naDiyAda. Aso vada 1 naDiyAdamAM ' Atmasiddhi' lakhI. apUrva jJAnadazA. 1953 sAyalA tathA IDaranA pahADomAM zrI saubhAgyabhAIne bodha karyo. pariNAme temane Atmadarzanano lAbha. 1954 pU. zrI lallujI munine vaso kSetre Atmadarzana karAvyuM. Page #42 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CONGRATULATIONS TO JAIN CENTER OF AMERICA ON IT'S AUSPICIOUS DAY OF PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV DIPAK PANDYA * RAJESHWARI * SHWETA NIKET SANKET CHANIN NEWS CORP. 1 2 2 EAST 42ND STREET .NEW YORK, NY 10017 212.681.08 33 Success Comes To Those Who Dare and Act. Page #43 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 nAnA nAnA nAnA nAnA yugapradhAna parama tattvajJa zrImad rAjacaMdrajI 2 lekhaka: gurUdeva AtmAnaMdajI 1955 strI-lakSmI Adino tyAga karyo. 1956 taMdurastI bagaDI. 1957 caitra vada 5, maMgaLavAre be vAgye rAjakoTamAM mahAprayANa. zrImadranA kRtitvanA keTalAka agatyanA pAsAo jijJAsune nathI samajAtA ke rasa paDatA. to paNa te eka pUrva ArAdhaka: paramArthasatya che, alaukika che ane uttama mumukSuo temaja zrImanI adhyAtmasAdhanA mAtra A jiMdagI jJAnIjanone parama preraNAdAyI che. vaLI A ucca pUratI maryAdita nathI. teo yuga-yuganI ane adhyAtmakakSAnI sAdhanAnA gahana ciMtana ane anubhUtine janmajanmAMtaranI sAdhanA sAthe laIne AvyA hatA. A zabdo dvArA vyakata karavAnI temanI viziSTa vAta temanA vIsa varSanI uMmara pahelAM lakhAyelA sAhitya kSamatA (vacanAtizaya)no vartamAna AdhyAtmika jagata para parathI ja nahi paraMtu teTalI uMmaramAM teoe dRDha mahAna upakAra che. ApaNI bhavya bhAratabhUmpimAM aneka karelA 'mAtra mokSa-abhilASa'nA saMskAro ane yuvAvayamAM saMto, jJAnIo ane maharSi thayA che; to paNa potAnI ja temaNe prApta karelA temanA jJAnavairAgyano prakAza karatA ucca kakSAnI adhyAtmaciMtavanA ane sAdhanA temanA jIvana-prasaMgomAMthI paNa jANavA maLe che. A (Advanced spiritual contemplation and saMbaMdhamAM mahAtmA gAMdhIjIe doreluM temanuM zabdacitra teno state of Equanimity) najIkanA bhUtakALamAM ane spaSTa khyAla Ape che. adIkSita jIvanamAM siddha karIne, teoe mahAvIra prabhunI zuddhAtmajJAnaprakAza: anekAtAtmaka adhyAtmapradhAna zailInuM ane vedAMtanI sAcI vi. saM. 1947nA prAraMbhamAM teone je zuddhAtma AdhyAtmikatAnA samanvayanuM mUrtimaMta svarUpa ApaNI prakAza pragaTayo, tenA pratApe temanI AgaLanI sAdhanAmAM samakSa rajU karyuM che - je romAMcaka, preraka ane ciMtanIya che. ghaNuM ja aMtaraMga baLa prApta thayuM. ane ekAMta mauna- - teozrInI AtmasAdhanA ane apratima dhyAna-ciMtana-tapa arthe teo muMbaInA potAnA sAhityasAdhanA sAmAnyapaNe saune ochA-vadhatA aMze vyavasAyika kAryanI nivRtti laI vAraMvAra carotaranA upakArI che, paraMtu vizeSapaNe AgaLanI kakSAnA gaMbhIra pradezomAM 10-15-20 divaso sudhI rahevA lAgyA ane sAdhakone upayogI che. gurUgamathI, AtmArthIpaNAnI tyAMnI saraLa-khetIpradhAna-jijJAsu janatAne potAnI bhAvanAthI ane niSpakSatAthI temAM nimajjana karavAthI adhyAtmaprasAdI prasaMgopAtta pIrasatA gayA. temanI parama sadguNasaMpannatA, parama-vairAgya, Atma jJAna, prajJAe jaina, vedAMta, Adi samasta bhAratIya darzanonA AtmasamAdhi Adi aneka ratnonI prApti thaI zake che. hArdane hadayagata karI lIdhuM ane seMkaDo zAstronuM ApaNe sau temAMthI preraNA laIne, ApaNA AtmAnI avalokana karIne 'sAkSAtu-sarasvatI' ane 'ni:saMdeha unnati mATe dRDhasaMkalpI thaIne AgaLa vadhIe, anyane paNa jJAnAvatAra'paNAnI prApti karI. temAM sahAyabhUta thaIe ane mAnavabhavanA jJAnIono sanAtana mArga: caramapurUSArtharUpa mokSanA sukha ane AnaMda pAmIe. zrImanA sAhityamAM Thera Thera 'nigraMtha sanAtana ke zAMti: zAMti: zAMti: jJAnIonA vItarAgadharma'nI vAta Ave che; ane vi. saM. vizeSa vAcana: 1953mAM lakhAyelA 'apUrva avasara'mAM temaNe 1. zrImadUnI jIvanasiddhi : DaoN. sarayubena mahetA, nircathadarzanane anusarIne AtmAnA (ane potAnA) prakAzaka : zreyasa pracAraka sabhA, 32, prinsesa sTrITa, adhyAtmavikAsanuM sUkSma, vaijJAnika, kramabaddha ane muMbaI - 400002. vairAgyapreraka varNana karyuM che. temAM teozrIe potAnA 2. jIvana sAdhanA : mukulabhAI kalArthI, prakAzaka : zrImada jIvananI anubhUtine vaNI laIne ja kahyuM 'darzanamoha rAjacaMdra Azrama, agAsa (gujarAta), 388 130. vyatIta thaI upajayo bodha je' vi. saM. 1953nA samayathI 3. jIvana kaLA : pU. brahmacArIjI, prakAzaka: zrImada temaNe adhyAtmavikAsanI je haraNaphALa bharI te A kALanuM rAjacaMdra Azrama, agAsa (gujarAta), 388 130. eka alaukika ane ati mahAna parAkrama che. AvI 7. Shrimad Rajchandra : A Life By Digesh aMtaraMga zuddhi ane AdhyAtmikatA, sAdhAraNa janatA ke DEL Oxdal 2 Mehta, Publisher : Srimad Rajchandra A Ashram, Agas (Gujarat), 388 130. Cooooooooooooooo CACAOAOOOOO AOAOA nAnA nAnA nAnA nAnA nAnA nAnA nAnA 0 0 0 Page #44 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 8 BEST WISHES TO JAIN CENTER on their OF AMERICA PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV JAYENDRA and DEVILA GANDHI from 87 Sandy Hollow Road * Port Washington, NY 11050 tel: 516.767.9400 fax: 516.769.9494 Page #45 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ mAnava mastiSka kA camatkAra - zatAvadhAna vidyA -zatAvadhAnI pUjya zrI manakamuni jI mahArAja zatAvadhAna vidyA ati prAcIna vidyA hai / zata yAni sau tathA avadhAna yAni sajAgatA ekAgratA / eka sAtha saiMkaDoM vastuoM para manamastiSka kI sajAgatA va ekAgratA hai shtaavdhaan| bhArata meM saiMkar3o varSoM se isa vidyA kA abhyAsa ho rahA hai| AtmajJAnI zrImad rAjacandra jI eka mahAna sAdhaka tathA zatAvadhAnI the| zatAvadhAna koI daivI camatkAra nahIM hai / mana va mastiSka kI kSamatAoM kA vikAsa hI isa vidyA kA rahasya hai / zatAvadhAna meM kisI zabda, rUpa yA sparza ko sunakara, dekhakara yA sparzakara use smRti meM dhAraNa karanA tathA gaNita va jyotiSa ke mAdhyama se jaTila samasyAoM kA samAdhAna karanA, ye do taraha ke mukhya prayoga hote haiN| mAnava mastiSka prakRti kA sabase bar3A varadAna hai| yaha eka supara kampyuTara se bhI atyAdhika zaktizAlI hai / kampyuTara banAyA to mAnava mastiSka ne hI hai / vastu se vastu ko banAne vAlA adhika zaktizAlI hogA hI / zarIra vijJAna ke anusAra choTe se mAnava mastiSka meM araboM selsa haiN| itane sUkSma aura nAjuka sela, kitanI tivra gati se itane laMbe samaya taka satata kArya karate haiN| duniyAM kA sabase bar3A Azcarya hai mAnava mastiSka / hamAre mastiSka meM jitanI kSamatA hai usakA kitanA pratizata AdamI jIvana meM upayoga karatA hai| Ama AdamI 2 se 7 pratizata hI usa kSamatA kA upayoga kara pAtA hai / mahAna vaijJAnika AiMsTIna kA mastiSka mAtra 9 - 10 pratizata hI vikasita thaa| jaba dasa pratizata vikasita dimAga itanA pratibhAzAlI ho sakatA hai to kalpanA kareM yadi yaha dimAga 20-30-40-50-60 pratizata vikasita ho jAe to vaha kyA - kyA camatkAra kara sakatA hai| Aja vijJAna mastiSka kI kSamatA ko vikasita karane kI khoja meM lagA huA hai| aisI davAiyAM tathA anya sAdhana vijJAna ne khoje haiM jo mastiSka ko eka sImA taka vikasita karane meM sahAyaka hote haiM / lekina inakA pariNAma dIrghakAlIna nahIM hotA hai / ye mastiSka ko uttejita kara kucha samaya taka sakriya banAne taka hI sahayogI hote haiN| bhAratIya RSi-muniyoM ne hajAroM varSa pahale isako vikasita karane kI takanIka khojI, jo atyAdhika prabhAvazAlI hai| unhoMne apane antarjJAna va anubhava se aisI yaugika kriyAeM batAI jo mAnava mastiSka ko sthAyI rUpa se vikasita kara use zaktizAlI banAtI haiM / inake abhyAsa se koI bhI isa zakti ko jagA sakatA hai ekAgratA va smaraNazakti bar3hAne ke sAdhanaH mAnava mastiSka rUpI supara kampyuTara kA hArDaveyara tathA sophTaveyara, donoM hI ThIka hoM tabhI sahI DhaMga se kArya kara pAegA / mastiSka kA hArDaveyara bhautika zarIra se sambandhita hai tathA sophTaveyara sUkSma mana se / abhI mastiSka kA na to hArDaveyara pUrNa svastha hai aura na sophTaveyara samyak rUpa se vikasita / inako svastha va. sakriya rakhane ke lie prAcIna zAstroM meM yaugika kriyAeM, yoga mudrAeM, prANAyAma tathA dhyAna ke kucha prayoga batAeM haiM, jo bahuta prabhAvazAlI haiM / inakA niyamita samucita abhyAsa ho to hamArA mastiSka bhI supara kampyuTara se kaI gunA jyAdA kriyAzIla va zaktizAlI bana sakatA hai| hamAre pAsa samaya bhI hai, sAdhana aura suvidhA bhI hai, mAtra AvazyakatA hai dRr3ha saMkalpa, prabala icchAzakti, samucita mArgadarzana tathA niyamita abhyAsa kii| jisase hama bhI isa prakRti pradatta sarvottama varadAna kA pUrNa upayoga kara sakate haiN| 43BOO HOMO Page #46 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ - AND CONGRATULATIONS BEST WISHES MMMMMMMMMMMM FOR PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV FROM SUSHIL GOYAL NEELIMA GOYAL LIBERTY GEMS 2 WEST 46TH STREET - NEW YORK, NY 10036 TEL. 212.391.5649 FAX. 212.391.4432 To Page #47 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ AHIMSA IS LIFE Gurudev Chitrabhanuji "As we meditate we come to know ourselves. We discover the sacred beauty of life." Ahimsa is not a philosophy. Ahimsa is not a religion. Ahimsa is a feeling of life. Many people say, "Ahimsa means don't hurt anybody. Don't kill." That is one meaning, but it is secondary. The first meaning is: "Don't hurt yourself. When you hurt somebody, you are already violent inside; you lose the feeling of amity. Ahimsa is the road from enmity to amity. From hostility to love! Ahimsa is a subtle thing. It cannot be grasped unless we go deep into ourselves. As we meditate we come to know ourselves. We discover the sacred beauty of life. Unless we have that experience, we may use the word Ahimsa, but it will only be lip service. It will just come from language; it will not emanate from experience. To practice Ahimsa, one has to remove the veil of ignorance about oneself. One has to experience life. Once we have the experience, we make an inner commitment to practice Ahimsa in three areas: With our actions. With our words. With our thoughts. Every night we review our day and ask, "Did I harm myself? Did I have any negative thoughts and feeling toward anybody? Did I criticize anybody? Did I judge anybody?" As we develop the tenderness in ourselves, we see the tenderness in others and become more compassionate toward others. Once we see the sacred beauty of life in ourselves, we see that sacred beauty in others. We do not see that person as a man or woman or a person from a certain sect or religion. All these obstacles evap orate. Unless we see beyond the barriers, there won't be peace in the world. We may talk about peace; but inside we go on creating separation. Some say, "My religion is best; it is the only true religion. And, if you don't start to practice my religion, you will go to hell." Such dogmatism and bigotry is also a form of violence. When we practice Ahimsa, we try to understand what others are saying, what they are conveying, what they are feeling. We listen beyond the words. Once you start practicing, your life becomes an inspiration. Wherever you go your eyes will speak; your feelings will speak; your words will speak; your actions will speak. And people will be changed. Not by your words, but by what they see. When we experience the sacred beauty of life, we experience peace. We inspire peace. Then, there will be peace. There will be peace. Ahimsa and a meditative mind go hand in hand. Meditation is seeing things as they are. And when you see, you feel and you experience. A child is not thinking; it is experiencing. That is why it does not think that you are old or young, beautiful or ugly. It does not discriminate. It sees life. It connects with life. In meditation we get in touch with life: its depth, its joy, its beauty, its ecstasy. This is our source. But when we think, the mind either worries about the future or has regrets about the past. So, the present slips through our fingers. In meditation, we just feel and live. We are in tune with the experience of life. Life is the experience. Life is not permanent. Life is change. Whatever action comes, it comes from our source. That source we experience and expand in meditation. We tune in. We connect to ourselves, our body, our cells, our vibrations. And we progressively evolve in this change. Page #48 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ - With Best Wishes e y TO JAIN CENTER OF AMERICA ON IT'S Pratishtha Mahotsav FROM JAYANT J. KOTHARI ILABEN KOTHARI, Page #49 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ooo 0 0 0 o o o o o o XOXOXO O XOXOXOXO WWWWWWWWU-TOUTES If we look at a ray of the sun, one ray, it is white and bright. But if it enters a prism, it becomes like a rainbow. The ray shows only one color, but now in the prism it appears in seven colors. What happened? It is a connection. The drop of the water is hanging on the leaf. The sun ray touches it and you see the rainbow in the small drop of water. You don't see color in the rain, but there in that small drop it sparkles like a rainbow. The connection makes the change. When we meditate and have pure awareness, we see our own light. We see our own rainbow. As meditators, we let the addiction to control melt away. We do not live in the future nor in the regretful past, but in the pleasant present. Every moment life is pulsating and moving. We connect each day with our source and feel the dawn of life. If Ahimsa and a meditative state go hand in hand, then Ahimsa also opens us to the humanity within us and in others. One evening Tagore was writing at a table near the window in the light of his table lamp. He wrote for an hour and a half and it was getting late; he became tired and turned off the lamp to go to sleep. To his surprise, Tagore saw that the room was flooded with moonlight. The moonlight had been in his room for hours, but he had not noticed. Only when he switched off the table lamp, did he see. And he writes, "My table lamp ego did not allow the God-like moon to flood into my life." As long as we have the small ego lamp, we don't see the flood of cool, natural light; our ego looks only for that which confirms our beliefs and ideas. "Oh, he speaks of something different from my religion, my belief, my ideas, and my dreams... I don't want to hear that." But if you turn off the ego, you realize the very presence of God within you. Once this door opens, you become open. You can listen to others and learn. Everywhere you can see many viewpoints. In the partnership of love and marriage, you don't treat you partner as an object of pleasure. Your partner is a partner sharing love; is a partner sharing feeling; is a partner sharing your divinity. And when you look into his or her eyes, you realize that you don't want to hurt your partner with criticism, finding fault, or blaming the family. You want to understand. When people are not aware of who they are, they go on criticizing, pinching, nagging each other. They do it in the name of perfection, in the name of improvement, in the name of caring, in the name of helping. But violence is present because there is no understanding. No reverence. No love. When we have negativity and hate, do we feel joy? Do we feel love? Do we feel pleasantness? Do our eyes smile? Do our limbs dance? No! Negativity stifles, constricts and confines. In one Indian town, a woman came to see me. She told me that her mother was sick and wanted me to come and bless her. But I saw that this woman was very old, so I asked, "You have a mother?" "Yes," she said. I was curious and asked, "How old are you?" She answered "I am ninety." Ninety? I was surprised. A ninetyyear-old daughter comes to take me to her mother? I asked, "How old is your mother?" "She's one hundred and ten," the woman told me. So, I went there. I saw. The mother's skin was so soft and tender. I touched her and it was like touching the holiest, highest, purest soul. So peaceful! I asked, "What is the secret of your longevity?" And she said, "I love everyone. I don't hate anybody. When anything happens I tell myself it is my karma. Nobody is responsible for my pain. I am responsible for my pain." When we feel the divinity, we can feel the cool, refreshing light of love and joy. We understand our humanity; we understand neighbors, family, people, and the world in which we are living. Love and Blessings, Chitrabhanu 8 000 000 Page #50 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CONGRATULATIONS AND BEST WISHES FOR PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV FROM ANIL & REKHA VIJAYVERGIYA SUBHASH & SUMAN VIJAYVERGIYA GREEN ROCK USA INC. 2 WEST 46TH STREET, NEW YORK, NY 10036 E MAIL- Tel: 212-730-9267 Fax:212-730-9277 2010_03 Page #51 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ aMjanazalAkA-prANa pratiSThA- sthApanA zrI jinezvara deva, teonA mArge cAlanAra niSe gurUo ane teoe pratipAdana karela dharma, - A traNeyanI sAdhanAnI rIto alaga alaga che. A rIto paikI zrI jinezvara bhagavananuM nAma smarA, guA smara, caritronA cavAthI, bhaktithI ane teonI AjJAnA pAlanathI thAya che. jagatanA tamAma dravyo nave tatvo, pAMce parameSTio ane nave pado - A darekamAM ochAmAM ochA cAra nirlepA to avazya utArI zakAya che. koI paNa padArtha ke vastunuM svarUpa jANavA mATe - oLakha mATe - cAra niSA che: 1. nAma 2. sthApanA 3. dravya 4. bhAva uparokata cAra nikSepA paikI jinAlayamAM karAtI prabhunI pratimAnI pratiSThA e sthApanA nikSepA tarIke noLakhAya che. bhAva nikSepa aa ApI hovAthI dareka kSetramAM dareka kArya hovAnuM saMbhavita nathI. bAkI rahelA traNa nikSepAmAM, sthApanA nikSepA e sAdhanAnuM parama AlaMbana hoI sauthI vadhu mahatvanuM aMga banI jAya che. Ama, sthApanAnI bhakti apekSAe pUjakanA adhika Adarane sUcavanArI che. jinAlaya ane jinapratimA eka evuM adbhUta - anupama sthAna che ke jayA jaI trividha tApa ane saMtApane haranArA ane trividha Arogyane karanArA dharmane samyak prakAre zrAvaka ArAdhI zake che. Ama, mUrtinI sthApanA dvArA prabhunA mULa AkArarUpa pratimAnI sevA-bhaktithI samyag darzanAdi guNone DhAMkI rAkhanArA AvaraNone dUra karI zakAya che ane potAnA AtmaguNone pragaTAvI zakAya che. mUrtinI sthApanA e upAsanA mATenuM anupama, alaukika ane ananya AlaMbananuM parama nimitta banI rahe che mATe to jinapUjA jinapratimA saMbaMdhI yathArtha pharamAvyuM che: 'jina-pratimA jina vara sama bhAkhI, sUtra ghaNA che sAkhI.' zrI dina pratimA sAmAna zrI jinarAja tulya che, tenA pramArjana-vilepana vagereno mahimA nIcenA zlokama darzAvyo che: sayaM pamajjaNe punnamaM sahassa ca vilevaNe / sayasahassiyA mAlA, anaMta gIyavAyaha / / artha: zrI jinezvara prabhunA biMbane pramArjana karatAM so gaNu, vilepana karatA hajAra gaNuM, puSpanI mALA caDhAvavAmAM lAkha gaNu ane gIta-mAtra vagADatA anaMta galuM puNya upArjana thAya che. dharmabhAvanAne TakAvI rAkhavA mATe jema jinAlayonI ane pratimA-sthApanAnI atyaMta jarUra che tema lobha ane parigraha saMjJAnA pApa vaDe upArjana karela dravyano sadbaya K49 karavA mATe paNa jinAlayonI khAsa jarUra che. zrI jinapratimAmAM sthApanA nikSepe aritabhAvanI sthApanA karavAnuM 'aMjana-zalAkA-prANa-pratiSThA' e paramocca koTinuM vidhAna che. 'arjuna' eTale cakSumAM ajana ane 'zalAkA' eTale saLI. prAthamika vidhimAM zrI AcArya bhagavaMta saLI vaDe pratimAnA cakSumAM pUrvAcAryokRta vidhi anusAra garbhita maMtroccAra vaDe aMjana' Aje che. A kriyAmAM hAjarI mAtra AcArya bhagavatonI ja hoya che. A kriyAnI phalazrutti svarUpe pratimAmAM prANazakti-tejazaktino saMcAra thAya che. A vidhi bAda pratimA pUjaya bane che. A vidhi madhyarAtri bAda karavAmAM Ave che. tyAra bAda, bIjA divase A prANabharI pratimAnI pratiSThA karavAmA Ave che. aMjana-zalAkA ane pratiSThA A baMne vidhi zAstra suvihita AcArya-sAdhu bhagavatonA samudAya vaDe ja karavAmAM Ave che. A baMne vidhi daramyAna deva-devIone AhvAhana, prabhAvaka maMtro, saMnidhAna mudrAo karavAmAM Ave che. bhAratamAM A alaukika prasaMge zubha muhUrte 'dazAntikA mahotsava'nuM Ayojana karavAmAM Ave che. A dasa divasa daramyAna bRhada zAntisnAtra sahita vividha prakAranA pUjano ane prabhunA pAMce kalyANako vidhisahita ullAsabhera bhAvavibhora banI javAya che. pAzcAtya dezomAM AjIvikA vyavahAra nitya prabhAte pUjAne anukULa nA hoI, aMjanazalAkAvALI pratimAnI prANapratiSTha ke sthApanA thatI nadhI. aMjanazalAkAvALI pratimAnI dararoja pUjA karavI ja joIe. maitrakALa anusAra, A dezamAM tenA badale aMtaraMgabhAva vizuddhi ane paramAtmA pratyeno saMpUrNa samarpaNabhAvanA AlaMbana sArUM aMjanazalAkA rahita pratimAnI 18 abhiSeka vidhi karIne sthApanA karavAmAM Ave che. jinezvara prabhunI pratimAnI pratiSTha ke sthApanA e paramapadano pAyo che, sAdhanA-ArAdhanA-upAsanAnuM vya AlaMbana che, AdhyAtmika pragati mATenuM parama nimitta che. saMsAranA satApamAM Adhi-vyAdhi-upAdhinA trividha tApathI baLyA jhaLyA. AtmAno visAmo che, karma ane mohanA humalAothI ghavAyelA mATe auSadha che, bhAvinuM bhAthuM che, bhavATavImAM bhulA paDelAne divAdAI samAna che ane guNabahumAna, kRtajJatA ane vinaya- A traNa guNanI siddhinuM sopAna che. -zrI jinazAsana deva kI jaya Page #52 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ N090000 3 RET HET DOO With Best Compliments Moshulu Park Radiology, P.C. Nuclear Medical Scans - Ultrasound, M.R.I. Mammography - Diagnostic Radiology Doppler, CAT Scan, Echocardiography 3130 Grand Concourse, Suite 1P Bronx, New York 10458 Phone: (718) 933-6969 Fax: (718) 933-6970 Dear Patient: The Latest Facts On Breast Cancer * 1 IN 11 WOMEN WILL GET IT * WOMEN FACE A 1 IN 5 CHANCE OF HAVING A BREAST LUMP * 1 IN 11 BREAST LUMPS TURN OUT TO BE CANCER * BREAST CANCER IS THE BIGGEST CANCER KILLER OF WOMEN * 1/3 OF BREAST CANCER OCCURS IN WOMEN UNDER 50 well EARLY DETECTION RAISES THE 5 YEAR SURVIVAL TO 96% INSTEAD OF 50% ONCE THE CANCER HAS SPREAD II! We offer Mammography - Modern Low Dose X-Ray and Ultrasound Contact: Dr. Ramesh Sarecha Hours: 5 D/W 9-5 PM By Appointment - Open Saturday Finances. Most Insurance doceplod Special Low Rates for Non-Insured Patients Emergency: Accepted simply on Doctor's request Reports: Same day by Phone if desired Writted Report by mail ASAP Page #53 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Jain Education Jain Center of America Inc. 43 11 Ithaca Street, Elmhurst, NY 11373-3451. Tel: (718) 478-9141 | Fax: 718-478-9144 Email: | Website: Year 2005 Centre for Religious Activities for Jains. Four Storey Building with a Cellar Three Temples, Upashraya & Shrimad Hall Five Halls for various functions Lobbies & Stair walls decorated with Jain Themes 66'-5" Total Height with Kalash Shikhar 26'-9" 16,623 sq. ft. 5000 sq. ft. 500 people Total Construction Area Parking in Rear (1" Floor) Occupancy Two Sets of Stairs & an Elevator WE BELIEVE IN TRUTH & NON-VIOLENCE te51Pe Page #54 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Janshala mbiishala hen Rooms mad Hall Ishala ce olar's Room shraya kar Mantra ndan Room wer Rooms lor Center tRooms Shop : Rooms Parking th Center Gallery Theater ties MAIN ENTRY BUILDING DIRECTORY DINING HALL MEDITATION HALL LIBRARY LECTURE HALL PARKING STAIR S COMPUTER ART GALLERY CENTER MINI THEATRE STAIR A SEATING DRIVE WAY REST ROOMS INFORMATION WALL ASHTAPAD DADAWADI ADINATH TEMPLE MAHAVIR TEMPLE RECEPTION MULTIPURPOSE HALL CELLAR Cellar SHILA DURING CONS-- First Floor Temple Elevation Height. 8' 8" Area 2350 sq. ft. Elevator 2 Set of Stairs Various Utilities Multipurpose hall 1000 sq.ft. 65 people Youth Center Computer Area Art Gallery Mini Theatre Children's Room Height. 8' 2" & 9' Area 2350 sq. ft. Drive-way to 14-car Parking lot Handicap Parking Front & Back entrance Coat & Shoe Rooms Rest Rooms Reception Hall 860 sq.ft Welcome Center Small office, including security and gift shop Shri Bhomiaji Jain Chinh Senior Citizen Center T.V. Screen & Public Address System Information wall Shilalekh Bulletin Boards 10 IZ. Page #55 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Second Floor SHRI NAVKAR MANTRA STAGE AM LOBBY B I bow down to che hone Ibow down to Upadhya SHRI MAHAVIR SWAMI bow down to Sou and Soch Then we owner OOO Detty all the Amorget all that it coor The Notor Honne w forama LECTURE HALL (UPASHRAYA) LOBBY A ELEVATOR LECTURE HALL / UPASHRAYA * Ht. 12'-10" * Area 1850 sq. ft. (169 people) * A folding partition to temple * Wall Niche : Navkar Mantra * Provision for Stage with audio visual facilities MAHAVIR SWAMI TEMPLE * Ht. 14'-8" / Area 870 sq. ft. (52 people) Entrance through two lobbies - 280 sq. ft. each Main Garbha Griha with Ghummat, Kalash & Dhwaja Mahavir Swami main idol with Neminath & Sambhavnath on side A small Chovishi on the wall inside the Gabhara Parshwanath & Shantinath (Gokhalas on sides) Bhamati for Parikrama & Adinath Choumukhi * 10 Dev Devi Gokhalas, various PATS & Art Work Chandan Room / Shower Rooms HEL parasparopAhI jIvAnAm Live and Let Live Da in Chinh BHOMIAJI Parshwanath Nominath Sambhavnath Shantinath Shri Mahavir Swami Temple ta OFFIVE 53 Page #56 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ KALASH ARETAKER'S APARTMENT LIBRARY (GYAN MANDIR) H JCA OFFICE MEDITATION HALL (DHYAN MANDIR) RAJCHANDRA Third Floor SCHOLAR'S ROON Parshwanath ELEVATOR LOBBY B SHRI ADINATHJI Meditation Hall Height. 9'6" area 500 sq. ft. dedicated to Shrimad Rajchandra Facilities for Samayak, Pratikraman, Bhakti & Sadhana Shri Adinath 15429 E M A folding partition to Library Library 430 sq. ft. (Total area 930 sq. feet) J.C.A. Office fully equipped Lobby & Hallway walls contain artwork Scholar's Room for Sadhu, Sadhvi & Scholars. Residential Unit: for Caretaker LOBBY A ADINATH TEMPLE Height 11'-2" / Area 780 sq. ft. (41 people) Main Garbha Griha with 3 Shikhars, Kalash & Dhwaja dedicated to Adinath, Padma Prabhu & Chandra Prabhu One Gokhala has Mahavir Swami & Shantinath idol Parshwanath & Bahubali on sides (Both Standing) 5 Gokhlas, 12 Bhavna and other Art Work Shri Adinath Temple Padmaprabhu Chandraprabhu Bahubali GHANT Jinkushal Suri Page #57 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Fourth Floor REST ROOMS JE KITCHEN LOBBY B ASHTAPAD KHAR ELEVATOR DINING HALL Height 9-5" Area 1200 sq. ft. Accommodation 100 people Bhojan Shala and Ayambil Shala Kitchen & Storage Drinking Water - Fountains Public Facilities A folding partition to Dadawadi DADAWADI * Height on sides: 11'- 1" Skylight Ht. 15'- 7" W. 6' L. 25 * Area 375 Sq. Feet Shri Guru Mandir * Roof Garden & Shikhar ASHTAPAD TIRTH * Ht. - 12.7' W. - 14'.6" D. - 7.5" Area- 105 sq.ft. Shri Chovishi Glass-Panel wall in front. ANAGERSALA Shri Ashtapad Maha Tirth Page #58 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ A DREAM COME TRUE JAI JINENDRA We bow to Lord Mahavir whose idol will be installed during Pratishtha ceremonies right here in this building. This is a dream come true. On behalf of the Jain Community from the Diamond and Color Stone Industry we would like to thank all who have helped - make this dream possible. We thank the Jain Center of America and Jain Community and committees for granting us permission to construct this building. We especially thank the Board of Trustees and Executive Committee for giving us a helping hand all along for the last 5 years. We thank all the Tapasvis for observing Ayambil till upcoming Pratishtha. We thank our religious leaders and scholars for their guidance and advice during the planning and construction stages of the building. We thank the architects, engineers, resident engineers and various consultants with whose help this building was made a reality. We thank all the contractors, sub contractors and all others at the construction site that helped in completing the building. We thank all those in India who have supplied us with all marble work, Idols, & Pratishtha material as well as all our local suppliers for various requirements. We thank all the donors from our Diamond and Color Stone Industry as well as others whose contribution has gone a long way. Our special thanks go to all those who helped in collecting the funds. We thank all those who were kind enough to extend Jain Center of America a loan, thus giving financial support during this critical period of construction. Special thanks go to Commerce Bank and the members who extended the loan. We thank all our construction team members, coordinators and staff members at the site as well as at the office who have continuously helped us for the last 5 years in looking after the construction work. And lastly, we thank all who helped us directly and indirectly for their guidance, suggestions and help. Please forgive us for any shortcomings or misunderstandings on our part during this construction process. MICHHAMI DUKKADAM JAIN COMMUNITY OF DIAMOND & COLORSTONE INDUSTRY Page #59 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ List of Tapasvis During Paryushana Mahaparva 2003 it was decided that we should do daily Ayambil Tapasya till the auspicious day of forthcoming Pratishtha. The following Sadharmik brothers and sisters have come forward to do Ayambil. We wish to thank all the following Tapasvis: Date Last First Middle 1 Shah Ashaben Ashwinbhai 2 Shah Vimlaben Sumtibhai 2 Jhaveri Hinaben Satinbhai 3 Shah Snehaben Atulbhai 4 Shah Kaminiben Kiranbhai 5 Doshi Kanchanben: Ratilal 5 Sanghavi Alpaben Sandipbhai 6 Shah Hinaben Sanjaybhai 7 Tolia Pritiben Jitendrabhai 8 Domadia Poonamben Jayeshbhai 9 Shah Minaben Pareshbhai 9 Vakani Bhavnaben Rameshbhai 10 10 Shah Jyotsnaben Pravinbhai Mogha Sarlaben Nabinchand Vakani Bhaviniben Pravinbhai 11 11 Sheth Kalpaben Vimleshbhai 12 Shah Hemaben Arvindbhai 12 Shah Kiranben Hemendrabhai 12 Mehta Susmitaben 12 Shah Lataben Rameshbhai 13 Shah Nirmalben Mahendrabhai 13 Vadalia Liliben Mansukhbhai 14 Sanghavi Dakshaben Gautambhai 15 Sanghvi Minaben Rasendubhai 15 Gosalia Miraben Kiritbhai Date Last First Middle 16 Shah Pratibhaben: Dineshbhai Shah Nikitaben Narendrabhai Shah Bhartiben Himanshubhai 17 18 18 Mehta Jaynaben Vasantbhai 19 Shah Darshanben Kiranbhai 19 Shah Shilpaben Dilipbhai 20 Vora Anilbhai S. 21 Lakhani Darshanben Rameshbhai 21 Vora Vanlilaben Vinodbhai 22 Doshi Ninaben Mayurbhai Shah Chanchalben Champatlalji 22 25 23 Shah Pushpaben Champalalji 24 Shah Darshanaben Bharatbhai 24 Sanghavi Devyaniben Himanshubhai Doshi Sadgunaben: Prafulbhai Shah Minaben Pareshbhai Doshi Jayshriben Mahendrakumar Doshi Sarojben Sureshbhai 28 Shah 25 26 27 Niranjana 28 Shah Bhanuben 29 Vora Ushaben 30 Shah Mayurika 31 Lakhani Tiluben 31 Shah Shardaben 31 Kothari Ulkaben Dr. Rajnibhai Chandrakantbhai Ajitbhai Rajendrabhai Harshadbhai Hasmukhbhai Abhaybhai Mr. Kanubhai Lakhani and Mr. Naresh S. Shah volunteered to do Ayambil any day if someone from above is unable to do Ayambil. We wish to thank Mr. Suresh Doshi for his coordination efforts. "Do all the good you can, By the all means you can, In all the way you can, In all the places you can, At all the times you can, To all the people you can, as long as ever you can," John Weslev 57 Page #60 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Above $100,000 JAIN CENTER OF AMERICA - NEW YORK ITHACA STREET BUILDING PROJECT Donors List Jhaveri Family Foundation Dr. & Mrs. Mahendra Pandya M/S Medco Plumbing Dr. & Mrs. Praful Shah Shri & Smt. Rajiv Pandya $25,000-$99,999 Shri & Smt. Amar Jyoti Jain Shri & Smt. Amit Sanghavi Dr. & Mrs. Anand Kumar Nahar Shri & Smt. Arun Shah Shri & Smt. Ashit Parikh Shri & Smt. Ashok Sancheti Shri & Smt. Atul Kothari Shri Hemchand Bardia Shri & Smt. Kamal Kothari (Jaipur) Shri Kastoorchand, Phoolkumari, Kirankumari, Ratanchand, Nabinchandra & Pravinchandra Mogha Shri & Smt. Jignesh Shah Shri & Smt. Mehul Shah $10,000 $24,999 Shri & Smt. Abhay Jhaveri Shri & Smt. Anil Dholakia & Family Shri & Smt. Anshul Gandhi Shri & Smt. Arish Kumar Sahani Shri & Smt. Ashish Shah Dr. & Smt. Ashok Surana Shri & Smt. Atul C. Shah Shri & Smt. Bharat Gandhi Shri & Smt. Chandrakumar & Sushila Jhaveri Shri & Smt. Chetan Choksi Shri & Smt. Deepak Sheth Shri & Smt. Devendra Surana Shri & Smt. Dharamchand Hirawat Shri & Smt. Dilip Gandhi Shri & Smt. Dinesh Javeri Shri & Smt. Divyakant Shah Shri & Smt. Harsh Mehta Shri & Smt. Jitendra Surani Shri & Smt. Ketan Doshi Shri & Smt. Kinish Shah Shri & Smt. Sanjay Pandya Ms. Shilpa Pandya Mr. Vivek Pandya Shri & Smt. Robin R. Shah Well wishers Shri & Smt. Mitesh Gandhi Shri & Smt. Nihalchand Kasliwal Shri & Smt. Pranav Shah Shri & Smt. Rajesh Shah Shri & Smt. Samir Mehta Shri & Smt. Sandeep Shah Shri & Smt. Sharadkumar Shah Shri & Smt. Shivendra Mookim Shri & Smt. Sunil Doshi & Nimesh Shah Shri & Smt. Sunil Jain Shri & Smt. Surendra Bhansali Shri & Smt. Vinay Kumar Kothari M/S Prism Diamond Inc. A well wisher Shri & Smt. Rajendra Kankariya Shri & Smt. Ramesh Vora Shri & Smt. Riken Sanghvi Shri & Smt. Sailesh Sanghavi Shri & Smt. Salil Manilal & Family Dr. & Mrs. Samin Sharma Shri & Smt. Sanjay Javeri M/S D. N. Gems Smt. Shashi Kantilal Mehta & Alok Mehta Shri & Smt. Shrenik Doshi Shri & Smt. Sudhir Bothra Shri & Smt. Sunil Daga Shri & Smt. Sunil Jain Shri & Smt. Surendralal Jain Smt. Susmita A. Mehta Shri & Smt. Unit Gandhi Shri & Smt. Vineet & Neelam Mehta Shri & Smt. Vinay Kothari 58 Plasonar use of 3 Page #61 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 7 Shri & Smt. Mitesh Kothari Shri & Smt. Nilesh Sheth Shri & Smt. Pannalal Jain Shri & Smt. Vinit Sethi Shri & Smt. Viren Shah A $5,000 - $9,999 Shri & Smt. Anuj Jain Shri & Smt. Ashok Patel Shri & Smt. Bipin Jhaveri Shri & Smt. Biraj Dugar Shri & Smt. Chintamani Jain Shri & Smt. Chinu Shah Shri & Smt. Chirag Gandhi Shri & Smt. Dhanpat karnawat Shri & Smt. Goldie Shah Shri & Smt. Gyan Jain Shri & Smt. Jinen Jain Shri & Smt. Kirit Shah Shri & Smt. Nilesh Shah Shri & Smt. Nimish Mehta Shri & Smt. Rajshekhar Parikh Shri & Smt. Rajesh Shah Smt. Rashmi Sen Shri & Smt. Padam Kala Shri & Smt. Pankaj Desai Shri & Smt. Pratap S. Jain Shri & Smt. Samudra Singh Kavadia Shri & Smt. Sanjay Mody Shri & Smt. Sarju Shah Shri & Smt. Shrenik Mehta Shri & Smt. Shreyas R. Mehta Shri & Smt. Siraj Shah Shri & Smt. Snehal Kothari Shri & Smt. Snehal Shah Shri & Smt. Vinod Jain (Mumbai) Valani Foundation Shri & Smt. Vijay Tongya Shri & Smt. Vipul Shah Shri & Smt. Yomesh Shah A well wisher IV $1,000 - $4,999 Ms. Aditi Milan Mehta Shri & Smt. Ajay Jain Shri & Smt. Ajay Jain (Metlife) Shri & Smt. Arvind D. Bhandari Shri & Smt. Arvind Modi Dr. & Mrs. Bansi D. Mehta Shri & Smt. Bharat Shah Shri & Smt. Chetan Dhadda Shri & Smt. Dhananjay Sett Shri & Smt. Hemant Jhaveri Shri & Smt. Himanshu Mehta Shri & Smt. Hirachand Kochar Shri & Smt. Hukmi Chand Kankariya Shri & Smt. Kalpendra K. Jain Shri & Smt. Kamlesh Shah Shri & Smt. Kapil Benara Shri & Smt. Kirit Parekh Shri Kunal Milan Mehta Lois Rosenberg Consultant Inc. Shri & Smt. Manish Shah Smt. Nirmal D. Jain Shri & Smt. Paresh Jain Shri & Smt. Parish Mehta Shri & Smt. Pradeep Jain Shri & Smt. Pradeep Lodha Shri & Smt. Prakash Mehta Shri & Smt. Prakash Varaiya Dr. & Mrs. Raj K. Jain Shri & Smt. Rajendra Bafna Shri & Smt. Rajesh Bamb Shri & Smt. Rajkumar Dhadda Shri & Smt. Rajmohan Kothari Shri & Smt. Ramesh C. Jain Shri & Smt. Ramesh Sakaria Shri & Smt. Rohit Golechha Shri & Smt. Sachin Gandhi Shri & Smt. Sanjay Javeri Shri & Smt. Sanjeev Dhandia Shri & Smt. Saurav Shah Shri & Smt. Saurin Mehta Shri & Smt. Subhash Lalwani Shri & Smt. Sunil Karnavat Shri & Smt. Surendra Kankariya INA Shri & Smt. Manoj & Asit Shrimal Shri & Smt. Mayank Shah Shri & Smt. Nainesh Saraiya Page #62 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri & Smt. Naman Shah Shri & Smt. Narendra Karnavat Shri & Smt. Narendra S. Karnavat Shri & Smt. Naresh T. Shah $101-$999 Shri & Smt. Aashish Jhaveri Shri & Smt. Ajay Chordia Shri & Smt. Ajit Kumar N. Shah Shri & Smt. Atul Shah Shri & Smt. Arun Kumar Mody Shri & Smt. Devendra Mehta HSBC Bank, Woodside Br. Shri & Smt. Jayant Shah Shri & Smt. Lalit Kothari Shri & Smt. Linesh S. Shah Shri & Smt. Manish Dhadda Smt. Malti Mehta Shri & Smt. Manish Lodha Shri & Smt. Manoj Kumar Baid Shri & Smt. Naveen Lodha Shri & Smt. Annu Hirawat Shri & Smt. Bachubhai H. Mehta Shri & Smt. Dulichand Baid Shri & Smt. Dhansukh & Ms. Jagruti Shah Shri & Smt. Hukamichand Kankaria Shri & Smt. Jayendra Shah (Mumbai) Shri & Smt. Kamal Surana Shri & Smt. Kamlesh Mehta 2010 03 Smt. Toral Milan Mehta Shri & Smt. Vaibhav Sethi Shri & Smt. Vineet S. Pandya Shri & Smt. Vinit Bora Shri & Smt. Nilesh Shah Shri & Smt. Pravin Mehta Shri & Smt. Rajesh Jamad Shri & Smt. Rajiv Jain Shri & Smt. Ratan Behari Paload Shri & Smt. Ravikant Jargad A well wisher Shri & Smt. Sanjay Baid Smt. Sayar Lunia Shri & Smt. Shobhan Lal Shri & Smt. Sudhir Gangwal Smt. Suman Agrawal Shri & Smt. Sunil Dhandhia Shri & Smt. Surendra Jain A well wisher Following people have helped in collecting the funds Shri Kushal Sancheti Shri & Smt. Natwar Shah Shri & Smt. Pravin Shah Smt. Pravina P. Parikh Shri & Smt. Shekhar Bhansali Shri & Smt. Shreyas Mehta Shri & Smt. Surendra Karnawat Shri & Smt. Urvish Shah Total Donation Amount Received: $ 3,926,685 as of May 31, 2005 Some pledges are open .. 60 Page #63 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 101 102 2010:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0 O loro 0 0 0 0 0 00:00:00 0000 ITHACA STREET BUILDING PROJECT RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURE OOO OOOOO AS OF MAY 31, 2005 Donation Received 3,926,685 Construction Cost 4,292,410 Interest Income 31,441 Architects & Engineers Fee 636,190 Jain Center of America towards furnishings 1,000,000 Marble Cost & Installation 528,573 Loan from Maintenance Fund [to be collected] 1,000,000 Other Capitalized Expenses 127,192 Audio & Video Equipments 98,615 5,958,126 Kitchen Equipments 73,720 YO Furniture & Fixtures 85,085 Security System 43,650 Telephone System 10,710 Computers and Printers 21,985 Total 5,918,130 Pledges to Collect 41,874 Unpaid Cost & Expenses 81,870 Total 6,000,000 Total Project Cost 6,000,000 10:0:000! LJILJILILILILYJILTY Page #64 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CONSTRUCTION HISTORY 43-11 Ithaca Street - Building Project Jain Center of America (JCA) New York was founded in the year 1965. Registered as a non-profit corporation in 1970 in the State of New York, JCA was one of the first organizations established in North America not only to promote Jain principles and practice, but also to provide a place of worship for the Jain community. Before the building was acquired, New York-area Jains would meet at Columbia University and at the Indian Consulate in New York City or at individual residences. On February 10, 1981, JCA purchased a residential building in Elmhurst, New York and was incorporated with the county on December 21, 1981. This residential building was converted into a Jain Center temple by installing an idol of Shri Mahavirswami. Since the modest beginning in 1982, this temple had become a focal point of Jain activities, such as hosting several Jain scholars, Jain Munis, Sadhvijis and celebrating Paryushan Maha Parva, Mahavir Janma Kalyanak, and other important religious ceremonies every year. As the Jain population in the tri-state area grew significantly, the need for a larger temple to accommodate larger groups was strongly felt. An idea to build a new temple was borne following numerous suggestions by the community members based on the following guidelines taken from the 1993 circular: Objectives The Jain Center's goal is to envelope the mind, body and soul of every worshipper that comes through its inviting doors. The following factors were considered: lla * Follow the Jain code of conduct in the design and construction process. * Obtain guidance from various monks, scholars, and religious leaders. * Incorporate Jain temple Vastushastra, Jain architecture and aesthetics. * Center to be Non-Sectarian with all Jain beliefs represented equally. * Reflect and recognize collective efforts instead of individual names. * Consider suggestions from the JCA members. * Adhere to local laws and regulations. * Have facilities for disabled people. * Create a design that combines the best of Eastern traditions with Western technology. * Keep the community informed of the construction progress through newsletters and open houses. -do lik IPPI Page #65 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Conceptualization and Site Selection In the year 2000, the planning process to give shape to a new temple began. The first question was where to build the temple that would fulfill the growing needs of the community. Several factors were considered in the site selection process, namely the need to accommodate large groups, represent various sects, and provide many facilities under one roof. Other factors included: * Current site of temple is an approved Zone area for a place of worship. This facilitated the approval of the plans by the City. * The property was fully paid for. * The temple site is centrally located for easy access by public transportation, * The site is in a safe area due to other religious institutions nearby. * Religious tradition to build a new temple on an existing temple site. Design and Planning BUILDING PLANS Designing a temple blueprint for construction in the middle of a city like New York was an intricate process. A number of constraints, apposing architecture, and religious factors had to be balanced. Some constraints, for example, included having only a limited amount of floor space and having to comply with city and fire department laws that imposed serious restrictions on designing the internal space. Since the floor space was horizontally limited, the natural solution was to create floor space vertically. Vertical design also allowed the construction committee to plan space on the third and fourth floors to accommodate different Jain beliefs. Another important factor in the design process was to provide space for the movement of people to be able to pray according to their religious tradition. Sen Architects firm was appointed for the project. Award of Construction Contracts After the blueprints for the temple were finalized, the next big task was to award the construction contract to a capable firm who could incorporate their construction expertise with religious requirements and work with the other subcontractors. A number of potential contractors were identified. An RFB (Request for Bid) was floated. The RFB incorporated our requirements of qualifications, experience, and cityapproved blueprints they were to comply with. The Bids were reviewed by the construction committee, and after extensive rounds of discussion and comparative evaluation, Magnetic Construction was awarded the contract to be our general contractor, Ark System Electric was to be the Electric contractor, and Medco Plumbing was to be the HVAC contractor. Page #66 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Temple Plans Trivedi Crafts, temple architects from Ahmedabad, India, joined our team as advisors and helped us design the temple architecture to conform to various requirements of the Jain Religion. They also provided all the marble work including beautifully carved columns, Gabharas, Gokhalas, and intricately carved Arches. To further the interests of all Jain beliefs and provide a visual representation, a number of PAT, paintings, sculptures and narratives were planned to be posted throughout the Temple walls and on the walls of lobbies and stairs. Ancillary Facilities With a desire to combine tradition with modern technology, sophisticated audiovisual equipment, a PA system, computers, a telephone system and a modern security system were incorporated to make the temple the best place for community activities. The temple was wired to take advantage of the latest technological advancements. Specific areas have been created for community gatherings, education, library, dining, and the caretaker's residence. A fully equipped kitchen was built to allow catering for large gatherings. Summary Accordingly, in the year 2000, planning to reconstruct the temple began in earnest. The old building was demolished by December 2001 and Bhoomi Poojan was performed on March 30, 2002. Shilaropan was performed on July 12, 2002. The temple building came to a completion in the year 2004. The Pratistha ceremony will be performed between June 10 to 19, 2005. The architectural design and planning of this divine place stays true to the multiple codes and ethics of the Jain Religion and satisfies the needs of the Jain Community for a place of worship in New York City. In this temple, religion and architecture come together to create a space that is sacred in every detail, while adhering to civic regulations. Various aspects of Jain beliefs are displayed through sculpture, artwork, paintings and narratives throughout the building. This will evoke a greater spiritual consciousness and awareness amongst all. This Jain Center aims to absorb the mind, body and soul of every one that comes to its doorstep. * Temporary certificate of occupancy was received on auspicious day of Mahavir Jayanti, April 22nd, 2005 - Chaitra Sudi Teras, Vir Samvat 2531, Vikram Samvat 2061 . Following this, there is a list of some salient features about the project * To be followed by pictorial guide to construction of the building atin g Son & Person Page #67 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SALIENT FEATURES 5 STORY BUILDING (4 plus cellar) 5 YEARS TO COMPLETE (year 2000 to 2004) * 5 MILLION BUILDING COST +1 Million Furnishing * 5 HUNDRED PEOPLE ACCOMMODATION Jan Foota * 5 THOUSAND SQFT. PARKING SPACE * 5 RELIGIOUS PLACES (Panch Tirthi) Mahavir Swami Temple - 2nd Floor Adinath Temple - 3rd Floor Dadawadi / Ashtapad - 4th Floor Upashraya / Navkar Mantra - 2nd Floor Shrimad Hall/ Library - 3rd Floor * 5 TIRTHANKAR IDOLS-on 2nd Floor + Choumukhi * 5 IDOLS ON 3RD FL. (4) Tirthankaras + Bahubali * 5 DEV DEVI GOKHALAS ON EITHER SIDE - 2nd fl 5 GOKHALAS on 3rd Floor Temple .5 GHANT IN TEMPLE AREAS. * 5 RELIGIOUS ARTWORKS: Jain Chinha - Reserved area Navkar - 2nd floor Upashraya Various PATS & Art Work - 2nd & 3rd fl Ashtapad - 4th Floor Jain themes on lobby & stair walls 5 DIFFERENT MATERIALS USED FOR STATUES Makarana White Marble Bhaislana Black Marble Udaipur - Pink Marble Jaisalmer - Yellow Stone Panch Dhatu - Metal * 5 SPECIAL FEATURES An Ashtapad Tirth made from gemstones Panch Dhatu Idol (5 Metals) (350 kg) Choumukhi (Four Statues) (One piece) 2 Standing Idols (51" ht) Black & Pink Navkar made with Inlay Work .5 MEDIUM TO LARGE HALLS: Cellar-Multi-Purpose Hall 1st Floor - Reception Hall 2nd Floor - Lecture Hall 3rd Floor - Meditation Hall / Library 4th Floor - Dining Hall. jom sh 5 MAIN FACILITIES: Various Religious activities Path Shala/Library/Office Bhojan Shala / Ayambil Shala Youth Center/Art Gallery Senior Center *5 MAIN EVENTS: Uthapan - 4/6/01 Bhoomi Poojan-3/30/02 Shila Ropan-7/12/02 Anjan Shalaka - 5/2/04 Pratishtha -- 6/18/05 5 MAJOR CONTRACTORS WORKING General Contractor Electrical Plumbing and HVAC Marble Installation Kitchen and others * 5 MAJOR PROVISIONS Security Audio/Video Computer Telephone Furnishing For Piv65 & fere 5 GROUPS OF PEOPLE HELPING IN CONSTRUCTION Religious Leaders & Scholars Architects, Engineers & Consultants Donors and Well Wishers JCA Community & Committee Members Coordinators & Staff 5 GROUPS OF PEOPLE WHO CONTRIBUTED Jain Center Colorstone Business Community Diamond Business Community General Others * 5 VIEWS Pabasan area is a reserved area - Earth to Sky Vision of Moolnayak is open to infinity-Both Temples Darshan (View) Adinath Choumukh - from Ithaca Street View Small Shikhars from 3rd Flr Temple windows View Main Shikhar - from Dadawadi & Dining Hall * 5 GENERAL POINTS For All Jains Centrally Located Ease of Transportation Parking Facilities Abides Civic Regulations Page #68 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ PICTORIAL GUIDE TO CONSTRUCTION 43 - 11 Ithaca Street, Elmhurst, NY 11373 February 10, 1981 - Purchase This building was purchased on February 10, 1981. Shri Mahavir Swami idol was installed in Spring 1982. July - Dec 2001 - Demolition was completed by Dec 2001/ March 30, 2002 - Bhoomi Poojan - Ground breaking ceremony was performed. Ils April 2002 - Proposed Bldg. Plan -IP Shows a four story building with Shikhar in the center. LLLLLL JAN CENTER July 12, 2002 - Shila Sthapana Shows 9 shilas being laid down at the site under the reserved area. ETYT Pipe will rise from central Shila all the way up to Pabasan on second floor where Mulnayak will be installed. TER Page #69 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ August 27, 2002 - Excavation Shows excavation of the site. To prevent landslides shoring and sheet piling were conducted. October 28, 2002 Foundation AUG 27 2002 Shows concrete foundation in place after footing completed. Note assembly of steel in place. August 27, 2002 - Reserve Area Shows Sacred Reserve area above the Shila. Notice copper pipe extending from the Shila upwards. Also notice surrounding foam work on the sides with the foundation wall. November 25, 2002 Basement Shows the basement of building. Note metal decking above. Also notice solid concrete block wall, sacred area on left without any steel used. Page #70 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ November 25, 2002 - Steel Frame Shows the construction of the steel beams and columns of the building. December 30, 2002 - Mechanical Southeast corner of the basement shows plumbing installation underway. December 30, 2002 - Stairs Facing South shows the installation of steel stairs at the East end of the basement. Also note block walls being built. January 21, 2003 - Reserve Area Pipe Shows the reserve area below the main gabhara. Notice the copper pipe extending from the central Shila stone to the second floor Gabhara. Page #71 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ May 16, 2003 - Front Elevation Shows the South elevation of the building. Note Block walls, framing and stud walls construction underway. Also notice Shikhar frame in place. June 20, 2003 Floor - Fourth Shows the fourth floor of the building. Notice duct work for air-conditioning and heating. Also notice masonry opening (windows). NO PARKING May 16, 2003 Floor Fourth Shows the fourth floor of the building. Note framing prior to sheetrock and door frame installation underway. Also notice electric conduits and drain pipes in place. July 22, 2003 External Brickwork Shows the West elevation of the building. Note brickwork underway. Page #72 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ain November 10, 2003 AC Units - Shows the airconditioning equipment being installed on the roof. Notice steel dunnage in place beneath each AC unit. November 10, 2003 Skylight Skylight is 6 feet wide. and 25 feet long over the Dadawadi area. Specially constructed for Ashtapad. FOTP 70 Pa November 10, 2003 Windows - Shows the North elevation of the building. Note brickwork and windows installed. March 4, 2004 Ceiling On the second floor, note sheetrock installation and taping. Also note ceiling tiles installation with light fixtures. Page #73 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ May 25, 2004 - Elevator Shows the elevator doors installation. July 21, 2004- Second Floor Temple Shows marble columns and Gokhalas on the side wall. May 25, 2004 Floor - First Shows the first floor of the building. Notice the elevator in the back on the right, lighted area in the cove in the ceiling. July 21, 2004 - Second Floor Temple Shows the main Gabhara and small Gokhala on the side. Page #74 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ July 21, 2004 - Third Floor Temple Shows Gokhala for the standing statue. See radiant heat pipe layout. JUL 21 20 July 21, 2004 - Fourth Floor Dadawadi Shows Dadawadi construction and radiant heat pipe layout. See windows on the south wall. July 21, 2004 - Parking Lot Shows the new concrete parking area under the building. Also note new concrete retaining wall being installed at the west side of the building. July 21, 2004 - Shikhar Construction Shows the new Shikhar being installed. IP inedik Page #75 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ July 21, 2004 - Granite Flooring Shows the installation of the dining hall flooring using granite stone. See windows on the north wall. September 7, 2004 - Kitchen Shows kitchen area on fourth floor. Note preparation table, cooking ranges, refrigerators and sinks in place. September 7, 2004 - Driveway On the east side of the building shows new concrete curb and driveway as well as retaining wall and new fence. September 7, 2004 - Ceiling Shows second floor ceiling wood work. Notice recessed lights in the ceiling. Page #76 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ September 7, 2004 - Shrimad Hall On third floor notice marble work - niche and arch where Shrimad painting will be installed on the wall. SEPT 2004 September 7, 2004 - Shikhar Shows Shikhar construction with stucco and cast stone. All three shikhars are visible. SUR72004 October 25, 2004 - Kalash Installation ID CHIL After due religious ceremonies, Kalash was brought at the site in a procession and was installed on Ghummat in presence of community members. JT 2004 March 1, 2005 - Library Shows the library with furniture. This area was used as construction office. Notice security system monitor. Page #77 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ March 1, 2005 Partition Shows the folding partition on the second. floor between temple and Upashraya. March 1, 2005 Canopy - Main Door Shows the main entrance gate from Ithaca Street with canopy that welcomes all into the temple. 75 March 1, 2005 Facing Ithaca Street shows the South elevation of the building. Notice Jharokha's with marble screen and two windows on right & left with marble screen. 43-11 Jharokha - MAR 2005 March 1, 2005 Sidewalk & Fence Front View of the building. Notice black wrought iron fencing separating the building from sidewalk. -- M Page #78 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ March 1, 2005 - Parking Lot Screen Shows marble screen work as well as the Main gate in the driveway. South Elevation March 1, 2005 - 876rs MAR 1 2005 Bhomiaji Shows the Gokhala where the Bhomiaji statue will be placed on the first floor. Notice the marble screen work in the window behind. the Gokhala. Front View of the Building Page #79 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 24 dias All ! Important Dates and Events (Followed by Pictorial guide) February 10, 1981 43-11 Ithaca Street, Elmhurst, NY property purchased. December 21, 1981 | Incorporated with Queens County as a religious organization. Shri Mahavir Swami Mulnayak Idol installed in the building. This idol was Spring 1982 received in Nov 1974 from Palitana, India. 1982-2000 Various Religious activities took place at this building. Summer 1993 Proposal for new temple was put forth. Decided to construct a new building. Planning and permission process started. January 2000 5 million dollar project to be completed in 5 years. November 2000 City Permission Granted. Uthapan Ceremony of Mulnayak Idol from Ithaca Street Temple. April 6, 2001 Mini Pratishtha of Mulnayak Idol at Kishor Mehta's Residence. June 19, 2001 New building purchased - 45-22 74th Street, Elmhurst, NY 11373. | Uthapan Ceremony of Mulnayak Idol from Kishor Mehta's Residence. July 21, 2001 18 Abhishek of Mulnayak and other idols at 74th Street Temple. July 22, 2001 Mini Pratishtha of Mulnayak Idol at 74th Street Temple. July-December 2001 Demolition of Old Temple Building. Bhoomi Poojan Ceremony - A ceremony to purify the land and clean any evil March 30, 2002 energy, while awakening the right forces to help the course of the project. Shilaropan/Shila Sthapana - This ceremony was performed in the presence of July 12, 2002 Shri Chitrabhanuji and Shri Samaniji. Construction Commences. First Concrete poured to form the foundation. August 2003 Daily Ayambil Tapashya started Panch Kalyanak (Pran Pratishtha) performed in Agra, India by Digambar February 9-12, 2004 Vidhi by Shri Gyan Sagarji. 1) Shri Adinath 2) Shri Padma Prabhu 3) Shri Chandra Prabhu 4) Shri Parshwanath 5) Shri Bahubali Uthapan Ceremony of Mulnayak from 74th Street Temple for Lap-Oap to February 15, 2004 Ahmedabad, India. Anjanshalaka (Pran Pratishtha) performed in Surat, India by Shwetambar May 2, 2004 Vidhi by Acharya Shri Rajyash Suriswarji. 1) Shri Mahavir Swami 2) Shri Neminath 3) Shri Sambhavnath Kalash Abhishek Ceremony, Pooja of all three Kalash for exterior Shikhars September 19, 2004 was performed at Hindu Temple. October 22, 2004 Kalash Installed on all 3 exterior Shikhars. Key Handover Ceremony - On behalf of Jain Community of Diamond and November 28, 2004 Colorstone Industry, keys were handed over to the Chairman, J.C.A. April 22, 2005 Temporary Certificate of Occupancy received - Mahavir Jayanti Day. Chaitra Sudi Teras, Vir Samvat 2531 - Vikram Samvat 2061 Opening Ceremony May 1, 2005 1) Building 2) Upashraya 3) Library 4) Bhojanshala 5) Art Gallery May 1, 2005 Dhwaja Dand, Ghant and Kalash Abhishek May 15, 2005 All Pratimas Nagar Pravesh ceremony / Shwetambar Tradition, Dadawadi May 23, 2005 All Pratimas Nagar Pravesh ceremony / Digambar Tradition June 10-19, 2005 Various Pratishtha Ceremonies. Page #80 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Important Dates & Events Pictorial Guide February 10, 1981 43-11 Ithaca Street, Elmhurst, NY Property purchased. Spring 1982 Shri Mahavir Swami Mulnayak Idol installed in the building. 1982-2000 Various Religious activities took place at this building. ZEE Page #81 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Summer 1993 Proposal for new temple was put forth. Copied from the circular. 1. TRADITIONAL SHIKHARBANDHI TEMPLE FOR SWETAMBER AND DIGAMBER 2. STHANAKVASI UPASHRAYA 3. SHRIMAD RAJCHANDRA STHANAK AND SADHANA KENDRA 4. COMMUNITY HALL WITH ALL MODERN FACILITIES 5. DINNING HALL WITH FULLY EQUIPPED KITICHEN 6. PATHASALA, LIBRARY AND MUSEUM 7. ADEQUATE PARKING FACILITIES January 2000 Block Model. Decided to construct a new building. Planning and permission process started. A 5 million dollar project to be completed in 5 years. November 2000 40110922X QUEENS DEPARTMENT BOROUGH NOS TIED INSPECTORS OFFICIAL COPY SAC R ANS APROVEO WA SIDONTOL THEN MUSTRIA MANENTLY ON . PER UNAWONE 1 PREVENTION ONLY. AS PER DER NO. 2 OF 1575 EXAMINED FOR ZOTING EGRESS AND FIRE PROPERTY LINE Drawings Approved. City Permission Granted. EXAMINER KATK WONG 16 2000 TO TOP OF FFTH FLOOR ROOF DECK BUILDING HT.6 50 FT THACA STREET CILV ZIE Page #82 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ April 6, 2001 Uthapan Ceremony of Mulnayak Idol from Ithaca Street Temple. April 6, 2001 - Mini Pratishtha of Mulnayak Idol at Kishorbhai Mehta's Residence. July 21, 2001 Uthapan Ceremony of Mulnayak Idol from Shri. Kishorbhai Mehta's Residence to 74th Street Temple. July 21, 2001 & July 22, 2001 Eighteen Abhishek of Mulnayak and other idols at new temple 45-22 74th Street, Elmhurst, NY 11373. Mini Pratishtha of Mulnayak Idol at 74th Street Temple. Page #83 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ March 30, 2002 - Bhoomi Poojan Ceremony A ceremony to purify the land and clean any evil energy, while awakening the right forces to help the course of the project. July 12, 2002 Shilaropan/Shila Sthapana - A ceremony performed by excavating deep into the ground so as to lay the foundation stone. Specially prepared stones (shilas) were laid precisely beneath the Mulnayak's Pratima. A total of 9 stones (1-center, 8-side) were laid. This ceremony was performed in the presence of Shri Chitrabhanuji and Shri Samaniji. See Pictorial Guide to Construction July 12, 2002 Construction Commences. First Concrete poured to form the foundation of the building. RP S IUS Page #84 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ February 9-12, 2004 Panch Kalyanak (Pran Pratishtha) performed in Agra, India by Digambar Vidhi by Shri Gyansagarji. 1) Shri Adinath 2) Shri Padma Prabhu 3) Shri Chandra Prabhu 4) Shri Parshwanath 5) Shri Bahubali February 15, 2004 BOA Uthapan Ceremony of Mulnayak from 74th Street Temple for Lap-Oap to Ahmedabad, India. May 2, 2004 Anjanshalaka (Pran Pratishtha) performed in Surat, India by Shwetambar Vidhi by Acharya Shri Rajyash Suriswarji.1) Shri Mahavir Swami 2) Shri Neminath 3) Shri Sambhavnath emaln y L2= Page #85 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ September 19, 2004 Kalash Abhishek Ceremony - Pooja of all three Kalash for exterior Shikhars was performed at Hindu Temple. October 22, 2004 Kalash Installed on all 3 exterior Shikhars. De 25 2004 November 28, 2004 Key Handover Ceremony - On behalf of Jain Community of Diamond and Colorstone Industry, keys were handed over to Dr. Dilip Mukhtyar, Chairman, Jain Center of America. Page #86 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ April 22, 2005 Page 1 of 2 BUILDINGS Certificate of Occupancy CO Number: 401109224T001 This certifies that the premises described herein conformis substantially to the approved plans and specifications and to the requirements of all applicable laws, rules and regulations for the uses and occupancies specified. No change of use or occupancy Shall be made unless a new Certificate of Occupancy is issued. This document or a copy shall be available for inspection at the building at ad n able times Block Number: Lot Numbero) 01670 58 Borough: Queens Address: 43.11 ITHACA STREET Building Identification Number(BIN) Special District: None Certificate Type: Temporary Effective Date 04/22/2005 Expiration Date: 06/21/2005 Temporary Certificate of Occupancy received - Mahavir Jayanti Day. Chaitra Sudi Teras, Vir Samvat 2531 - Vikram Samvat 2061 4039315 Building Type: New This Certificate supercedes CO Numbers: None Farzoning lot metes & bounds, please see BISWeb. B. Construction classification NON-COM: 1-D Building Occupancy Group classification: F-18 Multiple Dwelling Law Classification: None Fira detection and extinguishing systems: None associated with this fling Number of stories: Height in feat: Number of dwelling units: 0 Opening Ceremony 1) Building 2) Upashraya 3) Library 4) Bhojanshala 5) Art Gallery May 1, 2005 1) Dhwaja Dand Abhishek 2) Ghant Abhishek 3) Kalash Abhishek All Pratimas (Idols) Nagar Pravesh ceremony. May 15, 2005 1) Shwetambar Tradition 2) Dadawadi Vir Samvat 2531 May 23, 2005 All Pratimas (Idols) Nagar 1) Digambar Tradition Pravesh ceremony. June 10-19, 2005 - Various Pratishtha Ceremonies : PRATISHTHA : ADINATH TEMPLE (Digambar Tradition) WEDNESDAY JUNE 15, 2005 JYESTH SUD 8 DHYAN MANDIR- MEDITATION HALL (Shrimad Rajchandra Tradition) FRIDAY JUNE 17, 2005 JYESTH SUD 10 MAHAVIRSWAMI TEMPLE (Swetambar Tradition) SATURDAY JUNE 18, 2005 JYESTH SUD 11 DADAWADI SATURDAY JUNE 18, 2005 JYESTH SUD 11 : PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV: FRIDAY - JUNE 10, 2005 TO SUNDAY - JUNE 19, 2005 Page #87 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ -15 % IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT IDOLS SHRIMAD CHITRAPAT - ASHTAPAD PAT - ART WORK - JAIN THEMES Name Lanchhan Mark Floor Placement Height Material Place of Making Significance Mahavir Swami (Mulnayak) The Lion Second Floor Temple Main Gabhara - center 21 " White marble Original Idol from our Temple 24th Tirthankar - Last Tirthankar of present Chovishi Parikar Anjanshalaka performed at Surat, India on May 2, 2004. Special Notes Name Lanchhan Mark Floor Placement Height Material Place of Making Significance Special Notes | Neminath The Conch Shell Second Floor Temple Right of Mulnayak | 25" White marble Jaipur, India 22nd Tirthankar Bha Mandal. Anjanshalaka performed at Surat, India on May 2, 2004 Is All Name Lanchhan Mark Floor Placement Height Material Place of Making Significance Special Notes Sambhavnath The Horse Second Floor Temple Left of Mulnayak 25 " White marble Jaipur, India 3rd Tirthankar Bha Mandal Anjanshalaka performed at Surat, India on May 2, 2004 This was selected astrologically to: Name: Jain Center & Place: New York City Page #88 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ALLARE Name Lanchhan Mark Floor Placement Height Material Place of Making Significance Special Notes Name Lanchhan Mark Floor Placement Height Material Place of Making Significance Special Notes Name Lanchhan Mark Floor Placement Height Material Place of Making Significance Special Notes Parshwanath The Snake Second Floor Temple Back Gabhara, Right of Mulnayak 31" Bhaislana Black Marble Jaipur, India 23rd Tirthankar Ht: 36" with fana. Idol design is similar to Uvsaggharam Tirth. Shantinath The Deer Second Floor Temple Back Gabhara, Left of Mulnayak 31 " Panch Dhatu (Metal) Indore, India 16th Tirthankar Bha Mandal Casting was done under guidance of Acharya Shri Hem Ratna Suriji. Total wt: 750 kg; Statue wt: 350 kg. Bha Mandal wt: 150 kg; base wt: 250 Kg. Adinath Chomukhi The Bull Second Floor Temple Bhamati Area pedestal with a tree on the top Total 6'-9" - statue Ht: 15" Yellow Jaisalmer stone Ahmedabad, India 1st Tirthankar of present Chovishi Four Pratimas, one in each of the four 86erspe sitting on lotus flower on directions Carved from one piece of stone. Can view from Ithaca Street Page #89 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ DEV DEVI GOKHALAS On second floor temple east & west walls has 10 Dev Devi idols. All are made out of white marble at Ahmedabad. 18 Abhishek were done at Surat on 2nd May 2005. Further details on each idol are as follows: SARASWATI DEVI LAXMI DEVI PADMAVATI DEVI GAUTAM SWAMI 32 Shri Mahavir Swami Temple CHAKRESH GOUNUKHI YAKSH GHANTAKARNA MAHAVIR NAKODA BHAIRAV MANIBHADRA VEER SIHANDHAR SWA Name Floor Placement Height Material Place of Making Significance Special Notes Bhomiyaji First Floor Gokhala at rear entry vestibule 17" White Marble Ahmedabad, India Caretaker of the temple He is the natural positive energy at the mountain Sametshikhar. Also Two Elephant and Dwarpal artistically carved on marble panel will welcome all S RL bna 287 12 PELE Page #90 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 1) Gautam Swami - Ht: 17" Disciple of Mahavir Swami Adi Guru Gautam - beginning of Gandharvad. He went on Ashtapad in search for salvation. He gained Keval Gyan (Absolute enlightenment) following Nirvana of Mahavir Swami on the auspicious day of Diwali. 3) Padmavati Devi - Ht: 17" She is the Yakshini- divine guardian of Parshwanath. She protects her worshippers. She is the most popular deity among all Jains. 5) Laxmi Devi - Ht: 17" She is the Goddess of wealth. In Kalpasutra, she is a subject of fourth dream of Mata Trishala Devi. She is worshipped particularly at Diwali. 7) Saraswati Devi - Ht: 17" She is the Goddess of knowledge and learning and a symbol of Agamas. She is worshipped on the day of Shruta Panchami. MIT & 88 SEGMEVE Page #91 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 9) Chakreshwari Devi - Ht: 13", placed in Bhamati Area. She is a divine guardian of 1" Tirthankar Adinath. She is also known as Shashan Devi. She gives spiritual help to Jain devotees 2) Simandhar Swami - Ht: 17" He is presently alive (Jiwant Kevli) and one of the twenty Tirthankar in Mahavideh Kshetra. 4) Manibhadraveer - Ht: 17" He is a Yaksha. It is an image of a six-armed Yaksha with an elephant as his vehicle, which travels along the spiritual path leading to illumination and thereafter salvation. Savior Dev of Jain devotees. 6) Nakoda Bhairava - Ht: 17" This is the tutelary deity of Bhairava. It is usually found near the entrance of the temple. It is the positive force around the temple. wate89Pe Page #92 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 8) Ghantakarna Mahavir - Ht: 17" He is 13th of 52 Vir (Heros). He is celestial being and protects the faithful Jains. This deity is worshipped for protection and driving away the evil influence created by lower types of negative energy. 10) Goumukhi Yaksha - Ht: 13"- Placed in Bhamati area He is divine guardian to Adinath - 1" Tirthankar. Navkar Mantra will be placed on the East Wall (Navkar Niche) in the Upashraya on the Second Floor. Size will be 4' x 6'. It will be carved in crystal stone with colored gem stone inlay. We are trying to do each line in original color. It is being carved in Jaipur & will be installed in June 2006. Navkar Mantra I bow down to Arihanta Namo Arihantanam Namo Siddhanam I bow down to Siddha Namo Ayariyanam Tbow down to Acharya TY Namo Uvajjhayanam I bow down to Upadhyaya Namo Loe Sawa-sahunam I bow down to Sadhu and Sadhvi MPY Eso Panch Namokaro These five bowings downs Sawa-pavappanasano Destroy all the sins Manglananch Sawesim Amongst all that is auspicious Padhamam Havei Mangalam This Novkor Mantra is the foremost e per V & 90s Page #93 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Name Lanchhan Mark Floor Placement Height Material Place of Making Significance Special Notes Mantra Name Lanchhan Mark Floor Placement Height Material Place of Making Significance Special Notes Mantra Name Lanchhan Mark Floor Placement Height Material Place of Making Significance Special Notes Mantra va918 Adinath (Mulnayak) The Bull Third Floor Temple Gabhara in the Center 31" White Marble Jaipur, India 1st Tirthankar Bha Mandal Pran Pratishtha performed at Agra, India on February 9th, 2004 Om Hrim Sri Adinath Jinendraya Namah Padma Prabhu The Lotus Third Floor Temple Right side of Adinath 25" White Marble Jaipur, India 6th Tirthankar Pran Pratishtha performed at Agra, India on February 9th, 2004 Om Hrim Sri Padhma Prabhu Jinendraya Namah Chandra Prabhu The Moon Third Floor Temple Left side of Adinath 25" White Marble Jaipur, India 8th Tirthankar * Pran Pratishtha performed at Agra, India on February 9th, 2004 Om Hrim Sri Chandra Prabhu Jinendraya Namah Page #94 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ sh||sh|'sh'sh $ Name Lanchhan Mark Floor Placement Height Material Place of Making Significance Special Notes Mantra Name Floor Placement Height Material Place of Making Significance Special Notes Mantra Parshwanath The Snake Third Floor Temple Back Gabhara, Right side of Adinath 51" Black marble from Bhaislana Jaipur 23rd Tirthankar 892rs Standing Idol Pran Pratishtha performed at Agra, India on February 9, 2004 Bhigna Haran, Upsarga Vijeta, Chintamani Parshwanath Om Hrim Sri Parshwanath Jinendraya Namah Bahubali Third Floor Temple Back Gabhara,Left side of Adinath 51" Pink marble from Udaipur Jaipur Bearer of utmost penance "Akritim Sadhak" * Standing Idol Pran Pratishtha performed at Agra, India on February 9, 2004 Om Hrim Sri Bahubali Swami Namah Page #95 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ OM Mahavir Swami Name Floor Placement Size Shrimad Rajchandra - Chitrapat Third Floor Shrimad Hall - Dhyan - Mandir Special marble structure 60" x 30" Painting AGASH Charan (Paduka) - size 7" Om & Mahavir Swami Idol at the top Material Place of Making Special Notes Mantra Shrimad Rajchandra 2150 ck 2-4344 -253 ninhonan niani osu 6723 qntina paramaguru nigraMtha sarvajJadeva. Sahajatma Swarup Paramguru Atam Bhavana Bhavata Jiv Lahe Kevalgyan Re Paramguru Nirgranth Sarvagnadev Charan 93 Srpen Page #96 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Name Jin Kushal Suri Floor Fourth Floor Placement Dadawadi Height 15 >> Material White Marble Place of Making Jaipur, India Special Notes Charan - size 7" Ashtapad Maha Tirth This will be located on fourth floor in the Dadawadi Area. The mountain will be made of natural Crystal Stone and Idols will be carved out of various Gemstones at Jaipur. This will be installed in place in May 2007. (For further details see other articles in the Souvenir.) Page #97 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SECOND FLOOR - PAT-ART WORK THIRD FLOOR PAT-ART WORK Temple Walls Either Marble or PAT area Painting MARBLE PAT 6 Wox H" 12 Bhawna PAT #2 PAT #3 PAT #4 PAT #10 PAT #11 PAT #12 Delvada Girnar Shatrunjaya Sametshikhar Pava puri Ranakpur 62"x42" 40degx42" 52"x42" 52"x42" 50"x42" 62"x42" 2. Bhamati PAT area Either Marble or Painting SILVER PAT 4 Bhawna A. Maitri A. Pramod B. Karuna C. Madhyasth PAT #5 PAT #9 Champapuri Shankheshwar 68"x 30" 68x30" ARTWORK - PAINTINGS 2. Flat Gokhalas Painting 4 14"x24"x1" 1. Nem Rajul Procession - 100"x40" 2. Panch Kalyanak (5) paintings A. Om B. Rim C. Shrim D. Arhum 3. Temple Main Gokhalas A. Chhyavan B. Janma C. Diksha D. Keval Gyan E. Nirvana 50"x32" 50"x32" 50"x32" 50"x32" 50"x32" Marble 19"x24"x7" A. Nav Devta. B. Panch Parmeshthi C. Panch Meru D. Jeen Vani/ Shruti Skandh E. Kesar/ Gandodhak 27"x42" 3. Shri Mahavir Swami (7) painting 4. Hallway Temple Wall 4 Temple Photographs A. Indra - 5 - Roop B. Bal Kreeda C. Family D. Brahmin Vastra E. Chandkoshiyo Nag F. Chandan Bala G. Tirth Sthapna Samovsaran A. Bawan Gaja B. Mangi Tungi C. Kundal Pur D. Mahavirji N 5. Painting 6 to 8 Lobby-Both walls (Temple wall/ stair wall) 4. Jain Artworks(8) painting Abstract design (Size for 6 pcs.) ( Size for 2 pcs) 28"x28" 28"x28" A. Jamboo Dweep/ Teenlok B. Sansar Chakra C. Shat Leshya D. Sansar Darshan E. Gati 4 5. Vis - Sthanak 52"x42" 6. Siddhi Chakra 52"x 42" NISI Page #98 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ARTWORK - INTERIOR DECORATION - THEMES FLOOR PLACE ART WORK THEMES CELLAR HALL ART GALLERY 1st FLOOR BACK VESTIBULE ELEPHANT & DWARPAL 1. ANEKANTVAD L 2. ACADEMICS JAIN CHINHA 3. COSMOLOGY 2nd FLOOR RESERVED AREA LECTURE HALL UPASHRAYA NAVKAR MANTRA 4. ECOLOGY 5. GEOGRAPHY LOBBY A IL TIRTH DARSHAN PILGRIMAGE 6. HISTORY LOBBY B AHIMSA, JEEVDAYA NON-VOILENCE 7. LITERATURE 8. PHILOSOPHY 3 FLOOR HALLWAY 9. SCIENCE ! LOBBY A 10. OTHERS TEMPLE PHOTOGRAPHS GYAN DARSHAN SHRIMAD RAJCHANDRA JAMBOO DWEEP/TEENLOK SANSAR CHAKRA SHAT LESHYA SANSAR DARSHAN GATI 4 (STAIR WALLS) LOBBY B CHARITRA - TAP 4 FLOOR DINING HALL VEGETARIANISM LOBBY A RESPECT TO SADHU & SADHVI SAKAL SANGH FORGIVENESS Page #99 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Proposed Ashtapad Maha Tirth - Model LA *Our Concept of Ashtapad Model 25 4h Floor - Dadawadi - Dimensions Length Width 14' 9" Height at Centre 15'6" Height on Sides 109" Skylight Width Front Glass Windows Ashtapad Mountain Dimensions Height at Centre 127" Height on Sides 9 Width 14'6" Depth Depth from Glass 7'5" Size of the Steps 5' X 1'8" X 26" 5'1" 25 Level Size D HI 2 9" Gokhala & Statue Dimensions: HW Tirthankars (Idols) 24" 22" 7" 1 to 2 (2) 14" 15 to 24 (10) 18" 15" 5" 7 to 14 (8) | 22" 18" 6" 3 to 6 (4) 5o 10 1-Lowest 2-Lower 3-Middle 4Upper 2) X-Large Small Medium Large hall 12 14 9"-11" 3"-5" 5"-7" 7"-9" 16 8 4 7.5" 4" Story Carvings: 1. Shri Adinath-Birth 4. King Bharat 7. Shri Gautam Swami 2. Varshi Tap Parna 5. Areesha Mahal Story 3. Samovsaran 6. Tapas-Kheer Parna 8. Naagkumar Story all Page #100 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SHRI ASHTAPAD MAHA TIRTH Introduction Shri Ashtapad Maha Tirth (place of worship) is one of the major Jain Tirths and is situated in the tranquil heights of the snow-covered Himalayas. It is 168 miles north of Badrinath and about 5 to 7 miles away from Mansarovar on the way to Mount Kailash. Thousands of years ago, Shri Adinath Bhagwan, first of the 24 Tirthankars, attained salvation at this place. After his salvation, his son King Bharat made a palace (known as "Sinh-Nishadhya") of gemstones with 24 idols of Jain Tirthankars on Ashtapad Mountain in his memory. Ashtapad derived its name from the fact that it has eight steps to go up the mountain (Ashta means eight and pad means steps in Sanskrit). Other names for the Tirth are Ratnamay (made of gemstones) Rajatdri and Sfatikachal (the crystal Palace). Ashtapad design as per scripture wwe ASHTAPAD DARSHAN The following legend is associated with Ashtapad, describing the clairvoyance and absolute knowledge of Tirthankars. "After attaining absolute knowledge, Shri Adinath Bhagwan was delivering sermon while scated in Samovsaran. Out of curiosity, King Bharat asked if anyone out of the audience would become Kevli and be a part of forth-coming Chovishi. Shri Adinath Bhagwan replied affirmatively and clairvoyantly declared that the soul of Marichi, who was present in the audience, will become 24th Tirthankar after many life cycles and will be known as Mahavir." LL Development of the concept The Jain Center of America in New York is constructing a new building for its temple and other religious activities. As a tribute to the 24 Tirthankars and with a view to making a lasting contribution to the society, some of the devotees thought of creating 24 idols (Shri Chovishi) out of the gemstones and to house them in a "Ratna Mandir" around Gabhara wall on 2nd Floor. While details of Ratna Mandir were being worked out, a PAT (a picture engraved or carved) with artwork of Shri Ashtapad Tirth was seen in a temple at Jaipur, India. This provided an inspiration to integrate the Ratna Mandir with Ashtapad Tirth, which is supposed to be made of gemstones. Thus an idea was born to create a model of Shri Ashtapad Mountain along with 24 idols out of gemstones that will fulfill the desire of constructing a Ratna Mandir as well as Shri Chovishi. lla Design Development Once the concept of Ashtapad was confirmed, the next step was to develop an architectural design of the model on the drawing board. This required further research for pertinent information, We received some leads from our religious leaders, scholars & friends including artisans in Jaipur. We collected a number of articles from old Jain Scriptures. This provided us with considerable knowledge and insight into the history of Shri Ashtapad. The next step was to identify & earmark a suitable place to house the whole unit in the upcoming four-storey Jain Center building. In order to imitate the real environment of Ashtapad's location in Himalayas with its exposure to open sky, a decision was made to locate the unit on the -al le Page #101 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 4th floor in the conservatory (Dadawadi). The 4th floor being the top floor has a skylight and front windows giving a semblance of openness to the sky. This was the best location for Ashtapad. Shri Ashtapad Maha Tirth (PAT at Jaipur, India) Now an architectural design was developed to a scale based on the available space. The original Ashtapad is omni-directional (four-sided) but space constraints forced us to make a unidirectional unit viewable only from the front. The height & width of the mountain was determined according to the space available in the conservatory. Based on the religious verse, idol positions were determined for a unidirectional unit in 4 horizontal rows, one above the other. Dimensions of the idols will depend on the available space in each row. The next step was to carve suitable niches in the mountain for each row and position the idols inside the niches. Each niche will have a base, an arch, and a dome that resembles a small Gokhala. In the final unit, the front part of the Gokhalas will be sculpted in the mountain itself. Baba Lalalala ADDBOOK vat?? Per PEAL SAMALL COMPLETE MOUNTAIN SECTION Model Making A series of progressive prototypes were developed to experiment with various materials, layouts, designs and dimensions. These prototypes also helped in visualizing the ultimate design of the model of Shri Ashtapad. The first two original prototypes were flat, made out of serpentine stone. In the initial models, idols were installed in the individual Gokhalas, carved in the mountain. Initially, stories were carved as two-dimensional units at the base in front of the mountain in first two prototypes. As the concept matured, eight of these carvings depicting various stories were carved into three-dimensional units, which will be located in front of the mountain. Page #102 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ WRWRWRWAWE 646 Model In Making Mountain The mountain is the main body and is made of crystal quartz. Various pieces were assembled to provide a sloping pattern on the front & sides in order to replicate the effect of a real mountain. Eight steps are constructed in the center leading to the first row of the Gokhala. Just above the topmost step, 24 Gokhalas are sculpted out of the mountain itself wherein the idols will be housed. This model is built to 1/5th scale compared to the final unit. The final model will also be adorned with a Kalash and a flag on the mountain-top. The wall at the back will be suitably decorated to depict the open sky. It is intended to create an effect of snow-capped mountains by appropriate measures. The weight of the mountain will be 10 tons. Gokhalas There are 24 Gokhalas of varying sizes carved into the mountain. Two are extra large, four are large, eight are medium and ten are small. Two front pillars of each gokhala have carved images of devotees (chamardharis or whisk carriers) praying to the God. The domes and arches are also carved with decorative art work. Idols (Figurines) 24 Figurines have been carved to represent the 24 Tirthankars. Each figurine has its own symbol carved at the base that identifies the idol to a viewer. In addition, the idol's name will appear at the base along with the gemstone name. The final model will consist of 24 idols made from different color gemstones. Due to limitations of the available gemstones, the color will not conform to the original color associated with each Tirthankar. Idols are arranged according to the religious rules. Dimensions and positions vary according to the space available within the arrangement. Smokey Quartz Malachite &1000 Page #103 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Adinath Bhagwan During the third Aara (Era) of "Avsarpini kaal", King Nabhiraj and Queen Marudevi ruled over the land of Bharat-kshetra. When the Soul of Bhagwan Rishabhdev took its place in the womb of Mata Marudevi, she had a vision of 14 auspicious dreams in sequence. The Queen gave birth on the eighth day of second half of the month of Chaitra. The first Tirthankar was endowed with the three-fold knowledge of Mati, Shruti and Avadhigyan. On the twelfth day Indra named Bhagwan as Rishabhdev based on the first vision of a Vrishabh (Oxon) in the Queen's dream. When prince attained adulthood, he was married to Sumangala and Sunanda. Sumangala gave birth to Bharat and Brahmi. Sunanda also gave birth to Bahubali and Sundari. After Nabhiraj. Rishabh came to throne and became King. He ruled well and taught Yugliks (Couple) - Ashi, Mashi and Krushi - various arts & Crafts, languages, commerce, agriculture and relationships and established a good society. As life went by, he decided to renounce the world. He plucked all his hairs and bowed down to the liberated Souls. Janma Kalyanak Parna Varshi Tap Parna While fasting continuously for over a year, Rishabhdev reached the city of Hastinapur. King Shreyanskumar, grandson of Bahubali, bowed down and offered him fresh sugarcane juice. This is how Rishabhdev ended his year-long fast. The entire universe resounded with the words Aho Daanam meaning best donation. Since then the tradition of Varshi-Tap Parna has been followed. Kevalgyan & Nirvana A considerable amount of his time was spent in the highest kind of meditation. Sitting under a Ryan tree in deep meditation he attained Kevalgyan absolute knowledge). Indra & other Gods thronged there to celebrate the fourth Kalyanak (Kevalgyan). They constructed a divine Assembly Hall known as Samovsarana for Adinath Bhagwan's first sermon. When he learnt that his life was to come to an end, he went atop Mount Ashtapad along with 10000 Jain Munis for santhara (fasting unto death). After six days of fasting, Bhagwan attained Nirvana (Salvation). Samovsaran Shri Adinath Bhagwan Page #104 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Bharat Chakravarti Bharat was the eldest son of Adinath Bhagwan. He was obsessed to be a Chakravarti. He demanded his brothers to yield to his power. This was followed by famous Bharat/Bahubali fight. Bahubali was very much disturbed to learn that Bharat has tried to use the ChakraRatna. He raised his strong arms to punish Bharat but then he realized that he was the son of Adinath Bhagwan and should observe non-violence and renounce this materialistic world like his father. Without lowering his arms, he plucked his hairs and became a monk. Subsequently Bharat became Chakravarti. Upon hearing of Nirvana of Adinath Bhagwan, Bharat went to Ashtapad Mountain to pay his homage. Overwhelmed by grief, he lit the funeral pyre. After cremation, he decided to construct a Ratnamay Palace in the memory of Adinath Bhagwan on Ashtapad Mountain where he installed statues of 24 Tirthankaras as per description given by Shri Adinath Bhagwan during a sermon. Bharat Chakravarti Areesha Mahal Areesha Mahal Once, King Bharat, looking in the mirror in Glass) adored himself and the jewels that adorned him from head to toe. Suddenly, it struck him that his handsome looks were only skin-deep and illusionary. True beauty, he realized, did not lie in material possessions, came from within. Thus the King was able to break away from the bonds of Karma and attained Kevalgyan immediately. King Bharat was the last in his family to attain Moksha. Gautam Swami Indrabhuti of Gautam Gotra, was well versed with Vedic knowledge, became a disciple of Mahavir and along with his 500 followers established Chaturvidh Sangh. Shri Gautam Swami became head of all monks and nuns as first Ganadhar at the age of 50. When Gautam Swami learned about Bhagwan Mahavir's Nirvana, he broke down with grief. He went on lamenting when all of a sudden he realized the folly & futility of it and at that moment he attained absolute knowledge. Shri Gautam Swami Tapas-Kheer Parna 20 A 102 Page #105 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Tapas Story - Kheer Parna Once Bhagwan Mahavir said in his sermon, "Anyone who will scale Mount Ashtapad and offer prayers to all the 24 Tirthankars will get salvation". When Gautam Swami learned this, he decided to go to Ashtapad. At this time 3 Tapas, each having 500 disciples, were trying to scale Mount Ashtapad. With the help of spiritual power (Labdhi) - holding the sunrays as rope - Gautam swami scaled the Ashtapad Mountain. Next day morning when he came down, all 1503 Tapas, impressed by his achievement became Mahavir's disciples. All the Tapas were fasting for 3 days so Gautam Swami arranged for Kheer Parna. As the quantity of Kheer was not enough, he put his thumb in the vessel so that everyone could do Kheer Parna. Since all Tapas had pure heart & mind, all of them became Kevli. Naag Kumar & Sagar's Sons King Sagar had sixty thousand sons. Impressed with the beauty of Ashtapad Palace these princes wanted to provide protection. The Princes decided to dig a trench around the mountain and fill it with the holy water from the Ganges. This disturbed Naag Kumar Dev so he came out and with his flame he reduced all 60000 princes to the ashes. Naag Kumar & Sagar's Sons Ravan - Mandodari Bhakti Ravan went up the Ashtapad Mountain with his wife Mandodari. Filled with joy she went up the mountain dancing while Ravan played Veena. Accidentally a wire from Veena got loose and broke. Thinking his wife may stop dancing, he pulled out a vein from his arm & replaced the wire. This way he kept playing Veena till they arrived at the top of Ashtapad. They performed pooja and offered prayers to all the idols. This way Ravan attained Tirthankar Gotra & a place in upcoming Chovishi. Page #106 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Exhibit at Mumbai, July 2003 HTRA Exhibit at Surat, April 29 to May 1, 2004 nyUyorka laI javA pUrve sUratamAM lavAyelI ratno jaDita 24 tIrthakaronI pratimAo pratinidhi) sarata,tA. 29 bAda pAMca varSa pahelA mUrti banAvavAno kAla sudhI zaherIjano karI zakaze. tyAra sadIo purANA jaina dharmanI bhAratIya prAraMbha thayo hato. jemAM hemarela, rUbI,, bAda pratimAne sIdhI nyuyorka laI samAjamAM eka viziSTa pratibhA upasI TopAjha, marakasa, emaesasIsa vagere javAmAM aAvaze. che. bhagavAna mahAvIranA siddhAMtone sAcA ratnono upayoga karavAmAM AvyosAmAnya rIte bhagavAnanI pratimAo saMpUrNa varelA jaina samAja atyAdhunika paththaramAMthI 3 ArasamAMthI banAvavAmAM vijJAna so paNa kadama mIlAvIne dharmano krisTala brAjhilathI AvatI hoya che paraMtu sAcA ratnomAMthI pracAra kare che. jenA bhAgarUpe ja 24 magAvAyA bAda pAMca rSa ekI sAthe 40 jeTalI pratimAo/ tIrthakaranI sAcA bahumUlya ratnomAMthI. banAvavAnuM bhagIratha kArya jaina senTara opha) banAvavAmAM AvelI jeTalI amUlya pUrve mUrtio banAvavAno. amerikA dvArA pAra pADavAmAM AvyuM che.. pratimAo nyuyorkanA maMdiramAM laI prAraMbha thayo hato hAlamAM nyuyorka khAte banI rahelA jaina javAya e pahelA surata zaheramAM darzana maMdiramAM A pratimAo prasthApita mATe lAvavAmAM AvI hatI. A che. bhArata bharama saMbhavata sAcA karavAmAM aAvaze. mUrtinI laMbAI A duniyAbharamAM kalAtmaka mUtio ratnomAMthI aAvI amUlya mUrti bhAgye ja lagabhaga 7 thI 8 IcanI che.. banAvavA mATe prakhyAta sthaLa jayapura jovA maLI zake. koIpakSa uMmata aMdAjhI AvatI kAla sI aThavAlAInsa khAte khAte sAcA ratnomAMthI banAvavAmAM na zakAya evI 24 tIrthakara bhagavAnanI sthita jaina maMdira sAme plejhanTa plAjhA aAvelI 40 jeTalI kRtinI vigato alaga- alaga pratimAo nyuyorka khAte bilIganI bAjumAM AvelA na upAzraya mujaba mati banAvavA mATe mukhya hisso jaina senTara opha amerikA dvArA nirmita khAte amUlya pratimAonA darzana karI sTala bAjhIlathI maMgAvavAmAM AvyA karavAmAM AvI che. jenA darzana ApatI zakAze. :/SE Page #107 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Exhibit at Palitana, January 4-5, 2005 Exhibit at Ahmedabad, January 7-9, 2005 Sun Rays adorned statue everyday at 4:10 pm Long queue of people waiting for 2/3 hours Times of Toda 10th Jan 2005 to Rare miniature on display at Jain temple The News NETWORK Ahmedabad: A miniature model of the largest ever Ashtapad Tirth of its kind, comprising idols of 72 Jain Tirthanas made of precious and semi-precious stones, is on display at the Hutheesing Jain Temple here, this weekend. The original Tirth, which will be set up in New York in 2008, is under construction at Jaipur. About 12.5 feet in height and 14.5 feet in breadth, it is being made of 80 kinds of precious and semi-precious stones. The raw material is mostly being imported and 30 tonnes of crystal has been acquired from Brazil, of which 12 tonnes will be used for the Tirth. The stones being unique and colourful, a miniature model is being displayed at various Jain temples in Palitana, Surat, Ahmedabad and Mumbai. Devotees come for a 'darshan' of a miniature model of the largest-ever Ashtapad Tirth, comprising Idols of 72 Jain Tirthankars, at Hutheesing Jain templo In Ahmedabad on Sunday. P105 Page #108 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Seminar at Ahmedabad, January 8,2005 JAIN CENTER OF AMERICA NEW YORK aSTApada mahAtIrthanuM rahasya ukelavA vyApaka saMzodhananIjarUra | mAnyatA che. amadAvAda, zanivAra che ane zakya che ke aSTApada tIrtha ahIM hoya. ullekhanIya che ke naMdI e tIrthaMkara RSabhadevanuM lAMchana che.potAnI mAnyatA ane zodhane AgaLa calAvatA temaNe 1996 ane 1998mAM pharIthI kailAsanI mulAkAta lIdhI jemAM temaNe bIjA yAtrIothI alaga thaine eka gAiDa lai saMzodhana karyuM. A mATe temaNe lekhita bonDa paNa lakhI Apavo paDyo. zrI AdI tIrthaMkara RSabhadevanA putra cakravartI bharate aSTApada sthApyuM hatuM jainonA trevIsa tIrthaMkaro jyAM nirvANa | pAmyA te parvato giranAra, pAvApurI, sametazikhara ane caMpApurInuM ThekANuM to maLe che ane A tIrtho jainonI yAtrA ane bhaktithI sabhara paNa rahe che. paraMtu sauthI pahelA tIrthaMkara AdinAthajI RSabhadeva nirvANa pAmyA hatA te aSTApada tIrtha kyAM che te Aje paNa eka koyaDo che. prAcIna graMthomAM AdhArabhUta rIte aSTApada tIrthano ullekha che paraMtu A tIrtha kyAM che te spaSTa rIte jANavA maLI zakyuM nathI. amadAvAdamAM Aje A viSaya para vimarza mATe semInAra yojavAmAM Avyo hato. aSTApada tIrtha Adi tIrthaMkara zrI RSabhadevajInA putra cakravartI bharate sthApyuM hatuM.temaNe ahIM ratnajaDita mahela bAMdhyo hato jemAM jaina tIrthaMkaronI 24 mUrtio hatI. Aje yojAyelA parisaMvAdamAM Do. latA botharAe temanA saMzodhananA AdhAre evI mAhitI ApI hatI ke prAcIna sumeru maMdiro ane aSTApada tIrthanA varNana vacce sAmyatA jyAM | jovA maLe che. rAjasthAnanA bhAjapanA jaina saMsadasabhya zrI puSpa jaine kahyuM hatuM ke pote aSTApadanA saMzodhanakAmamAM tamAma madada karavA taiyAra che.bhArata cIna maitrI saMghano upayoga mAtra vyApAra viSayaka vAto mATe nahIM paNa AvI sAMskRtika bAbato mATe paNa graMthomAMthI nIkaLatI kaDI mujaba aSTApada tIrtha hAlanA tibeTanA kailAsa mAnasarovara vistAramAM hovAnuM manAya che. bharata haMsarAja zAha nAmanA bhAie aSTApada tIrtha zodhavA | zAhe A vistAronA thAya che vemaNe AzyolojI vibhAgane saMzodhakonI TIma ravAnA thAya to pote paNa | temAM joDAvAnI temaja cIna sarakAra sAthe vAta karavA mATe seturUpa banavAnI taiyArI batAvI hatI. jaina senTara opha amerikA yojita A parisaMvAdamAM aSTApada tIrtha vize mATe pAchalA varSomAM traNa vakhata kailAsa mAnasarovaranI mulAkAta lIdhI che. Aje parisaMvAdamAM temaNe temanA lIdhelA saMbhavita aSTApada tIrthanA phoTogrApha batAvyA hatA. temanuM kahevuM che ke 1993mAM jyAre teo sau prathama vakhata kailAsa yAtrAe gayA tyAre temane apAyelA sarakArI pustakamAM aSTApadano ullekha hato. temaNe kailAsa yAtrA daramiyAna naMdI parvata joyo ane temane lAgyuM ke A kudaratI nahIM paraMtu mAnavasarjita parvata batAvyA to vibhAga taraphathI ema kahevAmAM AvyuM ke A phoTAmAMnA parvata kudaratI rIte racAyelA che. paraMtu zrI zAhanuM kahevuM che ke je rIte cIlInA pIrAmIDa kudaratI mAnavAmAM AvatA hatA paraMtu mAnavasarjita hovAnuM pachIthI siddha thayuM che tevuMja A kissAmAM banavAjoga che. temanuM kahevuM che ke aSTApadanA sthaLe RSabhadevanA so putro ane dasa hajAra anuyAyIonI hAjarI hatI. A eka virATa tIrtha kSetra hatuM. ahIM baraphamAM hAla 72 jinAlayo daTAyelA paDyA hovAnI eka | vyApaka saMzodhanane protsAhana ApavAnuM, A tIrtha aMge zAstrAdhArita saMzodhanone pustakarUpe prakAzita karavAnuM, me 2006nA akhAtrIjamAM nyUyorkamAM aSTApadajI mahAtIrthanI pratiSThA karavAnuM ane aSTApada tIrtha vize jainomAM jAgRti ANavAnuM nakkI karavAmAM AvyuM hatuM. / | tibeTanA baraphamAM 72 jinAlayo daTAyelA hovAnuM manAya che prAcIna sumeru maMdiro aSTApada tIrthanA varNana sAthe meLa dharAve che 106 Page #109 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ bhane yasamA yari Azel Sanssan Heat arrangali ke us Moul.vo... batAsalA 2017 Remasion: Sodadaune .ganganganance Yatri 2017 igiHIHARIOS 4mittalpn... on 24/1 sapA 2 nArI. sArzanI suminAra hara khoji ratnapasa sAmAnpAyanara paramAtmA puratamAmonA darzanauralA mAmiDa jA rAnI dutha timyAta mAnahanurapyo. ganamA pradhAna janm + mA pratimA uin zro cAra na DarI. ntA manu- ne sabhA nila narolavA. vIrazrIpu-hara-5 Air Mitra In In atara banAnAyaDa, layaramamahAga) mamahAne TANanArI sADI prAmA Inn azoniricand Duon gimomo nAramya .nemA-- LATubd uniindian Tuatnandnwro pAne mAMsadhArasa pAjArI -mityAmA mohArI zAnabhAjI a se 62 para yA samuhAyayo Licuna Milant Mahatta -10.......... L-4 ...... naasaula. Id. -11 21 62.. Eunu Anita Dulaciknittila Ram .... ___Eriya m ai thuan.atnagala.caainiya Hatane..... .......62 sA1 /40 engine.... nanat anylatyA__ 1.2.2012... . ... a sh strayily 1 . hAne sAjanaka paramAnaMha pAjaNyatara viyAya Ahe.... sahayana sane ramaNIya panimA yA jotira bhari tAmA201 / jane svApa ramanA nA mAnAne pAyA - mATomA hivya pratimA 5. / .20. Ericuit 15 Katings ............................ "24 11 sAra mahiyA arj.. 28 5Disa215 mA ATRON" / 2marana 4131200rajI TEENail AGAL Tax aurtoisi 35.11 tara 20031440 5653) punder 15 Quotes from Visitor Book Page #110 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ sAryozanI beca rajavArya dezamA yaja 241 mUrtiyAM preraNA pAthI jayAM ka kaina maimentara yA levasAgara tarI maya khonA darzana durIne humArA tI mAnuM sA mahatsUta nimitta hai t Setting up Ashtapad Mahatirth a in New York is creating. history. It will be Spiritual bridge between India & USA / East & West which will globalise the jinnani (jinavANI) kAmevA to dhanAdeza deza hai| jApA DimatI prastithI manane House of 52 W/or ca mahAlakSmA pratibhA Bezgirt Size in cel yasamA prasTa kRpAnI saMbhA nA harzana huIko hyae isiyuganA paMthamakhArA paNa heyonI zAhina khasauDiDa rajazya sahAyatA lar3alone bhayeche khame yAcI suhana mayanaramya khahasUla mUrti rakhA lavanI rezamI dhAyalA rUpane zAMtilo khanulavartho kyAM para yA mUrtinI sthApanA yahAM parakhara khe bhUmi, zahara, gAma anaMtA puNyanA pratyAce khAvI sAAta mUrtimA darzana irAne polanA tebhava khamArA kedA sarva chono AtmArAma dhanyatA anulavaze la. vinoda zrI yAlA all my "J ready and withing to fu intellectual support to make this project generate Vibrations Spiritual in The Westen wied _Dv N.P. Ja jI sahakula, vartanA bibharamA vATalI suTTI suTTI pAyArAnI banelI dehAta sUhara pratimArajo pAnI nathI. nIlArthI bharatIthI haMgImAMna ke yaddhuM khUba suMdara pardazana leka maMjyu jUja sUja anumahimA likhita kuralAI Nibaiba rAya bheTalUna na lA yA zIla harzaNa urI va dhanyatA anubhavI kI havA he sarAMnI vara kuzavaze zArAgArabhikArika samudAya w suMdara bhane bhugola mana-prabhusita sandhu & paMdharAvyA bho bhAvIle (bhaNamAna bhaga sabhI za fa, Ingus, que Dio AsbA saumya mUrtiyonI pratimA kore By In. YGane lAmapA 108 Quotes from Visitor Book sAtmAtA sArSada hai. sArI mUrti Tu pa. pU. jyAthArtha garachAdhipati rAmasurIzvara asAIbAbAlA) sA. puspalatAoM ka ma sA vinendra zrI anal-anean Page #111 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ nava varSa ke pRAma mastAna EPE yamiya nAlA mundara bhI haka, karSaka galiye Twi bananan apir name ko dani vAstava meM kala hI mAlainu ! 2 . al kAmeza yahA~ area dRreDa lAnA rajonAmA narena bhAnA sAdhaka kA ..... nihAmI lAza naDA lUlAdhaya mAle nihana chmanumtz hatahatya 2 Apane hama yahA ThejIbo- mAtaze zacisit & ko bhI darzana karavA kara jIrana saphala jalAyA garigin kerytm Hidit-JGAntan se pratimA videza meM snAkara sarva jIjo ko-le:- H indusoont | zighratAsa zipra para ghara me zAra evaM mAha prApta Retin Bantumny.landan.nA .. . hAhAkAlamana. karavAne evaM ugapa Adha- aura Apake parijano ko zrI aniSTha jitI prApta se yahi zubhecchA It is a mind boggling ----- - paramAtmA sIka vitidUmIsA- IncedheThave Karn. ------------- mAzaprAptInI ma sA kI Roon awaring Util. my - GROTT . | trip to India is well worth chuifafa unl5412 2 1 It is indead 2.53 314 215 din 2922 a 8the wonder of the Shrint E- minued 2241C. ___kalepsite Sikois 20j_Qugu saurya This Jaya Tiv dharkay and ne 218 Ashlapsed, put in wonderful _asu /22 52 arty Carsip in 72 diffrent kIriphAna) gha mAM TAAcAnsvig diffrent countries proider another wondu & the wall Sentena) 20/Isain Scriptures are best so for at 812 Delwada tengley Abu. 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R R C/2Mdeggonal mAna vimyaSagApi yama.khA. hara pratimA ko mAtama sAmpa mApavAhI nayanarampa sati stara sahamata cha. paradezamA mahAra derAsara janavAyA zAsana lAyanAnusAra mApasAgara raha5) ghI sAhamAsArAmA jI ha mAcala 268 hA (21 n d mAmA 9 aSTApada tIracanAthI jUdAya ane trIphAnI lAkSAta bhUmi jaina tIrtha banI jaze. Sillia Page #113 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAIN CENTER OF AMERICA-NY HISTORY "JAIN CENTER OF AMERICA - NEW YORK" is the first Jain organization established and registered in North America - USA. Presently flourishing center had a modest beginning under the leadership of Dr. Narendra Shethi and few others in year 1965. Few Jain families used to meet at residence of different families for Bhakti Bhavna, Samayik, and Pratikraman and for special events/functions at Columbia University, Indian Consulate or at other Secular Halls. In year 1973 Dr. Narendra Shethi - President of Jain Center of New York, announced to build a temple during the Diwali celebration function and Gurudev Shri Chitrabhanu envisioned the temple as something more than a place of worship but also a center of communication, with other faiths. This news was published in New York Times, the renowned newspaper of New York & USA. (See Appendix-A) Soon the wheels started rolling. Shri Dinesh Chheda and Shri Bhavanji Lodaya made an arrangement to bring Pratimaji (Idol) of Shri Mahavirswami from Plaitana through their father-in-law Shri Nayak Jethabhai, a trustee of Sheth Keshavji Nayak Palitana Charities Trust. The Pratimaji of Shri Mahavirswami was shipped from Bombay by ship 'Hoegh Dyke' in November 1974 and was installed at Jain Meditation Center, New York in December 1974. (See Appendix -B). In seventies New York Jain Sangh benefited in learning Jain Philosophy and Teachings under the spiritual guidances of Gurudev Shri Chitrabhanu and Guruji Shri Sushilkumarji. Jain Center of New York was re-named as Jain Center of America - New York and registered as Religious Non-profit Membership Corporation in New York in April 1976. The principal goal of the organization was to fulfill religious needs of Jain community of New York -Tri-state area. The motto of the organization is: "We believe in Truth & Non-Violence" and " Live and Let Live." However a temple remained a dream up to 1980. Finally the community leaders and officers of Jain Center of America, Dr. Mahendra K. Pandya, Shri Anand Nahar and Shri Kamal Surana decided to purchase a building at 43-11 Ithaca Street, Elmhurst, NY on February 10, 1981. The Pratimaji of Shri Mahavirswami (our Mulnayak) was installed in the temple building in spring of 1982 after necessary renovation. A small group of people under the leadership of Shri Kanubhai Lakhani, Shri Vinay Vakani and Shri Jayendra Shah started Bhakti-Bhavna every Friday night at this location. The Bhakti-Bhavna program became very popular in eighties due to devotional Bhakti by Shri Vinodbhai Shah, Shri Harshad Doshi and Shri Nareshbhai S. Shah. People eagerly awaited Bhakti-Bhavna of Fridays. More religious activities like Bhavna, Snatra Puja, Samayik, Pratikraman etc. were performed at the temple. The temple became a focal point for all Jains - young, Adults and seniors; Swetambars, Digambars, Sthanakvasis etc. The center started regularly observing Paryushana Parva, Das Lakshna Parva, Samvatsari Pratikraman (Kshamapana), Janma Kalyanak of Mahavirswami, Mahavir Nirvan Din (Diwali), Aaymbil Oli, Chaitya Paripati, Akhand Jaaps, Samayik, monthly recitation of Bhaktamar Stotra with five smarans etc. at the temple as well as Auditoriums of Schools or Colleges, to accommodate ever growing crowd. The center set a trend by inviting spiritual Leaders and Scholars like Gurudev Shri Chitrabhanu, Guruji Sushilkumarji, Shri Triputi Bandhu, Acharyshri Chandnaji, Shri Roopchandji, Shri Manakmuni, Shri Jinchandrasuriji, Shri Atamanandji, Shri Bhattaraakji, Pandit Shri Dhirajbhai Mehta, Dr. Kumarpal Desai, Shri Kiranbhai Parekh, Rajendrabhai Shah, Smt. Sunandaben Vora, Dr. Rajnikant Shah (of New Jersey), Shri Chandrakant Mehta etc. for Paryushna Parva and for summer lectures. Over and above regular events several Poojans such as Shri Bhaktamar Poojan, Shri Gautamswami Poojan, Shri Parshwa - Padmavatidevi Poojan, Shri Siddhachakra Poojan, and Shri Rushimandal Poojan etc. were performed at the temple. These poojans were performed by renowned vidhikars such as Shri Babubhai Kadiwala, Shri Shashikant Mehta, Shri Rajendrabhai Dalal, Shri Narendrabhai Nandu, Shri Daga and many others including our own Shri Nareshbhai S. Shah. We also had Bhav Yatras of Shetrunjay by Smt. Bhartiben Shah and one lakh (100,000) Navkar Mantra Jaap at our temple. 111 Page #114 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ TIP P TATTI OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOROPORTO:O:O::0:0::0 ODHOHOHOHOHOHIMM A MULLER The members of JCA visited several temples of USA and Canada such as Toronto, Chicago, Pittsburgh, Washington DC, Boston, Allentown, and Siddhachalam New Jersey as pilgrimage or as Chaityaparipati after Paryushana Parva and performed Snatra Puja / Panch Kalyanak Puja at various towns from1981 to present. Jain Center organized classes to teach Jain religion to young kids through pathshalas. We had able guidance from Shri Chandrakant Shah, Smt. Susmitaben Mehta, Smt. Jayanaben Mehta, Smt. Bhartiben Shah, Dr. Meeraben Kothari, Dr. Jyotiben Gandhi, Urmilaben Sanghvi and others. During the above period there were number of Tapscharyas like Atthais, Mas-kshamans, Ayambil Olis and Varsitaps. Parna with entire Jain Sangh followed most of the above tapscharyas. Our Sangh is fortunate to have number of Tapsvis performing Varsi-Tap, Vardhman-Tap, Ayambil Oli, Mas Kshaman & Atthais. The center also hosted International Jain Conference on April 20, 1975 and 2nd JAINA Convention in May 28-30, 1983, when JAINA adopted their constitution. JCA revised its original constitution and approved it at the general body meeting, on November 22, 1992. As JCA kept on growing with the time the constitution of JCA was again revised and adopted on September 21, 2001, to accommodate the needs and desires of members and to have better organization. The space of the temple and parking became a constraint for the growing community and hence a 4.5 acres of virgin land was purchased on North Service Road of Long Island Expressway, in the Village of Lake Success. The project to build temple and community hall in the year 1998 got delayed due to governmental procedures. In the mean time in year 2000 a Sadharmik family came forward with a proposal to construct a new building at Ithaca Street. Jain Center of America and Jain Community (Sangh) accepted their proposal to build the temple building. The existing Pratimajis from the temple were moved to Shri Kishorbhai and Ranjanben Mehta's residence and then to 45-22 74th Street, Elmhurst, NY, the place purchased by JCA for temporary temple. The building at Ithaca Street was demolished in end of year 2001. Bhoomipoojan and Shilaropan ceremonies for new temple building were performed on March 30, 2002 and July 12, 2002 respectively. Construction of building was started soon after Shilaropan of nine shilas with the blessings of Gurudev Shri Chitrabhanu. The temple building is now completed by enormous efforts of Dr. Rajnikant Shah, Smt. Mridulaben Shah and many others over last (5) five years. The Jain Community of Diamond and Color Stone Industry donated the construction cost for the building. Jain Center of America - New York contributed funds towards furnishing of the building. The building has Shri Mahavirswami Temple (Swetambar Tradition), Shri Adinathji Temple (Digambar Tradition), Dadawadi, Upashrya / Sthanak, Shrimad Hall (Dhyan Mandir), Library (Gyan Mandir), Art Gallery, Dinning Room (Bhojanshala) and Multi-purpose Hall for seniors and youth. The building will uniquely satisfy the needs of all Traditions. under one roof of JCA. The building was handed over by members of Diamond and Color Stone Industry to Jain Center of America on November 28, 2004 in a formal "Key Handover Ceremony" in presence of Jain Community. The Building and Upashrya / Sthanak, Art Gallery, Library (Gyan Mandir), Bhojanahala were opened on May 1, 2005 with formal "Opening Ceremony". Nagar Pravesh of the Pratimajis was celebrated with a very colorful procession and multiple floats, with a gathering of over 1,500 sadharmics on May 15, 2005. The temple has become a real example of courage, determination, strength and unity of our community. It has fulfilled the dreams of number of community members and leaders starting from Dr. Shethi - our First President to Dr. Dilip Mukhtyar - Present Chairman. The temple complex will nurture the needs of this generation as well as future generations. It will serve as a center of religious activities, rituals and place for learning Jain religion and philosophy for our youngsters - the next generation, for centuries to come. Let us celebrate the upcoming evens of Pratishtha Mahotsav, during June 10 - 19 2005, with our heart and soul. Let us make this temple fulfill our motto "We believe in Truth and Non-Violence". Let the temple enhance our knowledge about the Jain religion and its principles like Ahimsa (Non-Violence), Satya (Truth) and Anenkantvad (Multi faith). Let this place guide us to the path of Salvation (Moksha). Live and Let Live. D A DI PROPRIETARIATRICARDO PROPRIOPRIUPROROCARDEROOROCCORRUPTOPRIDORURUSALUROPORTORORORO Compiled by Ramesh Lakhani. ShLTARTARICIRERA TOTEC . 112 :: ::0 ne4 Page #115 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ oooo 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 MURTIS OF DERASAR Compiled by: Ankit Mehta AWAWWWWWWWWWAAROOROPRIUPROPURURURUARDA OPORRIARRITARRATAIATARIATRIE SETEMBRE The newly designed Jain Center of America features many brand new Jain murtis and one very familiar one. In 1981 the building housing the first Center was fully established by the arrival of a twenty-one inch marble statue of Mahavir Swami featuring his characteristic lion insignia and fair complexion. Now, nearly a quarter of a century later, this murti returns to its home fully refinished and accompanied by dozens of newly constructed statues to consecrate a new building and to inspire a new generation of Jains in New York City. Mahavirswami: Mahavirswami was the twenty-fourth tirthankar of our time and has been the central figure and guiding light of this derasar since 1981. He was born in 599 BC as Prince Vardhaman to a powerful King in what is now known as Bihar, India. He grew up with wealth, health, power and fame, but renounced it all to search for his soul. At the tender age of thirty he relinquished his life of privilege to pursue a life of non-violence and peace, and he achieved it all by the age of forty-two when he attained keval gnan. He gave the last thirty years of his life to bring truth to his students, followers and enemies alike. At the age of seventy-two, he attained nirvana and freed his soul from the bonds of life. As the last tirthankar of our time, Mahavir Swami remains our inspiration. He is largely credited with having revived the philosophy of Jainism, and it is thanks to his students that the words, practices, culture and science of Jainism survives to this day. His teachings and leadership continue to guide us in today's turbulent times. His message of ahimsa is the foundation of this derasar and our lives. Neminath: Neminath was twenty-second tirthankar of our time. Prince Nemikumar was born to the historic Yadav family in what is now Meerat, India. The family patriarch was King Jarasangha, the reigning monarch of Magadh, and his entire family settled along the banks of the Yamuna River in cities of Mathura, Shauripur and Dwarka. Nemikumar was born into a tumultuous time in history of the world, a time of war and decadence. The Mahabharata was in full force and the Prince, also a cousin of Krishna, matured in the midst of it all. Despite the times Nemikumar was far from attached to his circumstances. His natural spirituality came to bear at the time of his wedding when he inadvertently learned of plans to slaughter a large number of animals to cater his wedding. Nemikumar was thoroughly disgusted. He canceled the wedding, relinquished his claim to his property and set out to Mount Girnar in search of his soul. Just fifty-six days later, Nemikumar attained keval gnan. His former bride to be, Rajul, and his brother, Rathanemi, soon followed his example and accepted him as their spiritual guide and teacher. Soon after, all three and countless others who joined Neminath, attained nirvana. Sambhavnath: Sambhavnath was the third tirthankar of our time. He was born to King Jitari and Queen Senadevi of Shravasti in modern day Uttar Pradesh, India. Prior to his conception kingdom was in the grips of a terrible famine, but this was soon drastically changed when the Queen became pregnant with the soul of the third tirthankar. Crops became plentiful and the local agricultural economy enjoyed an explosive, and entirely unexpected, revival. For the role that he played in bringing about that which seemed impossible, the couple's newborn was named Sambhav. Years later he gave up the throne that he inherited and chose the path of spirituality in search of his soul. His soul was set free on Mount Sametsikhar, in the modern Indian state of Bihar. Shantinath: Shantinath was the sixteenth tirthankar of our time. He was born to Vishvasen and Achiradevi, the reigning King and Queen of Hastinapur in present day Meerut, India. The occasion of his birth brought uncharacteristic prosperity and calm to the kingdom, and so he is remembered as Shantinath. As the young Prince grew he conquered most of what is now South Asia, and was named Chakravarti. Despite his vast influence he renounced his empire and took diksha, eventually attaining keval gnan. He dedicated the final decades of his life to teaching the truth about souls and observed an austere regimen of meditation, fasting, and concentration. He attained nirvana with hundreds of his followers on the historic Sametsikhar Mountain in Bihar, India. 0:0:10:10 Page #116 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Parshvanath: Parshvanath was the twenty-third tirthankar of our time. He was born in 879 BC as Parshva, the son of King Ashvasen and Queen Vamadevi of Varanasi, in what is now Meerut, India. He was raised near the banks of the river Ganga and had access to all of the material comforts of life. He was raised as a royal, but his reputation as a fierce warrior was eclipsed by his scholarly esteem. In time he became an admirer of Neminath, and soon followed his path to diksha, keval gnan and eventually nirvana in 777 BC. Parshvanath's insignia is the snake, thanks to a pair of very famous incidents. While she was pregnant him, Parshva's mother saved his father from a snake in the dark of night, so the parents decided to name their son Parshva in memory of that night. Later on in his life when he was a teenaged Prince, Parshva came across a religious ceremony in a kingdom village whereby a local priest sacrificed a pair of serpents in a ceremonial fire. This shook the Prince. He decided to act against the direction of his advisors, and to the dismay of the priest, by trying to save the burning snakes. He removed them from the flames and placed them gently on the ground and softly recited the Navkar Mantra with the hopes of healing them. As those snakes took their last breaths, the Prince lost the will to continue life in royalty. He took diksha and became an ascetic, and resolved to spend the rest of his life in search of his soul, He observed a disciplined program of meditation through harsh climates and physical threats, but he never lost his concentration or will to continue. Through it all he was protected by the souls of the snakes he had tried to save decades earlier. The statue that commemorates his life now bears the image of those thankful devotees. Simandhar swami: Simandhar swami is a current tirthankar in Mahavideh Kshetra. Simandhar swami was born to royal privilege as the son of King Shreyans and Queen Satyaki at the time of our Kunthunath in a distant dimension known only as Mahavideh Kshetra. He renounced the world around the time of Munisuvrat Swami and after many years as an ascetic attained keval gnan. He is now tens of thousands of years old and is expected to live much longer until he ultimately attains nirvana some time in the distant future. Until that time arrives, he works today like tirthankars past to advance the message of ahimsa, and to bring all living beings closer to the truth and to their souls. We honor his mission and follow his lead so that we may, one day, join him in that far away land and free our own souls. Gautamswami: Gautamswami was a student of Mahavir. He was famous for his intelligence and devotion to his teacher, so much so that some say that his passion clouded his soul. Soon after Mahavir left his natural body and attained nirvana, Gautam suffered and grieved much. It was only after this grieving that he understood the ills of his attachment to the human form of his teacher's soul. Soon after he finally realized keval gnan, and eventually reached nirvana. Ghantakarna: Ghantakarna is the spirit of a former king and fierce warrior who used his military expertise and weaponry to protect people of faith and to defend the helpless. He is worshipped by those who seek his help and protection, and by those who hope to follow in his example. Manibhadra: Manibhadra was a very powerful monarch who was also intensely spiritual. He was known to conduct his business from his airavat, and so his face is often depicted to look like an elephant. He is a very popular deity and his soul is revered by those who seek his help to make miracles come true. Nakoda Bhairav: Nakoda Bhairav is a deity who is symbolically installed at the entrance of the place of worship to arouse positive emotions from visitors and worshippers. Saraswati: Saraswatidevi is the patron goddess of knowledge. In her hands she holds a book, a sitar and a rosary as symbols of knowledge, practice, and spirituality. Laxmi: Laxmidevi is the patron goddess of wealth. In her hands she holds a lotus, an elephant, a vase, and gold as symbols of prosperity and power. Padmavati: Padmavatidevi is the patron goddess of Parshvanath, and is charged with the responsibility of carrying forth his spiritual message. Rushabhdev: Rushabhdev was the first tirthankar of our time. He was born as Rushabh, the son of King Nabhi Kulkar and Queen Marudevi in what is now the city of 114 Page #117 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Ayodhya in the Indian province of Uttar Pradesh. He was brought up in a royal household and in time assumed the throne of his father's kingdom. He married and had many children, including one hundred sons. His two eldest children, Bharat and Bahubali, grew to become icons in the kingdom for different reasons. Bharat became the greatest warrior on earth, while Bahubali became the strongest physical specimen ever seen. But despite all of his achievements and accomplishments Rushabh resigned his position of power and entrusted portions of this empire to his sons, and left its two largest divisions to Bharat and Bahubali; soon after Rushabhdev took diksha and set out in search for his soul After many years of teaching and practice, Rushabhdev attained keval gnan. Soon after that he freed his soul and attained nirvana on the peak of Mount Ashtapad. Chakeshvari: Chakeshvaridevi is the patron goddess of Rushabhdev, and is charged with the responsibility of carrying forth his spiritual message. With her many hands she grasps a number of weapons with which she seeks to protect those on the spiritual path. Gomukh Yaksh: Gomukh Yaksha is the patron saint of Rushabhdev. He is responsible for helping protect the students and devotees of Rushabhdev as they follow his path to spiritual enlightenment. Bhomiyaji: Bhomiyaji is a deity who is the embodiment of Mount Sametsikhar, now located in the province of Bihar in modern day east India. He provides the strength and energy to pilgrims as they travel rugged terrain of the mountain. Bahubali: Bahubali was born as the second son of Rushabhdev, and the younger brother of Bharat Chakravarti, who became sole emperor of the world. In a famous incident the two siblings engaged in an explosive feud over Bharat's kingdom, and Bahubali, who was a far more physically imposing figure, had the opportunity to kill Bharat but gave up the fight, the kingdom and everything else to search for his soul. Chandraprabhu: Chandraprabhu was the eighth tirthankar of our time. He was born to Mahasen and Laxmandevi, the reigning royals of the small kingdom of Chandranan. This prince followed in the tradition of so many enlightened souls before him by taking diksha and seeking a life of harsh discipline in an effort to search for his soul. He attained keval gnan and reached nirvana on the peak of Mount Sametsikhar in the modern Indian state of Bihar. Padmaprabhu: Padmaprabhu was the sixth tirthankar of our time. He was the son of Shri Ghar and his queen Susimadevi in the ancient Indian city of Kaushambi in modern day Uttar Pradesh. He took diksha and achieved keval gnan at Prabhas Giri, a thick forest that stood on the banks of the Yamuna river, about 100 miles from his home. He attained nirvana on Mount Sametsikhar in Bihar. Shrimad Rajchandra: Shrimad Rajchandra was born in 1867 as Raichand to Ravaji and Deva Mehta in Vavania Bandar, a small village in what is now the western Indian state of Gujarat. His was a prominent family of merchants and he was brought up in a household that featured his father's Vaishnav and his mother's Jain faith. He was a child prodigy, and turned to poetry as his emotional and intellectual outlet at a very young age. As he grew his writings and renown spread globally, and many powerful people sought his guidance, including a young revolutionary named Mohandas Gandhi. The two forged a close relationship, a tie that Gandhi himself considered vital to his own work and beliefs. But it wasn't until 1890 that Raichand found his own spiritual direction when he met a Jain monk named Laghurajswami, under whose guidance he continued his formal study of Jain philosophy. Just six years later Shrimad published what is now recognized as his single greatest literary contribution, the Atmasiddhi shashtra. The work was an investigation into the very nature of the soul. He chose to focus upon the impact of karma and its emotional manifestations as misery and suffering. He continued his study into the depths of faith until his untimely death in 1901. To this day his legend lives on through his teachings, writings and memories as he continues to galvanize a new generation of people worldwide. HOMOR 15 MOTO Page #118 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 33 | 10_03 fall. ame karIe pratiSThA tanaDA kerI zakti dipAvI, manaDA kerI laganI lagADI bhakti bhAvanI jayota jalAvI, karIe ame dhananI vAvaNI. ame Aja karIe pratiSThA pratimAnuM anupama AlaMbana, zAti kairu e che siMcana ni zAsananuM uttama Agama. kara joDI karIe ene namana. A che jIvatara kerI niSThA vIranuM e svarUpa che sAcuM, mAnava jo pAme to sAruM ahiMsA keru sukAna tamAruM, lAge tama jIvana kevu pyAruM mAraga e levAnI IcchA verajherane zamana karIne, prItalaDInI nAva vahAvIne AsuMDA ko'kanA lUchIne, aMtara bhAva lagI pahoMcIne jina anIe e mahecchA mAnava kerA prANI uttama, to ye jagamAM e madhyama suvAsa che AtamanI aMdara, pragaTe to lAge sarvottama sanmukha dhavAnI che ghelachA uttama che A khoLIyuM mAruM, nahi oLakhAyuM Atama khAruM, dIvA pAchaLa che e adhA dUra karo to lAge sAruM karIe ame aMtaramAM pratiSThA Dhola nagArA zaraNAI vAge, nyU yorka nagare mAnavI Dole ajavALA ullAsa kevA thAye, varSonA svapna Aje pUrA vAye varaghoDAnA ghaTha che anerA 116 ...... ame ame ame ame ame ame nareza TI. zAha nyU yorka ||33| Page #119 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ sevA : sAdhanA kA sarvocca zikhara AcArya candanA anukampA vaha pAvana gaMgA hai jo kaThora caTTAnoM ko tor3akara baha jAtI hai aura sabako jIvana, trANa detI huI sUkhe mRtaprAya nirAza jIvana meM prANa phUMkatI hai| anukampAmaya bhAvoM kI taralatA meM hI samyaktva kI prApti hotI hai| sAdhanA kA sUtrapAta yahIM se hotA hai| jIvana kA yahI vaha utsa hai jisane vyakti ko jIvana se jor3A hai evaM jisane parivAra kI racanA kI hai| parivAroM se samAja banA hai, samAja se rASTra aura rASTra se vishv| sabako paraspara gUMtha diyA gayA hai| vyakti kI samaSTi se ekAtmabhUta pratIti, anubhUti hI anukampA hai| vyakti samaSTi meM vilIna hokara hI virATa hotA hai| bU~da samundara meM khokara samudravata ho jAtI hai| sAgara kyA hai? bUMda-bUMda kA sNgrh| jaba sAgara meM samAhita ho jAtI hai bUMda taba vaha bUMda bUMda nahIM rahatI hai| eka-eka bU~da sAgara ho jAtI hai| ekatva kA virATa bodha, sAgara hai| antarbodha anukampA hI jagAtI hai antarbodha - jaise merA astitva hai, vaise sabakA astitva hai| jaise mujhe sukha priya hai, vaise sabako sukha priya hai| jaise mujhe apanA jIvana priya hai, vaise sabako apanA jIvana priya hai| ataH mujhe sabake sAtha vahI vyavahAra karanA cAhie jo maiM apane prati cAhatA huuN| agara koI pIr3ita hai, duHkhI hai, asahAya avasthA meM hai to usako sukha dene ke lie mujhe prayAsa karanA caahie| koI vipadAgrasta hai, to usakI vipadA dUra karane kA prayAsa mujhe karanA caahie| yaha jAgRta antarbAdha bodhibIja hai jo jinatva kA virATa kalpavRkSa banatA hai| samyaktva kA udbhUta svarUpa hai, jisakI pUrNatA siddhAvasthA hai, muktAvasthA hai| ukta bodhi kI pUrNatA hI buddhatva hai| tIrthakaroM kI dharmadezanA yahI to hai / mahAn bhASyakAra jinadAsa ne kahA hai - Page #120 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA MILONI GEMS INC. Sanjeev Parekh Chhaya Parekh Chandni Parekh Miloni Parekh 43W 47th Street - Suite #501 - New York, NY 10036 tel: (212)764-6165 fax: (212)764-6166 email: BABBITTLIFE Page #121 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ FATAURAWAIAIRMAWAIIAPURPOROUPROPURImAmAmAmAmAmAmAmAyAmAmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm jaM icchasi appaNato, janAcchasi appaNato, taM iccha parassa vi| ettiyagaM jinnsaasnnym|| jo apane lie cAhate ho vaha dUsaroM ke lie bhI cAhanA aura jo apane lie nahIM cAhate ho vaha dUsaroM ke lie bhI nahIM caahnaa| basa itanA hI tIrthakara kA upadeza hai| manuSya yadi yathArtha meM manuSya hai to kisI ko kaSTa meM dekhakara usakA hRdaya anukampA se kAMpa uThatA hai| usake mana-prANa Andolita ho uThate haiN| vaha kaSTa-nivAraNa ke lie tatkAla sAre karaNIya upAya karatA hai| paradaHkhakAtara hokara prANimAtra kI sevA meM saMlagna ho jAnA hI cetanA kA vikAsa hai, uArohaNa hai| jahA~ cetanA ko aju bhAvoM kI vizuddhatA meM sahajAnanda ko vilakSaNa anubhUtiyoM kA sparza hotA hai vaha anya bhAvoM meM kahA~ ho pAtA hai? __ jIvana kI aMtaraMga aura bAhya ubhayataH sarvamaMgala vikAsa-yAtrA meM bhagavAna mahAvIra ne anukampA ke vidhipakSa sevA arthAt vaiyyAvRtya ko pramukhatA dI hai| sevA se cintana meM evaM bhAvoM meM "sarvabhUtahitaM kI vyApakatA AtI hai| sevAbhAvI mana vinamra, udAra aura parasparopagrahI hotA hai| jIvana, dharma aura darzana ke zabdasaMsAra meM "sevA" - eka aisA zabda hai, jo udAtta bhAvoM kA jJApaka hai mAnavIya cetanA ke kSIra samudra ke manthana se nikalA amRta-kalaza hai| prANimAtra se saMbandhita apanatva kA sAragarbhita sUtra hai| manuSya ko devAdhideva ke pada para abhisikta karanevAlA racanAtmaka dharma kA pAvana rUpa hai| sevAdharma manuSya ke vajamaya ahaM ko galAtA hai, nIca svArthoM ke jaMgaloM ko miTAtA hai, pramAda meM par3e suvidhAbhogI suSupta mana ko jagAtA hai| bhagavAna mahAvIra aura gaNadhara gautama kA eka bahuta hI sundara parisaMvAda hai, jo sevA kI mahattA ko upATita karatA hai| indrabhUti gautama bhagavAna mahAvIra ke prathama gaNadhara haiN| gaNadhara kA artha hai - saMgha ko dhAraNa krnevaalaa| arthAt bhagavAna mahAvIra ke saMgha kA pUrA dAyitva gaNadhara gautama vahana karate haiN| mahAn zrutadhara haiN| Page #122 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SILVER JEWELRY BALI BEADS SILVER FINDINGS AJAY DHANDIA AND FAMILY Silver Planet, Inc. Handcrafted Creations 1170 Broadway Suite #1106. New York, NY 10001 Tel: 917.256.0296 * Fax: 917.256.1447. Cell: 917.627.6658, 917676.8303 E-mail: Website: Page #123 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INVOLVING YOUTH IN THE RELIGIOUS WORLD Sadhvi Shri Shilapiji In this fast era of development, it is relatively easy to concentrate on outer or materialistic achievements. One can see them, use them, or enjoy them. However, there are some very special souls who dedicate their energy and efforts on achieving inner perfection. All the members of the Jain Center of America - New York are such special people. Despite their tremendously hectic lives, they dedicated their energy and enthusiasm to building an absolute serene temple in the midst of the city of New York. We are absolutely sure that the existence of this temple, ser among the hustle and bustle of the city, will bring ample peace and happiness to the hearts of many. Given its location, it will be able to increase the understanding of the Jain religion to non-Indians, as well as the local Indian community. We at Veerayatan congratulate all the members of the Jain Center of America - New York for their tireless efforts, commitment and motivation that were critical to building this temple; it will bring much spiritual benefit to the larger community. A couple of years ago, when the sadhvijis of Veerayatan began coming to countries like America, people always questioned whether our religion would grow in the West. Parents of Indian families were anxious about their children possibly losing their identity, and wanted to promote the great heritage and culture of their religion. The very existence of Young Jains of America and other such youth organizations ensures the continuity of Jainism in the West. The efficiency and professionalism with which these organizations operate only promises an extraordinary future for our faith. Once the disciples of Tirthankar Mahavir asked him which religion or community could have a continuous, stable future. He replied that the community in which old people raise the questions and young people answer them is the community best positioned for the future. The community in which young people raise questions and are dependent on the elders for answers may grow weak in time. According to sociologists and contemporary thinkers, this generation of young people is extremely intelligent and capable. It is very important that their energy is channeled toward the constructive development of society, nation, and towards humanity at large. When the parents of this generation arrived in America about three decades ago, they had to work very hard to establish themselves and become successful. The present generation doesn't have to struggle to that extent, and they have relatively more resources and abilities. Therefore, it is very important that the energy and resources of the current young generation become focused in the right direction. Otherwise, there could be a potential danger for cultural, moral, and ethical deterioration. Since the present young generation is very, very competent and full of innovative ideas, they should be given a leading role in the religious world and social organizations. The core values of our religion never change: ahimsa, love, and compassion, remain constant throughout the generations. However, the ways and methods to practice these may change. The practice of our age-old rituals could be modified so that young people are inspired to observe them in a more meaningful way. Our young generation can offer us a lot if they are given adequate opportunities for their involvement in the spiritual world. Their intelligence, energy, and enthusiasm can be greatly beneficial to the larger humanity, provided that their entire development can be spiritually charged. This is only possible if they are given the right platform, education, and guidance. We are sure that the Jain Center of America - New York will pave the way for the spiritual development of the current generation of young followers by offering them many more opportunities for their involvement in the religious world. This will automatically ensure the future of Tirthankar Mahavir's teachings in the land of America. F or E Dating ILL. 121 ve Oto w eitos Page #124 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Congratulations and Best Wishes to the Jain Center of America for the Pratishtha Mahotsav parasparopagraho jIvAnAma From ARK Systems Electric Corp. Bhavanji Lodaya, Anjana Woolsey Rajiv Lodaya, Vijay Dand Engineering, Installation & Construction Electrical ~ Low Voltage ~ Voice & Data 27-08 42" Road, Long Island City, NY 11101 Phone: (718) 482-3922, Fax: (718) 482-3923 E-Mail: Visit us at Page #125 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ AUT :: :: :: : : : :: ::: :: :: : :: :: yogavidhAH jIvanavikAsanI kaLAH1 - munizrI kIrticajI (baputripuTI) bhAratIya saMskRtimAM yogamArganI haThayoga, rAjayoga, maMtrayoga ane mAnavajIvananA vikAsa layayoga evI cAra zAkhAo che. yogasUtranA praNetA maharSi aMge je UMDuM ciMtana ane pataMjalie e cAreya zAkhAono potAnI rIte samanvaya karyo vyApaka prayogo thayA che te che jene aSTAMgayoga kahevAmAM Ave che. pataMjalinA je graMthamAM mAnavajAtanI mUlyavAna aSTAMgayoganuM nirUpaNa karavAmAM AvyuM che te 'yogasUtra' mUDI che. bhAratIya nAmanA graMthane jainadharmanA pUrvAcAryoe 'mahAna graMtha' kahI RSimunio ane biradAvyo che. temaNe e graMthanI vivecanAo paNa racI che. jI va na dR Ta o e pataMjalinI sAdhanA paddhati jaina sAdhanApathanI khUba ja najIka manuSyanA aihika che. 'aSTAMga' eTale jene ATha aMga-pagathiyAM-che te. A jIvananI vAta karatAM tenA deha, mana ane caitanyanI vAta karI ATha aMgo: yama, niyama, Asana, prANAyAma, pratyAhAra, che. A paribaLomAMthI deha ane mana viSe yatkiMcita samaja dhAraNA, dhyAna ane samAdhi che. yogasAdhanAmAM krame krame ApaNe dharAvIe chIe. zakaya che ke caitanya viSe paNa AgaLa vadhavA mATe pataMjalie batAvelAM A ATha pagathiyAM ApaNane vadhatuMochuM jJAna hoya. e paNa zakya che ke ApaNI che. je kaMI samaja che te samaja sAthe Atmatattva joDe tadrupa thavA, paheluM pagathiyuM yama che. yamanA pAMca prakAra che... caitanyarUpa thavA, ApaNe ApaNI zaktimati mujaba sAdhanA ahiMsA, satya, acaurya, brahmacarya ane aparigraha. pataMjalie karatA hoIe. paNa caitanyanuM yathArtha svarUpa samajavA ane A pAMca vratonA pAlanathI thatA lAbho samajAvyA che. A jJAna, prema, AnaMda Adi AtmaguNono vikAsa karavA pAMca yamanA pAlana vinA koI paNa vyakti, samAja, kuTuMba ke AdhyAtmika sAdhanAne jIvanamAM apanAvavI jarUrI che. deza svasthatApUrvaka ane zAMtithI potAnuM astitva TakAvI AdhyAtmika sAdhanAne mArge AgaLa vadhavA mAgatA mumukSune rAkhI zake nahIM. vyakti ane samAjano vikAsa karavo hoya to sahAyarUpa aneka mArgo ane paddhatio che. e saumAM A pAMceya yamanuM pAlana samaja ane niSThApUrvaka karavuM ja rahyuM. jJAnamArga, bhaktimArga ane yogamArgano ullekha avAranavAra bIjuM pagathiyuM niyama che. niyamanA pAMca prakAra thato jovAmAM Ave che kAraNa ke sAdhanAmArganI e mukhya traNa che... zauca, saMtoSa, tapa, svAdhyAya ane Izvara praNidhAna. pAMca dhArAo che. yama sAthe pAMca niyamanuM pAlana karavAthI jIvana vadhu unnata, yogamArga puruSArthano mArga che. yogasAdhanA mATenI pavitra, dharmamaya ane suMdara bane che. A niyamothI thatA paNa aneka padhdhatio Aje pracalita che. A sau padhdhationAM lAbhonuM varNana paNa 'yogasUtra'mAM savistara karavAmAM AvyuM che. mULa pataMjalinA aSTAMgayoga, bauddhadharmanI vipazyanA ane trIjuM pagathiyuM Asana che. 'sthiram sukham jainadharmanA sAdhanApathamAM che. A traNeya paddhationo Azaya Asanama' arthAta yogasUtra sthiratA ane sukhathI besavAnI mAnava mananI-vittavRttionI-azuddhio dUra karavAno, kriyAne Asana kahe che. A prakAranI AsanasthiratA cittanA klezo zamAvavAno ane mANasane Adhi, vyAdhi, dhyAnasAdhanA mATe keLavavI jarUrI che. rogISTa ane nabaLA upAdhithI mukata karavAno che. dekhIti rIte judI hovA chatAM A zarIravALA sAdhako sthiratApUrvaka sAdhanA karI zakatA nathI. traNeya padhdhatimAM eka prakAranuM sAmya che te e ke sAdhanAmAM saphaLa thavA mATe nirogI ane keLavAyeluM zarIra aSTAMgayogamAM pAMca yama, vipazyanAmAM pAMca zIla ane jaina khuba ja sahAyarUpa banI rahe che. eTale ja to yogamArgamAM sAdhanApathamAM pAMca vrata pALavAnA hoya che. yama, zIla ane dhyAna- sahAyaka ane Arogyavardhaka AsanonA aneka prakAra vratanA pAlanane yogasAdhanAno pAyo gaNavAmAM Ave che. che. sAdhanAnuM lakSya traNeya paraMparAomAM samatvanI Ucca Asanone mukhya traNa bhAgamAM vaheMcI zakAya : avasthAnI prApti che. Page #126 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ AAAAA With Compliments from: BANNER DIAMONDS INC. 580 FIFTH AVENUE SUITE 3100 NEW YORK, NY 10036 TEL: 212.944.0014 - FAX212.944.3640 * BEBSITE: 124 Page #127 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ yogavidhA: jIvanavikAsanI kaLAH 2 1. dhyAna sahAyaka Asano : dA.ta. padmAsana, ardhapadmAsana, sukhAsana, vajrAsana, siMhAsana, godohikAsana, kAryotsarga Asana vagere 2. Arogyavardhaka Asano : UbhA UbhA karavAnA Asano nAlAsana, koNAsana, sIMgapuSTi Asana besIne karavAnA Asano : bhadrAsana. ardha matsyendrAsana, yogamudrA cattA sUIne karavAnA Asano : pavanamukatAsana, sarvAMgAsana, halAsana UMdhA sUIne karavAnAM Asano : bhujaMgAsana, salabhAsana, dhanurAsana 3. ArAmadAyaka Asano : zavAsana, makarAsana, nibhAva ane sukhAsana yogavidyAnuM cothuM pagathiyuM prANAyAma che. prANa eTale jIvanazakti ane teno AyAma eTale prANazaktino vikAsa ane saMyama. prANAyAma dvArA zvAsocchvAsanI kriyA upara saMyama prApta thAya che. prANa ane mana ekabIjA sAthe joDAyelA hovAthI prANAyAma dvArA e bane sthira thaI zake che. prANAyAmanA abhyAsathI zArIrika, mAnasika ane adhyAtmika vikAsa thAya che. prANAyAmanA aneka prakAranI mULabhUta cAra vidhAo che... recaka - ucchvAsa barAbara bahAra kADhatA zIkhavuM pUraka - zvAsa barAbara letA zIkhavuM. kuMbhaka - zvAsane maryAdita samaya sudhI rokatAM zIkhavuM. zUnyaka zvAsanuM recana karyA pachI zvAsa vinAnI sthitimA rahetAM zIkhavuM. pAMcamuM pagathiyuM pratyAhAra che. bahirmukha thayelI indriyone aMtarmukha banAvavAnI sAdhanAne pratyAhAra kahe che. pratyAhAranA pAMca prakAra che kAraNa ke indriyo pAMca che. Akha - cakSu indriyano pratyAhAra kAna - zravaNendriyano pratyAhAra nAka - ghrANendriyano pratyAhAra jIbha - rasanendriyano pratyAhAra cAmaDI - sparzendriyano pratyAhAra pratyAhAranI sAdhanAnAM traNa pagathiyAM che. 1. indriyone azubhamAMthI zubhamA joDavI 2. aneka zubha viSayomAMthI ekmA' kendrita thavuM 3. sthUlamAMthI sUkSma svarUpamAM lIna thavuM A traNeya tabakakA samajapUrvaka karavAmAM Ave to caca indriyone vaza karavI zakya che. chaThThuM pagathiyuM che dhAraNA. dhAraNA eTale mananI ekAgratA. mananI ekAgratA vinA saphaLatA zakya nathI. saphaLatA meLavavA ekAgratA keLavavI joIe. manane ekAgra karavAnI aneka rIta che... dA.ta. rUpastha dhAraNA : je biMdu, jyoti, mUrti vagere para trATaka karI thAya. padastha dhAraNA: je maMtra, japa ane nAdAnusaMdhAna dvArA thAya. piMDastha dhAraNA: je saptacakrabhedana, kAyavipazyanA vagere dvArA thAya. rUpAtIta dhAraNA: je arUpI tattvomA manane joDavAthI thAya. sAtamuM pagathiyuM dhyAna che. dhAraNA eTale ekAgratA ane dhyAna eTale mananI lInatA. mana jemAM ekAgra thayuM hoya temAM lIna thaI jAya, tadrupa banI jAya, tyAre dhyAnanI sthiti Ave. dhAraNAnI jema dhyAnanA paNa cAra prakAro che. rUpastha dhyAna, padastha dhyAna, piMDastha dhyAna, rUpAtIta dhyAna. dhyAna sAdhanAmAM krame krame niSThApUrvaka AgaLa vadhatA AtmadhyAna sudhI pahoMcI zakAya. citta sUkSma jagatamAM lIna thAya tyAre ati sUkSma Atmatva sudhI pahoMcAya. AtmAnuM sAcuM svarUpa samajAya. AThamuM pagathiyuM samAdhi che. samAdhi dhyAnathIya AgaLanI Ucca avasthA che. pataMjalie samAdhinuM vistArathI nirUpaNa karyuM che. eTale samAdhinA be prakAra batAvyA che, saMprajJAt samAdhi ane asaprajJAt samAdhi, A benA aneka peTA prakAra ane tenI sUkSma chaNAvaTa 'yogasUtra'nA samAdhipadamAM maLe che. aSTAMgayoganI sAdhanA jo niSThApUrvaka, dRDhasaMkalpathI niyamitarUpe karavAmAM Ave to mAnavajIvanano zArIrika, 911252330 00:0 Page #128 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 30 SHREE MAHAVIRAYA NAMAHA WISHING A GRAND SUCCESS FOR PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV AHIMSA PERMO DHARMHA 642 Sutter Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11207 (718) 342-5201 Dr. Haresh & Jyotee Shah Prashant & Pamee Shah Menaben & Bipinbhai 157 South Fourth Ave Mt. Vernon, NY 10550 (914) 664 5342 "A Healthy Smile is always in Style" BBBEEEEEEEE 126 Page #129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 GSSS STOCO 09:00 0.00 0.00 0.00 cogavidhAH jIvanavikAsanI kaLA 3 mAnasika, AdhyAtmika ane sAmAjika ema sarvAgI vikAsa zikSaNa A zibiromAM apAya che. thAya. sAdhakane dehamAM rahelA AtamadevanAM darzana thAya. zarata chellA be-traNa dAyakAthI deza-videzamAM 'yogA'no eTalI ja ke A yogasAdhanA Adara, utsAha ane niSThAthI pracAra-prasAra vadhyo hovAnuM jaNAya che. paNa A 'yogA' lAMbo samaya sudhI karavI. yogamArganI sAdhanAmAM sAdhake sAdhanA 'yoga' eTale zArIrika svAthya prApta karavAnI saraLa zaktione vikasAvI, zuddha karI temanuM urvIkaraNa karavAnuM hoya ane sacoTa vyAyAma paddhati' evI adhUrI samajathI karavAmAM che. yogasAdhanAmAM siddhAMta thIarI) karatAM sAdhanA (prakaTIsa)nuM Ave che. yoganAM AThe aMgonI yathArtha samajaNa vinA mAtra mahattva vadhu che. A sAdhanA samartha ane anubhavI mArgadarzakanI yogAsanone ja yoga samajI yoganuM anusaraNa thAya tyAre dekharekha heThaLa karavI hitAvaha che. sAdhaka yogasAdhanAthI maLatA sAcA lAbhothI jarUra ja vaMcita eka du:khada mAnyatA evI che ke jaina paraMparAmAM rahI jAya. te yoganA mahimAne kuMThita karanAra sAdhaka banI yogasAdhanAe jhAjhuM mahattva ApavAmAM AvyuM nathI. hakIkta rahe, sAco sAdhaka nahIM. AtmAne cetanAnI UMcI bhUmikAe e che ke jaina paraMparAmAM yogano jeTalo mahimA karavAmAM laI jatI yogasAdhanAno upayoga mAtra zarIra sauSThava mATe Avyo che teTalo bhAgye ja bIje kaze thayo haze. tIrthakaro svayaM thAya te yogasAdhanAnuM avamUlyana che. yogazAstra zarIranuM mahAyogIo hatA. eTale temanI mUrtio dhyAnastha jovAmAM nahIM, cittanuM zAstra che. eno saMbaMdha zarIrathIya upara mana, Ave che. jaina dharmanI tamAma vidhiomAM yogAsano ane citta ane cetanA sAthe che. yogasAdhanA cittavRttiono nirodha yogano marma varNavelo che. bhagavAna athavA gurune vaMdana karavA karI AtmasvarUpamAM sthira thavA mATe che. paMcAMga praNipAtanI vidhimAM aneka yogAsanono sAra samAI evuM nathI ke yogasAdhanAmAM zarIranI upekSA thaI che. jAya che. yogamArgamAM zarIrane sAdhanAnuM eka mahattvanuM sAdhana gaNyuM ja bhagavAna mahAvIrane kevaLajJAna prApta thayuM tyAre che. enI zuddhi ane keLavaNI mATe Asana tathA prANAyAmanI teo utkaTika-godohikA-AsanamAM hatA. caityavaMdana ane sAdhanA saMbaMdhI upara vistArathI vAta karI ja che. ApaNe je kAyotsarga mATe paNa alaga alaga Asano che. bhUlavAnuM nathI te e ke Asana-prANAyAma yogasAdhanAnAM tIthalanAM 'zAMtiniketana sAdhanA kendramAM yojAtI prAraMbhika aMgo che, te sAdhanAnuM aMtima caraNa nathI. zibiro mAtra yoga zibiro ja nathI, te jaina dRSTie thatI maharSi pataMjalie aSTAMgayoganA be vibhAga pADyA yogasAdhanAnI zibiro che. ahIM jaina zabda sAMpradAyika nahIM che - bahiraMga yoga ane aMtaraMga yoga. dhAraNA, dhyAna ane paNa vizALa arthamAM prayojayo che. jainadarzananuM bIjuM nAma samAdhi e aMtaraMga yoganAM traNa aMgo che jeno saMbaMdha anekAMtadarzana che. jainadaSTi eTale anekAMtadaSTi. cittavRttinAM zuddhikaraNa ane urdhvakaraNa sAthe che. jayAre satya anaMta che. tene eka ja nahIM aneka bahiraMga yogane aMtaraMgayoganuM sAdhana batAvyo che ane dRSTikoNathI samajavA ane svIkAravAnI vRtti keLavavI e bahiraMgayogamAM yamaniyamanA pAyA sAthe Asana, prANAyAma anekAMtadaSTinuM hArda che. anekAMgI satyane pAmavA ekAMgI ane pratyAhArano kramika abhyAsa sUcavyo che. arthAt citta dRSTi na cAle. eTale ja 'zAMtiniketana'nI zibiromAM zuddhinA pAyAmAM zarIra, prANa ane indriyonI zuddhi ane anekAMtadRSTie satyane pAmavAnA badhA mArgono svIkAra thayo saMyama keLavavAM jarUrI che. TUMkamAM aSTAMgayoganI sAdhanA che. ahIM jJAna, bhakti ane yoga e traNenI sAdhanAnA zarIrathI laI AtmA sudhInA, bAhyavyaktitvathI AMtarika kAryakramo uparAMta haThayoga, rAjayoga, maMtrayoga ane astitva sudhInAM, jIvananA dareka aMgone sparze che. A layayogano samAveza karatA kAryakramo paNa yojAya che. sAdhanA sAdhakanA zArIrika, mAnasika ane AdhyAtmika prAraMbhika zibiramAM prAthamika samaja ApI, AgaLa vikAsano triveNI saMgama racI Ape che. sAdhakajIvananI paLe vadhavA mAgatA mumukSune tenI prakRtti ane bhUmikA mujaba judI paLa jJAna, prema ane AnaMdathI rasAtI jAya che. sAdhakanuM judI sAdhanA paddhati sUcavI, e paddhatie sAdhanA karavAnuM jIvana e ja tenuM tIrtha banI jAya che. Page #130 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ "The secret of success is to find a need and fill it." BEST WISHES FROM CHARU MANIAR Sales Representative > Serving Bergen County in Northern New Jersey > Certified Capital Properties & Estates representative > New Construction specialist > Recipient of NJAR Million Dollar Club 1989, 1992, 1997,1998, 1999 > Participated in more than 60 Million Dollars of closed Real Estate transactions in past 19 years Weichert Realtors' A APPAARAAAAaaaaaa WWWWWWWWWWWW JUALMUR Capital Properties & Estates We Sell More Because We Do More For All your REAL ESTATE NEEDS- buying, selling or renting-in residential or commercial property, Please Call: Charu Maniar 201-767-8600 Ext. 115 Office 201-784-0492 residence 201-759-6827 Cell 201-750-7528 ext. 115 voicemail 142 Oakland Avenue Closter, NJ 07624 Page #131 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ DHOOHOIC FARPr: H . . . mA : mAmaRAPAR .... .... ..: .:: O: invityiiiiiiiiY sAdhanA se sAdhya FDMROPORRORORIRORDPIRIRIRAMAImAmAmAmAmAyAnaamananamananmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmrha - AcArya vimala sAgara anAdi kAlIna saMsAra du:kho se saMtapta jIva sukha cAritra kI ArAdhanA kI aura ziSyoM ke hitArtha cAritra cAhatA hai para sukha kI prApti ke upAyoM ko nahIM karatA dhAraNa karane kA upadeza diyA / dvAdazAMga vANI meM huA pAMca pApoM ke prapaMca meM phaMsA du:kha zrRMkhalA ko sarvaprathama 'AcAraMga kAhI kathana kiyA / paMcama yathAkhyAta majabUta karatA hai| cAritra kI prApti ke lie usa paMca medoMyukta cAritra ko meM AcArya zrI guNabhadra svAmI AtmAnuzAsana meM puna: puna: praNAma karatA huuN| likhate hai - tIrthaMkaro ko bhI binA cAritra dhAraNa kiye ananta 'pApat du:khaM dharmAt sukha' - pApa se du:kha va dharma sukha prApta nahIM huA to sAdhAraNa jIvo kI kyA kathA? se sukha prApta hotA hai| prazna uThatA ki dharma kyA hai? to tA ha / prazna uThatA ki dhama kyA hai ? to kunda kunda svAmI ne aSTa pAdur3a meM vivecana pravacanasAra meM kunda kunda svAmI likhate hai, 'cArittaM khalu kiyA hai - dhammo' - cAritra hI nizcaya se dharma hai| AcArya isI liye Navi sinkSar3a vatthadharo, jiNasAsaNe jaI vi hoI titthyro| bhavyAtmAoM ko sambodhita karate hue Nammo vimokkha maggo sesA ummaggaya savvo / / likhate hai 'mahAnubhAvo, sacce sukha kI prApti karanA hai to jina zAsana meM vastradhArI kabhI siddhi ko prApta cAritra dhAraNa karanA parama Avazyaka hai ' / kahA he - nahIM kara sakatA, cAhe vaha tIrthaMkara bhI kyoM na ho / nagna 'ananta sukha sampanna cenAtmAya kSaNAdapi / digambara yathAjAta rUpa hI mokSa mArga hai zeSa sabhI unmArga namastasmai pavitrAya cAritrAya puna: puna: / / usa cAritra ko bArambAra namaskAra hai jisake AcArya zrI samanta bhadra svAmI se ziSya ne pUchA - dhAraNa karane se AtmA kSaNa mAtra meM anta sukha kA svAmI prabho ! cAritra dhAraNa karane kI AvazyakatA kyoM? AcArya bana jAtA hai| zrI ne samAdhAna kiyA - mahAnubhAvo ! darzana kI pUrti kSAyika samyagadRSTi mohatimarANaharaNe, darzana lAbhAdavApta saMjJAna: / ke caturtha guNasthAna meM ho jAtI hai, para jIva sukha ko prApta rAgadveSa nivRtyai, caraNaM prapadyate sAdhu / / nahIM karatA / jJAna kI pUrNatA kevalajJAna hote hI terahaveM -ratnakaraNDa jrAvakAcAra guNasthAna meM ahaMdAvasthA meM ho jAtI hai; fira bhI 8 varSa samyak-darzana va jJAna kI prApti ho jAne para bhI kama 1 koTi pUrva taka jIva saMsAra meM banA rahatA hai / para rAga dveSa rUpa azubha pariNAmoM kI nivRti cAritra dhAraNa cAritra kI pUrNatA caudahaveM guNasthAna ke carama samaya meM hote kiye binA nahIM ho sakatI / ata: moha rUpa aMdhakAra ko hI AtmA zAzvata sukha ko prApta kara siddhAvasthA ko prApta nAza kara rAga dveSa kI nivRti cAritra dhAraNa kiye binA nahIM hotA hai / tAtparya yaha hai ki cAritra sukhaprApti kA ho sakatI / ata: moha rUpI aMdhakAra ko nAtha kara rAga sAdhakatama kAraNa hai| dveSa kI nivRti ke liye sAdhu jana caritra kI zaraNa ko cAritraM sarva jinaizcaritaM proktaM ca sarva zivyebhyaH / / prApta hote hai / isa liye tInoM kI ekatA hI mokSa kA prabhAmi paMca meda, paMcama cAritra lAbhAya / / mArga hai| -vIrabhakti pUrva meM jitane tIrthaMkara ho gaye sabhI ne svayaM AURANIK JEDEdCOatioOREOnder:2OTUS gayA Page #132 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ MEDCO PLUMBING INC. Congratulations... ON A JOB WELL DONE ON THE JAIN CENTER 65-11 FRESH MEADOW LANE FLUSHING, NY 11365 718.939.8100 FELTETETTOTETTAJA Page #133 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ARHAM THE TRUE NATURE OF NON-VIOLENCE Samani Charitrapragyaji Samani Shuklaprapragyaji Bhagwan Mahavir enunciated the great principle of Non-Violence. He defined Non-Violence in its most profound depths. Non-Violence is a living philosophy for peaceful life. As long as a person lives alone, there is no cause for fear, hatred or retaliation. Only when he starts to live with someone else, it becomes mandatory to practice the principle of Non-Violence. This is necessary to create an environment of fearlessness that can lead to peace and harmony. The big question, therefore, is how to promote and practice Non-Violence in personal life, in family, in society and overall at the global level. It seems that unless and until the root causes of violence are known, it is difficult to foster and encourage people to have faith in the great power of Non-Violence. H.H.Acharya Mahaprajnaji says, "The inner triggers that cause a person to engage and get involved in violent activities are emotional agitation and arrogance." The external triggers of violence might be impoverishment and inadequacy of meeting the basic necessities of life. To live in a society means to live a life of relationships. If a person lives together with others peacefully, can we regard it as a complete practice of Non-Violence? In the real sense, this is only a pragmatic practice of Non-Violence and not the transcendent practice of the principle. The pragmatic practice of Non-Violence arises from self-interest and the need for self-preservation. Not to hurt someone, not to kill and not to disrespect - all these societal norms are formulated on the basis of personal protection and not for the welfare of all living beings. That's why whenever there is a dispute in one community or sect, it ignites all the other communities and religious sects to get involved leading to communal riots and killing thousands of innocent people. How can we stop this brutality, this terror and fear? Is there a way to extinguish this inner burning fire? Unless and until we understand the real meaning of Non-Violence, it seems difficult to protect this beautiful planet from the burning flames of violence. OP 131 Page #134 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ FAAAAAAE With Best Wishes TO JAIN CENTER OF AMERICA NEW YORK FOR THE Auspicious Day of Pratishtha Mahotsav SAURAJ DIAMOND'S INC. N.Y. 10 West 46th Street - Suite 1301 - New York, NY 10036 212.354-7390 BEBEEEEEEEE 132 Page #135 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Non-Violence must not be understood as a principle of utility. The core definition of Non-Violence in the words of Bhagwan Mahavir is "Aatmaupamya Bhaav". This means developing the feeling of oneness with all existing souls and to consider everyone else's soul as equal to our own soul. This includes not only the souls of human beings but also those of every living organism. This concept of equality of souls is the true nature of Non-Violence. Until these feelings are cultivated in our mind, peace and harmony cannot exist. Pragmatic practice of Non-Violence does have its own value, yet more importance should be bestowed upon the transcendent practice of Non-Violence. The seeds of violence exist not only in the external world but also in the inner world. Violence was not born in the twentieth century; it emerged a long time ago. Only a delicate string of usefulness and selfinterest has placed a curtain on the emergence of violence. Whenever this string is broken, violence shows its heinous face. We need to introspect on this problem very seriously. Where do we start? It would be best if all of us started to assess our own actions, behaviors and attitudes. There are many questions that each one of us needs to ask himself. Who am I? What's the purpose of my life on this beautiful planet? Am I living a life influenced by untrained instincts? Are my actions creating negativity in my own life, in my family and in the society? Which of my instincts are responsible for stimulating negative emotions? Is it possible to transform and transmute those emotions? Am I prone to act according to my destiny? Do I have to suffer pain throughout my life? Contemplating in this manner might lead to a ray of light that will illuminate our path towards peace and happiness. An economist or a sociologist would say that man commits violence because of the confluence of situations, circumstances and environment. Man adapts and behaves according to the situation. His actions and reactions are related to the circumstances. These, surely, are the instrumental causes that increase violence, but the main cause exists in the deeper level of the internal world, inside the sub-conscious mind. The literal meaning of Non-Violence is no violence, no Himsa. This elucidates both the negative and the affirmative implications of its meaning. Refraining from killing and abstinence from attachment and hatred in all actions is the negative implication of Non-Violence, whereas engaging in auspicious deeds, learning and understanding spiritual practices is its affirmative implication. In the superficial physical sense, it seems that where there is negation, there is only prohibition of violence and where there is affirmation, there is an exposure towards creativity and positive actions. In a deeper sense, it is obvious that where there is a negation, there is a provision for action and where there is an action; there is a negation too. XO FORK 133 MOTO Page #136 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BEST COMPLIMENTS TO JAIN CENTER OF AMERICA NEW YORK FROM PARAS SHAH BHAVNA SHAH HEMANT SHAH Allstars Realty 270-01 Hillside Avenue, New Hyde Park, NY 11040 Bus 718 343-SALE. 516 355-0600 Fax 718 343-7266 Cell 516 263-9624 website: Email: Hemant Shah Broker "Religion is the highest of all blessings. It compromises Ahimsa (non-violence), Samyam (self-restraint), Tapa (penance). Even the Gods bow down to he whose mind is always centered in religion" Page #137 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ If inner thoughts, feelings and emotions are not purified, we cannot be completely non violent. Therefore to stay away from violence, we need to perform good deeds. In the same way, to engage in performing good deeds, it is necessary to keep away from violence. In general, the affirmative perspective is considered as active Non-Violence and negative as passive Non-Violence. We are very fortunate to have received the great heritage of Non-Violence from the teachings of the great Tirthankaras. Our Jain temples are the replicas of Non-Violence. The idols of Tirthankaras are devoid of any weapons. By contemplating and meditating on them, the dirt of our minds disappears and the spontaneous flow of eternal peace and happiness fills our minds and bodies. On this pious occasion of Pratishtha, let us make a strong resolution to apply the true nature of Non-Violence in our lives and spread its fragrance throughout the world. Let us pray together in the words of H.H.Acharya Mahaprajnaji - "Soul is my god. Renunciation is my prayer. Amity is my devotion. Self- restraint is my strength. Non-violence is my religion." Catiomomor HOHOHO FR135 < Page #138 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ WITH BEST COMPLIMENTS FROM DR. VINIT SHAH, DDS JAYSHREE SHAH MAMTA SHAH PARTH SHAH A Person Who Is Free From Delusion (Who Understands Things as They Are) Who Has Good Qualities, Who Has Good Thoughts, Speech and Deeds, and Who Avoids Violence of Body, speech and Mind Enjoys Freedom Like A Bird. While Living on This Earth -Uttaraadhyayan Sutry: 20-60 80-31 BROADWAY ELMHURST, NY 11373 718.429.4477 ETTERETETTELETETETA FORS S ON Jain Education Intematonal 2010_0 Page #139 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ A RT. ODOHOTO 01. 10 . 0 Soul: A great traveler: By: Chandrakant Mehta Parsippany, N.J. 07054 A traveler starts his journey. On his way he stays in an Inn for some time. Then he resumes his journey. Again stays for a few days somewhere and again he resumes his journey till he reaches his destination. Similarly the soul assumes one body; he stays there for some years. Then he leaves the body and assumes other physical frame. A few years later he continues his journey changing from one body to the other until he is finally liberated. This is called a pure soul or moksha where the soul stays independently forever PADARIA DE LA TARDE TARTARRILARDERORTAITAATIAIATARIATETRURIARTRITION Travel by modern jet plane with the speed of 600 miles per hour would cover 259200000 miles in fifty years and would cover about 518400000 in about 100 years. Such a protracted journey is quite negligible in comparison with the infinitely protracted journey of the soul. In this universe, there is no such species, nor a place where the soul has not undergone innumerable birth and death. Soul is the greatest traveler. Since the time immemorial, it moves in four gatis (human, animal, heaven, and hell) and 84 lakhs (8.4 million) of sources of birth. It ends the journey when liberated from the bonds of 'Karmas'. Some people doubt the rebirth or reincarnation of soul. Let us discuss their arguments and we will provide the answers. We can remember the incidents which occurred five, ten or fifty years back, then why do we not recollect incidents of the previous life? The theory of rebirth is not imaginary. Our thirthankars could see the infinite past, present and future. They had achieved perfect knowledge (Keval-Gyan); they were selfless and therefore, would not describe a fact contrary to what they actually perceived. So they should be taken as authentic representing facts as they actually exist. What kind of wisdom do we display in not relying on words of the Omniscient and in relying on one's limited intelligence? Do you not rely on a physician to cure yourself? You must have a faith in our Thirthankar in matters relating to soul. Our thirthankars describe the world as the ocean. An infinite number of souls traverse as drops of water do in the ocean and they have infinite number of births. How can the infiniteness of these births are established unless we accept the repetition of births. The soul assumes such a state in order to reap the rewards of their sinful and meritorious acts and how could this happen if rebirth is not possible? Moreover, our thirthankars described in details their own previous lives in the Aagams (Sacred texts). Why would they describe reincarnations if reincarnations did not exist? There are three ways to prove certain facts. With the help of (1) Aagams (sacred texts), (2) logical arguments, and (3) of personal experience. We have shown how the sacred texts establish the theory of reincarnation of soul. Now we proceed with the logical arguments. If you hold that you do not remember your Page #140 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ BEST WISHES TO JAIN CENTER OF AMERICA ON IT'S PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV FROM MAYUR DALAL AND FAMILY f Page #141 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ previous life and that is why you do not accept it as a fact; then I ask you, "Do you remember the fact that you stayed in the womb of your mother?" Were you not delivered from the womb? Or where you dropped here on the earth from above? All of us, who are born, are delivered from the mother's womb. If a man could remember what he experienced in the mother's womb, he would not choose to return to the same place. But he forgets all this and takes care of his new life. Our life is like a bridge connecting both the banks of a river. One of them is birth and the other is death. In fact, there is no distinction between the two. One for the entry and the other for the exit. We celebrate birth and subsequent birth dates with festivals and music, and we regret and lament after death for days together. These two, passion and prejudice are our great enemies which keep us wandering in this world through series of death and birth. WOULUUwowow- UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU Let us discuss about the argument of remembrance. A man does not remember the incidents of his life, when he was two years old. It does not mean that this stage of childhood did not exist. A child in the womb has no company. Still among the four siblings, one is cruel, the other is kind, the third is greedy and the fourth is generous. They bear very often quite contrary nature to that of their parents. Why? The only answer is that the child has entered this world with good and bad karmas of his previous births. When a soul transmigrates from one body to the other, he carries along with him two types of bodies called Taijas and karman. These bodies are very subtle and no one can obstruct their path. Therefore, they accompany the soul everywhere, until the soul is liberated. ich I read in the people had the kmes in this conn Now let us consider the actual experience of human beings in this connection. You might have read in the newspaper that some people had the knowledge of their past lives. Let me quote a case which I read in the Indian newspaper. In the village Chanasma near Patan (India) one boy remembered his past birth. He used to say, "I stayed in a such and such locality in Patan in my previous life. My name in the past life was Kevalchand". For verification, the boy was brought over to Patan and he led the people to his house by the road he claimed to remember. He identified his house of the previous life. He pointed out many secret matters and could recognize his grandson Manilal. Thus, actual experience also supports the contention of rebirth which is established beyond doubt. P riser la tion of OD 20:010:0: TILVILULIL..JISTIL, Page #142 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ABAEAAE BEST WISHES JAIN CENTER If America TO AAE SHASHI TOLIA, DDS MRS.ASHA TOLIA FAMILY DENTISTRY 291 Knickerbocker Avenue * Brooklyn, NY 11237 718.821.1516 140 Page #143 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ pAThazALA: pAThazALA eTale susaMskAranI khANaH1 sunaMdAbahena vohorA amadAvAda, pAThazALAnuM mAhAbhya : amerIkana hatI. pAThazALAnI kanyAe kahyuM ke huM to sTrIkalI vejITerIyana chuM. pelI traNa amerIkana kanyAonI udAratA kevI bhautika vijJAnanI ke temaNe kahyuM ke somathI zukra ApaNe vejITerIyana phUDa khAIzuM. haraNaphALa sAthe mAnava Ama saMskAranuM manobaLa anyanA hRdayanI lAgaNIo sudhI jIvanane uttama ane pahoMce che. samatola banAvavA susaMskAranI atyaMta eka yuvAnane pUchayuM have tamArA vaDIlo pachI AvazyakatA che. vaijJAnika daherAsaronuM zuM thaze ? 'ame saMbhALIzuM temAM zaMkA nathI.' yugamAM buddhicAturyathI A rIte kevaLa jainadarzanamAM pAThazALAnuM mAhAbhya che mAnava dhanarAzi ekaThI karI zakaze, Azcaryajanaka zodho karI zakaze. AvuM ghaNuM badhuM tema nathI paNa jayuIza, muslima, krizciyana jevA samAjamAM anyarUpe paNa pAThazALAnA zikSaNa jevA kSetro che. thayA pachI paNa koI tatvaciMtakane kahevuM paDyuM ke AtmasaMzodhana vagara A badhuM vyartha che. mAnava mAtra sukha-zAMti Icche che, saMtAno saMskArI bhautikakSetre AtmasaMzodhana thavAnA sAdhano ke thAya tema Icche che... te dharmanA pavitra saMskAra vagara zakya sthiratA nathI. parivartanazIla jagatamAM eka dharmasaMskAra ja eka nathI. te saMskAranA pAyAmAM pAThazALA mahatvanuM aMga che. amerIkAnA nAgariko A mATe sajAga thayA che. teo evuM sAdhana che ke je AtmasaMzodhana paNa karI zake. e dharma koI mata ke paMtha nathI paNa pavitra vaizvika zakti che. dharma mAtra yuvAnonI dharmasabhAnA Ayojana kare che. yuvAno ja tenuM saMcAlana karI uttama vicAronA pravAhane vega Ape che. koI zabda ke kriyA nathI paNa pazutA tarapha jatA mAnavane uttama jIvana bakSatuM pavitra Ayojana che. evA dharmanA saMskArano keTalAka udAharaNo: pAyo pAThazALA che. te pAThazALA mukhyatve traNa kSetrane AvarI varSo pahelAM eka satsaMgI bhAIne tyAM mAro utAro zake che. hato. ravivAre temano 12 varSano bALaka taiyAra thaI tenA mitra 1, bALa vibhAga pAThazALA 2. kumAra vibhAga pAThazALA 3. sAthe carcamAM jato hato. pitAne vicAra thayo ke mAro putra prauDha vibhAga pAThazALA. carcamAM jaze to saMskAra badalAI jaze eTale temaNe be-cAra traNeya vibhAgamAM anyonya saMbaMdha che. mAtApitAmAM mitrone bhegA karI potAnA ja bejhamenTamAM (bhoMyarAmAM) dharma saMskAra haze to teo bALakone ke yuvAna saMtAnone pAThazALA zarU karI. pachI snAtra pUjA zarU karI ane Aje to bhaNatara sAthe ghaDatara mATe pAThazALAnA zikSaNa mATe protsAhita cerIphIlamAM suMdara daherAsara senTaramAM pAThazALA ane eDalTanA karaze, pote paNa temAM rasarUci dharAvaze. vargo cAle che. pachI to anya sthaLomAM A Ayojana zarU thaI gayAM. vaLI bALako pAThazALAmAM jaze eTale mAtApitAne paNa je kAMI zIkhyA te jaNAvaze jemAM nirdoSa AnaMda maLaze je jayAM sudhI senTara na thAya tyAM sudhI game te prakAre TIvI jevA sAdhano ApI nahi zake. A pravRtti satsaMgInA gharamAM zarU thaI jAya to eTalA varSo bALako pAThazALAnA zikSaNa vagara vaMcita na rahe paNa senTara yuvAno pAThazALAmAM javAnuM jALavI rAkhaze to thAya pachI senTara(saMgha)e saMghanA nejA nIce saMgaThita ane koleja jIvananA dUSaNothI dUra rahI jIvananI nidoSato suvyavasthita Ayojana thavuM jarUrI che. senTara na thAya tyAM sudhI. sAcavaze ane pavitra jIvananA saMskAro dvArA temanA kSetramAM eka saMgaThanathI cAle temAM lAbha che. paNa anyane preraNA Apaze. Ama traNe kSetre pAThazALA eDIsanamAM pAThazALA senTaranA bhAve baMdha thaI hatI. mahatvanuM aMga che. 1998mAM meM kahyuM koI potAne ghare jagA Apo ane zarU karo. pAThazALAnA yuvAnonuM khamIra: eka varSa eka bahene potAnA ghare pAThazALA cAlu karI paNa pAThazALAe bhaNelI eka kanyA koleja gaI. eka bALakInI sakhyA bALakonI saMkhyA be varSamAM 100 jeTalI thaI gaI eTale epArTamenTamAM cAra kanyAone sAthe rahevAnuM hatuM jemAM traNa zA zALAnA oraDA hAyara karyA. saMkhyA to vadhatI jAya che ane 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0:00 : 00.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 , 0. : - - Page #144 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ PPPPPPPFEFEFEFFER AAAAA DIE Best Wishes To Jain Center of America For Grand success of PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV K.G. INDUSTRIES, INC. BANSI SHAH RAMESH SHAH C.J. KOTHARI SANDEEP SHAH GENERAL CONSTRUCTION & COMMERCIAL ROOFING CONTRACTORS 27-08 42rd Road, Long Island City- NY 11101 Phone: (718) 433-2211 Fax: (718) 433-2200 Canopy Roof - Ground Zero Path Restoration Project World Trade Center-New York TRAIN TERMINAL AT HOWARD BEACH STATION Air-Train Terminal at Howard Beach JFK Airport New York BEBEEEEEEEEE 178 Page #145 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ra0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0: kAkA pAThazALA: pAThazALA eTale susaMskAranI khANa : 2 rrrrrrrrrrrrrTA tArAnA rAjakAjanAnakhAnAnAnAnAnsa teo senTara thavAnI rAha jue che. Ama have ghaNA senTaromAM emanI purI jIMdagI sudhI dUrAcArathI dUra rahe che ane pAThazALA e jIvananuM anivArya aMga manAyuM che. dhana e mAtApitA paNa jo kaMI vyasanAdi sevatA hoya to teo paNa jIvana jarUrIyAtanuM dekhAtuM sAdhana che jayAre pAThazALAnuM pAThazALAnA saMskArathI vyasanAdithI mukata thAya che. jo zikSaNa e adrazya paNa jIvananA sukha ane zAMti mATe atyaMta mAtApitA vyasanavALA haze to pAThazALAnA bALako tarata ja Avazyaka sAdhana che. dhana karatAM tenuM aneka gaNuM mUlya che. dhana kaheze A na khavAya, na pIvAya... mAtApitAne paNa saMkoca hoya ane saMskAra na hoya to A jIvana to vyartha paNa pachInA thaze. janmo to ati du:khadAyaka ja thavAnA che. jainadarzanamAM 'saMghanuM ghaNuM mAhAbhya che. bhadrabAhu vaDIlo (peranTasa)nI javAbadArI: svAmI jevAe paNa saMghanI AjJA mAnya rAkhI ziSyone 5. kedAranAtha nAme saMta thaI gayA. eka vAra temanA vAcanA ApI hatI. paradezamAM senTara e saMghanA sthAne hovAthI senTara dvArA cAlatI pAThazALAo sAdhanasaMpanna, darzane javAnuM thayuM tyAre huM grAma vistAramAM moTI saMkhyAmAM suvyavasthita ane saMvAdI hoya che. te dvArA bALakone paNa ghaNA bALamaMdironuM Ayojana karAvatI. teo mane kahe pahelA mA-bApane zikSaNa Apo to bALakonuM zikSaNa vadhu vegavALuM bALamitrono paricaya vadhe che ane vividha kAryakramonuM Ayojana thavAthI bALakono pAThazALA pratyeno Adara utsAha banaze nahi to tame zIkhavazo ane teo dharmasaMskAra vagaranA jaLavAI rahe che. haze to zIkhaveluM bhUlI jaze. amerIkAmAM ke anyatra dezomAM A rIte sarva jagAe Ama Aje amerIkA jevA dezamAM bALakonI senTaro dvArA pAThazALAnI pravRtti vikasatI jAya che. sAthe sAthe pAThazALA sAthe vaDIlonI pAThazALA paNa eTalI ja mahatvanI eDalTa pAThazALA paNa dareka senTaramAM astitvamAM AvI che che. bALako zALAmAMthI sUtro, dharmavArtA ke tattvanA pATha zIkhI jethI senTaranI anya suvidhAno lAbha maLe che. ne Ave tyAre mAtApitAne tenuM zikSaNa ke rasarUci na hovAthI bALakone paNa protsAhita karI nahi zake. temane tenI lagabhaga 1991mAM losa enjalasamAM eka vAra jarUrIyAta na lAge tethI bALakane teo mUkavA levAmAM paNa pAThazALA jovA gaI hatI tyAre peranTasane bALakone pramAda karaze. pAThazALAmAM mUkIne jatA joyAM. meM pUchyuM 'A badhA kayAM jAya vaLI sutro, tattva ke dharmakathAo jANavA zIkhavAnI che?' 'grosarI, zopIMga, sozyala vigere.' mAtApitAmAM paNa kaMIka samaja ane samatA pedA thAya che. meM kahyuM 'are, e saune bolAvo ane ahIM mArI AthI temanA jIvanamAM saMgharSa ke kajIyA na thAya to bALako pAse besADo.' te vakhate dasa-bAra bhAI baheno beThA. temane para sArA saMskAra paDe che. AthI pAThazALAnuM zikSaNa ghaNuM pAThazALAnuM mahatva samajAvyuM. teone vAta pasaMda paDI ane jarUrI che. tarata ja zrI gIrIzabhAIe te vAta hAtha dharI ane eDalTa vibhakata kuTuMbamAM eka ke be bALaka hoya, aDhaLaka vargo zarU karyA. have ema kahI zakAya ke losa enjalasano sAmagrI hoya tethI bALakamAM bhautika lAlasA vadhavAnI che. eDalTa vaga purA amerIkAmAM 2 eDalTa varga purA amerIkAmAM Adarza varga che. zAstrAbhyAsa, mAtApitAne susaMskAra ApavAno samaya nathI. pAThazALAmAM sUtrAbhyAsa, rojanA saMyamInI jIvananuM zikSaNa, parIkSAo... bALakone mitronI uNapa purI thAya che; vaheMcIne khAvAnuM, Ama jANe kudake ne bhusake varga vistarato jAya che. so jevI dhIrajathI ramavAnuM zikSaNa maLI rahe che. saMkhyA jaLavAI rahe che ane dezAvagAzIka jevA vrata sathe zibiro yojAya che. | nAnA ke moTA darekane mATe pAThazALAnuM zikSaNa saMskAra siMcana kare che. ethI vyasano, abhakSya AhAra, saptAhamAM vividharUpe pAMca divasanA A vargo cAle kusaMgata jevA dUrAcAro saheje chUTI jAya che. bALapaNathI paDelA che. mane lAge che have bAkInA be divasa paNa goThavAI jaze. A saMskAro dRDhatAthI TakI rahe che. pAThazALAmAM bhaNavuM ane savizeSa tamanA pAThazALAnA mAnada sevAbhAvI TIcarsa bALakone pAThazALAmAM bhaNAvavo e to jIvanano amUlya vagAmA zikSaNa le che. Ama bALakonA pAThazALA ane aDelTa avasara mAnajo. varga anyonya pUraka che je senTaranA agatyanA aMgo che. tethI traNe vibhAganI saMkhyA ane saMgaThana jaLavAI rahyuM che. mAro to anubhava che ke pAThazALAmAM jatAM bALako Page #146 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ AAAAAAAAAAAAAF JAINAM JAYANTI SHASANAM Best Wishes to... JAIN CENTER OF AMERICA for JEE THE PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV from JAYMIK SHAH SIMA SHAH NEHAL SHAH SHARDABEN SHAH When you get overconfident remember that today's peacock is tomorrow's feather duster. BELIEBTESIEEEEE 180 Page #147 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ pAThazALA pAThazALA eTale susaMskAranI khANa:3 zikAgomAM, DeTroITamAM paNa AvI Adarza pAThazALAo cAle che. ema ghalA senTaramAM A pravRttio cAle che. jayAM na cAlatI hoya temaNe teno saMkoca anubhavI A pravRttio hAtha dharavI joIe. senTara hoya tyAM bIjI suvidhAo paNa maLI rahe che. senTara na hoya paNa bALako to che ne... mATe pAThazALA pAyAnI jarUrIyAta che tema mAnI Ayojana karavuM Avazyaka che. pAThazALAnA bALakomA sadavicAra: eka pAThazALAnA bALakane pUchyuM, 'tuM pAThazALAne zA mATe Ave che ? dharma karavA.' 'dharma karavAthI thAya ?' 'pApa jatA rahe che.' 'pApa kema lAge ?' 'mITa khAvAthI. eTale huM DeDI-momane kahuM chuM ke krodha karIe to sarpa thaIe.' pachI teNe caMDakauzikanI vArtA TUMkamAM kahI. Ama bALaka ucca Adarzane grahaNa kare che. dayAnA saMdarbhamAM eka bALake kahyuM ke 'dayA ApaNA AtmAnI karavI joIe.' 'kema ? 'ApaNe karma bAMdhIne AtmAne du:kha ApIe chIe mATe pahelA AtmAnI dayA karIne pachI bIjI dayA paNa karavAnI.' be bALako kArapulamAM sAthe jatA, temAMnI eka amerIkana kanyA laMcabokasamAMthI kaMIka kADhe ane anya bALakane khAvAnI ophara kare. A bALaka pUche, temAM mITa che ? to te na khavAya, pApa lAge.' paMdareka divasa Ama cAlyuM ane Akhare amerIkana kanyAe paNa mITano tyAga karyo. Ama pAThazALAnuM zikSaNa vyApaka bane che. ethI ja kahI zakAya ke nAnA moTA saune mATe pAThazALA eTale saMskA2NI khANa... dhana rAzi che. bhautika dhana ke pratiSThA nA janma pUranI rahe ke na rahe paNa dharma saMskAranI dhanarAzi - saMskAra to va mukti pAme tyAM sudhI sAthe rahe che, je mAtApitA bALakone pAThazALAe moklatA nathI temane huM aparAdhI karyuM. mAnaddhevAbhAvI TIcarsane dhanyavAda: pAThazALA calAvanAra TIcarsamAM paNa eka prakArano sAva pedA thAya che. darekanI zaktionuM saMgaThana thavAthI bALakone paNa lAbha che. senTara dvArA cAlatI pAThazALAmAM eka saMcAlaka hoya che. temaja vyavasthA mATenI javAbadAra vyaktio hovAthI saMcAlana Adarza bane che. ekAkI ke alaga calAvavAthI ne lAbha maLato nathI. Goo jemanI zakti buddhi hoya temaNe AvI pAThazALAmAM tana, mana, dhana ke sevAthI yogadAna ApI paramAtmAnI kRdhAne pAtra thavuM joIe. TIcarsa samAjanuM Adarza aMga che. prema, samabhAva, anyonya udAratA, maitrIbhAva jevA guNo dvArA bhAvi peDhIne saMskAra ApI mahAna kartavyanA teo pradAtA bane che jethI temanI puNyarAzi ekaThI thAya che. je bhAI baheno guNayukta udAratAthI A kSetre yogadAna Ape che temane ghaNA dhanyavAda ApuM chuM ane zubhecchA pAThavu chuM. pAThazALAmAM kevA zikSaNanI jarUra che : pAThazALAmAM mata paMthanA bhedabhAva vagara satpurUSoe bodha sUtronI praNAlithI Apyo che te vAraso jALavavo joIe. te mATe amuka sUtro bALakone rasaprada rIte kaMThastha karAvavA joIe. te sAthe rojanI bALavananI carcAmAM teo maitrIbhAva keLave, vinaya zIkhe tevuM zikSaNa ApavuM joIe. yuvAno bhAvimAM senTaranI kAmagIrI bajAvI zake te pramANe temane paNa pUjA, bhakti, sUtro jevuM zikSaNa maLavuM jarUrI che. aMtamAM eTaluM ja kahIza ke pAThazALAo cAlu karo, hoya tene vikasAvo. maitrIbhAva rAkhIne moTA nAnAno vizvarUpa meLo hoya tema AnaMda pramodathI rkAvyapAlana karIne ApaNe saMtapurUSonI kRpAne pAtra thaIe. jIMdagI kevaLa sasAranI veTha utAravA mATe nathI paNa mAnavInA vikAsanA prayoganI zALA che. dhArmika saMskArano pavitra vAraso ApanAra paramAtmAnuM nitya smaraNa karUM ane temanA bodhelA kAryone ni:spRhabhAve bajAvu e ja prArthanA. hArdika zubhecchAo : savizeSa jaina senTara opha nyu yorka, amerIkAnA Azraye nUtana bhavya jInAlayanuM nirmANa thaI rahyuM che, 2004mAM e bhUmine sparza karavAno lAbha mane maLyo hato. 25nA pratiSThA mahotsava ane A navanirmANanA prasaMge mArI hArdika zubhecchA che. A kAryanA sau sahabhAgIone mArA abhivAdana che. parama kRpALu paramAtmAnI kRpA vaDe A prasaMgo yAdagAra banI rahe tevI prArthanA. pratiSThA mahotsava prasaMge hArdika maMgaLabhAvanA. ZP3131/9jOq. sunaMdAbahena vohorA. coco ONO Page #148 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ TO PETITE BEST WISHES JAIN CENTER OF AMERICA PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV FOR THE FROM Smt. Champaben S. Doshi Mahendra Doshi - Divya Doshi Rupal - Rohak Doshi 8182 Page #149 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ MOMDHONOMMONOMICHOICEO OOHDHDHONGINGREDIOHOHONOMONOMONOHONO jaina dharna kA saMkSipta paricaya saMgha pravartinI sAdhvI zrI maMjulA zrI jI jaina dharma vizva ke pramukha evaM pracInattama dharmoM meM se eka hai| yaha jitanA purAnA hai, utanA hI tarotAjA, vaijJAnika, vyavahArya aura ADambaroM se mukta bhI hai| sAmAnyataH purAnI vastu jIrNa-zIrNa, rUDhigrasta, avyAvahArika aura pradarzana pradhAna bana jAtI hai| para jaina dharma isakA apavAda hai| isameM jitanI tejasvitA aura maulakitA hai| vaha isakI apanI vizeSatA hai| jaina dharma kA zAbdika artha hai-jina yAnI 'vijetAoM ke dvArA nirUpati kiyA gayA dhrm| yaha dharma rAga-dveSa ko jItane vAle vItarAga jina bhagavAna ke dvArA nirdiSTa dharma hai aura kaSAya vijaya ke icchuka vyaktiyoM ke lie hai| jino devatA yasya saH jaina:-jina bhagavAna jinake ArAdhya haiM ve jaina kahalAte haiN| jaina dharma vaha mArga hai jisakA anusaraNa kara vyakti antataH karma baMdhana se mukta hokara mokSa gAmI bana jAtA hai| isa kAla-cakra meM jaina dharma kA nirUpaNa karane vAle RSabhAdi caubIsa tIrthakara ho gae haiM, para vartamAna meM jo jaina dharma kA svarUpa upalabdha hai, usake nirdezaka aura upadezaka bhagavAna mahAvIra the| zramaNa bhagavAna mahAvIra caubIsaveM tIrthakara the| Apa eka rAjagharAne meM janme the vaibhavapUrNa vAtAvaraNa meM pala-pusakara bhI vilAsitA meM nahIM phNse| tyAga ke patha kA anusaraNa kiyA aura sukha zAMti cAhane vAle prANiyoM ko bhI tyAga kA patha btlaayaa| bhagavAn mahAvIra ne tIna maulika siddhAnta die-ahiMsA, aparigraha aura anekAntavAda / ahiMsA aura aparigraha kI carcA anyatra bhI milatI hai| kintu anekAntavAda bhagavAna mahAvIra kA sarvathA nayA darzana haiN| jahAM koI jJAna-yoga se mukti kI sthApanA karatA thA, koI bhakti yoga ko mukti kA mAdhyama batAtA thA, koI karma-yoga meM vizvAsa karatA thA, vahAM bhanavAna ne samyaka darzana, samyaka jJAna, aura samyaka AcaraNa kI samanviti se mokSa kI prApti btaaii| samyaga darzana jJAna cAritrANi mokSa mArgaH" jahA~ kucha dArzanika padArtho ko kUTastha nitya mAnate the, kucha kSaNa kSayI ke siddhAnta ko svIkAra karate the, kucha loga amuka amuka padArthoM ko nitya aura amuka ko anitya mAnate the, vahAM bhagavAna mahAvIra ne utpAda, vyaya, dhauvyAtmaka padArtha kI sthApanA kara nityAnitya ke siddhAnta kI ghoSaNA kii| jaina darzana meM AtmA ko hI parama vikasita avasthA meM paramAtmA ke rUpa meM svIkAra kiyA gayA hai| jahA~ anya darzanoM meM bhakta, bhakta hI rahatA hai vahAM bhagavAna mahAvIra ne jaina darzana meM bhakta ko bhI bhagavAna banane kA avakAza diyA hai| sukha duHkha, janma-maraNa, saMsAra-mukti-saba apane kRta karmoM kA bhoga hai| dUsarA koI kisI kA bhalA-burA karane vAlA nahIM hai| bandha aura bandha ke hetu, mokSa aura mokSa ke hetu -ina cAroM kA samyaka bodha jisa vyakti ko ho jAtA hai, vaha zIghra hI saMsAra-bhramaNa se mukta ho jAtA hai| AtmA ko saMsAra meM bhaTakAne vAle rAgadveSa yA kaSAya hai| kaSAya ko kSINa karane para vyakti kI mukti svataH ho jAtI hai| 11. Page #150 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Best Wishes TO JAIN CENTER OF AMERICA FOR GRAND SUCCESS OF PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV from... Madhu Corp. VEZETETEZETETEZZETAELEZELELEZEA JAYENDRA SHAH CHAULA SHAH MAMTA SHAH APURVA SHAH NAMAM Whether I get any help from this world or not. Please Lord! I need your blessings and protection forever. Page #151 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ tioOnterno yaha saMsAra jisakI na koI saraMcanA karatA hai na koI saMhAra, anAdikAla se calA A rahA hai aura isakA koI anta bhI nahIM hai| jaina dharma mAnavIya ekatA kA poSaka hai vaha ekaiva mAnuSI jAti, AcAreNa vibhajyate ko lekara calatA hai| vahAM kisI taraha kI varNa-vyavasthA nahIM hai| jAti se kisI ko uMcA aura kisI ko nIcA mAnanA jaina darzana ke virUddha hai| yahAM para manuSya kI sat asat karma se hI usakI uccatA aura hInatA AMkI jAtI hai| jIvana-zuddhi kA sAdhana dharma kisI Azrama vyavasthA ke AdhAra para nahIM kiyA jaataa| dharma meM avasthA, liMga, varNa, raMga, jAti aura paristhiti kA koI pratibaMdha nahIM hai| AhAra-zuddhi jaina dharma kA ujjavala pakSa hai| jaina dharmAvalambiyoM kI yaha pahacAna hai ki ve mAMsa, madirA jaise abhakSya aura uttejaka padArthoM se paraheja karate haiN| AhAra meM aura bhI kaI taraha kI zuddhAzuddhi kA viveka paramAvazyaka hai| zuddha AhAra se hI mana pavitra raha sakatA hai aura pavitra mana hI pavitra AtmA kA sAkSI hai| AcAra saMhitA kA jahAM taka prazna hai, muni aura gRhastha dono hI vargoM ke lie bhinna bhinna AcAra, niyama banAe gae haiN| phira bhI vahAM bAhya upAsanA aura kriyAkANDoM kI apekSA Antarika tapa para vizeSa bala diyA gayA hai| kapitaya logoM kI yaha dhAraNA hai ki jaina dharma to kAyakleza aura tapasyA para hI bala detA hai kintu yaha dhAraNA sarvathA bhrAntipUrNa hai| jaina dharma ne dhyAna, svAdhyAya bhAvanA-zuddhi, samatA bhAva, maitrI bhAva, sahiSNutA para pramukhatA se bala diyA hai| bhagavAna ne kahA- do dina bhUkhe rahakara jitane karma kATe jAte haiM, zuddha mana se eka kSaNa kA dhyAna karake usase bhI adhika karma kA nirjaraNa kiyA jA sakatA hai| isa rUpa meM jaina dharma kA yaha saMkSipta vivecana hai| SHOCK185 NO Page #152 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ AAAEAAAA ka 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 Best Wishes !!! TO JAIN CENTER OF AMERICA ON ITS AUSPICIOUS DAY OF PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV FROM Bharatbhai Vijuben Ami & Aalok Parekh I devote myself to you to the best of my abilities, I offer this life to your service. yAdhyAdhyiAyAcyA yAsyAtyiA BBBEEEEEEEE Page #153 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SHRI ASHTAPAD MAHA TIRTH Past, Present and Future Dr. Kumarpal Desai XOXOXOXOX0000 0000 HOMOKON KOWakaWakaWawaWww WWWWWWWWWWWAWAWADADADADADORO UGARRIARER History and researchers are baffled - where is the mountain Ashtapad in the Himalayan range? The Hindu scriptures, Jain literature and Buddha scriptures all have references about Ashtapad but still the search has remained inconclusive and its location not found. The Jain centre of America - New York has launched a campaign to discover its exact location. The first Tirthankar Bhagwan Rishabhdev was the first to establish social code of governance and symbolised this importance of renunciation and penance, and attained Nirvana (final emancipation) at the Ashtapad Mountain. There are numerous places of Jain pilgrimage but five of them are the most important ones and hence are known as Maha Tirth and one of them is Ashtapad. The places where other Tirthankars attained Nirvana do exist today - Sametshikhar, Girnar, Pavapuri and Champapuri - and are visited by a large number of pilgrims. The second Tirthankar Shri Ajitnath was born in Ayodhya (North India) and attained Nirvana at Sametshikhar and the pilgrims flock this sacred place. What baffles people is the fact that the first Tirthankar Bhagwan Rishabhdev was also born in Ayodhya but his place of Nirvana is not to be found. The four other Maha Tirths exist, but the fifth Ashtapad is still undiscovered. It is believed that Ashtapad is somewhere among the snow-clad Himalayan peaks, about 168 miles North from Badrinath on the way to Mount Kailash. It is about seven miles from Mansarovar. Thousands of years ago the first Tirthankar Bhagwan Rishabhdev attained Nirvana here. After his Nirvana, his son Bharat Chakravarti constructed a gemstone-studded palace in his memory on the Asthapad Mountain. 24 idols of Jain Tirthankars were installed in it. It is believed that since there are eight steps to be climbed to reach the mountain it is known as Ashtapad. The Tirth is also referred to by such names as Ratnamay, Rajatadri, Sfatikachal in some scriptures. Description of Ashtapad is found in ancient volumes. The first reference is in Acharang Niryukti and it is referred to as Maha Tirth in a very ancient text Ekadashangadi Agam. The final sermon of Bhagwan Mahavir is found in Shri Uttaradhyayan Sutra. According to it anyone charamsariri who undertakes pilgrimage to Ashtapad will attain salvation. There are references and discussion about the Tirtha in Avashyak Niryukti, Nishithchurni, Vividh Tirthkalpa, Shri Ashtapad Maha Tirth kalp Gyan Prakash Diparnave and other volumes, while details about Shri Rishabhdev Bhagwan are found in Uttarpurana. The discription in uttarpurana refers to Shri Rishabhdev's son having built a gemstone-studded shrine in which were installed 72 idols of three chovisi - The past, present and future. Shri Gautamswami had undertaken pilgrimage to Ashtapad through his special powers. Siddhastavan Sutra has the description of the order in which the idols are found on Ashtapad Mountain. They were installed in four rows of four, eight, ten and two. A detailed description of Ashtapad Tirth is given in Trishashti-Shalaka-Purusha Charitra of Hemchandracharya. In the beginning of its tenth canto, it is said that anyone who would spend a night here and worship the idols, he would be a liberated soul. According to Pujya Sahajanandghanji, three chovisis of 72 idols are covered in snow. A Mangol Mendicant has said that Shri Rishabhdev Bhagwan practised penance on the Ashtapad Mountain. This reference is found in Kanjur and Tanjur texts. The description of Tirthankar's Nirvana is also found in ancient texts housed in Potala Palace which was the earlier abode of Dalai Lama. These descriptions show that, unlike other pilgrim places, it was not easy for ordinary people to visit this Tirth. WOOOOOOOOOOOOO Page #154 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ OUR BEST WISHES FOR THE AUSPICIOUS PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV OF YEAITTEETCOIATTAFEN ITHACA STREET JAIN TEMPLE FROM DR. THAKOR and USHA RANA BRONX HEART MEDICAL, P.C. 3184 Grand Concourse Bronx, NY 10458 718.58 4.0 555 Page #155 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Even today the mountain is covered in snow and going near is next to impossible. Most of the people have its glimpse about 4 miles away from the mountains. Well-known scholar Shri Hiralal Duggad has noted, after observing the mountain, in his book that "this mountain appears like the construction of samovasaran (holy assembly)." Swami Pranavanand stayed on Mount Kailash for two years and undertook researches from Hindu and Tibetian angles. In his volume 'Kailash and Mansarovar' in english, he has observed that "it is assumed that the first Jaini Tirthankar attained Nirvana on Mount Kailash and Kailash is known as Ashtapad." At the foot of Kailash, there is a mountain called Nandi in the south. Nandi means a bull. It is well-known that Tirthankar Rishabhdev's lanchchan (symbol) is a bull. Just as a bull is always seated in front of Lord Shiva, it is natural that Nandi is situated in front of Rishabhdev. 20 Km. from Mount Kailash is a snowclad majestic mountain known as Gurulamandhata. Madhanta is the name of the ancestor of Sagar Chakravarti. Between Mount Kailash and Gurulamandhata Mountains is a large and beautiful lake known as Ravan Taal. References of Ravan and to music and dancing near Ashtapad Mountain by Ravan-Mandodari are found in Jain texts. In some Tibetian scriptures there is a reference to Shri Munisuvratswami, the 20th Tirthankar, having visited the place. Some poets have described the snow-covered peaks of Ashtapad visible in a clear sky from the top of the tree on the outskirts of Ayodhya. Ayodhya is well-known as the birthplace of Bhagwan Rishabhdev. Is there a link between the places of birth and Nirvana? According to Jain folklore, about 160 people including Bhagwan Rishabhdev and his ninety-nine sons attained Nirvana on this mountain. Three stupa (pillars) were erected to commemorate this event. Bharat Chakravarti constructed a temple Sinhanishdya at this place which was huge and elegant. In one of his letters, Sahajanandghanji has noted that Mount Kailash is known as Ashtapad. 72 Jinalayas Shrines - covered with snow exist in Tibetan territory. The Jain idols around the place are under the supervision of Buddhists. Today, the territory is under the control of China. It is rare for a human to set foot on these mountains. Anyone getting its glimpse from a distance is bound to experience unearthly joy and will be filled with spiritual fervor. Words are inadequate to describe the spiritual and celestial pleasure one experiences; and the sky, mountains and clouds are in complete harmony and the sight is other worldly. Mount Kailash is the abode of Shiva and the thirteenth day of (vad) the month Maha [Hindu Calendar) is known as Shivratri, also the day of Nirvana of Tirthankar Rishabhdev is the thirteenth day (vad] of the month of Posha of the Hindu Calender. A number of letters have been received regarding the series of articles written on Ashtapad Tirth. According to Shri Pramesh Gandhi, the latest research by MIT of America says the human civilization must have originated in Tibet. Is it possible that it was the beginning of development of Asi (weapons), Masi (writing) and Krishi (agriculture) of Rishabhdev? Swami Pranavanand, who has undertaken pilgrimage to Kailash thirty-five times, has authored a book on Kailas-Mansarovar and the preface is by Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. He has also affirmed that Kailash is Meru and Ashtapad. Shri Pramesh Gandhi narrates his extraordinary experience and writes that nonagenarian Rambaba was with him during the pilgrimage. This Sadhu had performed the last rites of Indira Gandhi, Sanjay Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi. He also pointed to a peak near Kailash and said that it was Ashtapad. It had the same shape as Pramesh Gandhi had seen in the pictures of Ashtapad in the shrines. He saw the peak from a distance surrounded by a deep valley. Today it is difficult to climb the peak. oronovoosnova DO O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0.0 00:00:00 OOOOOOOOOOOOOX PURPURUSUHU V Page #156 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Congratulations to, JAIN CENTER OF AMERICA NEW YORK VEZETETETEERPELTTILA from: Ralph Sklar frame & door corporation Manufacturers of Hollow Metal Frames & Doors and Wood Pre-Hung Interior Units 52-15 FLUSHING AVENUE, MASPETH, NY 11378 tel: 718.366.7100 fax718.381.7179 Page #157 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Bharat Hansraj Shah of Delhi deserves to be complimented for the research about Ashtapad done by him. He seems to have taken it up as a mission. During his pilgrimage to Kailash in 1993, he took a number of photographs when he enlarged them; he discovered that the description of Kalikalsarvagna Hemchandracharya in Trishasthishalaka Purushcharitra matches with what was seen in the photographs. The large steps seen in them suggest that they must have been carved out by human beings and cannot be natural. Also remnants of ancient shrines ditches, etc are seen in the photographs. Some researchers believe that Kailash is not Ashtapad for Kailash is such a mountain on which one cannot do penance. Shri Jaswantrai Busa had done considerable research and has presented some of his observations very logically. According to him Mount Kailash is not such a mountain which can be scaled nor can anyone stay over there. The journey is very hazardous and the pilgrims can reach Dolmala at the height of 19,800 feet. It is at this place that pilgrims perform all the rituals and prayers or pay homage to Lord Shiva. The air at this height is rarefied and there is freezing cold. This makes it difficult for pilgrims to camp. Besides, there are certain shrubs which can render people unconscious. Some of them, if consumed, can satisfy hunger and thirst and people will feel reinvigorated. Scriptures say the Tirthankar Shri Rishabhdev, accompanied by ten thousand sadhus journeyed to Ashtapad Mountain, when he foresaw his Nirvana; he fasted for six days and attained Nirvana. Since it was difficult for one to stay onto Mount Kailash, how could one practice penance? Therefore Mount Kailash is mountain Meru and not Ashtapad. This is what Jasvantrai Busa's research corroborates. Ashtapad, it is believed, is situated between Padmahad [Mansarovar] and Kagnimpo (Kailash) and at its foot is plain land where staying and performing penance is possible. From here it is possible to get a glimpse of Shri Kailash and Mansarovar early in the morning. Near Ashtapad were two hot water springs and the climate was congenial. One could undertake farming here and dry twigs were in plenty for lighting fire to cook. Therefore, this Ashtapad is the mountain on which Tirthankar Rishabhdev and his 108 disciples must have performed penance and then attained Nirvana. The atmosphere here seems to be calm and the dividing line between atma (soul) and paramatma (supreme soul) gets obliterated and one feels charged in the holy surroundings sanctified by Shri Rishabhdev's penance. In New York, the Jain centre of America New York, is reconstructing Aradhana Bhavan and on the top floor gemstone-studded Chovisi of Ashtapad Mountain is being installed. The idols made in Jaipur, were kept in Mumbai, Surat, Palitana, and Ahmedabad before being sent to the USA for darshan. A large number of Sadus, Sadhvis, Shravaks, Shravikas, Scholars, Researchers and others had Darshan of these idols. There were serpentine queues stretching up to three miles. A seminar was organized in Ahmedabad Management Association in which scholars of scriptures and Himalayan researches participated. A public meeting was also held in the Town Hall, Ahmedabad and informative talks were given by scholars throwing light on the new researches being done on the ancient Tirth. The following facts stand out about Ashtapad. It is 168 miles north to Badrinath and 25 miles south to Kailash or Kagringo Mansarovar. Between Mansarovar (Padmahad) and Kailash is a mountain and it is Ashtapad and which is about five to seven miles from Mansarovar. It is 8 miles tall and covered with white rocks. Hence it is known as Dhavalgiri. From Darechin one can reach there on foot in about four hours by crossing over mountain ranges. At the foot of the mountain is a ground where one can stay and meditate. In the morning, one can get a glimpses of Kailash and Mansarovar. There are two hot-water springs and fact is also available for looking. It is possible that Tirthankar Rishabhdev stayed here with his disciples and meditated. There are references that the 20th Tirthankar Muni Suvratswami meditated here. It is planned to have Ashtapad Research Society to undertake researches. A pilgrimage to Ashtapad in June 2006 is under consideration. 191 Page #158 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ E BEST WISHES TO JAIN CENTER OF AMERICA FROM Kuldip Contractor Sonya Contractor Sanoma & Twinkle 1361 Port Washingon Blvd, Sands Point, NY 11050 tel: 516-767-2807 BUJETETET EE Page #159 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ zrI RSabhadeva paramAtmAnI siddhio :1 lalita vistarA stotramAM AThamI sadImAM thaI gayelA haribhadrasUrijIe jemanI 33 vizeSaNothI stavanA karI che. tevA RSabhadeva paramAtmA AgaLa 'siddhi' zabda bAhya dRSTie atyaMta vAmaNo lAge, alpArtha lAge paraMtu itahAsanI dRSTi. karmasatAnI vyavasthAnI A judI tarI AvatI siddhimAM sauthI pahelI siddhi che prabhunu manuSyajAta pratyenuM pradAna. kALacakranA gaNita pramANe avasarpiNI cakranA cha ArAmAM trIjA ArAmAM corAzI lakSapUrva ane navyAsI pakSa bAkI rahyA hatA. nUtana pASANayuga najIka hato, tyAre RSabhadeva prabhuno janma thayo. A eka evo kALa hato ke loko kalpavRkSa pAse mAMgaNI karI jIvana jarUriyAto prApta karI letA. paraMtu kALanI asarathI kalpavRkSa viccheda pAmavA lAgyA. loko kSudhAthI piDIta thaI gayA tyAre rAjA RSabhadeve kuMbha banAvI, tene agni para mukI anAjane rAMdhavAnI kaLA zIkhavI. Ama prabhue zilpomAM prathama kuMbhAkAranuM zIlpa pragaTa karyuM. tyAra pachI ghara bAMdhavAnI, vastro taiyAra karavAnI, citro doravAnI vagere kaLA zIkhavI. Ama pAMca zilpo kuMbhakAra, citrakAra varSaki, vaNakara, nApita darekanA vIza vIza bheda thavAthI sau zilpo pragaTa thayA. lokonI AjIvikAne mATe tRNaha2, kASThahara, kRSi, ane vyApAra vagere karmo bhagavate utpanna karyA ane jagatanI vyavasthArUpI nagarInA jANe anuSpatha hoya tema zAma, dAma, bheda ane daMDa e cAra upAyanI kalpanA karI. moTA putra bharatane 72 kaLA zIkhavI. bAhubaline prabhue hastI, azva strI ane purUSanA aneka prakAranA bhedavALA lakSaNonuM jJAna ApyuM. brAhmine jamaNA hAtha vaDe aDhAra lipio batAvI ane suMdarIne DAbA hAthathI gaNita batAvyuM. vastuonA mAna, unmAna, avamAna temaja pratimAna prabhue batAvyA ane maNi vagere parovavAnI kaLA paNa pravartAvI. dhanurveda, tathA vaidakanI upAsanA, saMgrAma, arthazAstra, baMdha ghAta, vadha ane goSThI vagere pravartavA lAgyA. prabhue kareluM prathama prANigrahaNa joIne adyApi loko paNa te pramANe karavA lAgyA. bIjAe ApelI kanyAne paraNavuM, cUDA, upajJaya, haveDA vagerenI prathA tyArathI ja zarU thaI. A sarva kriyAo sAvadya hovA chatAM potAnuM kartavya jANanAra prabhue lokonI anukaMpAthI te sarva pravartAvI. temanA asnAya pRthvI para Aje paNa te sarve kaLA pravarte che. vizvanI sthitirUpI nATakanA sUtradhAra prabhue ugra, bhoga, rAjanya ane kSatriya evA -chAyA zAha, amadAvAda. cAra bhedathI lokonA kuLathI racanA karI. Ama RSabhadeve mANasajAtane upayogI evI ghaNI kaLA zIkhavI tethI badhA ja RSabhadevane teonA tAraNahAra tarIke mAnatA hatA. teo RSabhadevane kRSi-devatA tarIke athavA sUrya-devatA tarIke pUjatA hatA kAraNa ke teo sarvajJa dharmopadezaka ane jJAnanA sUraja sama ane jaga uddhAraka hatA. 193 Ama prabhue jIvanano moTo bhAga mAnavajAtane saMskArI jIvana kevI rIte jIvavuM te zIkhavavAmAM ane mAnavajAtanA bhalA mATe tene lAbhadAyI thAya tevI zodho karavAmAM gALyo hato te temanI sauthI moTI siddhi hatI. AvI che. dRSTi, kALacakranI goThavaNanI dRSTi kendramAM rAkhIne vicArIe to vartamAna covIzInA dareka tIrthaMkaronI kevaLa lakSmI eka ja sarakhI hovA chatAM RSabhadeva paramAtmAnI keTalIka siddhio judI tarIke bolAvatA ane grIka vagere loko temane 'epolo' tarIke oLakhatA. moTA bhAganA loko temane vRSabha-deva tarIke pUjatA hatA. RRSabhanAtha tarIke oLakhAtI 'rIsepha'nI mUrti sAyaprasamAM (I. sa. pUrvanI 12 mI sadImA) ane anya sthAnomAM maLI Ave che. tenA uparathI sAbita thAya che ke te dezomAM RSabhanAthanI pUjA thatI haze. RgavedanA eka maMtramA RSabhadevano prajAne saMpatti ApanAra rAjA tarIkeno ullekha A vAtanA purAvA zvetAMbara tripuSTi zalAkA purUSa caitramAM ane jinasenanA digaMbara AdipurANomAM vigatavAra jovA maLe che. dhvani zAstrIo RSabhane 'rIsepha' kahIne thayelo che. (R 1, 2, 3, 177) brahmAMDa purANamAM RSabhanAthane pRthvI paranA kSatriyonA pUrvasUri tarIke varNavyA che. (brahmAMDa purANa parva-2 zloka 18) zIvapurANamAM paNa temano ullekha che. Ama RSabhanAthanI samagra mAnavajAtanA udhdhAraka tarIkenI vibhAvanA prAcIna paurvAtya ane prAcIna prazcAtya loko vaccenI ekatAne suMdara rIte pratibiMbita kare che. je jaina purANamAM suMdara rIte varNavAyelI che. prabhu RSabhadeva bhagavAnanI bIjI mahAna siddhi hatI satya mArganuM mArgadarzana. prabhunI mAtAe prabhu je rAtrie garbhamAM AvyA tyAre cauda svapno joyA temAM prathama RSabhane joyo tenu svapnArtha batAvatA kahevAmAM AvyuM ke tamAro putra moharUpI paMkamAM kheMcI gayelA dharmarUpI rathano udhdhAra karavAmAM samartha thaze. prabhue bharatane rAjaya soMpI pote saMsArano tyAga karyo. sAdhutvanI mahAna pratijJA laI tyAM temaNe kaThora tapazcaryA AraMbhI ane uMDA dhyAnamAM lIna thaI gayA. prabhue lokone bhautika pragati kevI rIte karAya te zIkhavyuM paNa pachI AdhyAtmika pragati ja jIvananuM kharekharuM lakSya che, evu potAnA AcaraNa dvArA zIkhavyuM. prabhue lokone ahiMsA dharmanuM mUlya samajAvyuM 'ahiMsA paramo dharma' A sUtranA pravartaka RSabhanAtha hatA. prabhue potAnI dezanA dvArA saMsAra nivAsathI utpanna thatA aneka du:kho samajAvyA ane sAthe mokSa prAptimAM rahela mahAAnaMdanuM svarUpa samajAvyuM. prabhuno upadeza sAMbhaLI, keTalAka rAjAo, maMtrIo, sAmato, prabhunA putro dIkSA mArge vaLyA ane AdhyAtmika pragati sAdhI tenI parAkASThAne prApta karI. prabhue batAvela mArga para gati karatA aneka jIvo mokSe gayA. A HO Page #160 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ WITH BEST COMPLIMENTS -OFROM ANDREW BOSE Certified Public Accountant ALL YOU WANT IN ACCOUNTING * TAXES FINANCIAL SERVICES At Prices You Love!! tel: 718.793.8411 fax: 718.793.8412 Page #161 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0: 84%E%%25AAAoHuTUROurrerrerrervjamersiressnAnA nAnA nAnAnAna zrI RSabhadeva paramAtmAnI siddhio 2 -jaya zAha, amadAvAda, RSabhadeva bhagavAnanI aNamola siddhi hatI. prabhu RSabhadevanA je Aje vikasvara thayelI darela lIpInI mAtA che. AthI ema aThThANu putro jemane temanA bhAganuM rAjaya prabhue ApyuM hatuM paNa kahevAya ke Aja sudhI sAhitya sarjananI sapharanA prAraMbha tenAthI teo saMtuSTa hatA, paraMtu bharatarAjA cakravartI thayA tyAre prabhu RSabhadeva hatA, A aThThANu bhAIone rAjaya choDI devAnI athavA bharata prabhune dikSA lIdhA pachI pAraNAnA divase yogya rAjAnI sevA karavAnuM kahyuM tyAre aThThANu putro prabhu pAse gayA ne AhAra na maLatA prabhune eka varSanA upavAsa thayA. eka varSa phariyAda karI tyAre putronI vijJapti sAMbhaLI prabhue A pramANe pachI zreyAMsakumAranA hAthe prabhunuM pAraNuM thayuM. prabhu dvArA AjJA karI ke anaMtIvAra svarganA sukhothI paNa nahIM chinna pragaTAvAyelI A tapanI mazAla Aja sudhI prakAzIta che. tenuM thayelI tRSNA rAjalakSmI maLaze to paNa dAvAnI nathI mATe anugamana karI aneka jIvo karmonI nirjarA karI rahyA che, A tamoe A rAjaya choDI daI AnaMdanA jharArUpa mokSaprAptinA paNa eka noMdhapAtra siddhi che. kAraNarUpa evuM saMyama grahaNa karavuM joIe. ne aMtamAM kavinI kalpanAe vicArIe to prabhu evA prabhue svajanonI sAme yudhdha karavAne badale kSaNika panotA putra hatA ke jemane potAnI mAtA marUdevAnA caraNamAM evA rAjayasukhane choDI devAnI dRSTi ApI jagatane mokSarUpI ratnanI bheTa dharI je bheTa putra tarIke aNamola hatI, AdhyAtmika jagatanI parAkASThA samajAvI. adbhuta hatI, alaukika hatI. - prabhunI eka noMdhapAtra siddhi hatI prabhunuM zatruMjaya RSabhadevanI A aneka siddhione aMta:karaNathI parvata para Agamana. vihAra karatA karatA RSabhadeva zatruMjayagiri anumodatA hoya tema temanA jeSTha putra bharate RSabhadevanA para padhAryA. RSabhadevanA AgamanathI A parvata puna: saMcArita nirvANa pachI aSTApada parvata para sihanisaghA nAme prAsAda thayo, RSabhadeve zatruMjaya para ArUDha thaI dezanA ApI ne tyAra banAvyo. temAM A covIzInA potapotAnA dehanA mAna jevaDI pachI A sthaLa jJAta thatA, tenuM mahatva samajAtA aneka jIvo potapotAnA dehanA varSane dhAraNa karanArI covIza ahaMtonI A parvatanI sparzanA pAmI ArAdhanA karI mokSagatIne pAmyA. ratnamaya pratimAo racI. tenI rakSA mATe yaMtramaya ArakSaka puruSo vIravijayajInI navANuM prakAranI pUjAmAM ane ladhu zatruMjaya ubhA rAkhyA ane parvatanI pharate eka eka yojanane aMte je kalpamAM keTalA jIvo ahIMthI mokSagatine pAmyA tenuM varNana che. manuSya ullaMdhI na zake evA ATha pagathiyA batAvyA tyArathI te prabhunA prathama gaNadhara puMDarIka svAmI ahIM karoDa muni sAthe mokSa parvatanuM nAma aSTApada paDyuM. te parvata harAdri, kailAsa ane gayA. prabhunA pautro draviDa ane vArikhila 10 karoDa munI sAthe TikAdri vagere nAmothI paNa oLakhAya che. mokSe gayA. pAMca pAMDavo 20 karoDa munI sAthe mokSe gayA. zAma 400 varSa pahelA jJAna vimaLa sUrie navakArazI pradyuma sADA ATha karoDa munI sAthe mokSe gayA. rAma-bharata 3 karatA pahelA roja RSabhadeva bhagavAnanuM eka stavana lakhavuM tevo karoDa munI bhagavaMto sAthe nAradajI 91 lAkha munibhagavaMto sAthe nirNaya karI 90) stavano racyA jemAMnA ghaNA Aje upalabdha ane thAvA putra 1007 muni bhagavaMto sAthe mokSe gayA. tyAra che. temAM prabhu RSabhadevanI alabhya siddhionuM varNana che. pachI paNa aneka jIvo siddhi gatIne pAmyA ane vartamAnamAM paNa zrI daSabhadevanI siddhio viSenI sarva sAmagrI A e parvatanI yAtrA karI aneka jIvo karmamaLathI rahita banI rahyA zodha nibaMdhamAM vyakata karavAno prayatna karyo che. chatAMya ApaNI che. Ama zatruMjaya parvata para RSabhadevanuM sauthI prathama Agamana anubhUtio, kalpanAo, vicAro, hadayanA bhAvo vyakata karavA aneka jIvonA kalyANanuM kAraNa banyuM tethI A temanI alaukika je vANInA mAdhyamano Azaro laIe chIe te vANInA siddhi kahevAya. mAdhyamanI svabhAvagata maryAdAo che, vANI ApaNA vicAro, kALacakranI gatinA khAsa tabakakA para prabhu utpanna bhAva ke anubhavane pUrepUrI vAcA ApI zakatI nathI tethI koI thayA tethI paNa sahaja rIte amuka siddhio prabhunA prabhutvanI pAsu ke aMza anirUpati rahI jAya che. asara nIce AvI, vaLI A vyaktitva ja evuM vizALa che ke enA jema ke prabhu trIjA ArAnA kaMIka samaya bAkI hato ne keTalAMka aMzo avyakata rahyA paNa hoya. utpanna thayA tethI teo Adya tIrthakara kahevAyA. A saMdarbha graMtho avasaparTInA prathama tIrthakara thavAnuM zreya temane prApta thayuM. 1. zrI tripaSTi zalAkApurUSa caritra bhASAMtara. prabhunA samaya sudhI yugaliko bhAI-bahena eka 2. zrI jaina ratna ciMtAmaNI DaoN. svarNakamala ane DaoN. mudrikAbena bIjAne paraNI jatAM. prabhue potAnA yugalikathI chUTI paDI gayelI jAnIno lekha, sunaMdA sAthe pANigrahaNa karI yugalika dharmanuM haraNa karyuM ne 3, vividha pUjA saMgraha lagnaprathA sthApI. aSTApadajInI bIjI pUjAmAM dIpavijayajIe 4. paramateja pU. bhuvanabhAnusUrI mahArAja sAheba, lakhyuM ke 'bhAI bahenanA saMbhogane nivArI yugalAdharmane harAya che ( 5. RSabhadeva stavanA - padyAnuvAda munirAja zrI re.' prabhue sthApelI A lagnaprathA samAjanI suvyavasthA dhuraMdharavijayajI mahArAja. jALavavA mahAna AzIrvAda rUpa banI. vaLI RSabhadeve potAnI putrIne brAhmI lIpI zIkhavI Page #162 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ GUESS WHAT'S POPPED UP IN BROOKLYN?? 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Page #163 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ bhagavAna mahAvIra A jase 2600 varSa bhI zA ke kSatriya nagara me prabha mahAvIra kA avataraNa huA ba saubhAgyazAlI dina thA mahA trayodazI kA mahAvIra ke pApAda pitA zrI milApa kSatriya kara ke rAjA se bAta trizalA bhramaparAyaNA nArI dii| vaizAlI nahAlIna nijI ji kSatriyo kA dvitIya vaibhava sampanna gauravazAlI janatantra pA svatantratA kA prathama satra janatahIna bha kA agavAna dhamakA zAna avataraNa svatantra dharA para mahAvIra svanavatA ko tatva svIkAra karate hai pUrNa svataMtratA kA taya hai kisI bhI vyakti ke dvArA kisI anya prANI kA hanana zoSaNa, saMpIr3ana evaM dAsatva nahI honA cAhie dUsare zabdoM meM kahanA cAhie "apane Upara apanA tantra (zAsana) vA Atma-niyaMtraNa / mahAvIra ne jyo hI kAla kA jA unheM bahU aura zoSaNa utpIrana kandana adhakAra hI adhakAra parilakSita huA / dAnA kI jaMjIreM itanI prasAda ho cayI thI tor3anA sahaja kArya na thA mahAvIra kI AtmA nArI jAti ke damana, atyAcAra evaM zoSaNa kA dekha kara to cItkAra kara uThI thI / unhoMne mana hI mana saka kara liyA ki aisI ghinaunI evaM mI prathAoM ko mulata: unmulana karake hI mAga lagA / brArUpI viSa kA eka akara ho to usa sahajatayA masalA jA sakatA hai kinna mahAvIra to jidhara dekhate udhara hI vitAe vignana thI dinAnadina bAyakA viSaya rahA thA aura mahAvIra kI AtmA kandana kara rahI thii| ho mahAvIra ne jyo hI pavanAvasthA me kiyA, unakI antarAtmA meM vairAgyAyA karane lgaa| bhAI-bahana kA mAha-samanva rAja tAja kA lAlaca unnA na pAyA aura 30 varSa se bhare puraSka kara gae jaMgaloM kI ora gAva banA raha kara prabhu ne ghora tapazcaryA kI tathA vanya jyoti ko prApta kiyA / sambodhi kI samprApti ke upAsa karuNa hRdaya samAja ke samAna ke lie davita ho uThA aura grAmagrAma nagara nagara meM udaghoSa karane lage mAmA ha kisI bhI jIva kI hiMsA mata kro| prema ke makhAravinda me paNa AmAma mandAkinI baha nikalI baha-bara rAjA kI hinA se hama satya Adi ke bana paraNa kie tathA aneka rAjakamAro ne kizora vaya meM paropakArArtha paDhajyA dhAraNa kii| mahAvIra ke upadezoM ne nArI jAti ke ko to bhItara taka kara diyaa| unakI madhupta cetanA jAgRta ho utthii| bahana- mI rAjakumAriyA mahAvIra ke kaThina sAdhanA-paMtha ko aMgIkAra karane ko ma andira udghATana ke avasara para mahAvIra to udAra hRdaya vAle the. unhone sarvaprathama rAjakumArI caMdana bAlA ko pravajita karake tatkAlIna samAja bhIrUo evaM nArI ko kharIda-pharokhta kA mAla samajhane vAle ahakArI rAjAo meTha sAhUkAroM para karArI coTa kii| sabhI mahAvIra ke virodha me uTha re huye / jyA-jyA virodha bar3hatA gayA mahAvIra tyA-tyA nArI jAti ko apane meM jina karane gaye sanyAsa dete gaye aura mahAvIra banakAra kara kahate ki nArI bhI makti ke liye carca kara sakatI hai| vaha kisI bhI azama se kama nahIM nArI- utkrAnti ke masIhA bikanI thI lagatI thI kii| yaha bhI hai jinakI ma dAma dAmiyA adhika hotI. usa unIha sAmAjika pratiSThA milatI / anaeva hone lagI huI thI ki kauna adhika dAsa-dAsiyA sarI / unake bhAva lagate the bAliyA o se bhI barI kA bhI nAriyo jJAtavya hai ki usame nArI jAti kA paira kI bhI jAna bagautI ka rUpa meM rakhA jAtA thA / sare bAjAra nAriyA mahAvIra to udAra hRdaya vAle the, unhoMne sarvaprathama rAjakumArI candana bAlA ko pravrajita karake tatkAlIna samAja bhIrUoM evaM nArI ko kharIda-pharokhta kA mAla samajhane vAle ahaMkArI rAjAoM, seTha sAhUkAroM para karArI coTa kii| sabhI mahAvIra ke virodha meM uTha khar3e hue / viruddha karatA rahe use mahAvIra kA haiM yaha bhI satya hai ki vaidika kAla meM gArgI aura mecI jaisI nAriyoM ne sanyAsa grahaNa kara nArI jAti meM prANa phUMke the kintu mahAvIra ke meM nArI kI dazA atyanta zocanIya ho nakI dIdIliye mahAtmA baddha jo mahAvIra ke samakAlIna hI the me nArI jAti ke praveza kA niSedha karate rhe| kinna mahAvIra ne nArI jAti kI makni dvAra anAvata kara die to die sadA-sadA ke gurudeva DA. yogIza liye yaha Azcaryajanaka satya hai ki mahAvIra ne apane yuga meM 36000 nAriyoM ko saMnyAma ke usa para agara kiyA jinakI pramukha mAdhvI badana] jAnA pI yaha umra yuga kI mahatI mahAna krAMti kahI jA sakatI hai| sabase bar3I kAna samAja meM AsUna cala parivartanakArI kAti] Aja bhI mahAvIra saca meM nArI jAti kAbA hai| yadi bhAratavarSa meM Aja 2500 se yogIza kumAra jI mahArAja kailiphorniyoM W.SA. kucha jaina mAnatA vahI 30000 bhI adhika hai| yaha mahAvIra kA nApini PAK197 HOU kA vaika ahA kahA jA sakatA hai bha kA nAma hI mahAvIra yA arthAna bahuta bar3A zaravIra bahAdara jA virodhoM ko bahasa karake "aura prabhu se jujhane ra malaye kahA jAtA hai ki mahAvIra tIrthakara athavA paigambara ke nahIM apitu samAja samuddhAraka tathA bahuta bar3e kaoNlikArI the aura nArI jAti ke mamI / Page #164 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ AAAAAAE CONGRATULATIONS TO JAIN CENTER OF AMERICA Tony Thackurdeen President FROM D&T CABINET INC. CUSTOM DESIGNS KITCHEN CABINETS WALL UNITS BATH VANITIES BEDROOM SUITES COUNTER TOPS WET & DRY BARS 111 MADISON AVENUE * HEMPSTEAD, NY 11550 tel: 516.481.4200 fax: 516.481.0062 email: BEBETEBEJI 198 Page #165 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ AANGI By: Raksha Shah What is it that has always absorbed the interest of the young and the old, the rich and the poor in a Jain temple, at all times, all places in one's hometown or abroad? The Aangi, of course! What does the word "Aangi mean and what is its significance to the aspirant? What is the reason behind such fascination? Does it help an aspirant to rise spiritually? Many such questions crop up into our minds. The word 'Aang' means the body', and decorating the body is 'AANGI'. To prepare the Aangi is an art and even kids at times prepare stunning Aangis. One may wonder, can an idol be an ideal mode of showing one's devotion to the Almighty? Several have criticized the worship of the inanimate lifeless icons- be they in the form of an idol, signs and symbols, the Yantras or the Mantras. Man's search for God has resulted in many pathways, each embedded with a range of rituals. A true aspirant, who desires to progress spiritually, opts for one of the paths. Though some prefer the Gyana yoga or the path of wisdom, many a men prefer the Bhakti yoga- the path of devotion. Two types of bhakti yogas are popular amongst the Murtipujak sect of the Jains and the Hindus viz: the bhava-pooja and the dravya-pooja. The dravya -pooja or saguna yoga involves worship of the Roopi or material form. The nirguna bhakti nevertheless is worship of the formless-Aroopi, for the same goal. Whilst the path of the nirguna bhakti is very hard and arduous, most find the Roopi worship more comfortable and satisfactory. Worship of the icons fills the heart of the aspirant with vatsalya-bhava that makes the path of worship easy, safe and peaceful. Ask the devotees why they spend several hours decorating the idols with flowers and colored powders, jeweled crowns and the Kalgi placed atop the Jina images' heads? The answer is," I simply love to devote my time to perform the AANGI, for it is my way of expressing my feelings towards the Tirthankara who is all-adorable, the possessor of 'n number of attributes", says Jigish. "Why do you love to decorate the idol?" I asked Maneklalbhai, a seventy-four year old, ardent devotee. Said he, "I prefer the Bhaktiyoga instead of Meditation and Svadhyay." Some scholars have compared rituals of religion to the husk of a seed that preserves its life and makes it germinate, for mere philosophy without rituals in religion at times, becomes dry and insignificant, and a religion bereft of rites and rituals would become insipid It is truly said that it is not difficult to push a boat in the water; but how hard would it be to drag the same boat on land? The presence of the aqueous medium enables the smooth traversal of the boat without exertion. Likewise bhakti, helps to cross the ocean of life without hurdles. Rituals thus play a vital role in molding our spiritual lives and are regarded as the Nectar, which gives immediate fulfillment and elation to the mind. It is only when they are devoid of faith, that they become mechanical and lifeless and meet with criticism. ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Page #166 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ AAAE CONGRATULATIONS TO JAIN CENTER of AMERICA ON IT'S AUSPICIOUS DAY OF PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV VASANTBHAI MEHTA JAYANABEN MEHTA NIMISHA and ANAND ASTHAGIRI and son ARUN PURVI and KRUPESH ARCH STORE E 718.639.8860 GLOBAL MORTGAGE (KRUPESH) 347.531.5240 BEBEER LEEEE 200 Page #167 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ har her: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OXXOOOOOOOOO The Sky-clad Digambaras and the Murtipujak Shvetambaras worship the Jina idols in their own way. Both of them differ in their attitudes towards ornamentation of the Jina images and preparing the Aangi. The Digambar images are plain, simple, bare, unpainted and unadorned, the Shvetambar idols have an altogether different look, with eyes painted with different colors or glass eyes affixed permanently. Several other images have permanent forehead ornaments of gold, silver, and precious stones. After the Ashtaprakari Pooja is done with, the shravak enjoys decorating the idol with bits of precious colored stones, flowers, cotton, woolen strings, golden strings, gold and silver foils etc. to give it the real Royal gaze. On festivals and special occasions the images are a wonderful sight to behold - sparkling with the rare, scintillating brilliance of glitter and jewels, adorned with metal breastplates and the tilak. Whatever be the mode of worship, it is the shuddha-bhava that really matters. Worshipping the formless reality by unthought thought is considered to be the best kind of worship. Even the erudite ganadharas performed the bhaav pooja of the tirthankaras by reciting the Loggassa sutraChatur-vinshati-stava sutra with great devotion But when one finds it difficult to concentrate on the abstract, worship of form alone is appropriate, as human beings of the 5th Ara have not yet reached those great spiritual heights where they can dispense with all sorts of symbols and rituals and devote themselves to purely abstract principles of bhava-pooja. One may wonder, can the worshipping of an idol or decorating it be an ideal mode of showing one's devotion to the Almighty? Why should one pray to a God, who is incapable of giving anything or being helpful in any manner? Well, the Tirthankaras are adored, anointed, ornamented, bejeweled and venerated from a different viewpoint altogether. They are worshipped whole-heartedly for the innumerable attributes - gunas that they possess Moreover, decorating the anointed idols serves a dual purpose. Firstly it keeps one away from other worldly matters and thereby keeps a check on the asrava and binding of new karmas. Secondly, it facilitates the shedding off of the past karmas. Shubha activity in all forms, be it performance of the Ashtaprakari pooja or decorating the idol with dazzling Aangis, surely helps to subside the inner passions, keeps the otherwise ever-wandering mind calm and cool which in turn leads to the inflow of meritorious karma. Thus all thoughts, words and deeds that lead to meritorious karmas ultimately helps the soul reach great heights and is therefore considered to be important in the path of ultimate liberation. MUKHADA NI MAYA LAGI, ANTAR MA PRIT RE JAGI BHAV-BHAV NI PEED JO NE, PAL EK MA RE BHAGI Page #168 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAA PA ka NEHAL M. TRIVEDI ATTORNEY AT LAW PURCHASE, SALE & LEASE OF CONVENIENCE STORES, GAS STATIONS, PROPERTIES, FRANCHISES AND OTHER BUSINESSES COMMERCIAL DISPUTES & LITIGATION AGAINST MAJOR CORPORATIONS AND BUSINESSES RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL CLOSING CORPORATE LAW CORPORATION & LLC SET-UP IN-HOUSE COUNSEL TO CORPORATIONS AS WELL AS TO INDIVIDUALS CALL FOR A CONFIDENTIAL CONSULTATION 516.581.8456 UNITED MANAGEMENT AND CONSULTING GROUP, INC. A Property Management Company A Property Manager, An Accountant & An Attorney (All Three Under One Roof For Your Convenience) DE You worked very hard to obtain the property and the business, let us help you manage with our management, accounting and legal services. We are a full-service management, accounting and legal service company. A property manager, an accountant and an attorney working together effectively and efficiently, to provide you with each aspect of their specialty for your growing business & property. It is cost and time effective to you. 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Legal Service (Nehal Trivedi, Esq.): Detail Review and Analysis of Contract, Leases and Sub-Leases; Administration and Negotiations of Leases, Sub-Leases and Contract with Tenants; Preparing and Drafting Documents Relating to Residential and Business Closings; Handle Business Disputes and Collection Issues; Notices and Eviction Proceedings; General Consulting and Protect You and Your From Liability. PLEASE CALL: 516.581.8456 TEREMEIASSANITETE 202 wanatheny Page #169 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ OHORO kevalajJAna prasUta jaina dharma zodha kI AvazyakatA : 1 - Dr. Virendra Kumar Nahar yadyapi jaina dharma kA darzana pUrNarUpeNa tarkasaMgata tathA akATya hai, tathApi jaina darzana ke kucha siddhAMto ko vaijJAnika dRSTi se samajhane evaM samajhAne meM hamArI maryAdA yaha hai ki hama siddhAMto ke spaSTIkaraNa ko badalane kA sAhasa evaM vartamAna pariveza meM unakA yuktiyuktakaraNa kara sakeM aisI ceSTA nahIM kara sakate / amumana hotA yaha hai ki kAla ke parivartana ke sAtha siddhAMta evaM sUtrAdi tathA unakA spaSTikaraNa badala jAtA hai / vijJAna meM to hara ghaTanA aura pratyeka pudgala (Matter) evaM UrjA (Energy) ke svarUpa ko samajhAne ke liye bhinnabhinna aura naye-naye prakAra ke spaSTikaraNa tathA thyorI banatI hai, usakI kamajoriyAM mAluma ho jAne para, athavA kAla ke anusAra prekSaNa badala jAne para, dUsarI thyorI banAtA hai / jaba pragati bar3hatI hai athavA navadRzya sAmane Ate haiM taba dUsarI ko badalakara tIsarI thyorI banAnA par3atI hai / udAharaNArtha nyUTana ne padArtha kaNa ke dravyamAna ko niyata sthira mAnA thA, lekina AinsTIna ne dravyamAna ko vega-nirbhara mAnakara use sApekSa batalAyA / nyUTana ne prakAza kI prakRti samazAne hetu kaNikA siddhAMta (Corpuscular theory) banAyA to hAIgana nAma ke vaijJAnika ne taraMga siddhAMta pratipAdita kiyA / phira bhI prakAza kA svarUpa pUrNarUpa se nahIM samajha sake to plAMka ne kvAMTama siddhAMta bnaayaa| pahale padArtha kA sabase choTA avibhAjya aMza paramANu' samajhA jAtA thA kise akhaMDa mAnA jAtA thA / kAlAntara meM paramANu ke bhI khaMDa hote haiM aisA mAnA jAne lagA / ilekTrAna kI kalpanA kI gaI, fira nAbhika meM nyUTrAna hone kI bAta calI, fira kvArka (Quarks) kA siddhAMta AyA / isa prakAra siddhAMto tathA prakRti ke niyamoM ke spaSTIkaraNoM ko badalane se hI hama satyAnveSa ke nikaTa pahuMcate haiM / = lekina dharma ke darzana, siddhAMta tathA usake spaSTIkaraNa ke sAtha muzkila yaha hai ki hama koI thyorI badala nahIM sakate / deza aura kAla ke sAtha usameM parivartana anumata nahIM hai| jaina dharma kA darzana siddhAMta to kevalajJAniyoM dvArA prasUta mAnA jAtA hai isaliye usameM kisI parivartana athavA saMzodhana kI anumati nahIM hotI / lekina prazna uThatA hai ke kevalajJAna kyA hai ? kevalajJAna, atIndriya jJAna hai| kevala kA tAtparya hai zuddhAtmA, siddhAtmA, sarvajJa jJAna / isa prakAra kevala jJAna AtmIya jJAna hai / vaha hamAre karNa, cakSu, sparza ghrANa, Adi kisI dravyendriya se anubhUta nahIM hai| vaha AtmA-anubhUta hai| caitanyasvarUpa AtmA kA saMcetana karanA hI kevalajJAna hai| pravacanasAra (gAthA 27) meM AtmA hI jJAna hai tathA jJAna hI AtmA hai aisA batAyA gayA hai| aura AtmA kA jaba zuddha jJAna prakaTa hotA hai taba yahI zuddhajJAna, jo indriyoM se pare hai, kevalajJAna kahalAtA hai| isaliye kevalajJAna ko 'sakala pratyakSa jJAna' kahA gayA hai (tatvArthasUtra, adhyAya 1, sUtra 12 ) / AcArya kundakunda kRta samayasAra ke pUrvaraMga adhikAra kI gAthA 16 ke anusAra 'darzana, jJAna, caritra, tInoM AtmA kI hI paryAye haiM / ' spaSTa hai ki jaba karma-padArtha kA samUcA bandhana samApta karake AtmA, zuddhAtmA ho jAtI hai taba vahI jJAna, kevalajJAna bana jAtA hai / samayasAra kI gAthA 111 evaM 112 kI TIkA meM kahA gayA hai, 'jaba taka samyagdRSTi chadmastha hai taba taka jJAnajyoti kevalajJAna ke sAtha zuddhanaya ke bala se parokSa krIr3A karatI hai; kevalajJAna hone para sAkSAt hotI hai / jJAnakalA sahajarUpa se vikAsa ko prApta hotI jAtI hai aura anta meM vaha kevalajJAna rUpI paramakalA bana jAtI hai / usI prakAra gAthA 206 kI TIkAnusAra, 'jJAnamAtra AtmA meM lIna honA, usI se tRpta honA paramadhyAna hai aura isa paramadhyAna se jJAnAnandasvarUpa kevalajJAna kI prApti hotI hai / ' gAthA 205 ke kalazakAvya meM likhA hai, 'jaba taka kevalajJAna (saMpUrNa jJAnakalA) pragaTa na ho taba taka jJAna hInarUpa hI hai kyoMki vaha matijJAnAdi rUpa indriya jJAna hai|' 1 kevalajJAnI to sAkSAt zuddha AtmA hI hai| jaba taka kevalajJAna utpanna nahIM ho taba taka (arthAt bArahaveM guNasthAnaka taka) ajJAna bhAva hI banA rahatA hai / isaliye pravacanasAra kI gAthA 19-20 meM kahA hai, 'AtmA ko pUrNa jJAnamaya aura pUrNa sukhamaya hone meM indriyoM ke nimitta kI AvazyakatA nahIM hotI / atIndriya dvArA anubhUta jJAna hI paramajJAna hai / aura paramajJAniyoM (kevalajJAniyoM) ke zarIra samabandhI sukha yA dukha nahIM hai kyoMki unameM atIndriyatA utpanna huI hai|' Age gAthA 21-22 meM likhA hai, 'vAstava meM kevalajJAna rUpa se pariNAmita hote hue kevalI bhagavaMto ko sabhI dravya paryAye pratyakSa hotI hai, ve unheM avagrahAdi kriyAoM se nahIM jAnate / indriya guNa to sparzAdika eka-eka guNa ko hI jAnatA hai (jaise cakSu kA guNa rUpa ko jAnanA mAtra haiM)' arthAta indriyajJAna kramika hai| lekina kevalI bhagavAna indriyoM ke nimitta ke binA samasta AtmapradezoM se sparzAdi sarva viSayoM ko jAnate haiM evaM samasta dravya, kSetra, kAla tathA bhAva ko kramarahita (arthAta ekadeza, ekasAtha ) jAnate hai, isaliye kevalajJAniyoM ko kucha bhI 203 HOMON Page #170 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ AAAAAAAAAA CONGRATULATIONS and BEST WISHES JAIN CENTER OF AMERICA to on their auspicious day of PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV on SATURDAY, JUNE 18, 2005 from the KENIA FAMILY BEETJEJE-JEE 204 Page #171 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ kevalajJAna prasUta jaina dharma : zodha kI AvazyakatA : 2 mamamamamamamamamama AMALAIAIRAMAIIAURAWATRURIRTAIAIRMALAITADAIRAIMARAama parokSa (indriyarUpa) nahIM hai / ' Age gAthA 33 meM likhA ananta kI ora agreSita-vistArita ho rahI hai, aura isa hai, 'bhagavAna samasta padArthoM ko jAnate haiM, mAtra isaliye hI ve ' tAratamya meM prakRti ke satya ko sApekSa hI mAnA jA sakatA hai, kevalI' nahIM kahalAte, apitu kevala arthAt zuddha AtmA ko to fira kevalajJAnI dvArA prasUta bheda ko brahmasatya yA nirapekSa jAnane aura anubhava karane ke kAraNa se ve 'kevalI' kahalAte satya kaise mAnA jAtA hai? haiN| adhika jAnane kI icchA kA kSobha chor3akara svarUpa meM hI dUsarI ora, kevalajJAnI prabhU bhagavaMto ne jo prasUta nizcala rahanA, yahI kevalajJAna kI prApti kA upAya hai|' kiyA vaha zrutendriya dvArA grahaNa kiyA gayA / usa jJAna kA pravAha yadyapi tatvArtha sUtra (adhyAya 1, sUtra 29) ke Aja ke kAla taka zabdaza: zuddhata: jyoM kA tyoM banA huA hai anusAra, samasta dravya aura usakI samasta paryAyoM ko eka sAtha yaha kaise ho sakatA hai? hamAre samasta vaMdanIya AcArya, jinake pratyakSa rUpa meM jAnane vAlA jJAna hI kevalajJAna hai / isa prakAra sAhitya para vartamAna jina darzana TIkA huA hai, IsA kI pahalI kevalajJAna dhArakoM ko, jAnane-samajhane kA vAchA se Adhaka se dasavIM sadI ke madhya hue tathA isI kAla meM unhoM ne AtmA meM vartanA jyAdA rucikara, sukhakara hotA hai| jinadarzana ko pustakabaddha kiyA / kevalI bhagavaMta mahAvIra jJAna tathA kevalajJAna ke isa svarUpa ke varNana ke svAmI Aja se paccIsa sau varSa pUrva hue / pUrvottara pazcAta yaha bAta avazya sAmane AtI hai ki yadapi jJAna sattArUpa tIrthakara aura bhI pahale hue / kyA unake dvArA uddhata jJAna-darzana hai aura satArUpa vastu kA kabhI nAza nahIM hotA isaliye anya pUrNa, avikala, zuddha aura avikRta rUpa meM Aja vidyamAna hai? jJAnoM kI bhAMti kevalajJAna bhI avinAzI hai; tathApi cUMki jJAna, lekhaka kA tAtparya itanA mAtra hai ki eka tarafa to hama AtmA kI parama gupti hai aura kevalajJAna to zuddha AtmajJAna hai, jaina darzana ke siddhAMto ko vaijJAnika kasauTI para tolanA cAhate isaliye kevalajJAna ko to svayaM nirantara ni:zaMka vartate hue (pravAha meM) rahanA cAhie / fira, jJAna nAma hI anaMta haiM, vahIM dUsarI tarafa vijJAna sammat anuzIlana se katarAnA bhI athAha hai / koI jJAnI, paramajJAnI kaise ho sakatA hai? cAhate haiM / isaliye hama asatya, atarka tathA avivekapUrNa mArga kevalajJAnI ko karmabaMdha ke samApta ho jAne se zuddha meM vijJAna kA thothA Alamba lekara kevala aMdhere meM bhaTaka rahe AtmajJAna - paramajJAna avazya hotA hai lekina jJAna cAhe haiM / yadi hameM jaina darzana kA sahI anuzIlana karanA hai aura use atIndriya ho yA indriya, jJAnI kI sImA to avazya hotI hI jana-jana taka pahuMcAtA hai tathA vizeSata: Aja kI pIr3hI ko hai| sAtha hI, jise pUrNa jJAna (samasta sRSTi ke samasta dravya jaina dharma ke siddhAMta samajhAnA hai, to dharma ko Aja kI tathA unakI paryAyoM kA jJAna) ho gayA ho vahI kevalajJAnI hai paristhitiyoM (Aja kA vijJAna, Aja kA taka) ke anusAra tathA kevalajJAnI ko lokajJAna jAnane se adhika zaddha Atmatva vizleSita karanA hogA / hamAre mUla niyama, mUla darzana tathA mUla kA anubhava karane meM jyAdA ruci aura sakha hotA hai. isaliye AcAra nahIM badalanA hai apitu unake spaSTIkaraNa kA kahA jA sakatA hai ki pUrNajJAna se tAtparya 'tAtkAlika aura tarIkA aura unheM samajhane-samajhAne kI thyorI badalanA hogI / samakAlika pUrNatA' se hI hotA hai / tAtkAlika paristhitiyoM, jIva ke sAtha anAdikAla se saMlagna karmabaMdha kA tAtkAlika darzana aura tAtkAlika anubhava Adi se jo pUrNa hamArA siddhAMta samUcI pRthvI ke sAhitya meM bemisAla hai| hama tatvajJAna ho vaha kevalajJAna hai / to, kevalajJAna bhI 'tAtkAlika AtmA ko caitanya UrjA mAnate haiM tathA usake sAtha karma zabda ke vazIbhUta hai / jisa kAla meM kevalajJAna prApta huA usa paramANuoM kA baMdhana bhI svIkAra karate haiM / isa advitIya kAla ke prekSaNoM aura darzanoM kI pUrNatA to kevalajJAnI meM ho siddhAMta para jitane khoja aura zodha kiye jAeM utane kama sakatI hai, lekina atIndriya jJAna hone ke bAvajuda, pUrNatA ke haiN| taba hamane jaina dharma-darzana para jyAdA se jyAsA zodha kendra sApekSarUpa hone ke kAraNa, bhaviSya kI paryAyoM kA bheda aura kholane aura unheM pallavita karane para jora kyoM nahIM diyA? hama bhaviSya ke satya kA anveSaNa kevalajJAnI ke svarUpa meM nahIM ho maMdiroM kI bhavyatA meM jitanA paisA bahAte rahe, usakA canda sakatA kyoMki aisA hone para kevalajJAnI ke liye 'kAla' nAma pratizata hI zodha kAryoM meM vyaya karate to hamArA darzana Aja ke ke dravya kA astitva samApta ho jAvegA aura taba kevalajJAnI vijJAna kI barAbarI meM Akara khar3A ho jAtA / hameM isa truTi kI ko Sadravya sRSTi ke bajAya 'paMcadravya sRSTi' para vicAra karanA svIkArokti kara lenA cAhie aura hamAre pratyeka dhArmika sthala hogA jo dharmasaMgata nahIM hogA / kAla ke anusAra prekSaNa badalatA para eka-eka zodha vikAsa kendra sthApita karane kI bAta para hai, anveSaNa badalatA hai, vidhi-vidhAeM badalatI haiM. paryAyeM SaNa badalatA hai, viAdha-vidhAe badalatA ha. payAya gaMbhIratApUrvaka vicAra karanA caahie| badalatI hai; vijJAna ke anusAra to saMpUrNa sRSTi hI hara pala AIRATRAATAARARIAAR HODEC20GIRCTOO::::::O atidHerode:20TJO:: : Page #172 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ PIO Best Wishes To Jain Center of America From... Ila . Bharat . Kalpana . Rohit . Nancy Tesha * John Seema - Sheila . Samir Geeta . Falguni DO YOU KNOW, We have been serving our loyal customer since 1976? DO YOU KNOW, Our Navaratri & Diwali Party Cruise was a big success? DO YOU KNOW, In past twenty years we have sent more than 100,000 very satisfied customers on their best vacations? DO YOU KNOW. Regardless of best fare, we have never compromised on excellent service? Metro Tours & Travel Inc. 51 East 42d Street, #523, New York, NY 10017 212-490-3990 (We have no Branch) Travel Meadows, Inc. 44 Millcreek Mall, Secaucus, NJ 07094 201-348-3400 Your Business Is Our Pleasure. Your Pleasure Is Our Business. I want to follow the Path of Freedom, But there is a vast ocean in the way. TIETOTTEETSETE Page #173 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ KSHAMAVANI PARV Mahavir Prasad Jain New Delhi The members of Jain Community all over the world and particularly in India celebrate a Day of Universal Forgiveness. Kashamavani Parv' once every year on the 1st day of the Lunar Month following the month of "Bhadrapada"(Bhadon) falling in August-September every year. This is observed after a period of self-purification through fasting, prayers and self-restraint in all walks of life, in this pious month of Bhadrapada. This KSHAMAVANI PARVA is preceded by 10 days of 'Dashlakshan Dharma', which signify 10 lofty ideals of human behavior. Viz (i) Uttam Kshama (Forgiveness), (ii) Uttam Mardava (Control of Ego and Sense of Superiority over others), (ii) Uttam Arjava (Absence of Deceipt), (iv) Urtam Satya (Truthfullness), (v) Uttam Sauch (Cleansing of mind of all negative inclinations), (vi) Uttam Sanyam (Self Restraint), (vii) Uttam Tapa (Austerity), (viii) Uttam Tiyaga (Renunciation), (ix) Utram Akinchan (Non-Possessiveness) and (x) Urtam Brahmacharya (Celebacy-purity of mind and heart). It is the time honored practice among the Jains to shed off all prejudices of mind and heart through this self-purification process and ask forgiveness of each other on this day with a solemn resolve to start the New Year with a clean slate. This practice goes a long way in promoting friendly relations among the people as also promoting peace and tranquility in social life. The forgiveness envisaged in this postulate is of extreme excellence as it is self-generating and all blissful. Every believer in this concept resolves in his mind and heart that "I forgive all those who might have caused harm, injury or any type of loss to me willingly or un-knowingly during the preceding year and I hold no malice or ill-will against them. I also seek forgiveness of all those to whom I might have hurt, harmed or caused injury during the year. May they forgive me in the like manner. May we all be blessed with righteous thoughts and temperament and start the New Year with love for all and malice for none. This principle of forgiveness, if followed in the right spirit, cools the mind, normalizes the functioning of the body organs thereby making them receptive to treatment (medical-psychological) and increasing the possibility of cure by several folds. On the socio-political level it is highly instrumental in promoting National and International Peace and brotherhood among the people of the world. In the turmoiled world of today it is of paramount necessity that such functions are organized at National and International level to save the humanity from the torment and fear it finds itself involved headlong today. May we all learn the golden principles of Forget and Forgive, Live and Let Live, Love thy neighbor as thyself and many more like these as only through this practice that we can usher in an Era of peace in the World - so help us the Almighty - Amen. ooooooooooooooo207 oktoooo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 .00 Page #174 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Ahimsa Parmo Dharma TERETETTENETET With Best Wishes TUPIDUPUURDURULUPULUR2B2 - from... Pratibha & Dinesh Shah SACHI & SONNA Remember God in good times and bad times, day and night, in your daily living and at the death bed. 6464A Page #175 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ '000 26:::: che; ( 11t 3LAnA yuga pravartaka sapurUSa zrImad rAjacaMdra || zrI sadgurudevAya nama: | lekhaka : zrI nalIna koThArI, zrI rAja sobhAga satsaMga maMDaLa, sAyalA. ::2020 2021 20 dakSA levAnI vairAgI nuM maMgala sarjana karyuM ekarUpe mahAvIranA tathA sAhajika vAta narve paNa hatA. mAtAnI AjJA parityAga thaI rahayone saraLavAnI darzaka banI rahyo ane bhagavAna udaya jANakArI na maLatAM ni:sahAra kAvyo, patro ane sAcA svarUpe pragaTa karI guTa aneka janmomA ArAdhelo jeno yoga hato... thayo. lagabhaga be varSanA gADha paricayamAM gAMdhIjIe temanI janmathI ja yogIzvara jevI niraparAdhI vairAgyamaya dazA hatI. pAsethI "ahiMsA dharmanuM kuMDA bharIne pAna karyuM. gAMdhIjI samartha AtmajJAnI puruSa, Atmadharmano parama udyota karanAra, zrImane samayanA sarvazreSTha AdhyAtmika purUSa tarIke parama jJAnAvatAra zrImad rAjacaMdrajIno janma saurASTranAM oLakhAvatA. vavANiyA nAmanA gAmamAM vi. saM. 1924nI kArtika zrImadjInA satsaMgathI keTalIye vyaktionI pUrNimAnA dhanya divase tA. 9-11-1867nA roja thayo saMsAradaSTi badalAI jatI. emanA ekAda vAkayanA prabhAvathI hato. ke emanI sAthenA thoDIka kSaNonA meLApathI apUrva smaraNazaktinA dhAraka, jAtismRtijJAna vyaktinuM hRdayaparivartana thaI jatuM. 5. saubhAgabhAI, dharAvanAra, zatAvadhAna dvArA alaukika Atmazakti darzAvanAra, pU. munizrI lallujI mahArAja, 5, juThAlAlabhAI, jayotiSavijJAnanA abhyAsI, Ajanma kavi evA zrImad 5. aMbAlAlabhAI tathA anya viziSTa AtmArthI purUSoe rAjacaMdrajI kIrtinI Toce pahoMcyA hatA tyAre temaNe A badhI zAna divAkara zrImanA divya jJAnanA prakAzane AtmasAta bAbatane paramArthabAdhaka gaNIne, jagatane AMjI denArA bAhya karyo. pradarzanone tRNavata gaNIne sahajatAthI tyAga karyo. soLa varSa emanA vairAgyanI tIvratA, bodhabIjanuM apUrvapaNuM, ane pAMca mAsanI uMmare zrImadjIe traNa divasamAM jainadharmanA nirdoSa cAritra tathA sAhajika vItarAgavRttithI teo bhagavAna siddhAMtone samajAvato, ekaso ATha pATharUpe mahAvIranA mULamArganA pradarzaka banI rahyA. teoe dharmanA gUDha lakhAyelA 'mokSamALA' nAmanA graMthanuM maMgala sarjana karyuM. rahasyone saraLa vANImAM sAcA svarUpe pragaTa karyA. emanAM tIvra vairAgI zrImadjIne sarvasaMgaparityAgI thaI kAvyo, patro ane gadyagraMthono svAdhyAya karI Aje paNa dikSA levI hatI paNa mAtAnI AjJA na maLatAM ni:spRhabhAve hajAro mumukSuo Atmazuddhi ane AtmazAMti prApta karI rahyA nirlepapaNe potAno udaya jANI saMsAramAM rahyA. zrI revAzaMkara che. 'AtmasiddhizAstra'nI mAtra doDha kalAkamAM padyaracanA karIne jagajIvanadAsanA moTAbhAI zrI popaTabhAI jhaverInAM zrImadjIe AtmAnA SaDu pada tathA paDradarzanane samajAvI cauda suputrI jhabakabA sAthe morabImAM lagnagraMthithI joDAyA. pUrvano sAra vizvane opyo. e uparAMta guNasthAnaka ArohaNa pramANikatA ane nItimattAnuM ucca dhoraNa dharAvatA kramane sacita karatI 'apUrva avasara evo kayAre Avaze ?...', zrImadjIne jhaverAta ane ADatano vepAra hato. dukAne beThA samyagadarzana-jJAna-caritranI vyAkhyA ApI vItarAganA mULa chatAM satyAnveSaka zrImadjIno dharmapurUSArtha maMda na thatA dina- mArgane pradarzana karatI 'mULa mAraga sAMbhaLo jInano re...', pratidina vegavaMto banyo. amUlya tatva vicArane jagAvatI bahu puNyakerA puMjathI zubha parvabhavanA yogasaMskAra sAthe A bhavanuM satyaniSTha deha mAnavano maLyo..'. doSono ekarAra karAvatI he prabhu ! jIvana hatuM. zrI saubhAgabhAInA milanathI zrImadjIne he prabhu ! zuM kahyuM....', tathA kevaLajJAnanA bIjanuM nIrUpaNa mokSamArganA ArAdhananI khUTatI kaDInuM smaraNa thaI AvyuM, karatI 'yama niyama saMjama Apa yio...' AvI aneka teozrI AtmalIna banyA. zrI saubhAgabhAIne zrImadjImAM adhyAtma kAvyakatio dvArA zrImadjIe AtmAno Alekha sAcA gurUnA darzana thayAM. zrImadjIne rAtri-divasa mAtra eka agADyo. paramArthanuM manana rahetuM ane saMvata 1947mAM teozrIna siddha mAtra 33 varSanI bhara yuvAnavaye kevaLa lagabhaga bhUmikA' samyagadarzananI prApti thaI. vyavahAramAM hovA chatAM zrImadjI sAdhya karI zrImada saM. 1957nA caitra vada 5 nA divase be pratyeka varSe muMbaI choDI amuka mahinAo mATe IDara, kAviThA, vAge rAjakoTamAM A nazvara dehano tyAga karI adbhuta uttarasaMDA, rALaja, vaDavA, vaso Adi ekAMta sthaLomAM vakhata samAdhimaraNa sAdhI AtmasvarUpamAM samAI gayo. keTalAya gALatA. lokasamuhathI dUra jaMgalomAM ne pahADomAM, nijena yugamAM na thAya teTaluM kAma teo 33 varSamAM karI gayA. sthaLamAM ke vRkSanI nIce dhyAna, svAdhyAya, manana, ciMtana karatA. zrImadajInuM jIvana svayaM eka saMdeza banI gayuM. emaNe jIvanamAM saMyama, AhAramAM sAdAI tathA teonA sarvAgI gahasthAzramamAM rahIne AtmakalyANanA Urdhva zikharano sAdhanA ni:spRhatA temanA paricayamAM AvanAra sarvene sparzI jatI. paMtha batAvI mULamArganuM amRtane pAmI pote adhyAtmanuM zikhara 1 laMDanathI berisTara thaIne AvelA mahAtmA gAMdhIjIne banI gayA. prathama divase ja zrImadune muMbaImAM maLavAno suyoga prApta para mAtAnI saMsAramAM kaI korAM parvano sAratI ApI ane saMskAra bhavana 0 , karI para mAnAjArA Page #176 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ AAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAA CONGRATULATIONS AND BEST WISHES To All The Members of JAIN CENTER OF AMERICA NEW YORK For Fulfilling the Cherished Dream from C.R.S. INSURANCE AGENCY, INC. 63-62 SAUNDERS ST. #203 REGO PARK, NY 11374 718.275.9100 * Chandrakant & Ila Shah & Family In Prayer it is Better to Have a Heart without Words, Than Words Without a Heart FJALETTE 210 Page #177 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 0 . 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 P.P. Shree Dr. Rakeshbhai Zaveri prArthanA duHkhathI mukta thavA to sarva icche che. emAM dhArmikatA nathI. pagamAM kAMTo vAge to koNa tenAthI mukta thavA na icche? paNa je kulathI paNa mukta thavA icchato hoya, tatpara hoya tenA aMtaramAM prArthanA UThe che. ane A prArthanAmAM rudana nahIM hoya, sukhanI mAMga nahIM hoya. A prArthanA bhikhArInI prArthanA nahIM hoya paNa sapATanI prArthanA haze. jene sukhanI AkAMkSA 2hI na hoya te samATa che. paramAtmAnAM dvAra para je samATanI jema hoya che, athar mAMgarahita thaIne je prabhunA dvAre jAya che tene to tyAM praveza maLe che, paNa je tyAM bhikhArInI jema Ubho rahe che tene praveza nathI maLato. koI vAra roTalInA be TukaDA maLI jAya paNa tene prabhu nathI maLatA. prabhunA rAjyamAM mAtra sATone ja praveza maLe che. tyAM bhikhArIone praveza maLato nathI. duHkhI vyakti jyAre prArthanA kare che to te prArthanA karato hoto nathI paNa bhIkha mAMgato hoya che. tenI prArthanA e prabhu sAthenuM anusaMdhAna naha; mAtra sukhanI bhIkha, sukhanI AkAMkSA, sukhanI mAMgaNI hoya che. sukhanI AkAMkSA hovAthI, duHkhI jIva prArthanAmAM paNa sukhanI bhIkha, sukhanI mAMgaNI ja karato hoya che. Ama, duHkhI vyakti prArthanA karI ja na zake. te bhIkha ja mAMgI zake. te bhIkha ja mAMgato hoya che. pharaka eTalo ke te prabhu pAse bhIkha mAMge che. te prabhune nathI Icchato, prabhu pAse sukha Icche che. sukhI vyakti jyAre prArthanA kare che tyAre te bhIkha nathI mAMgato kAraNa ke tene sukhanI AkAMkSA nathI. sukha to tenI pAse che chatAM tene e vyartha bhAse che. tethI jyAre sukhI pokAre che tyAre te prArthanA hoya che ane duHkhI pokAre che tyAre te bhIkha hoya che. jIva cUke che kAraNa ke tene prabhunuM smaraNa mAtra duHkhamAM thAya che, sukhamAM nahIM. teno artha eTalo ja ke tene prabhu sAthe tanmaya thavuM nathI. tene prabhumilananI AkAMkSA jAgI nathI. tene hajI mAtra duHkhathI mukta thaI sukhanI prApti thAya enI ja AkAMkSA varte che. ane tethI prabhunuM smaraNa karavA chatAM te cUke che, cUkato jAya che. tene prabhunI prApti thatI nathI. duHkhamAM prArthanA thatI nathI, mAMgaNI thAya che. tethI jyAre duHkhamAM prabhunuM smaraNa thAya ane sukhamAM vismaraNa thAya tyAre mAnajo ke duHkhamAM paNa prabhunuM smaraNa nahotuM. je hatuM te prabhunuM smaraNa nahotuM, sukhanuM smaraNa hatuM. sukhanI mAMga hatI prabhu pAse..... eka mA enA dIkarAne pUche che ke huM jouM chuM ke tuM traNa-cAra divasathI prArthanA karato nathI. kema? to dIkaro kahe che, 'parIkSA to pUrI thaI gaI! have prArthanA zA mATe karuM.....?' AvuM bane to kahI zakAya ke parIkSA vakhate paNa teNe prabhunuM smaraNa karyuM nahotuM. bALako to nirdoSa hoya che. teo AjubAju je jue te pramANe zIkhe. mAbApane mAtra kaSTa vakhate prArthanA karatA joyA hoya, tethI prArthanAno Avo artha temane beTho hoya! jIvane sukhamAM prArthanAnI jarUra nathI lAgatI, duHkhamAM lAge che. roTI Page #178 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ PAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! EEMEE AAAAA Congratulations & Best Wishes TO JAIN CENTER OF AMERICA On It's Auspicious Occasion Of PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV From Dr. Chandra and Sharada Bhansali Cofounders ACCOUNTANTSWorld" (888) 999-1366 140 Fell Court, Hauppauge, NY 11788 Dr. Chandra Bhansali President Shri Padmavati Shaktipeeth Trust Accountants World is the largest community of accountants dedicated solely to the practice development of independent accountants. We offer the widest range of practical and innovative resources, products, services and training to help accountants advance their practices and become more successful. One of its major services is to help businesses receive highly personalized professional payroll services through their accountants. Ask your accountant about it. 212 BEBEBEZIG Page #179 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ nahIM maLatI hoya to prArthanAnI jarUra lAge che paNa roTI maLatI hoya to prArthanAnI jarUra nathI lAgatI! jarUra roTInI hatI, prabhunI nahIM mATe sukhanA samaye jIva prArthanA bhUlI jAya che. prArthanA e to prabhu sAthenuM anusaMdhAna che. A anusaMdhAna vinA jIvavuM na game, na phAve tyAre mAnavuM ke prabhubhakti che. ane AvI bhakti hoya to sukhamAM paNa vismaraNa nahIM thAya. vismaraNano prazna ja UThato nathI. kAraNa ke tene joIe che mAtra anusaMdhAna - sukha hoya ke duHkha! paNa du:khamAM prabhu joIe ane sukhamAM bhUlI jAya tene prabhuprAptimAM rasa nathI. tene to prabhu dvArA sukhaprAptimAM rasa che, ema siddha thAya che. tamArI dazA kevI che! prArthanA mATe tamArI pAse divasamAM samaya nathI. rAtre jhokAM khAtAM khAtAM krama pUro karo cho. paNa jo kyAreka divasamAM koI Aphata AvI gaI to tamane game tyAMthI prArthanA mATe samaya maLI jAya che! tame kaho cho ke juvAnImAM samaya nathI, AvuM badhuM to vRddhAvasthAmAM thAya karIzuM. paNa jo juvAnImAM koI bImArI AvI jAya, Aphata Ave to turaMta samaya maLI jAya che. acAnaka AvazyaktA bhAsavA lAge che. svastha ho cho tyAre jarUrI nathI lAgatI, asvastha ho cho tyAre jarUrI lAge che! to AmAM jarUrI zuM che prabhu ke paristhiti? sukhada paristhitinI mAMga che ke prabhu sAthenA anusaMdhAnano pokAra che? - paramAtmA pAse samrATa thaIne javuM eTale koI bhautika mAMga vinA, AkAMkSA vinA javuM. mAMga ja tamane bhikhArI banAve che. AvI prArthanA bhIkha banI jAya che. jenI prArthanAmAM koI mAMga nathI, jene mAMganI vyarthatAno bodha thayo che, prApta karIne paNa duHkha ane prApta na karIne paNa duHkha.....A bodha jene thaI gayo che tene kaMI mAMgavAnuM rahetuM nathI. mananI A avaLacaMDAIthI je paricita thayo tenI koI mAMga rahetI nathI. mAMga khovAI gaI to samrATa banI gayo. jene icchavuM vyartha lAgyuM hoya, apekSA rAkhavI e ja vyartha bhAsyuM hoya te paramAtmA varadAna Apaze topaNa nahIM mAMge. te jANe che ke mAMga e ja saMsAra che. dhArmika mAMga ke sAMsArika mAMga - ApaNI badhI mAMgone jo sUkSmatAthI tapAsIe to badhI mAMga sAMsArika ja siddha thaze kAraNa ke mAMga kadI dhArmika hoI ja na zake. mAMga e ja saMsAra che. asaMtoSa, vartamAnano asvIkAra e ja mAMga che ane e ja adharma che. ApaNe mokSa mAMgIe chIe e paNa pari- sthitino thAka hoya che. ApaNe mAtra nAma badalyuM paNa cAhata to e ja rAkhI. mATe jene mAMgavuM ja vyartha lAgyuM che tenuM citta samrATa jevuM banI jAya che. je samrATa banIne paramAtmA pAse jAya che, te ja paramAtmamaya thaI zake che. jyAre saMto kahe che ke paramAtmA pAse bhikhArI thaIne javuM tyAre teno artha thAya che zUnya thaIne jAo. dIna thaIne jAo, ahaMkArarahita thaIne jAo. akkaDatA choDIne jAo, jhoLI phelAya paNa jhoLI kaI cIjathI bharAya tenI koIc h o i c e(pasaMdagI) nahIM. hRdayanAM dvAra khullA. koI akkaDatA nahIM. 213 Page #180 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ QUEENS MEDICAL SERVICES, P.L.L.C. "Compassionate & Comprehensive Health Care" BEST WISHES TO JAIN CENTER OF AMERICA AJAY K. LODHA, M.D. Internal Medicine TELEIREITETETT BETA SMITA LODHA, M.D. Family Practice N.Clear Medicine N.C. SHAH, M.D. Internal Medicine Office Locations 33-04 93rd Street Apt 1W Jackson Heights, NY 11372 718.335.4747 45-62 Parsons Blvd Flushing, NY 11355 718.886.4848 83-87 Woodhaven Blvd Woodhaven , NY 11421 718.441.5454 ELTETTETESITETETEJE Page #181 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ huM'bhAvathI rahita thaIne javuM, hRdayane khAlI karIne javuM eTale bhikhArI thaIne javuM. huM kAMI jANato nathI, huM kAMI nathI.....evA bodha sAthe javuM. sadgurunuM parama mAhAmya bhAsyuM hoya to tenI tulanAmAM potAnI azuddhatA, apUrNatA dekhAya. tethI laghutA ane dainyatAno bhAva pragaTe che. jo te na pragaTe to sadgurunI AjJAnA ArAdhanamAM saMdeha, pramAda Adi thAya ane pariNAme kalyANa na thAya. tethI kahyuM ke bhikhArI thaIne jAo. "zAna garIbI guruvacana.....' aMtaramAM jJAnagarIbI hoya to zAnI pAse javuM kAryakArI thAya. Ama, eka taraphathI bhikhArI kAraNa ke 'huM' bacato nathI ane eka taraphathI samATa kAraNa ke mAMga bacatI nathI..... tethI ja to bhAratIya saMskRtimAM saMnyAsIne kAM to bhikSa kahevAya che kAM to svAmI. je paMthe mAMgarahitatA upara bhAra mUkyo te potAnA saMnyAsIone svAmI saMbodhana karyuM ane je paMthamAM nirahaMkAra tathA niSparimaha upara bhAra mukAyo tyAM saMnyAsIo bhikSA tarIke saMbodhAyA. vAstavamAM je bhinna che te svAmI che ane je svAmI che te bhikSa che. Ama, samATa thaIne javuM eTale vAsanArahita thaIne javuM ane bhikhArI thaIne javuM eTale khAlI thaIne javuM. khAlI jhoLI ke jethI paramAtmA bharAya. zabdakoSamAM 'samATa' ane 'bhikhArI' A baMne zabdo viruddha arthavALA che paraMtu adhyAtmakoSamAM e bane eka dazA che. mAtra judI paribhASA! jo A bane yathArthapaNe sadhAya to jIvananI parama dhanya kSaNa prApta thaI ema samajavuM. na vAsanA, na ahaMkAra, mAtra zuddhatA..... kema prArthanA karavA chatAM loko evA ne evA ja rahe che? zAMta cittadazA e prArthanA ema samajavAne badale loko ema samaje che ke amuka AkAMkSAthI karela amuka pATha ke maMtra te prArthanA che. zraddhApUrvaka mAMgavAthI prApta thAya che ema mAnI teo prArthanA kare che. bhIkha mAMgavI ene prArthanA mAne che. saMto kahe che ke A maLe, A na maLe, Ama thAya, Ama na thAya.....AvA koI paNa bhAva hoya to te prArthanA nathI. bhale zabdo sArA hoya paNa e sAcA nathI. jevI prArthanAmAM vAsanA joDAya che ke upAsanAnI pAMkha tarata ja kapAI jAya che. gaLe paththara baMdhAI jAya che. have e pakSI UDI zakaze nahIM. ahIM ja taraphaDI taraphaDIne maraze. duHkhanI vAta to e che ke prArthanA' zabdano artha ja mAMgavuM banI gayo che. zraddhApUrvaka kaMI paNa mAMgyuM eTale jANe te prArthanA banI gaI..... mAMgavAvALAne prArthI kahIe chIe to bhikhArI kone kahevo? sadIothI prArthanAnA nAme mAMgavAnuM thAya che mATe prArthanAno artha vikRta thaI gayo che. ane tethI prArthanA aMtaramAM khIlatI nathI. prArthanA to eka prakArano AMtarika nAca che, AnaMdanI abhivyakti che. prArthanA e to saMtoSapUrNa cittadazAnuM nAma che. kevI rIte prArthanA karavI? - kevI rIte e zabdone vidAya ApavI? saMto kahe che ke niSkriyatAmAM gati karo. pakSInuM gIta sAMbhaLo, sUrya prakAze che te juo, havAnuM nAcavuM anubhavo. prayojana vinA, saMkalpa-vikalpa vinA, basa! Page #182 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CONGRATULATIONS TO JAIN CENTER OF AMERICA ON IT'S PRATISHTHA MAHOTSAV FROM NAHAR FAMILY Page #183 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ zAMta beso.....ane prArthanA pragaTaze bhItara. jo tame prArthanAno sAco artha nahIM samajo to tame mAtra koI kriyAkAMDa Acarazo ke koI pAThanuM uccAraNa karazo ane pachI pUchazo ke prArthanAmAM ekAgratA kema AvatI nathI? mana kema bhaTake che? zuM karuM ke jethI mana sthira rahe? prArthanA mATe kaMI paNa karavuM e to pAgalapaNuM che. paranuM mahattva che, Azcarya che, mahimA che ane zAMtatA joIe che! paranuM avalaMbana levuM che ane baMdhana nathI joItuM, asthiratA nathI joItI..... prArthanA eTale "huM' vinAnI caitanyadazA. jyAM mAMga hoya tyAM "huM' hoya, mArI' hoya. "huM" na hoya to mAMge koNa? "mArI' na hoya to mAMga konI? ' bhikhArI che, mAMge che. mAMgano aMta nathI. maLatuM jAya ane maMgAtuM jAya. jyAM "huM" nathI, "mArI' nathI tyAM mAMga nathI. prArthanA sabhATanA hRdayathI UThelo svara che. maunano svara. prArthanA eka layabaddhatA che, je tamArI bhItara ghaTe che. e layabaddhatAmAM "huM' jhUkI jAya che ane virATa sAthe ekatA thAya che. tamArI vINA virATanI sAthe sumeLa sAdhe che - jugalabaMdhI, "tAlase tAla'..... tamArI vINA ane virATanI vINA tAlabaddha bane che. bheda naha, aMtarAla nahIM, tamArAM pagalAM paramAtmAnAM pagalAM sAthe..... enI sAthe nAco, enI sAthe masta thAo, enA rasamAM DUbelA raho.....A che prArthanA. jene tame prArthanA kaho cho, je zIkhavavAmAM Ave che, tene zuM kharekhara prArthanA kahI zakAya? temAM mAMgaNI hoya che. temAM huM" majabUta thAya che. tamArI prArthanA sAMbhaLe to koIne thAya ke tame jaina cho ke hiMdu cho ke musalamAna cho ke IsAI cho. sAcI prArthanA mauna hoya, mAMgarahita hoya, "huM rahita hoya. avAk hoya tyAM koNa hiMdu, koza musalamAna? koI vikalpa nahIM, koI AkAMkSA nahIM. koI doDa nahIM. kartutvabhoktatvanI uttejanA nahIM. mAtra draSTA, mAtra sAthI, akatabhAva. ane A avasthAmAM kyAMka ajJAtamAMthI zAMti ane AnaMdanAM pUra AvatAM hoya evI anubhUti te che prArthanA. evAM pUra ke temAM tame DUbI jAo. dehane bhUlI jAo, duniyAne bhUlI jAo, potAne bhUlI jAo.....A che prArthanA. ka ja che Page #184 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ a na141214| nmn| OM AuguyAya janan/ 2014 24pay 21033 : sAla 241124 tami pAye, ke thAya te yA 24 runami mAye 52.nA ho vA na pAva, na sonA 26 320k! mana thA sAye to 241 2424/2. ni 21 yo Galary 2ii nalI. nA21 lA 302 RC nendra 4Y aMdhA - tI ma suninA- mo . sata ane nuM ga naLa jagatanuM uja! 9 karo - Page #185 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ jinapratimA P.P. Shree Dr. Rakeshbhai Zayeri Assurror setAttri Aur Dur Tirrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr nAnA koI lakSyane AMbavuM hoya to teno sahelo rasto e che ke jeNe e lakSyane siddha karyuM hoya evI vyaktine Adarza banAvI enuM anusaraNa karavAmAM Ave. anusaraNa Adarza dhyeyane dRSTi samakSa rAkhavAnI pharaja pADe che, kAraNa ke jenuM anusaraNa karavuM hoya tene najara sAme rAkhyA vagara tema thaI zakatuM nathI. kuzaLa zilpI jema Adarzane niraMtara daSTi sanmukha rAkhI potAnI kalAkRtine ghaDe che, tema sAdhaka paNa AdarzarUpa prabhune niraMtara daSTi sanmukha rAkhI nijAtmasvarUpanI pUrNa kalAkRti ghaDe che. svarUpasthita prabhunA darzanathI jIvane potAnA vistRta thayelA svarUpanuM bhAna thAya che. temanA citanathI potAnA svarUpanI jIvane oLakhANa thAya che. temanAM smaraNa-dhyAnathI potAnA svarUpane pragaTa karavAnI icchA tenAmAM jAge che. AvI tIvra icchAnA kAraNe te pa2parizatimAM udAsIna banI AtmapariNati tarapha vaLe che. jinadazAnuM bhAvapUrvaka ciMtana karavAthI 'A jina bhagavAna jevo ja anaMtaguNasaMpana AtmA chuM' ema jina samAna potAnI svarUpasattAne jIva oLakhe che ane te jinadazAno adhikArI bane che. Ama, bhagavAna pratye dRSTi karavAthI bhakta thavAya che ane bhagavAna jenA pratye daSTi kare che tenA pratye daSTi karavAthI bhagavAna thavAya che, athatuM bhagavAna pratye daSTi karavAthI bhakti jAge che, bhaktapaNuM pragaTe che ane bhagavAna jenA pratye akhaMDa daSTi rAkhe che te pratye eTale ke zuddhAtmA pratye draSTi karatAM bhagavAna thavAya che. jinapratimA e sAkAra bhagavAna che, anusaMdhAna arthe puSTa nimitta che, samyagdarzananuM parama nimitta che, sAkAra upAsanAnI zreNImAMthI pasAra thayA pachI nirAkAra zreNImAM TakI zakAya che. mATe sAdhanAmAM jinapratimAnuM atyaMta mahattvanuM sthAna che. jIvanI pAse je je anubhavo che te te sarva mUrtanA anubhava che; amUrtano koI anubhava tene nathI. jeno koI anubhava nathI e saMbaMdhamAM koI paNa zabda jIvane koI smaraNa ApI nahIM zake. amUrtanI vAto te karato raheze ane mUrtamAM jIvato raheze. mATe amUrta sAthe saMbaMdha bAMdhavo hoya to koI evI cIja joIze ke je eka taraphathI AkAravALI hoya ane bIjI taraphathI AkAra vagaranI - nirAkAra hoya; eka taraphathI mUrta hoya to bIjI taraphathI amUrta..... mUrtinuM rahasya A che. koI evo setu banAvavo paDaze ke je ApaNI tarapha AkAravALo hoya ane paramAtmAnI tarapha nirAkAra hoya. eka kinAre mUrta hoya ane bIjA kinAre amUrta hoya, evo setu ja ApaNane paramAtmA sAthe joDI zake che. evo sata nirmita thaI zake che. enA nirmANano prayoga ja mUrti che. mUrtimAM A vizeSatA che. te be kArya kare che - jyAM ApaNe UbhA chIe tyAM eno cheDo dekhAya che ane jyAM paramAtmA che tyAM e nirAkAramAM khovAI jAya che. Page #186 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ JAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAA AAAP BEST COMPLIMENTS FROM TRINITY DIAMOND DESIGNS FIRST IN FASHION... FIRST IN QUALITY.....FIRST IN SERVICE A 15 W 47th Street Suite 1102 New York, NY 10036 tel: 212.944.8200 fax: 212.944.8008 IIIIIIIIII 220 Page #187 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ :06: 4: 3 22080808080Prairirasra mUrti eTale mUrta ane amUrtanuM anokhuM saMyojana. te sAkAra paNa che ane nirAkAra paNa che. manuSyanI tarapha teno AkAra che ane e AkAramAMthI eka tAra khUle che ke je nirAkAramAM laI jAya che, amUrtamAM sthita kare che. jemake gharamAM bArI hoya. te to AkAravALI hoya. jyAre ghara ja AkAravALuM hoya che to bArI nirAkAra na hoI zake. paraMtu jyAM te sAkAra bArI kholIne AkAza tarapha jovAmAM Ave che tyAM nirAkAramAM praveza thAya che. jinapratimA eka evI bArI che ke jenA dvArA amUrta AkAza dekhAI zake che. vartamAnamAM mAtmAnI avasthA zuddha na hovAthI amUrtanuM sIdhuM darzana zakya nathI, amUrtane jovAnI kSamatA ane pAtratA nathI. tethI amUrtine paNa mUrtamAM bAMdhI te dvArA amUrtane jovAno - amUrtamAM javAno prayatna karavo paDe che. amUrta sAthe sIdho saMbaMdha sadhAto nathI tethI pahelAM evA mUrta sAthe saMbaMdha eDavo paDe che ke jenA dvArA amUrtanAM darzana thaI zake. e pahelAM te amUrtanI pratIti koI mUrtamAM karavI rahI. pachI e mUrta dvArA ghaDI ghaDI amUrtamAM UtaravuM joIe. ane e saraLa paNa paDaze. jinapratimAnAM darzana karatAM thoDI ja jANomAM pratimA bhalAI jAya che ane jina jIvaMta thaI uThe che. jeno prema sAco che tene vadhAre samaya nahIM lAge. tenA mATe paththaranI pratimA vilIna thaI jAya che ane sajIvana vyaktitva sthApita thAya che. Ama, mUrti eka evI vyavasthA che ke je dvArA ApaNe mUrtamAMthI amUrtamAM sthApita thaI zakIe chIe. jinapratimAnAM darzana karavAthI ApaNane eka anubhava avazya thaze ke te vyaktinuM ochuM ane koI bhAvadazAnuM smaraNa vadhAre karAve che. tenA avalaMbane AtmAnI dazAnuM darzana vadhAre thAya che. tenAM darzanathI thoDI kSaNo mATe to vyakti dekhAya paNa pachI tarata ja e zAMta vItarAgadazA, e niSkAraNa karazAnI bhAvadazAno anubhava thAya, aMtaramAM tenuM pratibiMba jhilAya. mUrtinI A vyavasthA, tenAM darzana-pUjana e ApaNI bhItara rahelA tathA35 bhAvo sAthe saMbaMdha joDavAno upAya che. prabhunI pratimAnAM darzana karatAM temanI zAMtatA, vItarAgatA, karuNA Adi guNonAM darzana thAya che; e zuddha dazAnuM dhyAna karatAM dhyAtAnA aMtaramAM pratidhvani utpanna thAya che ane te paNa eka zAMtatAno anubhava karavA lAge che. dhIre dhIre te saMsArabhAvathI para thato jAya che ane mokSabhAvamAM sthira thato jAya che. che ke rahI che, joI lo. kaDI 60 Di: 7 ka. DI ji: DAra Edontido n oc: 2010 tArA vagara pI . DI DI DI DI DI DI DI koka Page #188 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ SAAAAAAA nyuyorka mAM je navuM jaina senTara banI rahyuM che emAM vadhu ne vadhu bhAvIko lAbha le ane zuThadha dharma nI prAptI tathA paramAtmA nI bhakti dhvArA AtmanirmaLatA prApta kare ane dehathI bhinna Atma svarUpanI anubhutI rUpa samyagaTharzana prApta karI paramAtmApada ne sahu pAme evI maMgaLakAmanA. pUjya jInacaMdravIjayamunIzrI (baMdhu trIpuTi) nA dharmalAbha A zubha prasaMge padhArelA dareka mumukSu bhAi-baheno ane jJAnIone savinaya vaMdana prAcI, hemAlI, dInA ane mukeza ajamerA kokamana Page #189 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ XOXOXOXO 0 0 0 0 0 0 W OOOO OO OOO WADADADA KOVO XOXOXOXOXO O O O O O TO CONGRATULATIONS AND BEST WISHES ALL OF YOU AND CONTINUED SUCCESS FROM UBBYAND MIKE ANGELIADES XOXO 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 O O O O SLEV M.A. ANGELIADES INC. MAGNETIC CONSTRUCTION CORP. 5-44 47TH AVENUE LONG ISLAND CITY, NY 11101 TEL: 718-786-5555 FAX: 718-786-4700 Dr. Perrier O O O O C Die HOOK 0 0 0 0 0 Page #190 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ahiMsA parasparopagraho jIvAnAm X 0 . 5 Jain Hods XXXXXX Jain Edisia laternational 2030 Fersee personal use only XXXXX * |