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________________ Published by Swati Publications, 34 Central Market, Ashok Vihar, Delhi-110052 Ph. 7113395 and Printed by S.K. Mehra at Mehra Offset Press, Delhi.
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________________ CONTENTS. ... 219 The names of Contributors are arranged alphabetically. PAGE PAGE G. BUHLER, PA.D., LL.D., C.I.E.: Pror. F. KIELHORN, C.I.E., GOTTINGEN: - ASOKA'S SAHABRAM, KUPNATH AND BARAT A Short Account of Six Unpublished Inscriptions. 80 EDICTS ...... ... .... ... .... ... ... 299 Pausha Samvataars in the Kasika-Vritti on p. iv. 2, 21 ... ... ... WILLIAM CROOKE, C.S. - .. .. ... ... 83 Miscellaneots Dates from Inscriptions and MSS. 107 FOLKTALES OF HINDUSTAN Dates from South Indian Inscriptions ... No. 4.-The Gadariya and the Natii of Lalpur.. 21 ... 18 No. 5.-The Lucky Herdsman ... ... ... 75 A. A. MACDONNELL No. 6.-Princess Fireflower ... 289 Kahaha's Rajutarangini, or Chtonicle of the No. 7.-Why the Fish laughed . 391 Kings of Kashmir, edited by M. A. Stein, Ph.D.... 139 No. 8.-The Prindess who loved her Father like Salt .. ... ... V. KANAKASABHAI PILLAI, B.A., B.L. - .. Santal Folktales, tradelated from the Santali TAMIL HISTORICAL TATSA. Campbell ... ... .. No. 4.-The Vikrama-Cholat-6 .. ... 141 SHANKAR B. DIKSHIT : TAW SEIN-KO: The Date of Sundara-Pandya-datavarman A PRELIMINARY STUDY OF THE Po&o&DAUNG GEO. FR. D'PENHA: INSCRIPTION OF S'INBYUYIN, 1774 A. D. ... 1 FOLKLORE IN SALSETTES A PREIAMINARY STUDY OF THE KALTANI INNo. 15.-The Parrot's Tale and the Mains's SCRIPTIONS OF DHAMMACHETI, 1476 A. D. ...11, Tale ... ... .. ... .. . 53 29, 86, 150, 206, 236 No. 16.-The Prince and the Kambalo ... 943, 276 Ratanasingha-Shwebo-Moutabobo-kongbaung: 28 No. 17.-A Cinderella Variant ... ... ... FOLKLORE IN BURMAC. MABEL DUFF: No. 3. --The Three-Eyed King .. .. ... 150 The Chronology of the Kakatiya Dynasty ... 325 Sanskrit Words in the Burmese Langukge ... 182 J. F. FLEET, I.C.S., PA.D., C.I.. : MAJOR R. C. TEMPLE, I.S.C. :HIUEN TSTANO'S CAPITAL OF MAHARASHTRA ... 113 THE NAME "BASSEIN" ... .. ... 18 TE TOPOGHAPHICAL LIST OF THE BRIHAT. A Note on the Name "Shwe-Dagon ** ... ... 28 SAHITA ... . ... ... " Ratanasingha--Shwobo-Moutshoto-Kongbaung. 28 Srahe. ... ... ... ... .. . Mnaselwoman ... ... ... .. . *** Vaddatara ... Wishing Stones in Burma ... ... .. ... Some Dates in the Chaltikya Vikrama-Kala Beo :-Indo-European for." Monastery" ... ... 185 G. A. GRDERSON, 1.0.8.: Ordeal in Modern Indiat Life ... .... ... 199 NOTES ON Tot's Das... ... 89, 122, 197, 2, 253 Bassein-Basgeen ... ... Die Handschriften verteichtnisse der koniglichen A PRELIMINARY STUDY OF TE KALTANI IN BORIPTIONS: PORTSCRIPT +++ Bibliothek zu Berlin ... ... .. .. ... ... 112 A Sanskrit-English Dictionary, by Arthur A. Intorchange of Initial K and Pin Burmese Place Macdonnell ... Names ... . 160 . ... . . ... . ... .. Talapay-Talapoin ... ... Panini, Ein Beitrag for Kentriss der indischen ... ** ** .. . 828 Literatur und Grammatik; Yon Bruno Liebrich 229 NOTE ON ANTIQUITI IN RAMANNADESA .. 827 BERNARD HOUGHTON, C.S.: V. VENKAYYA, M.A.:Sanskrit words in the Burmese Language... ... 24 MATRAS MUSEUM PLATES OF JATILAVARMAN ... 5 The Evil Eye ... ... ... .. A FOLKTALE OF THE LUARAS L. A. WADDELL, M.D. :The Story of Kungori .... .. NOTE ON SOME AJANTA PAINTINGS YOLKTALES OF ARAKAN FROG-WORBHIP AMONGST THE NEWABB, with a No. 1.-The Snake Prinde ... .. Note on Etymology of the Word 'Nepal' ... 293 THE KUDOS OY KATHA AND THEIR VOCABULART. 129 THE TRADITIONAL MIGRATION OF THE SANTAL Folk Etymology of Place-Names in the Sandoway TEEBZ ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 234 District, Barms .. .. . .. 195 PUTLIBAI D. H. WADIA :FOLKLORS OF SGAW-KARENG, from the Papers of Saya Kyaw Zan in the Se-tu-waw... PARBI AND GUJARATI HONDU NUPTIAL Sowoe... 109 ... ... 284 FOLKLORD IN WESTERN INDIA :L. HULTZSCH, PH.D., BANGALORS: No. 18.-The Sleeping Nasib ... .... . 18 DANISH COTS FROM THANQUEBAS - 116 No. 19.-Saffa and Chandra .. . ... 169 ... 261 ... 308 99
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________________ CONTENTS. MISCELLANEA AND CORRESPONDENCE. PAGE PAGE Sanskrit Words in the Burmese Language, by Dates from South Indian Inscriptions, by F. *Bernard Houghton, C.S. ... ... .. ... 24 Kielhorn ... ... ... . ... ... .. 136 A Note on the Name "Shwe Dagon," by R. c. Sanskrit Words in the Burmese Language, by Taw Temple ... ... ... Sein-Ko ... ... ... ... ... 162 The Evil Eye, by Bernard Houghton... ... ... 56 Folk- Etymology of Place-Names in the Sandoway A Short Account of Six Unpublished Inscriptions, District, Burma, by B. Houghton ... .. by F. Kielhorn ... The Date of Sundara Pandya-Jatavarman, by Shankar B. Dikshit Pausha Samvatsara in the Kasika-Yritti on p. iv. 2, .. .. . . .... 21, by F. Kielhorn ... ... 8* Vaddavara, by J, F. Fleet ... ... ... Miscellaneous Dates from Inscriptions and MSS. Some Dates in the Chalukya Vikrama-Kala, by J. by F. Kielhorn ... .. .. ... ... .. 107 i F. Fleet .. ... .. .. ... ... ... 296 NOTES AND QUERIES. Ratanasingha-Shwebo-Moutahobo-Kongbaung, by Srahe, by J. F. Fleet ... ... ... . ... R. C. Temple and Taw Sein-Ko ... ... ... 28 Bassein-Basseen, by R. C. Temple ... ... .. Musselwoman, by E. C. Temple ... ... .. 112 The Chronology of the Kakatiya Dynasty, by C. Winhing Stones in Burma, by R. C. Temple ... 166 1 Mabel Duff ... ... ... . .. ... 325 Bao :-Indo-European for "Monastery," by R. C. Interchange of Initial and P in Burmese Place Temple .. ... ... ... ... 165 Names, by R. C. Templo ... ... ... ... Ordoal in Modern Indian Life, by R. C. Temple ... 196 Talapay-Talapoin, by R. C. Temple... ... ... 326 BOOK-NOTICES. Die Handschriften vorzeichnisse der koniglichen Santal Folktales, translated from the Santali by Bibliothek zu Berlin, by G. A. G.... ... ... 112 A. Campbell, by W. Crooke ... ... ... ... 196 Kalbana's Rajatarangini, or Chronicle of the Kings of Kashmir, edited by M. A. Stein, Ph.D., by Panini, Ein Beitrag zur Kentniss der indischen A. A. Maodonnell ... ... ... ... ... 139 A Sanskrit-English Dictionary, by Arthur A. Literatur und Grammatik, Von Bruno Liebrich, Macdonnell, by G. A. Grierson ... ... ... 166 by G. A. Grierson ... ... ... ... ... 229 70 .. 274 Do. ILLUSTRATIONS. Poeuddaung Inscription of S'inbyuyin... ... ... 6 VI.--Images and Mural Decoration, Kogun Cave.. 366 Transcription into Modern Burmese Characters, VII.--The Great Stalagmite Kogun Cave ... ... id. pp. (1)-17] ... ... .. ... ... 6 VIII.-(1) Grotesque figures from Pegu and Madras Museum Plates of Jatilavarman Syriam ... ... ... ... .. ib. Danish Coins from Tranquebar... ... 118 (2) Images of Buddha, with terra-cotta Restored Portions of the Pali Stones of the Kalyani bricks in situ, near the Kyaik pan Inscriptions of Dhammacheti, 1476 A. D. (Six Pagoda, Pega... ... .. .. Plates) ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 274 IX.-Inscribed Tablet from Pegu ... ... ... Stones 1 to 10 of the Kalyani Inscriptions ... ... 974 IX.-(a) Bas reliefs on terra-cotta bricks from Broken Portions of the Kalyani Stones ... Pegu ... ... .. ... ... General Plan of the Site of the Kalyani Inscrip Do. tions ... ... .. .. ... . XI. Do. XII. Aeoka's Inscriptions: XIII. Do. 4.-Rupnath Rock Edict of Devanampiya. --The XIII(a).-Bas-reliefs on Stone from Thaton... Year 256 ... ... .. * ... 299 XIV.B.-Sahasram Rock Edict of Devanampiye.-The XIV().- Do. Year 256 ... XV.-(1) Specimen of a Cambodian Tower - KyaikMap of Ramaanadesa ... pun Pagoda, near Pegu ... ... 1.-The Farm Cave-Main Entrance ... ... (2) Votive tablet from Buddha Gaya found I(a).-Images and Objects in the Kogun Cave in Pega... ... ... ... ... ... II.-(1) Bhinji Cave-Entrance. ... XVI.-Figures and votive tablets from the Caves e) Bhinji Cave-Interior ... ... of the Amherst District ... .. III.--General View of Entrance Hall, Kogun Cave. ib. X-V1(a). - Do. IV.-Mural Ornamentation, Entrance Hall, Kogun XVII.-The Shwethayamg or Great Recumbent Cave ... ... . ib. Buddha at Pegu... V.-Kogun Cave. looking towards Entrance of XVIII.-The Kyaiktiyo Pagoda near Shwegyin ... ib. Main Hall... ... ib. .. .. ... .. XIX.-The Approach to the Dhammatha Cave 10. Do. - .. . .209 .. 329
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________________ THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY, A JOURNAL OF ORIENTAL RESEARCH. VOLUME XXII.-1893. A PRELIMINARY STUDY OF THE PO:U:DAUNG INSCRIPTION OF S'INBYUYIN, 1774 A. D. BY TAW SEIN KO. The right bank of the Irrawaddy River near Prome is fringed by a range of hills, and Posu:daung is the name applied to the topmost of seven hills, forming part of this range. The Posa:daung Hill is crowned with a massive rock, called the Hermit's Cap, and shaped like a Buddhist priest's alms-bowl. On this rock a platform of brick is raised, on which stands the Po::danng Pagoda. It is about 30 feet high, and its form and architecture bespeak its being the handiwork of masons from the maritime provinces. Near the pagoda is an imagehouse, which bears date 1236, Burmese Era, (1874 A.D.). In this image-house Gautama Buddha is represented in a standing posture with the index-finger of his right hand pointing towards Prome, and Ananda, his beloved disciple, in a praying attitude, begging the sage to explain his oracle fully. On the eastern side of the Hermit's Cap - which is surrounded on every side, except the one where it joins the next hill, by sheer precipices of some thousand feet in depth -- are three caves cut into the rock. Over these are images of the two traditional moles, also cut in the rock, representing them in an adoring attitude and asking some boon from Gautama Buddha. One of the caves is devoted to the custody of an inscription engraved on a sandstone slab, about four feet high by three feet wide. The inscription was placed there by S'inbyuyin (1763-1776 A. D.), the second son of Alaungp'aya (Alompra). It bears date 1136, B. E., (1774 A. D.), and contains a record of his progress from Ava to Rangoon, his placing a new til on the Shwe Dagon Pagoda at Rangoon, and the removal of its old ti, which was thrown down by an earthquake in 1769, to be enshrined in the P0gdedaung Pagoda. The placing of a new t'i on the Shwe Dagon Pagoda by Sinbyuyin was symbolical of the consolidation of the power of the dynasty founded by his father in 1757 A. D., of the replacement of the Talaings by the Burmans in the government of United Burma, and of the national jubilation over the successes which attended Burmese arms in the wars with Manipur, China, and Siam. The ceremony of placing the t'i was witnessed by the king in person, in order to convince the Talaings, whose abortive rebellion in Martaban had just been suppressed, that his rule was a personal one, and to impress on them the splendour of his power and the resources at his command. Moreover, to minimize the possibility of all future attempts at rebellion, with 1 At''(= umbrella) is the umbrelliform ornament which must be placed on the summit of every pagoda.
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________________ THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [JANUARY, 1898. the last of the Talaing kings as a centre of intrigue and disaffection, and to remove a!l hopes of the restoration of a Talaing monarchy, he ordered the execution of Byinnya Dala, the ex-king of Pego, who had surrendered to Alaungp'aya. Lines 1 - 8 of the obverse face of the stone are in PAli gathas and the rest are in Burmese verse. The reverse face of the stone is in Burmese prose. Tho decipherment of this inscription does not present any paleographical difficulty, but the formation of certain letters shows that Burmese calligraphy was in a transition state a century ago. is expressed by mjl as well as my; by m or by or His by on or o Goo by cofior of. There are four modes of representing :, namely, 8: & e. The abrupt tone is indicated by placing either single or double dots below the letter, affected : y or 48. The long vowel 30 with the heavy tone is expressed by two dots like the visarga is Sanskrit: u: = 505!; mi = 2: The vowel is expressed by S; US = 6000. The vowel 80 is symbolically expressed by a curve placed over the letter affected : = a; and by Q: H = The symbolic O is expressed thus : = go. The following letters radically differ in form from those now in use :-; 2 = a; O = 0; 2 = 0; M = G =g; 3= #; @= 0; $ = n; = . TRANSLATION. Obverse Face, Reverence to the Blessed One, the Holy One, and the Folly Enlightened One! With a pure and serene mind, I do respectfully reverence the Conqueror, who is the highest, the noblest, the greatest of the great, and the giver of the bliss of Nirvana. The Buddha, who was the highest, the noblest, the protector, and the greatest of the great, stood on the top of the high Po:dedaung rock and pronounced an oracle. Like the erection of the 84,000 monasteries, pagodas, &c., by Asokadhammaraja in former times (was the building of the pagoda recorded here). On the first day of the waning moon of Magha 1136, Sakkaraj, and 2818, Anno Buddhe, when Aburinda had seized the bright moon and released her from danger, and when an auspicious victory bad thus been accorded to Soma, the king, who was wise and replete with merit and other good qualities, who was mighty and powerful, and whose fame had spread far and wide, caused the Posu:daung bonlder, which is one single mass of rock, to be cleared, and repaired an old pagoda, wherein he enshrined the fallen t'i of the Digumpa Cheti, which he had purposely ordered to be brought away. To ensure the durability of the pagoda for a great length of time, he made a beautiful bejewelled t'i, (like that) of the pagoda standing on the top of the Himavanta mountain, and planted it on the (Posu:daong) pagoda. He then proceeded up-stream, and on the auspicions Saturday, the full moon day of Visakha 1137, Sakkaraj, and 2919, Anno Buddha, he held a great festival and planted the beautiful bejewelled " (on the pagoda) called Nyandd-myinu. "In virtue of this, my good deed, may I, in the future, become a Buddha, and be able to dispel the ignorance of a great many creatures immersed in ignorance, and may I finally reach the tranquil, transcendent, immutable, blissful, peaceful, and happy city, which is secure from danger of death, re-birth, and old age ! ." During the period that intervenes between my present existence and my becoming Buddha, may all my enemies flee on hearing about my might and power or by seeing my person; and during the same period, may good fortune be my lot, whenever my might and power is heard of or my person seen!
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________________ PO8U8DAUNG INSCRIPTION. JANUARY, 1893.] "May the brahmas, devas, and men of all the lokas, my father, mother, and other relatives share my merit equally with me, and may they rejoice with glad and joyful heart! 3 "May all creatures practice liberality and exert themselves for the good of the Religion; and may the people live in happiness, and increase in honour and wealth!" During 20 asankheyyas and 100,000 kalpas, the embryo of Gautama Buddha received an assurance of his attaining Buddhahood from each successive Buddha that appeared. During the cycle of seven asankheyyas, beginning with the one called nanda, 125,000 Buddhas, headed by Brahmadeva, appeared. At the feet of each of these Buddhas, Our Lord, as a Bodhisattva, buoyed up with joy and hope, prayed to be a Buddha. With faith and zeal, which can never be equalled, he performed works of inerit and received from the successive Buddhas of that cycle the assurance of attaining Buddhahood, During the next cycle of nine asankheyyas, beginning with the one called sabbabhadda, 387,000 Buddhas, headed by Poranasakya, appeared. At the feet of each of them, our Bodhisattva repeated his prayer of becoming an Omniscient One and the suzerain of the three lokas. He performed good deeds and followed the precepts inculcated by them. During the next cycle of four asankheyyas, beginning with the one called sela, 12 Buddhas, headed by Tapbaikara, appeared. After our Bodhisattva had received an assurance of attaining omniscience, nine other Buddhas, headed by Dipankara, appeared. During the dispensation of Dipankara, our Bodhisattva was possessed of merit and the qualifications necessary for the attainment of Buddhahood. One day, he made his body serve as a bridge for Dipankara to step across, and the latter granted him an assurance that he would become a Buddha in the future. This assurance was confirmed by the eight other Buddhas who followed, During the next 100,000 kalpas, 15 Buddhas, headed by Padumuttara, appeared. Each of these Buddhas confirmed the assurance granted to our Bodhisattva by their predecessors. Thus, during 20 asankheyyas and 100,000 kalpas, our Bodhisattva received an assurance of his attaining Buddhahood from 512,027 Buddhas. In his last birth, he became the son of Suddhodana, King of Kapila, by Queen Maya. His birth took place in a delightful grove of sal trees, and when he grew up, he was surrounded by comforts and pleasures befitting a prince. Three palaces were built for him, to be occupied according to the three seasons. His wife was Yasodhara, and he had a number of concubines. At the age of 29 he renounced the world and became an ascetic. After undergoing penance for six years, he, one night, dreamt five dreams. Next morning, he became a Buddha, and received an offering of rice-milk from Sujata, which he, with relish, ate, while sitting cross-legged on the bank of a river (Neranjara). On the evening of the same day, the devas directed his steps to the spot where the Bodhi tree was. This tree had sprouted forth from the earth simultaneously with his birth, and is worthy of veneration by all devas and men. Here, the grass-cutter Suddhiya presented him with eight handfuls of grass, with which he prepared a seat for himself. While remaining under the Bodhi tree, he was assailed by Mara and his hosts on every side: on his right and his left, behind him, in front of him, and over him. The contest, however, could not last long. On the evening of the same day, he merged forth victorious from the struggle and became free from every passion and tie. At dawn on the following day, he comprehended the Four Sublime Truths and attained Buddhahood. The news of this victory and of this attainment was received by the inhabitants of the three lokas with deafening acclamation. With a view that future generations might embrace a faith and attain Nirvana, as if they had prayed at his feet, Gautama Buddha promulgated an excellent religion and defined the period of its continuance. It was the good fortune of the King of Ava to flourish during the dispensation of such a saviour as Gautama Buddha.
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________________ THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. (JANUARY, 1899. The ruler of Avd was assisted in his government by wise ministers, and was happy in the possession of trastworthy friends. He was the possessor of military weapons, soldiers, horses, elephants, and fortified towns, and received tribute from sixteen states, such as Sundparanta, Tampadipa, and Kampoja. His capital, Batangpurs, was the storehouse of all kinds of precious minerals and the repository of all wealth. He was wise, mighty, and powerful, and had reduced to subjection all the other ralers of the world..... He was of opinion that, although he might exert himself in various ways to ensure the continuance of the excellent religion promulgated by the Greatest of Conquerors, ........... Reverse Face. His glorious Majesty King S`inbyuyin, the possessor of the han s'inbyd and many other white elepliants, and of gold, silver, and ruby mines, the suzerain of all the other ralers, and the overlord of the sixteen states, namely, Sunaparanta, with its districts Kale, Tennyin, Yd, Tilin, Salin, and Saga; Sirikhettarame, with its districts Udetarits and Pandaung; Ramanna, with its districts Kubon, Yaungmya, Muttama, and Pagd (Pego); Ayuttays, with its districts Dvaravati,e Yodaya, and Kamanpaik; Haripuncha, with its districts Zimme, Labon, 10 and Anan ;!1 Lavarattha,1% with its districts Chandapuri, Sanpa pabet, and Mainglon ;13 Khemavara, with its districts Kyaington and Kyaing kaang; J@tinagara, with its districts Kyaingfon and Maingse; Kampoja, with its districts Mone, Nyaungy we, Dibd, and Momek ; Mahimsaka, with its districts Mogok and Kyatpyin ; Son (Chinarattha), with its districts Bamo (Bhamo) and Kaungsin: Alavi, with its districts Mogaung and Monhyin ; Manipura, with its districts Kabe and Mweyin ; Jeyavaddhana, with its districts Jeyavati and Ketumatt; Tampadipa, with its districts Pagan, Myinzaing, Pinya, and Ava; resolved to make a resplendent offering to the Pagoda, wherein were enshrined the paribhoga of three Buddhas, as well as the hairs of Gautama Buddha, given by him on the 49th day of his Buddhahood to the two brothers Taphussa and Bhallika, with a view that these relics should be objects of adoration by all devas and men. The King was endowed with such might and power, that any desire of his would be consummated by the co-operation of Sakra and the devas. He was desirous of placing a t'i covered with pure gold on the Sandoshin Chot1,15 which is 900 bandaungs16 in perimeter, 225 in diameter, and 183] in height.17 On Sunday, the 8th waxing of the moon of Py86, 1136, Sakkaraj, the King left Ava with the magnificence of 'Sakra, leaving the city of Mahasudassana for the purpose of worshipping at the Chalamani Cheti. He was escorted by 80 battalions of land and naval forces; by 1,600 elephants, headed by the han s'inbyu; by 500 ponies from the royal stables, headed by the royal charger, Natbayinbyan, which was four taungs, two maiks, and four letbits high; by : (Hore is a title for Ava or Ava. Mindon named Mandalay, Ratanapunna; see post, page 28.-ED.] 8 Shwedaung in the Prome district. * Padaung in the same district. 6 Bassein. * Now called Myaungmya in the Bassein district. 1 Martaban. * Bangkok, * Ayudhia. 16 Labong. 11 Annam. 19 Lsos. 13 Now called Mainglongyi. 16 Kiang Hung. 15 The Shwe Dagon Pagoda at Rangoon. 16 A bandaung is equivalent to 191 inches, 11 The British Burma Gazetteer, II., 631, gives the measurementa as 1855 ft. perimeter, and 321 ft. plus 26 ft. for tl, total 347 ft. height. This text gives the measurements ss 1434 ft. 51 inch. perimeter: 355 ft. 37 incl diameter; 291 ft. 114 inch height. There is no reconciling possible of these measurements. The base of the pagoda is in fact octagonal and not circular.-ED.
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________________ JANUARY, 1893.] PO:USDAUNG INSCRIPTION. 20,000 cavalry men; by other members of the four-fold army; by various tributary Sobwas and Myozas ; by ministers and military commanders of different grades, who were distinguished for their birth, character, and talents; and by the members of the royal family, consisting of sons, brothers, kinsmen, queens, concubines, and attendants of the King). The King embarked on a beautifully-wrought bejewelled raft, fornished with all regal splendour. Four white umbrellas were planted on the raft, which was surrounded by various kinds of gilt boats and other rafts. During his progress, the King was accompanied by over 200,000 infantry, cavalry, and elephants. At every stage on the journey, high festivals were held. On Monday, the 8th of the waning moon of the same month, Prome (Pyimyo) was reached, and the King took up his temporary residence on the sand-bank at the month of the Nawinchaung. In the 8th year of his Buddhahood, Gautama Buddha, at the solicitation of the merchants of Vanijjagima in Suna paranta, visited the sandal-wood monastery built by them, and left two impressions of his Holy Foot on the banks of the Namanta river, for the adoration of all devas and men, including the people of the Myan Country. On his return, he turned round the soles of his feet, and pronounced an oracle on the summit of a hill, which, in after times, was called the Pawasa daung. The King, observing that the pagoda erected by his ancestors on that hill would not last for ever, resolved to replace it by another, which would last throughout the 5,000 years allotted by Buddha for the continuance of the Religion, and which would be an object of adoration by all men. As he was possessed of sach might and power as to cause the consummation of his wishes by the co-operation of the Nats, who watch over the Religion, and by 'Sakra and other Nats, the t'i of the Digon Sandosbin was brought away by Sakra and the Nats for the purpose of being enshrined together with images, chetis, bone-relics, and hair-relics. In order that the pagoda to be built might last throughout the 5,000 years allotted for the continuance of the Religion, its foundations were laid on a massive rock. Gold, silver, and mogy818 bricks were laid as foundationstones, and the building of the pagoda, which was 164 bandarng819 in diameter, was begun on Wednesday, the oth of the waxing moon of Tabodwe, 1138, Sakkaraj, and 2318, Anno Buddhe. As when King Siridhammasoka built 84,000 pagodas, &c., there was an eclipse of the moon on the evening of Wednesday, the lst of the waning moon of Tabodwe. When the moon had become bright and clear, in the capacious receptacle-chamber were deposited great numbers of gold and silver images and chetis, bone-relics and hair-relics, and many representations of the Baddha at the Mahabodhisattathana. The building of the pagoda was finished on the 7th day of the waning moon of Tabodwe, and it was named the Nyandomyint. On its completion, it was worshipped by the King, his queens, sons, daughters, brothers, kinsmen, ministers, and generals. The King left Prome on the 8th day of the waning moon of Tabodwe. He placed & golden t'i on the Digon Sandoshin Cheti, and completely covered it with new gilding on Wednesday, the full moon day of Tabaung. From the date of his arrival to the 2nd day of the waning of the moon of Tagu, 1137, Sakkaraj, he held high festivals in honour of the pagoda and made great offerings. On his return, he reached Prome on the 8th day of the waxing moon of Kason 1137, Sakkaraj. At an auspicious hour after midnight on Saturday, the full moon day of the same month, the King placed a golden t'i on the P8:0:daung Pagoda, and completely covered it with gilding. An offering of food and priestly requisites was made to the Royal Preceptor and a great many other monks, and festivals were held in honour of the occasion. "For this, my good deed, may I become an Omniscient One, surpassing others in wisdom, and . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 An alloy of gold and copper in proportions of half and half. 19 This equal 29 ft. 1 inches.
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________________ THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. (JANUARY, 1893 NOTES. Obverse Face. Line 2.-Padagge-sele is a Pali translation of the Burmese appellation Pawasa:daung, the " foot-print hill," which is supposed to have subsequently been corrupted into Po:adaung. According to a tradition, which is fully recorded in the Mahayazawin, Gautama Buddha, in the fifth year of his Buddhahood, was presented by the two brothers, Mahapunna and Chulapunna, with a sandal-wood monastery situated at Vanijagama, otherwise called Legaing, in Sunaparanta.20 The sage accepted the gift, and occupied the monastery for seven days. During his temporary residence there, he left two impressions of his left foot: one, on the top of the Thitsaban Hill, at the solicitation of the Rishi Sachchhabandha (Thitsabanda), who had been converted to Buddhism, and the other on the left bank of the Manchaung at the solicitation of Namanta, King of the Nagas. * On his return, from the top of the Po:a:daung Hill, where he turned the soles of his feet, Gautama Buddha saw a piece of cow-dung floating in the sea, which stretched to a range of hills on the east. At the same time, a mole came and paid him homage by offering him some burrowings. On seeing these two omens the Master smiled, and being asked by Ananda the cause of his doing so, he replied: "My beloved Ananda, after I have attained parinirvana, and after the Religion has flourished for 101 years, five great events will happen: (1) there will be a great earthquake; (2) a great lake will appear at the Poa: point; (3) a river, called Samon Samyek, will appear; (4) the Popa Hill will rise up perpendicularly through the upheaval of the earth; (5) the sea will recede from the land on which Tharekhottara will be built in after times. The mole before us will be incarnated as Duttabaung, King of Tharekhettara, from whose reign will date the establishment of my Religion in the Country of the Mranmas.21 The above tradition appears to be pregnant with historical truth. Both historical and geological evidence goes to show that the country up to Prome22 was, at one time, under the sea. A hill, to the south of that town, is called to this day Akauktaung or Customs Hill, from its having been a station, where customs dues were collected from the ships that visited the port. The following extract from Mr. Blanford's account, published in the Journal of the Asiatic Society, Bengal, Vol. XXXI., 1862, fixes the probable age of the Popa Volcano in the Myingyan District of Burma: "The period during which Pappa (Popa) was in action was therefore, in parts at least, not later than that of the deposition of beds containing remains of Elephas, Mastodon, Rhinoceros, Hippopotamus, and Ruminants. The geological age of these beds has, with somo doubt, been considered to be Miocene, but from their general fauna, and especially from the abundance of bones of Bos and Cervus, a more recent date may, I think, with at least equal probability, be assigned to them. There can be no question but that the fires of Puppa have long been extinct. Its thick coating of jungle and grass, and the existence upon it of a species of plants and animals, which, for want of a suitable habitat, cannot exist in any neighbouring locality, and the evidence of the effects of sub-aerial denudation on its surface, render it certain that it must long have been in a condition for vegetation to flourish upon it, but it is scarcely possible, even in the dry climate of Upper Burma, that a volcano of Miocene age should have retained its form so perfectly. It is more probably Pliocene. Its bulk is not great, and, from the absence of other vents in the neighbourhood, so far as is known, it is scarcely probable that its volcanic activity can have extended over a lengthened geological period. I could not learn that there was the slightest tradition among the people as to its ever having been in 70 [Both legend and inscription fix Sunparanta as the Minba District of Burma, but see ante, Vol. XXI. p. 121, the word is apparently syuonymous with the Shan Samparalit, "to the S. E." of the Shan Country, which = (*) Champapur, Cambodia. With Sampuralit compare the Sanpapabet of the Inscription=the Laos country.ED.) 21 Mranmi= Bam, the spelling and pronunciation by the Burmans of their own name. n Srikshetra Sirikhettaruma : see inscription.
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________________ INDIAN ANTIQUARY.] THE PO:USDAUNG INSCRIPTION. [ 1 ] TRANSCRIPTION INTO MODERN BURMESE CHARACTERS. Obverse face. (1) nmeaa tt bhgwtteaa arhtteaa smmaasmbuddh / agg setttthi jettttmN nibnsukhdN jinN sucettsaa phsndhen ahN wnthmi saadrN // // aggiddhe setttthi naatheaa jetttthinyc ye 1 yaa / (2) buddhe re're' pdgg sele tthnekhk1sN k1si // // raasiittishwihrcettiiydike aseaakdhmmraajaa w niptti pu re ythaa // // ttthekne sele (3) pnnyaap punnydye1 mttbb mhaattejaa mhaayaa sukittttim1 // skkraaje chkekeke pse'kraamcmmke jin0tte gtte k1le ,m1ghmaas kleaa / pdippdwsiu' (4) asuu.suttN cndii ghettaan bhyaa m sumnggle jye me: // pdggselN se1 pure cettii khuwN kttaa guubiicettiiy pribheaagttth pwittN / paipuraannchttttkaanett1 pdgglmtttt (5) keimsmiN w nikhpesi ciirklN tthittaay se1 // // himwntt rnge tthitt cettiigh rttnaamychguN nitttthitt1 reaapthittn // // piuse1ttN agmbhn muniraamekeaa c skkraaje jincnnnn aeaa (6) k raamcmmke // wis1khpunnnnmiiyNwsekhriiwre sumnggle mhaa sbhaayN kttnnnynnttmnguuciimN khNrttn1mychN arepyinyc kre thi // // mi / punnykmmn buddhhuttaa an1gtte meaahniu ng (7) ne bhuusnnnn meaahnidd pbedttaa // snttN pnnittmclN siiwN abhymjjhttN aj1ttimjrN khemN ttremi ngrN sukhN // // itteaa hN yaaw buddhthN mm ttejN sutten c muNpn pwy sbbweraa bhwe bhwe // // (g) i hN y buddhwN' mm ttejN sutten c mN pn a gunttaarNsbblaabhaa bhwe bhwe // // sbbe sdewkaa leaa'k maatt1pitt1 diinnyttkaa lbh / me smN punnyN htthttutttth numeaadth // // dnN dd5 ye sttttaa smmr // (9) ps1snN siiribheaag pwe su bhwntti jne1 // // aeaangpnkksre rn rnpinnai sngkhencchy cnkyamn ttsinln siiwnchng'chng' ttpkhnlng'siu' pnnyphng'k1l nimittrk nkhaicsnny khu (10) ncmnnyphng' mng' rnnyttkre ttiungmai'nese: skheapii: thiupsnny maa:ttng rejhe:nng'cng' khinsng'ry png'ttmuuk bhmdew rngcw csnny reth ttkkin ttsinncsekhng apeng:theaang mttmaanaeaangmiu' (1) k bhunkhenga ttiurngttsnny mnchch niu'ttphng' buddhthu
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________________ THE PORUIDAUNG INSCRIPTION. (INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [ 2 ] yuu pnttmuuruy ttuubhkmr niungmmsc mttlsddh cettn1phng' mhaadnu pe luukhkhy rttmusw aeaangsuuttkaa mttmttttiu' desn1min'sN (12) bhisekNphng' khNttmuupii: acnnym sbbbhdd csnnyane kiuskhe niuk reaangweluuluu sumbhmsuuttiu' mnkuusngkc mkncttnch1 chngthiuk raaphng' peraannsk csnnyrngtt png'cngmry resttkkin sum (13) sin: rcseaang mttpengkhuncthekhng maanaeaangttiu' ttncheaang nel thnwngpsiu'()kttmkhn attnttnniuk alnkiukmiu' ttiu'rngtt snny reskthk chchttkkhy ncskangg mreaang' (14) railng phnttmkkhii mttwciiphng' mhiittl me:uu:cn nn niuk sukhnlek piurs1mi munibhunthng phcliukhnghu knnyrngchuyuu pnttmuu lk luucknng' smkheaabh ttrttkiu krnnyttkhuu: ttng , (15) n*phuu:m (selc)snny lemnnyane thiungsngkheniuk ttkrettN chip ttkipncwng ttnnngkraaauu: mttbhunthuu:siu' khii:kuu:thwk kaiwnttk gy png'chkcnny mttsumph1ttng ttiu'khcrngsnny sn' (16) cngknnypu pe:luurngln pn(s)mnny bhisekkiup pnrsnny ne1k kiupe:meaakttng diipkr* thkuu:caaphng' mnggliireaangpii: bhisikkii:kiu apii:rekaekhng pecheaangmnny thiumttcaasnny angg)punny - (17) pnnycuNmlkhy kaayw01 pttthn1phng' mekhk rngttme'chk wy nng:leaakttn: khngsekhNaaa:nng' cn:kiuysk kusiulckkeaang bhwk88 nN'sinttluu thin'riukchuusii: mnkuumkrng diipkraa (18) mttcaabhunthuu: bhisik kuu::ry lkkhaikhNr wisesphng' meaak snnynekhk rcp:meaakwy thpbeaakchng'chng' bhisikmng'm kppttkre ttsinnethng wngwern:rn thiuksumkhnkiu pthnlng " (19) reaang mii:ruutheaangsiu' bhun:khengakai ttummaisnny thaikckkhu / sbb ohu pdumttttraa lkwaicaaphng'scckhpngth(tt)kipwngmaanaeaangmngseaasup khngmnny ttiu'bhuncnnythnny mttsnnyrngnng supkhngleaak (20) ciurthttth rngkhckiu mkwaemai kiukiuktty thikb sbbsuuttiu' athummai sisikkiu nutttttttttttt kimkimrttlk sN mtts16 chng'kpesp dhmmkme'khng lnglngpekhng (21) s bhunkhengaii mttrngttkiu rettkkin skhaathinsng sinttng apengnctheaang khngwngckrip nckipkhunc mttrngkhc wy scscchng'lng mttchutteaangry ahaangcng'caa (2) ng' bhisikmng'lk ykhng'kmbhaa cnnythipthaim thkhncchy pnny' lmkyry cn ky(ttsiin) ttttthinlnm chuN:bhwriuk pnnythttm th1ngr klthng raajwNsaa chkk1kwphng' nylaabh chkttiung
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________________ INDIAN ANTIQUARY.] THE POSU:DAUNG INSCRIPTION. khy seaak k mniung)scchm (2) re0 thk [ 3 ] ( 3) saa: suddhedn mebhraajaa maaysmikhng tteaangnnrnge* wmttngchy l kinpii:lng memsngthuN pnmiu:cuNsuN: rguNs1meaa angkngtteaattng thi kttpkhn mii:rulnm ymnyuukh mng:ttiu' cNraamthiuk aeaang ( 4) miukkksre rwethnpeaang nnsupcheaangniuk akhengmnkng snnyrngbhai chkthiung snny yseaadhraa rN(91)nng' khm:saarngpiu ncchy kiulng mng mttn cnnycimlnkiuw ttphnmsekhng cNpii:reaang (25) m tteaasiupklnny dukkcriyaa kheaaknckaalng we'raattngniuk sithngpkpk myngkk) aimmkp nimittke:khy seaakne'ttng cuNce'a dhmmttaaphng' suujaaluu(kmniup)scchmkiu ngim:khm: (2 ) rec thkwyllk sttttstt luprek1lng mnw1thethe bhunpe pii:m thiunennyttng cimmrguN pncuNle: ripmuNpngknny pnuynny'niuk se:cnnykhnn ttuuttklng memnnyn'nnyk pe (7) ngyeaaksaa: thkkkhuttluu supsupsuuttiu' chychuulk rk uu:ttngrkruy cuNmk(mtt)riunnyttkilk rikhiuwn1puthiuksc mngg laaaeaangme thykhkbeniuk nnyn'welnthn bennsiu' nttnnynlmm khii leks (2 g) suyknnyphuu mkchupluuruy khngsuummng aeaangttpnngm khngkhngraa phngsaathk maicaakhiungluN mitthaankuNlk pnny'cuNmnnykh maarntt thairy lkyaalkwai thaikengkng pngnekhkne biulkhe (2 ) nng' lng'lekhn'{ ccmkliulnny mluum newngnnyttng khnnly k ngttmuuruy thiunnynny'ne' ttng kunttngkilernlupkelk nearunn e* reaangkhnnyphaas sccaalettn sbbnnydnnkiu mknmkng si (30) thiuthngruy sumkngttiukbhuN alupcuNriuk laianm gunnttm thN ke:lmnttluu riunnyttmuphng' knny(9)ncsk uu:ttngrkpe: bhunkksre muttelNwng ttmnge* ckrngrewk khinmreaakruy ttthewk (31) ngN'lng' kNttuNnng'lnny: rngpng'kiuy mkhaa:muphng' ne1kluuttkaa s ttngn1ry aeaangkhe pnnymtt thiukkltthu bhunthuttmin'mk baadittck phng' khn'ttkpiung: thttmuuapsp alnthnwngcnnypnglcaas6 (3)) abhyrcp:nng' pnny'cuNcaasp 11snkhttattngthmuthnnyphc ththp / smmcce1skh keaase1 acriswgth1nng'annyii rthusun(ttn) ri thnthuu:chn nethnsp renn:skhng pnnyrngmngmtt muu:mttniungchk (33) mittchkkhngwn lnkik khaithukiumekhng ttncheaangpchiu pnny' niungngN (p)ttrpnnyraa biulpchngmng luprngchkpii: iisiu'aaa:phng' thngraa: nmsi pnnykii:angglkkhnn1wnng'lnnypnny'cuNcaathsutt sunkhprmN ttmpdiip
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________________ [ 4 ] THE POSUEDAUNG INSCRIPTION. [Indian AntiquarY. (34) kmbeaajhu csnnywnliung chykheaakttiungk khnchkraa mkaa mnni welluriy pllsiil skh rjtt suwnnnn leaahittngg ms1rkn mtt mnchyph1 rttn1apengttiu'e*ttnnyraacngccttnlnnyphcthsp (35) aeaangmttguNmk tteaangttklng ncskriukiu mttniu'ttn1 puapsd swinnyaannk awinnynnk thiungmrttnaa pnny'cuNmrkeng' rtt puur rewmiu'n* kii: pnnythii:hu wenii:mknu1 thngcaathnp (36) keaapettpsp raajtth1nii mngnepnnykii: renn:kii:wy rethii:rip 6 ttngttmuuruy jmbuudipkhng meapngthk thnthnglttuu ng:raacng cheaangkd sc mngttiu'kiuwreckttcuNae1k(reklaicer*) (37) bhuttpnnyaaaaann1 .......................................... aeaangsuuttkaattiu'e*athttphcs bhuraa:skhngs1snttmtt (kiumre) m ttkniung mttcaaphnny'khngttmuuslnny Reverse face. (1) bhuraa:aphcsiu'rekttmuuruy 4 9 rkce'wy khpsim:kunspntt luuttiu'e* kiukychuyuuraa(phc sw) (ttphu)bhllikkunsnnynnyiiackiu a peapttmusd(chN)ttmtt nng' " (2) (a)k3chuusnybhuraa:skhnge* pribheaagcettiikiuw ttnnythaapnaa1 sw chNttrngcettii thuu:pii:kii:kychn:kycaa1bhnny ngs1)mng'r ahu kNttmulng bhunttciirng me(ng)lngsnny // (3) (tth)psp sikaa:nttttiu' csphng' aliuttpnny' rspbhuntt mttnng'pnny'cuNmttmuuthsp // // kle ttinnnyng (yng thii:lng) clng cku csp pnnykii:ttiu' e*ttnnyr sunaaprnttttiung // udettrc pnn* (4) (0s)pnnykii:ttiu'e* ttnnyraa siiri khettttraa mttiung: kusim reaangm muttttm paikuu csppnnykii:ttiu'e*ttnnyr rmnnyttiung // w(r)wttii yiutty k mnpiuk csppnnykii:ttiu'e*ttnnyraaayuttttyttiung // jngm (5) (y l)pnpnny (anN) csngpnnykii:ttiu'e*ttnnyraaphaaripunny'ttiung // puurii cpsk khiungluN csppnnykii:ttiu'e*ttnnyraalwrtthttiung: kiungttuN kng kheng csppnnykii:ttiu'e*ttnnyraakhemaawrttiung // kiungruN (6) (miung:)nai' csppnnykii:ttiu'e*ttnnyraajeaangrttiung: khin nnykhngre chiiphp mitt csppnnykii:ttiu' e*ttnnyrkmbheaajttiung // kup kttpng csp pnnykii:e*ttnnymyiiskttiung pndim kekhngwng psw (7) (pnny-kii:ttiu'e*ttnnyraacinttiung:wng nnyng csppnnykii:ttiu' e*ttnnyraaaaallwiithiung // ksnny meyng csppnnykii:ttiu'e*ttnnyraamnnipuurthiung / jeywttii kettumsi csngpnnykii:kiume*ttnnyraath
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________________ INDIAN Antiquarr.] THE POLUIDAUNG INSCRIPTION. [ 5 ] (g) (w3)khuttiung // pugN mngciung pngy angw csppnnykii:ttiu'e*ttnnyraa ttmpdiip ttiungttnnyhuusp ttiungkii: ttchykheaakttiung ttiu'e*skhng a pnny pnny theaangswthii: sekhngmngttiuwe*skhng rettng ngettng pttttmtt (j) (skhng) hNchngphuurttn1 cspcaaspchngpuskhngphcttmusnny bhuntt alnkii:mttttmuulsp chngphuuskhng asngbhwrngmng:kii:snny alupcuNpii:pesw awnaphng' sNtteaang 9wprisw (10) (akhng) / 6 rpttgnyrisp chNttrngcettiitteaaaaa: rewngattimn mNry rethii:rttn1ttnglttmua swtth maa:caasngknnyrettppengrcchy ttng hNchngphuurttn1 (11) (cs6) 8ttpek hiunghN ttnnyttN chngphuu chngninng'ak ptt ytt pnny'cudsp chngttpekm 1600 attiungeriswnttsy1nnya mnnyrismtt nng'akttmngng: (12) (raa) nebhkttpsngmngcii:suurai nng'a mng 2wwww csngmaa: 91sp ccangg'4p:wicnnykhngkngruy apnnypnnytheaangsp thii:cheaangcny miu'puN:kiungniukttsiu' liuk (13) cesphng' mttmng'mnny gunnanggnnyiinnyttsp aggmhaasen1 ptti attngsen1ptt pnnykii:cysaa: muu:mttraa biulpsuurai " suukhkttnny huuspamccbl:nnyaattiblttnny / (14) huusw stt nnyitt chtt khi tt mngmiphuraa: meaangmmisN kherNkii: kyw1 mhaasudnumiu'm cuullaamnnicettiittaaa: pullsaa:spsikaa:nttmng e*ttng'ttykhngkai'siu' alnttng'ttycaa (11) rttnaapuurrewmiu'ttkii:m skkraa lnlngchnkylsng rttn1rebhe1ngttkii:wy mngkhngcuNmnng'akkhrttnaa thii:phutt4cngpiuklk arNrele (19) releaang leaak lksng kuurp sppn skkdn rle' jlaa: ()kpng kii: ngysrairupttecsww1sp rele rebhekhng athinnc liimkmaa:lsp chngmngbiulpapengnng'khittmuuruy (17) knttthewkwNttmuuthiung pttsbhngcuNmkhNttmusnny lN kewngp1siu thpnny'kai gN ne'.pnnymiu'siu'rekttmuuruy nwngkhengn* skhngkii:knnntt ttng cittmuusnny // bhuraa:skhngsnnyrcwmekhN (18) kwy sunkhprnttttiung wniubbmkunsnnycheaakluuspnN'saa keaangttsiu' kreaakttmuscakh mn'ttiungsuuthiumcry nttluuapengkiu) kycitth nm mcngy ckttraa) chuu
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________________ snnyhu the5 chnkiurk [ 6 ] THE POSUEDAUNG INSCRIPTION. [Indian ANTIQUARY. (19) khth1ttmuupii:reckcuNmttbhttuu:lnny'ry kreaakttlng baadittttmttkraa bhw:uu:tteaangthipthk rebhetheaangttttiu'ttnnythsp cettiisnny thaawr (10) (p)mnnmrisnnykiu mngttmuuruy saasn1tttheaangeaeaang ttnnyry khpsim:kunsp suuttiu' acnnykiukyraaudnkephuu:meaaknthncim' (1) (chN)heaamuulng s1sn1tteaaceaang'sentt sikaa:ntt snnyknny'rumc nnyiinnyrse1 bhuntteaa mttaaa:phng' aliutte5 athiung pnny'r a sikaa:ntt (22) ()bhncheaangphiu' rs diguNchNtteaarngthii:tteaapribhe1gnng'a k saariirikrupttucettii dhaatttteaametteaamttmaa:caath1wnaary saasn1 ( 3) (tt)nnybimmise15 ttkhnkkii:caase1keaaktteaangkiungcncce ruy saasn1ttnctheaang sumraa ttchy rcnc skkrj113 63ttpiu'ttail ( 4) (buddh)huu:ne' akhngsN 169hiseaacettiitteaakiu rttn1reautt, ngeatt kiungauttttiu'phng'cruyttnnylupcekhy 191se1thaapnaattiuk tteaakii: ( 5) (0)y siridhmmaaseaakmngsnnycettii g4000 kiuwttnnyseaaakh ky' siu' lNkekhngttpiu'ttailpnny'ken*ttrkpuddhhuu:ne' nnylekhkttii:ken* ttng lk (2 ) (n)ttsaa:kiu raahumnnyse1asuurinnttsaa:snny caibhmry semlttse1akhttng mttlcaaswrerupttungeruptturecettiingecettiime ttedhaatttt (27) (a)chuuchuumaa:mttcaa mhaabeaadhistttttthnnng'ak thp1khy maa:seaa aluparng mngmiphur mngsaa: mngsmii: nnyiitteaa s1tt chett miu'tteaa muu:mtt (g) biulpttiu'nng'akaa tte:mng pujeaattmuuseaa nnynntteaamnguu: kmpnnyttptteaamuusecettiitteaasnny ttrupttailpnnyknykhuncrkne' alup rmpii: (2 e) snny ttpiungttailpnnykeaarcrknepnnymiu'mttmury ttpeng , lpnny'buddhhuune' di guNchNttrngcettiitteaamttaaa: rettii:rttnaattngluuttmusnny re (30) cngattimm:mNtteaamuusnny' reaakcNtteaamuusnnymcruy skkrj ( 11373. ttnkhuu:lpnny'keaancrkttiung kii:caasespaisbhngcuNmpuujetteaa muuruy aluu
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________________ [ 7 ] INDIAN ANTIQUARY.] THE POSUIDAUNG INSCRIPTION. (31) kii:kiuppe:tteaamuupii:lng recktteaamttpnlnny'khittmuryskk rj1137khukchunlchnrcrkne' pnnymiu'siu'reaakcNtteaamuusnny / lNkeaang kchun (32) lpnnycnene'nnynny'nckhkttii:kewakhtteaattng rethii:ttngtteaa musnny recngattimm:mNmusnny chraatteaamtt nng'akm:w1se1sy1 theaaaaa: (33) chmbhesjnnyprikkhraa asuN:acheaangmaa:caaluuttmusnny (paisbhng pu)jjtteaa (muusnny) // thiusiu'mttthupp1siikeaang:muttkeaang'pnny1dhikbhuraa: sbbsuuchukiungpnny'cupr* (34) khpchim...... .... . . ..... ....ttraa:ttnnyhuusp mnmtt.... ..... .... .... ..... .... smmsmbuddh aphcsiu'mrek bhwchkthiungthuuphcsthnnyluutt .... .... .... .... .... .... (35) *** ** ****.... .... .... .... ksiuwluumngnttmngaphckiuwrttmucechw / iikeaang:muabhiu:kiulnny (30) .... .... .... .... ..... ..... .... .... .. ... ... ... ..... ..... ..... .... .... swskhukhdykaa th... .... .... (37) .... .... .. .... .......... akkhannttc .. ... .... ... . ..... .... * .
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________________ JANUARY, 1893.] PO:U:DAUNG INSCRIPTION action within the memory of man, a circumstance, on the grounds mentioned, extremely improbable. The occurrence, on the summit, of the common brakes, and doubtless of other plants of temperate regions, renders it probable that the close of the glacial period found its surface in a fit state to support vegetation." Line 3. - The Jinachakka or Anno Buddhe, corresponding to the year of Sakkaraj or vulgar era, is indicated throughout the inscription by mnemonic words used in astrology. The method of expressing numerals by means of words is also a Soath-Indian practice, which is fully described at pages 57-59 of Burnell's Elements of South Indian Palmography. It may be noted that the Burmans reckon their Era of Religion from 544 B. C., the year, according to them of the parinirvuna of Gautama Buddha. Line 4. - The Digumpacheti of the Pali appears to be a translation of the Dagon Choti, now called the Shwe Dagon33 the celebrated pagoda of Rangoon. The correct appellation should be Tikumbhacheti according to pages 16-17 of Forchhammer's Notes on the Early History and Geography of British Burma. I., The Shwe Dagon Pagoda. Reverse Face. Line 2. - It is the belief of the Buddhists of Burma that the Shwe Dagon Pagoda contains the relics of the four successive Buddhas of this Bhaddakappa, namely, the water strainer of Kakusandha, the bathing-robe of Kongamana, the staff of Kassapa, and eight hairs of Gautama. Lines 3-8.- The division of the Burmese Empire under S'inbyuyin into sixteen states or provinces is interesting, as it illustrates the substitution of classical names of India for native appellations. See Appendix B to Yule's Mission to Ava for similar classification effected during the reign of Dalan Mindaya in 1636 A. D.24 Line 7.- Kabemweyin is the Burmese appellation for Manipur. Sir Arthur Phayre derives Mweyin from Mora nga or Moriya, and identifies it with the Kubo Valley in the Upper Chindwin District (Journal of the Asiatic Society, Bengal, Vol. XXXIII. page 15). In the Mahay drawin it is stated that Dhajaraja, a king of the Sakya race, settled bere, after his expulsion from Northern India about the middle of the 6th century B. C. Upper Pagan was built by him. He married Nagachhinna, the Queen of Bhinnaka, the last of the Tagaung kings, who, on his expulsion by the TATArs, fled to Male and died there. On the destruction of the Tagaung dynasty the people were divided into three divisions and one emigrated to the Shan States; the second to the country of the Pyus and Karrans, over which Muduchitta, son of Kanrajagyi, had formerly raled as king; and the third remained at Male with Nagachhinna. The finding among the ruins of Tagaung of terra cotta tablets, bearing Sanskrit legende, affords some corroboration to the statement of the native historians that, long before Andrat'azo's conquest of Daton in the 11th century A. D., suocessive waves of emigration from Gangetio India had passed through Manipur to the Upper Valley of the Irrawaddy, and that these emigrants brought with them letters, religion and other elements of civilization. Line 8. - Joyavaddhana is the classical name of the ancient kingdom of Toungoo (Taang-ngu). Line 9.- The Han S'inbyll, or the white elephant called Han, was one of the animals, from the possession of which King S'inbyllyin (Lord of the White Elephant) derived the title, by which he is known in history. Line 11. - The charger called the Nathayinbyan, which is described, in the language of exaggeration, as being 4 taunga, 2 maiks, and 4 letbits, or nearly 22 hands high, appears to be an animal presented by foreigners. A Burman pony rarely exceeds 13 hands. *[As a contribution to the orthography of this word I may note that French traveller of 1786 calls it la pagoda de Digon.' See Taung. Pao, Vol. II, p. 397 ff. Forchhammer's conclusions are, I think wrong. At any rato they are not atually supported by any authoritative document I have yet noon.- ED. [Mindon named some of the quarters of Mandalay by Pali names.-ED.]
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________________ 8 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [JANUARY, 1893. Line 15.-Ratanapura, is the classical name of (Ava) Awa or Inwa, or Shwe Wa, 'the golden entrance,' as it is called in the language of poetry and song. It was founded by Dadominbya in 1364 A. D., its site being selected for its strategie position at the confluence of the Myi(t)nge and Irrawaddy rivers, and for the swampy nature of the ground on its open face. Ava was the capital of Burma Proper for nearly five centuries. It witnessed the Chinese and Shan invasions, the desperate struggle for supremacy between the Burmans and the Talaings, and lastly a British army advance within four marches and dictate its own terms to Bagyido at Yandabo. Through its antiquity as the capital of Burma, it is better known among the neighbouring nations than Shwebo, Sagaing, Amarapura, or Mandalay. Even to this day, the seat of the Burmese Government is known to the Chinese as Awa, and the Shans call the Burmese king Khun ho kham Awa,' the Lord of the golden palace of Ava. Line 17.-The sand-bank at the mouth of the Nawinchaung, where Sinbyuyin took up his temporary residence, may be seen to this day. Line 18.-Mranotaing: means the country of the Myan. Sir Arthur Phayre derives Mranma from Brahma (see page 2 of his History of Burma). The exact derivation and meaning of the designation, by which the Burmans are known, have not yet been settled. The term Mranma is not met with in Burmese history till the First Century A. D. In Marco Polo's Travels, Burma is referred to as the kingdom of Mien. The Burmans are known among the Chinese as the Mien, and among the Shans as the Man, the same appellation by which the Mongols are known among the Chinese. In the accounts of Burma written in Pali the country is known as Marammadese. If Sir Arthur Phayre's derivation is correct, it is difficult to justify the action of the learned priests of the 14th and 15th centuries in making use of the barbarous appellation Maramma in lithic inscriptions as well as in literary works, while they had the familiar term Brahma for their national designation.25 The various theories on the subject are thus summarized in the British Burma Gazetteer (Volume I. pages 141-142). "The name by which the Burmans call themselves is Myamma or Mramma, commonly pronounced Byamma or Bam-ma (Bama). Mr. Hodgson appears to conclude that the appellatian can be traced to the native name for 'man': Sir Arthur Phayre that it is derived from Brahma, signifying celestial beings,' and was not adopted till after the introduction of Buddhism and after several tribes had been united under one chief: and Bishop Bigandet that it is another form, or a corruption, of Mien, a name the Burmans brought with them from the Central Asian platean." Line 32.-The Royal Preceptor was the Atala Sayado, whose full title was Mahatulayasadhammarajaguru. He was the Dabanabaing or Buddhist Archbishop, appointed by Alaungpaya, when the latter became king. The Sayado retained his office throughout the reign of five kings, and was removed by Bodop'aya for his schismatic doctrines. NOTE ON SOME AJANTA PAINTINGS. BY L. A. WADDELL, M. B. In February 1892 I communicated to the Bengal Asiatic Society a detailed description of that fragmentall fresco hitherto known as 'the Zodiac,' which occupies a conspicuous place in the verandah of Ajanta Cave No. XVII. By a reference to the extant paintings of the Lamas, I was able to interpret its details and restore its chief blanks. It is a Bhavanachakra or Pictorial Cycle of Existence, and its chief value for scholars lies in the fact 25 [A French traveller living in Rangoon (1786-7) called the Burmese as distinguished from the Peguans, 'les Bramas. See Taung-Pao, Vol. I. Les Francais en Birmanie au XVIIIe Siecle,' passim. Quirini, Vita di Monsignor Percoto, Udine, 1781, uses the words Barma and Barmani throughout his curious book.-ED.] A mere fragment now remains.'-Fergusson and Burgess, Cave Temples, p. 310.
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________________ JANUARY, 1893.] NOTE ON SOME AJANTA PAINTINGS. that in the outer circle are pourtrayed in concrete pictorial form, the twelve nidanas, regarding the exact sense of which there have been so many divergent opinions, owing to scholars hitherto having had only the ambiguous Pali and Sanskrit terms to interpret from. Again from Lamaic sources, I now offer a note on two more of the Ajanta paintings, which may be of interest at the present time, when a new edition of these paintings is being published. 1.-Avalokita as 'The Defender from the Eight Dreads.' This painting is also in Cave XVII., forming No. V in the series of photographs of Mr. Griffith's copies, and $ IV. in the report of Dr. Burgess, who, in his brief note of eight lines, entitles it the Litany of Avalokitesvara,' and notes that of the oval compartments at each side only a few can be partially made out.' This picture is not very uncommon in Tibet, where it is known as 'Avalokita: The Defender from the Eight Dreads.' It is thus described by the great Lama Taranatha in his gsung-hbums or The Hundred Thousand Sayings. Arya Avalokita is represented in a standing posture in the form of a rishit of a white complexion, with one face and two bands. The right hand is in the bestowing' attitude (mudra). The left hand holds a rosary and an anointing vase or pitcher. He is dressed in white silk, with Amitabha seated in the locks of his bair. The secondary figures depict scenes, which are eight in number, four being on each side of the central figure. On the right are the following scenes :1. Dread in Fire. Two villagers being at enmity, one of them set fire to the other's house ; when the one in the burning house, unable to escape, prayed O! Avalokita !' Instantly over his house appeared a white cloud, which gave forth a copious shower of rain, and so the fire was quenched. 2. Dread in Prison. Once a thief entered the king's store and finding there & vase of wine drank deeply, and becoming intoxicated fell asleep. In the morning the king's servants found him and having fettered him cast him into prison. In his distress the man prayed to Avalokita. Then a bird of five colours, an incarnation of Avalokita, appeared and loosened his chains, and the prison door was opened and the man escaped to his home. 3. Dread in Plunder. A wealthy merchant set out to Maru, with a thousand camels and five hundred of the best horses laden with valuables. He saw by the way the bones of many previous travellers, who had been murdered by robbers; and he himself was attacked by these robbers. In his fear he prayed to Avalokita, when instantly appeared a host of heroes armed with swords - incarnations of Avalokita himself , who came to the merchant's rescue, and defeating the would-be robbers the merchant oscaped in safety. 4. Dread in Water. Five thousand merchants went to the Southern Ratnadwip (= Ceylon) in three ships. In returning to their own country they filled one ship with jewels and setting sail they reached Chandan-bhumipradhan-dwip.7 The 'wealth-owners' (spirits) of the ocean being angry, sent storms which blew the ships ont of their courses. And when the ships were enveloped in a mighty wave and about to founder one of the merchants prayed to Avalokita. Then instantly the storm ceased, and they all reached their own countries in safety. : Arch. Survey, West-Indiu, Rep. No. 9. apyan-rai-grig. There is no element in the word representing Ituara. * Drang-orong. The rosary is almost a chinha of Avalokita. * spyi-blago ( literally crown of head' + 'to pat"): Beal, Si-yu-ki, II. 187) appears to have misinterpreted this object. It is also believed to hold perfume. * Tean-Idan-sa-mcbhog kyi gling, probably the Sunderbans or their eastern section, the modern Sandwip.
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________________ 10 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [JANUARY, 1893. On the left hand of the central figure are depicted the following scenes :5. Dread of Enemy. A king named Otibishar was sleeping in a grove, when a party of armed enemies surrounded him and were about to kill him, when he prayed to Avalokita, who instantly appeared, and from beneath his feet arose a fearful wind which dispersed the enemies to the ten directions. 6. Dread of Elephant. A girl went to a forest to gather flowers. She encountered an elephant named Khani(=? bloody), which caught her around the waist with his trunk and was about to kill her, when she prayed to Avalokita. Then the elephant instantly released her and she escaped unhurt. 7. Dread of Lion. A wood-catter went to a forest, and met a hungry lioness which was about to seize and eat him. Being much terrifted he prayed to Avalokita. Then instantly appeared A white boy dressed in tree-leaves and lifting him up bore him off through the air and set him down in the midst of the city. 8. Dread of Venomous Snakes. A courtesan on her way to a merchant's house after dark, after leaving her house was attacked by a black venomous snake. In her fear she prayed to Avalokita, then the snake immediately became white (.e. harmless) and disappeared into the river. II. The Nine Bodhisattvas. This group of Buddha and The Nine Bodhisattvas' is also in Cave XVII. and forms photograph B details of L' of Griffith's Series and paragraph &XXXI of Bargess, who merely notes regarding it that Buddha stands surrounded by four Arbats and two Bodhisattvas. The Nine Bodhisattvas' consist of four anadorned disciples standing in front, and in the background five bejewelled and crowned lay devotees. Taranatha describes them in his mdsad lrgya or The Hundred Deeds. Following his description, I give here a key to the picture, in which the firm-line ovals represent the faces of the figures in the foreground, and the dotted ayols the faces of the background figures of the group : 1. Sakya Muni. 2. Samantabhadra, incarnate as a diseiple of Buddha. 3. Vajrapani do. 4. Manjusri do. 5. Avalokita do. 8. Brahma, incarnate as an earthly king to hear Buddha's teaching. 7, Indra do. 8. Iswara do. do. 9. Vishnu do. do. 10. King Prasenajit 10 of Kosala, & contemporary of Buddha and one of his first converts. This is of course a mythical arrangement of Buddha's disciples. But the Lamas, following their Indian traditions, explain that four of the historic disciples of Buddha and four of do. Literally 'son.' Op. cit. p. 60. 10 gwal-rgyal. See also Cuoma de Korosi in Asiatic Researches, XX. p. 76, 294, &o.
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________________ JANUARY, 1893.] KALYANI INSCRIPTIONS. his lay hearers were incarnations of the deities and Mahiyana Bodhisattvas above specified. Attention is invited to the rosary as the chinha of Avalokitesvara. Indra's third horizontal eye in the forehead is also characteristic, and Indra is usually the umbrella-holder to Buddha. In conclusion, I may note that for several years I have been engaged on a work dealing with quite an untrodden field of Indian Buddhism, for the study of which I have had exceptional opportunities, vir., The Tantric Buddhism of Magadha as illustrated by its remains, and in its relations to the Lamaic Pantheon.' A PRELIMINARY STUDY OF THE KALYANI INSCRIPTIONS OF DHAMMACHETI, 1476 A. D. BY TAW SEIN KO. The absence in the Buddhist Church of any organized ecclesiastical hierarchy ander a central Government renders it imperative that some kind of efficient check should be devised for the dae maintenance of discipline, harmony, and moral control. It was, therefore, ordained by Gautama Buddha that twice in the month, at full moon and at new moon, and also once a year, at the end of the rainy season, meetings should be held, where the assembled priests should be asked whether they had committed any of the offences mentioned in the Patimokkha, or whether the commission of such offences by any of them had been seen, heard of, or suspected by the others. The former meetings are called uposatha and the latter pavurana. For the purpose of holding these meetings, at which it is the bounden duty of all priests to attend, it is necessary that & convenient and central place should be appointed. Such a place is called & sime, and the ceremonial for its consecration is prescribed in the second khandhaka of the Mahavagga, a part of the Vinaya Pitaka. This ceremonial has, however, been interpreted in various ways by the commentaries and scholia on the Mahavagga, such as the Vinaya!! hakatha, Saratthadipani, Vimativinodani, Vinayalika by Vajirabuddhithera, Kankhavitarani, Vinayavininhchhayapakarana, Vinayasangahapakarana, Simalankarapakarana, and the Simalaikurasangaha; and the object of the Kalyani Inscriptions is to give an authoritative ruling on these varied opinions, and to prescribe & ceremonial for the consecration of a sima, which shall be in accordance with what is laid down by Gautama Buddha, and which, at the same time, shall not materially conflict with the interpretations of the commentators. Incidentally the inscriptions are meant to prove the apostolic succossion of the Buddhist priesthood of Burma, and give a good deal of valuable information as to the geography of the period. So many positive ourrent dates are also given, with references to Sinhalese and Burmese History, that the historical truth of many of the statements contained in them should be capable of conclusive proof, A sima serves another purpose than that above explained. It is the place where the upasampada ordination and other ecclesiastical ceremonies are performed. Unless the consecration of the sima is considered to be valid, the coremonies performed therein are held to be null and void. Hence a sima is intimately connocted with the existence of the Buddhist Priesthood, on which the whole fabric of Buddhism rests. The following account of the manner in which simas aro at the present day consecrated in Burma will be of interest, as showing how the accretions of ages have modified the simple ceremonial of Gautama Buddha. A piece of land suitable for the consecration of a sima, and generally measuring about 105 or 126 feet in perimeter, is obtained from the British Government, which declares that the land is visur gama, that is to say, land in respect of which revenue and all usufructuary rights have been irrevocably relinquished by the secular authorities in favour of the Buddhist Priesthood. Within the limits of this land, the learned and qualified priests, who have been appointed to perform the ceremony of consecration, * The modern Bermone word for this is beng, spelt sim.
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________________ 12 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. (JANUARY, 1893. mark the extent of the sima. At the distance of about ten feet from the boundaries thus marked an outer boundary-line is indicated. The land enclosed within these two boundary-lines is levelled and cleared and besmeared with mud. When the mud is dry, allotments of space, measuring six by three feet, are marked out in rows with lime or red earth, and an awning is constructed over the whole ground. Then a Chapter, consisting of ten or fifteen priests, take their seats in the first allotment of space in the first row and proceed to intone by turns the kammavach for the desecration of & sima, it being held negessary that, for the proper consecration of the new simd, the one which may possibly exist on the same site, should be first desecrated. This ceremony is repeated till the last allotment of space in the first row is reached. The priests then seat themselves in the last allotment of space in the second row and continue the intonation of the same kammavachd. The same ceremony is repeated till the first allotment of space in the second row is reached. Thus, once in a forward order, and then in a reverse order of the allotments of space arranged in rows, is the same kammavacha intoned till the number of rows has been exhausted. The ceremony of desecrating & sima is repeatedly performed for about a week or ten days. After this, one or two days' rest is given to the officiating priests. Twenty or thirty learned and qualified priests are now selected ; and they proceed to mark the limits of the proposed sima, such limits being smaller in extent than those of the visungama. At the four corners of the site of the sima, and also on its sides, pits are dog deep enough to hold as much water as will not dry up before the conclusion of the intonation of the kammavacha for the consecration of a sima - Buch water being regarded as the boundary. At the distance of a foot and a half from these pits, towards the inside, bamboo trellis work is set up, and the space thus enclosed is decorated with various kinds of flags and streamers, water-pots covered with lotus and other flowers, plantain trees, sugarcane, cocoanut' flowers, baby leaves, and neza grass. The awning mentioned above is likewise adorned with a ceiling of white cloth and with festoons of flowers. Meanwhile, the pits are continnally filled with water, so that it may not dry up before the ceremony is over. When the time approaches for the ceremony to begin, no more water is poured into the pits. Near each of them, a junior priest is stationed to furnish the officiating senior priest with replies in respect of the boundaries of the sima. At the appointed hour, the senior priest, holding a kammavacha, slowly walks along the boundary-line of the sima. Approaching the Eastern water-boundary' be asks: "Puratthimaya disdya kin nimittari and the junior priest answers: - "Udakas, bhante." Similar questions and answers are asked and given also at the South-eastern, Southern, South-western, Western, North-western, Northern, and North-eastern points of the site, and to make the boundary-line continuous, also at the Eastern and South-eastern points, which have already been proclaimed. The questions and answers are asked and given first in Pali and then in Burmese. The same ceremony of proclaiming the boundaries is repeated by two other senior priests in succession. After the boundaries have thus been proclaimed three times, the kammavaoha for the consecration of & samanasam vasakasima is intoned seven (or eight) times by three of the priests at a time. After this, the kammavacha relating to the consecration of an avippavasasima is chanted. At the conclusion of the above ceremonies, a statement recording the year, month, day, and hour at which the sima was consecrated, the names of the senior priests who officiated at the os emonies, and the name of the sima, is pablicly read out. Lastly, in honour of the occasion, cdrums and conch-shells are sounded, and muskets are fired, and a shout of acclamation is raised by the people. The above account is similar to that recorded in the Kalyani Inscriptions, which are frequently cited or appealed to as the ruling authority on the ceremonial relating to the consecration of simas.
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________________ JANUARY, 1893.1 KALYANI INSCRIPTIONS. 13 Dhammacheti, or Ramadhipati, King of Pegu, who erected these inscriptions in 1476 A. D., was an ex-priest, who, in emulation of Asoka, Sirisang babodhi-Parakkamabaha, and other Buddhist kings of old, made the parity of Buddhism one of the objects of his earnest solicitude. The main object in founding the Kalyani-sims appears to have been to afford to the Priesthood of Ramantadesa & duly consecrated place for the purpose of performing the aposatha, upasampada, and other ecclesiastical ceremonies, and indirectly to secure continuity in their apostolio succession from Mahinda, the Buddhist Apostle to Ceylon. It was held that the succession from Sona and Uttara, the missionaries to Suvannabhumi, had been interrupted in Burma because of the violent political convulsions to which the country had been subjected. In the 11th century A. D., the Talaing Kingdom of Daten was conquered by Anuruddha or Anoratazo, King of Pagan; and two centaries later, the Pagan monarchy was, in its turn, overthrown by three Shan brothers, who took advantage of the dismemberment of the Burmese Empire caused by a Chinese invasion in 1284 A.D. While the Upper Valley of the Irrawaddy was passing through troublous times, the Talaings of the lower country had been fighting among themselves after they had regained their independence from subjection to Burma. Thus, during the four centuries that preceded the accession of Dhammacheti, Burma had scarcely enjoyed peace for any great length of time, and matters appertaining to the Buddhist Religiou had not been efficiently supervised or regalated. The Kalyani.sima derives its name from the fact that it was consecrated by the Talaing prieste, who had received afresh their nepasampada ordination at the hands of the Mahavihera fraternity, the spiritual successors of Mahinda, on the Kalyani River near Colombo. In the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries Buddhist priests from all parts of Burma, from Ceylon and Siam, flocked to it to receive their upasampada ordination. Even at the present day, priests, whose ordination is of doubtful validity, will suffer themselves to be re-ordained in it. In preparing for the present study of the Kalyani Inscriptions, owing to want of time, I had no access to the original stone-blobs. The text was collated from two palm-leaf manuscripts, one of which was found among the papers of the late Dr. Forch. hammer, and the other was procured from the Bernard Free Library at Rangoon. On the whole, the latter manuscript, marked (B) preserves & better text, and has been generally followed in the present paper. Numerous palm-leaf copies of the Pali text of the Kalyani Inscriptions are extant, and are carefully preserved owing to their containing an account of the proper ceremonial of consecrating & sima. No apprehension need, therefore, exist that there is any material divergence between the present edition and the original text of the inscriptions. Indeed, the general accuracy of the MSS. above alluded to will be shown later on in this Journal. The Kalyani Inscriptions are situated at Zaingganaing, the western suburb of the town of Pogu. They oomprise ten stone slabs covered with inscriptions on both sides, and are arranged in a row. Owing either to the vandalism of the Portuguese adventurer, Philip de Brito, who, for ten years, held supreme power in Pegu at the beginning of the 17th century A. D., or to the insensate fury of Alompra's soldiery, who plundered Pegu in 1757 A. D., all of them are more or less broken ; but the fragments, which are lying scattered about, are capable of at least partial restoration. When whole, their average dimensions were about 7 feet high, 4 feet 2 inches wide, and 1 foot 3 inches thick. There are 70 lines of text to each face, and three letters to an inch. The language of the first three stones is PAli, and that of the rest is Talaing, being a translation of the PAli text. * The modern "Kingdom of Pega," that is, the Telaing Country. *[The Government of Burma bae rery kindly entrusted to me the task of restoring these invaluable documents to their original condition, fatis now practiomble. The work has been already begun.-ED.)
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________________ 14 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. (FEBRUARY, 1893. I would here advert to the absolute silence of these lithio records regarding the celebrated Buddhist divine Buddhaghose, the author of the Visuddhimagya and Afghasalini, and the Apostle who is reputed to have brought a complete set of the Buddhist scriptures from Ceylon to Daton in the 6th century A.D. If the story about Buddhaghosa's advent to Daton be historically trae, the event would have been considered to be an important epoch and would certainly have been mentioned in these inscriptions, which give a resume of the vicissitudes of Buddhism in Burma and Ceylon, and which were erected by a king, who was called from the cloister to the throne, and to whom every kind of information was accessible. Considering that the identification with the Suvannabhami of the ancients has been urged in favour of three countries, namely, Ramannadesa, the Malay Peninsula, and Cambodia, in all of which gold is found, one cannot help being sceptical as to the historical accuracy of the socount relating to the mission of Buddhaghosa to Daton. Such scepticism becomes somewhat confirmed, when it is borne in mind that there is no palaeographical affinity between the Talaing and Sinhalese alphabets, and that Cambodian writers affirm that the great divine came to their country, vide Bowring's Kingdom and People of Siam, (Vol. I, page 36). See also the conclusions of Mr. Foalkes in his careful researches into the legends of Buddhaghosla, ante, Vol. XIX, pp. 121-122. My notes to the Kalyani Inscriptions are in preparation, and will form the subject of a separate study with a transcription of the Pali text into the Burmese character. In brief the contents of the Pali text on the three stones are as follows: OBVERSE FACE OF THE FIRST STONE. Introductory Observations. Convocation of the Third Buddhist Council and despatch of missionaries. Arrival of Sona and Uttara at Golamattikanagara in Savannabhmi. Decline and fall of Ramannadesa. Its conquest by Anuruddha, King of Pugima (Pagan). King Sirisanghabodhi-Parakkamabahu reforms Buddhism in Ceylon. Uttarajivamahathera, Preceptor of the King of Pagama, visits Ceylon. His papil, Chhapata remains behind; and, after ten years' residence, retarns home, accompanied by four other theras. Schisms in the Buddhist Church at Pugama consequent on the death of Uttarajivamahathera. REVERSE FACE OF THE FIRST STONE. Introductory Observations. - (Concluded). Schisms at Dalanngara and Muttimanagare. Such ecclesiastical ceremonies as the consecration of a sima and repasampada ordination are performed in various ways. Accession of Ramadhipati. His reflections on the valid manner of consecrating a sima. OBVERSE FACE OF THE SECOND STONE. Mission to Ceylon. The King's reflections concluded. After consultation with the learned theras he is confirmed in his opinion regarding the simavipatti and purisavipatti of the upasampada and other ecclesiastical ceremonies in Ramannadosa. Twenty-two theras are invited to visit Ceylon and introduce into Ramanoadesa the Sinhalese form of upasampada ordination, as practised by the Mahavihara sect, founded by Mahinda. The invitation is accepted. Offerings for shrines and priests in Ceylon, and presents for King Bhuvanekabahu, as also letters for priests and the king, are prepared. Chitradata and Ramaduta accompany the theras to Ceylon. REVERSE FACE OF THE SECOND STONE. Re-ordination of the priests from Ramatinadosa. Departure of the party in two ships. Chitraduta's ship arrives first. Reception by the King of Ceylon. Rumaduta's ship arrives. Various shrines are visited. The priests from Rimania
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________________ JANUARY, 1893.) KALYANI INSCRIPTIONS. 15 desa are re-ordained on the Kalyani River by a Chapter elected from the Mahavihara sect. The Sinhalese King confers titles on them. Rumaduta's ship returns home and arrives safely. Chitradata's ship is wrecked at Kalambu (Colombo). Chitraduta's party is again shipwresked. The members of the party travel on foot to Navutapatana, whence four theras and their disciples travel on to Komalapattana. Of the latter party, six theras and four young priests die and the rest reach home. OBVERSE FACE OF THE THIRD STONE. Consecration of the Kalyani-sima. Ramadhipati's reception of the eleven theras, who return by Ramadata's ship. A site is selected for the consecration of a sima for these theras. Enquiry is held into the antecedents of the theras and their discipleg. A Chapter consisting of nine theras and five young priests is appointed for consecrating the proposed simd. Ceremonies of desecration and consecration are performed, and the simd is named the Kalyani-sima, after the river where the officiating priests received afresh their upasampada ordination. The priests of Ramannadosa request RAmadhipati to be permitted to receive the Sinhalese form of the upasampadd ordination. Suvannasobhanathera is appointed upajjhaya. REVERSE FACE OF THE THIRD STONE. Establishment of the Sinhalese form of ordination in Ramannadesa. The priests of Ramannadesa receive the Sinhalese form of wpasampadd ordination in the Kalyani-sima. Ramidhipati's edict to the priesthood regarding admission into the Order. Expulsion of pseudo-priests from the Order. Royal gifts to bhikkhus and sdmaneras. Hortatory yerses. I will now give a translation of the MS. Text. The transcribed text which follows the translation is that collated from the MSS. above alluded to. TRANSLATION. Obverse face of the first stone. Reverence to the Blessed One, the Holy One, the Fully Enlightened One. May the excellent Religion of the Conqueror flourish and prosper, and may reverence be paid to Buddha ! The purification of the Religion of the Conqueror was effected by Ramadhipati, King of Ramannadesa. An account of this event will be related. During the reign of Ramadhipatiraja, King of Ramannadesa, the Religion of the Con. queror became purified. Two hundred and eighteen years had passed away since the attainment of ParinirVaps by the Pully Enlightened One, the Sage of the Sakyas, when Dhammasokaraja was inaugurated as king. In the fourth year after this event, owing to Nigrodhassmanera, the King had grest faith in the Religion of Buddha'; and the gifts and honours to the prieste greatly increased, while those to the heretica diminished. The heretics, for the sake of gifts and honours, embraced the ascetic life among certain, priests, received the upasampada ordination, and promulgated their own hevesies, such as the Sassata hereby. Some took orders themselves, assumed the guise of priests, and taught their own heretical doctrines, All these heretics mixed promiscuously with, and resided among the priests, who performed wposatha and such other ecclesiastical ceremonies. Owing to this cir As the Burmese rookon, the parinirudna to bare taken place in 844 B. C., this yields 222 B. C. m the traditional date of the conyersion of Anks to Buddhism.
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________________ 16 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. (JANUARY, 1893. cumstance, the Sangha considered that the parisa was corrupt, and would not perform uposatha. Therefore, for seven years, the performanoe of this ecclesiastical ceremony had ceased in the Asokar&ma monastery. On account of these circumstances, King Dhammasoka became desirous of purifying the Religion by removing the impurity, heresy, and corruption that had arisen in it, and secured the co-operation of MoggaliputtatissamahAthera. Having acquired, by study, the knowledge that the Fully Enlightened One was a Vibhajjavadi, and that those who professed the doctrines of the Sassata and other schools, were heretics, the King convoked an assembly of all the priests. Those who held similar doctrines, were commanded to form themselves into groups, and each group was dismissed one by one. There were six millions of priests professing the Religion, who, if asked what the belief of the Fully Enlightened One was, would say that he was a Vibhajjavadi, while the sinful, heretical priests, who declared that the Fully Enlightened One professed the doctrines of the Sassata and other schools, numbered sixty thousand. The King directed all the sixty thousand sinful priests to leave the Order, and, saying: "Now that the parisd has been purified, let the Sangha perform uposatha," returned to the city. Therefore, Moggaliputtatissamahathera performed uposatha in the Asokarama monastery in the company of all the six millions of priests. This being concluded, he promulgated, in an enlarged and expanded form, but on the lines indicated by the Blessed One, the treatise called KathAvatthu, of which a summary had been expounded by the Blessed One. Subsequently, like as the venerable Mahakassapathera selected five hundred priests, in whom all passions were extinct, and who had attained to the possession of the six abhinna, and the four palisambhidas, and convened the First Council, which sat for seven months; and like as the venerable Mah&yasathera selected 700 priests, in whom all passions were extinct, and who had attained to the possession of the six abhinnas and the four patisambhidas, and convened the Second Council, which sat for eight months ; even so did he (MoggaliputtatissamahAthera) select 1,000 priests, in whom all passions were extinct, and who had attained to the possession of the six abhinnas and the four pafisambhidds, and convened the Third Council, which sat for nine months. At the conclusion of this Council, he foresaw, that, in the future, the Religion would be established in foreign countries, and sent suc. theras as Majjhantikathera with the injunction : "Do you establish the Religion in such and such countries." Of these theras, he sent Mahamahindathers to establish the Religion in the Island of Tambapanni, and sonathora and Uttarathera to establish the Religion in Ramanadose, which was also called Suvanpabhami. At that time, a king, called Sirim soke, ruled over the country of Suvarnabhumi, His capital was situated to the north-west of the Kolasabhapabbatachetiya. The eastern half of this town was situated on an apland plateau, while the western half was built on a plain. This town is called, to this day, Golamattikanagara, because it contains many mud-and-wattle houses resembling those of the Gola people. The town was situated on the sea-shore; and there was a rakkhasi, who lived in the Bea, and was in the habit of always seizing and devouring every child that was born in the King's palace. On the very night of the arrival of the two theras, the Chief Queen of the King gave birth to a child. The rakkhasi, knowing that a child had been born in the King's palace. came towards the town, surrounded by 500 other rakkhasas, with the object of devouring it. When the people saw the rakichasi, they were stricken with terror, and raised a loud cry. The two theras, perceiving that the rakkhasi and her attendants had assumed the exceedingly frightful appearance of lions, each with one head and two bodies, created by means of their supernatural power) monsters of similar appearance, but twice the number of those accompany. ing the rakkhasi, and these monsters chased the rakkhasas and obstructed their further progress. Near Bilin in the Shwegyin District. Ayetpema in the Shwegyin District.
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________________ JANUARY, 1893.) KALYANI INSCRIPTIONS. 17 When the pisachas saw twice their own number of monsters created by the supernatural power of the two theras, they cried out: "Now, we shall become their prey," and, being stricken with terror, fled towards the sea. In order to prevent the return of the pisachas, the theras established a cordon of guards around the country, and preached the Brahmajalasutta to the people, who had assembled together. At the conclusion of the sermon, 60,000 people attained to the comprehension of the Truth; 3,500 men and 1,500 women renounced the world, and the rest were established in the Three Refuges' and the silas. Thus the Religion was established in this country of Ramannadega by the two theras in the 296th year that had elapsed since the attainment of Parinirvana by the Fully Enlightened One. Thenceforward, in Ramannadsa, all princea, born on the anniversary day of that event, were named sonuttara. In order to shield all new-born infants from the danger of being seized by the rakkhasi, the appearances created by the supernatural power of the theras, were inscribed on armlets, wristlets, and leaves, and placed on their heads; and a stone, on which the same appearances were engraven, was placed on the top of a hill to the north-east of the town. This stone may be seen to this day. Since its introduction, the Religion flourished for a long time in Ramannadesa. In course of time, however, the power of Ramannadesa declined, because civil dissensions arose and the extensive country was broken up into separate principalities, and because the people suffered from famine and pestilence, and because, to the detriment of the propagation of the excellent Religion, the country was conquered by the armies of the Seven Kings. Owing to these calamities, the priests, residing in Ramannadesa, were unable to devote themselves, in peace and comfort, to the acquisition of scriptural knowledge, or to the observance of the precepts; and the Religion also declined. During the reign of Mandhari, who was also known by his princely name of Suriyakumara, the power of the kingdoma became very weak. This happened in the 1600th years that had elapsed since the attainment of Parinirvana by the Fully Enlightened One. In 1601, Anno Buddha, and 419, Sakkaraj. King Anuruddha, the Lord of Arimaddanapura, took a community of priests together with the Tipitaka (from Ramannadosa), and established the Religion in Arimaddanapura, otherwise called Pugama. One hundred and seven years after this event, or in the year 526,' Sakkaraj, King Sirisanghabodhi-Parakkamabahu purified the Religion in Lankadipa. Six years after the latter event, or in the year 582, Sakkaraj, Uttarajivamahathera, the Preceptor of the King of Pugama, with the object of worshipping at the shrines in Lankadipa, set out for Kusimanagara,10 saying to himself: "I shall embark in a ship with a great many priests." Who was this Uttarajivamahathera? He was a native of Ramannadesa, and was a pupil of Ariyavarasathers, who was a disciple of Mahakalathera, a resident of Kappunganagara. 11 MahAkalathera was a pupil of Pranadassimahathera, who lived at Sudhammanagara,13 This mahathera was endowed with likiyajjhana and abhinna. Being thas gifted, he would, every morning, proceed to Magadha and sweep the court-yard of the Mahabodhi tree in Uruvela, return to Sudhammapura, and go on his alms-pilgrimage. One morning, while he was sweeping the court-yard of the Mahabodhi tree, certain traders, who lived in Uruve!A, and were on their way to Magadha from Sudhammapura, saw him, and, on their return, related what they had seen to the people of Sudhammapura. Thus it was that the possession of supernatural powers by Pranadassimabathera, as a concomitant of bis attain. ment of loliyajjhana and abhina, became known. (To be continued.) 1 Or 308 B. C. Or 1056 A. D. Or 1164 A.D. 11 Kabaing near Twinter in the Houthawaddy District. 10 The modern Bassein. See ante page 181. 11 The modern Daton in the Amherst District.
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________________ THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. (JANUARY, 1893. THE NAME "BASSEIN." BY MAJOR R. C. TEMPLE. The name Bassein is perhaps the most irritating of all Anglo-Indian corruptions, for there are three towns in the Indian Empire so named by Europeans at the present day, and none of them are so known to the natives. The most important of these towns is Bassein in Burma, then comes Bassein in Bombay, and lastly there is Bassein in Berar. The natives of these respective countries call Bassein in Burma Pabeng, Bassein in Bombay Wasai, and Bassein in Berar Basim or Wasim. Old European names for Bassein in Bombay have been Bazai, Bagaim, Basain, Passai, Bessi; but those for Bassein in Burma have been far more diverse, puzzling, and, it may be said also, interesting. It has been known by many variations of such widely differing words & Cosmin, Persaim and Bassein. To take Cosmin first. Yule, Hobson-Jobson, 8.v., quotes Cosmin in 1516 and 545, Cosmynt in 1554, Cosmi in 1566 and 1585, Cosmin in 1570 and 1587. In 1800 Symes quotes a chart by Wood, called the "Draught of the River Irrawaddy or Irabatty," published in 1796, which gives both Cosmin and "Persaim or Bassein," as towns 30 or 40 miles apart, I have in my possession an atlas of old maps of the regions about Burma, and from these I can add information on this point. Cosmi appears in du-Val's map of the Royaume de Siam et des Pays circonvoisins," 1685; in Van der Aa's maps in 1720, (1) dressez sur les voyages de Nueno de Cunha, (2) deorites par Lopo Soares d'Albegeria, (3) Datch map after Nuno da Cunha, (4) Dutch map after Ralph Fitch, (5) Dutch map after Lopo Soares d'Albegerin, (6) Datch map after Fernando Perez d'Andrado (7) Dutch and French maps after Caspar Balby; in Pierre Mortier's map of " les igles d'Andemaon, Ceylan, les Maldives," 1740. Cosmin appears in that fine scientific prod action Coronelli's Route Maritime de Brest a Siam, 1685; in del'-Isle's Carte des Indes et de la Chine, 1705, copied in 1710, and again by Covens and Mortier in 1720; in Van der Aa's maps, 1720, (1) deorit par Ralph Fitch, (2) Datch map after Caesar Frederiks; in a French map. 1764," Carte des Royaumes de Siam, de Tunqnin, Pegu, Ava, Aracan." And, lastly, a French map, "Carte de l'Empire Birman dressee et dessinee par Desmadryl jeune, 1825" gives Persaim as 35 milles anglais" north of Cosmin, Persaim being the more important place. For Persaim, Yule, .. v., quotes Dalrymple's Repertory in 1759, a chart by Capt. Baker in 1754, Symes in 1795, and Wood's chart above mentioned in 1796. These two last be quotes for both Bassein and Persaim, and also for "Persaim or Bassein." Crawfurd, Embassy to Ava, p. 513, quotes Liester, 1757, for Persaim. Bassein appears to have come into nse about the beginning of this century. It is Rassein throughout in Wilson's Documents relative to the Burmese War, 1827, who quotes, p. xliv. a Gazette Notification of 1826. It is Bassein also in Jackson's map, 1826, attached to Wilson's book. Boileau Pemberton's exceedingly rare and admirable " Map of the Eastern Frontier of British India with the adjacent countries extending to Yunan in China," 1838, has Bassein. But for the lower portion of the "Irawattee River" Pemberton expressly quotes "the chart of the lato Colonel Wood of the Bengal Engineers and the map of Major Jackson, Deputy Quarter-MusterGeneral of Bengal." Snodgrass, Burmese War, 1827, p. 289, also has Bassein througboat. By the timo of the Second Burmese War in 1852 Bassein seems to have become thoroughly established, vide Wilson, Narrative of the Burmese War in 1824-6, 1852, p. 81; Laurie's Pegu, 1854, pp. 218ff; and in most authors of the period. The evidence then is that up to 1764, A. D., Cosmin was the usual European name for the As an instance of the rise of corraptions in place names in the Rast, I found an impressive photograph of the great Kogun Cares in the Amherst District labelled in . Rangoon Photographer's show-book, "The Cocoon Cave." . . When the author was stationed at Bassein in Burme, about 17 years ago, letters for " Bassein " were constantly sent to the wrong place. Yule, Hobson-Jobson, 6. v., Bassein. Campbell, Bombay Gasetteer, Thane, Vol. XIV. pp. 28 & Porasim occurs at pp. 57, 58, 62, eto, in Symes.
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________________ JANUARY, 1893.] THE NAME "BASSEIN." 19 place, that by 1800 the situation of " Cosmin" had become forgotten, that by 1750 Persaim had also become established, and that Bassein began to supersede Persaim about 1800. The modern Burmese name is Pabong, by urdinary Burmese phonetics used for Pubong, spelt Pusin and Pusim. In the Kalyani Inscriptions (1476 A. D.) we have Kusima-nagara for Bassein and Kusimamandala for the Bassein division of the Talaing Territories (Ramannadesa). In the Kaung. mudd' Inscription (1650 A. D.), we have Kubeng, and in the Porsdaung Inscription (1774 A. D.) wo have again Kubeng (spell Kusim). Yule says, 8. v. Cosmin, that Alaangpaya changed the name from Kubong to Pubeng on his conquest of the Talaing Country in 1755-60. This is comparable with that monarch's well-known deliberate change of the name Dagon to Yangon (Rangoon) in 1755, bat Yale's statement is unfortunately bad history, because we have Yule's own and other evidence to show that Persaim (Pabeng) was used before the date of Alaungp'aya's conquest in 1735-60. It is, however, evident from the above quotations that the Burmese changes of sound must have have been synchronous with the European attempts to pronounce them : that as long as the Burman said Kabeng, the European said Cosmin, etc.: and that when the Burman changed his pronunciation Kabeng to Pabeug, the European used Persaim. The uncertainty in the initial cousonant was still observable among the Burmaus ap to nearly the middle of this century, for Yule, Ava, p. 352, quoting Colonel Burney, 1830, says it is uncertain whether he wrote Kothein or Pothein for Bassein :-" The letter in Burney's MS. is doubtful." This change from initial P to K in such names is not isolated, and is probably purely phonetic, for we have a well-known place dame in Upper Burma, now called Pak'an (spelt Puk'an), which in old Burmese MSS. is written Kuk'an. Doubtless upon this hint other examples might be unearthed. The s in such words &s Bassein, Syriam, Tenasserim, Cassay, where the Burman distinctly uses b, may be due to two causes. Firstly, the Talaing pronunciation may be responsible, as the Talainge uses for the same letter that the Burmese pronounce b. The Talaing pronunciation of the name Bassein is Pasem or Pasim, according to dialect. Secondly, many early European writers, such as Sangermano, could not say D and attempted to reproduce the sound by s. In Sangermano we have many instances of s for b in parts of Burma beyond the influence of the Talaing tongue. Thus, Sangermano, in a short account of the Burmese language, writes, p. 1458 :- "Thus, I go is sta si; I went, sua bi; I will go, sud mi." And again :-"Thus, the imperative go is sud to; is he gone, sua bi la; by going, sud lien." These vernacular expressions are really pronounced bra ti, Dra by bwa mi, bwd do, bwa bi la, brod.lyin. Besides the above we have such strong instances on the following :- p. 95, seinabang; p. 144, son=bong (three); p. 78, sesaucchi=bwebaukchi, a sergeant, (see ante, Vol. XX. p. 433), p. 104, Mengasalot, by mistake for Mengalasot, for the well-known book Mingaldbok; pp. 35; 6 Yule, Mission to Ava, p. 807. * Yule, Hobson-Jobson, quotes in support Forchhammer's Notes on the Early Hist. and Geog. of British Burma, No. 2, p. 12. Forchhammer's statement that the word pubong means a "hot image-house" is false etymology, for no Burman would use the expression, but would say "bengba:" besides beng is not an "image-house," bat a "hall of ordination." It may be interesting to make the following quotation from Symes, Embassy to Ava, 1800, p. 23: Previous to his departure from Dagon, Alompra laid the foundation of the town now 80 well known by the name of Rangoon or Drangoon, which signifies victory atchieved (sic). Here stond in former days large populous city called in the Pali Singounterra.' And here is a pas le : close to "Dogon" in two mape by Van der As, 1720, both after Caspar Balby, is a place called "Langon." If this -" Rangoon" the received tale falla. See Crawford's Embassy to Ava, pp. 288-284, and Yale, Hobson-Jobson, .. . * The pages refer throaghout the paper to the reprint of 1888. * It must be remembered that, Sangormano wrote in Italian, all his tranporiptions of Burmese soods must be treated as Italian words.
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________________ 20 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. (JANUARY, 1893. 51. etc., Casse=Kabe (Manipur); pp. 53, 73, &c. Badonsachen Badun buken, a title of King Bodop'aya both before and after his accession to the throne,p. 177. Damasat=D'ammabat, the great Burmese law book (Pail, Dhaminasatta, Skr., Dharmasastra). Similar evidence is forthcoming from Quirini, who wrote in 1791 about Bishop Percoto, the missionary to Pega and Ava. The good Bishop landed in Burma in 1761, and died in 1776, In this book we have Satton. Thaton (Daton) at p. 131 ; Savedy-Tharrawaddy (Darkwadi) at p. 177; Siriam throughout; "il Re Pegaano Simingh-To" = Damindo, at pp. 98,100;"questo libro, il quale Simingh-To chiamosi" = Damaindo at p. 94, and the word again at p. 78; CasseKabe at fp. 76, 172. The pronunciation of Persaim! must have been nearly Pasom, and that of Bassein has always been Bassin, both due, no doubt, to Talaing dialectic variation. In Sangermano, who wrote between 1783 and 1808, we have contemporary evidence of the sound of the word, at the time that Bassein began to supersede Persaim, in Bassino, thrice used by him at pages 67, 158 and 174. There has however been used a variant spelling side by side with Bassein in Bassien: vide a French copy of Wood's chart, 1795; Symes, Embassy to Ava, 1800, pp. 16, 17, 18, 28, etc.; Two years in Ava, 1827, p. 244; and a tract entitled Negrais Island and Bassien, 1852, by J. Martin, passim. Ever since Sangermano's time, ie has usually stood in Burmese transliteration for short i and frequently does 80 still, but to show the variant sounds represented by Symes and the writers of his and later times by identical letters I may quote bis Talien, p. 34, for Talaing. Doveton, Reminiscenoes of the Burmese War, 1852, has, p. 276, Kokien and, p. 279, Kokien for Kokkaing. Quirini in the book above quoted, Vita di Monsignor G. M. Percoto, 1781, never mentions Bassein, getting no nearer than "Negrajall nuova colonia degl' Inglesi" (p. 117), unless we read a curious expression at p. 93 to include Bassein :-"li Regni di Battiam, Martaban e Pegu, cui spettava la citta, e porto di Siriam." It may be as well to note here that the evidence now collected upsets the theory that the Besyngytai (Bouyyuras) of Ptolomy represents the people about Bassein, or that the Besynga (Bhouyya) River is the Bassein River, or branch of the Irrawaddy (Eravati).13 At the same time it is right to note the following evidence: In a version which I have of Ptolemy, undecima Asiae Tabula, 1552, there occurs Begynga 4. In another version of 1590, copied by Sanson d'Abbeville in a Latin map called India Vetus, 1674, there occur Besyngitis Reg. Besynga f., and Besynga Emporium. Postscript. Sangermano requires editing by the light of the increased knowledge of Burma that has been gained since he wrote, and the English edition of his work was published, 18 and the work is well worth undertaking. The book is full of information as to the rise and cause of many common Anglo-Burmese words of the present day, and all the forms of vernacular words in it are worth study and annotation. The persistent use of gets for s is curious, thus sp. 59, Zabgd=Sabwa : p. 57, eto., Zinguza=Singusd; p. 55, etc., Zempinscien8'inbyushin; p. 50, etc., MostoboMo(k)s'ebo (-Shwebo-Moutshobo, see post, p. 28); p. 67, siccheasi(t)ke (the bakhshi of Indian armies); p. 90, sarado sayado for sorado (=Pali achariya + t@)-the modern pronunciation sado; p. 139, nated, an evil spirit, for nats'. * As to the er in this word it should be noted that in Rangoon the name of well-known citisen, Rai Bhagwa Die BahAdar, is sometimes written by Kuropeans "Burgwan Dose," no representing their pronunciation of the name, scount on the first syllable. So Peronim may well represent the sound of Palm. 11 Negrais, the Negraglia of Sangermano. p. 88. 11 MoOrindlo, Ancient India described by Ptolom, p. 197. Yule, Ave, p. 208. 18 A Description 1 of the Barmece Empire compiled chiefly from Native documental by the Round. Father Bengermano and I trunslated from his MB. by William Tandy, D.D., I Member of the Roman Sub-committee. I Rome : 1 Printed for the Oriental Translation and of Great Britain and Ireland : Sold by 1 John Murray, Albermarle Street; und Parbary, Allen, and Co. I Leadenhell Street. I KDCOCXEXDI. The Reprint, Government Proos, Rangoon, is dated 1886
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________________ JANUARY, 1893.) FOLKTALES OF HINDUSTAN 21 It is also worth noting that he writes, p. 58, Siam as we do, but throughout his book Sciam for Shan. The sounds of b and 8 always puzzled him, thus he wrote, p. 67, miodighi and ioadighi for myobaji and ywabaji. The hard sound of the Burmese ky, k'y, gy and g`y (which letters also represent the modern Burmese pronunciation of kr, k'r, gr and gr) appears in the above two words, and in sesaucchi above quoted, and also in the following: pp. 66, etc., vunghi for wunji; pp. 91, etc., ponghi for panji. This hard pronunciation is still common among Europeans in Barma in spite of the usual vernacular soft sound of k and g as ch and j in such circumstances. Quirini's book 14 is of much the same value in this connection, though it has never been translated. Besides the instances of his expressions already given he writes sueminulo (pp. 77, 141) for shwemyod), while giving a correct explanation of the import of the word. He has rondai=yando: Cariani, as also has Sangermano (pp. 35, 36), - Karens, with which may be compared Crawfurd's (Embassy to Ava) Karians (p. 354, et passim): and many other interesting words and names. Quirini has further a curious Miazza Pra Re dell' Ava, (pp. 79, 151, etc.), evidently meant for s'inbyayin (1763-1775). Miazza Pra may possibly stand for Myedu (P'aya), a title of that mighty monarch as prince. FOLKTALES OF HINDUSTAN BY WILLIAM CROOKE, C.S. No. 4.-The Gadariya and the Rani of Lalpur.1 Once upon a time a Raja went to hunt in a jungle. As he was returning he reached a great river on the bank of which was a fig tree (bargad) and then he sat down to rest. Meanwhile a boat appeared, coming from the direction of the city of Lalpur. On it a woman was sitting. She looked at the king and let go the iron anchor of the boat into the water. After this she dropped a ruby into the water, and opening her bodice showed him her breast and smiled at him, showing her teeth. Then she raised the anchor and went away in the boat. The Raja fell into great fear and returned to his palace, and went to sleep on his couch. Then a handmaiden brought him his food, bat she could not wake him. She returned and told the Rant, who went herself to the Raja, but she could not make him sit up or speak. Then the Rani proclaimed in the city that whoever could make the Raja speak should receive half the kingdom. Many people came and tried to wake him, but no one succeeded. Then a shepherd woman (gaderin) came to the Rani and said to her, "My husband is grazing his sheep in the jungle; if he be sent for he can wake the Raja." The Rani sent her soldiers to bring the Gadariya. He said: "If one of the king's clerks (musaddi) comes and makes a list of my sheep, and the king's soldiers graze them for me, I will come." The Rani ordered this to be done. So the 14 Della Vita 1 di Monsignor Gio Maria Percoto della congregazione di S. Paolo Missionario ne' Regni di Ava e di Pogu' vicario apostolico e vescovo Massulense. I libri tre i scritti dal padre 1 D. Michelangelo Griffini della medesima congregazione. I el dedicati agl' illustriss sigg. I deputali della citta' di Udine. I per li Fratelli Gallici alla Fontana 1 con licenza de' superiori. The copy I have seen belongs to Bishop Bigandet, kindly lent me by him. It has a seal on the title page :-Missio Barmana India Oblator B. M. V. * On the title rage also is the very interesting note written in caps :-D. D. JO. BALMAE O. B. M. V. I EPISC. PTOLEMAID. I VICAR. APOSTOL. I AVAE ET PEGV I CL. REGVL. S. PAVLI AP. I PROVINC. TAVRINENS. DD. DD. I A. MDCCCLIII. The date of the work is gathered from the colophon and other places. It contains pr. X. and 221, octavo. The colophon is worth reproduction here :-Noi Riformatori della studio di Padova. Avendo veduto per In Fede di Rivisione, ed approvazione del P. F. Gio: Tommiso Mascheroni, Inquisitor General del Santo Offizio di Venezia nel Libro intitolato Della Vita di Monsignor Gio : Maria Percoto, etc. M. S. non vi esser cosa alcuna contro a Santa Fede Cattolica, o parimenti per Attestato del Segretario Nostro, niente contro Principi, e buoni contumi, concediamo licenza alli Fratelli Gallici Stampatori di Udine, che possi essere stampato, osservando gli ordini in materia di Stampe, o presentando le solite Copie alle Pubbliche Librerie di Venezia, e di Padova. Dat li 24. Agosto 1781. (Andrea Querini Rif. (Alvise Vallaresso Rif. (Girolamo Ascanio Giustinian K. Rif. Registrato in libro a carte 17. a N. 139. Davide Marchesini Seg. 1 A folktale told by Hiralal, village accountant of R&mgarh, MirzApur District, and literally translated.
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________________ 22 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. (JANUARY, 1893. Gadariya came and wat by the Raja and after some time he woke. Then the Gadariya asked him what he had seen, which caused him to sleep in this way. The Raja got up and took the Gadariya with him to the jungle. They reached the same river where the fig tree stood. Then the Raja told the Gadasiya what he had seen. The Gadariya asked what he wished. The RajA replied that he wished to see this woman. The Gadariye asked if he knew from where she had come and where she had gone. The Raja replied that he did not know. The Gadasiya answered "As she threw the ruby (lal) into the water, she lives in Lalpur; from her showing you the upper bone (asthi) of her chest, it appears that her name is the Bone Queen (Asthrani), and as she showed you her teeth, she must be the daughter of the Tooth King (Dantraja)." So they both went off in the direction of Lalpur. They asked every one where Lalpur was, but could get no trace to it. At last, when it was very late, they came to & village, where they saw a man ploughing with a pair of oxen, one very large and the other very small. The Gadatiya said to him, "If you could not buy an ox to match the larger of the pair, why don't you sell the large ox and buy another small one and save a few rapees?". The ploughman answered, "How can I buy or sell P" The Gadariye said to the Raja, "I know that there is something curious about this ploughman's wife. Let us stay with him for the night and I will afterwards explain it to you." So they arranged to stay with him for the night and went on ahead to his house. The ploughman's wife said, "There is no room here for you, but you can sit a short distance off." When the ploughman came back from the field and heard what had happened, he made his wife give them a place to stay, and asked them if they would eat anything. They refused, and after some time the Raja fell asleep in the ploughman's hut. The Gadariye remained awake. At midnight a lover of the woman came and went inside. As dawn came he said to her, "Give me some place to stay, as I cannot go away now." So she told him to go into the large mud granary (kuthla) inside the house, and plastered up the opening with clay. In the morning the Raja and the Gadariya wanted to go on, but the ploughman would not let them go till they had eaten. Then the Gadariya said to the ploughman, "There is something in your granary which does not grow in our country. Let us take it and we will convey it to our land and grow it there." The ploughman agreed to let them have it, but his wife objected. The Raja said, "Why do you object to give us such a trifle P" Then they opened the granary and the man appeared, whom, having made over to the ploughman, the Raja and the Gadariya went their way. As they went on they came to a garden which was in charge of a gardener woman (malin) and there they halted. She used to sapply the Rani of that land with flowers. The Gadariya, knowing that it was the Rani, who had come in the boat, sent a message to her by the Malin that the traveller, whom she had met near the fig tree, had arrived. The Rani put some gold coins (ashrafi) in a tray, and covering them with rice secre:ly, gave it to the Malin, and, as if to show her diapleasure with her, marked her five times on each cheek with black, and told her to give the tray to the traveller and dismiss him from her house. If she failed to do so she would have her children forced to work at stoking the furnace of the grain parcher. The Gadariya, when he heard the account of the Malin's interview with the Rani, said: "There are still ten days of the dark-fortnight remaining. When the light-nights come you will obtain an interview." When that time elapsed he again sent the Malin to inform the Rani that the traveller still awaited her pleasure. The Rani again appeared displeased, and gave the Malin, as before, e tray filled with gold coins for the traveller, and, marking each of her cheeks with five lines of white dismissed her. Then the Malin came back, and striking the Raja with a house broom (baru), ordered him and his companion to leave her house. After five days the Gadariye again sent the Malin to the Rani to announce that the traveller was still waiting. The Rani again appeared displeased and pushed the old woman out of the wicket of her palace. But the Gadariya consoled her and enquired what had happened. Then he told the Raja, "The Rani means that it is by this wicket you are to go and visit her."
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________________ JANUARY, 1893.] FOLKTALES OF HINDUSTAN. 23 When night fell the Raja went to the wicket. When he arrived there he found a silken string hanging from the roof of the palace. The Gadariye said: "Ascend by this cord and visit the Rani." He went up, found the Rani there, and sat down beside her; but through modesty he chanced to sit by the end of her couch, and the Rani, believing him to be a fool, gave him some pan and dismissed him. On his return he told the Gadariya what had happened, and he replied: "Well, as you did not obey my orders, you will not see her again." Then the Gadariya purchased a small tent and he and the Raja got themselves up as ascetics (sadhu) and stayed outside the town. He told the Raja to personate an image of Siva, and if anyone came to sit motionless and silent. He himself took a rice pounder (musal) and went about the city saying, "I have worshipped Mahadeva for 12 years and in answer to my austerities he has appeared on earth." All the people came to worship the deity. Finally the Raja of the land and his daughter the Rani came to worship. The Gudariya stopped him outside and said: "If you want to do worship, you must dismount and enter on foot." So he worshipped, and after him the Ranf, -she who had gone in the boat, ---came to worship. The Gadasiya made her too come in on foot. As she came in the Raja, suspecting who she was, opened his eyes. The Gadariye said, "All my trouble is wasted." Thus the Rani was alarmed at seeing that the god had come to life, and went and told her father, the old Raja, who came and offered the Gadariye a handsome reward to take the deity out of his land, lest he should incur his curse. Finally the Gadariya obtained a karor of rupees from the old Raja. When he got the money he and the young Raja left the place. They went on to a neighbouring city, and then the Gadariye sent for a goldsmith (sunar) and had a quantity of splendid jewellery made. Then he dressed the young Raja in women's attire and adorned hit with the jewellery, and promised to bring him back to the old Raja's city and again introduce him to the young Rani, but that he was not to come until the Rani gave him leave. The Gadariya then purchased a fine horse and a litter (palli). He mounted the horse himself, and took the young Raja in women's dress in the litter. When the old Raja beard that this equipage was approaching he went out to meet them and escorted them to his palace. The Gadariye said to the old Raja : "I am a Raja myself and this lady is the wife of my younger brother who has gone on his travels. I am going to search for him: meanwhile I request that you will allow this lady, my sister-in-law, to stay in the female apartments." The Raja said, "I agree. She can remain with my daughter." So the young Raja went into the female apartments, and the Gadariya went away on pretence of searching for his missing brother. Then the young Raja in women's attire stayed with the Rani. Sore time after, one of the handmaidens suspected that he was a man in disguise and told the Rani's brother. So he went to the Rani and said, "I must see the person that is with you, as I suspect he is a man, not a woman." The Rani said, "If you see her it must be in private, and you can come after four days and investigate the matter." When he had gone away the Rani said to the young Raja, "There is an inner room in the palace and in it is a well. Stand inside with a drawn sword, and when my brother comes in cut off his head." So on the day her brother was expected she shut up the Raja in the inner room, and told her brother to go in and make his inquiries. As he came in the Raja cut off his head and fung his body into the well. Then the Rani advised him to go back to the Gadariya and let him out by the secret wicket of the palace. The Rani then raised an outcry and said that her brother had eloped with the lady who was in her private apartments. Hearing this news her father, the old Raja, was much distressed in mind : and the Gadafiya dressed the young Baja in his own clothes and sent him back to the palace with instructions to demand the return of his wife, to listen to no excuses, and only to withdraw his claim when the old Raja agreed to marry him to his daughter. This all happened as the Gadariya instructed him. The old king was deeply ashamed that his son had eloped with the lady. So he was obliged to assent to the Gadariya's terms. So in the end the Raja married the Pani and they lived happily ever after -- and the Gadariye was suitably rewarded.
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________________ THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. (JANUARY, 1993. MISCELLANEA. SANSKRIT WORDS IN THE BURMESE have undoubtedly from time to time been LANGUAGE. made in Burma The note under the above heading, ante, Vol. It is natural therefore that there should be a XXI. p. 94, is interesting as drawing attention to certain number of Sanskrit words in Burmese the use of Sanskrit words in the far East, and relating te philosophical pseudo-scientific and it must be admitted that all the Burmese words courtly expressions, but we should certainly be mentioned in it are clearly derived direct from surprised to find any such terms in common use, Sanskrit and not through Pali. At the same time even at this epoch. The list of words given by Mr. I can scarcely agree with the learned author in Taw Sein-Ko scarcely supports Dr. Trenckner's considering that any of such words relate to theory of an early Pali form, and so far as social life. It would seem, on the contrary, that internal evidence goes they would seem to have they relate almost entirely to the ideas of been borrowed at a comparatively late epoch in philosophy, of theology, and of astrology, one of the ways above mentioned. which are precisely the subjects in which Sanskrit To illustrate this position we will discuss seriawords have made most headway in the Non-Aryan tim the twenty-one words adduced. languages of Southern India. Most of the latter The first of these is adhvan sture, which is class of languages in the Far East, (Chinese form principally used in Sanskpit as an astrological ing a noteworthy exception), would indeed seem term, signifying the orbit' or 'way' of the to be deficient in the more abstract terms heavenly bodies, from which the meaning in which they have consequently borrowed from the Burmese of length, duration' is obviously a Sanskrit. In the case of Burma, where partial derivation. The word is, however, an extremely civilisation was introduced by the Buddhist mis rare one, and its meaning would probably not be sionaries from India, it is natural to find & con understood by nine educated Burmans out of ten. siderable number of the more abstract terms The use of the short tone in this a word of derived from the Pali, and such words are, AS A Sanskrit origin, is noteworthy. general rule, transliterated according to the old system of Burmese vowel-sounds, thus showing The form which the word amrita (TTT) has that they were introduced at a period not long assumed in Burmese is a decidedly anomalous subsequent to that when the language was reduced one, though it is more than doubtful whether the to writing. It seems, however, pretty certain that penultimate vowel in the Burmese form of it from very ancient times indeed the kings of had formerly the value (6) attributed to it by Mr. Burma kept Brahman astrologers at their Taw Sein-Ko, who, it may be remarked, gives no court for the purpose of making forecasts, reasons for adopting this spelling. The final fixing dates, and what not. Now the Brahmans letter also is given ask and not t in' Dr. Judson's have unquestionably always used Sanskrit dictionary, no alteration, moreover, having been works in performing their duties, indeed made in this spelling by the late "Spelling Rethey would most certainly eschew any PAli books form Committee" of which Mr. Taw Sein-Ko on astrology and cosmogony, even if such existed. himself was a member. This being so, the Burmese It is natural also that they should interlard their word would be transliterated amraik, adopting reports and speeches as much as possible with the modern pronunciation of the penultimate Sanskrit words, the more high-sounding the bet- vowel. That the letter had always the ai sound ter,) for the purpose of adding weight and abstruse- is almost certainly not the case, though it does ness to their rigmaroles, and a certain propor- | not by any means follow that it was always protion of such words would thus come to be adopted nounced , as it still is when final. But from by the Court, and thence by the more coltivated this very fact of the change of the vowel sound it classes. Further, the courtiers would gladly can be shown that the word amrita was adopted adopt from the Brahmans any grand Sanskrit into the Burmese language at a comparatively titles which might please the king's ear, and thus late period, long after it was first reduced to in both these ways a certain number of Sanskrit writing by the Buddhist missionaries. For it words would oreep into the language, though may he taken as granted that this vowel belonged owing to the circumstances of their introduction originally to the 'varga' (so to speak) and not probably not into common use. A further source to the i one, and it seems incredible that for the supply of Sanskrit words would be trans- Burman in trying to pronounce the vowel sound lations from books in that language, which in amrita should render it by u, 6, &c. On the [The t, ante, Vol. XXI. p. 95, is a misprint for k: se sloo my note on an analogous spelling, ante, Vol. XXI. p. 198.1-ED.
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________________ MISCELLANEA. JANUARY, 1893.] other hand, the vocalic ri of the Sanskrit would be naturally rendered first by ri in Burmese, (the r being still extant,) after which the strengthening or vriddhi on the elision of a final a, of the vowel i to ai, (the modern sound of the vowel) though somewhat anomalous in Burmese is a perfectly legitimate example of the compensation for the loss of a vowel common in many languages. The late date of the introduction of this word into Burmese is also borne out by the final letter k which shews that the modern practice of confusing the sounds of final k and t was already in existence. The application of the epithet amraik (amrita) to the Buddhist nirvdna is obviously modern and needs no discussion here. According to the corrected spelling, the Sanskrit abhisheka (f) is represented in Burmese by bhisik, (not bhissik,) which word is if anything rather nearer to the Pali than the Sanskrit. This is, however, a matter of small importance, as this word was very probably indeed introduced by the Brahmans with the king of Burma. It may be added that the fact of the penultimate vowel in the Burmese form being i and not e is a proof of its late introduction (see amrita). With regard to chakra, (transliterated by chakra in accordance with the Burmese tendency to throw the accent on the second syllable), this word originally meant the disc of Vishnu and has since come to mean any supernatural weapon. The Burmese use it partieularly to denote the weapon of Sakra (see below), but a far commoner word is chak, which is obviously derived from the Pali chakka. We have therefore in Burmese two forms of the original root, one of which is very commonly used, and has formed compounds with several indigenous words, whilst the other is comparatively rare and is used principally in the language of flattery and in the more 'high-falutin' books. Under these circumstances the inference is irresistible that the former or Pali word was that originally used, and that the Sanskrit word has been introduced subsequently by some courtly scholar. Chakravala, meant originally in Sanskrit the range of mountains supposed to encircle the world, but in Burmese it means generally the world itself. The received cosmogony in Burma with its central Mrang 8-mor, (Meru) mountain, [It would be interesting to know how the author would account for mir Meru.-ED. s Mr. Taw Sein Ko is doubtless right in deriving this word from kalpa, but at the same time the words allapaHapa quoted by him are always pronounced, in Arakan 25 &c. &c., is so obviously of Brahmanical origin that little importance could in any case be attached to this word. It seems very probable that the Burmese have derived their cosmogony from the Brahman astrologers at the Court. The same observations apply to shakravati, universal ruler,' as to ohakra, the word having probably come into use through the courtiers at the king's court, (and who are more cunning flatterers than the Brahmans ?). The last syllable we would derive direct from the Sanskrit nominative vartt, the Burmese phonological ideas coinciding very much with those of the old speakers of Pali. Chankram. This seems to be rather a doubtful Sanskrit word, at any rate it is not given in Monier Williams' Dictionary. There may possibly be such a word with the meaning "promenade" derived like chankrama from kram, but, so far as we can see at present, authority is wanting, and such being the case it is unnecessary here to discuss further this word. The Sanskrit dravya , meaning 'stuff' or wealth,' (and generally used in Southern India with the latter signification) becomes drap in Burmese spelling, but is there used solely in philosophical works to signify 'substance' or 'matter,' and has never come into common usage. It is evidently a purely scientific term probably introduced by some translator of a Sanskrit work on philosophy. As regards the word for planet (groh) we need only say that if any word was likely to be introduced by the Brahman astrologers it would be this. The Sanskrit kalpa, FT, and the Pali kappa have both derivatives in Burmese, namely kambhus and kap, but as precisely the same observations apply to these as to chakrd and chak it is unnecessary to discuss them further. Mrigasiras mRrgAzaras and Pushya puSya, are merely the names of two lunar nakshatras and it is therefore natural to find the Burmese equivalents derived from Sanskrit and not from Pali. Parisat, (as it is now spelt,-not parisad) is defined in Judson's Dictionary as a 'religious assembly,' but it is also used for an assembly in general. The original Sanskrit word means rather a 'council,' as in a Court, or an assembly of ministers, and it is not a violent assumption to at least, as spelt, and not'as antipa-sanlapa. The change of final to n is however not unknown in the TibetoBurman family, ef. Lushai lal, and Southern Chin lan, 'a chief.'
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________________ 26 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. suppose that it was so first used by the Brahmans in the king's court, the use of the word becoming afterwards more generally extended. As with chakra and kalpa, so has the Sanskrit prakriti f (not prakati) two derivatives in Burmese one direct from Sanskrit and the other (pakati,) from Pali, and as with those words the latter is the more commonly used. The Sanskrit prasada ger (Burm. prasad), means a palace,' and although the word has now come to mean a pointed turret, wherever placed, it seems probable that it first meant the king's palace, as consisting originally mainly of this kind of building, and has thence come to mean generally this peculiar architectural ornament. The latter would seem to have been introduced from China at a comparatively late period, and it is unlikely that the early Buddhist monks (coming as they did from India), adorned their monasteries with them, as is the custom now-a-days.* The fact of pritta (from the Sanskrit preta), being spelt with an i instead of an e is fairly conclusive that this word was introduced at a com. paratively late period when the modern pronunciation of penultimate i as e had become established. This word has not the meaning assigned to it in Sanskrit and it is met with principally in books. The Pali form isi of the word rishi is found in Burmese (at least according to Dr. Judson), as well as in Talaing, but rase or yube (for rishi) is undoubtedly more generally met with. Practically in Burmese it is however more used as a title of respect than otherwise, and looking to the fact of the Pali term being gene. rally used by the Talaings it would seem probable that the Sanskrit word has with the Burmans superseded the Pali one, owing to its being more high-falutin' and therefore more likely to please the monk addressed. The term samudara for 'sea' has in Burmese never in the slightest way supplanted the vernacular panglay (pinle) and it is used almost entirely for purposes of metaphor. It was therefore probably introduced at a late period by some philosophical writer. The next word, Eariputtara, is the only one which I think in any way supports Mr. Tuw SeinKo's case, and it is undoubtedly remarkable as noted by him that the chief disciple of Gautama Buddha should be known in Burma by his Sanskrit appellation. (JANUARY, 1893. It is however possible that this name may have become popularised through a Burmese translation of some Sanskrit Buddhistic work, in which this disciple formed a prominent figure; but the matter requires further investigation. Sattava has the meaning in Burmese only of a rational being,' though in Sanskrit besides the common meaning of 'goodness' it denotes beings in general, and not merely rational ones. It seems probable that the Sanskrit form of this word (which is mainly used in philosophical works), was adopted in Burmese, because in that language the Pali root satta would have been identical with satta "seven," and might have led to confusion. Last on the list given by Mr. Taw Sein-Ko is Bikra, (whose name is however more correctly spelt by Dr. Judson as Sakra,) and who is styled by him the "Recording Angel of Buddhism." In giving this personage the latter title however the learned writer must surely have allowed this religious zeal to overstep his discretion, as a very little inquiry would have shown him that the popular Burmese "Thaja" is simply our old friend Indra (Sakra) somewhat altered to suit Burmese (not Buddhist) ideas. In spite of their Buddhistic professions no people are less atheists than the Burmese, and in addition to the old nat or spirit worship (common to all races of the Tibeto-Burman stock), they have adopted as a superior kind of spirits many of the Hindu gods. Indra (Sakra) is naturally the chief of these, and has from one cause or another come to occupy a very conspicuous place in Burmese ideas. Now however much the Buddhists in India may have found it expedient to adopt the Hindu cosmogony it is very unlikely that the early Buddhist missionaries in Burma, finding themselves amongst a Mongoloid race of spiritworshippers would have dragged any Hindu gods into their religious system; and the absence therefore of a Pali synonym is easily a explained. It is true that in several of the Zdts, the Sakra mang (Thaja-min) is brought in as a kind of Deus ex machind, but no argument can be drawn from this until the date and place of origin of these stories is more definitely ascertained. (The fact of Sakra (Indra), being made to figure favourably in Buddhist stories would seem to imply that this god was very popular amongst the Hindus converted by Buddhism, and hence it was considered expedient to incorporate him into the Buddhist system), So warped have the modern * [The ancient remains in the Talaing Country do not wrong spelling in English can be shown to be due to this bear out this idea.]-ED. osuse. The popular etymology of this word would seem to be responsible for this alternative spelling. Many cases of The word deva is commonly understood to mean a spirit or fairy by the Burmese.
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________________ JANUARY, 1893.) MISCELLANEA. 27 ideas of bakra become that it is even supposed Kalyani Inscriptions, (1476 A.D.) is Tigumpanathat there is a whole class of spirits of that name gara, and not Trikumbha', or Tikumbhao, as of whom Sakra-mang (Indra) is chief, but never he says, following the modern (false ?) Palicism until now we fancy has that worthy figured as of the Burmese literati, who always write Tikumthe Buddhist Recording Angel. Truly, mutato bha and Tikumbhachott. Whether Digon or nomine de te fabulae narrantur. Dagon is a Burmese derivative from a Pali form In connection with Sakra it may be noted the Tigumpa or Digumpa, or whether the latter are well-known Burmese sankran is obviously false Palicisms for the Burmese word is not yet derived from the Sanskrit Sankrantil, meaning certain: but the presuinption would be in favour the passage of the sun from one sign to another. of the latter hypothesis. We then have to fall It may be predicated with equal certainly that both back on Digon or Dagon as an indigenous or words were introduced by the Brahmans at the borrowed word. king's court. Now the modern Anglo-Indian word dagoba, BERNARD HOUGHTON, C. S. formerly also dhagope, dagop and dbagob, is no doubt derived ultimately from the Past A NOTE ON THE NAME SHWE-DAGON. (and ? Prakritio) dhatugabbha = Skr. dhatuThe name Shw-Dagon has always been a garbha, which in modern Sinhalese is dagaba. stumbling-block to antiquaries. It is now It means a receptacle for Buddhist relics, but, spelt Takun and pronounced Dagon. But literally, an inner chamber for deposits (autov, in the last and earlier centuries it was evidently cella). Yule says that to derive dagon from also pronounced Digon, for Yule, Hobson- the same source as dagoba is mere guess-work. Jobson, 6.0. Dagon, quotes Pinto, 1546, to this There is, however, more in favour of this deri. effect, and the word is always Digon in Flouest'a vation than of any other yet produced, so far account of his travels in 1786. It is always as I know. Thus, we have dagaba, Sinhalese, Digon (except once: "Digone capitale del Pega," admittedly from dhdtugabbha, and as far back as p. 149) in Quirini's Vita di Monsignor G. M. the 16th century we have a persistent word Percoto, 1781: and it is Digon in a map by An- tigumpa or digumpa (=dagon, digon) in Burma tonio Zultae e figli, Venezia, 1785. with the same meaning. Until a clear derivation Yule further quotes Gasparo Balbi, 1585, for is made out, it is, therefore, not unsafe to say Dogon, and Fitch, 1587, for Dogonne. Dogon that dagon represents some mediaeval Indian albo occurs in eight of Van der Aa's maps in my current form of dhatugabbha. This view is suppossession dated 1720 : and Dougon in French ported by a word gompa, used in the Himalayas mape, dated 1705, 1710, 1720 and 1764. The about Sikkim for a Buddhist shrine, which looks modern pronunciation of the word was used prima facie like the remains of some such words in 1755, for Yule quotes the Oriental Repertory as gabbha, the latter half of the compound both for Dagon and Dagoon. Symes, Embassy dhdtugabbha. The derivation of Dagon from a Talaing to Ava, 1803 (pp. 18, 23) has Dagon. Crawfurd, word Takkun, and the legend' attached there. 1829, Embassy to Ava (pp. 346, 347) calls it Dagong. There is further a curious word to, may be safely discarded as folk-etymology, and the derivation from tikumbha or trikumToodegon in one of Mortier's maps, 1740. bha is even more open to the charge of In the Pa808 daung Inscription, 1774 A.D., the guess-work, though accepted by Yule, who shrine is called, in Pali, Digumpachati, so that follows Forchhammer blindly, as final. For, in the Burmese Dagon (=Digon) = the PAli Digumpa, the first place, either form is a doubtful reading The form Digon would be a legitimate equivalent from the Kalyani Inscriptions; in the next place in the vernacular for Digumpa. Pace Forchham. neither Trikumbha-nagara in Sanskrit nor mer, Notes on the Early Eist. and Geog. of British Tikumbha-nagara in P&li would mean Three' Burma, No. 1, the name of Rangoon, or more hill City, as Forobbammer, loc. cit., says, kumbha correctly of the town round the Shwe-Dagon being in no sense a hill,' which is kita ; and in Pagoda, then newly restored and enlarged, in the the third place, there are not (pace Foroh hammer) (But see my note Vol. XXI. p. 188 ante, on this word.] * Yale, Hobson-Jobson, s.v. Dagon. British Burma ED. Gasetteer, 8.0. Shwedagon. . It is curious to note how in some parts of the 24ta the * The form Tikum[bba)dagars is comparable with Brahman is made to play the part of the modern 'villain," KALAN [bbs pabbataohitiys in the Kalyani Inscriptions, whilst at the same time he is always resorted to for pur where bha has been clearly interpolated. I understand poses of divination and state-craft. that there are other instances of such insertions of bha in Taung Pao, Vol. I. Les Francais en Birmanie an the " PAli " writinge of the Talaings. XVIIIe siecle, parim.
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________________ 28 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. (JANUARY, 1893. three hills on the site of the Shwe-Dagon Pagoda at Rangoon. There is another Shwd-Dagon at Martaban, now said to be so-called because it was founded at the same time as the great Shwe-Dagon at Rangoon, but it is quite possible that it was really so named because it also was a 'golden dagoba.' R. O. TEMPLE. NOTES AND QUERIES. RATANASINGHA-SHWEBO-MOUTSHOBO | pura = Ava, as the English pronounce the wellKONGBAUNG. known word, - Awd and Inwa, as Burmese The Burmese are so fond of PAli designs- pronounce it. Yedanabon - Ratanapunna = tions for places in their epigraphic, official and Mandalay. historical documents, that it will be neces- Ratanasinghs - Shwebo, the first Capital sary, as these are further studied, to prepare of the Alompra Dynasty and the home of a "classical map " of Burma. This I hope to Alaungp'aya (Alompra) himself. do before very long. Shw6b8, as the town is now known, is the The name above given, Ratanasingha, or as Moutshobo of Phayre and the old histories, the Burmese pronounce it Yedana Denga, is documents and maps. typical of these classical and semi-classical Near Shwebo is a famous reservoir, known as names, of which many are quite modern inven Kongbaung, and hence to the Burmese the two tions. The second part if it is not sangha, as names have become synonymous. They so apGray in his Alompra Dynasty supposes, but pear in the title of the eighth king of the Alom. singha. pra Dynasty, 1837-1846 A. D., who is known to us There are three Burmese words, all having the aa Darawadi (Tharawaddy), his title as prince, but same phonetic value, vie., benga, which are written to the Burmese as Shwebo or Kongbaung, his respectively singa, sivk'a, and sing'a. Singa' is title as king. a kind of gold used in ornaments. Sinka is said R. C. TEMPLE. to mean the Capital.' Singid is said to mean'a Moutshobo represents the Burmese word meeting point, a place where four cross-roads Moksbo (spelt Mus' gop'68), the old name for meet.' The Burmese meaning attached to the Shwebo. It means the cooking-place (p ) of name Ratanasing'a is the meeting point of the the hunter (mus'o 8. pronounced maks). treasures. There is a curious legend attached to this name. The PAli word for singa is singf = Skr. bringi When the Talaings in 1751 A. D. turned out the and bringt. Sing'a appears in Pali as singhataka, Burmese (Taung-nga) Dynasty of Ava there was and in Skr. as bringdta and bringataka. Sink'a current a prophecy that one of the p'os (an I cannot trace in the classical tongues, though it apparent pun on the word 60,9 spelt bol, - Pali, would apparently be a legitimate enough deriva- bala, a leader) would restore the Burmese line. At tive from the root common to singa and sing'a. that time there were three towns having the suffix All the three words, and at any rate singa and p's (16) to their names, vis., Moksobo, Okp'o now Ring'a, are traceable to a stem, which in Skr. is a deserted town in the Mandalay District, and a &ringa,' a top or summit.' third, whose full name and site are now forgotten, Ratana is the Pali form of the Skr. ratna,' a gift, in the Magwe District. The duty of turning out treasure,' and appears in the classical name the Taluings fell four years later to Mok sobu, for two famous Burmese towns, vis., Yedana. under the leadership of Alaungp'aya. paya and Yedanabon. Yedanapuya = Ratana. TAW SEIN Ko. 1 It is also written with its true PAli form, ringt. See below in the text. Ratanathinga in Phayre, Hist. of Burma, p. 162. barawadi, PAli Saravati, (HP Skr. Barkvatt) was a division of the old Talaing kingdom of Pegu (Hans vati in PAli), and is now the Thara waddy District. [The tsh in this word and the ths of Phayre's form of it (neo next note) are interesting. The letter pro- nounced by the Burmese as & is the ch of the Nagar! Alphabet, and was always represented by the school to which Phayre and the writers of his time belonged by ta, for some reason I have been unable to ascertain. The aspirated form, pronounced by the Burmese as, (ochh of Nagari), Phayre and the others wrote tsh and often also th. This last arose from assimilation to the other aspiraton they employed, such as hk, ny, ht, hd, &c., in place of the usual kh, yh, th, dh, &c. This latter habit arose from the pronunciation of the Nagart by the Burmese both a band, which these writers represented by th, as in English. Hence tsh really - ' and Moutahobo = Mous'obo. The pronounciation of mou in the above word is gauged by Phayre's writing it mu. Moutahobo and Muthsobo are in fact nothing but at. tempts to transliterate the characters represented by Mus'obo.-ED.) (Panyre, Hist. of Burma, p. 150, explains "MuthBobo" as the home of the hunter-captain, i.e., maksu, hunter, bo(l), leader.-ED.)
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________________ FEBRUARY, 1893.] KALYANI INSCRIPTIONS. 29 A PRELIMINARY STUDY OF THE KALYANI INSCRIPTIONS OF DHAMMACHETI. 1476 A. D.. BY TAW SEIN KO. (Continued from page 17.) N arrival at Kusimanagara, Uttarajivamahathera embarked in a ship, accompanied by many Why was he called Chhapatasamanera? His parents were natives of Kusimarattha, while he himself was a pupil of Uttarajivamahathera. He was called Chhapatasamanera, because his parents were natives of a village called Chhapata, in Kusimarattha. Uttarajivamahathera embarked in a ship and set out for Laikadipa. On his arrival there, the mahatheras, residing in Laikadipa, came together in a body and accorded him a meet reception. As they were well disposed towards him they said: "We are the spiritual successors of Mahamahindathera, who established the Religion in Lankudipa, while you and the other priests in your company are the spiritual successors of the two mahatheras, called Sona and Uttara, who established the Religion in Suvannabhumi. Let us all, therefore, perform together the ceremonies incumbent upon the Order." Having spoken thus, they performed the upusampada ordination on Chhapata, the twenty-year old samanera. After this, Uhttarajivamahathera, having accomplished the object of his visit, namely, the worshipping, &c., at the shrines in Lankadipa, made preparations to return to Pugama. Then the priest Chhapata thought thus: "If I were to return home with Uttarajivamahathera, owing to the impediments caused by my relatives, I should not be able to enjoy that peace and quiet, which are conducive to the study of the Tipitaka together with its commentaries. It is, perhaps, advisable, therefore, that I should, with the permission of the mahathera, remain in Lankadipa, and return home only after I have mastered the Tipitaku together with its commentaries." Accordingly, Chhapata asked permission from Uttarajivamahathera and remained behind in Lankadipa. Uttarajivamahathera, accompanied by his large company of priests, embarked in a ship, and returned to Kusimanagara. Thence he proceeded to Pugama, and took up his residence there. Meanwhile, the priest, Chhapata, by dint of hard study, had acquired a knowledge of the Tipitaka together with its commentaries; and, as he had completed his tenth year in orders, he acquired the designation of thera. Being now desirous of returning to Pugama, he reflected thus: "If I were to return home alone, and if, in the event of the death of Uttarajivamahathera, I did not wish to associate with the priests of Pugama in the performance of ecclesiastical ceremonies, how could I, in the absence of a panchavaggagana, perform such functions separately? It is, perhaps, proper, therefore, that I should return home in the company of four other priests, who are well-versed in the Tipitaka." After reflecting thus, he appointed Sivalithera, a native of Tamalitthi,13 Tamalindathers, the son of the Raja of Kamboja, Anandathera, a native of Kinchipura, and Rahulathera, a native of Lankadipa, to accompany him, and, embarking in a ship, returned to his native country. These five mahatheras were well-versed in the Tipitaka, and were learned and able; and, among them, Bahulathera was the ablest and the most learned. On the arrival of these five mahatheras at Kusimanagara, the time for journeying on to Pugama was unseasonable, because of the approaching vassa, and they, accordingly, observed their vassa at Kasimanagara. The site and walls of the monastery, where they spent the vassa, may be seen to this day, on the south side of Kusimanagara. At the conclusion of the 15 Tamalitthi is probably Tamluk in Bengal; Kamboja is either Cambodia or the Shan States, and Kinchipura is probably Conjeveram in Madras.
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________________ THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. (FEBRUARY, 1893. observance of the vassa, ChhapatamabAthera celebrated the pavarana, and set out for Pugama, accompanied by the four theras. Meanwhile, a few days before the arrival of Chhapata mahathera, Uttarajivamahathera had died. On reaching Pagama, Chhapatathera heard that his own teacher, Uttarajivamahathera, was dead, and repaired to his tomb and performed such acts as that of making obeisance and asking the forgiveness of the deceased. He then took counsel with the four theras, addressing them thus: "As the mahdtheras of LankAdipa associated with our teacher, the venerable 'Uttarajivamahathera, in the performance of ecclesiastical ceremonies, it is proper that we should now perform such functions after associating ourselves with the priests of Pugama, who are the spiritual successors of Sonathera and Uttarathera. However, our teacher, UttardjiVamahathera, who was a native of Ramanadese, was formerly the sole Head of the Church : but now, the priests of Marammadesal have become Lords of the Church; and we are not disposed to associate with them in the performance of ecclesiastical ceremonies." Thus, through pride, Chhapatamahkthera declined to associate with the priests of Pugama in the performance of ecclesiastical ceremonies, and he performed such functions reparately. It should thus be borne in mind that, in the year 543,16 Sakkaraj, and the 124th year that had elapsed since the introduction of the Religion to Pugams in Marammadesa from Sudhammanagara in Ramanadese, the Religion from Lankadipa was established in Pugama. At that time, a king, called Narapatijayasura, was ruling in Pugama. He conceived a feeling of great esteem and reverence for the five mahathras, and, after having had a bridge of boats constructed on the great river Eravati (Irrawaddy), requested them to perform the pasampali ordination on the many priests who desired to receive it. In consequence of this, the mahatheras gradually gained influence and their following grew in nambers. One day, the king ordered festivals to be held in honour of the occasion of his giving a great offering to the five mahatheras. On that occasion, Rahulathera saw & beautiful dancinggirl, and the loss of his delight in asceticism became burdensome to him. He longed .be a layman, and made preparations to carry out his object. Chhapatamabathera and the three other mahatheras repeatedly expounded religious discsurses to him, and, in a body, entreated him to turn away from the course he had resolved to take. But the religious discourses expounded by the four mahitheras, by way of admonition, were of no avail in turning his mind. They, therefore, said: "Brother, we have expounded to you various religions discourses by way of admonition, and yet, we have not been able to turn you away from your object. Such being the case, do you forbear to become a layman here, but go to Ramanoades, and there embark for Malayadipa, where you may carry out your wish." Being repeatedly urged to adopt this course, he went to Ramannades, and thence by ship to Malayadipa. Now, the King of Malayadipa was desirous of learning the Vinaya, and Rahulathora taught him the Khuddasikkh& together with its commentary, and instructed him in the meaning of the text of the whole of the Vinaya. The King was pleased with the thera, and presented him with an alms-bowl filled with many kinds of gems. Bahulathora accepted the gift, became a layman, and married. Subsequently, of these four mahatheras, Chhapatamshatheradied, and the surviving three nahatheras, namely, Sivalimahathera, TamalindamahAthers, and Anandamah&thera, continued to maintain the Heligion in splendour in Pagama. One day, the King of Pagama, having conceived a feeling of esteem and reverence for the 14 Burma proper, as distinguished from Ramannadesa, the land of the Talsinge. 15 This yields the date 1181 A.D.
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________________ FEBRUARY, 1893.] KALYANI INSCRIPTIONS. 31 three mahatheras, presented them with three elephants. The two mahatheras, namely, Sivalimahathera, and Tamalindamahathera, liberated their two elephants in a forest. But Anandathera, saying to himself :-"I shall make a present of my elephant to my relatives living in Kinchipara," proceeded to Kusimanagara and shipped it off. The two mahatheras then said: * Brother, when we received our elephants, we get them free in a forest. Why bave you caused pain to an animal by making a present of it to your relatives? Your action is improper." A nandathers replied: "Why, Reverend Sirs, have you spoken to me in this manner P What! Reverend Sirs, has not the Blessed One declared that kindness to one's relatives is a sacred duty ?" The two mahatheras continued : "Ananda, you are indeed headstrong. If, brother. you will not accept the advice and admonition from elders like us, do you perform your ecclesiastical ceremonies separately, and we shall perform ours in like manner." Thenceforward, the two mahdtheras performed their ecclesiastical ceremonies separately, and Anandathera performed his likewise. In course of time, Tamalindamahathera, for the benefit of his pupils, who were learned, wise, and able, said to the laymen, belonging to the ruling and other classes, that came to his presence: "Olaymen, the priests are learned, wise, and able; but, because of their not being supplied with the four requisites,' they are unable to devote themselves to the acquisition of scriptural knowledge, or to the observance of the precepts. Laymen, it is our desire, therefore, that these priests should be furnished with the four requisites. Should you undertake to do this, the priests would certainly be enabled to devote themselves to the acquisition of scriptural knowledge, or to the observance of the precepts." The thera thus procured the four requisites' by means of vachipinnatti. Then Sivalimahathera said to Tamalindathem: "Brother, the acquisition of requisites,' by means of vachiviimatti, was censured by the Blessed One; but why, brother, have you procured the four requisites' by means of vachivinnatti? Your action is improper." Tamalindathera replied to Sivalimah athera: "Reverend Sir, the acquisition of requisites,' by means of vachiviinatti, was censured by the Blessed One, when such property was for oneself; but, Reverend Sir, the four requisites, procared by me by means of vachivinatti, were not for myself. I thought that, if my pupils, who are learned, wise, and able, obtained the 'four requisites,' and devoted themselves to the acquisition of scriptural knowledge, and to the observance of the precepts, the interests of the Religion would be promoted; and therefore, I procured for them the 'four requisites' by means of vachivithatti." Sivalimahathera again said to Tamalindathera: "Brother Tamalinda, is this your explanation ? Do you perform your ecclesiastical ceremonies separately, and I shall perform mine likewise. Brother Tamalinda, association in the performance of ecclesiastical ceremonies is agreeable only when the parties taking part in the performance are of the same mind and opinions and are amenable to the advice and admonition of each other." Thenceforward, these two mahatheras performed their ecclesiastical ceremonies separately. At that period, there were, in Pugams, four distinct communities of priests, each of which formed a separate sect, namely, - (i) the successors of the priests, who introduced the Religion from Sudhammanagara; (ii) the disciples of Sivalimahathera; (iii) the disciples of Tamalindamahathdra; (iv), the disciples of Anandamahathera. of these communities, that of the spiritual successors of the priests, who introduced the Religion from Sudhammanagara, was called by the Marammas of Pugama the Purima' fraternity, because of their anterior arrival; and the remaining communities, whose members were the spiritual successors of the priests, who introduced the Religion from Sthaladipa, were called the 'Sihala' fraternity, and also the Pacchima' fraternity, because of their later arrival. Two of these three mahatheras, namely, Sivalimahithern And Timalinda mahathera, passed away according to their deeds after maintaining the Religion in splendour to the end of their lives; and Anandathera, after spending fifty-four rainy seasons in maintaining the
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________________ 82 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [FEBRUARY, 1893. Religion in splendour in Pagama, also passed away acoording to his deeds in the year 607, Sakkaraj.16 Bevorse face of the first Stone. May the Religion of the Conqueror shine forth in splendour ! A samanera, called Sariputte, who was a native of Padippajeyya village, 17 in the province of Dala, went to Pugams and received the upasampada ordination at the hands of Anandathera. He studied both the Dhamma and the Vinaya together with their commentaries. Being thus well-versed in the Dhamma and the Vinaya, the fame of the learning, wisdom, and ability of the priest, Saripatta, spread abroad. The King of Pagama heard about his fame, and reflecting :-"If the priest, Saripatta, is learned, well-informod, a seeker of knowledge, wise, and able, and, if the members of his body are perfect, I shall do him honour by 'appointing him to be my Preceptor," sent messengers to institute enquiries. The messengers sent by the King, accordingly proceeded to enquire whether the members of the body of the priest, Sariputta, were perfect. In the course of their enquiry, they found that one of the big toes of the priest was too short, and reported the result of their investigation to the King. The King thinking inwardly : " The priest is not perfect in all the members of his body," presented him with great many offerings, conferred on him the title of Dhammavilasethera, and dismissed him with the injunction : "Do you maintain the Religion in splendour in Kamannadesa." DhammavilAsathdra proceeded to Ramantiadesa, and taught the Dhamma and the Vinaya to a great many priests in Dalanagara 28 The people of Ramannadesa called, at the time, the fraternity of those priests at Dalanagara, the Sthalapakkhabhikkhusangha, and designated as the AriyArahantapakkhabhikkhusangha, the fraternity of priests who were already in the country and were the spiritual successors of Sonamahathera and Uttaramahathera. There was a learned mahath@ra, belonging to the Ariyarahantapalkhabhikkhusangha, who lived in a monastery situated near the mouth of a river, in the Lakkhiyapura, province, 1deg called the Bakass, because of its teeming with fish, which served as food for paddy-birds. Near the monastery, was a market, and not far from the latter was a settlement where a great number of Kamboja prisoners of war were located. On account of this fact, the market was called tbe Kambojao Market, and the monastery was called the Kambojapanavihara, because of its vicinity to the Kam boja Market. The mahathera, living in the monastery was, in like manner, called the Pathams-Kamboja paqaviharathera. Subsequently, the designation Pathams-Kamboja pansvihArathers was changed to KambojapapamahAthers. A pious nobleman, called Sirijayavaddhana, who was living at Dalapura, built a monastery near a great lake, and invited the Kambojapanamahathers to occupy it. At that period, because this Kambdjapapamahathera was the oldest and most celebrated member of the Ariyarahantasaoghapakkha, in Dalanagara, the whole of that fraternity was designated the KambojapapamahAtheraranghapakkha. In after times, the designation Kambojapanamahatherasanghapakkha fell into diouse, and the fraternity was called the Kambojapanasanghapakkha. However, the latter term Kambojapanasanghapakkha itself fell into, disuse, and the fraternity came to be known as the Kambojasanghapakkhs. Because the Ariyarahantasanghapakkhs, in Dalanagara, was onlled the Kamboja sanghapakkha, the same designation W88, thenceforward, applied to that fraternity in the whole of Ramannadons. 1..., in 1845 A.D. 11 Near Rangoon. 19 Lekke'nik near Twente in the Hanthawaddy District. The modern Dall, about 15 miles 8. E. of Rangoon. * 1..., the Shkn Market.
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________________ FEBRUARY, 1893.] KALYANI INSCRIPTIONS. 33 There were in Muttimanagara31-(i) the Kambojasanghapakkha; (ii) the Sihalamaghapakkha, whose members were the spiritual successors of Sivalimahathera; (iii) the Sthalasanghapakkha, whose members were the spiritual successors of Tamalindamahathers; (iv) the Sthalasanghspakkha, whose members were the spiritual successors of Anandamahathera; (v) the Sihalasanghapakkha, whose members were the spiritual successors of Buddhavamsamahathera, the Preceptor of the Queen, who went to Sihaladipa and received his upasampada ordination there, and who, on his return, performed his ecclesiastical ceremonies separately in Muttimanagara; and (vi) the Sibalasanghapakkha, whose members were the spiritual successors of Mahasamimahathera, otherwise called Mahanagamshathera, who visited Sihaladipa and received his upasam pada ordination there, and who, on his return to Muttimanagara, performed his ecclesiastical ceremonies separately. Through the inability of these six divisions of the Order to perform ecclesiastical ceremonies together, various fraternities and sects arose into existence. Owing to the want of a large number of priests, who were well-versed in the Tipitaka, learned, wise, and able, and who could, after meeting and consulting together, investigato as to what was proper or not, the mahatheras, belonging to any of these six sects, would, whenever they had to perform such ecclesiastical ceremonies as the consecration of a sima and the upasampada ordination, carry out their object in a manner that appeared fitting to them, thinking inwardly: "We, indeed, are wise and qualified." There were some theras, who, wishing to consecrate a sima on a gamakhetta of whatever size, would place boundary-marks all round it, and carry out their object by inducting within the hatthapasa the priests who were within the boundary; but they would not effect purification through the acts of inducting with a the hatthapasa 'the priests living outside the boundary, of receiving the declarations of assent of such of them as were absent, and of excluding such of them as merited exclusion. In such a simd the upasampada ordination would be performed. There were some theras, who declared: "If it is desired to consecrate a simd on & gamakhetta, such consecration should be carried out after effecting purification through the acts of inducting within the hatthapasa, &c., the priests residing round that gamakhelta, who are inside or outside the boundary." Therefore, whenever a simd was to be consecrated, they thought that it wonld be difficult to purify the whole of the ganasima, and would not ascertain the true nature of the characteristics of a visugama. They, however, assumed that, if & piece of land, with its boundaries defined, was granted by a king, that land was a visu gama; and they would ask the ruling authorities to define the boundaries of a piece of land, which they had chosen, and whose area would be sufficient for the consecration of a simd, or of a piece of land of larger area. They would then consecrate the sima after effecting purification through the acts of inducting within the hatthapasa, &o., the priests residing on the gamak hetta, but without effecting purification in regard to the whole of the gamasima. In such a syma the upasampada ordination would be performed. There were some theras, who, holding the opinion that "there would be mutual confusion, if two baddhasimes were connected with each other by the branches of trees, &c., but there would be no such confusion, if a baddhasima and a gdmasima, or two gamasimas, were connected with each other by the branches of trees, &c.," would, whenever there was a sima to be conteorated on a gamakhetta, perform the consecration without cutting off the branches of trees, &c., which connected that gamakhetta with the others around it, but after effecting purification through the acts of inducting within the hatthapdua, &c., the prieste residing on that gamakhetta. In such a simd the wpasampada ordination would be performed. There were some theras, who would not ascertain, in every way, the characteristics of rivers or lakes, mentioned in the pali and the atthakathas, and who, without ascertaining well # Martaban near Manlmain.
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________________ 34 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [FEBRUARY, 1893. the interpretation of the words mentioned in the atthakathas, namely, anvaddhamasam anudasaham anupanchaham would, in this excessively rainy region of Ramannadesa, perform the upasampada ordination in an udakukkhe pasima consecrated on a river or lake, which was devoid of its respective characteristics. There were some theras, who, whenever they wished to consecrate a simu on a gamakhetta, would cut off the branches of trees, &c., that connected it with other gumakhettas, and carry out their object through the acts of inducting within the hatthapasa the priests residing inside or outside the boundary of that gamakhetta, of receiving the declarations of assent of such of them as were absent, and of excluding such of them as merited exclusion. But, whenever there was an upasampada ordination to be performed in such a simu, the ceremony would be performed without cutting off the branches of trees, &c., which connected that gamakhetta with others. In the two thousand and second year that had elapsed since the Parinirvana of the Fully Enlightened One, and the 820th year of Sakkaraj,23 there reigned in Harhsavatinagara, Ramadhipati, who, assuming the title of Siripavaramahadhammarajadhiraja, ruled justly and righteously and afforded protection to the people of Ramannadesa, which comprised the three provinces of Kusimamandala, Hamsavatimandala, and Muttimamandala. He was the Lord of a White Elephant, whose colour was like that of the white esculent water-lily, or of the jasminum multiflorum, or of the antumnal moon, and was replete with faith and many other qualities. He was well-acquainted with the languages of various countries, and with many mauual arts, such as masonry and carpentry. He was, moreover, learned and well-read, and was versed in the Tipitaka and the sciences of takka, byakarana, chanla, alankara, astrology, medicine, and arithmetic, pertaining to the Vedasa. The King had exceedingly deep faith in the Religion of the Teacher, and the following thoughts arose in his mind: "The upasampala ordination is dependent on that of pabbajju, and the basis of the Religion itself is the upasampala ordination, which in order to be appropriate, inviolable, and valid, must be possessed of five characteristics, namely, simasampatti, parisasampatti, vatthusampatti, nattisampatti, and anusavanasampatti. Of these characteristics there exist means of attesting the validity of vatthusampatti and nattisampatti, owing respectively to the ability of a candidate for the pure form of the upasampada ordination to fulfil the condition of the former, and to the accessibility of qualified achariyas, who could recite the kammavacha with correct intonation. But, by what criterion can I ascertain the non-existence of simasampatti and parisasampatti?" The King, in repeatedly investigating and considering the ruling of the Vinaya as regards the consecration of a sima, which would be in conformity with the intention of the Blessed One, as interpreted by the authors of atthakathas, tikas, and pakaranas, consulted both the spirit and the letter of the following works, controlling the atthakatha by means of the pali, the fika by means of the atthakatha, and the pakarana by one another, and, at the same time, collating what was gone before with what came after:-the Vinayapali; the Vinayatthakatha; the Vinayatika called the Saratthadipan; the Vinayatika called the Vimativinodani; the Vinayatika written by Vajirabuddhithora; the Matikatthakathu called the Kankhavitarani together with its fika; the Vinayavinichchhayapakarana together with its tika; the Vinayasangahapakarana; the Simalankirapakarana; and the Simalankarasangaha. To the King, who repeatedly investigated and repeatedly considered this question, the ruling of the Vinaya appeared to be thus: "If it is desired to consecrate a simu on a selected site, whether it be a pakatigamakhetta or a visumjamakhetta, whose boundaries have been defined for the purpose of collecting revenue, 22 Or 1458, A. D. 23 The modern Pegu. These comprise the major part of what are now known as the Bassein, Thongwa, Henzada, Hanthawaddy, Pegu, Shwegyin and Amherst Districts of Lower Burma.
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________________ FEBRUARY, 1893.) KALYANI. INSCRIPTIONS. 35 and which possesses the following characteristics, namely, that it is inaccessible to men and women; that it is favourable to the exercise of the four iriyapathas; that it is not a place subjected to noise; and that the usufructuary right, exercised in respect of it, is capable of support. ing life ;-the branches of trees, &c., connecting that pakatigamakhetta or visungamakhetta with other gamakhettas should be cut down ; and a number of boundary-marks should be placed around the site setected for the consecration of the sima, should such sima be a mahasima, whose extent is difficult to apprehend and whose form is not well defined. If, however, it is desired to consecrate & khuddakasi ma, whose form is triangular, and whose extent is easy to apprehend, three boundary-marks should be placed. But if the form of the sima to be consecrated is square or rectangular, four boundary marks would suffice; and if the form is a polygon, the number of boundary-marks should be in proportion. The connecting branches of trees, &c., which are either within or without the boundary, should be cut down, and the extent of the sima clearly defined. Of all the priests residing within or without the boundary of that gamakhelta, those, who are worthy of the privilege, should be inducted within the hatthapasa, and the declarations of assent of those who are absent, should be received, the remaining priests being excluded from the ganakhetta. For the purpose of guiding travelling prieste, guards should be stationed all round the gamakhatta ; and, in order to notify the fact publicly, flags and streamers should be planted at various places; and the boundaries should be proclaimed three times by the sounding of drums, conch-shells, and other musical instrumente. Eventually, the sima should be consecrated by having the kammavacha read with proper intonation. The consecration of a sima, which is attended by such ceremonies, is inviolable and valid; and the upasampada ordination and other ceremonies, performed in such a sima, are likewise inviolable and valid. The characteristic of an equable rainy season is, that, daring the four months of its continuance, an uninterrapted shower falls once every half month, or every fifth day; that of a deficient rainy season is, that a shower falls after the lapse of a half month; and that of an excessive rainy season is, that the intervening period between one shower and another is less than five days, that is to say, rain falls every fourth, third, or second day, or every day (without interruption). "If, during the four months of an equable rainy season, the under-robe of a bhikkhuni crossing a stream, at any place, whether it be a landing-place or not, is wetted to the extent of one or two finger-breadths, such a stream acquires the status of a nadi. If, during the four months of the rainy season, which is an equable one because of rain falling once every halfmonth, the under-robe of a bhikkhuni crossing a stream, at any place, is wetted, such a stream acquires the status of a mahanadi. If, during the four months of the rainy season, which is an equable one because of rain falling once every tenth day, the under-robe of a bhikkhuni crossing a stream, at any place, is wetted, such a stream acquires the status of a majjhimanadi. If, during the four months of the rainy season, which is an equable one because of rain falling once every fifth day, the under-robe of a bhikkhuni crossing a stream, at any place, is wetted, such a stream acquires the status of a khuddakanadi. "If, during the four months of a rainy season, which is an equable one, the, under-robe of a bhikkhuni crossing a stream, at any place, is wetted, but is not wetted when the rainy season is a deficient one, it should not be declared that such a stream does not acquire the status of a nadi, because a deficient rainy season cannot be the criterion in determining its status. If, 1 wever, during the four months of a rainy season, which is an equable one, the under-robe of a bhikkhuni crossing a stream, at any place, is not wetted, but is wetted when the rainy season is an excessive one, it should not be declared that such a stream acquires the status of & nadi, because an excessive rainy season can neither be the criterion in determining its statas. "A lake is of spontaneous origin. It is not excavated by any one, but is filled with water that flows from all round it. If, during the four months of a rainy season, which is an
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________________ THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. (FEBRUARY, 1899. equable one, there is, in a reservoir of such description, water sufficient for the parpose of drinking or ablution, such a lake acquires the status of a jatassara. If a lake, which satisfies such a condition, when the rainy season is an equable one, does not contain water sufficient for the purpose of drinking or ablution, when the rainy season is a deficient one, or during winter or summer, it should not be declared that such a lake does not acquire the status of a jatasara. "If, during the four months of a rainy season, which is an equable one, a lake does not contain water sufficient for the purpose of drinking or ablution, but satisfies this condition when the rainy season is an excessive one : such a lake does not acquire the status of a jatussara. "This Ramannadesa is a very rainy region, but how could one know that its rainy season is an excessive one? That the rainy season comprises four months is thus declared in the affhakathas :- Yasma hi vassanassa chutrisu masesu. Bat, in this country of Rimannadesa, the rainy season comprises six months. Because it is said that the characteristic of an equable rainy season is, that rain falls every fifth day, methinks that the characteristic of an excessive rainy season is, that rain falls every fourth, third, or second day, or every day (without interruption). " In this country of Ramanvadesa, sometimes once every fourth, third, or second day, or every day (without interruption), sometimes once every seventh or tenth day, the rays of the sun are invisible, and the sky becomes cloudy and murky, and a continuous shower of rain falls. Therefore, it is established beyond doubt that the rainy season of Ramannadesa is an excessive one. "For the reasons stated above, in this country af Ramannadesa, during the four months of an cquable rainy season, when rain falls in the manner described, the under-robe of a bhikkhreni crossing a stream of such description, at any place, is wetted. On such a nahanadi an udakukkhepasima may be consecrated, and the upasampada ordination performed in it will be valid and inviolable. "If, during the four months of an equable rainy season, when rain falls as described above, a lake of such description contains water sufficient for the purpose of drinking or ablution: on such a mahajatassara an uakukkhepasima may be consecrated; and the upasampada ordination performod in it will be valid and inviolable." The following thoughts arose in the mind of Ranadhipati, to whom the valid manner in which a simd should be consecrated, had appeared, as described above : "There are some theras who, wishing to consecrate a sima on a gamakhetta, carry out their object by inducting within the hatthapasa the priests residing inside the boundary, but without effecting purification through the acts of inducting within the hatthapasa, &c., all the priests rosiding on that gamakhetta. The consecration of such a sima by the theras is invalid by reason of parisavipatti. "If, in order to alienate the revenue of a selected place, whoso bonndarios have been defined for the purpose of collecting revenue, and which is situated on a pakaliganakhetta, the boundaries are again defined, and the place itself is given away by the ruling authorities : such a placo acquires the status of a visurigamakhetta. The consecration of a badilhasimu is consummated at the conclusion of the recitation of the kammavachi, and not merely by the proclamation of its boundaries. Therefore, the land referred to abore, which is situated inside the boundary, does not acquate the status of a risterinyama, bocause of its perpetually forming a part and parcel of the yanasima; nor does the sima become a baddhasima, because the lands, both inside and outside the boundary, constitute but one gamasime. If all the priests residing on that very gamasima, who are deserving of the privilago, are not inducted within the hatthapasa; - if the declarations of assent of those, who are entitled to send them, are not received ; if those who doserve exclusion, are not excluded; and, if only the priests residing within the boundary are inducted within the hatthapusa : the consecration of the sima (attended by such ceremonies)
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________________ FEBRUARY, 1893.] KALYANI INSCRIPTIONS. 37 is violable and not in accordance with the law. The upasampada ordination and other ceremonies, performed in such a sima, are void by reason of the invalidity of its consecration. "There are also theras, who ask the ruling authorities to define the boundaries of some place selected by them, but which does not possess the characteristics of a gama. Considering that such a place is a visurigamakhetta, they select a site on it, and consecrate a sima by inducting within the hatthapasa only the priests residing at that place, and not all those residing on the whole of the pakatigamakhetta. The consecration of the sima by these theras is void by reason of parisavipatti. Therefore, because of simavipatti, the upasampada ordination and other ceremonies, performed in such a sima, are invalid. "There are also other theras, who, wishing to consecrate a sima on a gamakhetta, do not ont down the branches of trees, &c., connecting that gamakhetta with others, but carry out their abjent after effecting purification through the act of inducting within the hatthapasa the priests robe on that gamakhetta. By reason of parisavipatti, the consecration of the simu by themest i nyalid. Obverse Face of the second Stone. As there is mutual junction between two baddhusimas, because of their being connected by the branches of trees, &c., so there is mutual junction between a baddhasimi and a gumasima, or between two gamasimas, because of their being connected by the branches of trees, &c. By reason of simavipatti, the upasampada ordination and other ceremonies, performed in such A simu, are void, "There are other theras, who perform the upasampada ordination and other ceremonies in an udakukkhepasimd consecrated on rivers and lakes, that are devoid of their respective characteristics (judged by the conditions prevailing) in the exceedingly rainy region of Ramannadesa. By reason of simavipatti, the upasampada ordination and other ceremonies, performed by these theras, are void. As to this exceedingly rainy region of Ramannadesa: during the four months of an equable rainy season, when rain falls in the manner indicated above, the ander-robe of a bhikkhuni crossing a river, at any place, may not get wet (provided that the prevailing conditions are normal). Bat owing to excessive rainfall in this country, the underrobe will get wet. Judging, therefore, by the wetting of the under-robo, when the rainy season is, as stated before, an equable one, how can it be correct to say that such a river acquires the status of a nadi? Again, during the four months of an equable rainy season, when rain falls in the manner indicated above, a lake may not contain water sufficient for the purpose of drinking or ablation (provided that the prevailing conditions are normal). But, owing to excessive rainfall in this country, during the four months of the rainy season, it will contain water sufficient for the purpose of drinking or ablution. Judging, therefore, by the sufficiency of water in such a lake for the purpose of drinking or ablution, when the rainy season is, as stated before, an equable one, how can it be correct to say that such a lake acquires the status of a jatassara ? "There are also some theras, who, desiring to consecrate a sima on a gamakhetta, cut down the branches of trees, &c., connecting that gamak hetta with others, and carry out their object by inducting within the hatthapasa, &c., all the priests residing inside or outside the bonndary of that gamakhetta. Bat, whenever the upasampada ordination and other ceremonies are per. formed in such a sima, the connecting branches of trees, &c., of that gamasima are not cut down. The upasampada ordination and other ceremonies of these theras are, therefore, void by reason of parisavipatti, caused through the confusion (of boundaries) of such baddhasima and gamasima. If, on the other hand, these theras perform the repasampada ordination and other ceremonies in a valid baddhasima, or on a pakaligamokhatta, or visurigamak hetta, possessing the characteristios of a gama, or on a mahanadi possessing the characteristics of a naii, or on a jatassara possessing the characteristics of a jataseara, or on a samudda possessing the characteristics of a samudda, they may constitute a Chapter ; but the functions, performed by them,
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________________ THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [FEBRUARY, 1893. are void by reason of parisavipatti, caused through their having been ordained in a sima, whose consecration was invalid for the reasons indicated above, or on a visurigamak hetta, that does not possess the characteristics of a gama, or on a khuddakanadi, that does not possess the characteris. tics of a nadi, or on a khuddakajatassara, that does not possess the characteristics of a jatassara." Then King Ramadhipati became aware of the existence of simavipatti and parisaripatti of the upasampada ordination and other ceremonies in Ramaniadesa, and thought thus: "The simavipatti and parisavipatti of the nipasa mpada ordination and other ceremonies appear to me in the manner indicated above. Now, there are, in Ramainadesa and Hatsavati nagara, many priests, who are well-versed in the Tipitaka, learned, and able; and I am not sute whether the simavipatti and parisavipatli of the upasampada ordination and other ceremonies appear to them in the same manner. It is, perhaps, advisable that I should ask all of them to investigate the subject by the light of the interpretation, literal or otherwise, of the VinayapiJaka together with its af!hakathas and fikas, to compare and collate the atthakathas with the pali texts, the tika with the a!thakathas and what follows with what is gone before, and to give an authoritative ruling, based on the Vinaya, as to the valid manner of consecrating a sima." All the priests, who were well-versed in the Tipitaka, were accordingly asked to give an authoritative ruling, based on the Vinaya, as to the valid manner of consecrating a sima. Then, in compliance with the request of King Ramadhipati, all the priests, who were well-versed in the Tipitaka, investigated the subject by the light of the interpretation, literal or otherwise, of the Vinayapilaka, together with its atthakathas and fikus, and, through repeated comparison and collation, perceived the existence of simavipatti and parisavipatti, and communicated to the King the result of their enquiry as to the manner prescribed in the Vinaya. The King said to himself: "The excellent compilers of athakathas have declared that the Religion of Buddba will last 5,000 years; but alas ! only 2,047 years have now passed away since the Enlightened One attained Buddhahood, and the Religion has become impure, tainted with heresy and corruption, and the upasam pada ordination has also become invalid. This being the case, how can the Religion last till the end of 5,000 years P" The King again reflected thus: "Being aware of the impurity, heresy, and corruption, that have arisen in the Religion, methinks that, in order to ensure the continuance of the Religion to the end of the period of 5,000 years, it is essential that it should be purified by resuscitating the pure form of the upasampada ordination. However, if I do not exert myself and remain indifferent, I shall be guilty of not having intense love for, or faith in, the Blessed Fully Enlightened One, and of being devoid of respect and reverence for Him. It is, therefore, I think, expedient that the purification of the Religion should be effected by me. How shall I first call into existence the pure form of the upasampada ordination, and establish it in this country of Ramancadesa ? There are men having faith, belonging to good families, and desirous of receiving such upasampada ordination. If, at my instance, they receive it, the Religion will become purified through the existence of a pure form of the upasampadu ordination." The following were the thoughts that arose in the mind of King Ramadhipati, who considered about the condition of the Religion : "It is said that, in the 26th year26 that had elapsed since the attainment of Parinir. vana by the Fully Enlightened One, Mahamahindathora, who was sent by Moggaliputtatissamahathera, went to Tambapannidipa, and established the Religion. Devanampiyetissa, King of sthaladipa, conceived a feeling of esteem and reverence for the thera, and founded the Mahavihara monastery. During the period of 218 years, 26 tbat elapsed since the foundation of the Mahavihira, the Religion remained pure, and there was only one fraternity, namely, that of the residents of the Mahavihers. Then King Vattagamani>> Or 308 B. O, * This yielda's date, 40 B. C.
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________________ FEBRUARY, 1893.) KALYANI INSCRIPTIONS. 39 Abhaya conquered Dadhiya, King of the Damilas, and attained to kingship in Lankadipa. After founding the Abhayagirivihara monastery, this King was defeated by & confederacy of seven Damila princes, and was obliged to fly the country and remain in hiding for fourteen years. (On his restoration, he invited a thera, called Mahatissa, who had afforded him assistance during his exile, and presented the monastery to him. This Mahatissathera, however, used to associate with lay people, and, for this very offence, had been expelled from the Mahavihara by the fraternity of that monastery. Thenceforward, the priests were divided into two sects, namely, that of the residents of the Mahavihara, and that of the residents of the Abhayagirivihara. "In the 357th year that had elapsed since the foundation of the Abhayagirivihara monastery, a king, called Mahasena, ruled over Lankadipa for 27 years. This king, in the course of his reign, founded the Jetavanavihara monastery, and presented it to Tissathora, a resident of the Dakkhinavihara, who associated with wicked people, and was of an intriguing and licentious character, but for whom he conceived a feeling of esteem and reverence. Thenceforward, the priests of the Jetavanavihara monastery detached themselves from those of the Mahavihara and the Abhayagirivihara monasteries, and thus arose the (third) sect of the residents of the Jetavanavihara monastery. " Thus, 600 years had not yet elapsed since the establishment of the Religion in Lankadipa, when the priests in that Island were divided into three divisions, 27 and three sects were formed. Among these sects, that of the Mahavihira was extremely pure and orthodox; but the remaining two were neither pure nor orthodox. In course of time, however, in Lau kadipa, the number of the orthodox priests gradually decreased, and their sect became weak, while the unorthodox priests continually received fresh accession of strength owing to increased numbers. These heretical sects did not conform to the rules of the Order, and were followers of evil practices. Owing to this circumstance, the Religion became impure, and tainted with heresy and corruption. "In the 1472nd your that had elapsed since the establishment of the Religion in Lankadipa, the 1708th years that had elapsed since the attainment of Parinirvana by the Master, and the 18th year since the inauguration of Maharaja Sirisanghabodhi-Parakkamabahu as ruler of Lankadipa, that king, by seeing the priests, who, though professing the Religion, did not conform to the rales of the Order, and followed evil practices, became aware of the existence of the impurity, heresy, and corruption, that had arisen in the Religion, and he thought thus: **If such an one as I, knowing the existence of the impnrity, heresy, and corruption, that have arisen in the Religion, do not exert myself and remain indifferent in the matter of effecting its porification, it will be said of me that my love for, or faith in, the Fully Enliglutened One, and my respect and reverence for Him, are not intense. It is, perhaps, expedient that I should afford support to the Mahavihara fraternity, who are orthodox, whose conduct is in conformity with the rules of the Order, and whose superior is Mahakassapathera of Udumbaragiri; and that, as Asoka, King of Righteousness, with the assistance of Moggaliputtatissamahathera, afforded support to the great fraternity of exceedingly pure and orthodox priests, who declared that the Fully Enlightened One was a Vibhajja vadi, and effected the purification of the Religion by commanding the expulsion from the Order of the 60,00impure and sinful priests who declared that the Fully Enlightened One professed the doctrines of the Sassata and other schools, even so, should I purify the Religiou by commanding the expulsion from the Order of the large number of impure, unorthodox, and sinful priests, who do not conform to the rules of the Order, and are followers of evil practices, and by constituting the fraternity of the residents of the Mahavihara, the only sect (in my kingdom).' 357 = 602 11 I.e., before 292 A. D. The 600 years must have nearly elapsed, however, because 218 + 27 years as the date of Mahasena's death. 35 This yielas the date 1164 A. D.
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________________ THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [FEBRUARY, 1893. "The King acted accordingly, purified the Religion, and caused a covenant to be entered into by the priests. In after times, with a view to purifying the Religion, Vijayabahuraja and Parakkamabahuraja caused (similar) covenants to be made. "From that time up to the present day, there has been existing in Lankadipa, a sect of priests, who are the spiritual successors of the fraternity of the Mahavihara, the exceedingly pure and orthodox sect, whose members conformed, in a proper manner, to the rules of the Order. "I (Ramadhipati) shall, therefore, invite, in a respectful manner, learned and qualified priests to receive the extremely pure form of the upasampada ordination in Lankadipa, and to establish it in this country of Ramannadesa. By inducing men of good family, who have faith, and are desirous of taking orders, to receive it, and by thus calling into existence the pure form of the upasampada ordination, the Religion will become purified and free from impurity, and will last to the end of the period of 5,000 years." Accordingly, King Ramadhipati invited the twenty-two theras, headed by Mog. galana, and addressed them tbus: "Reverend Sirs, the upasampada ordination of the priests in Ramannadesa now appears to us to be invalid. Therefore, how can the Religion, which is based on such invalid ordination, last to the end of 5,000 years ? Reverend Sirs, from the establishment of the Religion in Shaladipa up to the present day, there has been existing in that island an exceedingly pure sect of priests, who are the spiritual successors of the residents of the Mahavihara monastery. If, Reverend Sirs, you go to Sthaladipa, and, after selecting out of the fraternity, whose members are the spiritual successors of the priests of the Maha, vihira, a Chapter, who are pure and free from censure and reproach, receive at their hands the upasampada ordination in the udakukkhepasimt consecrated on the Kalyani River, where the Fully Enlightened One enjoyed a bath; and, if you make this form of the upasampala ordination the seed of the Religion, as it were, plant it, and cause it to spront forth by conferring such ordination on men of good family in this country of Ramanoadesa, who have faith and are desirous of taking orders, the Religion will become pure and last till the end of 5,000 years. "Reverend Sirs, by your going to Sthaladipa, much merit and great advantages will accrue to you. Reverend Sirs, on your arrival in Sihaladipa, an opportunity will be afforded you of adoring and making offerings to the Holy Tooth Relic, to the Bodhi trees, headed by the one which was the Southern branch (of the tree at Buddha Gaya), to the Ratanachetiya and other shrines, and to the Chetiya of the Holy Foot-print of the Blessed One on the top of the Samantakuta Hill. Therefore, Reverend Sirs, your great accumulation of merit will increase. For the reasons stated above, I beseech of you the favour of going to Sthaladipa." To this the theras replied: "Maharaja, your excellent request is, indeed, in conformity with the law, because it is actuated by a desire to promote the interests of the Religion. The visit to Sthaladipa will increase our great accumulation of merit. We, therefore, grant you the favoar, and will visit Sihaladipa." Saying thus, the theras gave a promise. On receiving the reply of the theras, the King directed the preparation of the following articles to serve as offerings to the Holy Tooth Relic :-- stone alms-bowl, embellished with sapphires of great value, and having for its cover a pyramidal covering made of gold weighing 50 phalas; an alms-bowl, with stand and cover complete, made of gold weighing 60 phalas; & golden vase weighing 30 phalas; a duodecagonal betel-box made of gold weighing 30 phalas; a golden relic-receptacle weighing 33 phalas, and constructed in the shape of a chetiya; a relic-receptacle made of crystal; a relic-receptacle, embellished with pieces of glass resem. bling masdragalla gems; and golden flowers. For the purpose of offering to the Ratanachetiya and other shrines, to the Holy Foot-print, and to the twenty-two Bodhi trees, the following articles were prepared :-85 canopies of various colours ; 50 large, gilt, waxen candles; and the same pumber of small, gilt, waxen candles,
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________________ FEBRUARY, 1893.] KALYANI INSCRIPTIONS. For presenting to the mahatheras of Sihaladipa the following articles were prepared : -40 boxes containing cotton cloth of delicate texture; 20 silk and cotton uppur robes of various colours, namely, red, yellow, motley, and white; 20 betel-boxes of motley colour, manufactured in Haribhunja; four stone "pitchers ; eight painted pitchers manufactured in Chinadese; and 20 fans manufactured in Chinadesa. Rimadhipatirija, the Lord of Ramannadesa and of the White Elephant, sent respectful greeting to Their Reverences the Mahatheras of Sihaladipa, and thus addressed them by letter: " Reverend Sirs, for the purpose of adoring the Holy Tooth and other Relics I have sent priests with offerings. Voucbsafe to afford them assistance in making such offerings. With the twenty-two theras and their disciples, I have sent Chitraduta and RAmaduta together with their attendants. Vouchsafe, Venerable Ones, to afford them such assistance as they may require in seeing and adoring the Holy Tooth Relic and making offerings to it. After seeing and adoring the Holy Tooth Relic, and making offerings to it, the twenty-two theras and their disciples will proceed to elect from among the fraternity, who are the spiritual successors of the residents of the Mahavihara monastery, a Chapter of priests, who are free from censure and reproach, and will receive at their hands the upasampada ordination in the udakukkhepasima consecrated on the Kalya i River, where the Blessed One had enjoyed a bath. May it please the Venerable Ones to afford them assistance also in this matter PM Thus was prepared a letter addressed to the mahdtheras of Sihaladipa. The following articles were prepared for presentation to Bhavanekababu, King of Sihaladipa :-two sapphires valued at 200 phalas of silver ; two rabies valued at 430 phalas ; four pieces of variegated China cloth, of great value, for making long mantles, which would cover the wearer from neck to foot; three pieces of thick, embroidered China cloth, of white and dark blue or ash colour; two pieces of plain, thick, China cloth, of white and dark blue or ash colour; one piece of plain, white, thick, China cloth; two pieces of green, thick, embroidered, China cloth; one piece of plain, green, thick, China cloth; two pieces of plain, black, China cloth; one piece of yellow, thick, embroidered China cloth; one piece of red, thin, embroidered, China cloth, of delicate textaze; one piece of thin, embroidered, China cloth, of delicate texture, and of white and dark blue, or ash colour: in all, 20 pieces of China cloth; the same number of variegated silk cloths called pavitti, and 200 mats wrapped up in leather cases. The letter addressed to Bhavanekabahy, King of Sthaladips, was in import similar to that addressed to the mahitheras of that Island, and was inscribed on a tablet of gold. Having thus prepared everything that was necessary, the King presented the twenty-two theras with the following articles :-44 boxes of fine cotton cloth for making the tichivara robes ; 22 carpets made of the wool of Marammadesa ; 22 variegated leathern rugs; 22 variegated Haribhunja betel-boxes, with covers; and many other articles required for food and for medi. cinal purposes on the voyage. The twenty-two priests, who were the disciples of the theras, were each presented with a piece of cloth called kasiputta, and a thick, embroidered, carpet manufactured in Marammadesa. The twenty-two thoras and their disciples were consigned to the care of the two emissaries, Chitradata and Ramadata, into whose hands were likewise delivered the abovementioned offerings intended for the Holy Relics, the letter and presents for the mahatheras of Sthaladipa, and the letter inscribed on a tablet of gold and presents for Bhevanekabaha, King of that Island. Two hundred phalas of gold were given to the emissaries for the purpose of providing the twenty-two theras and their disciples with the 'four requisites,' should any mishap, such as scarcity of food, arise. The eleven theras, headed by Moggalanathore, together with their disciples, were embarked in the same ship & Ramadata ; while the remaining eloven thoras, headed by Mahasivalithera, together with their disciples, wore ombarked in the same ship as Chitradata.
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________________ THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. (FEBRUARY, 1893. Reverse Pace of the second Stone. The ship, in which Ramadata embarked, left the mouth of the Yoga 20 River on Sunday, the 11th day of the dark half of the month Magha 887, Sakkaraj, and went out to sea The ship, in which Chitraduta embarked, however, left the mouth of the same river on Monday, the 12th day of the dark half of the same month, and going out to sea, reached, through skilful navigation, the port of Kalambu on the 8th day of the dark half of the month Phaggupa. When Bhuvanekabahu, King of Sthaladipa, heard the news of the arrival of the ship), he, on the new-moon uposatha day of the month Phagguna, directed that a welcome be accorded to the eleven theras and Chitradata. He was exceedingly delighted when he had heard the letter read out, which was inscribed on a tablet of gold, and brought by Chitraduta, and which was sent by RamAdhipatimaharaja, who was replete with faith and many other good qualities and who, being a descendant of Lords of White Elepbants, was himself Lord of a White Elephant, which was possessed of all the characteristics (of such animals), and whose colour was very much whiter than that of a conchshell, the jasminum multiflorun, the white-lily, or the autumnal moon, The King (of Sibaladipa), having exchanged the compliments of friendship and civility with the theras and Chitraduta, arose from bis seat, and with his own hands, offered them betel-leaf with camphor. He likewise had arrangements made for the entertainment of the theras and Chitradata. On the following day Chitraduta delivered to the mahdtheras of Sthaladipe the letter and the presents sent by Ramadhipatimabaraja; and the maha theras, saying: "Wbatsoever is pleasing to Ramadhipatimaharaja, that will we perform," gave a promise. The eleven theras, who embarked in the same ship as Chitradota, perceiving the non-arrival of their brethren, wbo embarked in the same ship as Ramadata, reflected : " With the permission of the King of Sibaladipa, we shall remain in the Island of Lankadipa, awaiting the arrival of these theras." They accordingly asked permission from the King, and remained there awaiting the arrival of the theras, who embarked in the same ship as Ramadata. Mennwhile, the ship in which Ramadata embarked, missed the route to Anuradhapura, and meeting with adverse winds, performed a difficult voyage, and it was not till Sunday, the 9th day of the light half of the month Chitra, that she reached Valligama. Now, at Valligama, resided a Shala minister, called Garavi, who had rebelled against the King. At the time of the arrival of the ship, the younger brother of the King of Siha?adipa had proceeded by ship to the same village, accompanied by many other ships conveying armed men, in order to fight the rebel minister. The latter was stricken with terror, and, being unable to defend himself, fled the village and sought refage in a forest. The village having fallen into his hands, the King's brother took up his residence there. The soldiers of the rebel minister remained in Iriding at various places between Valligama and Jayavaddhananagara, and were a source of danger to the people who passed by that way. Owing to this circumstance, the King's brother withheld permission from the theras and Ramad@ta, who were desirous of going to Jayavaddhanagara. However, on the second day of the dark half of the first of the two months of Asalha, 888, Sakkaraj, permission was obtained and the theras and Ramadata loft Valligams. After passing five days on the journey, they arrived at Jayavaddhananagara on the 8th day. When Bhuvanekabahu, King of Sihatadipa, heard about the arrival of the theras and Ramad uta, he directed that a welcome be accorded to them. After he bad heard read out the letter of Ramadhipatimahara ja, inscribed on a tablet of gold, which was brought by Ramaduta, >> The Pega River.
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________________ FEBRUARY, 1893.] KALYANI INSCRIPTIONS. he was delighted, and, in the manner indicated above, exchanged with the theras and Ramaduta the compliments of friendship and civility, and had arrangements made for their entertainment. On the following day, Ramaduts delivered to the mahatheras of Sthaladipa the letter and presents sent by the King, who was the Lord of Hamsavatinagara; and all the mahatheras gave a promise to Ramadata similar to that given by them to Chitraduta. After a month had elapsed from that date, the theras, who embarked in the same ship as Chitradata, visited Anuradhapura, and adored the Ratanacbetiya, Marichivattichetiya, Thuparamachetiya, Abhayagirichetiya, Silachetiya, Jetavanachetiya, and the Mahabodhi tree, which was the Southern branch of the tree at Buddha Gaya), and saw the Lobapasada. They likewise, to the extent of their ability, removed grass, creepers, and shrubbery found growing in the court-yards of the various chetiyas, and cleaned their walls. After fulfilling such religious duties as were performed subsequent to making offerings, they returned and arrived at Jayavaddhapanagara. The Sihala King now thought that the time had arrived for him to exhibit the Holy Tooth Relic for the adoration of all the theras, who had come by the two ships. On Sunday, the 1st day of the dark all of the second month Asalha, and the day on which vassa residence was entered upon, he had the whole of the tower containing the receptacle of the Holy Tooth Relio decorated, had a canopy of cloth put up, and had an offering made of scents, lights, incense, and flowers. The mahatheras of Sihaladips were set apart on one side, while the twenty-two theras and their disciples, who had come by the two ships, together with Chitraduta and Ramadata, were invited to be present. The Holy Tooth Relic, contained in a golden receptacle, was brought out in order that the twenty-two theras, and ChitradUta and Ramadata might see and adore it, and make offerings to it. Then the Sihala King, calling to mind the letter of Ramadhipatiraja, had the Holy Tooth Relic deposited in the golden relicreceptacle sent by the latter, and had a white umbrella placed over it. The golden vessel containing the Relic, the golden vase, and the golden duodecagonal betel-box were deposited together, and shown to the twenty-two theras, and Chitraduta and Ramaduta. "Reverend Sirs, and Chitradu ta and Ramaduta, may it please you to let me know the purport of the letter of the Lord of the White Elephant ?" asked the Sihala King, who, saying to himself : " Whatsoever may be the purport of the letter of the Lord of the White Elepbant, I shall act accordingly," issued commands to the Sihala ministers and directed the construction of a bridge of boats on the Kalykni River, where the Blessed One had enjoyed & bath. A tower and a canopy of cloth were erected on the bridge, and various kinds of hanging awnings were likewise pat up. Vidagamamahathera was requested to elect from among the fraternity of priests, who were the spiritual successors of the residents of the Mahavihara monastery, & Chapter, who were free from censure and reproach ; and he accordingly elected a Chapter of twenty-four priests such as DhammakittimahathereVanarstanamahathera, Panchaparivenavasi-mangalathere, and Sibalarajayuvarajachariyathers. Having thus had a bridge of boats constructed, and a Chapter of priests elected, the King invited the twenty-four ordaining priests, headed by Dhammakittimahathera, on Wednesday, the 11th day of the dark half of the month of second Asalha, and had them conducted to the bridge of boats, and had the forty-four priests of Ramannadesa ordained by them. In conformity with the custom followed by the Sibala mahdtheras of old, whenever priests from foreign countries were ordained, the forty-four priests of Ramannadesa were first established in the condition of laymen, and then admitted to the Order as sumaneras through the act of Vanaratanamahathera, who presented them with yellow robes, and accepted their profession of faith in the Three Refuges.' On the night of Wednesday, Ave theras, namely, Moggalanathera, Kumarakassapathera, Mahasivalithera, Sariputtathors, and Nanasegarathera were ordained in the presence of the Chapter of the twenty-four priests, Dhammakittimahathera and Pan
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________________ 44 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [FEBRUARY, 1893. chaparivenavasi-mangalathera being respectively the upajjhaya and achariya. On the night of Thursday, the 12th, ten theras, namely, Sumanathera, Kassapathera, Nandathera, Rahulathera, Buddhavamsathera, Sumangalathera, Khujjanandathora, Sonuttarathera, Gunasagarathera, and Dhammarakkhitathera, were ordained, Vanaratanamahathera and Panchaparivenavasi-mangalathera being respectively the upajjhaya and achariya. In the course of the day on Friday, the 13th, seven theras, namely, Chulasumangalathera, Javanapannathera, Chulakassapathera, Chulasivalithera, Manisarathera, Dhammarajikathera, and Chandanasarathera were ordained, Vanaratanamahathera and Panchaparivenavasi-mangalathera being respectively the upajjhaya and achariya. On Saturday, the 14th, the twenty-two young priests, who were the disciples of the theras were ordained, Panchaparivenavasi-mangalathera and Sihalarajayuvarajachariyathera being respectively the upajjhaya and achariya. When the twenty-two theras of Ramannadesa had been ordained, the Sihala King invited them to a meal, at the end of which, he presented each of them with the following articles :three yellow robes; a curtain and a canopy manufactured in the country of Gocharati ; a leathern mat painted in variegated colours; a fan shaped like a palmyra-fan, but made of ivory, carved by a skilful turner; and a betel-box. Then the Sihala King said: "Reverend Sirs, you will return to Jambudipa and maintain the Religion in splendour in Hamsavatipura. If, Reverend Sirs, I present you with any other gifts, no reputation would accrue to me, because such gifts are subject to speedy decay and dissolution. Therefore, I shall now confer titles on you. If, Reverend Sirs, this is done, such titles would last throughout your lifetime." So saying, he conferred on the eleven theras who embarked in the same ship as Ramaduta, namely, Moggalanathera, Kumarakassapathera, Nanasagarathera, Buddhavamsathera, Nandathera, Rahulathera, Sumangalathera, Dhammarakkhitathera, Chulasumangalathera, Kassapathers, and Manisarathera, the following titles respectively: Sirisaighabodhisami, Kittisirimeghasami, Parakkamabahusami, Buddhaghosasami, Sihaladipavisuddhasami, Gunaratanadharasami, Jinalan karasami, Ratanamalisami, Saddhammatejasumi, Dhammaramasami, and Bhuvanekabahusami. On the eleven theras, who embarked in the same ship as Chitradata, namely, Mahasivalithera, Sariputtathera, Sumanathera, Chulakassapathera, Chulanandathera, Sonuttarathera, Gunasagarathera, Javanapannathera, Chulasivalithera, Dhammarajikathera, and Chandanasarathera, the following titles were respectively conferred: Tilokagurusami, Sirivanaratanasami, Mangalatherasami, Kalyanitissasami, Chandanagirisami, Siridantadhatusami, Vanavasitissasami, Ratanalankarasami, Mabadevasami, Udumbaragirisami, and Chulabhayatissasami. The eleven theras, who embarked in the same ship as Ramaduta, together with the latter, left Jayavaddhananagara and returned to Valligama. The eleven theras, who embarked in the same ship as Chitraduta, however, returned to Jayavaddhananagara, after adoring the Padavalapjachetiya, called the Siripada, which is situated on the top of the Samantakuta Hill. The eleven theras, who had returned to Valligama, embarked on Wednesday, the second day of the light half of the month Bhadda, and returning home, arrived at the mouth of the Yoga River on Thursday, the second day of the dark half of the same month. When Ramadhipatiraja, received the tidings that the theras, who embarked in the same ship as Ramadata, had arrived at the mouth of the Yoga River, he bethought himself: Considering that these theras visited Sihaladipa at my solicitation, and that they are the inaugurators of the upasamtpada ordination, it would not be proper to send any of my officials to welcome them. It would, indeed, be appropriate that I should myself welcome them on my return from Tigumpanagara,30 where, on the mahapavarana day, which falls on the full-moon day of Assayuja, I shall present the chetiya containing the Hair Relics of the Fully Enlightened se Rangoon.
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________________ KALYANI INSCRIPTIONS. FEBRUARY, 1893.] One, obtained during His life-time, with a large bell made of brass, weighing 3,000 tolas." Agreeably with this thought, he wrote a letter saying: "As I am visiting Tigumpanagara, may it please the Venerable Ones to remain in that town ?" And, after making arrangements for their entertainment, he had them disembarked from their sea-going vessel and conveyed to Tigumpanagara in river-boats. 45 Meanwhile, the eleven theras, who embarked in the same ship as Chitraduta, missed the appointed time favourable for returning to Ramannadesa, because the Sihala King had said to them: "Reverend Sirs, it is my desire to send an emissary to Ramadhipatimaharaja, the Lord of the White Elephant, with presents, including a religious gift in the shape of an image of the Holy Tooth Relic, embellished with a topaz and a diamond, valued at a hundred phalas, which were constantly worn by my father, Parakkamabahumaharaja. When the vessel, now being fitted out for my emissary, is ready, an opportunity will be afforded to her of sailing in the company of your ship. May it please your Reverences to postpone your departure till then?" The eleven theras and Chitraduta, therefore, waited for the emissary of the Sihala King and anchored their ship at the port of Kalambu. Meanwhile, a violent wind, called paradha, arose and sank in the sea the large sea-going vessel, in which passengers had already embarked. When the Sihala King received the intelligence that Chitradata's ship had foundered in the sea, he said thus to the theras and Chitraduta: "If you have no ship, you might embark in the same ship as my emissary, and return home." Accordingly, the theras and Chitraduta, together with his attendants, embarked in the same ship as the emissary of the Sihala King and left the port of Kalambu. Sailing out to mid-ocean, the ship continued her course through the Straits of Silla, which lies between Sihaladipa and Jambudipa. After three nights had elapsed since the ship left the port of Kalamba, she was wrecked by a violent storm, and, immersed in sea-water, she remained fast between the jutting peaks of rocks. All the passengers, realizing their inability to extricate the ship from amidst the rocks, collected all the timber and bamboos that happened to be in her, and, constructing a raft of them, and embarking on it, crossed to the coast of Jambudips, which was close by. Having lost the presents, the emissary of the Sihala King returned to Sihaladipa. The theras and Chitraduta, however, travelled on foot to Nagapattana, and there visited the site of the Padarikarama monastery, and worshipped the image of Buddha in a cave, constructed by command of the Maharaja of Chinadess on the spot, on the sea-shore, where the Holy Tooth Relic was deposited in the course of its transit to Lankadipa in the charge of Dandakumara and Hemamala, who were husband and wife. Thence they travelled on to the port of Navutapattana. At this port resided Malimparakaya and Pacchaliya, two intendants of the port, who annually sent two ships for trading purposes (to Ramanifadesa.) In doing so, they sent presents for Ramadhipatimaharaja, and thus, because of their having exchanged with him the compliments of friendship and civility, they conceived feelings of great respect and honour for him. Owing to this circumstance, they provided the theras with food, clothing, and residence, and treated them with much reverence. Chitraduita was likewise provided with clothing, food, and lodgings. The intendants of the port then said: "Reverend Sirs, when our ships start from this port, may it please you to embark in them in order to be once more near the Lord of the White Elephant ?" Accordingly, the four theras, namely, Tilokagurathera, Ratanalankarethera, Mahidevathera, and Chulabhayatissathera, and their four disciples resided with them. The remaining seven theras, however, saying: "We shall embark, together with the seven priests, in a ship at Komalapattana," went and resided at that port. On Wednesday, the fourth day of the light half of the month Visakha, 839, Bakkaraj, the three theras, namely, Tilokaguruthera, Ratanalankarathera, and Mahadevathera, Negapatan.
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________________ THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. embarked in the ship belonging to Malimparakaya, while Chulabhayatissathera embarked in the ship belonging to Pacchaliya, and they left Navutapattana. Of these theras, the three, who embarked in the same ship. reached the mouth of the river, which takes its source in the Nagarasi Mountain. on Friday, the 12th day of the dark half of the month Visakha, and arrived at Kusimanagara on Tuesday, the 1st day of the light half of the month Jettha. Chulabhayatissathera, however, arrived at Hamsavatinagara on Tuesday, the 13th day of the light half of the month Asalha. 46 [FEBRUARY, 1895. Of the seven theras, who, together with the seven priests, went and resided at Komalapattana, Mangalathera, accompanied by his own attendant priest, as well as by those of Vanaratanathera, and Siridantadhatuthera, embarked in a ship, commanded by Binda, and left Komalapattana on Wednesday, the new-moon day of the month Bhadda, 841, Sakkaraj. They reached the mouth of the river, which takes its source in the Nagarasi Mountain on Friday, the 1st day of the light half of the month Kattika, and, touching at Kusimanagara on Monday, the 11th, eventually arrived at Har savatinagara on Friday, the 14th day of the dark half of the month Kattika. The remaining six theras and the four young priests had been dead, as they were unable to obviate the consequences of demerit and the course of the law of mortality, to which all living beings are subject. Alas! "Whatever is material is subject to change and dissolution." Obverse face of the third Stone. On Thursday, the 8th day of the light half of the month Assayuja, 888, Sakkaraj Ramadhipatimaharaja, with the object of presenting a great bell to the Kesadhatuchetiya,34 embarked on a barge surmounted by a golden spire, and, escorted by a number of boats, headed by golden boats, such as the indavimana, proceeded to Tigumpanagara. On Tuesday, the 13th day of the light half of the month Assayuja, the day of his arrival at Tigumpanagara, he invited the eleven theras, who embarked in the same ship as Ramaduta, and served them with various kinds of delicious food. He likewise presented each of them with two couples of cloths for their tichivara robes, and, having exchanged with them the customary compliments of friendship and civility, commanded that their residence be shown to them. Ramadhipatimaharaja had grand festivals held for three days; and on Thursday, the day of mahapavarana, the great bell was conveyed to the quadrangle of the Kesadhatachetiya, in order that it might be presented to it. On Friday, the 1st day (after the day of mahapavarara), offerings were made to the priests residing in Tigumpanagara, and the King commanded that largess be given to paupers, way-farers, and beggars. On Sunday, the 3rd day (of the dark half of the same month), eleven boats were adorned in a reverent manner, and ministers were sent to escort the theras. Having thus made preparations for escorting the theras, Ramadhipatiraja left Tigumpanagara on the morning of Monday, the fourth day, and, reaching, in due course, Hamsavatinagara on Friday, the eighth day, entered the bejewelled palace, which was his home. The theras, however, halted a day at a ferry near the Mahabuddharapa;35 and on Sunday, the tenth day, ministers were sent with many boats appropriately adorned, with various kinds of flags and streamers flying, and with the sounding of gongs and many other kinds of musical instruments, to wait upon the theras, who, on their arrival, were ushered into the palace. When the theras had entered the Royal Palace, called the Ratanamandira, they presented Ramadhipatimaharaja with the following articles :-a casket containing the sandal wood powder, with which the Holy Tooth Relic was besmeared; an image of the Holy Tooth Relic; some branches, leaves, and seeds of the Bodhi tree; a treatise giving an account of the purification of the Religion effected by Sirisanghabodbi-Parakkamabahumaharaja, Vijayabahumaharaja, and 33 Negrais. 38 Bassein. * The Shwedagon Pagoda at Bangoon. The Kyaikpun Pagoda near Pegu.
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________________ FEBPUARY, 1893.] KALYANI INSCRIPTIONS. 47 Parakkamabahumabaraja ; a treatise setting forth the covenants entered into, at the solicitation of the said kings by the priesthood for the observance of the Order ; & letter sent by the Sihala theras and a book recording the covenants entered into by them; a book of gathas written by Vanaratanamahathera ; and a letter from the Sthala King, Bhivanekabahu. Ramadipatimaharaja accorded a gracious greeting to the eleven theras, and commanded his ministers to escort each of them to his monastery with many flags and streamers flying, and with the sounding of gongs and many other kinds of musical instruments. Then the following thonghts arose in the mind of RamadhipatimahAraja: "These eleven theras visited Sthaladipa, and have now returned bringing from thence the pare form of the vpasampada ordination. In this city of Hamsavati, there does not exist any pare baddhasimd, nor any mahanadi possessing the characteristics of a nadi, nor any mahajatassara possessing the characteristics of a jataseara, nor any gamakhetta whose purification can easily be effected. Where can these theras perform such ecclesiastical ceremonies as uposatha or upasampada ordination ? "Surely, it is proper that I should cause a search made for a small gamak hetta, that can easily be guarded, and there have a baddhasima properly consecrated by these theras. If this is done, they will be in a position to perform, in that sima, sach ecclesiastical ceremonies as uposatha or upasampada ordination." Ramadhipatiraja accordingly sent his attendants to search for a gd makhetta answering the description. During the course of their search, the King's attendants found on the skirts of a forest to the west of a mahachtiya, oalled Mudhave, & gamakhetta belonging to the Minister Narasura, which was small and could easily be guarded; and they reported accordingly to the King. Ramudhipatiraja personally inspected the site, and considered that it was a gamakhetta, which could easily be guarded, and was an appropriate spot for the consecration of a sima. The ground of a selected place on that land was cleared of jungle, the site of the proposed sima was marked out, and a house was built in the middle of that site. The inside and outside of that house, as well as the site of the proposed sima, and a selected place outside that site, were smeared with cow-dung. Then & fencing was erected enclosing the whole place on its four sides, and four openings with doors were constructed. In order to obviate the junction of that gamakhetta with others around it, the means of connection, such as the branches of trees, &c., both on the ground below, and in the air above, were cut down, and a small trench, about a span in depth and the same in width, was dag. Not far from the site of the proposed simd, and on its west side, & monastery, & refectory, a lavatory, and a privy were constructed for the use of the eleven theras, who were to perform the ecclesiastical ceremony; and they were invited to take up their residence in that monastery. Ramadhipatiraja again reflected: "The eleven theras, and the eleven young priests, who are their disciples, have returned from Sihaladipa after receiving there the exceedingly pure form of the upasampada ordination. It would, however, be as well that I should enquire as to whether these theras and their disciples are free from censure and reproach. Should any of them be not free from censure and reproach, their exclusion, in spite of their having received the exceedingly pure form of the upasampada ordination from the Chapter of priests appointed to consecrate the sima, would be pleasing to us; because a sima constitutes the basis of the Religion, and also because the inclusion of priests, who are not free from censure and reproach, though they may have received the pare form of the upasampada ordination in the Chapter consecrating a sima, would, in after times, afford matter for objection to the enemies of the Religion." Accordingly, the King sent learned men to institute enquiries. On enquiry it was found that, previons to their receiving the Siha!a form of the upasampada ordination, one thera and four young priests were not free from a measure of censure and reproach, which was not of a grave character, but only of a trivial nature ; and the matter was reported to the King. Rimadhipatiraja was, however, determined to maintain the Religion in extreme purity, and excluded
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________________ 48 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [FEBRUARY, 1893. (from the Chapter) the thora, together with his disciple, as well as the four young priests, who, before receiving the pure form of the upasampada ordination, were not free from a measure of censure and reproach, which was not of a grave character, but only of a trivial nature. The King then resolved that the remaining ten thoras and the six young priests, who had received the exceedingly pare. form of the upasampada ordination, and were free from the smallest measure of consure and reproach, were qualified to constitute a Chapter for the consecration of the simd. When the time approached for the consecration of the simd, out of these (ton) theras Ganaratanadharather, on the plea of illness, returned to his own monastery, accompanied by his papil, and remained there. Therefore, the nine theras, namely, Siripanghabodhisami, Kittisirimoghasami, Parakkamabahusami, Buddhagheasami, Jinalankarasami, Ratangmalisami, Saddhammatejas&mi, Sudhammaramasami, and Bhavanokabahusami, and their disciples, the five young priests, namely, Sangharakkhita, Dhammavilase, Uttars, Uttama, and Dhammasara, -in all, fourteen priests-took up their residence in the monastery built on the west side of the site of the proposed sima. Then the King, who was desirous of having a sima consecrated, came to the following conclusion: "If, at a place, where priests desire to consecrate s sima, there does not exist an ancient simi, the sima consecrated, at that place, is valid ; but, if otherwise, the new sima is null and void, because of the doubtful defect of the junction and overlapping of simds. Therefore, it is only by the desecration of the ancient sima at that place, that the validity of the new sima to be consecrated, can be secured. For this reason, previous to the consecration of a sima, the ceremony of desecrating the sima (wbich-may possibly exist on the site), should be performed." The King accordingly had preparations made for performing the ceremony of desecrating the existing) simd in accordance with the procedure expressly laid down in the atthakatha. "Priests, an avippavdsasime may thus be desecrated by means of the tiohivara." There are certain conditions to be observed by a priest desecrating a simd. The following are the conditions. Standing on a khandasima, a mahasima, called avippavasasima, should not be desecrated; and similarly, standing on a mahasima, called avippavasasima, a lohandasima should not be desecrated. It is only when standing on a khandasima that another khandasima may be desecrated; and the same rule applies mutatis mutandis to the other class of sima. A sima is desecrated for two reasons, namely, (i) in order to make a mahasima of one, which is originally a khuddakasima, with a view that its ares may be extended; (ii) in order to make a khuddaka. sima of one, which is originally a mahasima, with a view that sites for monasteries may be granted to others. If, at the place of desecration, the existence of both khandasima and mahasima, called avippavasa sima, is known, a sima may be desecrated or consecrated. If, however, the existence of a khandasima is known, but not that of a mahasim, called avippavasasi'ma, a sima may be desecrated or consecrated. If, on the other hand, the existence of a mahasina, called avippavasasimd, is known, but not that of a khandasimd, it is only by standing on such places as the premises of a chatiya, a bodhi tree, or an uposatha hall, which are undoubtedly outside the limits of an avippavasasimd), that a sima may be desecrated; but by no means can it be consecra ted. If, however, a sima is consecrated, there will be a janction of simds, and a viharasima will be transformed into an avih drasina. Therefore, the ceremony of desecration should not be performed. If the existence of both kinds of simnas is unknown, neither desecration nor consecration should be effected. A sima is invalidated by means of the kammavacha, or through the declension of the Roligion, or because those, who do not know a sima, are incompetent to recite the kammavach. Therefore, desecration should not be effected. Because it is said that it is only when (the different classes of simas) are well-known, that desecration or consecration may be effected, priests desiring to desecrate & sima, and who are aware of either the existence of an ancient simd or its extent, may, by stationing there duly qualified prieste, desecrato an
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________________ FEBRUARY, 1893.] KALYANI INSCRIPTIONS. 49 ancient sima or consecrate a new one. The interpretation appears to be that, if the extent of an ancient sima is unknown, that simd cannot be desecrated, nor can a new one be consecrated. But the Vimativinodani says: "There are some theras, who, in the case of such viharasimus, would convene a Chapter of five or six priests, would station them in a continuous row of places, which are each about the size of a bedstead, and whose distances are determined by the fall, all round, of stones thrown, first from the extremity of the viharasimd, and then towards the inside and outside of its limits, and would successively desecrate an avippavusasima, and I samanasarivasakasima. If either a khandasima or a mahasima exists on that vihdra, the priests standing, as they do, in the midst of the simas, would, from a manchafthana, certainly desecrate that sima, and the gamasimd would remain. In this matter, it is not essential to know the sima or its extent. But it is necessary for the reciters of the kammavacha to say: We shall desecrate the inside of a simu,' and to act accordingly). "It is stated in the otthalatha that those, who are aware of the existence of a lchandasima, but not that of an avippavlisasimi, are qualified to effect both desecration and consecration, and that thus, although the extent of a mahasima is unknown, desecration may be effected. On the authority of this statement, they say that at any selected spot on the remaining gamasima, it is appropriate to consecrate the two kinds of simas and to perform the upasampada ordination and such other ceremonies. This dictum appears to be correct; but it should be accepted after due enquiry." The interpretation of these theras, therefore, appears to be correct. With regard, however, to the desecration of a sima with an ordinary, but not a great, amount of exertion, by those, to whom the performance of the ceremony is difficult, because of their not knowing the existence of an ancient sima or its extent, it is said in the atthakatha: "If both classes of sima are not known, the sima should not be desecrated or consecrated." This dictum does not, however, mean to indicate that, although the existence of the sima to be desecrated may not be known, if great exertion is put forth that sind will not be desecrated. If, at a place where a new sima is desired to be consecrated, the existence of an ancient sima, or its extent, is unknown; if, at selected spots within and without the places suitable for the fixing of the boundary-marks of the new sima to be consecrated, allotments of space, each measuring about four or five cubits in length are marked out in rows or groups; and, if duly qualified priests station themselves in the said continuous rows of the allotments of space, and effect the desecration of a sima : how can there be no desecration of the existing ancient sima at that place, and how can only the gamasimu be not left? The King, therefore, had the ceremony of desecrating a sima performed in the following manner : On the inside of the places, suitable for fixing the boundary-marks of the new sima to be consecrated, allotments of space of five cubits each in length and the same in breadth were marked out, and allotments of similar dimensions were marked out also on the outside ; and, by means of a line drawn with lime or chalk, rectangular spaces in rows were marked out. Then the nine theras and the five young priests were invited, and the ceremony of desecrating a sima was performed in the manner described below. The said fourteen priests stationed themselves in the first rectangular space of the first row of the allotments of space, and read seven times the kammavacha for desecrating & sima at seven different spots; then stationing themselves successively at each of the remaining rectangular spaces in the first row, they continued reciting the kammavacha till the last rectangular space was reached. Again, begin. ning with the last rectangular space in the second row, they stationed themselves successively in a reverse order till the first rectangular space in the second row was reached, and read the kammavucha. Thus, in the manner described above, the kammavacha was read at every rectangular space in each of the two rows, in a forward order in the first, and in a reverse order in the second. When the number of rectangular spaces had been exhausted, the ceremony of desecrating a simna was concluded. It should be borne in mind that this ceremony was concluded on Saturday, the 7th day of the light half of the month Migasira.
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________________ 50 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. (FEBRUABY, 1893. On the 8th day, Ramadhipatirajg, in order to have the ceremony of consecrating a sima performed, visited the place in the morning, and had the preliminary arrangements carried out in the following manner : On the outside of the site selected for consecrating the sime, and facing the four quarters, four boundary-marks were fixed; and in order to bring into prominence the advantage derived from fixing the boundary-marks in a form other than that of a four-sided figure, each of the additional four boundary-marks was placed at the end of a line drawn from the middle of the line joining each of the two corners facing the four quarters. Within the space thus enclosed by the eight boundary-stones, a rope was stretched, and along it a line was drawn on the ground. As the sima was to be consecrated within the line, and, as it was desirable to make manifest the limit of its site, a small trencb, a span in depth and the same in width, was dug outside that line. In order to obviate janction with other gamakhettas, both inside and outside the limit of the boundary-stones, such means of connection as the branches of trees were cut down. The small trench was ameared with mud, and some water was placed in it. The eight boundary-stones were beautified with gilding and vermilion, and were wrapped up in red and white cloth. By way of showing honour to the Blessed One, near the boundary. stones, umbrellas, banners, lamps, incense, and flowers were offered ; water-pots, whose mouths were covered and adorned with kumuda flowers, were placed; and other offerings such as of cloth were made. The preliminary arrangements connected with the consecration of the simd having thus been carried out, the nine theras and the five young priests were invited, and the eight boundary-marks in the eight quarters, commencing with the one in the East quarter, were suc. cessively proclaimed. The proclamation was continued till the first boundary-mark, which had previously been proclaimed, was reached. In this manner the boundary-marks were pro. claimed three times. On the following morning, flags and streamers were planted at various places around the gamakhetta belonging to the Minister Narasura; drums, conch-shells, and other musical instruments were sonnded; and the guards, mounted men, and swift messengers, who had been stationed for the purpose of stopping the progress of travelling priests, and of causing other priests residing on that gamakhetta to be speedily excluded from it, were sent out to patrol all round it. It was only when the absence of other priests on that gamakhelta had been reported, that the kammavachu relating to the consecration of a sima was read seven times with proper intonation, and that the ceremony of consecration was concluded. At the conclusion of the ceremony, gongs and other masical instruments were sounded three times, and the populace were commanded to raise a shoat of acclamation. In commemoration a: the consecration of this sims by the priests, who had received their upasampada ordination in the udakukkt. pasima situated on the Kalyani River, it received the appellation of the Kalyani-sima. Previous to the consecration of the Kalyani-sima, and also since the return of the treras from Sihaladipa after receiving their upasampada ordination there, the leading priests, who were imbued with faith, learned, and able, had approached RAmadhipatiraja and said to him thus: "Mahuraja, it is, indeed, an anomaly that we, who have received both the pabbajja and upasam pada forms of ordination of the Religion of Buddha, and practised all the precepts that have been enacted, should find our upasampada ordination to be impure. We desirr, Maharaja, to receive the upasampade ordination at the hands of these theras, and thus shall our ordination become pure." To this Ramadhipatiraja thus replied: "Revererd Sirs, if any leading priests who are replete with faith, should, after investigating the ruling of the Vinaya, that is in conformity with the intention of the Blessed One, find that their upasampada ordination is impare, and should desire to receive the pare form of the upasampada ordination at the hands of the theras, who have returned home after receiving such ordination at the hands
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________________ FEBRUARY, 1893.) KALYANI INSORIPTIONS. of the fraternity, who are the spiritual successors of the extremely orthodox Mahavihara sect, I am not in a position to say to them: 'Do receive it,' or to prevent them by saying ; Do not receive it. On the other hand, if the leading priests should, after investigating the ruling of the Vinaya, that is in conformity with the intention of the Blessed One, find that their upasampada ordination is pure, and should not desire to receive at the hands of these theras the form of the upasampada ordination, that has been handed down by the ordained priests of Sihaladipa, I would not venture to urge them by saying: Do receive it.' The ruling of the Vinaya should, indeed, be the guiding principle. Do you investigate the Dhamma well." Then Rumadhipatiraja thought thus : << The office of upajjhaya is the basis of both the pabbajja and the upasampada forms of ordination, and it is decreed by the Blessed One that such an office should be conferred only on qualified priests, who, by reason of their having been ten years in orders, have acquired the status of a thera. But these theras received tbeir upasampada ordination this year only; and not one of them is, therefore, qnalified for the office of upajjhaya. Whence can we get such an upajjhdya P He, indeed, is qualified for the office of upajjhaya, who has returned home, after receiving the pure form of the upacampada ordination at the hands of the fraternity, who are the spiritual successors of the Mahavihara sect. After appointing such a one as upajjhdya all the leading priests, who are desirous of receiving the form of the upacampada ordination, that has been handed down by the spiritual successors of the ordained priests of Sihaladipa, will be afforded an opportunity of receiving such ordination at the hands of these theras, who have returned from that island." Accordingly, the King commanded that a search be made for such a priest. Then Parakkamabahusamithera said : "Maharkja, there is a thera called Suvannasobhana. He received his upasampada ordination at the hands of the fraternity, who are the spiritual successors of the Mahavihara sect. He is, indeed, qualified for the office of upaj. jhaya. Mabaraja, he is a solitary dweller in the forest, and observer of dhutangas, has few desires, is easily satisfied, and austere in his mode of living, eschews all evil through an innate feeling of shame, is repentant of his sins, an observer of the precepts, and is learned and competent." The King sent messengers to invite Suvannasobhanathera, and asked him, " Reverend Sir, when you visited Sthaladipa, in which sima were you ordained, and what was the strength of the Chapter that ordained you? Who was your upajjkaya, and who your kammavackachariya ? How many years have elapsed since you received your upasampada ordination in Sihaladipa ?" Suvannasobhanathora replied thus to the King: "Maharaja, in the udakukkhopasima situated on a mahajatassara, called Kalambg, and at the hands of a Chapter composed of innumerable priests, with VanaratanamabAthera, ex-Mahasangharaja, as my upajjhaya, and with Vijayabahu-sangharaja, who was formerly known as Rahulabhaddathera, as my kammavachachariya, I received my upasampada ordiaation, Since then twentysix years have passed away." The King was extremely delighted, and invited the thera to assume the office of upajjhaya in respect of the priests desiring to receive tbe upasampada ordination. The thera then said: "Maharaja, the theras of old, in whom human passion was extinct, disregarded their own interest in effecting the purification of the Religion in foreign countries. Maharaja, I will follow in the footsteps of these holy men, and even like them, will parify the Religion.". So saying, he gave a promise to the King. Reverse face of the third stone. Immediately after the consecration of the simd, the priests, who had faith, and were learned and able, and who, being aware of the impurity of their previous upasampada ordination, were desirous of receiving the form of ordination, that had been handed down through a succession of the ordained priests of Sihaladipa, approached the King and renewed their former request. Having approached the King, they said: "Maharaja, now that a sima has been consecrated in a valid manner, and that a mahathera, who is qualified for the office of upajjhaya,
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________________ THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [FEBRUARY, 1893. has been appointed, we are prepared to receive the sthala form of the upasam pada ordination." On the morning of Monday, the oth day of the light half of the month Migastra, the King visited the Kalyanisime accompanied by the leading priests. The nine theras, together with the five young priests, and Suvannasobhanathera, who was qualified for the office of upajjhaya, were invited and seated in the Kalyanisima. Setting aside the leading priests, who were desirous of receiving the Sibala form of the upasa mpada ordination, the King approached the theras, who had visited Sihaladipa, and having approached them, said to them thas: "Reverend Sirs, these leading priests are desirous of receiving, at your hands, the Sihala form of the upasampada ordination. Vouchsafe, Reverend Sirs, to confer such ordination on them." To this the theras replied: "Maharaja, we were sent by you to Sibaladipa, where we received the pure form of the upacampada ordination at the hands of the fraternity, who are the spiritual successors of the Mahavihara sect. Maharaja, previous to our receiving each ordination at their hands the mahatheras of Sihaladipa addressed us thus :Reverend brethren, this is the custom of the Sibala mahatheras of old. Previons to the conferment of the wpasampada ordination on priests, who have come from foreign countries, they are directed to make a confession that they have become laymen, to doff their priestly robe, to suffer themselves to be established in the condition of laymen by accepting the gift of a white gerb, and again, to become samaneras by receiving the pabbajja ordination, by accepting & gift of the priestly robe, and by professing openly their faith in the Three Refuges.' (It is only when all these stages have been passed through, that they are permitted) to receive the wpasan pada ordination in their capacity as semaneras. It might be asked : What is the reason of each procedure ? Reverend brethren, the priests, who came to this country with the conviction that their previous upasampada ordination was impure, but that the Siha la form of it was pure, being imbued with faith, received frpah wpasampada ordination. Reverend brethren, these priests would subsequently attach themselves to others who might have been their own disciples, and, being dissatisfied with their condition, would, disregarding the time that had elapsed since their new ordination, reckon their status from the date of their old one. This is not approved by us : hence the custom described above. Therefore, if you, who are replete with faith, desire to receive the pure form of upasampada ordination, do you aat in accordance with the custom of the mahatheras of Sthaladipe. If you comply, we shall be able to confer the wpasampada ordination on you; but if you do not, by reason of not being in socordance with custom, we shall be anable to confer such ordination on yon.' It was only when we had conformed ourselves to the custom of the mahatheras of Sthaladips, that they conferred the upasampada ordination on us," Then the large number of leading priesta said: "Reverend Sirs, since you yourselves received the pure form of the upasampada ordination only after conforming to the custom of the mahatheras of Sihaladipa, even in this wise, do we, who are replete with faith, desire to receive it. Therefore, we are prepared to receive the pare form of the upasampada ordination after conforming ourselves to the custom of the mahatkaras of Sibaladipa." The theras, who had returned from Sihaladipa, being thus in concord with all the leading priests, the latter, headed by Dhammakittithere, were eventually treated in sooordance with the custom of the mahathbras of sthaladipa, and the upasampada ordination was conferred on them, with Suvannasohanathora se upajjhays, and with the nine theras, who had returned from Sihaladipa, as Achariyas, the kammavachs being read by two of these theras in turn. On Monday, the 9th day of the light half of the month Migastra, which was the first day of the conferment of the upasanpada ordination, Ramadhipatirajs was present in person, and directed the preparation of a bounteous supply of food and various kinds of drinks suitable for consumption before or after noon, for the nse of the theras, who conducted the ordination ceremony, of the leading priests, who had been ordained, and of other leading priests, who were
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________________ FEBRUARY, 1893.) candidates for the ordination. For the purpose of eliciting the acclamation of sadhu at the conclusion of each conferment of the upasampada ordination, drums, conch-shells, and other musical instruments were sounded. Scribes skilled in worldly lore, and innumerable nobles and learned men were appointed to note the number of priests that had received the upasam. pada ordination. And, in order that the ceremony might be performed at night, many lamps were provided. It was near sunset when the King returned to his palace. (To be continued.) FOLKLORE IN SALSETTE; No. 15. FOLKLORE IN SALSETTE. BY GEO. FR. D'PENHA. No. 15. The Parrot's Tale and the Maina's Tale.1 Once upon a time there was a king who had an only son, the pride of his parents. The prince grew up strong and beautiful, and no pains were spared to give him a fitting education. When he was old enough the king got him married to the daughter of a neighbouring king, and they lived happily for some time in their father's house. 53 - After a few months the prince wanted to go and live with his wife in another country. So he got a ship fitted for the voyage, and at once set sail with her. Now, when they had got half the way the prince remembered that he had a popat (parrot) at home, which he would have liked to take with him, and he said to his wife: "Oh dear! I left my parrot behind me at home." This put the princess in mind of her mainu, which she, too, had forgotten at the time of leaving their palace, and so she, too, said: "Yes, dear, I, too, have left my maina behind me, which I should have liked to have taken with me." They, therefore, turned their ship round homewards, and when they had returned to their house, the prince took his parrot and the princess her mains, and again set sail. After a favourable voyage they reached their destination, where they hired a large house, and put up there. When a few days had passed the princess one day said to her husband: "My dear, we are now married and live happily. I should like to see my maina married to your parrot, and I am sure they will like it." "Very. well," said the prince; "we have only to put them into one cage, and they will be a married couple. What more is necessary to be done?" The princess then told him to go and fetch a cage, which he did, and they both took the parrot and the maina, and put them into it. Now it must be known that parrots and mainas seldom agree; so they pecked at each other, and pecked so long and so fiercely, that they plucked each other's feathers to such an extent that both began to bleed, and looked like lumps of live flesh. The following, morning the prince took them some food, but he was astonished when he saw the state they were in, and wondered what was the matter with them, whereupon the maina said : - "Listen, O king, to my story. There once lived a king who had an only son, who was brought up with great tenderness, and when he was old enough he was married, whereon he left his father's house and lived with his wife. He was very profligate, and had many friends who were daily entertained at a sumptuously laid-out table. In the meanwhile his wife had gone to her parents' house. In the course of his profligacy the prince soon squandered all his treasure, and, as is always the case, his friends all abandoned him. The poor prince had now barely anything left to maintain himself on, and he thought he would go to his wife's house, where he doubted not he would be welcomed by his royal father and mother-in-law. He, [A novel version of a very old tale. The previous tale published in Vol. XXI. p. 374 should have been numbered 14. ED.]
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________________ 54 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [FEBRUARY, 1898. therefore, took the earliest opportunity to go there, and, as he expected, he was given a cordial welcome. "The prince lived in his wife's house for several months, when he again thought of his friends. So he told his father-in-law that he wished to take his wife with him. The father-inlaw had no objection; on the contrary he gave them plenty of money, and moreover offered to send his regiments with them, if necessary, to escort them. The prince, however, accepted the money, but refused to take any one with him. "On the way they had to pass a forest, and he took this opportunity to rob his wife. He had recourse to the following stratagem. They had passed & well, and the prince said he felt very thirsty and wanted to drink some water from it, but the princess offered to go and fetch the water. Before she went her husband said to her:- 'You will do well to remove all the jewellery and costly garments you have on, for this forest is infested with thieves and rogues, and should any of them see you they are sure to rob and even kill you.' "The princess thought her husband's advice sensible, and so divested herself of all her jewellery and costly garments, and went to the well to fetch the water. The prince quietly followed her to the well. She drew ont one lolah which she drank herself, and stooped to draw a second, when her husband caught her by the legs and threw her into the well, where she remained for a long time, but was rescued by & passer-by, and went back to her father's house. Her father asked her what was the matter, and why she came back in that state. She never said a word against her husband, but said that she had been robbed by thieves in the jungle, and did not know what had become of her husband "The prince, after throwing his wife into the well, bundled up all her jewellery, money, and whatever else he could, and went to his own home. Once there, he again joined his wild friends and ate and drank with them, till be had once more squandered all his wealth, as well as his wife's jewellery and rich garments, which had brought him an immense sum of money. When everything had been disposed of, his friends, who saw he was sliding into poverty, again left him, and would not so much as even speak to him. What is a man to do in such circumstances ? "He thought to himself: 'My wife is dead. I most go and tell some tales to my father-inlaw, and so squeeze some more money out of him, or how shall I live?' "So thinking he started immediately for his father-in-law's house. After a tiresome journey he reached it, but to his utter embarrassment he saw his wife standing at a window of the palace. In shame and confusion he retraced his steps, but his wife, who was very kindhearted and pitied his condition, called out to him, and said : Come in, dear, come in. Why do you turn back? There is nothing surprising in your behaviour. Such occurrences are not very rare.' "The prince, though quite ashamed and confused, again went and lived for some time with his wife at her father's house. A few months afterwards he again told his father-in-law that he wished to go home with his wife. His father-in-law allowed them to go with the greatest pleasure, again giving an immense sum of money, besides jewellery and garments to the princess. This time, however, the prince took his wife home in safety, and having given up his extravagance and bad society, lived with his wife in peace and prosperity." And then the maind ended her story with this moral: "Such, o king, is the character of husbands, and you can now imagine to yourself the reason of my being in the position you see me." When the maind had finished her story, the parrot said: "You have listened to the maind's talo, o king, which teaches us that husbands are bad; but wait one moment, and listen to my story, which will shew you that wives are no better than their husbands." "Very well," said the prince; "out with what you have to say."
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________________ FEBRUARY, 1893.) FOLKLORE IN SALSETTE; No. 15. The parrot (popa!) then began : "Listen, o king. There once lived in a certain country a well-to-do couple, husband and wife. It came to pass that the husband had to go to a distant country for employment, and there he had to spend several years. In his absence the wife was day and night visited by a paramour, with whom she ate and drank and made merry. When some ten or twelve years had elapsed she received a letter from her husband that he was soon coming back, and that she might expect bim on a certain day. That day soon came, and with it her husband, who came home with a large fortune; but when he reached his house, to his great regret he found his wife sick. Of course, she was not really sick, but only pretended to be so, and had tied up her head and ears with a kerchief, which gave her an appearance of a really sick person. "During the day she sent a message privately to her paramour not to visit her, as her husband had come home, but that she would come to his bouse. The day passed, and night came on, and the husband, who had to perform the domestic business himself on acccunt of his wife's illness, being quite fatigued, went to bed and slept very soundly. In the dead of night the wife arose and took the road to her paramour's house. "Now it happened that a dakait, who had learnt that the husband had come back after amassing a large fortane, thought of visiting his house that night with a view to carrying on his vocation of plundering. So just as the dakait at the dead of night was about to break into the house he saw the wife come out of it. "I will not rob the house to-night, but will follow this woman, and watch where she goes, and what she does," said the dakait to himself, and went quietly after her. "She went on and on for a long while till she came to her paramour's house, which she entered, and there saw her paramour apparently sleeping. But he was really desd, having boon visited by the wrath of God, and killed in his bed 12 Thinking he was only asleep, she called out to him in endearing terms, and threw herself on the corpse, but not a word came from him in return. Upon this she shook him and asked him why he was angry, why he did not speak to her, and such like qaestions. At length, after trying to make him speak for more than hour, she ceased from her attempts; but before going away she thought :- Well, well, if you will not speak to me, let me at least kiss you for perhaps the last time.' "But as she put her lips to the corpse it opened its mouth and bit off her nose ! Streams of blood ran to the ground, and she was at a loss to know what to do; for how could she go home withoat & nose? What would her husband and her neighbours say? What answer was she to give when questioned about her nose? In this plight, and thus thinking she retraced her steps homewards. "On her way there was a hut in which lived an old woman, on whom she called, told her everything, and asked her advice. The old woman was at once ready with an answer, and told her to resort to the following stratagem : 4 Go home,' she said; and quietly lie down beside your husband, and when you have been there for a little while, get up and make a noise, saying, My husband has bitten off my nose, my husband has bitten off my nose.' When people collect at the noise they will believe you! "Having taken the old woman's advice, the wife went home, and lay down by the side of her hashand, who was still fast asleep. After balf an hour or so she got up and suddenly commenced bawling out :- My husband has bitten off my nose, my husband has bitten off my nose!' It was nearly dawn by this time, just at the time when people generally begin to be awake, and in consequence a great throng of neighbours was attracted by the wonderful story of a husband The original expression for these words are: pun to nihald notd, tidld Parmdeordsan khidat dhari, ani ta meld; the literal meaning of which is: "but he was not asleep, God went him punishment, and he died."
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________________ 56 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [FEBRUARY, 1893. biting off his wife's nose! When the neighbours saw her they assumed she was telling the truth, and some of them advised her to lodge a complaint against her husband before the magistrate! Accordingly, she went and filed a suit at the magistrate's Court. Her husband was immediately summoned to answer the complaint, and as for evidence there was no lack, for had not the whole neighourhood seen his wife without her nose before dawn by his side? "Her husband appeared before the magistrate, and pleaded ignorance of the matter, but was at last convicted and sentenced to be hanged. But fortunately for him, the dakait, who had watched his wife on her night's excursion, had also come to the Court to see how the case was being conducted, and what the ultimate result would be. He now stood up before the magistratet and asked leave to say a word or two, which was given him. He then told the story: first about himself, who and what he was; how, having learnt that the accused had come home after several years' absence bringing, with him a large fortune, he had determined to plunder his house, how, when he came in the night on his plundering errand, he saw the complainant come out of the house and go to her paramour's; how he changed his mind about plundering and followed her quietly; how he saw what she did with the corpse of her paramour, who was killed by the wrath of God; and how, finally, as she stooped to kiss him, the corpse bit off her nose! He also told the magistrate how she had entered the old woman's hut, who advised her to play the trick which had brought the accused before the magistrate. He then asked the magistrate to lend him the services of two peons, and on the magistrate complying with his request he went and brought the corpse with the piece of the nose still in its mouth! The magistrate ordered the part of the nose to be removed from the mouth of the corpse and to be placed on the nose of the wife, and it fitted her exactly! "The magistrate then gave judgment accordingly, cancelled the sentence of death passed on the husband, and ordered instead the wife and the old woman to be hanged. The dakait was handsomely rewarded by her husband, and went away, and ever thereafter left off robbing. "Such, O king, is the character of women. Judge for yourself the reason for the plight I am in." When the prince had heard the stories of the maina and the parrot, he saw there was a great deal of truth in both the stories! But at the end he got them both reconciled, and they then all lived happily together: the prince and the princess; and the parrot and the maina. MISCELLANEA. THE EVIL EYE. With reference to Note B on page 168, Vol. XXI, ante, it is worthy of remark that similar ideas prevail in Burma as in Bihar. It is believed there that, if a person looks steadily at a child or animal and says how well or beautiful it is, it will forthwith become ill. This is called lu-son-kya, i.e., "man-magic falls (to it)." The evil eye can be averted by a string called let-p'we (or armlet,) tied round the arm or neck, and this is even worn by pregnant women to protect the child within them. In the latter case, however, it is called mi-yat let-p'we, its more especial function being to protect against a hobgoblin, called Mi-yatma. Sometimes women are hired for as long a period as five days simply to guard pregnant woman against this latter personage. The use of a string as an amulet is also known to the Southern Chins, as is shown by the following extract from Appendix IV. to my Essay on the Language of Southern Chins and its Affinities: - "Four or five days after the birth of a child it is duly initiated into the clan and placed under the guardianship of the Khun. A cotton string, (called khunhlung) is tied round its wrist for a few days; as a sign to all evil spirits that the child is under the latter's protection." BERNARD HOUGHTON. A 1 Also 'nok-son' 'mouth-magic' and let-son 'hand-magic.' Another expression is an-bydi
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________________ MARCH, 1898.) MADRAS MUSEUM PLATES OF JATILAVARMAN. 57 MADRAS MUSEUM PLATES OF JATILAVARMAN. BY V. VENKAYYA, M.A.; BANGALORE. THE original of the subjoined inscription belongs to the Government Central Museum at 1 Madras, and is referred to in Mr. Sewell's Lists of Antiquities, Vol. II. p. 24 (Madras Museum Plate No. 15). Two impressions prepared by Dr. Fleet, and the original copper-plates which had been lent to Dr. Hultzsch, have been kindly placed by him at my disposal for publication in this Journal The inscription is engraved on seven copper-plates, each measuring 11" by 4\", strung on a ring, whose diameter is about 31" and which is thick. The weight of the seven plates is 328tolas and that of the ring 11; total 3394 tolas. The ring contains no traces of having borne a seal, and the copper-plates seem to bave been issued without it. Each of the plates is slightly folded at the extremities, so as to make rims on two of the opposite sides in order to protect the writing from defacement. The first and the last plates are engraved only on one side, and the remaining five on both sides. The inscription contains two passages in the Sanskrit language and the old Grantha character. The first of these consists of six verses in the beginning (lines 1 to 19) and the second of four of the customary imprecatory verses at the end. The rest of the inscription is in the Tamil language and the Vatteluttu or Chera-Pandya alphabet, as it has been termed by Dr. Hultzsch, but is interspersed with a large number of Sanskrit words written in the Grantha character. The following is a list of the words and syllables in the Tamil portion of the inscription which are written in the Grantha character:Line 33. ka-bhumi. Line 56. from Bharggava , 34. bhumi. to sutra. 40 Skala-dhana. 57. Bahvrijan Sihu-Misra. * Laravinda-mukha. W Yajia-vidyai. , 44. Karavandapu. 58 S sastra. , 16f. evamadi-vikrama. Sujjata-Bhatta. 48. Manu-darssita-margga. 60. Srivara-magala. 49 s garu-charitam. brahma-deya. kandaka-bodhanai. 61f. sarvva-parihara. Koe S from Pandya-nathan 72. Pandya. to paramavaishyavan. 72f.matamgajaddhyakshan, 52. rajya-varsha. 76. mra-sasana. >> 53. ndharmma. . 76f. vadya-geya-samgita. karinma. Vaidya-kula. Magadha. 79. maha-samanta. I mahide. 80. Vira. Sabdali. 81. Dhirataran Murtti. 55. grama. , 84. mra-sasana. I Vidya-devatai. >> 92f. Arikesari, The historical introduction (11. 19 to 46) is in High Tamil and possesses one characteristic of Tamil poetry, vis. constant alliteration. The only inscriptions in the Vattelutta alphabet that have been hitherto pablished, are the Tirunelli plates of Bhaskara-Ravivarman which appeared in a former number of this Journal, and the three inscriptions mentioned by Dr. Hultzsch in the introductory remarks to his paper on those plates (ante, Vol. XX. p. 287). 49. 78. 1 ante, Vol. XX. pp. 285-292. Mr. S. M. Nateka Bistri has published his own version of this grant in the September number of Vol. IX of the Christian College Magazine. The following misreadinge in it may be noted as the most important: Line 1. Sri Amachchar for frih - KO PAkkaran. , 9. irappattaram , nalpputt-Aram.
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________________ 38 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. MARCH, 1898. The alphabet employed in the sabjoined inscription differs slightly from that of the four others, In the latter, the individual characters have a tendency to slant towards the left, while in the former they are more straight. This has perhaps to be accounted for by the different nature of the writing materials commonly in use, and the mode of holding the style, prevalent in the two parts of Southern India to which these inscriptions severally belong. The use of Sanskrit words and Grantha characters is very common in the Paodya grant, while in the four others most of the Sanskrit words have assumed Dravidian forms and are written in the Vatteluttu alphabet. In the latter some of the characters are distinctly round, for example t, ?, ? and ?, while in the former they are not quite round. It is not possible to say which of these two is the more developed form, until the immediate source of the alphabet is determined, and the two types of characters compared individually with those of the parent alphabet. From other Pandya inscriptions which are published, we know that, besides the Vattelatta, the Tamil alphabet was also used in the Pandya kingdom. The former was probably imported from the Chora 'kingdom and the latter from the Chola country. As the earlier Pandya inscriptions, like the present one, are found engraved in the Vatteluttu character, and the later ones, like the stone inscriptions found at Madura, Tirupparaikunram and other places, and the large Tirappu vagam copperplate grant of Kulas@khara-Pa@dya,- in the Tamil alphabet, it is not unreasonable to suppose that it was the former that was originally used in the Pandya kingdom. The latter was probably introduced during the time when the great Saiva devotees, Tiruvanasambandar and Tirunavukkaraiyar, flourished, or on the occasion of a subsequent Chola conquest. The forms which the characters have assumed in the present inscription, might be due to the influence of the Tamil alphabet on the original Vattelattu. This Pandya grant also throws some light on the Vatteluttu numerals, as the plates are numbered on their left margins. The number on the third plate is rather indistinct, and the symbols for four, five, six and seven seem to be closely allied to the corresponding ones used in Tamil inscriptions, while those for one and two do not exhibit any intimate connection with the known South Indian pamerals. The investigation of the origin of the Vattelutta numerals is closely connected with, and must throw considerable light on the question of the immediate source of the Vatteluttu alphabet. We must have a complete set of the Vatteluttu numerals and their earlier forms, and the earlier forms of the Vatteluttu alphabet, before we can speculate on the origin of either of them, or on the relation which existed between them. Dr. Burnell has expressed himself as follows on this question :-"Of all the probable primitive alphabets with which a comparison of the Vattelutta is possible, it appears to me that the Sagsanian of the inscriptions presents most points of resemblance."2 A comparison of the Vatteluttu characters with the Tamil alphabet, which is used in ancient inscriptions found in the Chola country and in other Tamil districts, yields the following results :--The symbols for {, , , , , ! and I are almost the same in both, while those for a, a, u, ki, o, k, i, ch, p, m, y, v, Line 3. fa dipattil for Binnattil. 5. Sevvarangon . Sarnarso-Koda. >> 7. munga-vvalum.. mudagura valam. ... vapepodippadiy' for vannu ti[ra]vadiy. 9. aratkkadaviya for knda-kkadaviya. , 11. kodukkum kalukkum. , 12. orattag Or-Ottarsi. >> 13. konamappa k Anam pop. 20. vil chohila and pasaiyar for vilakkil and vagaiyra. 21. Ada raitti kai for attai-ttitai. 27. adichchu , alikku. 28. ...m Maka! and feari for matagal and i-siri. .. 29. pappinada and Malaippalli for apnipru and Malaiyampalli. 33. Nidatangana tradey for odadaru Karaibagorsabbs. . yurde Aidamandarai munachchappotti for norru-siymbatt-el-arai k Aba poppi. . 356. bonnan for Karsiffiandr sabha). The soven small lines of writing on the right margin of the second side of the second plate seem to have been entirely ignored. South Indian Palmography, 2nd edition, p. 51.
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________________ MARCH, 1893.7 MADRAS MUSEUM PLATES OF JATILAVARMAN. 59 and n are not quite dissimilar, and those for i, e, ai, , t and n do not exhibit any points of close resemblance. In the subjoined inscription more than two hundred and fifty of the viramas are distinctly marked, in most cases by means of a dot attached to the top of the letter. In some cases the dot is attached to the right or to the left of the letter. There is no attempt at marking the viramas either in the Jews' grant or in the Syrian Christians' grants, ---- if the copies published in the Madras Journal of Literature and Science, Vol. XIII. are faithful, -as well as in the Tirunelli grant. As regards Tamil inscriptions, we find that the viramas are some imes marked only in the oldest ones. If the marking of the virama had the same history in the Vatteluttu script as it seems to have had in Tamil inscriptions, we should conclude that the present grant belongs to a time earlier than any of the inscriptions from the Western coast hitherto discovered. Of the Pandya kingdom nothing like a connected history is known, and it is doubtful if it will ever be possible to get a really trustworthy account of it from the earliest times. That it was a very ancient one, is established ky various facts. According to some versions of the Mahabharata, Arjuna is believed to have gone to the Pandya kingdom during his rambles in the South. The Buddhist king Asoka refers to the Pandyas in one of his edicts. The late Dr. Caldwell considered it nearly certain that it was a Pandya king who had sent an ambassador to the emperor Augustus of Rome. From the Greek geographers who wrote after the Christian era, we learn that the Pandya kingdom not only existed in their time, but rose to special importance among the Indian states, though no names of Pandya kings are known. Tuttukkudi (Tuticorin), Korkai, Kayal, Kallimeda (Point Calimere), Kumari (Cape Comorin) and Pamban (Paumben) were known to the ancient Greeks.7 Kalidasa, the great dramatist, refers to the Pandya kingdom as one of the provinces overrun by Raghu in his tour of conquest. The astronomer Varahamihira refers to this kingdom in his Brihatsahhita. The frequent mention of the Pandyas in ancient inscriptions shows that the kingdom continued to exist and that some of its rulers were very powerful. The Western Chalukya king Pulikesin II. (A. D. 610 to 634) boasts of having conquered the Pandyas among others.10 The Pallavas are constantly reported to have conquered the Pandyas. The inscription of Nandivarman Pallavamalla published by the Rev. T. Foulkes, refers to a victory gained by the Pallava general Udayachandra against the Pandya army in the battle of Mannaikudi 11 The Chalukyas, - Western as well as Eastern, -- and the Rashtrakata kings sometimes boast in their inscriptions of having conquered the Pandyas.12 It was, however, with the Cheras and the Cholas that the Pandya history was more intimately connected. They formed the three kingdoms' of the South,13 and were constantly at feud with one another. Each of the kings Compare Dr. Hultzsch's South Indian Inscriptions, Vol. I. pp. 113 and 147; Madras Christian College Magazine, Vol. VIII. pp. 99 and 273. * It is in connection with a marriage of Arjuna that the Pandya kingdom is supposed to be mentioned in the Mahabharata. Dr. Caldwell (History of Tinnevelly, p. 18) says that only the Tamil prose translation and the southern Saaskrit versions of the epic state that Arjuna's bride belonged to the Pandya family, while most of tho northern Sanskrit versions state that her father was the king of Manipura. ante, Vol. V. p. 272. History of Tinnevelly, p. 17. Captain Tufnell in his Hints to Coin-collectors in Southern India, Part II. p. 8, says that the small insignificant Roman copper coins found in and around Madura in such large numbers and belonging to types different from those discovered in Europe, point to the probability of the existence at one time of a Roman settlement at or near that place. Mr. Sewell in his Lists of Antiquities, Vol. I. p. 291, seems to have first started this theory to explain the discovery of the small Roman coine. 1 See ante, Vol. XIII. p. 330 ff. and Caldwell's History of Tinnevelly, pp. 17-22. * Raghuvansa, iv. 49. Dr. Kern's edition, iv. 10. 10 See ante, Vol. VIII. p. 245. 11 ante, Vol. VIII. p. 276; the reading of the first line of Blate iv. first side, is not Mannaiku[eangrame as the published text bas it, but Mannaikuti-grame. 19 For the Western Chalukya conquest of the Pandyas see Dr. Fleet's Kanarese Dynasties of the Bombay Presia dency. pp. 27, 28 and 39. Only one of the Rashtrakata kings is explicitly stated to have conquered the PApdyne. For the Eastern Chalakya conquest see South-Indian Inscriptions Vol. I. p. 51. 18 In Tamil, the phrase mw-aralar, 'the three kings,' is used to denote the Chera, the Chola and the Pandya kinga. In Tamil inscriptions maua- dyar, and in Kanarese ones miru-rayaru aro used to mean the same three king; see South Indian Inscriptions, Vol. I. p. 111, note 8.
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________________ 60 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [MARCH, 1893 of any one of these dynasties often called himself the destroyer of the other two kingdoms.14 As the history of the Cheras is now very little known, we have only what has been done for the Chola history to fall upon. The Chola king Parantaka I. calls himself Madirai-konda, or in Sanskrit, Madhurantaka, 'the destroyer of Madura.' Mr. Foulkes' inscription of the Bana king Hastimalla reports that Parantaka I. conquered BAjasimha-Pandya,16 One of the grandsons of the same Chola king was also called Madhurantaka, while one of his great-grandsons, Aditya-Karikala, "contended in his youth with Vira-Pandya,"l0 and another great-grandson, Ko-Rajakusarivarman alias Rajarajadeva, "deprived the Seliyas (i. e, the Pandyas) of their splendour."17 In two of the Tanjore inscriptions (South Indian Inscriptions, Vol. II. No. 3, paragraphs 5 and 6, and No. 59, paragraphs 2, 3, 4, 9 and 11), the conquest of the Pandyas is mentioned along with that of Seraman, the Chera king, and in one of them (No. 59, paragraph 3), it is said that both of them were defeated in Malai-nadu. Perhaps this shows that the Chera king and the Pandyas united together in opposing Rajaraja. The son of the last-named Chola king, Ko-Parakesarivarman alias Rajendra-Choladeva, was also called Madhurantaka.18 The imineuse number of copper coins found in the Madara bazar, containing the legend Rajaraja, and the Chola inscriptions which are reported to be found in the Pandya country, 19 almost establish the Chola conquest. Dr. Hultzsch's latest Progress Report (Madras G. 0. datel 6th August 1892, No. 544, Public) mentions several Pandya princes. Of these, Manabharana, Vira-Kerala, Sundara-Pandya, and Lankobvara alias Vikrama-Pandya, who hail undertaken an expedition against Vikramabahu of Ceylon, were contemporaries of the Chola king KO-Rajakosarivaman alias Rajadhirajadeva (No. 12 of Dr. Hultzsch's list); Vira-Kosarin, the son of Srivallabha, was a contemporary of Ko-Rajakesarivarman alias Vira-Rajendradeva I. (No. 14 of the list). A third Chola king, No. 18. Parakesarivarman alins Vira-Rajendradeva II., whom Dr. Hultzsch identifies with the Eastern Chalukya Kulottung 2-Choda II., is reported to have cut off the nose of the son of ViraPandya, to have given Madura to Vikrama-Pandya, and to have cut off the head of Vira. Pandya." In the inscriptions of the Chola king Rajarajadeva, found at Tanjore and else. where, the Pandyas are always mentioned in the plural number ('Seliyar, Pandyar). An inscription, found on one of the walls of the great temple at Chidambaram in the South Arcot district, reports that Kulottunga-Chola conquered the five Pandyas.' 20 The defeat of the five Pandyas' is also referred to in the historical introduction of the inscriptions of KoRajakesarivarman alias the emperor Srt-Kalottunga-Cholndeva (South Indian Inscriptions, Vol. II. No. 58, and ante, Vol. XXI. p. 286), who was evidently identical with the KulottungaChola of the Chidambaram iuscription. Again, the word Panchavan, one of the five,' is used in inscriptions as well as in Tamil literature as a title of the Pandya kings. It may, therefore, be concluded that very often, if not always, there were five Pandya princes 16 The seals of Pandya copper-plate grants, of which two are now known, and published in Sir Walter Elliot's Coins of Southern India, - one belonging to the large Tiruppuvapam graut and the other to the "Madacolam" grant, - contain the following emblems: -two fish, a tiger and a bow. The fish was the Papdya emblem. But the insertion of the tiger and the bow, the Chola and the Chira emblems, is meant to indicate that the kings who issued these grants, conquered the Cholas and the Cheras. In the description of the seals of the two Leyden copper-plate grants, published in the Archeological Survey of Southern India, Vol. IV. only the fish and the tiger are mentioned. The bow, which must have boun there, bas evidently been mistaken for something else. Some of the Chola coins alec three emblems; e. 3. No. 152 of Sir Walter Elliot's Coins of Southern India, whose legend has been read by Dr. Hultzsch as Gangai-konda Chilak (ante, Vol. XXI. p. 323), and Nos. 153 and 154 of the same, whose legends are Srl Rajendral and Uttama-Cholal, respectively. 16 Salem Manual, Vol. II. p. 372 (verse 11). 18 South Indian Inscriptions, Vol. I. p. 112. 17 ibid. pp. 65 and 95. 18 Lines 87 f. of the large Leyden grant (Archaological Survey of Southern India, Vol. IV. p. 208), and South. Indian Inecriptions, Vol. I. p. 112. 10 Mr. Sewell's Lists of Antiquities, Vol. I. pp. 286 and 287; Caldwell's History of Tinnevelly, p. 29. In one of the Tanjore inscriptions (South Indian Inscriptions, Vol. II. No. 36) Pandi-nidu is otherwise called Eljardjamandalam. This confirms Rajaraja's conquest of the Pandyu. South-Indian Inscription, Vol. I. p. 168.
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________________ MARCH, 1893.) MADRAS MUSEUM PLATES OF JATILAVARMAN. 61 ruling at the same time.21 Almost throughout the Tamil districts of Southern India we meet with Pandya inscriptions which, to judge from the characters employed in them, must belong to some of the later kings. Among these may be mentioned Sundara, Vira, Vikrams, Kulasekhara and Parakrama, Marco Polo mentions a "Sonder Bandi" of the Pandya dynasty, 22 who may be identical with the Sandara-Pandya of the inscriptions. Later on, the Pandya kingdom fell a prey to the ambition of the Vijayanagara kings and their feudatories. Coins bearing one or other of the names 'Sundara-Pandiyan (Sundara-Pandya), Vira-Pandiyan (Vira-Pand , and Kulasegaran (Kulabokhara), are not infrequently met with in the bazars of Tanjore anu Madura. Another coin, bearing the legend 'Samarakolagalan (i.e. in Sanskrit, Samarakolahala),33 a name which occurs in the traditional lists of Pandya kings, is also often found. He was a king whose dominions extended as far north as Kanchipura where an inscription, dated during his reign, is found, and contains the 'Saka date 1391 expired.21 From this inscription we learn that he was also called Puvanekaviran (i. e, in Sanskrit Bhuvanaikavira), a name which is likewise found on coins.25 Coins bearing the legends Kachchi-valangum Perumin,28 Ellantalaiy-anun, 27 Jagavira-Raman,29 Kaliyuga-Raman,29 Sera-lula-Raman, 30 and Putala,31 are generally ascribed to the Pandya dynasty. From Tamil inscriptions we learn that the capital of the Pandyas was Madura, and that their dominions were often very extensive. That their emblem was the fish, is borne out by inscriptions as well as coins.39 From certain names which occur in Kanarese inscriptions, and which are referred to in Dr. Fleet's Kanarese Dynasties of the Bombay Presidency, it may be concluded that there was a family of Pandya chiefs ruling in the North as feudatories of one or other of the Kanarese dynasties. Probably, some member of the Pandya dynasty of Madura. for some unknown reason, migrated to the North and established for himself a small principality; and his successors appear to have preserved their family name. TribhuvanamallaPadyadeva, 33 Vira-Pandyadeva34 and Vijaya-Pandyade va35 were ruling the Nonambavadi 11 The Kalingattu-Parani (canto xi. verse 63) mentions five Pandya princes who had been defeated by Kulottunga-Chola. This king was, as bas been shown by Mr. Kanakasabbai Pillai (ante, Vol. XIX. p. 338) and Dr. Fleet (ante, Vol. XX. p. 279 f.), identical with the Eastern Chalukya Kulottunga Chodadeva I. (Saka 985 to 1034), and it is very probable that it is this defeat of the Pandyas that is referred to in the Chidambaram inscription and in the inscriptions found at Tanjore and other places. 12 Dr. Caldwell's History of Tinnevelly, p. 35. But see ante, Vol. XXI. p. 121, where the date of the accession of Sundara-Pandya is calculated from materials supplied by Dr. Hultzsch. We have thus obtained the date of one of the several Sundaras. 23 Sir Walter Elliot's Coins of Southern India, Nos. 134 and 135. 24 Dr. Hultzsch's Progress Report for February to April 1890, Madras G. O. dated 14th May 1890, No. 355, Pablic. 36 Sir Walter Elliot's Coins of Southern India, No. 133. 26 ibid. No. 145. 17 This is the reading of the legend on Elliot's No. 136 soggested by Dr. Holtzsch (ante, Vol. XXI. p. 324) who ascribes it to Sundara-Pan ya. The Rev. J. E. Tracy of Tiramangalam, in his paper on Pandya coins, published in the Madras Journal of Literature and Science, had read Ellen *Sir Walter Elliot's Coins of Southern India, No. 144. This legend has been read by Mr. Tracy. >> Mr. Tracy's Pandyan Coins, No. 3, and Elliot's No. 147. In an inscription of the Jambukebvara temple on the island of Srirangam (ante, Vol. XXI. p. 121) Sandara Paniya is called Lanka dvipa-luntana-dvitiya-Rama,' a second RAma in plandering the island of Lanka. It is not impossible that the biruda Kaliyuga. Raman bears the same meaning and is intended to denote the same Pandya king. >> Mr. Tracy's Pandyan Coins, No. 11 (wrongly for No. 6). n ibid. No. 1. The legend on No. 139, Plato iv. of Sir Walter Elliot's Coins of Southern India has been read Korkai-andar. But the correct reading seems to be :-[1.] Son- [2.] du ko. [3.] ndain). Sonadu means 'the Chola country. One who conquered the Chola cantry' would be an appropriate biruda fora Pandya king. In the Tiruppamikunram inscription, published in the Archaological Survey of Southern India, Vol. IV. Sandara Pandya has the birada Sinada valangiy-aruliya, one who is pleased to distribute the Chola country,' which bas been misread (pp. 44 f.) Serandu-valangiyaruliya. $ The Bov. E. Loventhal in his Coins of Tinnevelly (p. 7) says that "there must have been two distinct Pand ya dynasties, one in Korkai and one in Madura, and there were several branch lines, especially of the Madura Pandyas. Both the chief lines had the elephant and the battle are as their royal marks, e as their royal marke, probably because they were closely related to ench other." He adds (p. 8) that, later on, "the Madura Pandyas chose the fish mark as their dynastic emblem, that is, when they left Baddhism they changed who elephant mark and took instead of it a pure Vishnu mark--the fish." - Dr. Fleet's Kanarose Dynasties of the Bombay Presidency, p. 51. ibid. p. 52. ibid. p. 53.
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________________ THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [MARCH, 1808. Thirty-two thousand as contemporaries of the Western Chalukya kings Vikramaditya VI., Somesvara III. and Jagadekamalla II. respectively. A Yadava inscription belonging to the time of Krishna (Saka 1175), refers to "the Pandyas who shone at Gutti." The Hoysala king Ballila II. " restored to the Pandya his forfeited kingdom when he humbled himself before him." The kingdom referred to consisted of Uchchangi, - part of the Konkana,and the districts of Banavasi and Panungal.37 62 So much of the Pandya history we learn from inscriptions, numismatics and contemporary authorities. We shall now see what Tamil literature has to say on this dynasty. The following are some of the Tamil works which may be expected to throw some light on Pandya history: Tiruvilaiyadalpuranam, Periyapuranam, Pattuppattu and Purappatlu. The boundaries of the Pandya kingdom are thus laid down in Tamil works:- the river Vellaru to the north; Kumari (Cape Comorin) to the south; the sea to the east; and 'the great highway' to the west. According to Dr. Caldwell, the river Vellaru is the one which rises in the Trichinopoly district, passes through the Pudukkottai state, and enters the sea at Point Calimere; and the same scholar has identified the great highway' with the Achchankovil pass.38 This would include a part of the modern state of Travancore into the Pandya kingdom. The Pandya king is often called Korkaiyali, 'the ruler of Korkai.' From this fact it may be concluded that Korkai was once the Pandya capital:39 In later times the seat of the government was certainly Kudal (i. e. Madura). The Tiruvilaiyadalpuranam is an account of the divine sports of Siva, as represented by the god at Madura, and professes to give a history of that town and its kings from very early times. It also furnishes a list of Pandya kings, most of the names in which sound more like birudas than actual names. Whether the accounts given in this work are based on genuine tradition or not, it has not been possible to determine from a lack of ancient Paulya inscriptions. It is almost certain that there are some historical facts contained in it. But they are so much mixed up with myths and legends that it is at present hardly possible to distinguish historical facts from worthless matter. The sixth verse in the Sanskrit part of the subjoined inscription refers to victories gained by some of the ancient Pandya kings over Indra, Varana and Agni, and reports that the garland of Indra had been wrested from him by the Pandya kings, and that some of them survived the great Kalpa. Some of the chapters of the Tiruvilaiyadalpuranam describe the futile attempts made by Indra to destroy the Pandya capital, Madura. One of these consisted in inducing Varuna to flood the city and drown it under water. A great deluge is said to have occurred during the reign of the Pandya king Kirtivibhushana, after which 'Siva re-created Madura as it was before. It is this legend that is referred to in the present inscription by the words mahakalp-apad-utturishu. Again, in the chapter headed Varagunanukku-chchivalokan-gattiya padalam ("the chapter which describes how Varaguna was shewn the world of Siva"), the then reigning king Varaguna-Pandya is said to have gained a victory over the Chola king. In the 18th verse of this chapter, the Chola king is described as Neri-pporuppan, and his army denoted by the expression Killi-senai. It is not impossible that it was the Chola king Ko-Kkilli who is spoken of as having been defeated by Varaguna-Pandya. This Chola king is mentioned in the large Leyden grant and the copper-plate inscription of the Bana king Hastimalla, as one of the ancestors of Vijayalaya. The Kalingattu-Parani also mentions him, though not by name. 38 ibid. p. 73. 37 ibid. p. 68. "History of Tinnevelly, p. 24 f. 39 See note 33, above. 40 Dr. Caldwell, in the Introduction (p. 139) to the second edition of his Comparative Grammar of the Dravidian Languages, says that this purina was very probably translated from Sanskrit at the request of Ativirarama-Pandya, the poet king of Madura, and that it dates from the 16th century. To this Pandya king is generally attributed the composition of the Tamil poem called Naidadam (Naishadha); see the remarks on pp. 144 f. of the Introduction to the Comparative Grammar as regards the other literary productions of this king. 41 In verse 18 of the chapter headed Iraia-parampariyam, he is described as follows: tani nadand -Uragartangan-mani kondav-avan, 'he, who, walking alone, seized the jewel of the Uragas (Nagas).' In Pandit V. Samindaiyar's edition of the Pattuppattu, p. 111, the same king is called Nagapattinatta-Chcholan, and the tradition about the birth of an illegitimate son to him by the Naga princess is referred to. In other Tamil works the name KilliValavan oocurs; see ante, Vol. XIX. p. 839.
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________________ MAROE, 1893.] MADRAS MUSEUM PLATES OF JATILAVARMAN. 68 That Varaguna-Pandya was a historical personage, is shewn by the same Bina grant, which reports that the Ganga king Prithivipati, who was a contemporary of Amoghavarsha, defeated the Pandya king Varaguna in the battle of Bri-Purambiya (not Sripura, as it is on page 373 of the Salem Manual, Vol. II.). Sri-Parambiya has probably to be identified with the village called Tiru-Parambiyam in Sundaramarti-Nayanar's Tevaram, and Purambayam in Tirufanasambandar's Tevaram. The exact place occupied by Ko-K kisli in the Chola genealogy, is not known. The two inscriptions wbich mention the early Chola kings, say that Karikala, KoChchamka nan and Ko-Kkilli belonged to the Chola family. Of these two authorities, the Leyden grant mentions Karikala first and Ko-Kkilli last, wbile the Bana inscription mentions KoKkilli first and K 8-Chcbam kan last. The Kalingattu-Parans mentions KO-Kkilli first and Karikala last. Thus the three authorities for Chola history that are now known, do not give a regular genealogy for this period, and one may doubt if it will ever be possible to reconstruct it and to determine the dates of these kings from Chola inscriptions alone. There is only one Varaguna mentioned in the traditional lists of the Pandya kings. Consequently, the information that we now possess for Pandya bistory, offers no obstacles to the identification of the Varaguna-Pandya of the Bana inscription with the Varaguna of the Tiruvilaiyadalpuranam. This purana has a chapter 43 which describes how the 'god at Madura' sent the great musician Bana-Bhadra with a letter to Seraman Perumal, the Chora king, who was a contemporary of the Saiva devotee Sundaramurti-Nayanar. The letter directed the Chera king to give presents to the musician, which was duly done. The same event is referred to in that chapter of the Periyapuranam which gives an account of the life of 'Seraman Perumal. In this narrative we have perhaps to take the god at Madura' to mean the Pandya king. If this saggestion is correct, it would imply that the Chera king was a vassal of the Pandya. From the Tiruvilaiyadalpuranam we also learn that the old college (Sangam) of Madura was established during the reign of a certain Vamsasekhara-Pandya, and was provided with a miraculous seat (palagai) by the god Sundaresvara.45 The second of the works enumerated as throwing some light on the Pandya history, is the Periyapuranam. The accounts contained in this work may be considered less open to question, as some of the statements made in it have been strongly confirmed by recent discoveries. As the author of the work does not profess to write a history, but only the lives of the sixty-three devotees of Siva, the historical information contained in it is only incidental. One of these sixty-three devotees was Nedumaran, a Pandya king. He is described as having been victori. ous in the battle of Nelveli.46 . This is probably Tinnevelly (Tirunelveli). As the battle was fought in the Pandya country itself, it implies that the king only succeeded in repelling an invader from the North or from Ceylon. We are told that he married a daughter of the Chola king, whose name is not mentioned, that he was originally a Jaina by religion, and that his queen, who was a Saiva at heart, sent for the great Tirunanasambandar, who succeeded in converting the king to the Saiva religion through a miraculous care of his malady, which the Jaina priests could not make any impression upon. The date of this Pandya king and, with it, that of Tirunanasambandar are still wrapt in mystery. That Dr. Caldwell's identification 67 of this king, who was also called Sundara-Pandya, with Marco Polo's "Sonder Bandi" is incorrect, and that the three great Saiva devotees Tiru lanasambandar, Tirunavukkaraiyar and Sundaramarti-Nayapar must have flourished prior to the eleventh century A. D., is, however, 43 Sir Walter Elliot, in his Coins of Southern India, p. 123 f. hns published six lists of Paplya kings. In the firet, two kings are mentioned with the name Varaguna, while each of the other five mentions only one king of that name. 13 Tirumugan-godutta padalam, p. 227 of the Madras edition of 1888. 44 Chapter 37 of the Madras edition of 1884. 46 Sanga-ppalngai landa paralam, chapter 51 of tho Madras edition of 1889. * Nolucli venta mira-fr-Nedumarat Nedumiran, whoso fortune was constant (and) who gained (the battle of) Nelveli,' occurs in verse 8 of the Tirutt dattogai, which contains a liet of the sixty-tbree devotees of Siva, and wbich WAS composed by Sandaramurti-Nayapar. *T Comparative Grammar of the Dravidian Languages, Introduction, pp. 189 f.
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________________ 64 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [MARCH, 1893. clearly established by inscriptions found in the great temple at Tanjore. The Periyapuranam informs us that one of the Chola kings ruled also over the Pandya kingdom. This was the Saiva devotee Ko=Chchengat-Cha-Nayanir, who was also called Senganar. The same king is, as stated above, mentioned in the large Leyden grant as one of the ancestors of the Chola king Vijayalaya. His conquest of one of the Chera kings is described in a small work called Kalavuli. narpadu, the text and translation of which have been published in this Journal (ante, Vol. XVIII. pp. 258-265). The Periyapuranam tells us that he built several temples of Siva in different places. Sundaramurti-Nayanar refers in his Tevaram to one at Nappilam in the Tanjore district, 50 and Sundaramurti's predecessor, Tirunanasambandar, to another at TiruAmbar,51 This last reference furnishes us with one of the limits for the period of the latter poet, the other limit being the time of Seraman Perumal, who was a contemporary of the former poet. Another of the Tamil works which may be of use to the student of Pandya history, is the Pattuppastu (i. e. "the ten poems"). As the name implies, it consists of ten poems, or rather idyls, composed by different members of the college of Madara, to which reference has already been made. Of these, two are dedicated to Nedunjeliyan, a Pandya king. The first of these two, called Madurai-kkunji, was composed by Marudanar of Maigudi, and the second, called Nedunalvadai, by Nakkfranar, the president of the college. The first refers to a battle fought at Talai-Alanganam by the Pandya king against the Chera and the Chola kings and some minor chiefs.62 Some of the ancestors of Nedunjeliyan are also incidentally mentioned. The name of one of them was Vadimbalambaninra-Pandiyan according to the commentary.53 This, however, could not have been the actual name of the king, but only a biruda. Another of the ancestors of Nedunjeliyan was Pal-yaga-sa lai-muda-kudumi-Peruvaludi, whose piety is very highly spoken of. As I shall have occasion to speak of this king in an article on another Pandya grant which I am going to publish, I shall now be content with a mere mention of his name. The last of the Tamil works above enumerated, as being of some use to students of Pandya history, is the Purappattu. This work is unpublished, and consequently, the historical value of its contents cannot now be stated precisely. The Purappa!!is said to describe in detail the battle of Talai-Alanganam,65 which is referred to in the Madurai-kkanji. Mr. P. Sundaram Pillai, M. A., of the Maharaja's College at Trivandram, refers, in an article published in the August number of Vol. IX of the Madras Christian College Magazine, to another work called "Eraiyanar Agapporul." This work, he adds, is generally ascribed to Nakkirar and celebrates the prowess of Pandya king who is called Arikesari, Varddaya, Parinkusa and Vichari, and mentions among his conquests "Vilinjam (near Trivandram), Kottar (near Nagercoil), Naraiyaru, Chevoor, Kadaiyal, Anukudi and Tinnevelly." It is thus clear that Tamil literature is not devoid of works that throw some light on Pandya history. Their contents, however, have not been appreciated, because we have not had the means to test their usefulness. It is important here to note that the Sinhalese Chronicles might, with advantage, be consulted to elucidate some of the points in Pandya history, which may be left obscure by Tamil literature and the Pandya inscriptions. As I have already remarked, the subjoined inscription opens with six Sansktit verses. Of these, the first invokes Brahman, the second Vishnu and the third Siva. This might be taken as an indication of the non-sectarian creed of the reigning king. As, however, he has the biruda 18 South Indian Inscriptions, Vol. II. Nos. 38 and 41. - Tenang-dy-ulaganda Songan dr, 'Bongapir who became a Pandya and ruled the world,' oocure in verse 11 of the Tiruttondattogai. * Page 14 of the Madras edition of 1884. 01 Page 169 of the namo. 01 The following are the names of the minor chiefs (kuri-nila-mapnar) mentioned on page 189 of Pandit V. BAmi. nAdaiyar's edition : Tidiyap, Eluni, Erumaiyran, Irungo-Yonmap and Porunap. Page 185 of the same. M Page 29 of the same; in the text of the poem (p. 180, line 759) Pal-Alai-muda-kudumi occurs. # See noto on page 189 of the same.
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________________ MARCH, 1893.7 MADRAS MUSEUM PLATES OF JATILAVARMAN. 65 parama-Vaishnava, the most devoted follower of Vishnu,' in line 51, and as, in l. 35 f., he is reported to have built a temple to Vishnu, we have to understand that the king, though a worshipper of Vishnu, was not intolerant towards other religions. The fourth verse describes the Pandya luce as descended from the Moon as ancestor. The fifth refers to Maravarman and some of his ancestors, and describes him as the destroyer of the Pallavas' (Pallava-bhanjana). The sixth verse describes his son Jatilavarman. The Tamil portion is dated during the seventeenth year of the reign of Nequnjadaiyan. Evidently, Jatilavarman and Nedunjadaiyan denote the same individual and are synonymous, Jalila is the Sanskrit equivalent of the Tami! Sadaiyan (one who has matted hair), a name which is also applied to 'Siva.66 The adjective Nedum may qualify the word sadai, and the name would then mean one whose matted hair is long.' But it is more probable that Nedum has to be understood as a sort of title prefixed to the names of some of the Pandya kings. In line 61 of the Madurai-kekanji, a Tamil poem already referred to, one of the Pandya kings is called Nediyop. Nedumaran of the Periyapuranam and Nedunjeliyan of the Puttuppa!tu are names in which the prefix Nedum is used as a title. If translated, these two names might mean the tall Pandya.' The names Neduma ran, Nedunjeliyan and Neduojadaiyan are quite similar, and one is almost tempted to think that they must have denoted the same individual. Beyond this similarity of the mere names we possess no materials for their identification. In the present inscription, the king Neduvjadaiyan is called Tennan, Vanavan and Sembiyan. Tennavan or Tennan, 'the king of the South,' is used as a title of Pandya kings in Tamil inscriptions and literature., Vanavan and Sembiyan are titles applied to the Chora and Chols kings, respectively. The fact that this Pandya king assumed the Chera and Chola titles, shows that he conquered those kings, or was, at least, believed to have done so. A similar fact in connection with Chola history is revealed by tbe title Mummudi-Chola, which was assumed by one at least of the Chola kings. Mummuli. Chola means 'the Chola king who wore three crowns, viz. the Chera, the Chola and the Pandyu crowns.'67 After giving the above-mentioned titles of the king, the Tamil portion of the inscription enters into an account of his military achievements which occupies nearly two plates. The battles of Vellar, 68 Vinnam and Seliyakkudi against an unknown enemy are first mentioned. The king next attacks a certain Adiyan and puts him to fight in the battles of Ayiravoli, Ayirarlo and Pugaliyar. The Pallavas and Koralas, who are his allies, are also attacked and defeated. The king of Western Kongu is subsequently attacked, and his ele. phants and banner taken as spoils. The whole of Kongu is then subdued, and "the noisy dram suunds his (i. e. the king's) name throughout Kankabhumi." The king enters Kanjivayeppdrar, and builds a temple "resembling a hill" to Vishnu. The ruler of Von is then conquered and put to death; his town of Viliam," whose fortifications are as strong as those of the fort in Lauka," is destroyed, and "his elephants, horses, family treasure and good country" captured. The Pandya king afterwards builds & wall with a stone ditch round the town of Karavandapuram. 56 A facsimile of the seal of the Tiruppuranam copper-plate grant, a transcript and translation of which are pabliebed in the Archaeological Survey of Southern India, Vol. IV. pp. 21-38, is given on page 128 of Sir W. Elliot's Coins of Southern India. It contains a Sanskrit inscription which ends with the same Jatilavarman. In line 13 of the first plate of the inscription occurs the Tamil form of this name, vis. Sadaivarman, and in line 14, the attual name of the king, Kulaikharadeva. T See note 14, above. In the Tiruppuvana oopper.plato grant the name Vel]ur-koruchchi oouurs twice (Archaeological Survey of Southern India, Vol. IV. p. 28, Plate xi , lines 8 and 5) in the description of the boundaries of the granted village. A. the word kuruchchi is not found in Tamil dictionaries, it is probable that kuruchchi is a mistake, if not miereading, for kurichchi, whicb has almost the same meaning as the word puravu, which precedes the name Voffor in the text of the present inscription. Vellar-kurichohi means' Vellar, (which is) a village belonging to a hilly or forest tract, and puravil Vellor which occurs in the text, would mean' Vellor, (which is situated) in a forest or hilly tract.' Copa qnently, it is not impossible that the two villages are the same. Mr. Sewell in his Lists of Antiquities, Vol. I. p. 248, mentions a village called Vellar in the Malabar district, which is 28 miles north-north-west of Cannanore. Another village of the same name is mentioned in the Archaeological Survey of Southern India, Vol. IV. p. 77, text line 60. 50 It is not certain if Ayiraveli and Ayirar have to be taken udenoting two distinct villages. It is not impossible that Ayiror is the name of the village and Ayira-veli means one thousand wilis (of land). Perhaps the village of Ayirur bad only one thousand udlie of cultivated land.
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________________ 66 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [MARCE, 1898. The battle of 'Seliyakkudi was one of the first fought by the king. The name which means *the Pandya village, '60 might indicate that it was situated in the Pandya country. If it was, the battle must have been fought either against a foreign invader or a rebelbous feudatory. It is not apparent who Adiyan was, against whom the king next tarned his arms. Ayiraveli, where one of the battles against Adiyan was fought, was probably included in the Chola dominions, as it is said to have been situated on the northern bank of the Kaveri. The fact that the Pallava and Kerala kings were his allies, might indicate that he was not a minor chief. These considerations lead to the inference that he was probably a Ohola. Nedaojadaiyan calls himself Sembiyan ( e. the Chola), bat the conquest of the Cholas is not explicitly stated in the historical introduction, and no Chola king of the name Adiyan is known. The kings of that dynasty had, each of them, several names and many birudas.61 There are, however, only two cases known from inscriptions, of wars between the Chola and Pandya kings, in which the names of the contending kings are given. Of these, the first is the war between Rajasimha-Pandya and the Chola king Parantaka I. which is mentioned in the inscription of the Bina king Hastimalla, and the second is that between the Chola king Aditya-Karikala and Vira-Pandya, which is referred to in the large Leyden grant. It is more probable that Adiyan was identical with the king of Western Kongu, who was captured by Nedonjadaiyan. Adigaiman, also called Adigan, is mentioned in the Periyapuranam as an enemy of the Saiva devotee Pugal-80la, a Cho!a king whose capital was Karuvar (i. e. Karur in the Coimbatore district). Adigaiman and Elipi are mentioned in the unpublished Tamil work Purananuru, as kings, in whose praise the well-known Tamil poetess Auvaiyar composed several verses. In his South Indian Inscriptions, Vol. I. p. 106, Dr. Hultzsch has published an inscription which refers to certain images set up by Adigaiman Blini, and to their repair by a successor of his, who was called Vyamuktabravanojjvala (in Tamil, Vidukadalagiya), the lord of Takata, and who was the son of a certain Rajaraja. This Takata has probably to be identified with Tagadar, which is referred to in the Purananuru as having been captured by a Chera king. The syllables which are transcribed as Kanjivay&pperur, may also be written Kanjivay-pperur. In Sundaramurti-Nayanar's Tevaram (Foster Press edition, 1883, p. 114; Arunachala Madaliyar's 3rd edition of the Periyapuranam, 1884, pp. 7 and 22) Kanjivaypperur is mentioned. But there is no clue given as to the situation or the village. Consequently, we cannot decide whether the village mentioned in the present inscription has to be identified with that referred to in the Tevaram or not. Besides, Kanjiva or Kaojivay is reported to be the name of a village in the Tanjore district. The name Kanjivaypperur may also be explained as the large village in or near Kaoji, i. e. Kanchipura. The building of a temple to Vishou at this village might then refer to the construction of the Varadarajasvamin temple at Little Conjeeveram, which is not far from the Pallava capital Kanchi. Kankabhumi, the land of kites,' might then be taken for Tirukkalukkunram, 62 which is a few miles distant from Chingleput. Bat the conquests which are recorded in this part of the inscription, relate mostly to the western half of Southern India. Besides, if Kankabhumi is pronounced as it is written, it does not rhyme with Kongabhumi which it ought to do. Consequently, though the name is written Kankabhumi, the second of the ke's being Grantha, the composer evidently pronounced it Kangabhumi, which is the Tamil form of Gangabhumi, the 40 A name quite similar to Seliyakkudi in Vembangadi, which occurs three times in the Tiruppavanam grant (Plate xie, line 9; Plate xi b, lines 4 and 8). The second and third Sentences of note 60 read as follows:-Vemban means 'one who wears (a garland of flowors of) the vembu (the margosa or nim tree, Azadirachta Indica).' The Pandya king is often represented in Tamil literature as wearing garland of margosa flowers. Consequently, Vemban denotes the Pandya king, and the village is evidently called after him. For example, K-Rajakesarivarinan alias Rajarajadera had the following birudas:-Sola Arumoli, MommodiChole. RAJAbraya, Nityavindda and Sivapadasekhara (Christian College Magazine, Vol. VIII. p. 271). And his son K6-Parakosarivarmao alias Rajendra Choladeva was also called Madburintaba, Gangaikonda-Chola and Uttama-Chos. Tirukkalakkapram, 'the sacred bill of the kites,' is the name given to the hill as well as the village close to it. The village sometimes also called Pakeitirtha, the bathing place of the birde (s. e. kites)' see ante, Vol. X. p. 198 t.
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________________ MARCH, 1899.) MADRAS MUSEUM PLATES OF JATILAVARMAN. 67 well-known Ganga country. That such incorrect spellings were not uncommon in ancient days, is shown by an inscription of the great temple at Tanjore (South Indian Inscriptions, Vol. II. No. 35, line 156), in which the word chaturvedimangalam is written chaturvedimarkalam. Its connection with the town of Kanchi being thus rendered improbable, Kanjivaya-pperar may have to be understood as the large village of Kanjivayal or Kanchivayal,' the which ought to have been the result of satindhi between 1 and p, having been assimilated and its place taken by a second p.63 In Tamil dictionaries, Ven is mentioned as one of the twelve districts, where Kodur-Tamil (1.6. vulgar Tamil) used to be spoken. Vilinam, which is mentioned in the inscription immedia cely before Ven, is probably Vilinjam' which, as has been already stated, was a place in Travancore captured by one of the Pandya kings. From the manner in which Vilinam and Ven are mentioned in the inscription, it may be concluded that the former was one of the towns, if not the capital of the latter.64 According to Mr. W. Logan's Malabar (Vol. I. p. 240, note 2), Venadu . was, in ancient times, identical with the modern state of Travancore. Karavandapuram is the last place mentioned in the historical introdaction. Karavantapura is mentioned in a small Vatteluttu inscription, which, with the permission of Dr. Hultzsch, I publish below from a photograph received from by Dr. Burgess. TEXT. 1 Sri [1] KO-MAran-Jadaiyarku 2 rajya-va[r]aham Apavadu sella3 nirpe marr=avarku maha4 Bamantan-agiya Karavantapur-idhi5 vasi Vaijyan65 Pandi-Ami6 rdamangalav-araiyan- fi7 na Sattan-Ganavadi ti8 ruttu vittadu tira-kk[0][; di9 lum sri-tadagamum idan=u!=a10 ram-alladum [1] m[a]rr=ava11 rku dharmma-spajanie agiya Na12 kkangorriyare cheya13 ppattadu Durgga-devi-ko14 Jilug= Jeshtai-ko[X]ilum (11"] 63 Examples of similar asimilation are nappadu for narpadu (forty), kappanam for kappanam or kal-panam (a quarter fanam) and kdkkdir for kirkasu or kilka tu (a quarter cash). The village of Kanchiv yil is mentioned in Mr. Foulkes'inscription of the Pallava king Nandivarman and its Tamil ondorsement, and in the grant of Nandivar. man Pallevamalla and its Tamil endorsement. About its position Mr. Foulkes remarks as follows in the Salem Manual, Vol. II. p. 354:- "It is clear that KAnchiv yil lay, either wholly or in principal part, on the right bank of the PAlar in the apper, or upper-middle, part of its coarse, somewhere above Vellore." The large Leyden grant (lines 96 ff.) and some of the Tanjore inscriptions (South Indian Inscriptions, Vol. II. Nos. 9 and 10) mention an officer of Bajardjadera who was a native of KAnchivAyil. From an upablished inscription of the rained temple at Kolambandal in the Arcot taluk, North Aroot district, it appears that this village belonged to Per-Avar-nAda in Uyyakkon. dez-valandila, which last was, acoording to a Tanjore inscription (South Indian Inscriptione, Vol. II, No. 4, p. 47), situated between the rivers Arisil and Kaviri. Kdachivayal is mentioned in a Tamil inscription dated Sake 1467, which is published in the Archeological Survey of Southern India, Vol. IV. pp. 154-158. It is not improbable that the village of KAncbivayil which is mentioned in the inscriptions pablished by the Rev. T. Foulkes, was situated in the Konga soantry. If it was, it may be the same as the Kdaohivayal of the present inscription, granted that there was not more than one village of that name in the Kohga country. 4 Among the conquests of Kulottunga-Cola, the Kalingattu-Parari (canto xi. verse 71) mentions Viliam, which was very probably identical with the Visinam of the present inscription and with the "Vilinjam" mentioned in the "Eraiyanar Agapporul" (ante, p. 64). * Vaijyan is a corruption of the Sanskrit Vaidya, which satanlly oocars as the name of family in line 78 of the copper-plate inscription which is the subject of this paper. " Read dharma-patni. The apparent length of the vowel in pa on the photograph may be due to the bad pastian of the impronions before photographing. If this is the case, panns for patnt would be a mistake similar to that of ranna bez ratna which oooars several times in the insoriptions of the Bajardjektara temple at Tanjore (South-Indian Inscriptions, vol. II. No. 46, Line 8, 16 and 20).
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________________ 68 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [MARCH, 1893. TRANSLATION. Prosperity! While the sixth year of the reign of Ko-Maran-Jadaiyan was corrent, sattan Ganapati, who was his (i. e. the king's) great feudatory (maha-samanta), who resided in the village of) Karavantapura, (who belonged to the Vaidya (race), (and) who was the chief of Pandi-Amirdamangalam, repaired the sacred temple, the sacred tank (ari-tadaga) and (all) that is charitable (in connection with this (tank). Besides, Nakkangorri, who was his lawful wife, built a temple of the goddess Durga and a temple of Jyeshtha.87 As is seen from the above translation, this inscription is dated during the sixth year of the reign of Ko-Marai-Jadaiyan, and mentions & certain Sattan Ganapati, who was the chief of Pandi-Amirdamangalam, and was living in the village of Karavantapura, which is very probably identical with the Karavandapuram mentioned in the subjoined inscription. The characters in which the above short inscription is engraved, are the same as those of the present one. It is therefore not impossible that both of them belong to the reign of the same king. In the long historical introdnction of the subjoined inscription, there is no clue as to the date of the grant. As palaeography is a very unsafe guide in determining even the approximate dates of South Indian inscriptions, we must wait for further researches to enable us to ascurtain the date of the Pandya king Nedunjadaiyan. This inscription records the grant of the village of Volangudi in Ten-Kalavali-nadu, 68 whose name was subsequently changed into Srivara-mangalam. The donee was Sujjata-Bhatta, the son of Sihu-Misra, who lived in the village of SabdAli which had been granted to the Brahmanas of the country of Magadha. SujjataBhatta may be a vulgar form of the name Sujata-Bhatta. The name Sihu-Mibra shews that the donoe's father must have been an immigrant from Northern India. Siha is the Prakrit form of the Sanskrit sinha, and Misra is a title borne by some of the Brahmanas of Northern India. It is extremely interesting to learn that there was a colony of Magadha Brahmanas settled in the Pandya country. The circumstances under which, and the time when this settlement took place, are not known. The ajnapti of the grant was Dhirataran Murti-Eyipan, the great feudatory of the king and the chief of Viramangalam, who was born in the village of Vangalandai. Special reference is made to the excellence which his family had attained in music. Some of the graphical peculiarities of the Tamil portion of the subjoined inscription require to be noted here. As in all other Tamil and Vatteluttu inscriptions, the longe and the longo are not marked, though I have, for practical reasons, made these marks in the transcript. The distinction between long and short i is not strictly observed. The i in karudi (line 54) and vali (line 80) seem to be distinctly long. In line 48, the i of virr appears to be short. In line 52 ni in nin and ni in nila are exactly alike. In the Sanskrit portion (line 8) sriyam may also be read ariyam. Merku is written meklu in line 65. The most important, however, of these peculiarities is, that the rules of Tamil saindhi are not observed in many cases. Of these the following may be noted : - Lipe 20 anai orungudan instead of anai-y oruigadan. add-oli fadav-oli. 24. ma-irum mav-irum. , 24f. A-ira Ayira. # Jy shtha or, in Tamil, Sattai or Moderi, the elder sister,' is the goddess of misfortane, who is believed to be the eldor sister of Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth ; see South Indian Inscriptions, Vol. II. p. 60, note 7. The Tiruppuranam copper-plate grant, which has been referred to more than once, mentions a village called Velangadi (Plate ri a, line 18) and a river called Kajavali nadsp-aru (Plate xia, lines 8 and 10). Perhaps the village of Velangudi granted by the present inscription belonged to a district which was situated to the south of the above-mentioned river, and which was, consequently, called Tep-Kalavali-nada. Compare the name Vadakarai. R.Ajendraithe vulanada, which occurs repeatedly in the Tanjore insuriptions (South Indian Inscriptions, Vol. II. No. 4 Duyanaple 18, and passim), and in which Vadakari, the northern bank,' is wed with reference to the river Kavert.
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________________ MARCH, 1893.] Line 26. Bai odu oli-udai "9 99 33 " 91 33 MADRAS MUSEUM PLATES OF JATILAVARMAN. 33 26f. vemma-avai-udan 28. padai-oda 30. {Padai-oda varai-um 32. kodi ani 35. lai-ani ko-il 36. akki-um 41. nidi-odu 57. vidyai-odu 70. ellai agattu 73. Pandi-ilango 82. adi en 82f. melana enru instead of naiy-odu. pataga-piga 2 latara-chchhayan-jata-mandalam "3 "" 13 8 ttayo dehinam [*] 9 ge lasan-maulau ad adhishthayakah. 31 31 " "1 " " " "" 93 1 Brahma vyanjita-visva-tantram anagham oliy-udni. vemmav-avaiyudan. padaiyb4u. padaiyodu. varaiyum. kodiy-api. laiy-ani. kuyil or kovil, "" Of these I have corrected only lo-il and a-ira in the text, because the former is likely to be misunderstood, and the latter is distinctly wrong. In some of the other cases, the sandhi, though optional in usage, would be necessary according to the rules of grammar. Among the rest, there is a considerable number of cases in which the samdhi is not optional. Such violations of the rales of grammar are not uncommon in other inscriptions; but there is an unusually large number of them in this grant. Many of these anomalous cases occur in the historical introduction (11. 19 to 46) which is in High Tamil, where they are not expected. The fact that the small Vatteluttu inscription published above, also contains some of these peculiarities, shows that they were not merely local. The style of the whole of the Tamil portion of the subjoined inscription is almost free from mistakes, and shows that the composer could not have been ignorant of the rules of samhlhi if they had been commonly in use. These rules could not have been absolutely unknown as they are observed in a few cases in this grant. Consequently, we are led to the conclusion that the rules of sandhi, which are given in Tamil grammars, were not universally recognized and followed in the Tamil country, at the time when these inscriptions were composed. But this inference cannot be established without comparing a large number of other inscriptions belonging to the same period. TEXT. First Plate. [On the left margin] Svasti [*] ikkiyum. nidiyodu. vidyalyoda. ellaiy-agatta. Pagdiy-ijango. adiy-p. melanav-enru. [*] adyan=nabhi-sarah-prasuti-kamalam adhishthayu 3 kah pushuatu pramadan-chiraya bhavatam punyah purano munih yasmid-avirbhavati para vaktrais-chaturbhir-grinan-bibhrad=bala 69 4 miicharyyabhatidyagadau yasminn=eva pravigati punar-vvisvam-etad=yuga 5 nte [*] tad-vas-chhandomaya-tanu vayo-vahanan-daitya-ghati jyotih patu dyu6 ti-jita-nav-ambhodam-ambhoja-netram [2] amhas-samghati70-harinor-ati-dridha7 m-bhaktim yayoh kurvvatam-atr=amutra cha sambhavanty-avikalis-sampa Second Plate; First Side. usta[i]s-imburuha-ariyam nakasadam Pinaki-charanau To Read sashhati. TO Vishnor a [1] kalayato yashu1ttama[*]tan vas-chiram 71 11 Read yavou. raksha
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________________ THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [MARCH, 1893. 10 tam [3] Ahar=mmula-praksitimamrita-jyotishara yasya devam yasy-A11 casty vijita-Nahash-imbhodhi-Vindhyah purod hab [1] Sasvad=bhogya 12 jaladhi-rasana yena visvambhar=eyam Boxyan=dirgghai=jayati yasa13 ga pandarah Pandya-vamsah 6 [4*1 asmin Vasava-hara-h[A]rishu maha-ka14 1p-ipad-uttarishu Svarggidhisa-Jalesa-Bharata-jaya-khyatesha y ateshv=-- 15 tah (1*] jatah Pallava-bhanjano=pi samare sarvva-kshamabhrid-bal-onmardd-anitamad-ebha-bhima-ka Second Platt; Second Side. 16 takali 'Sri-Maravarmmi nipah (5*) tagmat-Taradhinathid-Budha iva vibudhah Past]ma72 nabhad-iy=adya17 t-Pradyumno dyumna-dhamnas=Tripurabhida iv=odyukta-saktith Kumarah [*] jato Jambhari-kalpo 18 jagati Jatilavarmm-fti vikhyata-kirttih sarvv-orvv-is-ru-garvva-graha-dahuna-vidhan apra19 tipa-pratapah 6 (6) Annan-agiya alar-kadir-neda-ver-Rennan Vanavan Be20 mbiyan Vada-varaiy-irangayal-amai orangudan=add-oli-kelu-munnir-ulaga mu21 lud=alikkum vali-kelu-tini-don-mannavar peraman-reny-alar-adi tem=bu22 nar-kuratti-ppon-malar-paravil Vellur Vinna-Je23 liyakkuli enr=ivarrut=tevvar=aliya=kkodin-jilai73 &Rrakal v alaittum [1] ma-irum perum-bunar-Kaviri vada-karai A. 25 [y*]iraveli Ayirar tannilum Pugaliyurun-tigal-vel-Adiya Third Plate; First Side. 26 nai odu parangand=avan=oli-udai-mani-tter-adal-vem-m[]-avai. 27 udan kavarndum [18] Pallavapu-Keralanum=ang avarku-ppao28 g=agi-ppal-padai-oda eliya-ppavvamm=ena-pparand-elu. 29 ndu k uda-palun-guna-palumm-anuga vandu vitt-iruppa vel. 30 padai-oda mor=chenr-ang-iruvarai-am-iru-palumm-idar-eydappadai vidattukkuda-Kongatt-adan-mannanaiakkol-kali. 32 frodun=kondu pondu kodi ani-mani-nedu-mada-Ekadan=madil a ga. 33 ttu vaittu-Kkankabhami-adan=alavurugadi-muraisu t an piyar=araiya-K. 34 kongabhumi adi-ppadatta=kkoduo-jilai putt-ilivittaeppunjo35 lai-ani-puravir-Kanjivayapperar pakku-Ttirumalukk-amarn Third Plate; Second Side. 36 d=u raiya=kkunram-annad=or-ko[y*]ilakki-um [18] ali-mannir=aga!=(A[-. 37 ga agal vanatt=agad-uruojum* pali-nin-madil parand=ongisp38 pagalavanum=agalav=odam aniy-Ilangaiyil-arah-id-agi mani39 y-ilangun=neda-mida-madil Vilinam-adur=aliya-kkorra40 velai urai nikki verrattanai Von-mannanai ven realit41 travan vilu-nidi-da kunram-ands kulai-kkalirun=gundar-mavui=kula-dhanamun=nan-nadum-avai kondum [1] arayinda-mukhat43 twilaiyavar-ari-nedun-gan-arabugaar-por-maindar palambrey. 44 dum pon-mada-neda-vidi-Kkaravandapuram polivmeyda-kkann-agan45 rad=or-kall-agalodu visumbu toyndu mugi-runjalil-- Fourth Plate; First Side. 46 sumbearadavragan-senni-nnedu-madilai vadiv=amaittam [] eve47 madi-vikramangal=ettunaiyo-pala seyda mani-mada-Kkada48 i pukku Malar-magalda virr-irundu Manu-darasita-marggattinal 13 Read Padma 11 Read kodu-jilai. 16 Read urifjum. par
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________________ Madras Museum Plates of Jatilavarman. No. Tront, azaz - 70% LES 1821 .929 IT 2016 3.816 . 121 49376 wa 75. 622 Ugo V:00:09 O DG0373 14 . 99 GRUNE 13, C nicy 29 segue AL . E HULTZSCH SCALE .65 W. GRIGGS, PHOTO-LITH FRINK --MPRESSIONS BY J F FLEET
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________________ wtm khy rmy w m rdmy w dwrn br `rby : dw drwG ( zd 2 ltrbwy@ n w r bh drh y`ny * hy m wbyl 'wl - * * . lh msjd jrh y ( : w dr j dh h brwym z yr lywyz wr . . . . d tm * * * dw i twmn r bh wt n kh rb d rd * mrym wr hm mn w wh rh wh r yh wh bh r mh bh nw` w my y dwm r hmrh bwdh w bh rh 8 w mly n h th wh bh 5 bh . mn nh b T`m twjhy mqwlt `m@ ` n lf` #dmw` 6 :: pwry khrdh w bh bl bh 23 22 . 3 328 327 ) mhr w bhmn nwd w chhr h n m wn byn qwty w rf` . dywwnh my rwd, nyn br y m hy by nm w rhbry bh smt 243 `h rh w mch ( DH brthn khn bnd bh nm mntz` w bh {3 y h .
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________________ Madras Museum Plates of Jatilavarman. 2. . w w l y nh bh hw 6 ynh khh fh r` ) bh rh j jwfh shy y'h m % * khr khrdh bwd w dr tmm ph qh lh khy n wkhr nw n khy mwq khrw 27 73 272 q 2 l drws Hq khw dwnstwn qw` bwH k w bwnh w r ` mhrj m` 2 mtry@ w fyh m hm mrdm m khh mwrn shsh jwgrfy w tSwyry dydh r z mdrm r shnydh m bh brdr w : bh wr drd w `m 4 " m w r rd w E HULTZSCH. W. GRIGGS, PHOTO-LITH. SCALE 65. FROM INK-IMPRESSIONS BY J. F. FLEET.
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________________ B4 ek j 94 41. 4 24 maua, FNbnnmuk 4aa / 0334, maaNshaay' naa hi.Tch,4 :Ngs o haai I , echaa abiested 3% , 044 2 43 tn 2 . 1AA
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________________ MAROH, 1893.] MADRAS MUSEUM PLATES OF JATILAVARMAN. 71 pe 49 guru-charitam kondadi-kkandaka-sodhanai tan s eydu k adan-na50 lam mulud=alikkum Pandya-nathan pandita-vatsalan vira-purogan vi51 krama-paragan parantakan paramavaishnavan=ran=&gi=nninr-ilaugu52 m mani-nin-mudi nila-mannava-Nedunjadaiyarku rajya-varaham pa53 dinolavadupar-paffu=chchela-nirka=ppinnaiyun-dharmmamey tapakkue54 nrun-karmmam=aga=ttan karudi Magadham-ennun=nan-nattun-mahideva55 rkku vaguk kappatta Sabdali ennus-gramattu! Vidya-devataiya. Fourth Plate; Second Side. 56 1 virumbappadum Bharygava-gotra-sambhutan Asvalayana-sutra57 ttu Bahvrijan Sihu-Mibrarku magan-agi yajna-vidyai-od-en58 jada-sastraigalai-kkarai-kanda Sajjata-Bhattarku-Tten-Kala59 vali-nattu Velangudiyai=ppandai-ttan palambe 60 r nikki Srivara-mangalam=ena=ppiyar=ittu brahma-deyam=ga=kkaranmaiyam miyatchiyum n!!=adanga Barvve62 pariharam-aga=nnirod=atti-kkudakkappattadu [11*] mar63 s=idan peru-nang=ellai [*] kil-ellai NilsikanimeFifth Plate; First Side. 64 ngalatt-ellaikkum Milandiyapkuci ellaikkum 65 mekkun-tenn-ellai Perumagarrur-ellaikkun-Kalli66 kkudi ellaikkum vadakkemanniya-siraemme67 l-ellai Kadambangudi ellaikkum Kurangudi 68 ellaikkun=kilakkum vadav-ellai Karala 69 vayal-ellaikku-tterkumm-ivv-isaitta 70 ra-nang=ellai agattu=kkallun=galliyu-na Fifth Plate ; Second Side. 71 tti mannevanadu paziyinal vadiv=amai72 ya sd Indan Pandyarku matagajaddhyaksha Pandi-ilang-mangala=ppor-araisan-i74 giya Koluvar-kkurrattu=Kkoluvar-chcha - 75 ngan-Siridaran [18] ing=idanukk-anattiy-a76 y=ttamra-sisana a-jeyvittan 77 ya-samgitangalan=maliv=eydiya VangaSixth Plate; First Side. 78 landai Vaidya-kulam . Vilanga-ttonri ma79 nnavarku maha-samantan=ay marr-arisarai 80 vali-tulaikkum Viramangala=pper-araisa81 peagiya Dhirataran Martti-Eyinap [1] marr=idanai82 kkattaran malar-adi en mudi melana 83 pru korravaney panitt-aru!i=tterreena Sixth Plate ; Second Side. 84 tAmra-sasana o=jeyvittan 11 Brahmadeya-paripa85 lanad=rite nanyad=asti bhavi dharmma-sadhanam [1] tasya chrapaba86 ranad-rite tatha nanyad-asti bhuvi pa pa-sadhanam [11] Bahubhi87 rey vasudhadatta ra jabhis-Sagar-adibhih [1] yasya yasya yada bho. 88 mis-tasya tasya tada phalam 1 na vishan visham=ity=ahur-brahmastam vi89 shamwachyate [lo] visham-ekakinan hanti brahmasvam putra-pautri pidi 73 D
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________________ 72 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. Seventh Plate. 90 kam 75 Brahmasva-rakshanad-anyat-punya-mulan na vidyate [1] tasy=atilamgha91 nad-anyat=papa-mulan-na vidyate Pandi-pperum-bagai-karap 92 gan 93 ri The Pandi-pperum-bapai-karan-agiya TRANSLATION. Sanskrit portion. [MARCH, 1893. Hail! - ma Arikesaelutta II (Verse 1) May that pure ancient sage (Brahma),-who resides in the primeval lotns, which has sprung out of the tank of Vishnu's navel, who invokes with his four mouths the sinless Brahman (i.e. the Veda), which has revealed all sciences, and who bears a mass of matted hair, the colour of which is redder than the morning sun,-maintain for a long time your joy! (2.) May that extremely wonderful lustre (of Vishnu), whose body consists of the Veda, who rides on a bird, who destroys the Daityas, whose splendour surpasses that of a new cloud (in blackness), who has lotus eyes, from whom this universe springs at the beginning of the Yuga, and into whom it again enters at the end of the Yuga, - protect you! (3.) May that pair of feet of Pinakin (Siva), which remove all sins, by practising strict devotion to which, perfect success is produced to men in this world and in the next, and which appear to be lotuses (placed) as ornaments on the heads,-(which bear) glittering diadems, - of the gods, protect you for a long time! (4.) May that Pandya race, which is white with fame, by which this earth, that has the ocean for its girdle, has been perpetually enjoyed,76 the first ancestor of which is said to be the nectar-rayed god (i.e. the Moon)," and the family priest of which was Agastya, who vanquished Nahusha, the ocean and the Vindhya (mountain),-be victorious for a long time! (5.) In this (race), after those who had deprived Vasava (Indra) of his garland, who had survived the disaster of the great Kalpa, and who were famous by victories over the lord of heaven (Indra), the lord of the waters (Varuna) and Bharata (Agni), had passed away, was born the illustrious king Maravarman who, though he destroyed the Pallava in battle, captured terrible armies (kataka) of rutting elephants by crushing the armies of all rulers of the earth. (6.) Just as the wise Budha (sprang) from the lord of stars (the Moon), Pradyumna from the first Padmanabha (Krishna), (and) Kumara (Subrahmanya) (who wears) an active lance, from the destroyer of Tripura (Siva), (who is) an abode of lustre, so, from him (i.e. Maravarman) was born (a son), who was renowned in the world by the name Jatilavarman, who was equal to Jambhari (Indra), (and) whose irresistible valour burnt the planet (consisting of) the great arrogance of all the rulers of the earth. Tamil portion. (Line 19.) The lord of kings (who possesses) stout shoulders resplendent with (i. e. expressive of) strength, who is such (as is described above), who has fought against the southern To Read pautrakam. 16 The word saivat, which is here translated perpetually,' also means 'repeatedly,' which would imply that there were intervals when the Pandya dynasty was not supreme. 77 The tradition preserved in Tamil literature that the Pandyas belonged to the lunar race, is here confirmed; see pp. 4, 6, 8 and 17 of the Archeological Survey of Southern India, Vol. IV. 78 From other Pandya inscriptions which have been publisbed, it appears as if Indra had presented his garland to the Pandya family; see pp. 6, 17, and 43 f. of the Archaeological Survey of Southern India, Vol. IV. It was this garland which Rajendra-Chola took away from the Pandya king along with the crown of Sundara;' see South-Indian Inscriptions, Vol. I. p. 98, line 3, and p. 100, line 7. * To The word though' (api) in the translation has to be explained by the double meaning of pallova and kataka, each of which signifies also ' a bracelet.'
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________________ MARCH, 1893.7 MADRAS MUSEUM PLATES OF JATILAVARMAN. 73 ocean (ten-alar),80 (who is not only) Tennan (the Pandya king) (who bears) a long lance with spreading Instre, (but also) Vannvan (the Chera king) and 'Sembiyan (the Chola king) who governs in harmony the whole world, - (surrounded by the ocean (which is) full of incongruous noise, by orders (dnai), which bear on the seal) the great fish (kayal) (banner which Hutters on the nortbern mountain (i. e. Meru),S1 - bent, on that day, 82 the cruel bow, so that the enemies might be destroyed at these places : - Vinnam, Seliyakkudi and Vellur, (situatedl) in a forest (full of the golden flowers of the berutiful panal-kurti (? plant).93 (Line 24) Having seen Adiyan (who wore) a resplendent lance, turn to flight at Ayirur, (4) Pugaliyar and at Ayiraveli, (situatel) on the northern bank of the Kaviri, 84 (which has) abundant waters (anul which is) rich (in) fields, - (he) seized his (the enemy's) chariot (adorwil with) sounding bells, along with a troop of horses (which were) fierce in battle; when the Pallava and the Korala (kinus), having become his (the enemy') allies, swelled and rose like the ser with numerous arunies, so that the earth treinbled, and when the western and castern wings (the wy) joined, and were encampod (together), (the kiny) elvance nyainst the enemy) with a troop of spearmen and despatched a detachment, so that disaster befell both of the on both winys; captured the powerful king of Western Kongu, along with (his)inurilerous elephants; placed his banner within the walls of Kudal (i... Madura), which has spacious halls decorated with precious stoues :95 subdued Kongabhumi, so that the noisy drum was sounding his fame throughout Kankabhumi; unfastened the string of the cruel bow; entered the large village of Kanchivayal (?) (situatel) in # woody region that reas) beautified by flower gardens; and built a temple resembling a hill to Tirumal (i.e. Vislina) (in which might joyfully ubide. (1. 36.) (H) unsheathed the victorious weapon, in order to destroy (the forenej) Vilinam, which has the three waters of the sea for (itx) ditch, whose strong and high walls which rub against the inner part of the receding sky, risc so high that the sun has to retire in his course, which is as strong as the fort in the beautiful (islanl of) llangai (Lanka), and 40 While his ancestors claim to have conquerel Varuna himself, the present king modestly says that he stily fought against the southern ocean. This tradition of the victory gained by the Panilyas over the act, is also preserved in the large Tirappuvanam copper-plate grant of Kulaseklara- Panilya, where a village, or part of a village, is called after a certain Vellattai-venran, one who has conquered the floods or the ocean.' Iu the same inscription, villages and private individuals are called after the following names and birudas of Pandya kings: --Talaiyil-tyAgi, one who makes gifts without hesitation,' Vira-Ganga Poyau, Viru-Pandya-Poyar, Indra-Samanan. 'one who is equal to Indra, Parikrant Panlya, Varaguna, Srivallabh: and Sundara-Pandya. Of these, Brivallabha bas been mentioned (ante, p. 60) as a Panya iing, who son was a contemporary of the Chila king Ki-Rajakesarivarnan alias Vira-Rajendradeva I. Klasekhara-Panya himself, in whose reign the grant was issued, might have borne some of these names and birudar, 'he rest, huwerer, belonged to his.prolecersors. Ni The great fish evidently refers to the two fish which we find on Pandya coins and seals. Vada-varai, the orthern mountain, might refer to the hill of Tirupati in the North Arout district, which is sometimes represented as Burthernmust boundary of the Tamil country. But, in other Pandya inscriptions which have been published, it is istinetly stated that the fish banner wils fluttering on Mouut Meru (Adagil-prorappa, Kapakuna and Kanaka-Meru) see the Archeologir i surrey Borthern India, Vol. IV. pp. 6, 10, 13, 15, 22 and 43. 69 The day was evidently well known to the composer of the inscription and to his contemporaries. 39 Neither chi vor pm kuraiti is found in Tamil dictionaries; kuratai is, according to Winslow, 'n gourd, Trichorinthus l'altata.' With propel-kuratti comparo pupelmurungai nad pugar pannai which are the names of two plants. # In Tamil inscription of the Tanjore temple (South Indian Inscriptions, Vol. II. p. 47) this river is enlled Kviri, and in two Sanskrit inscriptions found in the Trichinopoly cave (Vol. I. pp. 29 and 30), the word is spelled Kavirt. The epithet which is siven to it in the first of the two Sanskrit inscriptions, vis, drama-mald.dhard. wearing a parlant of gardens.' muiyot suggest a possible derivation of the name. Kaviri, the name found in Tamil ir acriptions, perlaps means cutting through or intersecting (ir) gardens (ku). 88 Another possible translation of the me pasango is :-"captured the powerful king of Western Kongu along with his murder elephants: imprisoned (tim) within the walls of Kadal (i. e. Madura), which has jewel-like and Epacious hall derorted with banners." M The sea is supposed to contain three kinds of water, vir. rain water, river water, and sprin, water. Another translation of the passage which describes Vilina wwald be the following: -" Viliam, whose lofty ballo and walls aro resplendent with jewels, (and whiol)-(with its) temple which has the tree waters of the sea for ita diteh, and which Tuts against the interior of the vast sky, -- is like the fort in the beautiful island of Ilaugai (Laukl), wbone long walls ce so high that even the sau bas to retire (iu bis course)."
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________________ 74 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [MARCH, 1899. whose lofty halls and walls are resplendent with jewels, conquered and destroyed the king of von, who had a victorious army, and took possession of murderous elephants reser bling hills, horses with manes, the family treasores and the fertile country, along with his magnificent treasures. (Line 42.) (He) built, along with a broad stone ditch, a lofty wall whose top never loses the inoisture (caused by the sky coming in contact with it), and the clouds resting (on it), so that the town of Keravandapuram might get resplendent, which has beautiful halls and long streets, (where even) warriors are afraid of the arrow (-like) pointed and long eyes of women with lotus faces. (L. 46.) Having achieved these and many other similar conquests, having entered the city of Kudal (which has) a ball of jewels, being seated (on the throne) along with the goddess of the flower (i. e. Lakshmi), having followed, (like his) father, the path pointed out by Manu (?) and having himself performed the uprooting of thorns (i. e. rebels), (he) is protecting the whole world (surrounded by) the ocean. (L. 50.) While the seventeenth year of the reign of (this) Nedugjadaiyan, - the king of the earth (who bears) a high crown on which are set) jewels of permanent lustre, who is the lord of the Pandyas, is fond of learned men, is the foremost of heroes, is very brave, is the destroyer of enemies and the most devoted follower of Vishnu, was current : (L. 53.) Having considered that charity was always his daty, (he) gave, with libations of water, the village of) Velangudi in Ten-Kalavali-nadu, --having cancelled its former name from old times, and having bestowed on it) the (new) name of Srivars-mangalam, as a brahmadeya and with all exemptions (parihara), including karanmi and miyachi, 99 -- to SujjataBhatta, who was the son of Sihu-Misra, who had thoroughly mastered all the Sastras along with the knowledge of sacrifices, who was born in the Bhargavagotra, followed the Aevaluyanu. sutra, and was a Bahvoicha, so who was beloved by the goddess of learning (Sarasvati), (and who resiled) in the village called Sabdali, which had been apportioned to the Brahmanas (maki. dsca) from the good country called Magadha.91 (L. 62.) The four great boundaries of this (village are):- The eastern boundary (is) to the west of the boundary of Nilaikanimangalam and of the boundary of Milandi. yankuli; the southern boundary (is) to the north of the boundary of Peramagarrar and of the boundary of Kallikkudi;o the western boundary (possessing) permanent benaty, (is) to the east of the boundary of Kadambangudio and of the boundary of Kurangudi ;" the northern boundary (is) to the south of the boandary of Karalavayal, * The worlaluobre literally means 'mniut land, slippery ground.' The literal translatiog of the passage which describes Kararandaparain is as follows:- " whose top is a place in which the noisture. (caused by the clouds retiring on it (itamediately) after the sky has plunged into water, Bever ceases." $8 The word piriyani geeras tu be used lier an explotive, like marru in lines 69 and 81, and ingr in line 75. * The teobnical meaning of these two torms is out clear. According to Winslow, the word karilar means 'hun. hadigen' or 'agriculturista.' Aveording to Dr. Gaudert's Malayalam Dictionary, kariyma, which must be the same ** tam il birinti, means freshold,' rerbal agreement between Janmi and Cudiyan about their respective rights to mbavit mortgagel grounds.' Viyalchi literally means overlordship * i.e. a Rigvedin. This is evidently the country or the suns nens in Northern India. The fact that there was a colony of Magndba Brahinanas settlol in the Pamlya country, shows that comingnication between Northern and Sonthern India was not so infrequent in ancient days as might be i augiaid. This infereure is confirised by some of the inscriptions of the Cbola king Rajendra-Cola, in which he is reported to have exten:1 his military operations as far as the river Gange, and to have conquered Bougal (Vangala- u d the Khwal country (Kalti-ulu): Nee South Indian Inscription, Vol. 1. pp. 98 and 100, and Vol. II. p. 108. There is a village of this name notioned in the large Tirappian Copperplato grant (Plate viii s, line 2). >> A village of the same name is moutinued twiou in the grant above referred to (Plate v b, line 5, and Plate ix a, line 1). According to the Manunl of the Tinnerelly District, Trickumnguddy" is a village in the Nanguneri taluk, clone to the Travancora frontier. See ante, Vol. II. p. 960, where the village is mentioued with its proper spelling, Tirukkursigadi.
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________________ MARCH, 1893.) FOLKLORE IN HINDUSTAN 75 (Line 69.) Having set op stones and planted milkbush (ka!!) on the four great boundaries thus described, Siridaran (i.e. Sridhara), (who was a member of the assembly (sanga) of Koluvur in Koluvur-karram, the great chief of Pandi-ilango-mangalamos and the overseer of the elephants of the Pandya (king), followed, by order of the king, a female elephant, (which was let loose) to determine the boundaries of the granteil village). (L. 75.) Dhirataran Marti-Eyinan, - who was the great chief of Viramangalam, who deprived inimical kings of their strength, who was the great feudatory (maha-samanta) of the king, and whose birth had conferred splendour on the Vaidya race of Vangalandai which was famous for (skill in playing) musical instruments, singing and music, -caused, as the ajaapts (anatti) of this grant), a copper edict to be drawn up. The king himself declared : -" The lotus feet of those who protect this (gift), shall rest on my crown,'97 and caused (this) clear copper edict to be drawn up. (L. 84.) "There is no means on earth of acquiring merit, except the protection of gifts t. Brahmanas ; and likewise, there is no means on earth of incurring sin, except their confiscation. "Land has been given by many kings, commencing with Sagara; as long as (a king) possesses the earth, so long the reward (of gifts) belongs to him. "They declare that poison (itself) is not (the worst) poison ; (but) the property of Brab. manas is declared to be the rial) poison. (For), poison (if taken) kills (only) one person ; (6) the property of Bruhmanas (if confiscated, kills the confiscator) together with his sons and grandsons. "No other sonrce of religious merit is known than the protection of the property of Brahmanas, (and) no other source of sin is known than transgressing on it." (L. 91.) The signature of Arikosari, who was the chief drummer of the Paody (king) and the son of the (late) chief drummer of the Pandya iking). FOLKLORE IN HINDUSTAN. BY W. CROOKE, C.S. No. 4.-The Trucky Herdsman. Once upon a time a herdsman was watching some sheep near the jungle, when a tiger carre ont and asked him for a sheep. The herdsman said: "They don't belong to me. How can I give * you one?" " All right," said the tiger, "I vill eat you some night soon." When the herdsman came home, he told his wife, and she said: "We had better get some of the neighbours to sleep in the house as a guard." So some of the neighbours brought their beds and slept in the herdsman's house. The herdsman's bed was in the middle. In the middle of the night the tiger came in quietly, and raising up the herdsman's bed, carried it off on his shoulders When lie had gone a little distance the herdsman fortunately woke, and, as he happened to be passing under a banyan tree, he caught hold of one of the shoots and climbed up. The tiger, knowing nothing of this, went off with the bed. The herdsman was so afraid of the tiger, that he stayeci up in the tree all day. In the evening a herd of cows came from the janrle and lay down ander the banyan tree. They remained there all iyht and next morning went off, as usual, to grize. When they had gone NIX . me down, renoveel!l the manure, and cleaned the place. In this name, tony >> synonymous with tl. u--it yuturdja. The village wus evidently called after the heir apparent to the Palya throne. * The custura of determining the boundaries of a donative village with the help of a female elephant, seems to have been quite common in ancient times; see the large Tiruppavanam copper-plate grant, Plate is, lines 3 to 5, and the large Leydeu grant, Plate ix a, line 175. 07 Tois is addressed to the reigning king'o saccersors. 1 A folktale told by Parsuttam Majhf, one of the aborigines of South Mirzapur.
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________________ 76 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [MARCH. 1893. Next night the cows came again, and were delighted to find the place clean, and wondered who had done them this service. Next morning they went again to graze, and on returning found that the place had again been cleaned. This happened a third time; and then the cows called out, "Show yourself, our unknown friend! We are very grateful to you, and wish to make your acquaintance." The herdsman thought this might be some device of the enemy; so he kept quiet and did not show himself. Then the cows made a plan. There was one of them, who was a poor, old, weak creature; so they said to her: "You lie here and pretend to be very sick; our friend is sure to come down to help you after we are gone. When he comes catch hold of his dhot, and detain him until we return." The old cow did as she was told, and caught hold of the herdsman's dhoti, and though he tried to drag himself away, she would not let him go until her companions came back. When the cows returned, they told the herdsman how much they were obliged to him, and said, "You may have as much of our milk as you want." So the herdsman continued to live in the banyan tree and used to milk the cows every day. One day, as he was strolling about near the banyan tree, he saw a hole, out of which came Come young snakes, who looked very thin and miserable. The herdsman took pity on them and gave them some milk every day. When they got strong, they began to move about in the jangle, and one day their mother met them. "Why! how is this?" said she; " I left you starvtag, and you are now well and strong." Then they told her how the herdsman had taken pity on them. Hearing this she went to the herdsman and said: "Ask any boon you will." "I wish," said he, "that my hair and skin should turn the colour of gold." This happened at once and the old snake went away. One day the herdsman went to bathe in the river. As he was bathing a hair came out of his head, and he put it into a leaf platter (dauna) and let it float down the stream. A. long way down a Raja's daughter was bathing. She took up the hair. "My father must marry me to the man who has hair like this." When she came home she would eat no dinner. Her She showed him the hair, and said, "Marry me to father was distressed and asked the cause. the man who has hair like this." So her father sert his soldiers to find the man. At last they traced the herdsman and said, "Come along with us." "I will not," said he. Then they tried to drag him away, but he played on his flute (bunsuli) and all the cows rushed up, charged the soldiers and drove them away. They returned and told the king. He sent some crows to get the flute. They came and perched on the banyan tree, where the herdsman was staying, and let their droppings fall on him. He threw stones at them, but could not drive them away. At last he was so angry he threw his flate at them, and one crow took it in his hill and flew off with it. When the Raja got possession of the flute, he sent another party of soldiers to seize the herdsman. He blew another flute, but this had no power over the cows, and he was captured and carried off. Then he was brought to the Raja's palace, married to the princess and given a splendid house and lots of money. But he was unhappy and preferred his life as a cowherd. One day he asked his wife to give him the flute, which the erow had carried off. She took it out of her box and gave it to him. When he blew it the sound reached the cows, and they all rushed to the Raja's palace and began to knock down the walls. The Raja was terrified and asked what they wanted. "We want our cowherd," they answered. So the Raja had to give in, and built a palace for his son-in-law near the banyan tree, and gave him half his kingdom: There the herdsman and the princess lived happily for many a long year. Notes. This, a tale told by a genuine non-Aryan aboriginal, a resident in the wild country south of the Son, is interesting as a variant of the Santal "Story of Jhore," which is given by Dr.
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________________ MARCH, 1893.) FOLKLORE IN HINDUSTAN A. Campbell in his Santal Folk-tales, (Pokliuria, 1891) pp. 111, et seq. There are, however, some important differences :(1) Jhore quarrels with the tiger, because, when he is called in to judge between him and the lizard, he judges it in favour of the latter. (2) Jhore is shut up in a bag by his mother, which the tiger carries off. (3) The animals in Jhore's story are buffaloes, and be wins their affection by looking after their calves. (4) In Jhore's story the old buffalo cow lies in wait and gets the calves to tell her who befriended them. The dhoti incident is absent in thu Santal story. (0) Similarly, the snake incident is wanting, and in the Santal story the Princess simply finds in the river some of Jhore's hair, which is twelve cubits loug. (0) In the Santal story the Raja sends a jogi and a crow to seek for Jhore. Finally a paro quet is sent, who makes friends with Jhore and gets the flute. (7) After losing his first flute Jhore calls the cows with another, and finally the paroquet has to steal the bundle of flutes, which Jhore has. (8) The baffaloes in the Santal story come to the king's palace, because Jhore's wife wou!! not believe the story about the love of the buffaloes for him, which he was always telling her. So he has a pen made thirty-two miles long and thirty-two miles broad and the buffaloes come at the sound of his flute and fill it. These are the domesticated buffaloes of the Santals nowadays. The story is also of interest from its obvious analogies to European folklore. The cowherd's flute is the oriental equivalent of the lyre of Orpheus, or the lute of Arion : and we have the incident of the hero being saved by his lute in No. 126 of Grimm's Tales, "Ferdinand the faithful and Ferdinand the unfaithful." The feeding of snakes is also common property of folklore. In the Gesta Romanorum, chap. 68, we have the snake who says to the knight: "Give me some milk every day, and set it ready for me yourself, and I will make you rich." There are further instances given in Mr. Andrew Lang's edition of Grimm. (Vol. II. pp. 405, et seq.) So with the golden bair, which, howover, is usually that of the heroine : see Grimm's Goosegirl, with his notes (Vol. II. p. 382.) I know there is some European equivalent of the hero (or heroine) being recognised by the golden hair floating down the river, but I cannot lay my hands on the reference just now, as I am away from my library. However, we have the same incident in the "Boy and His Stepmother" in Dr. Campbell's Santal Collection. Altogether, this story is interesting, and probably other readers of the Indian Antiquary can suggest additional parallels. Note by the Editor. This tale is, like some of Mr. Crooke's other tales, simply an agglomerate of incidents to be commonly found in Indian folktales generally.1 Instances innumerable of each incident in some form or other could be colled from my notes to Wide-awake Stories and from this Journal. To take these incidents seriatim : That of the bed and banyan tree is mixed up with very many Indian tales, but for tiger read usually thieves.' A good specimen is to be found in Wide-awake Stories, pp. 77-78. Grateful animals and their doings are also exceedingly common everywhere in Indian nurseries. A collection of instances from Indian Fairy Tales, Folktales of Bengal, Legends of the Panjab and the earlier volumes of this Journal will be found at p. 412 of Wide-arake Stories. Golden hair belongs, in every other instance I have seen, to the heroine, and instances of the incident of golden hair flraling dow) & stream and leading both to good fortune and to calamity are to be found collected at p. 413 of Wide-awake Stories. 1 I do aot wish by this statement to detract from the value and interest of Mr. Crooke's talos. They, ia fact, strongly support the theory I propounded in Wilo-Swake Stories, and which has since been accepted by the Folklore Society
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________________ THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. MARCH, 1893. In this tale the golden hair leads up to a very simple and boldly stated variant of the impossible task as a preliminary to marriage, which is often really nothing but a folktale reminiscence of the ancient custom of the swayamvara. Many instances will be found colJected at p. 430 of Wide-awake Stories. Flute stories are as common in India as in Europe. Perhaps the best of all in the East is the exquisite Panjabi talo of " Little Anklebone," which is comparable to Grimm's " Sinning Dime. This tale is known in the Panjab as "Gilela Ram" and is to be found in Wide-ecake Stories, pp. 127 ff. i have quoted above froin Wide-awale Stories, as that is the latest publication, so far as I know, giving a collection of incidents in Indian folktales, but, from the many folktales from all parts of India published in this Journal in the eight years that have elapsed since that book was issned. nany further instances could be easily adduced in support of the above notes. A FOLKTALE OF THE LUSHAIS. BY BERNARD HOUGHTON, C.S. The Story of Kingori. Her father, who was unmarried, was splitting bamboos to make a winnowing basket, when he van a splinter into his hand. The splinter grew into a little child (After a time) the child was brought forth motherless and they called her Kangori. Even as a grain of rice swells in the cooking, - little by little she grew big. Two or three years passed by and she became a maiden. She was very pretty, and all the young men of the village were rivals for her favour: but her father kept her close and permitted no one to approach her. There was a young man named Keimi. He took up the impression of her foot from the ground) and placed it on the bamboo grating over the (there to dry and shrivel up), and so it fell out that Kangori became ill. Kunguri's father said. "If there be any one that can cure her, he shall have my daughter." All the villagers tried, but not one of them could do any good. However (at last) Keimi came. I will cure her, and I will marry her afterwards," said he. Her father said, "Cure the girl first and you may then lare her." So she was cured. The foot-print, which he had placed to dry on the fire-shelf, he opened out and scattered to the wind Kauguri became well and Klimi married her. "Come, Kangori," said le, will you go to my honse?" So they went. On the road Keimi turned himself into a tiger. hunguri caught hold of his tail, and they ran like the wind. (It so happened) that some women of the village were gathering wood, and they saw all this; so they went back home to Kingori's father and anid, "Your laughter has got a tiger for a husband." Kangori's father said, "Whoever can go and take Kangori may have her;" but no one had the courage to take her. However, Plothir and Hrangchal, two friends, said, "We will go and try our fortune." Kangori's father said, If you are able to take her you may have her;" so Phothir and Hrangch&l set off. Going on, they came t imis village. The young man Keimi had gone out hunting. Before going into the house Phithur and Hrangehal went to Kungori. "Kungori," said they, "where is your husband ?" "He in die hunting," she said. " but will be home directly." On this they becaine afraid, and Phothir and Hrangehal climbed upon to the top of the high fire-shelf. Kungori's husband arrived. I smell the smell of a man." said he. "It must be me, whom you smell," said Kongori. Night fell, everyon ite their dinners and lay down to rest. In the morning Kangori's husband again wint out to hunt. A widow came and said (to the two friends)," If you are going to run away with Kungori take fire-seed, thorn-seed, and water-seed with you)." So they took fire-seed, thorn wood, and water-seed; and they took Kunguri also and carried her off. Kanguri's husband returned home. He looked and found Kungori was gone; so he followed after theju in hot haste. A little bird called to Hrangehal: "Run! run! Kongori's husband will catch you," said the bird. So the friends) scattered the fire-seed, and the fire sprung up and) the jungle and ruder-growth burnt furiously, so that Kungori's husband could not come any farther. When the tire subsided, he again resnmd the pursuit. From Major T. H. Lewiu's Progresice Exercises in the Lushai Dialect, Calcutta, 1891. The story was taken down by the cathor as told by a Lusbai.)
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________________ MARCA, 1893.] A FOLKTALE OF THE LUSHAIS. 79 The little bird cried to Hrangehal: " He is catching yon up," so they scattered the water-Beed, and a great river widened between them and their pursuer). However, Kungori's husband waited for the water to go down, and when the water went down he followed after them as before. The bird said to Hrangchal, "He is after you again, he is fast gaining on you, sprinkle the thorn-seed," said the bird. So they sprinkled the thorn-seed and thorns sprouted in thickets so that Kungori's husband could not get on. By biting and tearing the thorns he at length made a way, and again he followed after them. Hrangchal became dazed, ils one in a dream, (at this persistence of pursuit), and crouching down among the roots of some reeds, watched. Phothir cut the tiger down dead with a blow of his dao. "I am Phthira," said he. So the tiger died. Hrangchel and the others went on again, until they came to the three cross roads of Kuavang, and there they stopped. Phothir and Hranychal were to keep guard turn about. Hrangchala went to sleep first, while Photbir stayed awake watching). At night Kuavang came. "Who is staying at my cross-roads!" he said. Phothira (spoke out holdly): "Phothira and Hrangchala (are berel," said he; crouching under the reeds, we cut off the tiger's bead without much ado." On this Kuavang understood (with whom he had to deal), and, becoming afraid, he ran off. So Phothira (woke up Hrangchal saying), "Hrangehala, get np; you stay awake now; I am very sleepy; I will lie down. If Kuavang comes you must not be afraid." Having said this, he lay down (and went to sleep). II rangchala stayed awake. Presently Kuayang returned. "Who is this staying at my cross-roads" he said. Hraungchala was frightened. (However), he replied: "Phothira and Hrangchala (are here) they killed the tiger that followed them among the reed-roots." But Knavang was not to be frightened by this; so he took Kungori (and carried her off). Kangori marked the road, trailing behind her a line of coston thread. They entered into a hole in the earth, and so arrived at Kuarang's village. The hole in the earth, by which they entered, was stopped up by a great stone. In the inorning Phothira and Hrangchala began to abuse each other. Spake Phohtira to Hrangchala, "Fool ! a man," said he, "where has Kungoci gone? On nccount of your faint-heartedness Kuavang has carried her off. Away! you will have to go to Kuavang's village." So they followed Kangori's line of white threod, and found that the thread, entered (the earth) under a big rock. They moved a way the rock, and there lay Kuavang'a village before them! Phohtira called out! " Ahoy! give me back my Kungori." Kravarg replied, "We know nothing about your Kungori. They have taken her away." "If you do not immediately) give me Kungori I will use my dao," said Phohtir." Hit away," answered Kuavang. With one cut of the dco a whole village died right off! Again Phohtir cried, "Give me my Kaugori. Kuavang said, "Your Kungori is not here." On this Phothir and Hrangchal said, "We will come in." "Come along," suid Kaavang. So they went in and came to Kuavang's house. Kuavang's daughter, who was a very pretty girl, wag pointed out 18 Kungori. "Here is Kangori," said they. "This is not she," said Pbothir, really now, give me Kungori." So (at last) they gave her to him. They took her away. Kungori said, "I have forgotten my comb." "Go, Hrangchal and fetch it," said Photbir, but Hrangchala dared not venture. "I am afraid," said he. So Phothir went (bimself) to fetch (the comb). While he was gone, Hrangchal took Kungori out, and closed the hole with the great stone. After this, they arrived at the horse of Kungori's father. "You have been able to release my daughter," said he," so take her." Kaugori however, did not wish to be taken, Said Kangori's father, "Hrangchal is here, but where is Phothira " "We do not know Photbira's dwelling-place," was the reply. So Hrangehala and Kungori were united. Kangori was altogether averse to the marriage. but she was coupled with Hrangchal whether she would or no. Phothirs was married to Kuavang's daughter. Beside the house he sowed a koy-Beed. It sprouted and & creeper sprang (apwards like a ladder). Phothira, when he was at Kuavang's, had a child (born to him); and he cooked some small stones (in place of rice), and, when his wife was absent, he gave the stones, which he had cooked, to the child, saying, "Eat." While it was eating Phothir climbed up the stalks of the creeper (that had sprang up near the house), and got out (into the upper world). He went on and arrived at the house of the Kongori's father. They had killed # gaydl, and were dancing and making merry. With one blow Phothira cut off the head of Hrangchal! Kangori's father cried, "Why, Phothira, do you cut off Hrangchala's head P" "I was obliged to cut it off," said Phothir. "It was I who released Kangori from Keimi's village ; 1 The good spirit of the Lushais. Ho does not however out a very fine figure in this tale.
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________________ 80 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [MARCH, 1893. - Hrangchala dared not do it. When Kuavang carried off Kangori also, Hrangchala dared not say hin nay. He was afraid. Afterwards we followed Kungori's line of cotton thread, which lead us to Kuavang's village. Kungori (after we had released her from there) forgot her comb. We told Hrangchal to go and fetch it, but he dared not. I am afraid,' said he. so I went to get it. He then took Kangori and left me behind, shutting the hole in the earth with a great stone. They went away. I married Kuavang's daughter, and, while she was absent, I climbed up the stalks of the creeper, and came here." On (hearing) this; ** Is it so," said they, "then you shall be united." So Hrangchala died and Phothira and Kungori were married. They were very comfortable together, and killed many gayal. They possessed many villages, and lived happy ever after. Thus the story is concluded. MISCELLANEA. A SHORT ACCOUNT OF SIX UNPUBLISHED blessings of Devi and Siva (Sasisekhara), the INSCRIPTIONS. poet tells the well-known fable how on Mount 1.- Arthana Stone Inscription of the Arbuda (or Aba) the sage Vasishtha, when his cow Nandini was carried off by Visvamitra, proParamara Chamundaraja, of the duced from the sacred fire the hero Paramara, (Vikrama) year 1136. who defeated Visva mitra. In the family of Dr. Hornle has sent me, some time ago, a very | Parumara there was born in the course of time in perfect pencil-rubbing of an inscription dis. Vairisinnha (line 8), who had a younger brother, covered at Arthuna in Rajputana, together with named Dambarasimha (line 10). And in the a rough transcript of the text and an English family of Dambarasimha was born Kamkadeva translation of it, received from Mahamahopadhyaya (line 11), who near the Narmada defeated the Kaviraj Syamal Das, member of the State Council i forces of the ruler of Karnata and thus desof Mwad. This inscription contains 18 lines of troved thu enemy of the Maiuva king Briharsha, writing wbich cover a space of 6" broad by but who apparently lost his own life on that 92 high. The writing appears to be well pre- occasion. Kamkadeva's son was Chandapa (line served. The size of the letters is about " The 13)hia son was Satyaraja (line 14); from him characters are Nagari. The language is Sam- i sprang Mandanadava (line 16), and his son again sirit, and the inscription is in verse. The total was Chamundaraja' (line 30), who is said to have number of verses is 87. defeated Sindhuraja. Beyond what has been The inscription is a prasasti or laudatory stated here, the inscription contains nothing of account of a line of princes or chiefs who belonged importance. The princes Vairisimha and Sriharto the Paramara 'family, and its object is, to sha, mentioned above, are of course the wellstate (in line 14) that the prince Chamundaraja. known Vairisimha II. and Sriharshadeva-Siyaka in honour of his iather Mandanadeva, founded of Malava. a temple of Siva, under the name of Mandauesa, 2.--Chitor Stone Inscription of the Guhila and to record (in lines 45-50) the endowments Family, of the (Vikrama) year 1331. made in favour of that temple. The prasasti was Sir A. Cunningham has supplied to me a pencil. composed by the poet Chandra, a younger brother rubbiug.. taken by Mr. Garrick, of the inscription of Vijayasadhara and son of Sumatisadhara, of at Chitor of which a photo-lithograph has been the Sadhara family. And it is dated in line 53: published in his Archeol. Survey of India, Vol. samvat 1138 Phalguna-sudi 7 Bukre, corre XXIII. Plate xxv. This inscription contains sponding, for Vikrama 1136 expired, to Friday, the 54 lines of writing which cover a space of 26" 31st January A. D. 1080, when the 7th tithi of the broad by 27" high. Line 39 appears to have bright half ended 20 h. 3 m. after mean sunrise. been almost completely scratched out'; otherwise Beginning with two verses which invoke the the writing is on the whole well preserved. The 1 I cannot find Arthuna on the maps at my disposal. In the papers sent to me it is stated that "a sight of the ruins of Arthan confirms the view that a large city existed there in ancient times, where only a small village stands at present, surrounded by several temples in ruit." The rubbing of the inscription was procured through the assistance of the Political geut of Banswara. The names of the writer and of the engraver are illegible in the rubbing. In Archaeol. Survey of India, Vol. XXIII. p. 124, Yr Garrick reports that at a small bamlet called Nimtor, in Rajputand, he found an inscription of seven lines, dated in Samvat 1027. From a very faint photograph of this inscription, shewn to me by Dr. Burgess, I am able to state that the inscription was put up during the reign of a Maharojidhirdja who also boro the name Chimn. daraja, and that it is datad in the (Vikrama) year 1628. * A very incorrect copy, made by a Pandit, of this inscription I had previously received from Dr. Fleet, to whom it had been given by Dr. Burgess, together with copy of another long inscription from Chitor which is per haps the second praiasti, referred to below,
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________________ MARCH, 1893.1 MISCELLANEA. size of the letters is about t". The characters 14. Amraprasada? (?, v. 49; omitted in the are Nagari. The language is Sanskrit, and the Mount Abu inscription). inscription is in verse. The verses are numbered, 15. Buchivarman (v. 52). and their total number is 61. 16. Naravarman (v. 56). This is a prasasti of the Guhila family of 3.-Narwar Stone Inscription of Ganapati of Medapata, similar to the Mount Abd stone in- Nalapura, of the (Vikrama) year 1355. scription of Samarasimha of the Vikrama year F rom Dr. Burgess I have received a pencil1342 (ante, Vol. XVI. p. 345), and composed by rubbing of the inscription in the Narwar Fort the same poet Vedasarman (line 54) who, indeed, which is mentioned in Sir A. Cunningham's in line 46 of the Mount Abd inscription refers to Archaeol. Survey of India, Vol. II. p. 315. This this and similar prasastis, composed by himself. inscription contains 21 lines of writing which It was engraved by the artizan Sajjana (line 54), cover a space of 1' 101" broad by 1'3" high. and is dated in line 54:-samo 1331 varsho The writing appears to be well preserved throughAshadha-sudi 3 Bukre Pushye, corresponding, out, but about half a dozen aksharas cannot be for northern Vikrama 1331 expired, to Friday, made out with certainty in the rubbing. The the 8th June A. D. 1274, when the 3rd tithi of size of the letters is about ". The characters are the bright half ended about 20 h., and when the Nagari. The language is Samskrit, and the inmoon was in Pushya for about 17 h. after mean scription is in verse. The verses are numbered, sunrise. and their total number is 28. The inscription opens with verses invoking the The inscription is a prasasti, the proper object of blessings of Siva (Srt-Semadhisvarn, Trinayana, which is, to record (in verses 22-25) that the KayaChandrachada) and Ganesa. The poet then states stha Palhadeva (or Palhaja), in memory and for the that he is about to eulogize the Guhila vama. spiritual benefit of his deceased younger brother He glorifies the country of Modapata, and its Hamsarsja, built a tank and a temple (chaitya) town Nagahrada; and relates how through the of Sambhu (or Siva), and also laid out a garden. favour of the sage Haritarasio Bappa became The prabasti was composed by Siva, a son of the lord of Medapata. Afterwards he gives the treasurer Loha[da] and grandson of Damodara names of the descendants of Bappa, from Guhila who belonged to a family of writers at Gopadri to Naravarman, and praises each of them in three (or Gwalior); written by Arasimha (!), the son or four verses, in general terms which are of no of Abhinanda; and engraved by Dhanauka (P). historical value. After verse 60 he adds in And it is dated in line 21 :-samvat 1356 Kartprose:-anantara-varsa-varnnanan dvitlya-pra. tika-[va]di 5, on a day of the week which, so far bastau veditavyam. as I can see from the rabbing, is either Gurau The princes glorified are: or Sukrd. Supposing the day to be Sure, the 1. Bappa. corresponding date, for Vikrama 1355 expired and the purnimanta Karttika, would be Friday, 2. Guhila (v. 13). the 26th September A. D. 1298. 3. Bhoja (v. 15). The inscription was composed during the reign 4. Bila (v. 18). of Ganapati of Nalapura; and the poet there5. Kalabhoja (v. 21). fore, after invoking the blessings of Siva (Manma6. Mallata (v. 24; omitted in the Mount Abo thasddana) and the Sun, begins with praises of the inscription). town Nalapura, and then gives the following 7. Bhartribhata (v. 27). genealogy of the prince Ganapati :8. Sinha (v. 30). 1. In Nalapura (i. e., Narwar) was born the 9. Mahayaka (v. 33; in the Mount AbQ in prince Chahada (v.4). scription called Mahayika). 2. His son was Nrivarman (v. 5). 10. Shummana (v. 36). 3. From him sprang ABalladeva (v. 6); 11. Allata (v. 39). 4. From him Gopala (5.7); 12. Naravdhana (v. 42). 5. And from him Ganapati, who acquired 13. Baktikumara (v. 46). fame by conquering Kirtidurga' (vv. 8 and 9). . This shews that Sri-Samidhtia in line 46 of the Mount The name of this prince is omitted in the list, given Abu inscription is a name of Siva. in Archeol. Survey of India, Vol. II. p. 316. * This finally settles the meaning of the same wori in This, in all probability, is the Kirtligiri-durga (i.c. verse 8 of the Mount Abu inscription. Deogalh), mentioned in line 7 of the Decgadh rock in. This name is doubtful, because the rubbing is here scription of Kirtivarman; ante, Vol. XVIII. p. 838. very faint.
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________________ 82 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [MARCH, 1993 Verses 10-20 give the genenlogy of the two Chandra, of the Kasyapa gotra; his son was brothers Palhadova (or Palhaja) and Hainsaraja. Dalhama; his son Kubavi; his son Padmanabha; This part of the inscription commences with a verse and his son Dobula. Dehula had three song, in praise of the fort of Gopachala (or Gwalior). Udaya, Nama and Albu. Of these, Namu married At Gopachala lived a family of Kayasthas, of Padma, the daughter of Maharatha; and she bore the Kasyapa gotra, who had come from Mathura. I to him three sons. Dhand. Viiavad In that family there was a certain Albana, whose Vamana who built the tank, mentioned above. son was Kanbada, whose son again was the Vamana married first Ajayade (P), a daughter of minister (mantrin) Vijabada. Vijahada married Lohada, and afterwards Homa, a daughter of Monaga, who bore to him two sons, Gangadva Asudova. and Yamunadova. Gangadeya married Lons, and 15. - Kharod Stone Inscription of Ratna she bore to him four sons, Palha[ja], Hariraja, dova III. of Ratnapura, of the Chedi Sivaraja, and Hansaraja. year 933. 4.- Sarwaya Stone Inscription of Ganapati Dr. Burgess has also supplied to me a pencil. of Nalspura, of the (Vikrama) year 1848. rubbing of the inscription at Kharud in the Cen Dr. Burgess has alse supplied to me a pencil. tral Provinces which is mentioned in Archaeol. rubbing of the inscription, found in a tank at Survey of India, Vol. VII. p. 201, and Vol. XVII. Sarwaya, eight miles to the east of Sipri, which is p. 43. This inscription contains 28 lines of writing mentioned in Sir A. Cunningham's Archaeol. which cover a space of about 3' broad by 1' 6" Survey.of India, Vol. II. p. 316. This inscription high. To judge from the rubbing, the writing contains 32 lines of writing which cover a space of has suffered a good deal all the way down on the 1' 10" broad by 1'11' high. The writing is well proper left side; but with a good impression all preserved throughout. The size of the letters is that is important might nevertheless be made about ". The characters are Nagari. The out with certainty. The size of the letters is about language is Sanskrit, and the inscription is in 1". The characters are Nagarf. The language is verse. The verses are numbered, and their total Samskrit, and the inscription is in verse. The number is 33. verses are numbered, and their total number is 44. The inscription is a prasasti, the proper object The inscription is dated in line 29:- Chadiof which is to record (in verses 23-28) that, during samvat 933, corresponding to A.D. 1181-82; and the reign of Ganapati, the son of the prince it is valuable, because in lines 4-15) it gives a Gopala, the thakkura Vamana (evidently a high complete list of the Kalachuri rulers of Ratnsofficial) built a public tank (vapiku), clearly the pura down to Ratnadeva III., and proves thus tank at which the inscription has been found. beyond doubt that there really were three chiefs The prasasti was composed by the poet Soma of Ratnapura, called Ratnaraja or Ratnadeva." migrati son of Somadhara; written by Maharaja, Besides we find in this introductory part of the the son of Somaraja; and engraved by Deva inscription some names of persons and places simha, the son of Madhava. And it is dated in! which have not become known yet from other line 33 : - oanvat 1348 Chaitrs-sudi 8 Guru inscriptions of the same dynasty. In the family dino Pushya-nakshatre, corresponding, for of the Haihayas there was a prince (evidently southern Vikrama 1313 expired, to Thursday, the Kokalla13) who had eighteen sons (line 5). one of 27th March A. D. 1292, when the 8th tithi of the whom was Kalings. His son was Kamala, the bright half onded 17 h. 17 m., and when the moon lord of Tummana; from him sprang Ratnardja entered the nakshatra Pushya 9 h. 51 m. after I.; and then came Prithvideva I. His son was mean sunrise. Jajalladiva I., who defeated Bhujabala, the The inscription opens with three verses invoking lord of Suvarnapura (Jajalladeva-npipatis tatthe blessings of the goddess of eloquence Sarad, sanur=abhat-Suvarnnapurs-natham Bhujaveand of the gods Krishna (Radha-dhava) and Hara. (ba)lam avaba)lam chakre nija-bhuja-vaba)It then has a verse in praise of the town Mathuri latah sainiko yah 1). Jajalladova's son was on the Yamuma, from which, as we are told further Ratnadavs II. (line 6), who defeated the prince on, proceeded a family of Kayasthas, known as Chodaganga, the lord of the country of Kalinga. the Mathuras. In that family there was one His son was Prithvidsva II. (line 8); and his son 10 I am pretty sure that this Harirja is mentioned as name Harirsja also occurs in a fragmentary inscription donee in the Dahi copper-plate of the Chapdi Ha Vira-lat Udaypur in Gwalior; ante, Vol. XX p. 84. varman, of the Vikrama year 1337, of which I possess 11 This is perhaps the Lohada mentioned in the prooed'sir A. Cunningham's transcript (Archaol. Survey of ing inscription. India, Vol. XXI. p. 75). The same copper-plate un 13 See Epigraphia Indica, Vol. I. p. 43. doubtedly mentions 'Gopala, the lord of Nalapura.'-The 13 See ib. 33.
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________________ MARCH, 1893.] MISCELLANEA. 83 again was Jajalladava II. (line 10), who married the Vikrama year 1470 (for 1471) mentions three, Somalladov. (line 12), and whose son was the under the names of Sinhana, Ramadeva, and prince Ratnadava III. (line 13), during whoso Haribrahmadova, referring them to the Kalachuri reign the inscription was put up. branch of the Haihaya family. And a large mutilated inscription at Ramtek in the Central 6.- Nagpur Museum Stone Inscription of Provinces, of which I owe a pencil-rubbing to Brahmadava of Rayapura, of the (Vikrama) Dr. Fleet, mentions Simhana and Ramachandra. year 1458. . F. KIELHORN. To Dr. Fleet I owe a good impression of the Gottingen. Nagpur Museum inscription, brought from Raypur in thu Central Provinces, which is men PAUSHA SAMVATSARA tioned by Sir A. Cunningham in his Archaeol. IN THE KASIKA-YRITTI ON P. IV, 2, 3L Survey of India, Vol. XVII. p. 77. This inscrip A copper-plate inscription of the Kadamba king tion contains 25 lines of writing which cover a Mpigesis, of about the 6th century A.D., published space of 1' 10" broad by 1' 4" high. With the by Dr. Fleet, ante, Vol. VI. page 24, is dated in exception of a few aksharas which are broken line 10:-svavaijayike ashtame Vaisakhi sanaway in the bottom lines, the writing is well pre vatsara Karttika-pauranamasyen, on the day of served. The size of the letters is about in". the full-moon of the month) Karttika, in the The characters are Nagari, and the language is Vaisikha year, the eighth of his victory.' And Samskrit. By far the greater part of the inscrip another copper-plate inscription of the same king, tion is in verse. The whole is written very care- published by Dr. Fleet, ante, Vol. VII. page 35, is lessly. dated in line 7 :-&tmanal rajyasya tritiye varshe The inscription opens with eight vergee in Pausho saa vatsara Karttika-masa-bahula-pak. honour of Gangsa, Bharati, the author's precep she dasamym tithau Uttarabhadrapade nakshatra, tors, and the god Siva. It then records the in the third year of his reign, in the Pausha year, foundation of a temple of Hatakesvara's (Siva) by on the tenth lanar day in the dark fortnight of the Nayaka Hajirajadeva, apparently a minister the month Karttika, under the Uttarabhadrapada or other official of the chief Brahmadeva of BrahmadAya of constellation. The terms Vaibukha sa invatsara Rayapura, in the following pros9 pagsage (in and Pausha san vatsara of these dates induce me lines 9-12), which I give as I find it : to draw attention here to what I cannot but regard as a curious mistake, made by the gramSvasti srl sa[m]vatu 1458 varshd Bake 1832 marian Jayaditya, when explaining Panini's rule samaye Sarvajita-nama-samvatsard Phaglu IV, 2, 21; and to give at the same time the proper na-sudha-ashtami Sukre ady=eha sri Rayapur: explanation of those terms, as furnished by Sakumaharajadhiraja-srimad-Raya[vra]hmadeva tayana and other grammarians. rajye pradhana-thakura-Tripurarideva parditaMahadeva tasmin samayen nayaka-brf-H&jir&ja In the rule IV, 2, 21, the original wording of deva Hatakesvarasya prasadari klitam". which is adamin paurnan tsiti, Pagini teaches that certain suffixes are added to nominal bases This passage is followed by a verse in praise of denoting full moon tithis, to form other nominal the town Rayapura, and by other veraes (in lines bases denoting periods of time which contain those 13-17) which give the genealogy of Brahmadeva. full-moon tithis; and the word iti of the rule At Rayapura there was the great prinoe Lash shows, what is mora distinctly brought out by midova (Lakshmideva P); his son was Simgha ; Kity sana's addition of the word samjay in, that his son Ramachandra; and his son again Hari Panini's role should take effect only when the rayabrahman in the sequel called simply Brah words that would be forined by it are used by madeva). The concluding lines of the inscription (18-25) hare reference to the founder of the people as names. Patanjali, commenting on Kat yi yana's Varttikas, tells us that the names here temple, Hajiraja, and are void of interest. referred to are the names of the twelve) months The date of this inscription I have ante, Vol. or the twelve) half-months (which end with the XIX. p. 26, shewn to correspond to Friday, the full-moon tithi); and the Prakriyu-kaumudi and 10th February A. D. 1402. Of the four princes, the Siddh Inta kaumud give the example Pausho the Khalari stone inscription of Brahmadova of mdsah 'the month Pausha,' i.e., of the twelve 14 This namo (and porhaps the whole verse in which it | Dr. Burgess. is contained) also occurs in line 9 of much mutilated 15 Tha usual form of tho name is Hotaklsvare. Inscription at Amarkantak (Archaol. Survey of India, See Archaol. Survey of India, Vol. VII p. 112. Vol. VII. p. 253) of which I owe a faint pencil-rabbing to
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________________ THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. MARCA, 1893. months of the year that month which contains gurubhir yaktah PhAlgunah samvatsarah Iuditathe Pausht paurnamdst, or, in other words, that gurur iti kim l udita-sanaischarena pushyena yukmonth of the calendar during which the moon is tarn varsham ity atra na bhavati i bhad iti kim full in the nakshatra Pushya. Differing from uditagurung parvaratrena yuktam varsham labda Patalijali, the author of the Kafikd-vritti on | iti kim i mlad divase ve na bhavati P. IV, 2, 21, would permit us to form by that rule Here we are on ground with which, thanks to not only names of months and half-months, but Mr. S. B. Dikshit,* we are now familiar. To form also names of years, and accordingly, in addition the name of a year, we are directed to add a to the instances Pausho masah and Paush 'rdha. certain suffix to the name of that particular nak. mdaah, he also gives the example Panshah sans shatra, belonging to that year, in which Jupiter vatsarah. When first I read the remarks of the has risen. A year joined with (or containing) the Kasiki-vyitti on Papini's rule, I could not but nakshatra Pushya in which Jupiter bappens to think that there might be some error in the have risen is named Paushan varsham. Vai. printed text; but I soon found out that the sdkhah sanatsarah is that year in which Jupiter published edition really gives the text which is rises in Visakh. Hemachandra does not disfurnished by the MSS., and from a note of tinctly tell us what kind of year he is speaking of, Hemachandra's on his own rale VI, 2, 98, I became whether of the Jovian year or of the solar or convinced that he too was acquainted with, luni-solar year; but seeing how he opposes the although he apparently did not approve of, Jaya. word abda to mdsa and divasa, I would say that ditya's strange interpretation. (rightly or wrongly, the Pausha year, in his That Jayaditya is wrong in forming the word opinion, would be the ordinary lani-solar year Pausha of Paushah samvatsarah by P.IV, 2, 21, during which Japiter happens to rise in Pushya. seems certain. Explained by that rule, Paushah To take the word abda to denote (pratydsattisamvatsarah would mean the year which contains nydyena) the Jovian year, would seem to me a tho Paushi paurnamdal,' or that particular year somewhat forced interpretation. during which the moon is full in the nakshatra Of course, Hemachandra has not invented his Pushya: but, as almost all years have such a rule. but has here. as elsewhere, borrowed full-moon, nearly every year would have to be from SakatAvans who from Sakatayans whose wording of the rule named Pausha, and since such & year would ordinarily contain eleven other full-moon tithis, garadayad bhad yukta 'bda, it would, scoording to Jayaditya, have to receive eleven similar names. To revert to our dates, the while the Jainendra-oydkarana has, similarly, year of the first of them undoubtedly contained guridaydd bhad yudo 'odah. Not possessing the Karttikt paurnamdst, but the year is named completo copy of a commentary on Sakatayana's Vaisakha, not Karttika samvatsara. grammar, I do not know how native scholars The fact is, that neither the three great gram. would explain the word gurudaya grammatically, but we may, I think, be sure that Hemachandra marians Panini, Katyayana and Patanjali, nor the has correctly given its meaning by substituting grammarian Chandra, whose work was known to for it uditaguru. JayAditya, have given any rule by which we could account for the words Pausha or Vaisakha in On a previous occasion I have shown that the phrases like Paushah samvatsarah or Vaidakhah authors of the Katikd-vritti frequently quote samvatsarah; but we do find the requisite rule from the grammar, or allude to the teaching, of in the later grammars of Sakata yana and Heme- Chandra where that grammarian differs from chandra, and in the Jainendra-vydkarana. Panini or has additional rules. The fact that Jayaditya in no wise refers to the rule of SakatHomachandra's rule' VI, 2, 5, is yana's which I have given above, and which is udita-gurdr bhad yukta 'bde; absolutely necessary for the proper explanation of and his own commentary on this rule is: words like Pausha in Paushah samvatsarah, is udito gurur brihaspatir yasmin bhe nakshatra one more argument to prove that the Sakafdyana. tadvachinas tsitiyantad yukte 'rthe yathevibitat vydlarana is more modern than the Katikapratyayo bhavati sa ched yukto 'rtho 'bdah samvatsarah byat I pushyenoditaguruna yuktam F. KIELHORN. varsharn Pausham varsham | phalgunibhir udita. Gottingen. is vritti. Himachandra and SAkatyana place this rule imme. dintoly before the rulo or rules which correspond to P. IV 2, 3 and 4. See Fleet's Gupta Inscriptions, Introduction, p. 16.
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________________ THE PO: U: DAUNG INSCRIPTION OF SINBYUYIN, 1774, AD OBVERSE FACE OF THE STONE. ''ltr }, masiniconusugan puzcos en Regeniniuegerungen sind 6z650lszctkna -''ainocars 1.9%trunkpoimilesuminonmucdccuen] 45zjsc54gcle-76)thuc-4%ntist.pdmouk#*vbundzdpersg mrack9 e`thiie`maiphaa.. ephnthaanathaangsnhiphaaa kangck 6 yms-ku @gap%bagk'-mngmthig le:Enumcg 2.gdanapolis&bnc'b%u:|: ::k-kinchgadnicz-k&cmth@uggck kMurt -- - los-kyng- sd-ps '' l-lu g-spyi-lo d-k w- bkgi- pk- gyg - ml- g ng-l-bdg-b- d-dky\" co*- kk 1:v=Lar: ....,pngob- g TAW SEIN KO. SCALE ABOUT 31. W. GRIGGS. PHOTO-LITH.
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________________ REVERSE FACE OF THE STONE. - . : t, - - ng'urSdeg7>> 'ang tschb-byed- 19o8 n- - Duc inclom '*tso'tshklu-bkggeorumzlaacn :gcu tslngl t- pnn69k9lcbun7g un:kunun42 GC300 *6ttpgcc.zgocson@sch h4umsung rngcJsogsf 9:kt72lspttutuq2:ucn:7ELue:locminmeqmuemuu nycyce cucinnnnconucu lien he ng g peg p- Tin brtse-b'i-ls-l-br7lgs-
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________________ APRIL, 1893.] KALYANI INSCRPITIONS. 86 A PRELIMINARY STUDY OF THE KALYANI INSCRIPTIONS OF DEAMMACHETI, 1476 A. D. BY TAW SEIN-KO. (Continued from page 53.) THE number of leading priests, who received the upagampada ordination during the 1 five days, namely, from the 9th to the 13th, was 245. On Saturday, the 14th day, the King sent the following invitation to the 245 leading theras, who had received their upasampada ordination : "To-morrow, which is a Sunday, and the full-moon uposatha day of the month Migasira, may the Venerable Ones be pleased to perform uposatha in the Kalyanisima in the company of the fifteen theras, who conducted the upasampadd ordination ceremony ? It is our desire to serve the Venerable Ones with food, and to present them with other requisites' at the conclusion of the uposatha, and to derive feelings of piety from such an act." On the morning of the uposatha day, the King, surrounded by a large concourse of people, went to the Kalyanisima, and, having ordered the provision of seats and of water for washing the feet, awaited the arrival of the newly-ordained theras and the fifteen conductors of the upasampada ordination ceremony. All the theras assembled together, and performed uposatha in the Kalyanisima. At the conclusion of the uposatha ceremony, the King served all of them with a bounteous supply of various kinds of hard and soft food, and with different kinds of betelleaf, &c., and bh@sajja. The following articles were then presented to each of the theras : two couples of cotton cloths of delicate texture for making tichivara robes; a betel-box with cover, areca-nuts, nut-crackers, &c.; a palmyra fan; an umbrella made of the leaf of the wild datepalm (phoenix sylvestris); and an alms-bowl with cover and stand. In compliance with the wish of all the priests, the King conferred the title of Kalyani. tissamahathora on Suvannasobhanathera. Thenceforward, the King permanently stationed, in the neighbourhood of the Kalyanifima, nobles and learned men for the purpose of serving food and furnishing the requisites to the ten theras, headed by Kalyanitissa mahathera, who, together with the five young priests, conducted the upasampada ordination ceremony, as well as to the leading priests, who had received their upasampadd ordination in the Kalyanisima, and to the numerous priests who presented themselves for ordination. There were likewise stationed namerons scribes charged with the daty of recording the number of priests ordained; and musicians to sound the drum, conch-shell, and other instruments for the purpose of eliciting the acclamation of sddhu at the conclusion of each reading of the kammavdcha relating to the upasampada ordination. The ton thoras who conducted the ordination ceremony, the 245 leading priests who had received such ordination, and the numerous priests who were their disciples, conferred, day after day, without interruption, the Sihala form of the upasampada ordination on other leading priests, who came and expressed a desire to receive it. Bamadhipatiraja of his own accord, and with the approbation of the whole Order, despatched the following message to all the priests residing in Ramanadega: "Venerable Ones, there may be men, who, though wishing to receive the pabbajja ordination, are branded criminals, or notorious robber-chiefs, or escaped prisoners, or offenders against the Government, or old and decrepit, or stricken with severe illness, or deficient in the members of the body in that they have cat or rudimentary hands, &c., or are hamp-backed, or dwarfish, or lame, or have crooked limbs, or are, in short, persons, whose presence vitiates the parisa. If people of such description are admitted into the Order, all those, who may see them, will imitate, or laugh at, their deformity, or revile them; and the sight of such men will not be capable of inspiring one with feelings of piety or reverence. Vouchsafe, Venerable Onos, not to admit, with effect from to-day, such men into the Order.
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________________ 86 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [APRIL, 1893. << There may be men, living under your instruction, who desire to receive the wpasampada ordination. Vouchsafa, Venerable Ones, not to confer on them such ordination, in your own locality, without the previous sanction of Ramadhipatiraja or of the leading thoras of Hamsavatipura. Should, Venerable Ones, you disregard this our command, and conduot the upasampada ordination ceremony in your own locality, we shall infliot punishment on the parents of the candidates for such ordination, their relatives, or their lay supporters. "There are sinful priests, who practise medicine; and others, who devote their time to the art of numbers, carpentry, or the manufacture of ivory articles, or who declare the happy or unhappy lot of governors, nobles, and the common people, by examining their horoscopes or by reading the omens and dreams, that may have appeared to them. "There are some priests, who not only make such declarations, but also procure their livelihood, like laymen addicted to the acquisition of material wealth, by means of painting, carpentry, the manufacture of ivory articles, turnery, the making of idols, and such other vocations. In short, they follow such unbecoming professions, and obtain their means of livelihood. "There are priests, who visit eotton-fields and preach the Dhamma with long intonation, and trade in the cotton which they happen to receive as offerings. "There are priests, who visit fields of hill-rice, rice, barley, &c., and preach the Dhamma and trade in the grain which they happen to receive as offerings. "There are priests, who visit fields of capsicum and preach the Dhamma, and trade in the capsicum which they happen to receive as offerings. "There are priests, who trade in many other ways. "There are priests, who, contrary to the rules of the Order, associate with such laymen as gamesters, roues, drunkards, mon who obtain their means of living by robbery, or who are in the service of the King, or with other men and women. "All these are sinful priests. Do not, Venerable Ones, permit these sinful priests to take up their permanent residence under your protection. "But there are also other priests, who are replete with faith, who observe the rules prescribed for the Order, whose conduct is good, and who are devoted to the study of the Tipitakz, together with its commentaries, &c. Venerable Ones, permit such priests to take up their pormanent residence under your protection. "If, Venerable Ones, lay men, who are replete with faith and are of good family, desire to receive the pabbajja ordination at your hands, they should be taught calligraphy, and after they have acquired a knowledge of the proper intonation of the letters, they should be instructed in the confession of faith in the Three Refuges,' and taught the precepts; and eventually, Venerable Ones, confer the pubhajju ordination on them. "If there are samameras, who have completed their twentieth year, and are desirous of receiving the upasampala ordination, they should be taught a brief summary of the chatupari. suddhisila, that are observed by priests, who have received the upasampadd ordination, namely, patimolek hashvarasil, intriyasainvarasila, ajivaparisuddhisila, and pachchayasannissitasila. They should further be instructed both in the letter and spirit of the Bhilekhupatim okIcha and the Khuldasikleha, from beginning to end, and be directed to learn by heart the ritual of confession and the chatupachchayapachchavellehana. Do you ultimately report your action to Ramadhipatiraja as well as to the leading priests residing in Hamsavatipura. Then Ramadhipatiraja will furnish these candidates with the priestly requisitos,' and have the upasampada ordination conforred on them.
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________________ KALYANI INSCRIPTIONS. "Venerable Ones, let all of them conform themselves to such conduct as is in accordance with the precepts prescribed by the Blessed One in the Vinaya. APRIL, 1993.1 87 "It was owing to the division of the priests of Ramannadesa into different sects in former times, that such impurity, heresy, and corruption arose in the Religion. But now, through all the Venerable Ones being imbued with faith, they have received the Sihala form of the upasampada ordination, that has been handed down by the spiritual successors of the Mahavihara sect. Whatever may be the mode of tonsure and of dress followed by the muhatheras of Sihaladipa, let such practice be conformed to, and let there be a single sect." Having sent the above message to the priests throughout the whole of Ramannadesa, Ramadhipatiraja communicated the following intimation to the priests, who were possessed of gold, silver, and such other treasure, corn, elephants, horses, oxen, buffaloes, male and female slaves: "Sirs, if you are really imbued with faith, you will endeavour to give up your gold, silver, and such other treasure, corn, elephants, horses, oxen, buffaloes, male and female slaves. Having done so, conform yourselves to such conduct as is in accordance with the precepts prescribed by the Blessed One. If you do not endeavour to follow this course, leave the Order according to your inclination." Some of the priests, owing to their being imbued with faith, gave up all such possessions. and conformed themselves to such conduct as was in accordance with the precepts; while other theras did not endeavour to give up all their possessions, and they left the Order. There were priests who had flagrantly committed parajika offences: these were requested to become laymen. There were others, whose commission of purajika offences had not been proved, but whose reproachable and censurable conduct was difficult to be justified: these were asked to become laymen. There were sinful priests, who practised medicine, or the art of numbers, &c., as mentioned above; or who lived misdirected lives by following such vocations as painting, &c., as if they were laymen addicted to the acquisition of material wealth; or who traded in the gifts obtained by preaching the Dhamma; or who traded in many other ways: all these were commanded to become laymen. It was in this manner that Ramadhipatiraja purged the Religion of its impurities throughout the whole of Ramannadesa, and created a single sect of the whole body of the Priesthood. From the year 838, Sakkaraj, to the year 841, Sakkaraj, the priests throughout Ramannamandala, who resided in towns and villages, as well as those who lived in the forest, continuously received the extremely pure form of the Sihala upasampada ordination, that had been handed down by the spiritual successors of the Mahavihara sect. The leading priests were 800 in number; and the young priests numbered 14,265; and the total of the numbers of both classes of priests was 15,085. At the conclusion of the upasampada ordination ceremony of these 800 leading priests, the King presented each of them with the following articles: two couples of cotton cloths of delicate texture for making tichivara robes; a betel-box, with a cover, containing betel leaves, areca-nuts, and a nut-cracker. together with a towel, &c.; an umbrella made of the leaves of the wild date-palm (phaniz sylvestris); an alms-bowl, with a stand and cover, and a palmyra fan. Moreover, suitable ecclesiastical titles were conferred on all the leading priests. Subsequently, in accordance with his previous promise, the King furnished 601 samaneras, who had mastered the chatuparisuddhisila, studied the Patimikkha and the Khuddasikkha, learnt by heart the ritual of confession and the pachchavekkhana, and completed their twentieth year, with alms-bowls, robes, and all other priestly requisites,' and commanded them to receive the upasampada ordination in the Kalyanisima. Adding these newly-ordained priests, there were, at the time, in Ramannadesa, 15,666 priests.
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________________ 88 TAK INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [APRIL, 1893. Rimadhipatirajn, after he had purified the Religion of Buddha, expressed a hope Now that this Religion of Buddha has been purged of the impure form of the upasampaid ordination, of sinful priests, and of priests who are not free from censure and reproach, and that it has become cleaused, resplendent, and pare, may it last till the end of the period of 5,000 years !" 1. In former times, Asokadhammaraja, to whom incomparable majesty and might had accrued, out of love for the Religion, became agitated in mind at the sight of the impurities that had arisen in it. 2. He solicitod the Assistance of Moggaliputtatissathers, and effected the purification of tho Roligion by expelling 60,000 sinfal pricsts from the Order. 3. In Laikadipa, Parakkamabahuraja, whose name began with Sirisanghaboohi, was friend of the Religion of Buddha. 4. Secing the impurities of the Religion, agitation arose in his mind, and he expelled namorous sinful priests, who held heretical doctrines. 5. Ho effected purification by sparing the single orthodox sect, whose members were the spiritual saccessors of the residents of the Mahavihara. 6. Subsequently, the purifiontion of the Religion was again, in like manner, effected by other kings as VijayabAhu and Parakkama. 7. In times past, our Bodhisattva, while fulfilling the paramis, ruled over the celestial kingdom of Tidasalayasagg. 8. At that time, the Religion of Ksssapa Buddba was in existence, and Anandathers becamo Usiunara, and ruled over the kingdom of Barkpastpora. 9. Although he perceived the imperities, he remained indifferent, and did not effoot the purification of the Religion. Then Sakra, the Lord of the devas, set aside his celestial bliss 41.d, 10. Accompanied by Matali, who had assumed the form of a black dog, went to the King, called Usiunara, and inspired him with fear, 11. Having received a pledge for the purification of the Religion, and after admonishing him, Sakra returned to Tidasulays. 12. Therefore, King Ramadhipati, the Lord of Ramannadesa, following respectfully in the footsteps of the virtuous, 13. Purified the Religion with a view that it might last till the end of 5,000 years. 14. For having purified the Religion in the manner described above, I, Ramadhipati, have acquired merit, which is as inexhaustible as nirudna, the state of purity and quiescence. 15. May the excellent Kings, who are imbued with intense faith, and who will reign after me in Hamsavatipura, always strive to purify the Religion, whenever they perceive that impurities have arisen in it! 16. Although the theras, headed by Majjhantikathera, in whom all passions were extinct, and who had performed their last doeds, took a delight in solitude, they set aside their bliss of nirvana, 17. And, in former times, exerted themselves in tho interest of the Religion. Therefore respectfully following in their footsteps. 18. May the priests of Hamsavatipura, who delight in their condition of purity, and are enthusiastic (in the cause of the Religion) purify, in after times, the Religion whenever they perceive any impurities in it!
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________________ APRIL, 1893.] NOTES ON TUL'SI DAS. 89 19. If this is done, the beings, who are immersed in the whirlpool of the three forms of existence, will be enabled to cross to the other shore), or to free themselves from the conditions of sin and suffering, or to attain the pure and excellent and supreme Buddhahood, which is embellished with the attributes of the wise and is the fruition of supreme exertion. Here end the lithic inscriptions called Kalydni. (To be continued.) NOTES ON TUL'Sf DAS. BY G. A. GHIERSON, 1. C. 8. It is a source of gratification to me, that my attempt to describe the modern Vernacular Literature of Hindustani has elicited criticism at the same time kindly and lively, at the hands of native scholars. In the present article I propose to bring forward some interesting facts about the greatest of Indian authors of modern times, Tulsi Das, which that criticism has elicited. (1) DATE OF THE POET. The date of this poet has never been & matter of doubt to native scholars, and it was not until after I had completed my work already alluded to, that it ever struck me that it was necessary to verify it. When the publication of Prof. Jacobi's Tables for computing Hindu Dates in the Indian Antiquary (ante, Vol. XVII. pp. 145 and ff.) and in Epigraphia Indica (1. pp. 463 and if.) placed it in my power to do this, I tested by them the date given by Tul'st Das himself for the composition of his Randyan, but altogether failed to make the week-day come right. After numerous failures I referred the matter to Prof. H. Jacobi himself, who went into it on more than one occasion with inexhaustible kindness. It was some satisfaction to me to find that, while there was no error in my own calculations, there was a way of reconciling the discrepancy between the poot's statements and actual facts. This has since led me to test every other data relating to Tul'al Day, which native friends, or the poet's own verses have pat in my possession. It will be convenient to give a list of them here. (a) Date of the composition of the Ram-charit-wina. (commonly called the Ramayan.) (Ram, Bd. XXXIV. 4,5), Bambat 1631 ; Chaitra 9 sudi, Tuesday. (6) Date of the composition of the Ram Sat'sai (Bama-sapta-batikd) (Sat. I., 21). Sambat 1642, Vaisakha Sudi, 9, Thursday. ) Date of the composition of the Parbati Mangal (P&r. I, 5). Jaya sambat, Phalguna Sudi, 6, Thursday. (d) Date of composition of the Ramagya (Rd majna). A tradition, recorded by the editor, Chhakkan Lal, fixes it at Sambat 1655, Jyaishtha Sudi, 10, Sunday. (e) Date of the composition of the Kabitta Ramayan. Sambat 1669-71. (1) Date of drawing up a deed of arbitration (vide post). Sambat 1669, Levina Srdi, 13, G) Date of Talsi Das's death. An old tradition fixes it on Sambat 1680, Sravana sudi 7. It remains now to test these seven daten, so far w poble, (a) Date of the Ramayan. The authorities are ; 1, Ram. Bd. XXXIV. 4, 5 and if. * The Modern Vernacular Literature of Hindistan, by George A. Grierson, Calcutta : Asiatic Society of Bengal. I quote from the very correct text of the poem printed by Baba Ram Din Singh, of the Khadg Bills Presu, Patna. This is by far the boat odition of the poem which has yet appeared. In transliterating I represent anundeika, for want of a more convenient type, by A. The gutturaln (T), I leave without any diacritical mark. This will cause no confusion.
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________________ 90 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [APRIL, 1893. Sambata goraha sai ikatisu Karaun katha Hari-pada dhari sisd 11 Naumi Bhauma-bara Madhn-nusa Awadha-puria yaha charita prakasall Jehi dina Rama-janna oruti gdwahin Tiratha sakala tahan chali awahin 11 "Laying my head at Hari's feet, I. tell my tale in Sambat 1631. On the ninth tithi, Tuesday, in the month of Chaitra, was this history made manifest in the city of Ayodhra. On the day which the scriptures sing of as that of Rama's birth, when the spirits of) all holy places there assemble." Note. -Rama's birthday is on the 9th of the bright half of Chaitra. 2. The date in the poem is borne out by a passage in the Ram Rasikavali of Raghu Raj Singh (B. 1824). Kachhu dina kuri Kasi mahan buisu Gaye Awadha-pura Tulasi Dasu il Tahan aneka kinhau sata-sanga Nisi dina range Rama-rati-ranga !! Sukhada Rama-naumi jaba dil Chaita-masa ati ananda pai 11 Sambata soraha sai eka-tise Sulara sumari Bhanu-kula-isa 11 Basara Bhauma suchita chita-chayana 1 Kiya arambha Tulasi-Ra mayana 11 "After dwelling for a space in Banaras, Tulsi DAs went to Ayodhya. There he associated with many holy men, and joying in the (pare) raptores of Rama pashed his nights and days in bliss. When the happy Ramu-navami came, and when he experienced the delights of the month of Chaitra, in Sambat 1631, reverently did he call to mind the Lord of the Solar Race, and, with caro, on Tuesday, he commenced the soul-fulfilling Tulasi-Ramayana." The problem, therefore, is to test the date Sambat 1681, Chaitra sudi, e, Tuesday. Prof. Jacobi's calculations give the following results :A.-Samhat 1631, expired. (1) Chaitrili year. The date is equivalent to Wednesday, 31st March 1574 A. D. (6) Karttikadi year. The date is equivalent to Sunday, 20th March 1575 A. D. B.-Sambat 1631, current. (a) Chaitradi year.-The date is equivalent to Thursday, 26th March 1573 A. D. (6) Kuritikali year.-The date is equivalent to Wednesday, 31st March 1574 A. D.,the same as A (a). It will be seen that none of these possible dates give the day of the week as Tuesday. Prof. H. Jacobi, therefore, calculated the date according to various Siddhantas. With his permission, I here give his calculations in full, in order to place the matter beyond doubt. Sam. 1631 expired = K.Y. 4675. (Special Tables I. note). KY. 4600 (0) 17. 60 15 [12] Ind. = 22.95 75 years (3) 19.45 173 [1] Ind. sudi 9 = 1.95 Ind. badi 9 = 16-95. (3) 7.05 188 [13] * The calculations given here, and also those subsequently given by me, are based on the tables in the Epigraphra Indica.
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________________ APRIL. 1893.] NOTES ON TUL'SI DAS. 91 The month Madhu, or Chaitra, of the Chaitradi year is to be taken in the first column of the Table III. New moon about 26th sol. Chaitra. Sudi 9 about 4th sol. Vaisakha. Add equation to above value. 4675 KY. (3) 7.05 188 [13] 4th Vais. (1) 1. 02 36 (4) 8.07 224 13 0.83 14 March 8.90 31 March 1574 A. D. (1) The ninth tithi ended about 6 ghat, after mean sunrise of Wednesday, 31st March, 1574 A. D.-This date will be calculated hereafter according to several Siddhantas for Oudh. If we take columu 12 of Table III. we get the date for the Karttikadi Sam. year 1631 viz. 4675 KY. (3) 7.05 188 [13] 24th Chaitr. (6) 1.66 920 (9 = 2) 8.71 108 67 - (2) 9.38 (2) The ninth tithi ended on Sunday. Sam. 1631 current = K.Y. 4674. We calculate both kinds of years. KY. 4600 (0) 17.60 15 [12] Ind. = 3.75 74 years (2) 8.65 927 ] Ind. sudi 9 = 12-75 4674 Ky. (2) 26.25 942 (13) 16 Chaitr. (4) 12.73 383 16 2.98 325 78 9.70 (3) The 9th ended on Thursday. The Karttikadi year KY. 4674 = (2) 26.25 942 (13) 4th Vais. (2) 11.82 283 8.07 225 0.83 (1) 8.90 (4) Sudi 9 = Wednesday. This date is the same as (1), as of course it ought to be. We now calculate according to the Special Tables the date 4th solar Vaisakha KY. 4675. Surya Siddhunta with bija. (an. O an. Ky. 4600 2180 480 185deg 580 282deg 43' 18" - 1 47 75 years 238 21 0 6 7 6 13 - - - - 24 24 4 Vais. 12 11 27 13 3 54 59 8 - 26 gh, 11 p. 469deg 20 27" 266deg 3' 17' 283 41 26 (1) = 109 cor.
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________________ 92 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [APRIL, 1893. 1 + + Corr. Table XXII. 26 gl. 5deg 16' 58' 5deg 39' 41' 0 25' 38" 11 p. 2 14 2 24 11 - 26 gh. 11 p. 5deg 19' 12'' 5deg 42' 50 0 2549" Subtract (2) from (1) 109 20 27 266 3 17 283 41deg 26 5 19 12 5 42 5 25 49 104deg 1' 15" 260deg 21' 12" 283deg 15' 37" Equation for Moon's Anomaly 260deg 21 12 = + 4deg 58' 22" >> >> Sun's 283 15 97 = - 2 7 8 + 20 51 14 Add this to (3) G-O 104deg 1' 15" 106deg 52' 29" Result No. (5) is the true Distance of Sun and Moon at mean sunrise at Lanka. calculate, now, the same for true sunrise at Benares. North Lat. 25deg 20', Long. + 1 gh. 13 p. ($ 58) 1 gh. 12 11" 13' 4" 59" 13 p. 2 38 2 50 13 14' 49' 15' 54' 1" 12" Subtract the Result from (3) 104 1' 15' 260deg 21' 12" 283deg 15' 37" 14 49 15 54 1 12 103deg 46' 26" 260deg 5' 18" 283deg 14' 25' (6) 4675 - 3600 3-1075 ($ 59) Find the ayananea for 4675 KY= 3x - The sidereal Long. O =283deg 14 25 - 282deg 43' 18'31.7" , tropical , o=eid. Long. +ayanamba = 16deg 46' 7"=1006' ($ 60) On 25deg 20' North Lat. the 1800 minutes of the 1st Sign rise in 1332 Asus, therefore 1006' of trop. Long, o in 744. Subtract. 1006 - 744=262 1848, 262 asus=44 vinadio (palas). Subtract the amount for 44 palas from 103deg 46' 26" 260deg 5' 18" 283deg 14' 25' 8 56 9 35 43 * 103 37 30 259 55 43 283 13 42 (+ 61) Equation for Moon's Anomaly 259 55 43 = + 457 57 Sun's > 283 13 42 = - 2 7 10 Sum of Equations = 950 47 Add -O (6) 103 46 26 106deg 37' 13" Add correction for Sun's Equation + 16 p. 3 15 Result Distance (- for trpe 106deg 40' 28" (8) Sunrise at Benares .. The end of the 9th tithi 108deg 0 0' occurred when had increased by 1deg 19' 32" or 6 gh. 31 p. after true sunrise. 200 2 00 = 16deg 15'
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________________ APRIL, 1893.) NOTES ON TUL'SI DAS. 93 B. S. (2) Arya Siddhanta KY. 4600 217deg 8 0 184deg 7' 0 2 82deg 0 0 + 4 gb. 10 p. 75 years 238 13 30 67 25 34 - - - - 24 4 4 Vais. 12 11 27 13 3 54 59 81 - 1954 | 467 32 57 264 36 28 282 59 8 19 gh. 3deg 51' 37" 4deg 8' 14' 18' 44' - 4 2 35 4 20 0 19 37 54 p. 10 58 11 46 53 103 30 22 260 16 28 282 39 31 4deg 2 35 40 20 0 37' 19 Mean distance 103deg 30' 22' being smaller than found above (3), the final result also will be smaller; we need therefore not go on with our calculation. (8) Brahma Siddh. (4) Siddh. Sir. 4600 205deg 0 b' 172deg15 30" 282deg 3' 221 +11.14 || 204deg 14' 0171deg 6' 30" 280deg 54'22" 238 7 30 67 27 48 - - -1-22 58 238 6 45 67 26 40 - - - 5th Vais. 24 22 53 26 7 48 158 16 | 24 22 53 26 748 1 58 16 467 30 23 265 51 6 284 1 38 1466 43 38 264 20 58 282 52 38 - 2 23 2 2 33 18 11 33: 2 23 2 2 33 18 11 33 105 7 21 263 27 48 283 50 5 104 20 36 261 47 40 282 41 5 71 gh. 20 14' 6" 2deg 23 43 10 50" 44 p. 8 56 9 35 43 2 23 2 2 33 18 11 33. S. 'S. Sum of 105 7 21 Sum of 104 20 36 Eq. + 2 53 25 Eq. + 2 51 41 108 046 107 12 17 By comparing above (5) and (8) we see that at trae sunrise in Benares was about 12' 1" less than at mean sunrise at Lanka. Accordingly for Brahma Siddhanta the value of (-o is 107deg 48' 45" and the end of 9th tithi about 54 palas after true sunrise at Benares. If we had taken Oudh the moment would have occurred 7 palas earlier. For Siddhanta Siromani the result is still farther off sunrise. Conclusion. As the ninth tithi ended according to all Siddhantas some time after true sunrise at Benares (or Oudh) of Wednesday, 31st March 1574 A. D., that day was sudi 9. But as religious ceremonies etc. frequently are referred to the running tithi, not to the civil day on which that tithi ended, it may be assumed that Tul'si Das commenced his work on Tuesday while the auspicious oth tithi was running. Probably most ceremonies of the Rama navami were celebrated on that day because the greatest part of the ninth tithi belonged to it. This is also the parport of the precepts in Kalanirnaya on the navami, Calcutta Edition, p. 229,so far as I understand them. Taking everything into consideration, I believe the date of Tul'si Das to be correct, and I think it impossible to impugn the genuineness of the poem or the verse quoted on the ground that the date is not in the common civil reckoning. With reference to Prof. Jacobi's final remarks, I may note that some native scholars have impugned the genuineness of Rum. Bd. ch. xxxiv. on this very ground of date. The difficulty is certainly a serious one. Prof. Jacobi has proposed one solution, and others have been offered by native scholars. I quote here some remarks on the point, kindly communicated to me by Mahamahopadhyaya Pandit Sudhakara Dvivedi, which are valuable not only for the special purpose which elicited them, but also for the general argument on which they are based. He says, I once considered that the recitation of the Ramayana being in the vernacular,
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________________ 94 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [APRIL, 1893. it first became popular amongst Baniyas and Kdyasthas, who began to write the poem in their own alphabet, the Kaithi. It was hence not improbable that the original reading was not Bharna-vara, but Saumya-vara, i. e. Wednesday, and that soumya subsequently became corrupted to bharma,- an easy transition in the Kaithi character. Later, however, I discovered that, while Tal'si Das was in Ayodhyi, he was not a Vairagi Vaishnava, but a Smarta one. These Smarta Vaishnavas are also great worshippers of Mahudeva; thus, the poet himself writes in the Balakanda of the poem "Sambhu prasada sumati hiya hulasi," and from this we gather that he counted the Rama navani as falling on the Tuesday, according to the Saiva calculation. According to the Saivas the Rama navami is calculated as the day whose midday falls on the ninth tithi, because Rama was born at midday, and not as the day on which the ninth tithi ends. Accordingly on the former day the festival of the Rama navami was held. Tul'si Das was unable to agree with the Vairagi Vaishnavas, as regards eating. They eat together, seated in a row, but he always cooked his food himself and ate separately, and it was owing to this disagreement that after composing the Bala, Ayodhya, and Aranya Kandas of his poem, he left Ayodhya and went to Banaras where he completed it, as appears from Fandand of the Kishkindhakanda.' (6) Date of the composition of the Ram Sat'sdi. Authority, Sat. I. 21. Ahi-rasand thana-dhemu rasa Ganapati-dwija Guru-bdra Madhava sita Siya-janama-tithi Sata-saiya abatara 11 "The two) tongaes of a serpent, the (four) udders of a cow, the (six) flavours, the one task of Ganesa (i. e., Sam. 1642), Thursday, the lunar day in the light half of Vaisakha, which is the birthday of Sita (i. e., the ninth), is the date of writing the Sat-sal." Here again difficulties arise, so I take the liberty of giving the calculations in full for the three possible cases (the Karttikadi current date, being the same as the Chaitradi expired one). Problem. To find the equivalent of Sambat) 1842, Vaibakhs sudi 9, Thursday. A. Sambat 1642 expired. (a) Chaitradi year, Sam. 1642 expired = K, Y. 4686. KY. 4600 = (0) 17-60 15 [12] Ind. . = 21.08 86 years = (3) 2132 093 [1] Ind. su. 9 = .08 KY. 4686 = (3) 8.928 [13] 1 sol. Jyaishtha = (1) 29-50 52 (4) 8.42 60 [13] 0-57 14th April (4) 8-99 28th April Therefore the 9th tathi expired just after sunrise on Wednesday, the 28th April, 1585 A.D., and was running on the preceding Tuesday. * Similarly Krishna, having been born at midnight on the eighth of the dark half of Bhadrapada, Baivas hold the festival on the civil day (wunrise to sunrise) whose midnight falls on the eighth. . Pandit Sudh Akar Drivedt points out that it is necessary, if the date is genuine, to asume it to be in the Vikrama Sambat though the word Bambat does not ooour in the date. If we take it masala date, the year is 1720, a contury after the death of our poet.
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________________ APRIL, 1893.] NOTES ON TUL'SI DAS. 95 (6) Karttikadi year. KY. 4686 = (3) 8.928 [13] 21 sol. Vaisakha = (5) 29.11 900 (1) 8.03 908 13 19 1 4th March 21 8-22 48th March = 17th April. Therefore the 9th tithi expired on Sunday the 17th April 1586 A. D. B. Sam. 1642 current = KY. 4685. KY, 4600 = (0) 17.6015 [12] ind. = 1.88 85 years = (2) 10-52 747 [1] ind. su. 9 = 10-88 KY. 4685 = (2) 28-12 762 [13] 13th sol. Vaisakha = (3) 10-17 363 (5) 8.29 128 13 .71 14th March 13 9-00 40th March = 9th April 1584, A. D. Add for longitude of Oadh 1 gh. 4 p. Therefore the ninth tithi expired at 1 ghatika 4 palas after sunrise at Oudh, on Thursday, April 9th, 1584 A. D. Accordingly, if the date is correct, Tul'si Dag, in dating the Bat'sai used the current, not the expired, Sambat year. Pandit Sudhakara Dvivedi points out that this is against the custom of the poet, and throws the greatest suspicion on the genuineness of the verse in which it occurs. It may be added that, if we take the Saka era, the date comes out correctly, as Thursday May 5, 1720 A. D. It is unnecessary to give the calculations. (c) Date of composition of the Parbati Mangal. Authority, Par. I., 5. Jaya Sambata Phaguna sudi panchai Guru-dinu! Asuni birachaun mangala suni sukha chhinu chhinu 11 "I compose this (Parbati) Mangal, the hearing of which gives pleasure at every moment, in Jaya Sambat, Phalguna sudi. 5, Thursday, in Asvini." Jaya Sambat is one of the years of the sixty-year cycle of Jupiter, and as Tul'si Das died in Sambat 1680, we must search for the Jaya which fell about the middle of the 17th Sambat century. A reference to Prof. Jacobi's tables will show that Jaya Sambat was current on the first day of Samvat 1643 (K. Y. 4687).? A reference to Table VIII. will at once show that Phalguna Sudi 5, Sambat 1643 must have fallen after the expiry of Jaya, or in the year Manmatha. Therefore the Phalguna Sudi 5 of Jaya must have fallen in Sam. 1642, But in sambat 1642, Phalguna Sudi 5 fell on Sunday, not Thursday. It is not necessary to give the calculations. The reading of the printed Editions is birachahs, but Pandit SudhAkara Dvivedi informs me that the best MSS. have birachaus. (K, Y. 4600 = 33.82 (Table VI. 87 = 28.0179 (Table VII.) 4687 = 1'8879
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________________ 96 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [APRIL, 1893. Under these circumstances I appealed to Beneras, and have to thank Pandit Sudhakar Dvivedi for solving the doubt. He says that the year referred to is Sambat 1643, not 1642, Sambat 1643 = KY. 4687, and the calculation (according to Jacobi's tables) is as follows: 4600 KY. 0 17.60 1 5 [12] Ind. * = 10-28 87 years. 4 2.12 240 [1] Ind. su. 5 = 15-28 4687 KY. 19.72 255 8th Phal. (solar) 2 14.97 250 6 4.69 505 13 [13] C's an 505 eq. 13 Jan. 5:10 33 Jan. = 2 Feb. Accordingly, at the beginning of Friday, 8th Solar Phalguna, the 6th tithi was ronning, and the 5th tithi ended on the preceding day; or Thursday, the 2nd February, 1586 A. D. * We are enabled to check this date by the fact that Tulsi Das mentions that he commenced his work in the Nakshatra Aevini. Pandit Sudhakar Dvidedi writes that in Tulsi Das's time, the Makaranda, a practical astronomy founded on the current Surya Siddhanta, was popular in Benares. Calculating the Ahargana and the true longitudes and the true motions of the sun and moon respectively, we find that the 5th tithi ended at about 52 ghatikas and 37 vighafikas, and Revati Nakshatra ended (and Abvini began at about 20 ghatikds and 10 vighufikas after true sunrise at Benares. The same result follows from the $37 of Jacobi's tables. Tul'si Das's Nakshatra was Visakha and his Rasi or Zodiacal sign was Tula (the Scales). Hence, according to astrology, Revali was not a propitious nakshatra for him. Accordingly, the date given by the poet means that he began to write the Parbati Mangai after Revati had ended, and after Asvini had began, i. e., after 20 ghatikus 10 vighafikas after true sunrise at Benares, on Thursday, February 2nd 1586, A. D. I may add that on 5 Phalguna Sudi Sam. 1642, the moon was in Agvini at the beginning of the day. This is a further reason for assuming that by Jaya Sambat Tulsi Das meant Sam. 1643. For if it had been 1642, there would have been no reason for his mentioning the nakshatra then running: whereas, if it was in 1643, there was every reason for his doing so, part of the day being in Revati and unlucky, and part being in Asvini and lucky. The poet evidently wished to point out that he commenced the work at an hour of the day which was propitious. One other fact follows. Phalguna Sudi 5 Sam. 1643, did not fall in Jaya Sambat. But the first day of Sambat 1643 did fall in Jaya. Therefore Tulsi Das gave the name of the Jupiter sixty-year-cycle year to the 7. Sambat year, which commenced within it. In other words, accortling to the accepted system of chronology, the V. Sambat took its name from the Jovian year which expired in it, just as the civil day took its name from the tithi which expired in it. (e) Date of composition of the Ramagya. Chhakkan Lal says that in 1827 A.D., he made a copy of this work, from the original * The Pandit calculated the year both according to the Indian system, and according to Jacobi. I gave the lattor calculation, as being more intelligible to my readers. Chhakkan Lal's language may be noted. Sri Rahvat 165 Jah Budi 10 Rabibar kt likhi pusta Brl Goodin ke hasta-kamat ki, Prahlad ghat. Sri Kastil mei rahi. Us pustak par sd Sri pandit Ramgulam it ke satsangi Chhak. kan Lal Kdyasth Ramayant Mirjapur-bast tu apnd hath se sarrat 1884 men likha tha;' It will be observed that it is distinctly claimed that the MS. was written by Tul'st Die's own hand, and that it certainly was written twenty five yours before his death. It may be presumed that it was the poet's original copy. It will subsequently appear that if the poem was composed in San. 1665, the Dohdball could not, as current tradition says it was, have been composed at Todar Mall's request. On this point, Pandit Sudhakar Dvivodi informs me that the M8. which Chhakkan Lal copied was in possession of a purohit named Ramakrishna. On one Occasion Ramakrishna took it
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________________ APRIL, 1893.) NOTES ON TUL'SI DAS. 97 copy in the handwriting of the poet, which was dated by the poet himself, Sambat 1655 Jyaishtha Sudi, 10, Sunday. It is unnecessary to give the calculation. Taking the Chaitradi expired year, it is equivalent to Sunday, June 4th, 1698 A. D. (e) Date of the composition of the Kabitta Ramayan This depends on an interpretation of K. R. clxxi. 1. The passage is as follows: Eka tau karala kali-kala sila milla ta mer! Kodha men ki khaju si kanichari hai mina kill "In the first place, the Kali Yuga, the root of woe, is terrible. And further, in it, like the itch appearing in leprosy, Saturn has appeared in the sign of the Fish." Here again I have to thank Pandit Sudhakara Dvivedi for calculating the date and for the following information :- The periodical time of Saturn is about thirty years. He entered Pieces (a token of great calamity) in Tulsi Das's time, on or about the 5th of Chaitra Sudi Sambat 1640, and remained in that sign till Jyaishtha of 1642. He again entered it on about the 2nd of Chaitra Sudi Sambat 1669, and remained in it till Jyaishtha of 1671. These results are those given by the Makaranda based on the Surya-siddhanta. The sixty year cycle of Jupiter is divided into three periods of twenty years each, of which the first belongs to Brahma, the second to Vishnu, and the third and last to Mahade va or Rudra, In Tulsi Das's time, the Rudra-bisi, or twenty years belonging to Rudra commenced in Sambat 165, and from about that time the Musalmans began more especially to profane Benares. The poet frequently refers to this fact, to and no doubt does so in the Kabitta above quoted. Accordingly it was to the second occasion on which Saturn was in Pisces, i. e., between Chaitra Sudi Sambat 1669 and Jyaishtha Sambat 1671, i. e., between 1612 and and 1614 A. D. that the Kabittall above quoted was written. (f) The deed of arbitration. This has been published in the Modern Vernacular Literature of Hindustan. The following is the translation of the portion which immediately concerns us : " Whereas Anand Ram, son of Todar, son of Deo Ray, and Kanhay, son of Ram Bhadra, son of Todar aforesaid appeared before me, &c., &c." " In the Sambat year 1669, on the 13th of the bright half of Kunwar,, on the auspicious (subha) day of the week, was this deed written by Anand Ram and Kauhuy...... The division of the share of Todar Mall, which has been made ....." Then follow a list of certain villages, which formed Todar Mall's property, viz., Bhadaini, Lahar'tara, Naipura, Chhitu pura, Sivpur, and Nadesar. On this I remarked as follows:-In connexion with the above, it is interesting to speculate who this Podar Mall, the father of Anand Ram, and grandfather of Kanhay was. Can he have been Akbar's great Finance Minister? He died in 1589, and his son might well be alive in 1612. He was born at Lihar par in Oudh, and one of the villages mentioned abave, Lahar'tara, has a somewhat similar name. In India, contiguous villages have often very similar names. out it in his bandlo, to recito it somewhere, and, as ill luck would have it, it was, bundle and all, stolen from him train. It may be mentioned that in Ramakrishna's house there in & jealongly guarded portrait of Tulist Das, said to have been painted for the Emperor Akbar. It is shown to the public onoe a year on the 7th of the bright half of Srlvana, the anniversary of the poet's death. Pandit SudhAkara Dvivedi maintains that the date 1555 refers to the year in which the copy was made, and not to that of the composition of the original poem. Whenever Tul'st Das wished to show the date of his work, he wrote in the commencement, as he did in the Ramiyana and in the Parbati Mangala. II Chhakkan Lal is to be believed, at any rate the copy was in the poet's handwriting. 10 E.9., Dohabalt 240, K. R., Ut., 170 and ff. 11 But not necessarily the whole work, vide post. The commentator Baijnath fizes the period as between Aambat 1635 and 1637, but he has no authority on such a point, and no caloulation will make im right.
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________________ 98 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [APRIL, 1893. First as to dates. That of the deed of arbitration (taking the Chaitradi expired year) is equivalent to Sunday, September 27, 1612 A. D. There is now no doubt about the identity of the Todar Mall referred to. The arbitration deed is now in possession of the Maharaja of Benares. Inquiry from him, and from the present possessor of the shrine originally owned by Tul'si Das, shows that it was Pratipal Singh, the eleventh in descent from Akbar's great minister, who gave it to the then Maharaja. (9) Date of Tul'si Das's death according to an old rhyme, Sambata soraha sai asi Asi Ganga ke tira Sawana sukala saptami Tulasi tajeu sarira 11 "On the 7th of the light half of Sravana, Sainbat 1680, Tal'si left his body, at Asi, on the bank of the Ganges." Here we are given no week-day by which to control our calculations, but, assuming that the Chaitrdili expired year is meant, it is equivalent to Thursday, July 24th, 1623 A. D. To sum up. The following are the dates at which we have arrived : (a) Date of commencement of composition of the Ruim-charit-manas. Tuesday, March 30, 1574 A. D. (b) Date of composition of the Ram Sat'szi. Thursday, April 9th, 1584 A. D. This is very doubtful. (c) Date of composition of the Parbati Mangal. Thursday, 2nd February, 1586 A. D. (d) Date of composition (or ? copying) of the Ramagya. Sunday, June 4th, 1598 A. D. (e) Date of composition of the Kabitta Raindyan between the years 1612 and 1614 A. D. () Date of the deed of arbitration. Sunday, September 27, 1612 A. D. (9) Date of Tul'si Das's death. Thursday, July 24th, 1623 A. D. Of these (a) depends on the supposition that the poet dated from the running and not from the expired tithi. All the dates depend upon expired Chaitradi Sambat years, except (b) which depends on a current Chaitradi Sambat year, a most improbable assumption. In concluding this portion of my notes on Tulsi Das I must again acknowledge my obligations to the brilliant mathematician whose name has so often occurred in them, Mahamahpadhyaya Pandit Sudhakara Dvivedi. The fortunate circum stance of his profound knowledge, at the same time of Hindu astronomy and of old Hindi poetry, has greatly facilitated my researches, and the ungrudging way in which has placed his time at my disposal puts me in his debt to an amount which I can scarcely repay. (To be continued.) FOLKTALES OF ARAKAN. BY BERNARD HOUGHTON, C.S. No. 1.-The Snake Prince. A certain fairy called Sakkaru, having lived a thousand lives in the Tawatinsa fairy-land, it became his turn to be born again in the world of men. Accordingly King Sakra, who by 1 Translated from a Burmese MS. furnished by Maung Tha Bwin, Myook of Sandoway. 9 The Indian names and the allusion to Sakr (Indra) are, together with one or two allusions to Buddhist ideas, doubtless tacked on to the original story to bring it into line with the orthodox Buddhist Wate.
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________________ APRIL, 1898.) FOLKTALES OF ARAKAN. 99 virtue of his power perceived that Sakkara, not being free from the evil effects of previous sin would have to remain for three months as a hamadryad in a wild fig tree on the banks of the Jamna in Baranasi, employed a fairy, Vaskrun, to accomplish this. The latter took Sakkaru to a wild fig tree, on the banks of the Jamna, where he was born as a hamadryad, and having told him all the commands of King Sakra, returned to Tawatinsa. As for Sakkaru, he remained as a hamadryad in the fig tree. In that country there lived & Washerman and his wife, who had two maiden daughters, called Shwe Kyen and Dwe Pya. It happened one day that the washerwoman and her two daughters tied up some cloths and went to wash them at the landing place by the wild fig tree. After washing them the woman, desiring some of the figs, looked up into the tree, and besides the figs saw there the hamadryad. The washerwoman then, telling her daughters that she would jest with the snake, said to him, "My lord hamadryad, if you want my daughter Dwo Pya I will give her,-only throw me down 4 or 5 figs." Thereupon the hamadryad shook its tail and knocked down 40 or 50 of the fruit. The washerwoman said to her daughters, " Indeed, the snake seems to understand. I only asked for 4 or 5 figs, and because he loves Miss Dwe he threw down 40 or 50. The sun is going down, let us pick up the figs and take the clothes home." They tied up the clothes, but as they were going to start the washerwoman, saying she would jest again with the snake, told him mockingly, "Mr. Snake, if you want Dwe Pyu follow us home." On the way back they came to a tree-stump at a place where two paths meb and here Dwe Pya said to her mother, "It will be terrible if the hamadryad does come after us." Her mother, also being anxious, told the stump :-"If a big hamadryad comes here and asks if we have gone this way, say that you have not seen us. Take this fig as a mouth-stopper." They went on, and, on coming to another cross-path, the washerwoman instructed an ant-hill there as she had the stump, and giving it also a fig, passed on. After they had gone home the Snake Prince, being in love with Dwo Pya, followed after them. On reaching the stump, not being certain as to which way they had gone, he asked it, "Did you gee wbich way Dwe Pyu and her mother and sister went ?" The stuiap replied, "I stay here according to my nature. I neither know nor saw." But the hamadryad, perceiving the fig by the stump, became very angry and said, "Do you dare to dissimulate whilst the fig I gave is staring you in the face as a witness ? I will this instant strike you with my teeth, so that you split into four." Whereupon the stump, being greatly frightened, pointed out the way that the washerwoman and her daughter had gone. From the stump the hamadryad fared on to the cross-path by the ant-hill and, on questioning it, at first it dissimulated as the stump had done ; but when the snake threatened, it pointed out truly the way. The latter reached at last the washerman's house, and it being night, he entered the pot where cleaned rice was kept, and curled himself up inside. The next day at dawn the washerwoman said to herself, "Although my daughters are grown up and my work should be less, yet owing to one and another holding off, nothing is done, and we shall be long in getting our food. So I will go and cook it myself." Accordingly she took the sale measure and went to get some rice from the pot; but when she thrust her arm in, the hamadryad enfolded it several times with his tail. At first the washerwoman, not knowing what snake it was that had caught her, called out lustily, but the hamadryad did not for that loosen his grip. Afterwards she recovered her senses, and on consideration it struck her that this must be the big hamadryad to whom she had promised Dw8 Pyu: so she said, "If his Highness the Snake Prince desires Dwe Pya I will give her. Won't you uploosen & fold or two?" The hamadryad thereupon did as she asked, so she knew certainly who it was, and said, "I will give you Dwe Pya; please let go." Thereupon he released her altogether. The washerwoman then said pitifully to her daughter Dwe Pyu, "Please live with this big snake. If you do not, he will bite and kill the whole household. It is frightful!" Dwe Pya wept and refused repeatedly, saying, "I don't want to live with a brate beast;" but her mother,
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________________ 100 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [APRIL, 1393. who was in fear of her life, coaxed her over, so that at length, unable to resist her mother's command, she had to live with the hamadryad. It happened one night that King Sakra, having need of the fairies in council, desired the presence of Sakkaru. The latter could not resist, and, leaving behind his snake's skin went off secretly to the fairies' council in T'Awatinsa. When it dawned he could not return, as the council was not ended. At that time Mi Dwe Pyu, who was ignorant of his absence, as she did not as usual hear any sound from him, looked at his sleeping place and perceived him to be seemingly motionless. On handling him she perceived that there was no flesh but only the gkin left, and she called out in tears to her mother and sister, "Come, come, my husband is dead." Her mother, however, said, "Don't cry, if people hear it will be a pretty disgrace, keep quiet; whilst her sister added that there were plenty of hamadryads like this one in the forest, and that she would go and get one. Dwe Pyu replied, "He was my husband, and I am greatly grieved;" but her mother talked her over saying that if there was a regular funeral and guests received with betel-nut and tea, so that everybody knew, there would be a scandal, and that it would be better to perform the funeral quietly by burning. Dwe Pyu agreed, and accordingly they burnt the skin, so that it was completely consumed. Thereupon the Snake Prince Sakkaru, being heated more than he could beer, appeared in person by the fire-place. Miss Dwe Pyu did not know him, and asked who he was. He repeated to them how he had suffered intense heat, whereupon Dwe Pyu and her parents knew who he was, and rejoiced greatly. But Shwe Kyon became jealous and said, "I have not got him because of Dw6 Pyu. If it were not for her I should get him." When it became dark they all went to bed. At midnight the fairy Sama-deva, who had been sent by King Sakra, came and said to Sakkaru :-"Here is & magic wand which our royal grandfather, King Sakra, has granted to you, and the virtue of it is that if you strike with it and wish for anything your desire will be accomplished. Your title also is to be SakkaruKumma. From the time your child is born let not a drop of snake's blood touch you; if it does you will become a snake as before. If you avoid this danger you will become in time a mighty king. However, on receiving this wand you can only come back here after wandering in other Countries." After speaking these words Sama-deva vanished, At dawn, when Dwe Pyu awoke, Sakkaru repeated to her what the latter had said. Although she repeatedly tried to restrain him, he said, "It is King Sakra's order. I cannot disobey," and going down to the sea he struck it with the magio wand. Thereupon a ship, fully rigged and manned, rose into sight, and he went on board and left Dwe Pyt, who remained behind with child. After his departure Shwe Kyon said to hersell, "If Dwe Pya dies, I will get her husband; so she coaxed Dwe Pyu, wbo could not withstand her, down to the river bank. There Shwe Kyen said, "When you die, I will get your husband, so I am going to push you into the river." Dwe Pyu cried and besought her, saying, " There are two lives in me. Do not kill me. When my husband returns do you live with him. I will have you married all right. But Shwe Kyen replied, "As long as you are alive I shall never get your husband, but only on your death," and throwing her into the river, she returned home. As Dwe Pya floated down the river & big eagle, taking her for a fish, swooped down on her and carried her off to his nest in a silk-cotton tree. There he discovered her to be a woman, and when Dwe Pyll had told him all about herself, he kept her in his nest, where she was delivered of a son. When the child cried she soothed it by repeating Sakkaru's name, but as the eagle became angry and talked of pecking it to death in consequence, she soothed it by talking of " Papa Eagle." The latter then said, "Ha, you are laughing at me." This squabbling was overheard by the Snake Prince, who was just returning in the ship, and who remarked that one voice was like Dwe Pya's. The sailors replied, "How could Dwe Pyu get to such an extraordinary place ? It cannot be her." On coming near to the silk-cotton tree, the Prince asked, "Is that Dwe
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________________ APRIL, 1893] FOLKTALES OF ARAKAN. 101 Pyu ?" and, as she answered, "Yes," he caused the ship to come to land, and climbed up the tree. When he spoke of taking Dwe Pgu away, she said, "You should be grateful to the eagle. After making some return for his services, ask permission from him and take me away." The prince said, "The eagle and I are brothers. As I am very grateful to my elder brother, let him give me my wife and child, whom he has rescued. I will pile up for him a heap of fish, reaching from the roots of this tree to its highest branch." The eagle replied, "Very well, if the Prince can make a heap of fish, as he has said, he may take away his wife and child." The latter accordingly went to the sea, and striking it with his magic wand, said, "Let there be a heap of fish from the roots of the silk-cotton tree to its branches," and at once fish came and heaped themselves up as directed. Then the Prince, with the permission of the eagle, having taken his wife and child and put them on board the ship, suggested that the fish which the eagle could not eat should be let back into the sea. The eagle agreed to this, so the Prince wished and struck again with his magic wand, and the fish went back into the sea. After letting go the fishes the Prince and Dwe Pyu sailed to their own country, and on the way Dwe Pyu related all that Shwe Kyen had done. On coming near the landing place the Prince said, "I will put her to shame. Do you and the child get into this box,"--to which Dwe Pyu agreed. On hearing that the ship had arrived Shwe Kyen adorned herself and came up with the intention of saying that she was Dwe Pyu, and so living with the Prince. The latter on seeing her said, "You are not like the Dwe Pyu of yore. You have indeed become thin." Shwe Kyen replied, "I have yearned after you till I became so ill that there was a miscarriage." The Prince said, "Very well, take this box which contains rich and rare clothing, and we will go home together." Accordingly Shwe Kyen, who was pretending to be Dwe Pyu, took up the box and followed him to the house, where he gave her the key and told her to open the box in order to get out and wear the clothing. Shwe Kyen opened the box, but on seeing Dwe Pyu and her child she became terribly ashamed and ran away to the back of the house, whence she dared not show her face, nor would she even come when called. The Prince and Dwe Pya, however, entered their room and lived there happily. Afterwards Shwe Kyen, prompted by the fact of her sister Dwe Pyu having lived happily with a snake, and being withal much ashamed, went to her father and said to him, "Father dear, Dwe Pyu has lived happily with a snake. Please catch one also to become my husband." The washerman replied, "My daughter, the snake with which Dwe Pyu lived was a human snake, being the embryo of a man. Now if I catch a snake, it will be a wild one which will bite and kill you. Don't ask me to catch one." However Shwe Kyen became very troublesome, and kept on saying repeatedly, "You must catch one for me." So her father remarked, "Be it as you will. We shall have peace when you are dead," and he went off into the jungle, where he caught a very long boa-constrictor, two spans in circumference. He brought this to Shwe Kyen, who took it to bed and slept along with it. Before daylight in the morning the snake considered to itself that formerly when in the jungle it sought its food and ate till satisfied, but that now having been caught, it had had nothing to eat for a day and night, and was very hungry in consequence; moreover it could not go elsewhere to seek its food. Accordingly it resolved to make a meal off the person near it, by swallowing her up, beginning at her feet and ending with her head, and proceeded to make a commencement by swallowing her feet. Shwe Kyen cried oat, "Help, he has, apparently in sport, swallowed me up to my knees." Her father only said, "She wanted that snake so much. We shall have peace when she dies," whilst her mother remarked, "My son-in-law is having a game." Shwe Kyen cried out very loudly however, so Dwe Pyu said to her husband the Snake Prince, "It is not right that my sister should die-go and help her." But her husband replied, "If only one drop of snake's blood touches me I shall become a snake again, Your father can settle such an affair as this. Are you tired of my companionship, that you ask me to do this thing ?" His wife Dwe Here again Buddhist ideas are introduced into the original story.
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________________ 102 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. (APBIL, 1893. Pyu rejoined, "King Sakra's order was from the time that the child was born. That is now long past, and you cannot again become a snake. If your flesh and blood were indeed such as you formerly possessed, you could not remain so long a man ; you can avoid also being touched by or smeared with a drop of snake's blood." She became much troubled, so not wishing to hurt her feelings, and thinking also that it is wicked not to rescue the life of a human being, the Snake Prince took up his double-edged sword, and smote the boa-constrictor, so that it was divided in two and died. On cutting it, however, a drop of the boa-constrictor's blood touched the Prince, and he became a snake as before. A snake's mind also came into him, so that he no longer wished to stop in the house, but went off into the forest. Dwe Pyll carrying their little son, followed him slowly weeping and saying, "Come back home, I will get you food," but it was in vain. Sometimes he would regain his intellect and speak to his wife and child, and again a snake's mind would come to him and he would try to bite them. After doing thus he said to his wife Dwe Pyu, "I will have to live in the forest away from human beings. If I live near them I shall bite and kill them when I have the snake mind in me." Dwe Pyu, however, left her child with her parents and followed the hamadryad into the forest, but there again he struck at her unsuccessfully. Again recovering consciousness, he said to her, "I am not as before, when there is a snake's mind in me I do not recognise anybody, but only strike at them. You should, therefore, return home, as the child must be wanting its milk. Suckle it and take care of it, and live happily with it. I cannot remain with you,-1 must go into the darkest forests." Dwe Pyu replied, "Only come back home. I will get your food and take care of you. I cannot remain separated from you." She followed him again, and when they came near the ant-hill a snake's mind came into the Prince, and he was about to bite Dwe Pyu, but restrained himself in time. He decided in consequence that he would have to enter the top of the ant-hill, as if he remained outside he would certainly bite her; so he went inside the ant-hill. But Dwe Pyu remained outside weeping and calling sadly to her husband. (To be continued.) PARSI AND GUJARATI HINDU NUPTIAL SONGS. BY PUTLIBAI D. H. WADIA. (Continued from Vol. XXI. page 116). PART III. TRANSLATION. No. 8. Song sung when the Bridegroom leaves his house to go to the Bride's, where the Wedding ceremony takes place. Put your foot in the stirrup, brother Sorabji, to mount your horse. Your mother holds you by the hem of your garment. Let go, mother, let go your hold, And I shall give you your due. 5 How can I forget the claims of her, Who rerred me, and loved me as her own life? I have got a beautiful sudi woven for my mother, And a bodice of cloth of gold. Put your foot in the stirrup, brother Sorabji, to mount your horse. 10 Your aunt holds you by the hem of your garment. Let go aunt, let go your hold: Your claims shall have dae recognition. How can I forget what is due to her, Who sang the lullaby at my cradle ? 15 I have ordered a gold-embroidered sadi for my aunt, And a bodice of green silk. 1 See note 17, Part I. 1 By way of asserting her claims.
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________________ APRIL, 1893.] PARSI AND GUJARATI HINDU NUPTIAL SONGS. 103 Put your foot in the stirrup, brother Sorabji, and mount your horse. Your aunt (father's sister) holds you by the hem of your garment. Let go, aunt, let go your hold, 20 And I shall give you your due. How can I forget the claims of her who took me in her lap, When my name was given me P3 Let us send a hundi (on some firm) in Gajarat, and get a good patori (for my aunt). The bridegroom looks as bright as the Sun, 25 And as pare as the Moon. The bridegroom stands under the festoons of flowers (that adorn the doorway) smelling the flowers, And looks as beautiful as the flowers themselves. The bridegroom stands under the festoons of flowers (that adorn the doorway) chewing pan, And looks as delicate as a pan-leaf. No. 9. Song sung at the close of the Wedding Ceremony. All hail this (blessed) day! (On such a day) I would get my (other) sons married, if I had the means. I would not make a moment's delay. All hail this (blessed) day! 5 The Sun has risen auspiciously over my Meherwanji's head. We have celebrated the marriage of our Sorabji. All hail this (blessed) day! Brothers, have your little sons married, (As) I have married my Sorabji and brought (the couple) home. 10 All hail this (blessed) day! My Meharwanji dotes on his son and daughter-in-law. My Ratanbai's daughter and son-in-law are her petted children. All hail this (blessed) day! We hail with delight the rising of the Sun and the Moon. 15 We rejoice that my Sorabji's mother gave birth to a son like him. All hail this (blessed) day ! Is gave thee an order, goldsmith: I told thee to make an armlet for my Sorabji's arm, And a nine-stringed necklace for my Sirinbai. 2U I gave thee an order, mercer: I told thee to bring a plaid for my Sorabji, And a pair of patoris for my Sirinbai. I gave thee an order, jeweller: I told thee to bring rings for my Sorabji, 25 And a pair of bracelets for my Sirinbai. Father-in-law, make your court-yard (gates) a little higher (?), That my Sorabji may enter on horse-back. All bail this (blessed) day! My procession of wedding guests is too large to be accommodated (in your yard). 30 All hail this (blessed) day! My Sorabji has won his bride in person. And he has brought the Rani Laksmanifor a wife. All hail this (blessed) day! It is the privilege of the father's sister to hold the baby in her arms, while the astrologer finds out a name for it. See note 11, Part 1. Tho bridegroom's mother is supposed to repeat these lines. An allegory.
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________________ 104 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [APRIL, 1893. No. 10. Song sung when the Bride is being sent to the house of her parents-in-law after the Wedding. The pipes (that are being played) are made of green bamboo. Sisters, our Sirin bat is going to the house of her parents-in-law. Sirinbat, the fortunate grand-child of her (maternal) grand-father, Is married, and is going to the house of her parents-in-law. 5 How they will rejoice to see our Sirinbai! Sisters, our Sirinbai is married, and is going to the house of her parents-in-law. Her father has performed the meritorious act of giving his daughter in marriage. And has acquired the blessings of Heaven. It was fortunate that her father thoaght of this matter, 10 And gave Sirinbai to good parents-in-law. Her father has given her a chest full of treasure, With which Sirinbai sits in her room, Her father has given Sirinbat a milch cow, So that she may have plenty of milk and cards (to eat). 15 Mother-in-law, (pray) do not use the cane on Sirinbai, Or she will smart under it and will weep, And long for her paternal abode. Mother-in-law, (pray) treat our Sirinbai with kindness, And serve her with enough of food at her meals. 20 Sirinbat is the (pet) daughter of her father, Sirinbat is the eldest daughter-in-law in the family of her parents-in-law. Mother-in-law, (pray) treat oor Sirinbii with magnanimity, And refrain from giving her stale food. Mother-in-law, you must not think that our Sirinba is as advanced in years as she appears: 25 (It is only because she has been brought up on curds and milk: (It is only because we have brought her up on lumps of butter. Sirinbai, why have you forgotten to take with you your marriage portion 210 Fifteen strings of pearls comprise her marriage portion, With which my Sirinbat will adorn herself. 30 Fifteen strings of diamonds comprise her marriage portion, Which have been purchased for her by her good brother. 11 Thy husband is come, Sirinbai the Thakrani. 35 The husband has been attracted by the graceful carriage of Sirinbai. Her father has presented her with a valuable lahe, (Dressed) in which she goes to the house of her parents-in-law. Sirinbil, the beloved daughter of her father, Is married and is going to the house of her parents-in-law. 40 Sirinbai, you wear a necklace round your neck, And the hearts of your father-in-law and your husband will rejoice. + The names of many other relatives besides the maternal grandfather are used in succession. # It may be assumed that the bride is a child. * This throws a sidelight on the treatment young wives generally receive at the hands of their mothers-in-law. 10 ay is the word used in the text which means money settled upon a daughter by her father, or upon his wife by her husband, on the occasion of the marriage. 1 The father or brother may give any presenta or settle any amount of money on the bride, but he is by no means bound to do so. It is the duty of the bride's parents, however, to give presents of wearing apparel to the bridegroom's relatives and rings and some other presents to the bridegroom, as tokens of their regard, whereas it in the duty of the bridegroom's father to settle a certain amount, generally in the shape of ornamente, on the bride, and give her many suite of clothing besides, to which she has an exclusive right.
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________________ APRIL, 1893.] PARSI AND GUJARATI HINDU NUPTIAL SONGS. 105 No. 11. Song sung when the Bridegroom brings home his Bride. Father, O father (mine), I am come home married, And have brought (with me) a wife worth a lakh and a quarter.12 Brother, O brother (mine), I am come home married, And have brought a daughter from a magnificent house. 5 Kaka,13 O Kaka (mine), I am come home married, And have brought a wife from a noble family. Mimi, O Mimile (mine), I have come home married, And have brought the daughter of a good father. Mish, O Masili (rnine), I have come home married, 10 And have brought the sister of a powerful brother. Philvi, O Phuvals (mine), I have come home married, And have brought home a wife of noble birth. Brother gate-keeper, open (wide) your gate; For (Soriibji) is waiting at thegate with his bride. 15 Sister Meherbai, decorate your house, Because your son has come home with his bride. Sister Sunibii, sprinkle the doorway with milk;17. Your brother has come home with his bride. Sister Meherbai, decorate the threshold with figures in pearls;18 20 Your son has come home with his bride. Sister Sunabai, fill your lamps with ghi;10 Your brother has come home with his bride. It is Meherbit's son who is married. He is come home with a bride worth lakhs (of rupees). gIta 8 varaNInI veLAe gAvAnuM gIta. pAvare te paga daI caDho sorAbajI bhAI lIlA te ghATanI kAMcaLI. mAe te pALava sAhI rahyAM, pAvare te paga daI caDho sorAbajI bhAI meLo meLo re mAe pALava amArA phUI ne pALava sAhI rahyAM. kara tamArA Apazu. meLo meLo re phUI pALava amArA 5 jene jIva barAbara cAhI uchayoM 20 kara tamArA ApazuM. tenA te haka kema bhulA? jene khoLe besADI nAma paDAvyAM mArI mAene sobhata sADI vaLAvI kasabI alecAnI kAMcaLI. tenA te haka kema bhuLAM? pAvare te paga daI caDho sorAbajI bhAI gujarAta huMDI mulamAMge 20 bhaLI patorI maMgAvIe 10 mAsI te pALava sAhI rahyAM. suraja sarIkhAM teja varanA melo melore mAsI pAlava amArA 25 caMdramA sarIkhI nIramalatA. guNa tamArA gaNa', toraNa ubhA vara phUla saMgha jene pAraNe poDhADI hAlaraDAM gAyAM phula sarIkhA phuTaDA. tenA te haka kema muLazRM? toraNa ubhA vara pAna cAve 15 mArI mAsIne kasabI sADI maMgAvI pAna sarIkhA pAtalA. 12 A figurative expression of the bride's value. 13 The father's brother. 14 The mother's brother. 15 The husband of tho mother's sister. 16 The husband of the father's sister. 17 As a mark of rejoicing 18 An allegory. 19 Also as a mark of rejoicing. It is the custom however, to light at least one lamp fod by ghi in the day time, when the bride is being dressed in the suits of clothing, jewellery, eto, sent her by her parents-in-law op the Occasion of the betrothal, and on all subsequent occasions when presents are given to her. 20 This is somewhat unintelligible. 21 Properly this should be toraNa heThe umA.
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________________ 106 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [APRIL, 1893. gIta 9. vahudIkarAne paraNAvIne ghera laI jatI veLA gAvAnuM gIta. dhane dhane dahADo Ajano! sonI ghaDaje mArA sorAbajIno berakhA. kaI hoya ne paraNAuM mArA dIkarA. mArI sIrInabAIne navasero hAra. mane ghaDIonI lAge nahIM vAro re. 20 kahIM meM tune bArIore DosIrA dhane dhane dahADo Ajano! DosI lAvaje mArA sorAbajInI pAmarI. 5 mArA meheravAnajI para savarA suraja ugeA. mArI sIrInabAIne patorInI jora. mArA sorAbajIne paraNAvI ghera lAvyA re. kahIM meM tune vArIore jhaberI. dhane dhane dAhADo Ajano. jhaverI lAvaje mArA sorAbajInA velIzAM. vIrA nAdhalIA3 paraNAvo mArA bhAI re. 25 mArI sIrInabAIne curAnI jora mArA sorAbajIne paraNAvI ghera lAvyA. kaMI uMcAM karo re sasarA AMgaNAM. 10 dhane dhane dAhADIre Ajano! mArA sorAbajIno ghoDuloje 28 mAe. mArA meharavAnajInuM vahuvara lADakuM. dhane dhane dahADI AjanI ! mArI ratanabAinuM dhIjamAI lADakuM. dhane dhane dAhADore Ajano! mAru sAhAjana samAyuM nahIM jAe. jIre cAMdo ne sUraja bhale ugeA. 30 dhane dhane dahADo re Ajano. 15 mArA sorAbajInI mAe bhale jAyo re. mAro sorAbajI te jAte jItI AvIo, dhane dhane dahADore Ajano! eto rANI lakSamaNIne paraNI lAvIo kahIM meM tuMne bArIo re sonIrA 24 dhane dhane dahADore Ajano! gIta 10. kanyAne sAsare vaLAvatI veLA gAvAnuM gIta. lIlA te vAMsanI vAMsalI sIrInabAI to bAvAjInI beTI re, sAelI re sIrInabAI sAsare jAe. sIrInabAI zazarAnI bahu jeThI re. 'bhamAvAnI bhAegavaMtI sIrInabAI re, sAsujI ema nA jANatAM vaha moTI re, sAelI re paraNIne sAsare jAe. 25 ame ene vahIMe ne dudhe pokhI re, 5 sIrInabAIne joI joI teo harakhaze re, ame ene mAkhaNa uMDe pokhIre, sAelI re sIrInabAI paraNIne sAsare jAe. zIrInabAI palaM kAya vIsAM re, bAvAjIe kanyAdANa dIdhAM re, palare 29 panavara sera motI re, sIrInabAIne paraNAvIne puna lIdhA re, pehere mArI sIrInabAI panItI re, bAvAjIne e vAta bhale sujhI re, 30 pallare panadara sera hIrA re, 10 sIrInacAine sAre sAsare dIdhI re, lAvyA mArI zIrInabAInA vIrA re. bAvAjIe ApI dhananI peTI re, dAra vATAM ne pIgANIo re. 29 sIrInabAI laIne ovare 7 beThI re. vara Ayo sIrInabAI ThakarANI re. bAvAjIe ApI dujhaNa gAya re, dAra vATAM ne lacake re, 30 sIrInabAI beThI beThI vahIM dudha khAya re. 15 sAsujI coMTI nA dezo re, 35 vara Ayo sIrInabAIno laTake re. coTI camacamaze ne roze re. bAvAmIe peherAvI cIra lAhe re, zIrInabAI pIyaranI vATa joze re. sIrInabAI peherIne sAsare jAya re. sAsujI haIDAM karajo bhoLAM re, sIrInabAI to bAvAjInI vhAlI re, mArI zIrInabAIne nA pIrastAM thoDAM re. sIrInaba ito paraNIne sAsare cAlIre. 20 sAsujI haIDAM karajI pADAMre, 40 sIrInabAi tAre koTe kaMThI re, mArI sInibAIne nA pIrastAM TAMDhare. tArA vara ne sasarAnAM harakhe mana re. 22 OTT . e, time cannot be used in the plural. This however is poetical license. 25 Poetical form of a * sonIro poetically for sonI. DosIro poetically for DosI. ghoDulo Is poetical for ghoDo. A corruption of oraDo room. pAlare Is poetically used for pale. This phrase is unintelligible lit. I means a wife art copper bowls and draft a little cup in which a paste of "kanka" is made with rosewater. - This phrase is also unintelligible: lacake lit means " in lumps."
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________________ APRIL. 1893.] MISCELLANEA. gIta 11. vara bahune paraNAvI pera laI jatI veLA gAvAnuM gIta. bAbA re bAvA huM paraNIne Avyo, savA lAkhanI dhaNiANI lAvyo. vIrA re vIrA hUM paraNIne Avyo, moTe avAsanI dIkarI lAgyo. 5 kAkA re kAkA hUM paraNIne Avyo, moTaM gheranI dhaNI ANI lAvyo. mAmA re mAmA huM paraNIne bhavyo, sArA sasarAnI dIkarI lAgyo, mAsA re mAsA huM paraNIne Avyo, 10 zakatA zALAnI bahenu ne 31 lAgyo. kuvA re phUvA huM paraNIne Avyo, uMcA kuLanI dhaNI ANI lAvyo. 1.--Ante, Vol. XIX. p. 6, I have attempted to prove that the Lakshmanasena era commenced in A. D. 1119, that the years of the era were Karttikadi years, and that, accordingly, to convert a Lakshmanasena year into the corresponding year of the Saka era, we must add 1041, when the date falls in one of the months from Karttika to Phalguna, and 1042, when the date falls in one of the months from Chaitra to Asvina. To the six dates of the era which were then known to me I have added another date, ante, Vol. XXI. p. 50; and I would now draw attention to one more Lakshmanasena date, which also works out correctly with my epoch. According to the late Pandit Bhagvanlal Indraji, the Buddha-Gaya inscription of Asokavalla, published by him in the Journal Bo. As. Soc., Vol. XVI. p. 358, is dated in line 11:Srimal-Lakshmanasenasy-atita-rajye sam 51 Bhadra di 8 ra 29. poLIbhA bhAi poLa uMghADa, tAre bAraNe lADI lai vareo. 15 bAI re meharabAI ghera saNagAra, tAro puta lADI lai vareo. bAi re sunAbAI dudhe uMbara dhobAra, tAro bhAI lADI lai vareo. bAi re meharabAI motInA coka purAva, MISCELLANEA. MISCELLANEOUS DATES FROM INSCRIPTIONS day of the solar month, of the Lakshmanasena AND MSS. year 51. Judging from the editor's own translationSamvat 51 of the reign of the illustrious Lakshmapasena having elapsed,' the 8th day of the dark half of Bhadrapada, the 29th solar day"-it may be suspected that the original inscription has Bhadra-vadi instead of the Bhadra di of the printed text. However this may be, there can be no doubt that the inscription is dated the 8th of either of the lunar halves (probably, of the dark half) of the month Bhadrapada, being the 29th 20 tAro puta lADI lai vareo. bAi re sunAbAI ghIe dIvA bhara, tAro bhAI lADI lai vareo. vareo re varebhI meharabAInI aMta lAkhenI lADI ladda vareo. 107 The date falling in the month Bhadrapada. the year of the date, supposing it to be the expired year 51, should correspond to Saka (51 + 1042 =) 1093 expired; and the details of the date prove that such is actually the case. For in Saka 1093 expired the 8th tithi of the dark half of the amanta Bhadrapada ended about 19 h. after mean sunrise of the 25th August, A. D. 1171, causing that day to be Bhadra-vadi 8; and the same 25th August also was the 29th day of the solar month Bhadrapada, the Simha-samkranti having taken place, by the Sarya-siddhanta, 10 h. 4 m., or, by the Arya-siddhanta, 8 h. 17 m. after mean sunrise of the 28th July. The fact that the above date, in addition to the lunar day, also gives us the day of the solar month, induces me to mention here that, similarly to what I have shown to be a common practice in Bengali MSS., inscriptions also from Eastern India are sometimes dated according to the solar calendar. A clear and instructive example of this is furnished by the Tipura copper-plate, published by Colebrooke in the Asiatic Researches, Vol. IX. p. 403. That inscription is dated in Saka 1141 expired, according to Colebrooke suryya-gatyd tuladine 26, in reality suryya-gatya Phalguna-dine 26. The 26th day of the solar Phalguna of Saka 1141 expired corresponds to the 19th February, A. D. 1220, the Kumbhasamkranti having taken place 13 h. 3 m. after 31 Poetical for behena. The real meaning is- the year 51 since the (com. Lakshmanasena. mencement of the) reign, (now) passed, of the illustrious 2 See ante, Vol. XXI. p. 49.
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________________ 108 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. mean sunrise of the 24th January. Now on the 19th February, A. D. 1220, the day of the date, the full-moon tithi commenced about one hour after mean sunrise, and there can hardly be a doubt that the donation recorded in the copperplate was made on account of the full-moon. But although thus there was apparently every reason to follow the lunar calendar, the writer of the date evidently was induced by the practice of every-day life to give the date in the way in which he has done it. And this date again leads me to draw attention to the date of the Amgachhi copper-plate of Vigrahapaladeva III., of which I have given an account, ante, Vol. XXI. pp. 97-101. The grant recorded in that inscription was made on the occasion of a lunar eclipse, i.e., on the full-moon tithi; and the inscription is dated in the 12th or 13th year of Vigrahapaladeva's reign, Chaitradine 9. We know that the inscription is later than A. D. 1053; and, taking the expression Chaitra-dine 9 to refer to solar time, and comparing the date of the Tipura grant, I would suggest Monday, the 2nd March, A. D. 1086, as equivalent of the date which, perhaps might be considered to satisfy the requirements of the case. Monday, the 2nd March A. D. 1086, was the 9th day of the solar Chaitra; on that day the fullmoon tithi commenced about 5 h. after mean sunrise, and there was a lunar eclipse on that particular full-moon. The eclipse was not visible in India; but we now have several other dates that record invisible eclipses. Should this suggestion be approved of, Vigrahapaladova III. must be taken to have begun to reign about A. D. 1074. an [APRIL, 1893. 2.-Ante, Vol. XVIII. pp. 251-252, I have treated of four dates of the Ashadhadi Vikrama years 1534, 1555, [15]83, and 1699; and Vol. XXI. p. 51, I have given two more such dates of the years 1574 and 1581. I can now draw attention to another date, of the Ashad hadi year 1713, which is particularly interesting, because it quotes, what we should expect to be the first day of the year, the first day of the bright half of the month Ashadha. According to the late Dr. Rajendralal Mitra's Notices, Vol. V. p. 236, a MS. of the Garga-paddhati is dated: Samvat Ashadhadi 1713 Ashadha-mase sukle pakshe pratipach-Chhukravasare. This date works out properly only for the Chaitradi Vikrama year 1713 expired, for which the equivalent of the date is Friday, the 13th June A. D. 1656; and it thus proves distinctly that the Ashadhadi year really commences with the first day of the bright half of Ashadha, and not (as has been suggested) with a later day of the same month. For, did the Ashadhadi year commence after the first of the bright half of Ashadha, the year 1713 of the date (for purposes of calculation) would have been the Karttikadi Vikrama year 1713, and the date would have fallen in A. D. 1657. Similar to the date of the Amgachhi plate is the date of the Balasore copper-plate grant of Purushottamadeva, the king of Orissa, published ante, Vol. I. p. 355. According to Mr. Beames, Purushottamadeva ascended the throne in A. D. 1478, and his grant is dated in the fifth year of his reign, on Monday, the 10th day of the month of Mesha, i. e. Vaisakha, at the time of an eclipse. If the year of the accession of the king is correctly given, the date of the grant can only be Monday, the 7th April A. D. 1483, when there was an invisible eclipse of the sun; but by my calculations that day was the 11th (not the 10th) day of the solar Vaisakha, the Mesha-samkranti having taken place 17 h. 49 m. after mean sunrise of the 27th March, A. D. 1483.* 3 Bee ib. p. 99. 4 Monday; the 5th April A. D. 1456, was the 10th of 3. I know only three dates which are expressly referred to the Simha era, and have given them already in my list of Vikrama dates (ante, Vol. XIX. pp. 24, 175, and 180; Nos. 9, 108, and 129), because they are all referred to the Vikrama era as well. About the European equivalents of two of these dates there is no doubt whatever; it is mainly in order to determine the proper equivalent of the third date, that I here put the three dates together. (1). A copper-plate inscription of the Chaulukya Bhimadeva II. is dated sri-Vikrama-samvat 1266 varsho sri-Simhasamvat 96 varshe... Margga-sudi 14 Gurau-, and the equivalent of this date, for Vikrama 1266 expired, is Thursday, the 12th November A. D. 1209. The difference between the Simha year and the Christian year is here 1113; between the Simha year and the expired (Chaitradi, or Ashadhadi, or Karttikadi) Vikrama year, 1170. (2). A Veraval stone inscription of the reign of the Vaghela Arjunadeva is dated sri-nripa-Vikrama-sam 1320 .. the solar Vaisakha, and on that day there also was a solar eclipse.
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________________ APRIL, 1893.1 MISCELLANEA. 109 tatha sri-Sinha-sam 151 varshe Ashadha- According to the List of Antiquarian Remains vadi 13 Ravau Bo. Pres. p. 312 (and Archaeol. Survey of West. and the equivalent of this date for the expired India, No. 2, p. 33), a short inscription at Girnar Karttikadi Vikrama year 1320, is Sunday, the is dated25th May A. D. 1264. Here the difference San 59 varshe Chaitra-vadi 2 Some. between the Simha year and the Christian year Excepting, of course, dates of the Saptarshi is again 1113. The difference between the Simha era, I have not hitherto met with a single date year and the Vikrama year put down in the date from which the figures for the centuries of the is only 1169; but as the Vikrama year of the date year of the date have been purposely omitted ; is the expired Karttikddi year 1320, which for the and therefore it does not seem to me at all month of Ashadha is equivalent to the Chaitradi improbable that the year 58 of this date may have or Ashadhadi year 1321, we may say that here to be referred to the Simha era. Now, assuming too, the difference between the Sitha year and the date to be a Simha date, the only possible the expired Chaitrddi or Ashadhadi Vikrama equivalent of it would be Monday, the 13th year is 1170. Compared with the first date, the March A. D. 1172, which was almost completely date apparently proves that the Simha year was filled by the second tithi of the dark half of the not a Karttikadi year, but began either with amanta Chaitra. Monday, the 13th March A. D. Chaitra or with Ashalha. 1172, however, belongs to the month Chaitra of (3). A stone inscription at Mangrol in Kathia- either the Asha hadi or the Karttikadi (but not vad, of the reign of the Chauluk ya Kumarapala, the Chaitridi) Vikrama year (58 + 1170 - ) 1228 is dated expired; and, since we already have seen that the erimad- Vikrama-samvat 1202 tathe srl. Simba year was not a Karttikddi year, it would, Sim ha-samvat 32 Asvina-vadi 13 Some. with necessity, follow from this date that the Simha year commenced with the month Here the difference between the Simha year Ashadha, (and was perhaps the original Ashaand the Vikrama year put down in the date is dhddi year). again 1170, and, judging from the preceding dates, the Vikrama year 1202 should be the 4.--Of the Chalukya Vikrams Varsha or expired Chaitradi or Ashadhadi Vikrama year era of the Western Chalukya king, Vikramaditya 1302. The preceding dates shew besides that the VI., Dr. Fleet has treated ante, Vol. VIII. pp. 187corresponding European date should fall in A. D. 193. My examination of a large number of dates (32 + 1113 - ) 1145. When treating of this date of this era has yielded the results that, whatever before, I indicated that, taking the date purely may have been the day of the coronation of as a Vikrama date, the choice, as regards its Vikramaditya VI., the years of the dates and European equivalent, would lie between Monday, the Jovian years quoted with them coincide the 28th August A. D. 1144, when the 13th tithi with the lunar Saka years, beginning with of the dark halt ended 16 h. 30 m. after mean Chaitra-sudi 1 and ending with Phalguna-vadi sunrise, and Monday, the 15th October A. D. 1145 15; and that a Chalukya Vikrama year may be when the same tithi commenced 3 h. 58 m. after converted into the corresponding expired Saka mean sunrise. Irrespectively of any considera year by the simple addition of 997. This may be tions connected with the Simha era, the first of seen from the following regular dates :these two possible equivalents seemed objection (1). The Yewar tablet (ante, Vol. VIII. p. 20) able because it would necessitate the assumption is dated : ... Chalukya-Vikrama-varehada that the Vikrama year of the date had been 2neya Pimgala-samvatsarada Sravana-paurnnaquoted as a current year. Now a comparison of masi Aditya-vara somagrahapa-mah&parvvathe two other Sinn ha dates will shew that we must nimittadim. The corresponding date, for Saka definitely decide in favour of Monday, the 15th (2+997=) 999 expired, which by the southern luniOctober A.D. 1145, as the proper equivalent of solar system was the year Pingala, is Sunday, this date, notwithstanding the fact that the tithi the 6th August A. D. 1077, when there was a of the date did not end, but commenced on that lunar eclipse 21 h. 22 m. after mean sunrise. day. (2). A stone-tablet at Kurtakoti (ante, Vol. The three dates shew that the Simha year was VIII. p. 190, No. 9) is dated : ... Cha.- Vi.. not a Karttikadi year, but they leave it uncertain varsha[da] 7neya Dundubhi-samvatsarada whether it began with Chaitra or Ashadha. The Pushya-suddha-tadige Adityavaram-uttarayaquestion would have to be decided in favour of the na-samkranti-vyati patad-amdu. In Saka Ashadhadi year, if the following date could be (7+997=) 1004 expired, the year Dundubhi, the referred with confidence to the Simha era. | 3rd tithi of the bright half of Pausha ended
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________________ 110 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. i [APRIL, 1893. 4 h. 24 m. after mean sunrise of Sunday, the the sun on Sunday, the day of the new-moon 25th December A. D. 1082, and the Uttarayana- of (the month) Phalguna of the Srimukha sanat. sankranti took place on the preceding day, sara which was the 18th of the years of the 13 h. 43 m. after mean sunrise. glorious Chalukya Vikrama.' The corresponding (3). According to Dr. Fleet (ante, Vol. VIII. date, for the amdnta Phalguna of Saka (18+997=) p. 22) a stone-tablet at Alor records grants made 1015 expired, is Sunday, the 19th March A. D. at the time of the sun's commencing his 1094, when there was a solar eclipse, which was progress to the north, on Thursday, the twelfth visible in India, at 5 h. 8 m. after mean sunrise. day of the bright fortnight of the month Pushya The fact that this day belonged to the Jovian of the Prajapati samvatsara, which was the sis. year Srimukha shows that that year did not teenth of the years of the glorious Chalukya king commence (or end) on the 5th of the bright half Vikrama.' In Saka (16+997=) 1013 expired, the of Phalguna; for, had such been the case, the year Prajapati, the 12th tithi of the bright hall year Srimukha would have ended already on the of Pausha ended 12 h. 24 m. after mean sunrise of 22nd February A. D. 1094, and the Jovian year Thursday, the 25th December A. D. 1091, and of the date would have been Bhava. the Uttarayana-sankranti took place on the The following are some of the dates which do preceding day, 21 h. 36 m. after mean sunrise. not work out satisfactorily : (4). A stone-tablet at Kiruvatti (ante, Vol. (8). An inscribed pillar at Araleswar (ante, VIII. p. 191, No. 20) is dated : Cha- Vi.-varishada Vol. VIII. p. 190, No. 4) is dated : ... Cha.. 24neya Pramathi-samvatsarada Jyeshtha-buddha Vi.-kalada Ineya Nala-samvatsarada Chaitra. paurnnarnna)misi Aditya-vara somagrahanad. bahula - parnchami - Mangalavara - Meshasamamdu. The corresponding date, for Saka kranti-vyatipatad-amdu. The year of the date (24+997=) 1021 expired, the year Pramathin, should be Saka (1+997=) 998 expired, but the date is Sunday, the 5th June A. D. 1099, when there does not work out properly either for that year was a lunar eclipse 16 h. 55 m. after mean or for the immediately preceding and following sunrise. years. The 5th tithi of the dark half of the (5). A stone-tablet at Kargudari (ante, Vol. X. amanta Chaitra of Saka 998 expired ended on p. 252) is dated : ... Cha - Vi.-varshada 33neya Monday, the 28th March A.D. 1076, and the Sarvadhari-san vatsarada Herjjuggiya (i.e., Asvi. nearest Mesha-samkranti took place on Wed. na) punnami Bomavarad-andina. The corre- nesday, the 23rd March A. D. 1076. For Saka sponding date, for Saka (33+997=) 1030 expired, 997 expired the corresponding dates are Wed. the year Sarvadhirin, is Monday, the 21st Desday, the 8th April, and Tuesday, the 24th September A.D. 1108, when the full-moon tithi March, A. D. 1075; and for Saka 999 expired, ended 21 h. 36 m. after mean sunrise. Friday, the 17th March, and Thursday, the 23rd The two following dates, taken together, prore March, A. D. 1077. that the Jovinn years quoted in them commenced (9). A stone-tablet at Wadageri (ib. No. 5) is on the first day of the bright half of the lunar dated (on the anniversary of Vikramaditya's coroChaitra, not at the time of the Mesha-sankranti, nation): ... Cha - Vi..varsha-prathama-Nalanor on the 5th day of the bright half of Phalguna, -sar vatsarada Phalguna-suddha-panchami-Bri. the anniversary of the accession of the founder of (bpi)haspativ&rad-aridu. The year of the the era. date should again be Saka (1+997=) 998 expired: (6). An inscription at Kottagori (ante, Vol. VI. but the equivalents of the date both for that year p. 138) is dated : ... Cha Vi.-varshnda 21neya and for the immediately preceding and following Dhatu samvatsarada Chaitra su (su)ddha 5 Adit years are Tuesday, the 31st January A. D. 1077; yavarad-andu. The corresponding date, for Friday, the 12th February A. D. 1076; and Saka (21+997=) 1018 expired, is Sunday, the 2nd Monday, the 19th February A. D. 1078. March A. D. 1096, when the 5th tithi of the (10). The Tidgundi copper-plate grant of bright half ended 1 h. 12 m. after mean sunrise. Vikramaditya VI. (ante, Vol. I. p. 81) is dated : As the Mesha-sankrinti did not take place till sri-Vikrama-kala-samvatsareshu shatsu atiteshu the 23rd Mnrch, A.D. 1096, the date shows that saptame Dundubhi-samvatsare pravarttamine the Jovian year Dhatsi to which the date belonged tasya Karttika-su suddha-pratipad- Adivare. commenced before the beginning of the solar Here the year of the date should be Saka (7+997=) Saka year 1018 expired, and did not coincide with 1004 expired, as if the date No. 2, above; but the solar year. the equivalents of the date both for that year 17). A stone-tablet of Balagamve (ante, Vol. V. and for the immediately preceding and following p. 34) is dated on the occasion of an eclipse of years are Tuesday, the 25th October A. D. 1082
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________________ APRIL, 1893. MISCELLANEA. 111 Wednesday, the 6th October A. D. 1081; and remarks of Mr. L. Rice on the word vadda, ante, Saturday, the 14th October A. D. 1083. Vol. VIII. p. 90, one would feel inclined to regard (11). A stone-tablet at Saundatti (Jour. Bo. that word as a synonym of mukhya or ddi, and As. Soc., Vol. X. p. 202) is dated in the 21st year, to take Vaddavdra as a name of Sunday. And in the Dhatu samvatsara, on Sunday, the 13th of favour of this it might be urged, not only, that in the dark half of Pushya, and the moment when the date under discussion the 14th tithi put down the sun was commencing his progress to the in the date did end on a Sunday, but also, that north. Here the year of the date should be Saka the date of the Anamkond inscription of Rudra(21+997=) 1018 expired, as in the date No. 6, deva (ante, Vol. XI. p. 12)-Saka-varshamulu above; but in Saka 1018 expired the 13th tithi of 1084 vunernti Chitrabhand-samvatsara Magha su the dark half of the amdnta Pausha ended on 13 VaddavaramunArdu-undoubtedly correWednesday, the 14th January A. D. 1097, and sponds to Sunday, the 20th January, A. D. 1163. the Uttarayana-sainkrinti took place on Wednes. On the other hand, it might very properly be day, the 24th December A. D. 1096. suggested that in the date under discussion the The Chalukya Vikrama era offers a compara 14th tithi had been wrongly quoted instead of tively far greater number of irregular dates than the 13th,-a suggestion which would render it any other Hindu era. Here I will give only one necessary to assign to Vaddavdra the meaning of more date which is of special interest on account Saturday: and in support of this interpretation. of the doubtful meaning of the word employed again, one might adduce the date of the Toragal to denote the week-day. inscription, published ante, Vol. XII. p. 97,-Sa (sa)ka-varshamn 1110neya Plavamga-samvatsarada (12). According to Dr. Fleet (Jour. Bo. As. Pasya(shya) bahula 10 Vaddavarav=uttar yana. Soc., Vol. X. p. 297) a stone-tablet at Konur is sam kramana-vyatfpatadalu-, the proper equi. dated 'in the 12th year of the era of the prosper valent of which without any doubt is Saturday, ous Chalukya Vikrama, being the Prabhaya the 26th December, A. D. 1187. That Vaddardra sariwatsara, at the moment of the sun's com must be either Saturday or Sunday (not, as was mencement of his progress to the north, on suggested by the late Dr. Bhau Daji, Wednesday Vaddavara, the fourteenth day of the dark fort or Thursday) is certain, and in my opinion the night of Pausha.' The year of this date is Saka chances are in favour of Sunday; but the dates (12+997=) 1009 expired, which was the year Pra known to me are not sufficient to settle the ques. bhava; and in that year the 14th tithi of the dark tion definitely. half of the amanta Pausha commenced 5 h. 6 m. 5.-Ante, Vol. XIX. p. 24, I have shewn that before and ended 18 h. 29 m. after mean sunrise of Sunday, the 26th December A. D. 1087, and the word saka is occasionally employed in dates the Uttarayana-bankranti took place 1 h. 47 m. of the Vikrama era in the general sense of year.' before mean sunrise of Saturday, the 25th Decem A clear instance of this usage occurs in the ber A. D. 1087. Now, that this is the Uttars. following verse which is found in a MS. of Gan. yana-sam kranti spoken of in the date, there can gadhara Sarasvati's Svardjyasiddhi:be no doubt; but according to ordinary rules the Vasv-abdhi-muny-avani-mana-Bake Vpi BhAkhya. tithi that should have been joined with the Samkranti is the 13th, during which the Samkranti varshasya Magha-sita-VAXpati-yukta. itself took place and which occupied about nine Bhashthyam teen hours of Saturday, the 25th December, not Gangadharendra-yatin Sivayoh pad&bje the 14th which is actually put down in the date. bhakty=A[r]pita suksitir-asta Batam There is the further difficulty that we do not sivaya 11 know what day of the week is meant by the word The year of this date is the Vikrama year (not, Vaddavdra of the date. Judging from the as has been assumed, the Saka year) 1748 expired, . In the Jour. Beng. As. Soc., Vol. VII. p. 901, this of Magha. Here the corresponding dates would be, is translated by Sunday.' for $. 1066 current = Rudhirodgarin, Friday, the 4th * See Journal, Bo. As. Soc., Vol. X. p. 46. February, A D. 1144; and for 8. 1066 expired, Tuesday, In addition to the above, I find in Pali, Sanskrit the 23rd January, A. D. 1145. and Old-Canarese Inscriptions the following dates No. 295, of the time of the Y&dara Ramachandra. - containing the word Yaddavdra: - The twelfth year of his reign, the Svabhanu savivatsara No. 87. Saka 1156, the Jaya samvatsana, "Vad (Saka 1205); "Vaddarara," the fifth day of the bright d avara," the day of the full-moon of ... Vaisak ba." fortnight of PhAlguna. Here the corresponding dato, The corruaponding date would be Saturday, the 15th for 8. 1205 expired Subhanu, would be Wednesday April, A. D. 1231. the 23rd Febroary, A. D. 1984 ; but for 8. 1206 expire No. 96. - Baka 1066, the Radbirodgiri savavateara, 1 = Tarapa, Sunday, the 11th February, A.D. 1986. "Vaddavara," the fourteenth day of the dark fortnight
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________________ 112 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [APRIL, 1893. and the corresponding date is Thursday, the 14th January, A. D. 1692. The Jovian year Vrisha which is quoted in the date ended, by the Surya- siddhanta rule without bija, on the 24th January. A. D. 1692. Gottingen. F. KIELHORN. NOTES AND QUERIES. MUSSELWOMAN. intended for Oriental readers, perpetrate, by what It may be assumed that most writers on Orien. the late Sir Henry Yule has styled "the process of tal subjects know that the termination man in the Hobson-Jobson," the astounding error of Musselword Musalman has no connection with the Eng. woman. Here is the passage. The Overland lish termination man in such words as "English- Mail of Feb. 10, 1893, p. 47: "It is now reported man," "Frenchman," etc. Indeed, no English that the lady has resolved to be converted' and writer would make such a mistake, in even become a Musselwoman and dame of the harem, purely English words, as to concoct Gerwoman which will secure the presumptive heirship to and Germen, or Burrooman and Burmen, out of the throne for her son." This passage occurs in German and Burman. But a writer has at last the course of an ill-natured bit of gossip about the heen found, who can, in a publication professedly "Khedive" 'Abbas Pasha. R. O. TEMPLE BOOK NOTICE. DIE HANDSCHRIFTEN-VERZEICHNISSE DER KONIG- Dr. Weber's preface gives an account of its LICHEN BIBLIOTHEK ZU BERLIN. Funfter Band. growth, and renders due acknowledgment to the Verzeichniss der Sanskrit- und Prakrit Handseriften Government of Bombay, for allowing Dr. Buhler von A. WEBER. Zweiter Band. Dritte Abtheilung. to send to Berlin at intervals a nearly complete Berlin, A. Asher & Co. 1892. 4to. pp. i.-IIvii. series of the texts of Svetambara Siddhanta, to. 8:29-1363, with five plates. The second section of the second volume of gether with many other important Jaina works. It Prof. Weber's great catalogue of the Berlin was this collection which formed the basis of the MSS. appeared in 1888, and the preface to this, author's essays on the sacred literature of that the third and concluding section, is dated June community, a translation of which has been 1891, the book being published in the course of lately appearing in this Journal. The Library 1892. It is a privilege, which I value, to be able is also indebted to Prof. Garbe, who during his to congratulate him on the successful completion brief stay in India of a year and a hall, sent home of his most valuable work. nearly three hundred MSS. on various subjects. The present section deals mainly with Jaina The work is printed with the care and accuracy, literature not included in the Siddhinta. This which has distinguished the preceding sections occupies pp. 829-1136. It is followed (pp. 1139- of this volume, and Dr. Weber warmly acknow. 1202) by a catalogue of further MSS. (principally ledges the assistance rendered to him by Drs. Brahmanical) added to the library between 1886 Leumann and Klatt in realing the proofs. This and 1889, and some fourteen pages of addenda et accuracy has not been attained without cost, and corrigenda. Then we have the indexes (admirably all scholars will sincerely regret that, as the prepared) so necessary in a work of this kind, author remarks, a good portion of his eyesight such as indexes of the names of the writers of lies buried in the pages before us. the MSS., their relations and pa.. uns; of the The preface contains an interesting note on names of works; of the authors, their works, the peculiarities of Jaina MSS., too long to quote relations and patrons; and of all matters or here, but which is well worth the perasal of any names dealt with or referred to in the catalogue. person commencing the study of this class of An interesting list of the dates of the MSS. in work. They are specially distinguished by the chronological order is also given, from which we neatness and accuracy with which they are learn that the oldest MS. (a commentary on the written, equalled only, in Brahmanical works, by Ullarddhyayanasitra) in the collection is dated MSS. of Vedic literature. The collection, as the V. 8. 1307, and that the next oldest (the Kalpa- professor points out, is rich in narrative literature, churni) V. 8. 1334. A facsimile of a leaf of the affording a plenteous and almost unexplored former is given amongst the illustrations. mine of Indian folktales, and containing not Altogether 901 MSS. are described in the 1202 infrequent references to things which connect pages of the three parts of this second volume. India with the western world. Of these, no less than 787 pages are devoted to Again congratulating Dr. Weber on the comthe 259 Jains MSS. which form perhaps the most pletion of this striking monument of erudition complete and interesting part of the whole of combined with patient labour, I bring this note this division of the library. to a close. G. A. G. 1 For a notice of the first section, see ante, Vol. XVI. page 316, and of the second section, anto, Vol. XVIII, page 96.
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________________ MAY, 1893.] HIUEN TSIANG'S CAPITAL OF MAHARASHTRA. 113 HIUEN TSIANG'S CAPITAL OF MAHARASHTRA. BY J. F. FLEET, I.C.S., Ph.D., C.I.E. TN his account of the cuuntry of Maharashtra, as the kingdom of the Western 1 Chalakya king Palikesin II., Hinen Tsiang tells us, according to Mr. Beal's translation of the Si-yu-ki (Buddhist Records of the Western World, Vol. II. pp. 255, 257), that "the capital "borders on the west on a great river ........ Within and without the capital are five "stu pas to mark the spots where the four past Buddhas walked and sat. They were built by " Asokaraja. There are, besides these, other stupas made of brick or stone, so many that it " would be difficult to name them all. Not far to the south of the city is a sangharama in " which is a stone image of Kwan-tsz'tsai Bodhisattva." The name of this capital is not mentioned. And, though two indications, which ought to locate it and determine its name, are given, - viz. that it was situated about 1,000 li or 167 miles to the east of Broach, and between 2,400 and 2,500 li or roughly about 410 miles to the north-west of the capital of a country which is called in Chinese Kong-kin-na-pu-lo, and is Bapposed to be in Sanskrit Konkanapura, 2 - they have failed to do go; partly because the capital of Kong-kin-na-pu-lo has never yet been satisfactorily determined ; and partly because there is no place due east of Broach or nearly so, at or anywhere near the required distance, which answers to the description that is given. The result has been a variety of surmises as to the name of this capital. And the question has never yet been disposed of. Now, the real capital of the Western Chalakya dynasty was Badami, the chief town of the taluka of the same name in the Bijapur District. But its surroundings do not answer to the description given by Hiuen Tsiang. There is, it is true, a river, within four miles of the town,- the Malaprabha; but it is only a tributary of the Krishna, and it cannot be called one of the great rivers of India. And about three miles to the south by east of the town, there is a temple of Banasamkari,- with a variety of shrines, a large enclosure, and a tank that has a cloister round three sides of it, which presents the appearance of a certain amount of antiquity; but there are no indications of Buddhism about it, and nothing to justify the supposition that it is a Brahmanical adaptation of an ancient Buddhist sangharama. Further, the cave-temples at Badami are Jain and Brahmanical,- not Buddhist. Again, neither in the town, nor in its neighbourhood, can any traces be found of any stupas. And, finally, though the direction of Badami from Broach, south-south-east, may be taken as answering to the statement that Broach was to the west or north-west of the capital of Maharashtra, still its distance, 435 miles, is altogether incommensurate with the given distance, and is quito sufficient, in itself, to exclude the possibility of such an identification. Badami, therefore, is undoubtedly inadmissible for the town referred to by Hinen Tsiang. Mr. Beal has stated, in a footnote, the other suggestions that have been made, and some of the objections to them. Thus, M. V. de St. Martin proposed Daulatabad in the Nizim's Dominions. But, though the distance and direction from Broach, - 188 miles to the southeast, - are admissible, there is no river here; nor are there any Buddhist remains. Gen. Sir Alexander Cunningham has been in favour of Kalyani, in the Nizam's Dominions, which has on the west a large stream named Kailasa. But here, again, there is nothing that can be called "a great river;" there are no Buddhist remains; the distance from Broach, about 372 miles towards the south-east, is far too much ; and there is absolutely nothing to justify the supposition that Kalyani was a place of any importance at all, until it became the Western Chalukya capital, after the restoration of the dynasty by Taila II. in A. D. 973. And Mr. Fergasson named "Toka, Phulthamba, or Paitan." But, as regards these, though Paithan, on the Godavari, in the Nizam's Dominions, is well admissible on account of its ancient importance, and might be fairly so because it is only about 220 miles to the south-east from 1 On the question of the real bearings, however, see farther on. 2 See page 116 below, note 7.
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________________ 114 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [MAY, 1893. Broach, no Buddhist remains have ever been discovered there. Toka or Token, on the Godavari, in the Newasa Taluka of the Ahmednagar District, about 195 miles to the south-east of Broach, is nothing but an ordinary village, of not the slightest importance, except that it has a post-office and a few purely modern temples which are supposed to be invested with sanctity, - for which reasons alone it is mentioned in Gazetteers. And Phulthamba, properly Puntambe, on the same river, and in the Kopargaon Taluka of the same district, about 28 miles towards the north-west of loka, is nothing but a market-village with a railway station, and, in the same way, with a few entirely modern temples, and is mentioned in Gazetteers simply because it is such. Mr. Beal himself, locating the capital of Kong-kin-na-pu-lo near Golkonda in the Nizam's Dominions, arrived at the conclusion that Hiuen Triang's capital of Maharashtra must be found near the Tapti river, or perhaps near the Girna, which flows through Nasik and Khandesh and joins the Tapti about fifteen miles to the north of Erandol. But he did not suggest any particular town. And, as I have already intimated, there is no place on either river, at or near the required distance from Broach, answering to the description given by Hiuen Tsiang. My own attention was attracted specially to the point quite recently, in consequence of a visit to the cave-temples at Ajanta (properly Ajintha). They are described by Hiuen Tsiang, in his account of Maharashtra, and are located by him in a great mountain on the eastern frontier of the country. And they are, in fact, in the Chaudor or Satmala range, - just about the point where the range, which finally merges itself in the highlands that form the southern frontier of Berar, turns towards the south. To the west of Ajanta, the range runs through Nandgaon and Chandor (properly Chandwad), and merges in the Sahyadri chain in the north-west part of the Nasik District. And what first forcibly struck my attention, when, after crossing the range from the direction of Ellora, or rather after descending from the plateau which there runs along the southern crest of it, I was travelling along the north of it, is the conspicuous "wall-like boundary " that it makes, from near Nand. gaon to at least as far as Ajanta, between Khandesh and the country to the south. In the neighbourhood of Nandgaon and Manmad, where the range is much broken and the level of the country itself rises a good deal, this peculiar feature is not so well marked. But it develops itself again to the west of Manmad. And, taking the range as a whole, there can be no doubt that, in direct continuation of the eastern frontier, on which Hiuen Tsiang placed the Ajanta caves, it formed the natural northern frontier of the country which he was describing Now, the distance from Broach as given hy the Chinese pilgrim, vis. 167 miles, must be accepted more or less closely. But, as regards the bearings, while the text of the Si-yu-ki says that Broach was to the west of the unnamed capital of Maharashtra (loc. cit. p. 259), still, however freely we may interpret the narrative, any easterly direction from Broach, even with a southerly bearing not sufficiently marked to require it to be called plainly southeasterly, carries us decidedly to the north of the Satmala range, and so keeps us outside the northern frontier of the country. On the other hand, however, Hwui-li, who wrote the Life of Hiuen Tsiang, says (Beal's Life of Hiuen Triang, p. 147) that the direction of Broach from the unnamed capital was north-west; and any approximately south-east bearing from Broach takes ub, at the distance of 110 to 167 miles, well to the south of the Satmalas. And I think, therefore, that the bearings given by Hwui-li mast of necessity be more correct than those in the narrative from which extracts have been given above. And there is still one other point to be mentioned. Mr. Beal's expression "the capital borders on the west on a great river" is,- possibly owing to want of punctuation,- not very explicit, to say the least. And I think that we must prefer the far plainer words made use of by M. Stanislas Julien (Vie de Hiouen-Thsang, p. 415), "du cote de l'ouest, la capitale * See the Gawetteer of the Bombay Presidency, Vol. XII., Khandesh, p. 5; also see YOL XVI., N Aaik, p. 5.
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________________ MAY, 1893.) HIUEN TSIANG'S CAPITAL OF MAHARASHTRA. 115 est voisine d'un grand pleuve," which apparently mean that the capital lay towards the west of the kingdom and was on or near a great river. And I thus take it that we must locate the required place as far to the west as possible, consistently with maintaining, approxi. mately, the given distance and direction from Broach. Since, then, the given distance from Broach keeps us far away to the north of the real capital, BAdami, we have to look for some subordinate but important town, somewhere along or near the northern frontier and towards the western end of it, which was mistakenly spoken of as the capital by Hiuen Tsiang, - most probably because it was the basis of the military operations against Harshavardhana of Kapanj, which also are alluded to in his account, and because, in connection with those operations, Pulikeain II. happened to be there at the time. And I feel po hesitation in deciding that the place, which must of necessity lie somewhere towards the west or north-west of the Nasik District, is NAsik itself. This town is about 128 miles to the south-south-east of Broach: the distance corresponds sufficiently well: and, accepting the statement of Hwui-li, so does the bearing; for Broach, lying actually to the north-north-west of Nasik, may very fairly, in the rough manner followed by the Chinese pilgrims, be described as lying towards the north-west. And the surroundings of the town, which has been a place of importance from considerable antiquity, answer in detail to the description given by Hinen Tsiang. It is on the Godavari, which, anywhere along its course, is always counted as one of the great rivers of India. Within a distance of six miles on the south-west, there is the Pandu-lena group of Buddhist caves, in which we may locate the sangharama mentioned by the Chinese pilgrim. And finally, as regards the stupas spoken of by him, one, at any rate, still exists, - near a small water-fall on the Godavari, about six miles west of the town, In conclusion, I would remark that, in my opinion, the country which Hiuen Tsiang has described might have been called more properly Kuntala (in Maharashtra), - rather than Maharashtra itself. To allow for the number of ninety-nine thousand villages, whether actual or traditional, which the Aihole inscription allots to the three divisions of it, each called Maharashtraka, the Maharashtra country proper must, I think, have extended on the north up to the Narmada, and on the east and north-east far beyond Ajanta. What Hiuen Tsiang was describing is really the kingdom of Pulikesin II., or part of it. Now, the later Western Chalukyas of Kalyani were specially known as "the lords of Kuntala." The dominions of their predecessors of Badami appear to have coincided very much with their own doninions. And the existence of the Kuntala country may certainly be taken back to at least the time of Hiuen Tsiang; for it is mentioned, as a well-established and principal territorial division, in an inscription at Ajanta, which, though possibly not quite so early as the period of Hinen Tsiang, is at any rate not very much later in date. It is, moreover, mentioned there under circumstances which suggest the inference that the Ajanta caves were themselves in Kuntala. It may be added that the given distance of about 410 miles to the south-east from Nasik takes us to a very likely place indeed, Karnal, as the capital of the country of Kong-kin. na-pu-lo. The actual distance here is, as near as possible, 403 miles, to the south-east. And, on the assumption, which appears to be correct, that the distances given by Hiuen Tsiang are always the distances from capital to capital, the distance and direction to Karsul from The same meaning may, I think, be given to Mr. Beal's translation, by inserting a comma after "west." And very possibly he intended such a comma to be understood. But, as it stands, his sentence is decidedly enigmatical. Gazetteer of the Bombay Presidency, Vol. XVI., N&sik, p. 539. It is there called a "burial mound; but the details of the description shew it to be an undeniable stupa.- To obriate unnecessary questioning, it may be stated that, in spite of its being a Buddhist site, and one, too, on the line of his route, NAsik is nowhere mentioned by name by Hiuen Tsiang. So there is no objection of that kind,- vix. that he refers to it in any other connection, against the identification for which I decide. The matter sooms to me so obvious, that it appears curious that no one has already hit on the trae solution. But it probably required what I have been able to give it, - personal consideration on the spot. * Archool. Surv. West. Ind. Vol. IV. Pp. 126, 127.-In an earlier time still, the name of Kuntala occurs in Varahamihira's Brihat-Samhita, xvi. 11.
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________________ 116 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [MAY, 1893. Conjeveram, viz. about 232 miles to the north-west-by-north, seem to answer sufficiently well to the statement made by the Chinese writers, that the capital of Kong-kin-na-pu-lo was about 2,000 li, or approximately 333 miles, to the north-west from Kanchi, i.e. Conjeveram. DANISH COINS FROM TRANQUEBAR. BY E. HULTZSCH, PH.D.; BANGALORE. The seaport of Tranquebar is situated in the Mayavaram talukil of the Tanjore district, 18 miles north of Negapatam. The only ancient Hindu building in it is a Saiva temple, which is partially washed away by the sea. This temple contains three Tamil inscriptions :-1 No. I.-An inscription which is dated in the 37th year of the reign of the Pandya king K-Maravarman, (alias) Tribhuvanachakravartin Kulapokharadova. No. II.-An inscription which is dated on the 20th day of the month of Karttigai of the cyclic year Prabhava, and which records a gift by a certain Iramaiyar Ayyan, who was the agent of "the glorious Achchudappa Nayakkar A[y]yan." According to the Tanjore Manual, pp. 750 ff., Achyutappa was the name of the second of the four Nayaka rulers of Tanjavur If he is meant, the date of the inscription would correspond to A. D. 1627. No. III.-An inscription which is dated in A. D. 1783, and which records that a certain A paduddharama-Setti, the son of Subrahmanya-Setti, erected a flagstaff (dhvajastambha) and laid the pavement (talavicai) of the temple. The two last inscriptions call the temple MAsilemani-Isvara, while in the first, it is called Masivannisvara, and Tranquebar itself "Saqanganpadi, alias Kulasegaranpattinam (i. e. the city of Kulasekhara)." The modern Tamil designation of Tranquebar, Tarangampadi (.e. "the village of the waves"), is evidently a corruption, produced through a popular etymology, of the form which occurs in Kulasekhara's inscription, Sadanganpaoi. The intermediate form Tadanganpaoi appears to be scribbled between lines 4 and 5 of the inscription No. II. A large number of deserted buildings in the European style, the fort of " Dansborg," and the tombstones with Danish epitaphs in the cemetery remind the visitor of this Indian Pompeii that it used to be the seat of the Government of a Danish colony. The Danes established an East India Company during the reign of Christian IV. in A. D. 1616.. Their first ship, the "Oeresund," which left Denmark in August 1618, in charge of Roelant Crape, a Dutchman 7 Beal, loc. cit. p. 253 and note 38. The Si-yu-ki says "north-wards;" and Hwui-li, "north-west."- Someone or other has, doubtless, already commented on the curions appearance which the word Konkap¶ presents, as the name of a country. The Chinese transliteration kong-kin-na might also represent the Sanskrit karkana, 'a bracelet,' or the Kanarese keingann, 'red eye,' which occurs in kengaunavakki, 'the black Indian cuckoo, having red eyes.' But the couutry lies so much in the direction of the province which in later records is called, with reference to the actual or traditional number of its villages, the Gangavili Ninety-six-thousand, and which may very well have included Karnal, that I canuot help thinking that, in the Chinese Kong-kin-na-pu-lo, we may find the word Ganga or Kongaai. With Gauga for kong.kin, it is not easy to say what na-pu-lo can represent; unless it may be t. y to say what na-pu-lo can represent; unless it may be the Sanskrit niipura. 'an anklet,' or noivala (also written navall), 'abounding with reeds, a reed-bed.' With Kongani for kong-kin-na, we might, if Kongani can be shewn to be the ancient name of any river, take the whole word to be either Kongapipura, "(the country of) the floods of the Kongani,' or Konganipars, (the country of) the fords of the Kongani.' There was also country named Konga, which is saggested to be the modern Kodagu or Coorg (Mysore Inscriptions, p. xli.). And this name, too, might be found in the Chinese word. But, if Kongu is Coorg, it seems too far to the west for the country traversed by Hiuen Tsiang.- Again, a Harihar inscription mentions a country named Kongana (id. p. 70); it is distinct from the Konkana, which is mentioned in the same passage. Nos. 75 to 77 of my Progress Report for October 1890 to March 1891 ; Madras G.O., 10th June 1891, No. 452, Public. The complete date of the inscription is :-"On the auspicious day, on which the Uttiratti dinakshatra fell on Friday, the 30th day of the month of Avani of the Sibh ukrit year, which was current after the Salivana-Saka year 1775 (read 1705) and the Kaliyuga year 1986." Sadangan appears to be used in the sense of shad-anga-vid, 'one who knows the six Angas (of the Veda).' With Salanganpadi compare the term chaturvedi-mangalam, which is frequently employed in Tamil inscriptions as the designation of an agrahara. 4 Pastor Fenger's History of the Tranquebar Mission, Tranquebar 1863, p. 1.
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________________ MAY, 1893. DANISH COINS FROM TRANQUEBAR. 117 - by birth, was attacked by the Portuguese off the Coromandel coast and lost. The commander escaped with thirteen men to the court of Tanjore. Five other ships had left home in November 1618, in command of Ove Gedde, a Danish nobleman. Through the united efforts of Crape and Gedde, a treaty between Denmark and Achyutappa, the Nayaka of Tanjavur, was concluded in November 1620. By this treaty, the Nayaka ceded Tranquebar with fifteen neighbouring villages, - a strip of land of 11 hours breadth and 2 hours length, - against an annual tribute of about Rs. 4,000. Having laid the foundation of the fort of Dansborg, Gedde returned to Denmark, while Crape remained in charge of the new settlement. With one interruption (A. D. 1808 to 1814) the Danes continued to hold Tranquebar for more than two centuries until 1845, when it was purchased by the British. Since then, Tranquebar has lost its commercial importance to Negapatam, a former Dutch port, which enjoys the advantage of being connected with the main-line of the South Indian Railway by a branch from Tanjore. As appears from Mr. Neumann's great work on Copper Coins7 and Mr. Weyl's Catalogue of the Fonrobert Collection, the Danes issued a large number of types of colonial coins, most of which, however, are now rare or not procurable at all. A few years ago, Messrs. T. M. Ranga Chari and T. Desika Chari published the contents of their collection. Through the kind offices of the Rev. T. Kreuseler, who continued for some time to purchase on my account all coins which could be obtained at and near Tranquebar, I have since acquired a fairly representative collection, which is the subject of this paper. The abbreviations N, W, and B refer to the above-mentioned treatises of Mr. Neumann, Mr. Weyl, and Messrs. Ranga Chari and Desika Chari, respectively. For the preparation of the plaster casts, from which the accompanying Plate was copied, I am indebted to the kindness of Mr. B. Santappah, Curator of the Mysore Government Museum at Bangalore. I.--CHRISTIAN THE FOURTH. (A. D. 1588 to 1648.) No. 1. Lead. Weight, 644 grains. (N. 20646; W. 2802.) Obv. C with 4 enclosed (the monogram of the king), surmounted by a crown. [.I.B.] Rev. CAS 1645 This specimen is valuable on account of its complete date ; on the copy noticed by Neumann, the last figure is missing, and the reverse of Weyl's copy is illegible. The letters I. B. on the reverse are supposed to stand for T. B., an abbreviation of the mint-town, Tranquebar : see Neumann's remark on his No. 20672. Cas, and Kas on later Danish coins, represents, like the Anglo-Indian " cash," - the Tamil word kasu, a coin.' II.-FREDERICK THE THIRD. (A. D. 1648 to 1670.) No. 2. Copper. Average weight, 121 grains. (N. 20648; R. 1.) Obv. F 3, crowned. Rev. The Norwegian lion. Neumann refers to a similar coin (N. 20647) with the date ANNO 1667 on the obverse. See Dr. Germaan's Johann Philipp Pabricine, Erlangen 1865, p. 87. . On the Dutch copper coins of Negapatam (Nagapattanam) and Palicat (Palavea) see Mr. Noumann's Copper Coins, Vol. III. p. 60 f. and Plate xlvii. * Beschreibung der bekanntesten Kupfermunsen, Vol. III. Prag 1863, pp. 73 f. Verzeichnis von Munzen und Denkmunzen der Jules Ponrobert'schon Sammlung, Berlin 1878, PP. 193 1. Indo-Danish Coins; Madres Journal of Literature and Science or the Soarion 1888-89.
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________________ 118 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [MAY, 1893. III.-CHRISTIAN THE FIFTH. (A. D. 1670 to 1699.) No. 3. Lead. Weight, 357, 363, 76 grains. (N. 20668; W. 2803.4). "Obv. 05, linked and crowned. Rev. DOC, linked and crowned. The letters DOC are the initials of "Dansk Ostindisk Compagni" (Danish East Indian Company). According to Neumann, a lead coin of different type (N. 20661) bears the date 1687 on the obverse. No. 4. Copper. Weight, 117 grains. (N. 20668; R. 4.) Oby. Same as No. 3. Rev. Blank. No. 6. Copper. Average weight, 13 grains. (N. 20662-3; R. 2.) Oby. Double C 5, linked and crowned ; 8 on the left, and 9 on the right. Other specimens have 9 on the left, and 0 or 1 on the right. Rev. DOC, linked and crowned ; W on the left, H on the right, and VK below. The figures 89, 90 and 91 on the obverse are abbreviations of the dates 1689, 1690 and 1691. According to Neumann, the letters W:H. V. K. on the reverse are the initials of the Danish officer who issued the coin. No. 6. Copper. Average weight, 12. grains. (N. 20664-7; W. 2809-10; R. 3.) Obv. Double C 5, linked and crowned. Rev. DOC, linked and crowned ; l on the left, 6 on the right, and 94 below. Other specimens have 92 or 97 below. The figures on the reverse represent the dates 1692, 1694 and 1697. Neumann and Weyl also note the date 1693, R, the date 1699. IV.-FREDERICK THE FOURTH. (A. D. 1699 to 1730.) No. 7. Copper; one cask. Weight, 13, 17 grains. Obv. Double P 4, linked and crowned. Rev. DOC, linked and crowned. NO. 8. Copper ; two cash. Weight, 28 grains. (N. 20671.) Obv. Same as No. 7. Rov. DOC, linked; 2 Kas below. Neumann describes a four-cash piece, and both Neumann and Weyl a ten-cash piece of similar type. No. 9. Copper. Average weight, 124 grains. (W. 2812; R. 5.) Obv. A monogram, consisting of F and 4, crowned. Rev. DOC, linked and crowned. No. 10. Copper. Average weight, 13 grains. (N. 20673-4; R. 6.) Obv. F 4, linked and crowned. Rev. Same as No. 9.
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________________ DANISH COINS FROM TRANQUEBAR. . N o 15 23 25 26 27 30 FULL-SIZE. From Casts made by Mr. B. SANTAPPAH, Curator, Bangalore Museum.
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________________ DANISH COINS FROM TRANQUEBAR. V.-CHRISTIAN THE SIXTH. (A. D. 1730 to 1746.) No. 11. Copper. Weight, 17, 19 grains. (N. 20678; W. 2821.) Obv. C with 6 enclosed, crowned; 17 on the left, worn on the right. Rev. The Norwegian lion. MAY, 1893.] The figure 17 on the obverse is the first half of the date. Neumann notes the date 1730, and Weyl the date 1732. No. 12. Copper; one cash. Average weight, 123 grains. (N. 20679; W. 2817.) Obv. C with 6 enclosed, crowned. Rev. DA C, linked and crowned. The letters D A C, which from the time of Christian VI. take the place of DO C, are the initials of "Dansk Asiatisk Compagni" (Danish Asiatic Company). No. 13. Copper; one cash. Weight, 10, 12 grains. Obv. Rev. (N. 20680.) Same as No. 12, but not crowned. Same as No. 12, but not crowned. No. 14. Copper; two cash. Weight, 23, 30 grains. (N. 20677.) Obv. Same as No. 12. Rev. Same as No. 12, with the addition of the figure 2 below. No. 15. Copper; four cash. Average weight, 40 grains. (N. 20675-6; W. 2816; R. 8.) Same as No. 12. Same as No. 12, but 4 below. Obv. Rev. No. 16. Copper; four cash. Weight, 34 grains. Same type as No. 15; but the letters C 6 on the obverse are reversed through a mistake of the engraver of the die. VI.-FREDERICK THE FIFTH. (A. D. 1746 to 1766.) 119 No. 17. Copper; four cash. Average weight, 36 grains. (N. 20683; W. 2834; R. 9.) Obv. F 5, linked and crowned. Rev. DA C, linked and crowned; 17 on the left, 63 on the right, 4 below. Neumann's No. 20682 and Weyl's No. 2832 have the different date 1761. VII.-CHRISTIAN THE SEVENTH. (A. D. 1766 to 1808.) No. 18. Silver; one royalin. Weight, 20, 20 grains. (W. 2842 ff.; R. 16.) Obv. C with 7 enclosed, crowned. * Rev. The Danish coat-of-arms; 17 on the left, 73 on the right, I ROYALIN above. According to Weyl, the latest date is 1792.
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________________ 120 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. No. 19. Silver; two royalins. Weight, 40 grains. (W. 2839 ff.; R. 15.) Obv. Same as No. 18. Rev. The Danish coat-of-arms; [17] on the left, 74 on the right, 2: ROYALINER above. According to Weyl, the earliest date is 1768, and the latest 1807. No. 20. Copper; one cash. Weight, 9 grains. (N. 20707-8.) Obv. Same as No. 18. Rev. D A C, linked and crowned; [1]7 on the left, 6 on the right, I (i.e. I Kas) below. The fourth figure of the date is lost. Neumann notes the later dates 1777 and 1780, No. 21. Copper; two cash. Weight, 17 grains. (N. 20706; W. 2851.) Obv. Same as No. 18. Rev. DA C, linked and crowned; [17] on the left, 67 on the right, 2 below. Neumann notes the later dates 1770 and 1780. No. 22. Copper; four cash, earlier type. Average weight, 36 grains. (N. 20693-7; W. 2839a ff.; R. 12.) [MAY, 1893. Obv. Same as No. 18. Rev. DA C, linked and crowned; 17 on the left, 77 on the right, 4 below. Other specimens have 67, 68 and 70 on the right. No. 23. Copper; ten cash, earlier type. Weight, 89, 98 grains, (N. 20685-8; W. 2840; R. 11.) Double C 7, linked and crowned. Obv. Rev. D A C, linked and crowned; below it, X. KAS (for KAS) [Ao] (i.e. Anno) 1777. Another specimen has the date 1768. Neumann notes the intermediate dates 1770 and 1772. No. 24. Copper; four cash, later type. Average weight, 36 grains. (N. 20698-705; W. 2859 ff.; R. 14.) Obv. Same as No. 18. IV. Rev. KAS 1788 On this and other dies, the A of KAS looks like a V upside down. The earliest date is 1782, the latest 1807. No. 25. Copper; four cash. Weight, 32 grains. (N, 20701.) Obv. Same as No, 18. Rev. [IV] KAS 1786 R The letter R is perhaps the initial of the Danish officer who issued the coin; compare No. 5.
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________________ MAY, 1893.] DANISH COINS FROM TRANQUEBAR. No. 26. Copper; four cash. Weight, 39 grains. (W. 2855.) Obv. Same as No. 18. Rev. Same as No. 24, but VI instead of IV through a mistake of the engraver of the die. On the three specimens which have passed through my hands, the date is cut away; Weyl's specimen has [17]82. No. 27. Copper; ten cash, later type. Weight, 98 grains. (N. 20689-92; W. 2854 and 57; R. 13.) Obv. Same as No. 18. X. Rev. KAS 1782 The latest date is 1790. VIII.-FREDERICK THE SIXTH. (A. D. 1808 to 1839.) No. 28. Copper; one cash. Weight, 9 grains. (N. 20730.) Obv. FR (i.e. Fridericus Rex), linked and crowned; VI below. I. Rev. KAS [181[9] No. 29. Copper; four cash. Average weight, 38 grains. (N. 20714-29; W. 2871 ff.; R. 18.) Obv. Same as No. 28. * IV. Rev. KAS 1815 121 On some of the coins of the year 1817, the S of KAS is reversed through a mistake of the engraver of the die. The latest date is 1839. As remarked by Messrs. Ranga Chari and Desika Chari, p. 9, Frederick VI. did not strike any coins at Tranquebar during the earlier portion of his reign between the years 1808 and 1814, as the Indian colonies of Denmark were then in the temporary possession of the English. No. 30. Copper; ten cash. Average weight, 94 grains. (N. 20709-13; W. 2868 and 82; R. 17.) Obv. Same as No. 28. *x* Rev. KAS 1816 The latest date is 1839. IX. CHRISTIAN THE EIGHTH. (A. D. 1839 to 1848.) No. 31. Copper; four cash. Average weight, 39 grains. (N. 20732-37; W. 2884-89; R. 20.) Obv. CR (i.c. Christianus Rex), linked and crowned; VIII below: IV. Rev. KAS 184[1]
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________________ 122 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. The earliest date is 1840, and the latest 1845. Neumann (20731) and R. (19) note a ten-cash piece of 1842. Postscript. After I had passed the accompanying Plate for printing, I received from Mr. T. M. Ranga Chari, District Munsif of Trichinopoly, a specimen of the following coin of Christian VI. :No. 32. Copper. Weight, 17 grains. (N. 20681; W. 2818.) Obv. Same as No. 13. (2) Rev. A monogram consisting of [T] and B. The letters T B are an abbreviation of "Tranquebar;" see the remarks on No. 1. The monogram on the obverse of Neumann's and Weyl's specimens is surmounted by a crown, as on the obverse of No. 12. NOTES ON TUL'SI DAS. BY G. A. GRIERSON, C. I. S. (Continued from p. 98). On the writings of Tul'si Das, In my Modern Vernacular Literature of Hindustan, I have given the following list of the poet's works which I had seen or heard of : 1. Ram-charit-manas (the well-known Ramayan). 2. Gitabali. 3. 4. Kabittabali, or Kabitta Ramayan. Dohabali. [MAY, 1893. 5. Chhappai Rumayan. 6. Ram Sat' sai. 7. Janaki Mangal. 8. Parbati Mangal. 9. Bairagya Sandipini. 10. Ram Lala Nahachhu. 11. Bar'we Ramayan. 12. Ramagya (Ramajna) or Ram Sagunabaki. 13. Sankat Mochan. 14. Binay Pattrika 15. Hanuman Bahuk. 16. Ram Salaka. 17. Kundaliya Ramayan. 18. Kar'ka Ramayan. 19. Rola Ramayan. 20. Jhul'na Ramayan. 21. Krishnabali. Some of the above are certainly apocryphal, and the following information since acquired may be useful. Bandan Pathak, in the commencement of his commentary on Ram Lala Nahachhu, says, Aura bare khafa grantha ke Tika rache sujana Alpa grantha khata alpa-mati Birachata Bandana-gyana ||
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________________ MAY, 1893.] NOTES ON TUL'SI DAS. 123 Other learned men composed commentaries on the six other greater works, and now Bandan, small-minded one that he is, composes, according to his knowledge, commentaries on the six smaller ones.' Mahadey Prasad has written a glons on this commentary, and he illustrates Bandan Pathak's statement by remarks, of which the following is an abstract. That is to say, Tul'si Das wrote twelve works, six greater and six losser, as is proved by the verse of the well-known Pandit Bam GulAm Dvivedi. "The voice of The Holy Master Tal'si, blissful to the pions, acceptable to the Almighty, delightful to the universe, composed the Ram Lala Nahachhai (1), Birugasandipini (2) and Bar'we (3) pleasing the heart of the Lord. It sang the sweet mangalas of Parvati (4) and Janaki (5), and composed the Rimagya (6) charming like the Cow of Plenty. After aniting Dohas adhd-bandh) (7), Kabittas (8) and Gitas (9), it told the tale of Krishna (10), and fixed all subjects, (i.e. omne scibile) in the Ramayan (11) and the Binay (12)." Bandan Pathak, in his Manas Sankavali, says that he was a papil of Chop (or Chopai) Das, who was a pupil of Ram Gulam, and, in another Kabitta, he says that Tal'si Das taught the Manas Ramayan (i.e., Rum-charit-manas) to Ram Das, who taught it to Ram Din Jyotishi, who taught it to Dhani Rim, who taught it to Min Das, who taught it to Ram Gulam, Ram Gulam's authority is therefore of considerable weight. On the other hand, Pandit Sesh Datt Sarma (alias Phanes Datt), who (according to the Manasa Mayanku was also a pupil-descendant of Tulst Das, and whose authority is of equal weight), not only recognizes the work called the Sat'sas, which is not mentioned in Ram Gulam's list, as authentic, bat has also written a commentary on it. There are, in my opinion, only two argaments in favour of the authenticity of the Sat' sai. The first is that mentionod above, that it was commented upon by Sesh Datts. The second is that it is possible, though improbable, that by, Dohd-bandh,' Ram Galam Dvivedt meant the Sat' sai, which is written throughout in the Doha metre, and not the Dohabalt. There can be no doubt that the collection of verses commonly known as the Dihabali, is not a poem consisting of one connected whole. It is a patchwork largely composed of dshas extracted from other works of the poet. To show this, I have drawn up the following table, showing where each verse in the Dahabali, so far as identified, originally came from. It has been done with the help of native friends, especially Babu Ram Dia Singh already mentioned. It is as complete as we could make it in default of fall indexes of all the works of the poet. 1 Bandan Pathak has great authority. It must, however, be noted that Pandit SudhAkar Dvivedl altogether denies this Guru-succession, and that the second Kabitta referred to above, is by him. He says that Tul'st Das had no disciples. If he had, they would have called themselves Tulsidasis, just as we have Kabirpanthis, Dariyadists and the like. Ram Gulam Dvivedt belonged to Mirzapur, and was born of a poor and ignorant family. He took service (PATITI) under a cotton merchant and used to delight in studying the writings of Tul'd Dis. At length his ingenions explanations of the Ramdyan so charmed the baniyas who listened to him, that they subscribed together and appointed a place for him, where he could recite the poem to their heart's content. Finally, by hook or crook, they obtained for him old MSS. of the poet's works, from which he compiled a very correct text. He was a great Pandit, and wrote a Kabittabalt and other works. His principal pupils were a blind metal worker (kandra), who was the Chopal DAs above mentioned, and LAIA Chhakkan Lal, whose name is frequently mentioned in this paper. According to other accounts, Chopat Das was a Sannyasi (Giri). Rim Gulam died in Sambat 1898 (1631 A. D.). ? In connexion with this, the following Kubitta by Kodo Ram, a pupil of J&nakl Sarmi, the son of Besh Datt, may be noted. Manasa (1), gitabalt (2), kabitaball (3) banai, krishnagita-abali (1) gli sataral (5)niramdi hai ! Parabatt-mangala (6) kahi, mangala kahi Janaki ki (), Rimijad (8), nahachla (9) antriya-yukta. gdi hai Bararot (10), bafrugyasandipank (11) bandi, binai-patteikt (12) bandi j men prema pari chhui hai ! Nami-kal&kNsa-mant Tulast krita tery kavyi Qist nahin kali men bu kabi ke kavita hai Il In this list the Sat'saf is substituted for the Dhabali.
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________________ 124 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [MAY, 1893. Explanation of Abbreviations. Ag. - Ramagya. Bai. - Bairagya Sandipint. Sat. Sat'sai. Ram. Ram-charit-manas (Ba - BAl-kand, A. - Ayodhya-ko, Ar. - Aranya-ko, Ki = Kishkindhya-ko, Su - Sundar-ko., Ln. - Lanka-ko, and Ut. - Uttar-kand). No. of verse in Dohabalt Where found elsewhere. No. of verse in Dohiball. Where found elsewhere. 116 117 Ag. VII., 21. Bai. I. Sat. 1., 2.t Ag. III., 7. Ag. III., 14. Ag. II., 35. Ag. VII., 28. Ram. Ba. 21.* Sat. I., 30. Ram. Bd. 20. Sat. II., 24. Ra ta. Ba. 26. Sat. II., 7. Sat. II., 11. Sat. I., 37. Sat. I., 29. Ram. Ba, 19. Ram. Ba. 27. Ag. V., 1. Sat. II., 57. R8m. Bo. 79. Ram. Ba. 25. Ram. Ba. 24. CE. 277. Sat. I., 107, Bai I., 15. Ram. Ba. 29 (a). Sat. I., 62. Sat. I., 41. Sat. I., 109. Sat. I., 45. Sat. II., 4. Sat. II., 3. Sat. VII., 124. Sat. I., 55. Sat. I., 56. Sat. I., 57. Ram. Ln. 2. 102 Sat. I., 59. 103 Sat. I., 60. 105 Ram. Ba. 29(b). 113 Ram. Ut. 72(a). 114 Ram. Ut. 25. Ram. Ln. 47(a). Ram. A. 87. Ag. IV., 15. Ag. IV., 13. Ag. IV., 17. Ag. IV., 16. Ag. IV., 28. Ram. A. 93. Ram. Ki. 26. Ram. Ut. 34. Ram. Ut. 122(a). Ram. Ut. 104(a). Ram. Ut. 119(b). Ram. Ln. 3. Ram. Ln. Introduction. Ram. Su. 46. Ram. Ut. 61. Ram. Ut. 90(a). Ram. Ut. 90(6). 135 Ram. Ut. 926). Ram. Ut. 89(a). 138 Ram. Ut. 78a). Ram. A. 185. 145 Sat. II., 5. 147 Sat. II., 1. 156 Ram. A. 30. (Kh. B., 64). Ag. III., 35. 1611 Ram. Ut. 19(c). R8m. Sa. 496). 137 100 101 * For convenience, all references are to Ohhakkan Lal's one volume edition of the 12 works. The numbers vary xlightly in difforent editions. When the variation is considerable I give also the numbering of the Khadg Bills Press edition of Ram. ; thus, Kh. B., 64. The edition of the Sat's referred to is that with Baij'nath's commentary. There are often slight variations in the readings between the Sat'sal and the Dohdball.
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________________ MAY, 1893.) NOTES ON TUL'SI DAS. 125 H No. of Verne in Dobabalt Where found elsewhere. No. of verse in Dohabalt. Where found elsewhere. 264 17+ 265 1 175 179 181 266 267 269 270 271 184 185 188 272 189 193 195 196 198 199 205 206 209 210 273 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 211 212 213 Ag. VI., 34. Ag. I., 21. Ram. Ut. 130(a). Ram. BA. 28(b). Ag.VII., 14. Bam. Ut. 22. Sat. I., 28. Ram. BA. 265. Ram. Ba. 32(6). Ram. Ba. 31. Ram. BA. 10) Sat. I., 43. Rom. A. 126. Rim. A. 230. Ram. A. 214. Ag. IV., 23. Ag. III., 27. Ag. IV., 27. Ag. VII., 17. Ag. VII., 18. Ag. III., 26. Sat. I., 40. Ram. A. 42. Ag. VII., 19. Ag. III., 19. Ag. III., 20 Ag. VI., 35. Ag. VI., 22. Ag. II., 22. Ag. VII., 2. Ag. III., 22 Ag. V., 22. Ram. Ki. Introduction. Ram. A. 77. Sat. I., 49. Ram. A. 92. Sat. II., 29. Sat. II., 8. Sat. IV., 23 RAm. Ut. 70. 214 215 Ram. A. 32(a) (Kh. B., 66(@)). Ram. Ar. 37 (Kh. B., 71). Ram. A. 47. Ram. Ar. 40 (b) (Kh. B., 746)). Ram. Ut. 73(a). Ram. A. 180. Ram. Ln. 77. Ram, Ut. 118(6). Ram. Ut. 89(6). Ram. BA. 140. Cf. 38, Sat. I., 107, Bai I., 15. Sat. I., 82. Sat. I, 94. Sat. L, 92. Sat. I., 83. Sat. I., 91. Sat. I., 90. Sat. 1., 86. Sat. I., 88. Sat.1., 89. Sat. I., 84. Sat. I., 79. Sat. I., 80. Sat. I., 85. Sat. I., 87. Sat. I., 73. Sat. 1., 74. Sat. I., 75. Sat. I., 76. Sat. I., 77. Sat. I., 105. Sat. I., 103. Sat. I., 99. Sat. 1., 104. Sat. I., 102. Sat. I., 96. Sat. I., 106. Sat. I., 108. Ram. Ut. 33. Ram. A. 280. Sat. IV., 30. Ram. BA. 7(a). 217 218 290 226 233 291 292 993 294 295 296 299 301 302 308 304 306 308 309 340 347 349 864 Ram. Ut. 71(a).
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________________ 126 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [MAY, 1893. No. of verse in Dohabali. Where found elsewhere. No. of verse in Dhaball. Where found elsewhere. 369 370 372 373 476 477 478 479 480 481 484 485 377 378 382 334 386 387 486 487 399 598 488 490 492 399 404 407 R&m. BA. 6. Ram. Ut. 956). Ram, Ba. 7(6). Sat. VII., 95. Sat. VII., 94. Sat. V. 32. Sat. VII., 102. Sat. VII., 96. Ram. Ut. 78(6). Sat. VII., 97 Sat. VII., 103. Sat. VII., 52. Sat. VII., 41. Sat. VII., 105. Ram. Ut. 39. Sat. VII., 106. Sat. III., 91. Sat. VII., 51. Ag.VII., 23. Rum. A. 63. Sat. VII., 107. Sat. VII., 108. Sat. VII., 112. Sat. VII., 109. Sat. VII., 113. Sat. VII., 114. Sat. VII., 119. Ram. Bl. 27+. Sat. VII., 101. Sat. VII., 100. Sat. VII, 115. Sat. VII., 47 (46). Sat. II., 15. Ram. BA. 159 (6). Sat. VII., 39. Ag.VII., 15. Ay I., 17. Ag. I., 18. Sat. VII., 40. Sat. VII., 41. Sat. I., 5. Sat. VII., 199. Sat. VII., 25. Sat. VII., 97. 494 496 500 503 505 506 507 508 509 510 425 Sat. VII., 26. Sat. VII., 28. Sat. VII., 116. Sat. VII., 29. Ram. A. 17. Sat. VII., 30. Ram. Ln. 16(b). Sat. VII., 57. Sat. VII., 31. Sat. VII., 32. Sat. VII., 35. Sat. VII., 34. Sat. VII., 33. Sat. VII., 36. Sat. VII., 37. Sat. VII., 68. Ram. A. 179. Sat. VII., 70. Sat. VII., 71. Sat. VII., 11. Sat. VII., 10. Sat. VII., 72. Sat. VII., 73. Sat. VII., 74. Sat. VII., 75. Sat. VII., 76. Sat. VII., 77. Sat. VII., 78. Sat. VII., 79. Sat. VII., 80. Sat. VII., 81. Ram. A. 314. Ram. A. 305. Ram. Su. 37 (slight variation). Sat. VII., 8.2. Sat. VII., 83. Sat. VII., 84. Sat. VII., 85. Sat. VII., 86. Sat. VII., 87. Ram. A. 70. Rim. A. 17. Ram. Ar. 5(@) (Kh B., Eie)). 431 435 517 437 439 441 442 446 519 520 447 521 419 522 4.50 451 461 462 463 524 525 526 527 5:29 530 539 540 465 466 469 470 474 473 513
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________________ MAY, 1893. ] NOTES ON TUL'SI DAS. 127 No. of verae in Dohaball. Where found elsewhere. No. of verne in Dohaball Where found elsewhere. 543 545 557 Sat. VII., 122. Sat. VII., 63. Sat. VII., 123. 547 Ram. Su. 43. Sat. VII., 88. Sat. VII., 120. Sat. VII., 121. Sat. VII., 62. Ram. Ut. 98. 548 559 560 561 562 565 549 567 550 551 552 553 555 Ram. Ut. 103(ba). Ram. Bo. 32(a). Ag. VI., 25. Ag. 111., 21. Sat. VII., 125. 3 Ram. Ut. 99. 569 572 Ram. Ut. 100(6). It will thus appear that the Dohabali is in great measure & collection of verses selected from other works of the poet, and that hence it can hardly be an original work by him. It is quite possibly an anthology selected by some later admirer. Its contents, too, justify this theory: for the separate dshds (there are 572) have little connexion with each other, and the work in no way forms one connected whole. It must however, be admitted that there is one very serious difficulty already alluded to, in the way of assuming that the work in doha metre referred to by Ramn Gulam Dvivedi, is the Sat'sas. That is the date given in I, 21. It is most improbable that Tol'si Das should have used as a date the Current Sambat year, a thing which was not the custom in the North-West in his time, and which he does nowhere else, and it is also most improbable that he should have made a mistake in such a matter. This leads to the conclusion that, if the Sat'sai is genuine, at least that verse is an interpolation by a later writer, whose power of imitating his master's style was greater than his knowledge of astronomy. Pandit Sudhakar Dvivedi points out to me that the style also of the Sat'sai differs consi. derably from that of andoubted works of Tal'si Das. The dbhas in it .which also occur in the Dohabali (some 127 in number) are in his style, but the rest present many points of difference. The first doha, or invocation, is in a form never used by the poet, and words occurring in the poem, such as, khasama, (i, 65), papahara (i, 81), khata (ii, 9), niramokha (ii, 13), jagatra (ii, 40), agata (in some copies), giraha (ii, 46), basti (ii, 55), puhumi (ii, 58), apagata khe (u, 80), gurugama (ii, 81), ahanisa (ii, 92), punah (iv, 99), mdmila (vii, 110), kamana (vii, 111), are never found in these forms in his acknowledged works. So also, the whole of the well-known third sarga with its enigmatical verses is self-condemnatory. Tal'si Das, according to tradition, strongly condemned kata verses like these, and blamed Sur Das for writing such. The subject matter is no doubt Tul'st Das's. The teaching and philosophy are his, but the whole language betrays the hand of an imitator. For these reasons, the bost Banaras pandits of modern times deny the authenticity of the Sat'sat. As regards Sesh Datt, they say, he wrote before its genuineness was questioned, and hence the fact that he wrote a commentary to it has small force as an argument. The best authorities of the present day consider that it is the work of some other Tul'si Das, probably a Kayasth of that name, who, some say, lived in Ghazipar. The main difference between his teaching and that of the older poet of the same name is, that he inculcates more than the latter the worship of Sita, and hence commenced his work on the festival of her birth. This is explained by the supposition that he was originally a Sakta before becoming & Vaishnava and that his new belief is coloured by his former predilections. He borrowed numerous verses * But khasama also occurs in K. Ram., Ut., 24, 4.
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________________ 128 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [MAY, 1893. of the older poet in his composition. Pandit Sadhakar Dvivedi informs me that his own rather was a pupil, in the Ramayana, of the Chhakkan Lal already mentioned, and that he hinself had learned many things from him. Chhakkan Lal told him many times that his preceptor's, Ram Gulam Dvivedi's, opinion was that the Sat'sai was certainly not composed by the great Tulisi Das. My own opinion is that the authenticity of the Sat'sai is at least doubtful. There is much to be said on both sides. The date, if the verse in which it occurs is genuine, is certainly against the authenticity, so is the style, and so is the opinion of many native scholars. A fact, which also lends strength to this side, is that if we take the date as a Saka and not as a Vikrama yeer, the week-day comes right, but the year A.D. will be a century later than the time of Tulsi Das. On the other hand, the authenticity of the Sat'sai was not impugned till the time of Rim Gulim Dvivedi, who died in 1831 A.D. The fact of the large number of dshus which are common both to the Dohabali and the Sat'sai must be considered. The author of one must have borrowed from the other, and the question is which did so. If the author of the Sat'sai borrowed dokus from the older Tulsi Das to suit his purpose, why did he borrow only from the Duhabali, and, with one or two exceptions, only those verses in the Dohabali which are not found elsewhere in the poet's works. We should have expected the author of the Satsai to have borrowed freely from the thousands of other dohas written by Tulisi Das, and yet he does not borrow one except from the Dohabali. On the other hand, the Dohabali admittedly borrows freely from every work of Tulsi Das in which dohas occur, from the Rumagye, the Birag Sandipini, and the Raxin-charit-manas, besides containing 127 verses occurring in the Sat'sai. A priori therefore, it would appear more probable that the author of the 'D3habali borrowed from the Sat' sai, rather than that the author of the Sat'sai borrowed from the Dohavali. I cannot get over the violent improbability that the author of the Sat' sai, if a plagiarist, should have committod plagiarism only on the DShabali, and not on the other greater works of the poet, and that, in committing this playiary, he should have carefully selected only those verses in the D3habali which are not themselves borrowed from elsewhere. Tho Dihabali not only bears on its face proof of its being a cento of verses taken from other poems of the master, but is stated to be so by tradition. It is said to have been compiled by Tulsi Dils himself, at the request of the great Todar Mall. It was composed, partly of new eldhus, and partly of verses selected from his earlier works, as a sort of short religious manual. It was therefore compiled after June 4th, 1598 A.D., the alleged date of the composition of the Ramajuri, the latest of the works from which he quotes, and before 1623, the year of his death. As Tolar Mall died in 1589 A.D., the tradition that the work was composed at his suggestion may not be true. On the whole, I am inclined to believe that at least a portion of the Sat'sat was written by our Tul'si Das, that from the poem, as he wrote it, he solected adhds, which he inserted in the Dohabali, and that the Sat'sai is not entirely a modern work, consisting partly of verses stolen from the latter. Possibly, or rather cortainly, it has undergone great changes at the hands of a later author, perhaps also named Tal'st Dis. This later author may have even given it the name of the Sat'sai, joalous that his master should not have the credit of having written 1 Sat'sai, as his great rival Sor Dis had done. Possibly the whole of the third Sarga7 is an interpolation. Although Rim Gulim Dvivedi denied its authenticity he was certainly an admirer of the poem, for there is a copy of it in his hand writing in the library of the Maharajah of Banaras. * The corresponding date is Thursday May 5th, 1720. 5 See, however, notes to pp. 96, 97 ante, As Pandit Sudhakar Dvivedt maintains that this is the date of the copying of the MS., and not that of the composition of the poem, the above statement is possibly incorrect. . Since the above was written I bave seen a very old MS. of the DShabali, which does not contain any verses quoted from the Ramajna. These verresare hence & subsequent addition. This fact modifies the statements made above. 7 Not a single doht in the third Sarja is found in the Duhabali. * So I am informed by Pandit Sudhakar Dvivedt.
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________________ 'MAY, 1893.) THE KUDOS OF KATHA AND THEIR VOCABULARY. 129 The authorised list of the canonical works of Tulisi Das may therefore be taken As follows: A. The six lesser works (1) Ram Lala Nahachha. (2) Bairagya Sandipini. (3) Barawe BamAyan. (4) Parbati Mangal. (5) Janaki Mangal. (6) Ramajna. B. The six greater works (1) Dohabali (or Sat'sai.) (2) Kabitta Ramayan also called Kabittabali. (3) Git Ramayan also called Gitabali. (4) Krishnavall also called Krishnagitabali, (5) Binay Pattrika. (6) Rama Charita Manasa, now called Ramayan. The above is the order in which they are given by Ram Gulam Dvivedi, and in which they are printed in the convenient corpus of the collected works of Tul'si Das, published from Ram Gulam's manuscripts by Lala Chhakkan Lal Ramayani. This edition, however, gives the Dohabalt, and not the Sat'sai. (To be continued.) THE KUDOS OF KATHA AND THEIR VOCABULARY. BY BERNARD HOUGHTON, C.S. Appended is a short list of the more common words in the language of the Kudos of Katha (Kaba), which has been kindly furnished to me by Mr. J. Dobson, District Superintendent of Police at Katha. The words selected are those used in the well-known vocabularios of Mr. Brian Hodgson, though a few of the postpositions and adverbs, which experience shows to vary excessively in the Tibeto-Burman dialects, have been designedly omitted. Mr. Dobson took the precaution to record the word-sounds both in English and Burmese characters, so that no difficulty has been experienced in reproducing his spelling of the Kudo words by the usual system of transliteration. The possibility, moreover, of clerical errors has been reduced to a minimum. The Kudd tongue is not one of those included in the list of frontier languages, for which prizes are given on examination, and but little seems to be known about those who speak it, and who live principally in the Wuntho (Wunbo) sub-division of the Katha District. It is clear, however, that they were there before the Shans appeared in those parts, and that some of them have become absorbed into the Shan race. In fact, many of the latter living in Wuntho and its vicinity are called Shan-Kudos in token of their mixed origin, but of this title they are somewhat ashamed, and generally try to make themselves out to be full-blooded Shins. It is possible that the Census Report, when it is examined, may give us some information as to the numbers, &c., of the Kudos, though, owing to the late rebellion in Wantbo, it would seem to be doubtful whether any accurate statistics will be forthcoming. In the meantime the list of words now given throws some light on the ethnic relations of the Kudos, and, to bring out these relations the more clearly, I have appended to each word those more closely related to it in the cognate languages. The general result is to show that the Kudos belong to the KachinNaga branch of the Tibeto-Burman family, and that they are therefore comparatively recent For those who wish to study the text alone, this edition will be found the most accurate, and the most con veniont. It is published at the Saraswati Press, Banaras, by Bisesar Prasad.
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________________ 130 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [MAY, 1893. immigrants into Burma. The evidence at present available points to the conclusion that this section of the race only arrived in Burma after the Burmese central authority had become somewhat established, and that these wild tribesmen, though superior in fighting qualities to the Burman, have been checked, if not forced back, by the superior power which comes from a centralised authority, even when imperfectly organised. The Kudos would seem to have been an advance guard of the Kachin race, and, what between the Shans and the Burmans, to have heen rapidly deprived of the autonomity which they originally possessed. They have in fact been chiefly subjugated by the former of these two races, which, unable owing to the Burmese power to get an outlet to the South-west, forced one to the North-west, a movement culminating in the irruption of the Ahoms into Assam. A glance at the list of the words given will show that at the time the Kudos left their Tibetan home they were in a very low state of civilisation, and could not in fact count up to more than 5, or at most 6. The numerals above 6, and probably also that number, have been obviously borrowed from one of the Shan family of languages. This is in curious contrast to the ChinLushais, who have their own numerals up to 100. The words for 'buffalo' and 'goat' have also been adopted by the Kudos after their arrival in Burma, but it is evident that previously they had pigs, fowls, and dogs, and that they knew of horses. Apart from the above-noted general relationship of the Kudos, my examination of the words given has led to the very interesting discovery that the Saks, a small tribe living in the Valley of the Kuladaing in Arakan, are, of all known tribes, the most closely related to the Kudos, and that, in fact, it can scarcely be much more than 100 years since they formed one people. The list of Sak words given in Hodgson's Vocabulary is unfortunately incomplete, but the resemblances to the Kudo words now given are so striking, in several cases the Sak furnishes the only parallel to the Kudo word, as to show that they must have at one time formed one people, and that the period of separation cannot have been very long ago. This is the more remarkable as the Saks live now far away from the Kudos, and are in fact surrounded by tribes of the Chin-Lushai race, from whom they probably received a rough handling before they reached their present habitat. The most probable explanation is that a portion of the Kudos, driven forth by some vis major, endeavoured to cross the hills to Naga-land, but were unable to get through, or else lost their way, and, striking the head waters of the Kuladaing, followed that river down to where they now live. They now form on the West of these hills, as the Kudos do on the East, the most Southern extension of the Kachin-Naga races. The result of this discovery is that the Saks must be withdrawn from the Chin-Lushai branch and affiliated to Kachin-Naga branch, (sub-section Kudo), of the Tibeto-Burman race. As to the original habitat of the Kudos, together with that of the Kachin-Naga subfamily generally, it is probable on the evidence before us that they came from NorthEastern Tibet, their route lying through the passes North of Bhamo. Their congeners in those regions would appear to be Gyarungs, Gyamis, Sokpas and Thochus, of which races but little is as yet known. The first of these peoples is, it may be remarked, somewhat closely allied to the Karens, whose passage into Burma, though by the same route as the Kachin-Naga immigration, was probably much anterior to it. The language of the Karens is very much corrupted, and prima facie does not seem to be specially related to those of the Kachin-Nagas. All, however, show a tendency towards the Chinese section of the family. I use this last expression advisedly, 1 A proof of this can be seen in the word for moon,' which in almost all dialects of this sub-family is da, (with variations), instead of la, &c. Now in the Tibetan language, which was reduced to writing about 632 A. D., it is spelt z-la wa (4), which must be taken as representing the usual pronunciation of that time, and it is only since then that the sound has become corrupted into da-wa. 2 Perhaps a Shan immigration.
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________________ MAY, 1893.] THE KUDOS OF KATHA AND THEIR VOCABULARY. 131 being convinced that Chinese, Tibetan, Burmese and the various cognate languages and dialects are all members of one great family, which, originating in Tibet or to the Northward, has spread itself East and South-East. Of all these languages the Chinese has become most corrupted in pronunciation, thus causing it for so long to be grouped apart from the others; but from the pronunciation of some of its better preserved dialec's and from the restoration by modern scientists of its old sounds, it is easily shown that its most important roots are identical with the ordinary forms still existing in the Tibeto-Burman family proper. Justice, however, can hardly be done to the subject here, and I shall content myself now with a mere statement of this thesis, promising to return to the subject on a future occasion. AIR.Halaung. (Cf. Tib. lung, Serpa, Bhut. lung, Ahom, Khamti, Laos, Siamese, lom, Gara lan-par. Ha might stand for either la or k'a, the former being the ordinary TibetoBarman prefix, the latter being a wide-spread root meaning 'sky;' but seeing that the words for hair' and 'head' have also the particle ha, it seems probable that in this case also it is merely the ka prefix). Ant.-- Pun-sen8. (Cf. Sak p'un-si-gya.) Arrow.-Talet. (Has both the ta prefix and affix. Of. Sak toli in toli-ma-la, Karen pla, and possibly Ahom len, Khamti lim, Laos lempan. Perhaps allied with the Burmese le a bow' and its cognate words. Compare Bodo ba-la.) BIRD.-U:-se-sa. (0 is evidently the root, the remainder apparently being added to distinguish birds in general from fowls, 4.0. Cf. Tengsa-Naga uso, Sak, wu-si, Singpho 104, Angami-Naga te-vu, Mikir, Namsang-Naga vo, Mithan-Naga, 6. Allied to the Tibeto. Burman root, wa = a fowl; cf. also Southern Chin wu-mun, a pigeon,' &c.) BLOOD.-- Set (Cf. Singpho sui, Thochu sa, Manvak sha, Gyami, Horpa sye, Gyarung ta-shi, Sanwar a-si, Burmese, we, Karen broz, Sak t'e, Bodo t'8-1.) Boat.-Wa-143 ('li and wa are possibly synonymous roots. The former is found in the forms li or lu, with or without the ordinary prefixes or affixes, in most of the languages of the Tibeto-Burman family. As to 'wa, cf. Sak han, Khamti hu). Boxe.- Mak-ku. (Cf. Murmi nak'u, Newar kroc, Gyimi ku-tho, Manyak ri-Ic-u, Chinese coll. kul, Kami a-hu. Possibly the ko or jo, in Tibetan coll. rii-ko 'a bone,' is not a servile but a form of this root in conjunction with the commoner rui). BUFFALO.- Kye". (Cf. Ahom Krai, Burmese kyice, Khamti, Ahom and Siamese k'wai, Sak kra). CAT.-Han-si. (Cf. Sak kaing). Cow. --- Mok. (Cf. Sak t'a-muik, Deoria-Chatia mo-su). Crow.-U-hd. (C. Mithan-Naga okk, Sak valku, Singpho kok'a, Ahom, Khamti, Laos, Siamese ka. Ka appears in several of the Himalayan words for crow. As to of. under egg.' DAY.-Ya-a. (Cf. Sak yal-ta, Bur. coll. yet. Possibly connected with ya in wan-ya 'to be light,' q.o. It is noteworthy that this word has no connection with that for sun'). Dog.-Kyi. (This root runs throngh most of the cognate languages varying in form from the Chinese k'uer, and Burmese kre to the Southern Chin it). EAR.-Ka-ra. (ka is the prefix. The root na is found throughout the Tibeto-Burman family). EARTH.-Ka. (Cf. Sak ki, Xamsang-Naga, Bodo, Garo ka, Karen haso.ko, Vaya ko, Singpho kriga, Sanwar kapi, Kiranti ba-l'a, Limbu kam). E6.-[-di. (Cf. Singpho i-di, Mithan-Naga oti, Sak ta-ti, Kiranti u-ding, Karen di, Limbu fin, old Chinese tax, Mikir, Lepcha ati, Taungthu dhe, Shando, a te, Karen, Lushai alati, 3 The Burmese MS. shows the existence in Kudy of at least the heary tone. * Vowel sound as in air. * ky is apparently pronounced as ch. Cf. the sage in Burmese, & Chine, do
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________________ 132 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. MAY, 1893. Dhimal tui, Southern Chin, a toi. The prefixed u in Kudo, &c., doubtless stands for u, a fowl. The root ti or tu i, &c., Mr. Hodgson would identify with the similar one for 'water' found in many of the Tibeto-Burman languages). ELEPHANT.-Akyi. (Cf. Singpho magwi, Sak uku). Eye.--Met-tu. (Met is the root which is found in different forms in all Tibeto-Burman lan guages. The nearest to Kudo is the Mikir mek). FATHER.-Awa. (Cf. Singpho wi, Namsang-Naga ou. These two languages and Kudo are alone in possessing this word instead of the universal pa, po, &c. It is probably a softening of the latter. If a comparison with the Dravidian languages be allowed, (I have already elsewhere shown a connection between these and the Tibeto-Barman family,7) the example of Yerukala ava throws light on the matter). FIRE.-Wan. (Cf. Singpho wan, Namsang and Mithan Naga van, Garo wal, Bodo wat, Sak ba-in. This is again a notable variation from the usual root ni or me. It is probably connected with Southern Chin awa, light,' Tib. coll. 'we light, Chepang wa-go 'dawn.' See 'light' infra). Fowl.-U.. See 'bird,' supra. Fish.-Long-nga. (Long perhaps refers to some particular kind of fish. The root nga in its various forms is found in most of the cognate languages). FLOWER.-Ba-pa. (Evidently a reduplicated form of the root pd. Of. Bodo bf-p'a, Southern Chin pia, Shandu apa, Dhimal aba, Giro pa, Karen pa, Sak apan, Burmese pan, Singpho si-pan, Karen p'an, Lashai ni-pi, Kami pon, Miri d-pun). Foot.-Ta-paut. (Ta is perhaps the prefix. Cf, perhaps, Bodo yd-pa. (See 'hand'). Goat.-Gape. (Talaing kapa, Sak kibi, Shan pa. The Palaing word for goat' is not known, but if, as is possible, it is the same as the Talaing, the inference would be that the Kudos had borrowed the word from them). Hair.-Halong-hd. (As to halong see 'head' Cf. Mithan-Naga k'o, Nowgong-Naga ko, Tengra Naga ku, Khari-Naga k'wi, (perhaps) Singpho kara, Tib., Murmi, Takpa kra). HAND.-Tapaung. (Ta is perhaps the prefix. This is an example of the curious manner in which, as was first pointed out by Hodgson, the words for hand' and 'foot' run into each other in these languages. It is not easy to find any etymological relationships to this root, though it may possibly be connected with the following words for 'arm':- Southern Chin bawn, Lushai ban, Manip. pambom, Shanda bopi, Angami-Naga, 64.8 HEAD.-Ho-lang. (Ha is the prefix. Probably & shortened form of halong in halong-hi=hair. (Cf. Chepang tolong, Magar talu, Shandu, Kami, Lushai lu, Southern Chin alu.) Hog.-Wag. (This root is found in almost all Tibeto-Burman languages). HotNe-Yoga. (Cf. NamBang &nd Mikhan Nega rong, Garo korong, Singpho swag, Sak arung. This root with the meaning 'bone' is very common in the Tibeto-Burman family). HORSE.-Sabu. (Cf. Sak sapi, Newar sala, Tib., se, Southern Chin se or s). House.-Kyin. (Cf. SAk kyin, Tib., Bhat., Chepang k'yim, Mikir ham, Karen Mi, Limbu him, Burmese im, Manip. yam, Lushai, Southern Chin in. It is also found in many other cognate languages including, probably, Chinese kl). IRON.---'Sin. (Cf. Sak bain, Deoria-Chutia sung, Bodo churr). LEAF.- Pun-tap. (Cf. Sak pwin-tak.) . Compare Sak aba, ba-in with Kudo awa, wan. Essay on the Language of the Southern Chins and its Affinities. : An alternative derivation would make to the root as in sak atar, pauk and paung being added to distinguish hand' from foot.'
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________________ MAY, 1893.) THE KUDOS OF KATHA AND THEIR VOCABULARY. 133 Ligur.- Wan-ya-ma. (From the examples of verbs given below, ma or mat would seem to be the termination of the aorist or present tense in Kudo, and wan-ya-nia therefore it is light. See day' and 'fire,' supra). MAN.-Ta-mi-sat. (Mi is of course the well-known root meaning 'man,' ta being the prefix Sat is an aflix peculiar to Kudo and probably has some meaningo). MONKEY.-Kwe. (Cf. Angami-Naga ta-kwi, SAk kowuk, Garo kauw). Moon.-Sada. (Cf. Sak ratta, Singpho sita, Manip. ta, Namsang-Naga da, Tib. coll. da-ra corrupted from z-lava, Bhut. dan. Sa is perhaps an aflix only, (cf. Sokpa sari), but see under 'sun'). MOTHER.-Amo. (This is a root found in all cognate languages, except Southern Chin and a few others, which have varieties of the root wri). MouNTAIN.-Kama. Mosquito.-Pa'sit. (Cf. Sak pichli). NAME.-Nanine (This is merely a corruption of the Burmese coll. xa-me, which in turn is derived from the Pali). Night.-Nat-kyet. (Cf. Sak hanahe; and as to nat, Mithan-Naga rang-nak, Tablung-Naga, tang niak, Lepcha sanap). Oll. ---Salaw. (cf. Kami sarau, Lushai sa'rik, Sak si-dal, Southern Chin a'ri, &c.). PLANTAIN.-Sala-shi. (Shi=fruit. Cf., perhaps, Limbu 14). RIVER.- yit. (Burmese colloquial. There is doubtless an indigenous word for 'stream.') ROAD.-Lam. (A very common root in the Tibeto-Burman family). SALT.-Sum. (cf. Namsang-Naga sum. Deoria-Chutia siin, Sak sitng, Singpho jum, Nowgong Naga ma-tsit. Probably ultimately related to the cha or chi root found in most cognate languages). Skin.-Sale. (Cf. Burmese bare Dhimal dodle ; (perhaps) Sokpa sara). SKY.-Hamet. (Ha is perhaps a prefix, but see under 'air.' Cf. Southern Chin ame-har, Thocha mahte, Manyak ma, Burmese mo, Murmi mu, Gyarung man, Naga ke-mu, a cloud.) SNAKE.-Ka-p'u. (Ka is the prefix. cf. Sak kapu, Mithan, Tablung, and Namsang Naga gu, Horpa pa, Garo du-pat, Sunwar bu-sa, Bhut., Lepcha bo, Magar bul, Tib. bral, Lushai rul, Manyak bru, Thochu bugi, Southern Chin p'ar). STAR.-U-nu-shi. (Perhaps, Gyarung tsi-ni). STONE.-Long-ku-shi. (Long is the root, which is widely diffused in the Tibeto-Burruese family). Sun.-Samet. (Cf. Sak sa-mi. As to met see nnder 'sky.' Sa in this case would appear to be the root for 'sun' found in Bodo shan, Garo san, Dhimal sa-ne, Lepcha sachak, but in Kudo it is found also prefixed to the word for 'moon'). Tiger.-Kassa. (Cf. Sak ka-ba, Namsang-Naga sa, Deoria-Ohutia mesu, Tablung-Naga sanu). 10 Tooth.-Swa. (Cf. Murmi swa, Sak abava, Burmese bwa, Thochu swa. Mithan-Naga va, Singpho, Sakpa, Newar, wa, Namsang and Tablung Naga, pa). TREE.-Pfun-grun. (Cf. Singpho p`un, Sak pung-pang, Deoria-Chutia popon, Bodo bong-phang). VILLAGE.-Then. (Cf. Kiranti teng, Sak ting, Mithan-Naga ting, Tablung-Naga tying, Tib. coll. tong, Chinese coll. tang). WATER.-W. (Cf. Newar wa, Sak 6). I.-Nga.--This is a very common root in the Tibeto-Burmap family, and elsewhere. * Possibly the same word as the nam Sak. ** Query = tigress. Sa, tiger' and w, the feminine suffix.
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________________ 134 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [MAY, 1893. THOU.-Nank. (Cf. Singpho, Burmese nang, Mikir, Magar nang, Lushai, nangma, Southern Chin naung, Chinese coll. min, Gyami, Horpa ni, Manyak no, Angami-Naga no. The root is also found in many other languages and dialects). HE, SHE, IT.--K'yin. Bin-na-nue. (Cf. Bodo bi, Miri bu). WE.-Ali-suda. (This is a very anomalous form, and is evidently from a different root to the singalar.) YE.- Elani. (Cf. Limba k'eni, Kiranti k'ananin.) Also Murmi aini, Sokpa ch'ini, Horpa ni-ni. Looking to these analogies I would derive this word from ha=thou, (Lepcha hau connected with. Tib. coll. k., Tib. 'yod, &c.) and ni=thou (cf. nank above), the word thus being a reduplicated 2nd person, (though from two roots) - a sufficiently common method of forming the plural). Tuey.-Anda. (This differs again completely from the singular form.). Mine.- Alisula. (Probably a mistake for nga.) Tune.-Hani. (For nank?) His.-Ami-shi-la. OURS.-Ali-suda, YOURS.-Hani. THEIRS.-Andauk. ONE.-Tant, (Nat is apparently a numeral auxiliary. As to ta, (cf. Burmese coll. ta, Mithau Naga itta, Manyak tibi, Takpa t'i, Gyarung ka-ti, Limbu tit, Burmese tach.) Two-Krin-tet. (Tet, as will be seen below, is a numeral co-efficient. c. Singpho k'ong, and perhaps Karen 17). THREE.-Sum-tet. (This root for three is very wide-spread, and needs no illustration.) Four.-Pi-tet. (Tho servilo has absorbed the initial letter of the root. Of. Newar pi, Gyarang pli, Murmi Oli, Caro, Uri, Sak pri, Lushai, Lepchn pali, Mikir poils, &o., &o. The root is almost as common as sum.) Five.Naz-let. (Xa 01 Ngo for five is found in most Tibeto-Burman languages. In Southern Chineso it has the clipped form ng'.) Six.-Kik-lat. (Probably from the Shiu hsk. The real Tibeto-Barman root for this numeral appears to be ruls, so that if this is an indigenous word, the servile has displaced the initial letter of the root. The latter is very widely diffused.) SETEX.-Set-tet. C. Chinese sit, Khamti tsct, Kami se-ri, Southern Chin 'si, Gyami choi, Ahom chil, Singplio si-nil, Garo si-ning.) Eient.-P'et-tel. (Cf. Ahom, Klamti, Laos pet, Siamese pet, Chinese coll. pah for pat. Possi bly connected with Murmi, Gurung pre, which root (if p is a servile), appears in a good mony of the Tibeto-Burman languages.) NINE.-Kantel. (cf. Ahom, Khamti, Siamose kal. This root in slightly modified forms appears in most langanges of the family and in Chinese). Tex.-Shirik-nat. (Shim is evidently the real root; ni=Khamti, Laos, Siainese ning =vne. C. Ahom, &c., si, Chineso coll. shih, Singpho, Gyarung si, Sunwar sa-shi, Takpa chi, Murmi chi-wui.) TWENTY.-Sonnt. (Cl. Laos san-nting, Ahom, Khamti sun.) Turs.-San-ski. (ct. Ahom sami-skp, Khamti, Laos, Siamoso siin-ship, Chinese coll. sart-shih, Gyarung ka-san-si, Singpho tum-si.) FORTY.-Shi-ship.-Cj. Ahom, &c., si-sin, (Chinese coll. ssu-ship.) Furry.-II-ship. (C/. Ahom, &c., ha-ship, Southern Chin haul-key it). ONS UCSDRED.-Pauk-nt. (C. Chinese coll. pok for pol; Ahom, Khamti pak.) EAT.-Yok-mat. (Hat or ma is probably the termination of the aorist.)
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________________ MAY, 1893. THE KUDOS OF KATHA AND THEIR VOCABULARY. 135 DRINK.-U-wawn-mat. (Cf. Sakpa w3-1, Karen aw.) SLEEP.-Ek-ma. (cf. Burmese coll. ek, Barmese ip, Limbu ip-se, Vaya in, Mikir, Kami. Southern Chin 1.) WAKE.-Mi-li-ma. LAUGH.-Ni-yok-ma. (Cf. Chepang ini, Angami-Naga nu, Bodo, Garo mi-ni, Singpho ma-nui, Lashai, Kami, Southern Chin noi, Newar nyu, Taungthu nga, Manipuri nok, Murmi nyet, Gurang nyed, Mikir ingnek.) Weep.-Hapna. (Cf. Limbu hab-e, Garo hep, Bodo, Kiranti (one dialect), Manipari kip, Southern Chin kak, Singpho krap-u, Lushai tap, Newar k'wO, Naga kra, Dhimal kar, Kami kia.) BE SILENT.-Ya-p'yi-shi, nim. (Nim is apparently the termination of the 2nd person singular of the Imperative; cf. Burman coll. 'nin, Burmese 'nang, Southern Chin 'naung.) SPEAK.-Tu-ta bauk. (Cf. as to tu, Namsang-Naga tu, Burman t'u, to reply.' As to lauk, Sunwar pak and perhaps Ahom pok, Siamese p'ut.) COME.--Li. (Cf. Dhimal, Gyamile, Burmese la, Manipuri lak, Kami lan, Southern Chin, Lashai, Taungthu 18, Magar ra.) Go.-Nang. (Cf. Lepoha nun, Burmese 'nang, 'to cause to go, to drive'). STAND UP.-Sup-nim. (Of. Singpho isap-u, Nowgong-Naga, Garo chap, Tengsa-Naga sep-tal. SIT DOWN.-T*nonim. (Cf. Burmese t'aing.) MOVE, WALK.Tarak nang, lam ta-yang. (Nang = to go; lam = a path.) Rox.--Ka-mat. (Cf. Bodo k'at, Singpho gagatu, Karen ghe. Perhaps allied to the Burmese ka = to dance.) STO ME.-nga-yan (An is evidently the dative affix.) TO ANY.-hi-yan iyan. The second yan in the second phrase is probably a mistake for yang, which is either the future particle or an alternative one for the aorist (see infra). I is the root to give, the only analogy to it being the same word in Telugu. Hi is probable the Singpho k'(= he) a root found in several of the Tibeto-Burman languages.) PROM ME.-Nga-het lung. 2 (Het is a postposition. As to lang, cf. Tib. lan, Tib. coll., * PROM ANY.-hi-het lang. S . Bhut. len, Mikir long to obtain,' Manipuri lan, Southern Chin lo, Kami, Shandu, Singpho Lushai la, Chepang li, Magar l-o, Garo, Limbu le, Angami-Naga le to accept, take.') STRIKE,-Tan-nang. (Cf. Old Chinese tang, Dhimal danghai, Karen tan-da, Tib. dun, Tib. coll., Serpa, Bhut., Magar ding, Lushai, Southern Chin deng.) Kill.-Wan-shi-yang. (Wan appears to be the root, and is perhaps allied to Bodo wat.) Bring.-Lai. (Probably a shortening of la for lang = to take and i= to give.) TAKE AWAY.-La-nang. (La for lang = to take, and nang = to go.) LIFT UP, RAISE, BEAR, CARRY.-Nga-an. HEAR.-Tet-pu-ma. (Cf. Namsang-Naga, tot-o, Mithan-Naga a-t'al, Gurung t'ed.) UNDERSTAND.-Nga min-sha-ha-ma. TELL, RELATE.-Ho-yang. (Cf. Southern Chin han, Kami ha, Lushai han to abuse,' Burmese haw 'to preach,' Chinese coll. nwa Vayu hat, Old Chinese gwat.) RED.-Hama. (Perhap Karen gaw.) GREEN.-Sin-py-pyi-nga-ma. (It is not clear whether the root is 'sin or pyt. If the former it is allied with the Burmese chin, Singpho ke-tsing, &c., &c.) LONG.-Saut-ma. (Cf. Southern Chin 'sauh, Mithan-Naga cho-ek, Manyak sha, Angami-Naga hac, Shandu si, Lashai, Burmese coll, she, Manipari sang, Kami shang, Burmese 'ran, Tib. ring.)
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________________ 136 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [MAY, 1893. SHORT-Tun-na. (Cf. Singpho ki-tun, Tib. tung, Bhut. tun, Murmi tum, Magar tun, Kiranti dung, Takpa, Gyami tong, Burmese to) Jat TALL MAN.-matamisa saut-ma. will be noticed that ma is prefixed to the word for man.) SHORT MAN.-matamisa tun-na. SMALL-Asina. (Cf. Singpho katsi, Burmese si, Karen 's, Agami-Naga ka-che, Newar chi-ga, Chinese coll. siao.) GREAT.-Tom -ma. (Cf. Karen ds, Namsang-Naga a-dong, Takpa t'en, Lushai, Southern, Chin t'auto be fat'.) ROUND. Waing-waing nga-ma. (From the Burmese. Probably an adverbial form,-sec 'green.") SQUARE. Lesdaung. (Burmese.) FLAT-Palat-k'ara. (Perhaps, Serpa li-blib, Bhut. le-blep, Gurung p'le-ba, Lepcha lep-bo.) LEVEL.-Nyi-tama. (Burmese. Both the words, 'flat' and 'level' are apparently adverbs.) FAT.-Tom-ma. See above, 'great.' THIN. Asina. See above, 'small.' WEARY (BE).-Naung-ma. (Cf. Burmese naung.) THIRSTY (BE). We nga-ta-mat. (We water. Ngata is probably the Burmese ngut.) HUNGRY (BE).-Yok-k'uw-na. MISCELLANEA. DATES FROM SOUTH-INDIAN INSCRIPTIONS. Ante, Vol. XXI. p. 49, I have treated of some dates which, instead of quoting a lunar month, give us the sign of the zodiac in which the sun happened to be on the day intended by the date. I now find that this is a common practice in Southern India'; and to show this, I propose here to treat briefly of the dates of the inscriptions, edited by Dr. Hultzsch in South-Indian Inscriptions, Vol. I. 1 shall begin with the regular dates, and shall first take those which leave no doubt whatever that the months, referred to in the dates, are the solar months. this day was the 13th of the bright half of Sravana, and therefore the month of Sinha, i. e. Bhadrapada, quoted in the date, must be the solar month Bhadrapada. By the southern luni-solar system the year Sukla is Saka 1271 expired, as stated in the date. In that year the Simha-sam kranti took place, and the solar month Bhadrapada began, 8 h. 30 m. after mean sunrise of the 30th July A.D. 1449. And the European equivalent of the date is Saturday, the 2nd August A. D. 1419, when the 13th tithi of the bright half ended 8 h. 43 m., and when the nakshatra was Uttarashadha for 10 h. 30 m., and the yoga Ayushmat for 4 h. 54 m. after mean sunrise. By the lunar calendar 2. On p. 70, an inscription on a stone at Arappakkam is dated:-On Wednesday, the twelfth lunar day of the latter half of the month of Kumbhs of the Akshayu-samvatsara, which was current after the Saka year 1488 (had passed). By the southern luni-solar system the year. Akshaya (or Kshaya) is Saka 1485 expired, as stated in the date. In that year the Kumbhasamkranti took place, and the solar month Phalguna began, 7 h. 58 m. after mean suurise of the 27th January A.D. 1567. And the European 1.-On p. 111, an inscription on the cast wall of the Somanathosvara temple at Padavedu is dated:On the day of (the nakshatra) Uttiradam equivalent of the date is Wednesday, the 5th (i. e., Uttarashadha), which corresponds to the yoga Ayushmat and to Saturday, the thirteenth lunar day of the former half of the month of Simha of the Sukla year, which was current after the Saka year 1371 (had passed).' February A. D. 1567, when the 12th tithi of the dark half ended 20 h. 54 m. after mean sunrise. By the lunar calendar this was the 12th of the dark half of the amanta Magha. 3. On p. 85, an inscription on a stone, built into the floor of the court-yard of the Virinchipuram temple, is dated: On Thursday, the day of (the nakshatra) Punarvasu, which corresponds to the seventh lunar day of the former half of the month of Mesha of the Saumya year. which was current after the Salivalia-Saka year 1471 (had passed)." By the southern luni-solar system the year Saumya is Saka 1471 expired, as stated in the date. In that year the Mesha-sam kranti took 1 The same practice is still followed in Orissa. See ante, Vol. I. p. 64.
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________________ MAY, 1893.1 MISCELLANEA. 137 place, and the solar month Vaisakha began, 19 h. the thirteenth lunar day of the dark half of the 41 m. after mean sunrise of the 27th March A. D. i uonth of Makara of the Yuru-savimvalsara, 1549. And the European equivalent of the date which was current after the Saka year 1497 (had is Thursday, the 4th April A. D. 1549, when the passed).' 7th tithi of the bright balf ended 14 h. 41 m. and By the sonthern luni-solar system the year when the ntshatra was Punarvssu for about Yuvan is Saka 1497 expired, as stated in the date. 17 h. 44 m. after mean sunrise. By tbe lunar And in that year the sun was in the sin Makara, calendar this was the 7th of the bright bulf! or, in other words, the solar month Migha lasted. of Vaisakha, and sbe day thus belunged to both froin 4 h 57 m. after mean sunrise of the 20th the solar and the lunar Vaisakha. December A.D. 1575 to 15 h. 51 n. after mean 4.-On p. 18, an inscription on the north wall sunrise of the 7th January A.D. 1576. During of the Perumal temple at Ganganar near Velor this time there was only one 13th tithi of the is dated: On the day of (the nakshatra) Rohini, dark half, and this tithi lasted from shortly after which corresponds to Monday, the first luar day sunrise of Thursday, the 29th December, to about of the former half of the month of kishabha of the end of the same day, and it cannot in any the Pranathin year. (rohich was) the 17th year of Way be joined with a Wednesday.--In my opinion, (the reign of) Sakalulolachakravartin.' the word Makara of the date is probably an According to Dr. Hultzech, the year Pramathin crror for Dhanuh; for the Dhanuh-sar. kranti of the same year took place 20 h. 36 m. must here be Saka 1261 expiacd. In that year after mean aunrise of Tuesday, the 29th Novernthe Vrishabha-samkranti took place, and the .ber A.D. 1575, and a 13th tithi of the dark half Bular month J yaishtha began, 9 h. 46 m. after mean ended on the following day, Wednesday, the sunrise of the 26th April A. D. 1339. And the 30th November, 5 h. 15 m. after mean sunrise. European equivalent of the date is Monday, the 10th May A.D. 1339, when the first tithi of the This day would belong to the solar Pausha, and by the lunat calendar to the amanta Margasirsha. bright half ended 11 h. 33 m., and when the nakshatra was Rohini for 7 n. 53 m. after mean 7.-On p. 80, an inscription on the base of the sunrise. By the lunar calendar the day was the Isvara temple at Tellor near Velor is dated :first of the bright half of Jyaishtha, and it there *On the day of the nakshatra) Tiruvonam (ie, fore belonged to both the solar and the lunar Sravana), which corresponds to Monday, the fifth lunar day of the former half of the month Jyaishtha. of Karkataka of the Sadharana year (and) the 5.-On p. 104, an inscription or the south wall Saka year 1353.' of a Mandapa at the base of the Tirumalai rock By the sonthern luni-solar system the year is dated : On the day of the nakshatra) Utti. Sadharana is Saka 1352 expired (or 1353 current). ratadi (i.e., Uttarabhadrapada), which corre And in that year the sun was in the sign Karkata, sponds to Monday, the eighth lunar day of the or, in other words, the solar month Sravana former half of the month of Dhanus of the lasted, from 23 h. 13 m after mean sunrise of the Ananda year, which was current after the Saka 28th June to 10 h. 30 m. after mean sunrise of the year 1296 (had passed).' 30th July A.D. 1430. During this time there By the southern luni-solar system the year was only one 5th tithi of the bright half, and this Ananda is Saka 1296 expired, as stated in the ended 17 h 31 m. after mean sunrise of Tuesday, dute. In that year the Dhanub-sankranti | the 25th July. when the moon was in Hasta (18), took place, and the solar month Pausha began, not in Sravana (22), and which therefore clearly 20 h. 21 m. after mean sunrise of the 27th is not the day of the date.-In Saka 1352 expired, November A. D. 1374. And the European equi- the year of this date, the only fifth of the bright valent of the date is Monday, the 11th December half on which the moon was in Sravana was A.D. 1374, when the 8th tithi of the bright half Monday, the 20th November A.D. 1430, which commenced 3 h. 41 m., and when the moon entered by the northern calendar was Marga-sudi 5, aud the nakshatra Uttarabhadrapada 3 h. 17 m. which also was the 22nd day of the solar Maros. after mean sunrise. By the lunar calendar this sirsha. Now, as the solar Margasirsha of the day fell in the bright half of Pausha, and it north would in the south be called the month of therefore belonged to both the solar and the lunar Karttigai, I am inclined to think that Monday, Pausha. the 20th November A.D. 1430, is really the day The four following dates (Nos. 6-9) do not of the date, and that in the date the word work out properly. Karkataka has been erroneously put for Karttigai. 6.-On p. 74, an inscription on a stone at Sattu 8.-On p. 108, an inscription at the Ammaiapvachcheri near Velor is dated :-'On Wednesday, pesvara temple at Padavedu is dated :--To-day,
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________________ 138 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [MAY, 1893 which is the day of the nakshatra) Revati and Maghn of Saka 1290 expired the moon cas in Monday, the seventh lunar day of the former Ruhini at sunrise of Thursday, the 18th January half of the month of Karkataka, which was A.D. 1369, which was the 10th of the bright half current after the Saka year one thousand one of the lunar Mayha: and that the whole year hundred and eighty (had passed).' Saka 1290 expired contains no Tuesday, either in In Saka 1180 expired the sun was in the sign the bright or in the dark halt of a lunar month, Karkata, or, in other words, the solar Srivana on which the moon was in Rohini. lusted, from 11 h. 5 m. after mein sunrise of the 10.-Differing from the above, a date on p. 84, 07th June to 22 h. 21 m. after inean sunrise of from an inscription inside the front Gopura of the the 28th July A. D. 1238. During this time Virinchipuram temple, gives us the solar month, there was one 7th tithi of the bright half, which and both the day of that solar inonth and the commenced 3 h. 58 m. after mean sunrise of Mon. lunar day, without stating, however, whether the day, the 8th July, und ended 1 h 46 m. after mean lunar dny belonged to the bright or to the dark Bulbrise of Tuesday, the 9th July. Here we might half. Dr. Hultzsch translates the date thug 'On feel inclined to assume that the tithi had been the day of the nakshatra) Anusham i.e., Anurdjoined with the day on which it commenced; but dha), which corresponds to Wednesday, the sixth on Monday, the 8th July, the moon was in Hasta lunar day, the 3rd (solar day), of the month of (13) and Chitra (14), not in Revati (27):-Under Pangugi (ie., Phalguni) of the year, any circumstances the date appears to contain an which was current after the Saka year 1947 (had error, but what the exact error may be I am un- passed).' able to decide. If the word Karkataka of the Rutha uthal. By the southern luni-solar system the year date were a mistake for Karttigai, tbe 7th tithi of Visvavasu is Saka 1347 expired, as stated in the the bright half would end on Monday,--the 4th date. The month of Panguni is the solar Chaitra November A. D. 1258, which, by the northern of the northern calendar; and the nakshatra underw Marga-gudi 7 and also the 7th day AnuradhA.joined. in or near Phalguna, with the of the solar Mirasiraha; but on that Monday I sixth lunar day. shows that this sixth lunar day the nakshatra was Sravislitha (23), not Kovati I belonged to the dark half of the lunar month. In 10 Aonin. if in Saka 180 expired we were to Saka 13.47 expired the Mins-samkranti took search for a Monday on which the moon was in place, and the solar Chaitra began, 15 h. 42 m, Rovati and on which also a 7th tithi ended, we after mean sunrise of the 24th Februnry A. D. should find this to have been the case on Monday, 1426 ; and the European equivalent of the date is the 24th June A. D. 1259; but that Monday was Wednesday, the 27th February A. D. 1426, the 7th of the dark half, and on it the sun was in when the 6th tithi of the dark half (of the aminta the sign Mithuna. Phalguna) ended 20 h. 30 m., and when the moon 9.-On p. 125, an inscription on a pillar in the was in Anuradha for about 23 h. after mean Mandapa in front of the Rajasimhavarmesvara sunrise. shrine at KAfichipuram is dated On the day of Another date in Dr. Hultzsch's volume (p. 60. (the nakshatra) Tor (i.e., Rohint), which cor verse 21), which also, like the dates 1-9, quotes a responds to Tuesday, the seventh lunar day of sign of the zodiac, may be omitted here, because the latter half of the month of Makara of the it has been already treated by Dr. Fleet, ante, Vol. Kilaka year, which was current (during the XIX. p. 426. But I would take this opportunity reign) of Kambanna-udaiyar.' to say a few words about the date of the copperAccording to Dr. Hultzsch, the Kilaka year plate in the possession of the Syrian Christmust here be Saka 1291 (current, or 1290 expired). isns at Kottayam which was first given in this In that year the sun was in Makars, or, in other Journal (Vol. I. p. 229) by the late Dr. Burnell, words, the solar Magha lasted, from 15 h. 27 m. and which has again been drawn attention to by after menn sunrise of the 26th December A. D. Dr. Hultzsch, ante, Vol. XX. pp. 287 and 289. 1368 to 2 h. 21 m. after mean sunrise of the 25th According to Dr. Hultesch's translation the date January A. D. 1369. And during this time the is this On the day of the nakshatra) Rohini, 7th tithi of the dark half ended 7 h. 5 m, after Saturday, the twenty-first of the month of Mina mean sunrise of Monday, the 1st January A. D. (of the year in which) Jupiter (wus) in Makara 1369, when the moon was in Chitra (14), not in (within the time) during which the sacred rule of Rohini (4), and which clearly is not the day of the the illustrious Vira-Raghava.chakravartin... date.--I am unable to suggest any correction of was current.' this date, and can only say that during the solar | Dr. Burnell, when writing about this date, 2 The name of the Jovian year has evidently been omitted from this date through an oversight.
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________________ MAY, 1893.] mentioned that he had shown it to the ablest native astronomer (K. Krishna Josiyar) in Southern India, and that in two days he received from him the calculation worked out, proving that the year of the date was A. D. 774, and that this was the only possible year. Now I am sure that the calculation which Dr. Burnell received from the native astronomer was correct, though Dr. Burnell, instead of saying A. D. 774, should have said A. D. 774-775; but A. D. 774-775 is not the only possible year. For I can myself point out two days either of which would suit the astronomical requirements of the date,-Saturday, the and Jupiter was in the sign Makara which it had Again, in Kaliyuga 3875 expired the Minasamkranti took place, and the solar Chaitra began, 4 h. 53 m. after mean sunrise of the 19th February A. D. 775, and, accordingly, the 21st day of the month of Mina (or Chaitra) was Saturday. the 11th March A. D. 775. On that day the moon was in Rohini for about 17 h. after mean sunrise, entered on the 17th October A. D. 774. 16th March A. D. 680, and Saturday, the 11th March A. D. 775. BOOK NOTICE. In Kaliyuga 3780 expired the Mina-sam kranti took place, and the solar Chaitra began, 14 h. 55 m. after mean sunrise of the 18th February, A. D. 680; and, accordingly, the 21st day of the month of Mina (or Chaitra) was Saturday, the 10th March A. D. 680. On that day the moon. BOOK KALHANA'S RAJATARANGINI, or Chronicle of the Kings of Kashmir, edited by M. A. STEIN, Ph.D., Principal, Oriental College, Lahore, Vol. I. Sanskrit text with critical notes. The two great Asiatic nations, with a very ancient but isolated civilization, afford a striking contrast in their treatment of history. The Chinese possess not only authentic chronicles, going back year by year to the eighth century B. C., but also historical accounts of their royal dynasties, beginning from a period considerably earlier than 2000 B. C. India, on the other hand, did not produce any work of even a quasi-historieal character till more than a thousand years after the commencement of our era. That a people so intellectually gifted as the Indians, who reached an advanced stage in philosophical speculation. and showed great accuracy of observation in linguistic investigations several centuries before Christ, should have entirely lacked the historical sense. is certainly a remarkable phenomenon. The explanation is probably to be found in the fact that when the Aryan conquerors had overspread the plains of Hindustan, the Indian mind, influenced by the climate, turned more and more away from the realities of active life towards speculation, arriving as early as the sixth century B. C. at the conclusion that action is a positive evil. Hence it is not till the twelfth century of our era that the first Indian work was written which at all deserves the name of a history, viz., Kalhana's Chronicle of the Kings of Kasmir. Yet even in that author, as Prof. Weber says, the poet predominates over the historian. The Rajatarangini first became known through Horace Hayman Wilson's essay on the Hindu 139 entered Rohini about 6 h. after mean sunrise, and on the same day Jupiter was in the sign Makara, which it had entered on the 26th November A. D. 679. Perhaps there may be other days which also would suit the date. But even if this should not be the case, I know too little of the history of Southern India to be able to say, which of the two possible equivalents of the date, given above, would be preferable. F. KIELHORN. Gottingen. NOTICE. History of Kasmir, published in 1825. Ten years later the editio princeps appeared under the patronage of the Royal Asiatic Society of Bengal. This edition is based mainly on a Devanagari transcript from a Sarada MS., which has now been proved to be the original of all known MSS. of the Rujatarangini. Its value is not great, owing to the numerous mistakes made in the course of the transcription, and to liberties taken with the text through ignorance of the topography of Kasmir on the part of the Pandits who undertook to edit the work. Troyer's edition, published at Paris in 1840, and comprising only the first six cantos, was based on the same materials. Though an improvement on its predecessor, it is still very defective, and proved of but little use to General Cunningham in his chronological researches. No further progress in our knowledge of the Rajataranging was made till 1875, when Prof. Buller undertook his tour in search of Sanakrit MSS. in Kasmir. This scholar, whose researches have thrown more light on the ancient history of India than those of perhaps any other living Sanskritist, then discovered the codex archetypes of all existing copies of the Rajatarangini It was fortunate that Dr. Stein, a pupil of Prof. Bubler, was enabled to visit the Valley of Kasmir in 1888 and the following years, one of his objects being to obtain possession of this valuable MS. with a view to editing it. Though he found it to he still more difficult of access than it had been during the lifetime of its former owner, on whose death it had to be divided among the heirs, Dr. Stein's persevering efforts were at last, crowned with success in 1889.
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________________ 140 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. The Rujalarangins consists of eight cantos or tarangas, comprising altogether nearly 8.000 verses, and is composed in the ordinary Sloka metre. The codex archetypus, when obtained by Dr. Stein, proved to contain the whole of the work, with the exception of one leaf in the middle and one at the end, these having probably been lost when the partition took place. The name of the copyist, Ratnakantha, is given in the colophons to some of the tarangas, but the date is nowhere stated. However, as the dates of various other works copied or composed by the same writer range from 1648 to 1681 A. D., the MS. in question may safely be assigned to the latter half of the seventeenth century. Though written in a difficult hand, as may be seen from the two facsimile specimen pages reproduced in Dr. Stein's edition, the MS. is remarkably free from corrup tions and mistakes. The faithfulness of the transcription is proved by the fact that the lacunae, which vary in length from one syllable to several verses, being indicated by dots and empty spaces, are left even where it would have been easy to supply the missing letters. Dr. Stein conjectures that the original of Ratnakantha's MS. must have been a very old one, because in one particular passage the copyist is in doubt whether to read tejo or bhojo, a confusion which could only be due to a peculiarity of the Sarada character, not to be found in Sarada inscriptions later than the beginning of the thirteenth century A. D. The syllables and are in this older form of the Sarada character almost identical in form, as e is always written with a vertical stroke before the consonant (ra). It must, however, be borne in mind that the characters used in MSS. may very well have differed from those employed in coins and inscriptions. This peculiar method of writing e is also to be found for instance in a Devanagari MS. of Shadgurusishya, dating from the end of the fourteenth century. It being evident from what has been said that Dr. Stein's edition is practically based on a single MS., the question as to whether the codex archetypus contains any old glosses becomes one of primary importance. It is a satisfaction to be informed that there are actually many valuable marginal notes on details of the topography of Kasmir, besides various readings and corrections, supplied by four different hands. The annotations of two of these, designated as A3 and A3, are old and of considerable critical value. A3, probably a contemporary of Ratnakantha, appears to have revised from the same original what the copyist had written, and to have added the notes and various readings which the copyist had omitted. The additions of A3 are of [MAY, 1893. especial value, inasmuch as he fills up the lacunae, in cantos i to vii not from conjecture, but, as the evidence adduced by Dr. Stein shows, from a MS. independent of the original copied by Ratnakantha. As there seem, however, to be no traces of its use in later copies of the Rijatarangini, this MS. has in all probability been irretrievably lost. Unfortunately the text of Ratnakantha contains numerous corrupt passages in the last third of the seventh and the whole of the eighth canto, while the lacunae are here rarely filled up by At. Considering that this part of the MS. comprises rather more than one-half of the whole work, these omissions are much to be deplored, particularly as the increased trustworthiness of the narrative, as it approaches the times of the author, is counterbalanced by obscurity due to corruptions. Dr. Stein's critical notes show that he has proceeded with great caution in dealing with a task beset with serious difficulties, and the parallel passages which, he brings to bear on obscurities in the text are evidence of the extreme care with which he has executed his work. That there is still scope for emendation in the eighth canto, Dr. Stein is himself the first to acknowledge; but it will be clear to all Sanskritists, who examine his edition, that he has accomplished his task with all the thoroughness possible in the circumstances. Dr. Stein is to be congratulated on having been able, not only to produce the first trustworthy edition of so important a work as the Rajatarangini, but to study on the spot in the course of the last four years the topography of Kasmir, on a knowledge of which the full comprehension of that work so largely depends. It is also fortunate for the subject that this combined task has fallen into the hands of so persevering, energetic, and enterprising a man. Sanskrit scholars will look forward with much interest to the appearance of the second volume, which,besides an in troduction and exegetical notes on the text is to contain a commentary on all matters of historical, archeological, and topographical interest tion of that volume Dr. Stein will have accomoccurring in Kalhana's narrative. On the compleplished a work complete in itself, which will add much to our knowledge of the history and archeology of medieval India. It seems a pity that the book should have been published in the very unwieldy form of atlas folio. But as it has been brought out under the patronage of the Kasmir State Council, this practical drawback was recent instance of the enlightened support extended perhaps unavoidable. We have here another by Indian Princes to the promotion of research and to the preservation of the ancient literature of their country. ABTHUR A. MACDONELL. Oxford.
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________________ JUXE, 1893.) TAMIL HISTORICAL TEXTS. 141 TAMIL HISTORICAL TEXTS. BY V. KANAKASABHAI PILLAI, B.A., B.L. No. 4. -- THE VIKRAMA-CHOLAN-ULA. CIX years ago, during one of my official tours, I halted at Tanjore, and visited the O Sarasvati-Mahal, or the " Palace of the Goddess of Wisdom" in that town. This building forms a part of the residence of the late Rajas of Tanjore, and is so called because it contains a vast library of miscellaneous works composed in Sanskrit, Marathi, Tanul, and English, printed and in manuscript, collected by successive Rajas. The volumes I found neatly arranged and labelled, and catalogues of the books available for the visitor, whose curiosity might tempt him to see what treasures of the ancient lore of the country lie buried there. I did not examine the catalogues of Sanskrit books, because I knew that Dr. Burnell, who was employed as a Judge for several years at Tanjore, bad examined the whole library, and had described everything of that kind that was valuable. But I carefully went through the lists of Tamil works, and found two manoscripts, bearing respectively the titles Vikrama-CholanUla and Kulottungs-Cholan-UIA, which seemed to be of some historical value. They were written on palmyra leaves, about a foot long and one and a half inch broad. The leaves were written on both sides and in clear characters ; but they were fast decaying, the edges breaking under the slightest touch, -tiny insects, more diligent than the antiquarian, having already gone through every leaf of the manuscript and read, marked and digested" a great portion of it. A Tamil Pandit, who accompanied me, and who was an ardent admirer of the ancient masters of Tamil poetry, was in raptures over the two poems, especially their latter parts, in which the author describes in very lascivious strains the amorous demeanour of the women of the palace at the sight of the king; but to me the introductory portions, wherein the ancestry of the Chola princes is given, was of absorbing interest. It struck me at the time that the poems would furnish & clue to the tangled genealogy of the Cholas, which at present cannot be unravelled with the side of information afforded by inscriptions alone. I had them copied at once. Some months afterwards, the late Tyagaraja Chettiyar, Tamil Pandit of the Government College, Kumbhakonam, who had copies of these poems with him, having kindly lent me his manuscripts for my use, I compared them with the copies taken at the SarasvatiMahal, and found little or no difference, except a few blunders made by copyists. I give below the text and translation of the first 182 lines of the Vikrama-Cholan.Ula. The rest of the poem is of no value to the student of history, and is besides of too licentious at character to be rendered into English. As denoted by the title, the work belongs to the class of metrical compositions known in Tamil as " ula." This name is derived from the root ula, which means to stroll' or 'to go in state.' Poems of this class usually begin with an account of the ancestors of the hero, then depict his personal appearance when he sets out from his mansion, followed by his vassals and servants, and conclude with a very elaborate description of the enamoured behaviour of the women of his court, young and old, the eagerness with which they await bis appearance, their joy and confusion when his eyes meet their gaze, their sorrow and sadness when he passes out of their sight. The poem is one of the best of its kind in the Tamil language. For elegance of expression and richness of imagery it may be compared to Moore's Lalla Rookh. It is composed in the Nerisai-kali-venpa metre. The name of the author is not known. The poem begins with the genealogy of the Cholas, which is traced through Brahma, the Sun, and other mythological personages to the king, who is said to have built high banks on both sides of the bed of the river Kaviri. The name of this king is mentioned in the Kalingattu-Parani as Karikala-Chola. His successors are described as follows: 1. The king, who set at liberty the Chora prince, on hearing the poem Kalavali sung by the poet Poygai. This is Sengat-Chola; see my translation of the Kalavali, ante, Vol. XVIII. p. 258.
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________________ 142 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [JUNE, 1893. II. The victor of many a battlefield, who bore on his person no less than 96 scara gained in battle. III. He who constructed a roof of gold to the sacred hall in the temple at Chidambaram. From the Leyden grant it appears that this king was Parantaka-Chola. He also bore the title of Vira-Narayana-Chola. IV. He who conquered the Malainadu, i.e., most probably the Kongu and Chera countries, and killed 18 princes in retaliation for the insult offered to his envoy V. He whose armies seized the countries bordering on the Ganga and Kadaram. VI. He who defeated the king of Vange, and thrice attacked Kalyana, the capital of the Western Chalokyas. VII. He who won the battle of Koppa (or Koppai). The inscriptions of this king, commencing with the words Tirumaga! maruviya seng ol vendan, are found in many parts of the Tamil country, and it appears from them that he was known by the title of Udaiyar brl-Rajondradova, alias KO-Parakosarivarman. VIII. He who made a surpa-sayana, i.e. a couch or bed in the shape of a coiled serpent, for the image of Vishnu at Srirangam. IX. The victor of Kudal-sangama. X. His successor, of whom no particulars are given. XI. He who chased the Pandyas, defeated the Chera, twice quelled the rebellion at Salai, annexed Konkanam and Kannadam, caused the death of the proud king of the Marattas, and abolished all tolls throughout his kingdom. This is Udaiyar 'Sri-Rajarajadeva, alius Ko-Rajakesarivarman, whose inscriptions begin with the words Tirumaga! pola perunilachchelviyum.7 XII. Vikrama-Chola, the hero of the poem, and the son of the last mentioned king. Nig inscriptions begin with the words Tiru manni valara and are found in several of the large teinples in the Tamil districts. He bore the title Udaiyar Sri-Rajendra-Choladeva, alias KoParakesarivarman. Then the poem describes the king's bed-room, his morning-bath, prayers and dress, of which his jewels form the most conspicuous part. The usual complimentary phrases describing the reigning king as the consort of the goddess of the Earth and of the goddesses of Wealth and Victory occur here. This helps us to understand the allusion in almost every inscription of this period to Bhuvanam-muludum-udaiyal or Ulagam-muludum-udaiyA), i.e. the goddess of the Earth, as the mistress of the king. After a tedious and overdrawn account of the royal elephant, the poem proceeds to give a vivid sketch of the pompous pageant which the procession of an oriental king always presents. The king is seated on an elephant under the shade of a magnificent parasol, while his attendants fan him with chauris. Huge sea-shells and pipes are blown; the big drums thunder; the royal bodyguard, with drawn swords, appear behind 1 Archaol. Surv. South. India, Vol. IV. p. 217. Manual of the Salem District, Vol. II. p. 369. * This appears to be the great Rajaraja, whose inscriptions refer to the conquest of Malainko; see SouthIndian Inscriptions, Vol. II. pp. 2 and 236.-3. H.) * [This must be Rajaraja's son Rajendra-Chola, who boasts in his inscriptions to have conquered the Ganga and Kadaram ; ibid. p. 109.-E. H.) 3 [The corresponding verse (viii. 26) of the Kalingattu-Parani suggests that No. VI. is K-RAjakderivarman culina Raj Adhir Ajadeva, who, according to his unpublished insoriptione, "on used to be burnt the palace of the Chalukya (king) in the city of Kampili."-E. H.] * The same battle is mentioned in unpublished inscriptions of Ko- Rajakesarivarman, alias Vira-Rajendradeva. -E.R.] T'I cannot follow Mr. Kanakasabhai hero, but believe that the king referred to is Kulottunga I. (A. D. 1063 to 1112.)-E..] In my opinion, the hero of the poem is not Rajendra-Chola, but Vikrama-Chola, who ruled from A. D. 1112 to 1127; see ante, Vol. II. p. 282.-5. 11.)
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________________ JUNE, 1893.) TAMIL HISTORICAL TEXTS. 143 him; the tiger banner flutters in the breeze; and before and on both sides of him come, mounted on horses, his vassal kings and nobles, an interesting and detailed list of whom is given : 1. Foremost in the brilliant assemblage of princes is the Tondaiman. This is evidently the Pallava king, who was at this time a feudatory of the Cholas. He is said to have defeated the Cheras, the Pandyas, and the kings of Malava, Sinhala and Konkana. 2. Munaiyar-kon, or the king of Munai, a place now known as Tirumunaippaoi. The word Munaippadi signifies a war-camp, and the place appears to have been so named because it marked the boundary between the Chola and Pallava kingdoms, before the latter had merged into the Chola dominions. 3. Chola-kon, or the viceroy of the Chola kingdom proper, 4. The Brahman Kannan. This name is a Prakrit form of the Sanskrit Koishna. He is said to have been a native of the town of Kanjam, which is I believe now called Kanjanur and is in the Tanjore district. He was a minister in charge of the palace and the treasury. 5. Vanan, or the Bana king. 6. Kalingar-kon, or the king of Kalinga. His capital was Kalinganagara, the modern Kalingapatam in the Vizagapatam district. 7. Kadavan, the king of the hill-fort of Senji. As Kidavan, 'the forester,' is a Tamil synonym of the Sanskrit Pallava, he appears to have belonged to the Pallava royal family. His fortress 'Senji, which is spelled Gingee in English, belongs to the modern South Arcot district. 8. The king of Vanadu. This is the ancient name of the southern part of the Travancore territory. 9. Anantapalan, who is said to have been famous for his charities. 10. Vattavan. This seems to be a Tamil form of the Sanskrit namo Vatsa. He stormed the three-walled town of Mannai, which was defended by Aryas. In the inscriptions of Rajendra-Cho la, this town is referred to as conquered by the king, and the name is coupled with Katakam, indicating most probably that Mannai and Katakam were identical or adjacent to each other. Katakam is the modern Cuttack in the province of Orissa. 11. The king of Chodinadu. This may be Chedi or Bundelkhand, but is more probably another Chedi, & petty principality in the Tamil country, the capital of which was Tirukkovalar in the South Arcot district. 12. The chief of Anaikkaval, i. e., Tiruvanaikkaval in the Trichinopoly district. 13. Adigan. This is the title of the chiefs of Dharmapuri in the Salem district, the ancient Tagadar or Takata. 14. Vallabhan, the Nulamban, i.e. the king of Nulambavadi, a division of the Mysore territory. 15. Tirigattan [i. e. the king of Trigarta). This description of the king's appearance in pablic agrecs so well with what Marco Polo, the Venetian traveller, saw about two centuries later when he visited Southern India, that I am tempted to quote his words. "It is a fact," says hc, "that the king goes as bare as the rest, only round his loins he has a piece of fine cloth, and round his neck he has a necklace entirely of precious stones, rabies, sapphires, emeralds and the like, in so much that his collar is of great value .......... The king aforesaid also wears on his arms three golden bracelets thickly set with pearls of great value, and anklets also of like kind he wears on his legs, and rings on his toes likewise. So let me tell you, what this king wears between gold and gems and pearls, is worth more than a city's ransom. And there are about the king a number of Barons . An inscription of an Adigaimag appears at page 106 of Dr. Hultzsch's South Indian Inscriptions, Vol. I.
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________________ 144 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [JUNE, 1893. in attendance upon him. These ride with him, and keep always near him, and have great authority in the kingdom, they are called the king's trusty lieges."10 TEXT. Atti makattuttamanai nittaninai chittame. Tavalattamarai tatar kovil A valaipporrutum aruntami! kuritte Chir tanta tamaraiyal kelvan tiruvutarak Kar tantavuntik kamalattu - partanta Atikkadavuddichai mukanumankavantan Katarkula maintan Kachipanum - metakka 5. Maiyaru kadchi Marichiyum mandilam Cheyya tani yalitteronum - maiyal kur Chintanai avisku musrattirutterin Maintanaiyurnta maravenum - paintadat Taduturaiyil adupuliyam pulvayum 10. Kada niruddiya korravanum - nidiya Makavimanantanaiyuranta mannavanap Pokapuripuranta pupatiyum - yakattu Kuralariya manukkunarntu kurrukku Tera valakkuraitta Chembianum - maralin 15. Todi maraliyolippa mutumakka! Tadi pakutta tarapatiyam - kudartam Tunkum eyil etinta Cholanumerkadalil Vinkunir kil kadalil viddonum - ankup Pilamatanir pukkuttan peroligal Nakar 20. Kulamakalaik kaippidittakovu - mulakariyak Kikkum chiru puravu kakka kalikurntu Takkum tulai pukunta tuyonum - mekkuyarak Kollum Kudakakkavadudasuttiliyat Tallum tirai Ponni tantonum - tellaruvich 25. Chennippuliyeriruttikkiri tirittup Ponnikkarai kanda pu patiyum - minnarulin Metakka Poikai kavi kondu Villa vanai Patattalai vidda parttipanum - mitella Menkonda tonnurrin melumiru mantu 30. Punkonda venrippuravalanan - kankonda Kotilatteral kunikkuntiru manrai Katalar pon meynta kavalanun- tutarkkayp Pandu pakal ontilironpatu chiramun Konda Malainadu kondonum-tandinar 35. Kanka natiyum Kadaramum kaikkondu Chinkatanattirunta Chembiyanum - Vankattai Murrum muranadakki mummadipoyk Kaliyanam Chersa tani yanaich chevakanum -parralarai Veppattadu kalattu velanka! ayiramum 40. Koppattorn kalirrar kondonu - mappa lanul Padaravat Tonn-Aranka meyarkkup panmaniya 10 Marco Polo's Travels, by Col. Yule, Vol. II. Bk, III. Chap. XVII.
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________________ JUNE, 1893.] TAMIL HISTORICAL TEXTS. Ladaravappayalamaittonam-Kudalar Chankamattu kollam tanipparanikkennirainta Tunkamata yanai tunittonumankavanpin 45. Kaval purinta vani kattavanum enrivarkal Puvalayam murrum parantatar pin - mevalartam Chelaitturantu chilaiyaittadintirakar Chalaikkalam arutta tandinan-melaik Kadal kondu Konkanamun Kannadamankaikkon 50. Dadal konda Maraddarachai-yudalai Yirakki vada varaiye yellaiyayttollai Marakkaliyunchunkamum marri - yarattikiri Varittikiri valamaka vantalikku Marirpoli tol Apayarkup-parvilankat 55. Tonriya kon Vikkiramacholan veddaittumbai Munru murachu mukil mulanka - nonralaiya Mummaippuvanam parakka mudikavittu Chemmaittanikkol tichaiyalappa - vemmai Vidavudpaduttu vilakkavikai eddu 60. Kadavudkaliru kalippa - chudarcher Inaittar makadam irakki archar Tunaittal apichekanchudi panaitteru Niraliye lum nilavaliyeluntan Poraliyonrar potu nikki chirarum 65. Meya tikiri viri mekalaiyalkur Ruya nila madantai tolkalinum - chayalin Notumulakankal euntanittudaiya Kotil kula maikai konkaiyinum - potil Niraikinra chelvi neduikankalinum 70. Uraikinra nalil oru nal- araikalarkal Tennar tirai alanta muttirchilapundu Tennar malai arachoheranintu - tennar Varavidda tenral adi varuda vadkan Poravidda perayam porra - iraviada 75. Nittilappantarkil ninilappayalir Rottalar malai tunaittolum maittadan Kanpum mulaiyum periya kaliyannam Ennumulakankal eladaiya-pennanaiku Peyta malar oti pen chakkiravarttiyudan 80. Eytiya palli initeluntu- poyyata Ponnitturai manchanamadip puchurarkai Kannittalirarukin kappanintu - munnai Maraikkoluntai velli malaikkoluntai mavulip Piraikkoluntai vaitta piranai karaikkalattu. 85. Chekkarppagi vichumpai teyvattanichehadarai Mukkad kaniyai mudivananki - mikkuyarnta Tanattolil mudittu chattum takaimaiyin Manakkalankal varavaruli tenmoittu Chulumalar mukattu chonmamakaludane. 90. Talumakarakkalai tayanka-valun Tada mulaippur madantai tannudane te lir 145
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________________ 146 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. (JUNE, 1893. Chudar manikkeyuran ch Intu - padarun Tanippilapperunkirttit taiyaludane Manikkadakan kaiyil vayai kap-papippana. 95. Muyar kuntiruvudane munnir kodutta Vayauku mani marpinin malka - vayaoke Varunkorra matiskumanaikinudane Marunkipsiravadaira! vayppat - tiruntiya Va nappadimattaru perasiyaointu 100. Vanyattalavin vanappamaittuk - kapontalog Kaman chilai vanakka vaukiya kaddalakait Ta ma mudivanakkam tantanaiya-kamarupus Kolattodu peyarntu koyirpuraninru Kalattirun kadakkalinu - Alattu 105. Tane mulai kuvataprittanak ketire Vane mulaukinum vanradavi - vanuk Kaniyumaruppamadarkaiyuminmai Taniyum yamarachataqdamatupiyar Pariya porunkodi kanattup panaikka 110. Ariya oru taneyaki - kariya Malaikkoddai madittidiyak kattum Kolaikkoddu veikala koddam - malaittoda Vusu matam tanateyika vulakattu Velu matam pera vekattar - kuronate 115. Tan kipposaiyasrattattam pidar nipra Vaokipposaiyai menmulutu - monkiya Korrappuyamirandaskuman Akalankan Murrapparintataspin mun patam -- murra Varattamata mafantu matirattu velam 120. Parutta kadantilaittuppayap -- perukkat Tuvaittu maturachuvadu mitittodi Yavarsinaravankandari - yivarpai Yalittavan enkomina talaninru Kalittanavenravakkuikalina - nelittiliya 125. Verruppulattai vetittakkotitlamaru Logrupparuma onarinnuyiraik - kurrak Karuttumayirapatanintatanai Yiruttippadi padiyayerit - tiruttakka Korrak kavikai pilarrakkulirntirad daik 130. Karpaikkavariyilankalachaippa - vorrai Valampuriyata valaikkulanka!Arppach Chilambumurachu chilamba - pulampayil Vadpadai torra mara mannavar nerunkak Kodpulikkkorrak kodiyonkach - chedpulattut 135. Tennara MAluvarun Chinkalarui Konkanatta Mannaruntorka Malainadar - munnan Kulaiyapporutorukarkonda parani Malaiyattarum Tondaimun-palarmudime Larkkuukalakal Apakaorauatavaiyil 140. Parkkumatimantrapalakaril - porkkut Todukkappunaitumbai thachinoduchudak
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________________ JUNE, 1893.] TAMIL HISTORICAL TEXTS. Kodakkappanai Munaiyar konum - Udukkaraiyum Kankaraiyu Maraddaraiyun Kalinkaraiyun Konkaraiyamenaik Kudakaraiyan - tankon 145. Maniyam poluta muri puruvattodu Kuniyunchilaich Cholakonun- chanapatitan Toluukalachamunchurramunkorrappor Valumpuliyumatiyamaichchu- nalumay Manchaikkilitta valarum perum purichaik 150. Kanchattiramaraiyon Kannanum venchamattup Pullata mannar pulaludampu peyvanka Vollaraikkurramayir vankap- pullarvan Tankumadamatar tattankulai vanka Vankum vari chilaikkai Vananum - Venkaiyinuu 155. Kudar Vilinattui Kollattun Konkattum Modal Iraddattum Oddattum - mada Ladiyeduttu veverarachiliya virak Kodiyedutta Kalinkar konum - kadiyarapach Chemporpatanaichcheriyinchi Chenchiyarka 160. Kambakkaliyanaik Kadavanum - vembik Kalakkiyavanchakkaliyanaipparil Vilakkiya Venadar ventum-talaittaramam Varik Kumari mutal Mantakiniyalvum Parittavan Anantapalanum - Ariyarin 165. Muddipporutar Vada-Mannai mummatilum Madditta malyanai Vattavanum - maddaiyelak Katittiru nadduk kaddaranan kaddalitta Chetittiru nadar chelvanum - putalattu Muddiya tevvar chadai kadda moikalarkul 170. Kaddiya kar Anaikkavalanum - Oddiys Manavarachaririya Vada-Kalinkat Tanai tupitta Atikanum Minavartan Koddarunk Kollamunkonda kodai Nulamban Vaddar matayanai Vallavanum - koddaranak 175. Konkaikkulaittuk Kudakaikkuvadiditta - Chenkaikkalirrut Tirikattanum - ankavanpin Vallavanun Kochalanu Makatanu Maluvanum Villavanni Keralanu Minavanum -Pallavanum Ennum perumperkalennili mandilikar 180. Munnum iru marunkumoittindap- panmanicher Choti vayiramadakkunchudarttodiyar Viti kurukutalum - - 147 TRANSLATION. My soul! Pray thou daily to the excellent (Ganapati) that has the face of an elephant! Let us praise her (Sarasvati) whose shrine is the white water-lily, full of pollen, so that she may inspire us with elegant Tamil! The first of gods, creator of the earth (Brahmi), who rose with faces four out of the water-lily, that grew from the dark navel of the sacred person of (Vishnu) the spouse of that goddess whose seat is on the lovely lotus flower. Then his beloved son Kasyapa. Then great Marichi, a faultless seer. Then he whose car rolls on a single flaming wheel. Then that
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________________ 148 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. (JUNE, 1893 stern sire who drove his chariot over his son to soothe a cow in dire distress. Then the mighty monarch who made the timid fawn and the fierce tiger drink together in the same cool springs. Then the king who rode an serial car and mounting to the skies) saved Bhogapuri. Then the Sembiyan (i.e. the Chola) who by a solemn sacrifice created a wondrous man and won his cause, satisfying the rathless god of death. Then the sovereign who shared the grey beard of elders and drove Yama out of his sight. Then the Chola who stormed the castles of his foes which hung in the air. Then he who let into the Eastern bay the swelling waters of the Western sea. Then the prince who bravely went down a cavern, and by his radiant beauty won the hand of the noble daughter of the Naga race. Then that generous man who is known to all the world as having joyously entered the scales to be weighed), to save a little dove. Then he who brought the river Ponni (Kaviri) whose rushing current cats its way through the rocky ridges of high Kudagu. Then the king who set his tiger (banner) on the mountain whose summit gleams with crystal waterfalls, and formed high banks to control the floods of the Poggi. Then the sovereign who heard the lofty lay of Poygai and graciously struck the fetters off the feet of the Villavan (i. e. the Chora king). Then that conqueror whose person was covered with scars (gained in battle), twice three and ninety in number. Then that guardian (of the world) who, with pions love, covered with sheets of gold the roof of the hall where Siva (literally, pare honey) dances. Then he who, to avenge his envoy, obtained of old, in a day, the heads of twice nine princes and conquered Malainadu. Then he who sat on his throne while his armies seized the Ganga and Kadaram. Then that matchless soldier who broke the power of the king of) Vanga and thrice attacked Kalyana. Then he who, riding on a single tusker, killed his enemies in a fierce fight at Koppa and took a thousand elephants. Then he who, with gems of many kinds, made a coach in the shape of a hooded serpent for the god (Vishna) of the Southern Rangam (Srirangam) where ancient (Vedic) hymns are sung. Then he who cut down countless majestic rutting elephants, and won a great victory at Kapal-sangams. Then he who after the above watched and protected the earth. After all these kings had ruled the whole compass of this earth, came the Abhaya whose shoulders were adorned with garlands of ar; who, with his army which had chased the sel (a fish, the flag of the Pandya) and broken the bow (the flag of the Chora) and twice cat the rebels at Salai, annexed Konkanam and Kappadam (and all the land) up to the shores of the Western sea; caused the death of the proud king of the Marattas; rid the country of all evils and tolls; and ruled with mercy the whole of this sea-girt earth up to the bounds of the Northern mountain. His illustrious son Vikrama-Chola assumed the diadem amid the thundering of the three drams, and governed the three worlds, extending his righteous dominion in all directions, the cool shade of his umbrella removing all evil (or unhappiness) and gladdening (the hearts of the eight celestial elephants (which guard the eight points). Kings took off their glittering crowns, which were wound with wreaths of flowers, and bowed their heads at his pair of feet. He brougat under his own martial sway the seven swelling seas and the seven continents. While thus he reclined on the shoulders of the goddess of the Earth, like the broad and bright girdle on whose hips are the chains of mountains, and on the bosom of the beauteous and chaste virgin (the goddess of Victory) who is the sole mistress of the seven worlds, and in the presence (literally, long eyes) of the goddess of Wealth who dwells in the (lotus) flower, -one morning, he rose brightly from his bed which was all white as the moonlight, under a canopy of pearls, and to which he had retired overoight, wearing the choicest pearls paid as tribute by the Southern (Pandya) princes; his person perfamed with the paste of the sandal of their (the Pandyas') mountain; his feet wooed by the southern breezes at their bidding; accompanied by the empress" Mistress of the seven worlds," who, with bright large eyes and swelling bosom, her tresses twined with fresh blossoms, and her shoulders wound with strings of fragrant flowers, was gracefal as a goddess and gay as the playful swan, and served by a group of women whose glances wound like sharp swords. (Having risen) he bathed in the river Ponni whose current never dries up, and put on his wrist a bracelet made of the tender shoots of the arugu grass, handed to him by his priests, and offered his prayers to him (Sive) who is the light of the ancient
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________________ JUNE, 1893.] TAMIL HISTORICAL TEXTS. 149 Vadas, the fame on the silver mountain (Kailasa), who wears the young crescent on his head, whose throat is dark, and whose ethereal body is of a ruddy hue, who is the supreme luminary amongst gods, who has three eyes, and who is full of mercy. (Then) he distributed large sums of money (to the Brahmans) and was pleased to send for the (royal) jewels whose magnificence passeth description. On his face, which was the seat of the goddess of Eloquence, and which bloomed like a full-blown flower beset by bees, sparkled fish shaped ear-rings. On his shoulders which bore the broad-bosomed goddess of the Earth, he set epaulets, which blazed with brilliant gems. On his wrists, where the restless goddess of Fame sat, shone bracelets set with precions stones. On his chest, which was the abode of the goddess of Wealth, beamed the priceless jewel which the ocean gave up when churned (by the gods) with the great snake (Vasuki for a rope). At his waist, he placed gracefully his sacred sabre on which lay the great goddess of Victory. Having put on rich and rare ornaments of exquisite beauty and arrayed himself gorgeously, he issued out of the palace, appearing so enchantingly handsome, that it seemed as if 'Siva had bestowed on him, while he bowed his wreathed crown to the god, all the heavenly charms of which he had deprived Kama (Cupid) when the latter had once bent his bow on the god. There stood before him the huge and fierce royal elephant which would not brook to hear the roar of other elephants, and if it heard the thunder of the clouds, would sweep (with its trunk) even the sky, and finding no trunk or tusks opposing it, would be appeased; which would alone bear the heavy war-banner, and with its death-dealing tusks batter and break down even hard rocks; which, being unaccustomed to the smell of other rutting-juice but its own, - when Akalanka (i.e. the Spotless) had, with his swelling victorious shoulders, removed from the neck of the ele. phants which guard the eight points, the burden (of this earth), which they had borne with silent angaish, and made them forget the aching pain of their forelegs and discharge rut in floods,scenting their rat, followed up the current of the floods, and pacified by the sounds of the celestial elephants, rejoiced that they were gladdened by the favour of its royal master; which would trample under foot and lay waste the enemies' lands and furiously devote to death the dear lives of the princes who face it on the field of battle. On such an AirAvata (or white elephant) he mounted step by step, and sat under the shade of a superb umbrella. A pair of thick chauris fanned cool and gentle puffs of wind; the deep sound of the great sea-shell swelled; bands of pipes made shrill music; the silambu and the big drums thundered; the well-drilled bodyguard of swordsmen appeared ; high above all waved the banner of the conquering tiger ; and there crowded warrior kings, such as: - the Tonqaiman, who in a single campaign scattered the armies of Malainadu and defeated the Tennar (Pandyas), Maluvar, Singalar, Konkanar, and other kings of distant lands; and of the ministers of Anagha, whose sounding anklets rest on many a crowned head, the Munaiyar-koNG, who with his headgear winds the wreath of victory in besieging enemies' strongholds; and the Chola-kon who, whenever his sovereign is displeased with the Udukkar, Kangar (Gangas), Maraftar, Kalingar, Kongar and other Western nations, bends his bow on them with a frown; and the Brahman Kanpan of the town of Kanjam, the high walls of which pierce the clouds, who daily superintends the royal gaard, treasury, palace, sword (or armoury), tiger (standard) and council; and the Vanan, armed with the bow bound with leather, who offers the lives of rival kings to death, their stinking carcasses to demons, and compels their fond mistresses (who have become widows) to remove their ear-rings (and other ornaments); and the Kalinga king, who with his victorious banner has put to flight many a prince in Vangai, Vilinam, Kollam, Kongam, Irattam and Oddam; and the Kadavan, who rides the gay elephant, king of the hill-fort of Benji, which, crowded with battlements, resembles the unassailable red mountain (Meru); and the king of Venadu who drove the rogue elephant, which canged people to tremble by its great fury; and Anantapalan, who performed deeds of great charity and spread his fame from Kumari to the Mandakini; and the Vattavan, whose huge elephant broke down the three walls of Northern Mannai, where the Argas had fought hard for their town; and the prince of the sacred Ohodinadu, who levelled to the ground the strong fortifications of Kadi; and the chief of Apaikkaval, who, when he ties the sounding anklet on his leg, never fails to compel the foes whom he encounters, to tie up the hair
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________________ 150 TIE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [JUNE 1993. ------------- on their head in tangled knots; and the Adigan, who cut down the armies of Northern Kalinga and routed the king of Oddiyam; and Vallabhan, the munificent Nulamban, who, riding a rutting elephant, conquered Kottaru belonging to the Minavar (Pandyas), and Kollar; and Tirigattan of the red-trunked elephant, who overthrew Kongu which is defended by mountains, and knocked down the crags of Kudagu ; and after him came the Vallavan, Kobulan, Magadan, Maluvan, Villavan, Keralan, Minavan and Pallavan. Surrounded in this manner in front and on both sides by great kings and chiefs without number, he approached the street where live the fair women whose polished bracelets sparkle with many genis and brilliant diamonds. A PRELIMINARY STUDY OF THE KALYANI INSCRIPTIONS OF DHAMMACHETL 1476 A. D. BY TAW SEIN KO. (Continued from poge 89.) TEXT. Obverse face of the First Stone. Namo tassa bhagavato arahato san musambuildhassa. Siddha bhavantu Jinacak kavarabhivaddhiyo siddham Buddhassa namo. Ramannadesapatibhu-Bamadhipatina kata Jinasasanasathyuddhi tam pavatti kathiyate. Ramavadesa patibhu-Ramadhipatiraja-kalo Jinasasanassa suddbi. Sakyamunino Sammasambuddhassa parinibbanato dvinnan Vassagatanam upars atthuragamo vasse vitivatte Dhammasokaraja abhisekam papuni. Tato catuttha vasse Nigrodhasamaneram paticca Buddhasaga ne sajata 'tiviya pasadena bhikkhunam labhasakkara vepullam agamasi; titthiyanam parihayi. Atha titthiya labhasa kkaram patthayamina keci bhikkhusu pabbajjitvi upasampajjitva sakani sakani Sassatadini ditthigatani pakusenti. Keci pana sayam ova pabbajjitva bhikkhu. vesan gahatva sak ni sakani ditchigatani pakasinti. Te sabba ni uposatlaidis aughakanian karontanam bhikkunam antaram pavisitva nisidanti. Tuna parisa asuddhati saighu upu satharis na karoti. Tato Asokarama sattavassani uposatho pacchijji. Tam paticca raja Dhammasako sasan'-appanna-mala-kantaka-'bbadapaharanina sasanat sodhetukamo Moggaliputtatissa mahathiram upanissayam katva, Vibhajja vudi Sammisambuddho. sassatadiva lino titthiyati samayam uggahetva, sabbe bhikkhu sannipatapetva samanaladdhike ekatu vasapatva, tato ek 'ekar niharitva; kimvadi Sammasambuddho ti? vutte Vibhajjavadi Sammasambuddho ti vadanta saganikabhikkhu satthisatasahassa ahesum; Sassatadivadi Sammisambuddho ti vadanta pana titthiyabhuta papabhikkhu satthisahassa ahesun. Atha raja te sabba pi satthisahasso papabhikkhu uppabbajetva, "parisuddha dani parisa, karotu sangho uposathakamman ti" vatva nagaram pavisi. Tato Moggaliputtatissamahathoro Asokarame tohi sabbehi satthisatasa hasschi bhikkhuhi saddhim uposatham akasi. Tad avasane sankhepena Bhagavata desitam Kathavatthu-pekaranam Bhagavata dindanaye thatva vittharetva desisi. Tato param yatha 'yasina Mahakassapathero chalabhionacatupatisambhidapatte pancasatamatte khinisavabhikkhu uccinitva sattamasam Pathamasangitim akasi; yatha c 'ayasma Mahayasathero chalabhinna. catupatisambhidapatte sattasatamatte khinasavabhikku uccinitva atthamasam Dutiyasangitim akasi; evam chalabhinnacatnpatisambhidapatte bahassamatte khinibavabhikku riccinitva navamasam Tatiyasangitim akasi. Sangitikaranavasane pana anagate sasanam paccantarat. thesu patitthahissatiti viditva "tosu tesu rathesu sasanam patitthapothiti" te te Majjhantika 1 Throughout this text is represented by co by oh: the diacritical sign representa sandhi: the sigu-represents a long vowel.
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________________ JUNE, 1893.] KALYANI INSCRIPTIONS. 151 theradayo there pasesi. Tesu Mahamahindatheram Tambapannidipe sasa nam patitthepetum pesesi ; Sonatheram pana Uttaratheran ca Suvannabhumirattha-sankhataRamannadesa sasanam patittha petum pesesi. Tada Suvaanabhumiratt ho Sirimasoko rama raja rajjam karosi. Tassa rajatthani, nagaram Kelasabhapabbatacetiyassa pacchimanudisayam hoti. Tassa tu nagarassa pacin'n paddhabhago pabhatam nidhani Joti, pacchim 'upaddhabhagu saine bhumibhige hoti. Tam pana nagaram Golamanussagharanam viya mattikgharanam buh ulataya Golamattikanagaran ti yav 'ajjatana voharanti. Tassa pananagarassa samuddopakatthattha samuddavisi rakk hasiraino gehe an vijatam darakan satatani galetva khadati. Taasmim ca thura gamanasamayi rattiram mino aggamahesi ekain darakam vijayi. Sapi rakklasi ranno gehi dara kassa nibbattabhavam natv tam khaditu kami pancasataparivar nigarabhimukli ilgacchati. Mannssa tam disva bhitatusita viravanti. Tada dve thera ativiya bhayanaku rakhasi-sihat-sadiso eka-sisa-dvidhubhut:t-sihin kaye disva, tato rakkhasi-gannto diguno attabhava mupetvi, anabandhitva rudha. pesun. Atha te pisaca theramapiti digune attabhave cisva, "mayain pi dani imusam bhakkha bhavissamati" bhita samadelabhimukha dhavims. Thera puna toram anagamanatthaya dipassa samanta irakkham sainvidalitvi, tada sannipatitanam mannssunari Brahmajalasuttam desesum. Desankvasino sathisahassanam manussanam dhammabhisamayo ahusi: adduddhani purisasa hassuni diyaldhani c 'itthisuhassini pabbajiungu; avasusa pxma manussu sarnasuca silesu ca patitthahimsu. Evam Sammasambuildhassa parinibbanato dvinnam vassasatanam upari chattisatime Vasse vitivatte imasmim Ramainadoso dve thera sasanam patitthapesun ti datthabbam. Tato pabhuti Bamannadase tadahu jatarajakumaranam sonuttarati namam akarimsu. Sabbesam abhinavajatadarakanan ca rakkha-sayanivaranatthain bhuje va panne va thera-mapit'-attabhava-rupam likhitva, siso pari thapayirsu. Nagarissa pacin uttaradisam bhage girimatthako thera-mapit-'attabhava-rupam silamayam katva thapayiinsu. Tam rupam yav 'ajjatana dissati. Evan Ramannadesi susanapatitthinato patthaya cirakantam dibbati. Gacchante gacchante kule mahamandalassapi Ramannadosassa visum visum damarikattakaranina bhinnatta, ahivatarogapilitatta, dubbhikkhapilitatti, varacakkasai khittaya sattarajasinaya-bhibhutatta ca, Rana unatthanam dubbalam jatam. Tuna tam nivusinar bhikkhinam sukhena pariyattim va patipattim va paripuretum asakkuneyyatta sasanam pi dubbalam jatam. Suriyakumaro ti pana patiladdhakamarauamassa Manohariranno rajjakaranakalo accantadubbalam jatam. Tada Sammasambuddhaparinibbanato chasatadhikavassasahassam hotiti datthabbain. Ek 'uttarachasatadhikavassasahasse pana kale ruddha-rupa-bodasakkaraje Arimad. danapur 'issaren' Anuruddhadevena rnana sapitakattayam bhikkhusangham anetva Pugamasankhate Arimaddanapure sasanam patitthapitam. Tato satt 'uttarasatavassakalo rasa-yama-pana-sakkaraja Lankadipasmim Sirisanghabodhi-Parakkamabahuraja sasanam visadhesi. Tato pana chatth; vassi yama-sikhi-pa 18-sakkaraje Laikadipa setiyabhivandanatthaya Pugamabhupacariyabhuto Uttarajivamahathero: "sambahulehi bhikkhuhi saddhin navam abhiruhissaniti" yena Kusimanagaram tena pakkami. Ko pan 'esa Uttarajivamahathutu ti? Aya hi thoro Ramannadesiyaputto Ariyavansatharassa sisso; Ariyavamsathoro pana Kappunganagaravasi-Mahakalatherassa sis87 ; 87 pana Sudhammanagaravasino Prana. dassimahatherassa sisso; su tu lokiyajjhunabhinnalabbi tappaccaya pato va Magadharatthe Uravelayan mahabudhiyanganan sammajjitva, puna paccagantvi, Sudhammapuriya piraya carati. Tassa ca patidinam pato va mahabodhiyanganam sammajjanakale, Sudharmapurato Magadharatthagamino Uruvelavasi-vanijjaka manussa disva, paccagantva Sudhammapuriyanam
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________________ 152 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [JUNE, 1893. manussanam aracenti. Tasma Prunadassimahatherd lokiyajjhanabhinoasamapattilabbiti sanjaniisu. Uttarajivamahathero Kasimanagaram patva, sambahulehi bhikkhuhi paripunnavisativassena ca samanerena saddhim navam abhiruhi. Ku pan'esa samanero? Kasmi nam Chapatasamanoro ti vohariyatiti? So bi Kusimaratthavasinam patto Uttarajivamahatherassa sisso. Kusimarattho Chapato ti laddharumagamavasinam pattatta Chapato samanera ti vobariyati. Uttarajivamahuthoro pi navam abhiruhitva, Lai kadipam gato. Tato Laukadipavasino mahathara tena saddhim dhammiya kathaya satsanditva samanubhasitva sampiyayamani: * mayam Lankudipe sasanapatitthapakassa Mahamahindathurassa pavenibhuta; tamhe pana Savannabhumirathi sasa napatitthapakanam Son 'Uttarabhidhunanna dvinnam mahutheranam pavenibhuta. Tasma sabbe mayam ekato sanghakammam karissumati" vatva, paripunuavisativassam Chapatasamaneram upasampudenti. Tato param Uttarujivamahathero Laukadipe yam kinci cetiya-vandanadi-kiccam nitthape. tabbam, tam sabban nithupetva, Pagamanagaram paccagantum arabhi. Atha Chapatabhikkhuss letad ahosi : "sackham pi Uttarajivamahatherena saddhim paccagamissami, tattha natipalibudhana yathaphasakam uddesaparipuccham katam na sakkhissami. Appava namaham mahatheram apaluketva, idh'eva Laikadipe vasitva, uddesaparipucchavasena s'atthakatham pita kattayam nggahetva va, paccagameyyan ti." Tato so Uttarajivamahatheram apaloketva, Lankadipo yav'ohiyi. Uttarajivamahathero pi sambahuldhi bhikkbuhi saddhin navam abhiruyha, Kusimanagaram patva, yona Pugamanagara m tad avasaritva, tasmim pativasi. Chapatabhikkhu ca uddesaparipucchapasuto s'atthakatham pitakattayam aggahetva. dasavassu hutva, thurasammutim labhitva, Pagamanagaram paccagantukamo, cintesi : "sackham ekako va paccagamissami, tatth Ottarajivamahatherabhavena, Pugamavasihi bhikkhuhi saddhim ekatu yadi sanghakammam kattom na icchami. Tada pancavaggaganabhavena katham visun sanghakammar kattur lacchami? Yam na naham annehi Tipitakadharchi catuhi saddhim paccagameyyan ti." Evan ca pana se cintetva Tamalitthivasiputtena Sivalitherena, Kambojarajatanujena Tamalindatharena, Kifcipuravasitanayan Anandatherens, Lanka. dipavasikatrajena Rahulatherens ca saddhim samvidhaya navam abhiruhitva paccagacchi Te panca pi mahathera Tipitakadhara byatta patibala. Tesu Rahulathero sutthutaram byatto patibalo. Ta pana panoa mahathara Kusimanagaram patva, vass'npanayikayapakatthatta Paga managaram gamanakalabhavata, Kusimanagare yeva vassam upagacchinsu. Tesam vass a pagamanatthane vihiravatthu va pakara va Kusimanagarassa dakkhinadisabbage yav'ajjatana dissati. Atha kho Chapato mahathara vatthavasso pavaretva, catuhi therehi sadhdim yena Pugamanagarar tena carikan pakkami. Uttarajivamahathera to katipayadivasasam patte Chapatama hathere kalam akusi. Chapatathero ca Pagamanagarau patva, nijacariyabhut Ottarajivamahatherassa kalankatabavan natva, tass 'alahanam gantva, vandana-khamapana-kammani katva, catuhi therehi saddhim eva samantayi: "amhakam ayasmanto acariyabhut Ottarajivamahatberena saddhim akato Lankadipavasino mabathera sanghakamman karonti yeva ; mayam pi dani Son 'Uttarabhidhanatherapavenibhutehi Pagamsvasihi bhikkhuhi saddhim ekato sanghakamman katnm yattarupa bhavissams. AtbApi pubbe smhakam Ecariyabhuto Ramannavasiko Uttaraji. vamahatharg yev' issaro; idani tu Marammadesiyanam bhikkhunam yer' issaratta. Tahis addhim eksto sanghakemmar katu na icohamati." Tato Chapatamahatbero manavasena Pagamavasthi bhikkhuhi saddhim @kato sanghakammam skatva visum yeva ssaghakammam akasi,
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________________ JUNE, 1893.] KALYANI INSCRIPTIONS. 153 Evam Ramannadese Sudhammanagarate sasanassa gantva, Marammadoso Pugamanagare patitthanato catuvisadhikavassasate vitivatto yova sikhi-beda-pana-sakkaraje Lankudipato susanam agantva Pugamanagare patitthatiti datthabbam. Tada Pugamanagara Narapatijayasura nama raja rajjam kureti. So pancasu mahathoresu ativiya pasanno, Eravatiya mahanadiyu navasanghatam karapetva, bahu pasampadapukkho panca mahathere apasampadapeti. Ten'ete malathira anukkamina vaddhitva bahugana jata. Ekasmim pana divase raja pancannam mahatherunam mahadanam datum samajjar karupeti. Tasmim samaye Rahulathera ekissabhirupaya natak itthiya dassanenanabhiratiya pilito gihibhavam patthayamuno gihibhavan kattum urabhi. Tada Chapatamabatheradayo cattara pi mahathora punappunam dhammiya kathaya tam uvadimsu, samanubhusimgu. Evam su catuhi pi mahathuruhi dhammiga kathaya ovadiyamano pi tam cittam nivattotum nasakkhi. Atha catuhi mahathirehi : "yajjavasa, nanappakaren' amhohi dhammiya kathuy' ovadiyamano pi samano tam cittar nivattetam nasakkhi. Ma yidha tvam gihibhavaya vayamuyyasi; Ramannadesam pana gantva navam abhiruhitva, Malayadipam patva, tasmim yeva gihibhavaya vayamuyyahiti." Punappanam ev'ayyojito Ramannadesam gantva, navam abhiruhitva, Malayadipam gato. Tattha pana so Vinayam janitokamam Malayadip'issarar rajanam sat Ikassa Khuddasikkhapakaranassa sikkhapanena sabbavinayapaliya att ham bodhesi. Malayaraja tasmi pasiditva, nanappakarehi manihi pattam puretvi pujesi. Rahulathoro tam pujasakkaram labhitva, gihi hutva, gharavasam kappeti. Api ca aparena samayens catusu pi theregu Chapatamahathoro kalam akasi. Sivalimaha. thuroca, Tamalindamahathero ca, Anandamabathero cati, tayo mabathura Pagamanagara sasanam ujjotayimsu. Ath'okada Pugumaraja pasiditva tayo hatthiyo tesan tinnam mshutheranam adasi. Atha tosu Sivalimahathero, Tamalindamabathera cati, dve mabathora dve hatthiyo vano vissajjapesum. Anandatbero pana: "Kinciparavasinam natakanam pahenakam karissamiti," Kusimanagarar gantva, hatthim navam abhirubapesi. Tato dve mahathera: "mayam pana vuso, hatthin labhitva, vani vissajjapema; kissa papa tvam tiracchanagatassa dukkham uppadotva, natakanam pahenakam karosi ? Ayuttan te kamman ti" vadimsa. Tada Anandathera: "Kissa tumhe bhante, evarupam mama avacuttha ? Kim pana bhante, Bhagava 'natisangaham mangelan' ti nabhasiti" aha. Tato dve mahathera: "dubbaco 'si tvam, Ananda, yam madisanam vuddhanam amhakam uvadanusasanam na ganhegyasi. Yajj evam avusa, tvam visum sanghakammam karohi; mayam pi visum karissamate" vadimsa. Tato patthaya dve mahatheri visum sang hakammam akamgu. Anandathera pana visam sanghakammam akasi. Tato paran Tamalindamahathera babassatanati byattanam patibalana sissanam heta santikam agatagate khattiyadayo upasake: "babussuta, bhonto, upasaka, bhikku byatta, patibala ; catupaccay Alabhena pariyattim va patipattim va puretam nasakkhimsu. Catuhi puccayehi, upasaka, tesam sangaham icchama. Yadi pana tumhe catu paccayasangaham karissatha; addha te pariyattim va patipattim ra puretum sakkhissantiti" vatva, vacayinnattiya catupaccayam appadesi. Atha Sivalimabathera Tamalindatheram aha: "Bhagavata kho, ayuso, vacivinnattihet'appannapaccaya garahita; kissa pana tvam avuso, vacivinnattiya catupaccayam uppadesi? Ayuttan te kamman ti." Tato Tamalindathero Sivalimabatheram evam aha : "attanam eva bhante, addissa katavacivinnattiya uppannapaccayan Bhagavata garahitam. Maya pana bhante, n'attanam uddissa vacivinniattiya catapaccayam uppadita. Atha kho bahusgutanam byattanam patibalanam sissanam catapaccayalabhena pariyatti-pati-patti-puranena sasanassa vuddhi bhaviasatiti mantva tesam hetu vacivinnattiya catupaccayam uppaditan ti." Pana Sivalimabathero Tamalindatheram evam aha: "yaji evam avuso, Tamalinda vadeyyasi, evam tvam pi visum sanghakamman karohi; aham pi visum sanghakammar karissimi. Saminacchandanan hi kho avuse, Tamalinda, samanadhippaganam annamann
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________________ 154 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [JUNE, 1893. 'avadanusasanikaranam akato sanghakammakaranam yuttarupan ti." Tato pabhuti te pi dve mahathera visum sanghakammam akamsu. Tada Pugamanagare Sudhammanagarato agatasaganapavenibhuto bhikkhusangho ca, Sivalimahatherasissabhuto bhikkhusangho ca, Tamalindamahatho rasiasabhuto bhikkhusangho ca, Anandamahatharasissabhuto bhikkhusango cati: cattaro bhikkhusangha visum bhinnatta, visum nikaya jata. Tesu pana Sudhamma nagarato agatasasanapavenibhuto bhikkhubangho purimakalagatatta "Purimabhikkhusangho' ti Pugamavasino Marammamanussa vaharanti. Tato pana bhikkhusangho Sihaladipato agatasasanapavenibhutatta "Sihalabhikkhusangho' ti, pacchimakalagatatta Pacchimabhikkh usangho'ti ca voharanti. Tato param tesu pi tiga mahatheresu Sivalimahathera ca Tamalindamahathero cati, dve mahathera yavatayukam sasanam jotayitva, yathakammam gata. Anandathero pana catupannasavassani Paga managare sasanan jotayitva, muni-gunia-rasa-sakkaraje sampatte yathakammam gato. Reverse Face of the First Stone. Dibbatu Jinacakkam! Dalaratthe pana Padippajoyyabhidhanagamavasiputto Sariputto nam'ako samanero Pugamanagaram gantva, Anandatherassa santike upasampajjitva, athakathasahitam dhammavinayam pariyapunati. So evam pariyattadhammavinayo samana bahussato Sariputto bhikkhu byatto patibalo ti patthatayaso hoti. Atha Paga maraja tassa kittisaddam sutva: "yadi Sariputto bhikkhu bahussato sutadharo sutasannicago byatto patibalo anga-paccangaparipuri-samannagato ca abhavissa, evam tam acariyam katva payirupasissamiti" parijane pesitva vimamsapesi. Te pana parijana ranno pesita Sariputtassa bhikkhuno anga-paccangaparipurim vimansimsu. Eva vimamsamana tassa bhikkhuno pad'angatthak 'aggacchinnabhavam disva ranno tam pavattim aracesan. Baja : "na sabb'anga paripurisamannagato so bhikkhu ti" mannamano tassa bahum pujasak karam katva, Dhammavilasatharo ti' namam datva, "Ramannadese sesanam pajjoteyyabi ti" vatva tam ayyajesi. Tata Dhammavilasathara RamanDadasam gantva Dalanagare bahu bhikkhu dhammavinayam pariyapunapesi. Tada Dalanagare tam pakkham bhikk usangham Sihalapakkhabhikkhuganghan ti voharanti. Son' Uttarabhidhananam arahantanam pavenibhutari pana purimam bhikkhusangham Ariyarahantapakkhasanghan ti ca Ramannadesiya voharanti. Eko pana bahasgutagunasampanno Ariyarahantepakkho mahathoro Lakkhiyapuraratthe bakasamacobanan bahulataya Bakasan ti laddhanamassa nadimukhass Opakatthabhute vihare pativasati. Tato avidure ekam apanam atthi; tamh 'apanato aviduro thane bahu karamare Kambojiye manusse samanetva vasapenti. Ten' etam apanam pi Kamboja papan ti Voharanti. Tassa ca viharassa Kambojapanen asannatta Kamboja panaviharo ti voharanti. Tam vilaravasimahatheram pi Pathama-Kambojapanaviharathera ti voharanti. Pacchi pana Pathama-Kambojapanaviharatharo ti avatva, Kamboj&panamahathero ti voharanti. Tato aparabhage Dalapuradhivasi saddbasampanno Sirijayavaddhano nam eko amacco mahavapiya samipe viharam katva, Kambojapanamahatheram nimantetva vasapesi. Tada Dalanagare Ariyarahantasanghapakkhass' abbhantare ayam eva Kambojapanamabathero gunavantatara vaddhataro ca, tasma sabbo pi Ariyarahantasangho Kambojapanamahatherasanghapakkho ti vadanti. Aparabhage to Kambujapanamahatherasanghapakkho ti avatva, Kambojapanasanghapakkho ti vadanti. Puna ca param Kamboja panasanghapakkho ti avatva, Kambojasanghapakkho ti vadanti. Tato pans pabhuti Dalabhidbana nagare Ariyarahantasanghapakkhassa Kambojasanghapakkho ti voharam upadaye, sabbasmit pi Bamannadese Ariyarahantapakkham Kambojasanghapakko ti voharimsu.
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________________ JUNE, 1893. KALYANI INSCRIPTIONS. 155 Muttimanagare pana Kambajasanghapakkho; Sivalimahatherapavenibhuto Sihalasanghapakkho ; Tamalindamahatherapavenibhuto Sihalasangha pakkho ; Anandamahatherapavenibhuto Sihalasanghapakko ca ; Muttimanagare yeva deviya 'cariyabhutassa Sihaladipam gantva upasampadam gabetva pan' agantva, visur sanghakammam gantva upasampadam gahetva pun' agantva, visum sanghakammam karontassa Buddhavamsamahatherassa pavenibhuto Sihalasanghapakkho ; Sihaladipam gantva gahitopasampadassa Mattimanagaram paccugantva, visum sanghakammam karuntassa Mahanag&bhidhanassa Mahasamino pavenibhuta Sihalasanghapakkho cati : chadha bhinna sanghapakkha, kato sanghakam. massakatatta nanasamvasaka nananikaya jata. Tesu pi sabbesu chasu nikayesu simasammutikammopasampada kammadisa nghakammakaranakale, bahunam tipitakadharanam bahussutanam byattanam patibaladam ekaccam sannipatitva samsanditva yutta yuttavicurananam abhavena, tasmim tasmin yeva nikaye mahathera: "mayam eva byatta patibala ti" mannamana sakasakanam matiya yeva sanghakain. mam akarimsu. Api ca keci thera yasmim gamakhette yattake padese simam bandhitum icchanti; tattakassa samanta nimittam thapetva, nimittanam bahi tasmim thitanar bhikkhunam hatthapasanayanachandaharana-bahi-nibarana-vasena sodhanam akatva, antonimittagate yeva bhikkhu hatthapasagate katva siman bandhanti. Tassan ca simayam upasampadakammam karonti. Keci pana thera: "yasmim gamakhette simam bandhitum icchanti; tasmim gamakhette samanta antonimittagatanan ca bahinimittagatanan ca hatthapasanayanadivasena sodhanam katva va sima bandhitabbati" vadanti. Tathapi simabandhanakale sabba yeva gamasima sodhetum dukkara ti mannamana, visumgamalakkhanam saccato tathato anuphadharetva, yattakam yattakam padesam paricchinditva, raja kassaci deti: tattako tattako padesa visumgamo hoti ti sannitthanam katva upacurasimamattam eva va tato adhikam pi va yam kinci yatbarucitakam padesam rajadihi paricchindapetva, tatth'eva thitanam bhikkhunan batthapa sanayanadivasena sodhanam katva, sakalaya gamasimaya sodhanam akatva, simam bandhanti. Tassa ca simayam apasampadakammam karonti. Apare tu theri: 'dvinnan baddhasimanam yeva rukkhasakhadisambandhen' annamannasankaro hoti; baddhasima-gamasimanam va dyinnam gamasimanam va rukkhasakhadisambandhe pi sankaro na hotiti,' attham adhimuncitva, yasmim gamakhotte simam banditum icchanti; tassa gamakhettassa samantato annehi gamakhettehi rukkhasakhadi-sambandhavacchodam akatva, tasmim yeva gamakhette thitanam bhikkhunam hatthapasanayanadivasena sodhanam katra simam bandhanti. Tassan ca simayam upasampada kammam karonti. Anne papa thera Paliyatthakathasu vuttal nadilakkhanam va jatas aralakkhang va sabba karenarenanupadharetva 'anvaduhamasa anudasaham anupancahan ti'atthakathayar vattapadanam attham sammanupadharetva, ativutthike pi Ramannadese nadilakkanajatassaralakkhanavirahitesu pi nadijatassaresu sajjitayam udakukhepasimayam upasmpadammam karonti. Ekacce pana thura yasmim gamakhette simam bandhitum icchanti; tass' annehi gomakhettehi rukkhasakhadi-sambandham avacchinditva, tasmim gamakhette antonimittagate ca bahinimittagate ca hatthapasagate va katva, chandan va aharitva, bahi va niharitva, simam bandhanti. Tassam simayam upasampadakammakaranakale pana tassa ca gamasimaya rukkhasakhadi sam. bandham aviyojetva apasampadakammar karonti. Sammasambuddhaparinibbanato pana dvahikosu dvisu vanaasahassosu vitivattesu, nabha-yama-naga-sakkaraje tipitaka-bedagamatakka-byakarana-chandalankara-joti-vajja-gani. ka-sattha-sankhatanam sutanam vasena bahugsuto, itakavaddhaki-daravaddhaki-sipp&divasena bahubippo nanadesabbasasukataparicayo, saddahadya nekagara-gana-samangi, kamada-kundaBarada-candika-samana-setagajapati-bhuta Ramadhipati nams Siripavaramahadhammarajadhiraja Kusimamandala-Hamsavatimandala-Mattimamandalasankhatesu tisu Raman
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________________ 156 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [JUNE, 1893. namandalesu janataya rakkhavaranaguttim katva Hamsavatiyam dhammena samena rajjam karesi. Tada su raja Satthusasane sutthutaram pasannattay' evam cintesi: "pabbajjadhina kho upasampada upasampadhinan ca sasanam: upasampada pana sima-parisa-vatthu-nnatya. nusavana-sampattisankhatahi pancahi sampattihi yatta vakuppa thanaraha hoti. Tasu parisuddhass' upasampadapekkhassa vatthussa byanjanaparipurim katva vacetum samatthanam Acariyanan ca labbhamanatta vatthunnatyanusavana-sampattiyo samvijjamanaraha bhaveyyum; simaparisa-sampattinam pana vijjamanabhavam katham janitum labbheyyan ti ?" Tato raja: Vinayapalinca; Vinay'atthakathan ca; Suratthadipanim nama Vinayatikan ca; Vimativinodanim nama Vinayatikan ca; Vijirabuddhitherena katam Vinayatikan ca; Kankhavitaranim nama Matik' atthakathan ca tattikan ca; Vinayavinicchayapakaranan ca tattikan ca; Vinayasangahapakaranan ca; Simalankarapakaranan ca; Simalankarasangahan ca -byanjanato ca atthato ca samannaharitva tad anusarena Paliya c'atthakatham, atthakathaya ca tikam, pakaranena ca pakaranam, pubbena caparam samsanditva, samanayitva, kidiso nu kho Bhagavato ajjhasayanurupo atthakathakira-tika kara-pakaranakaracariyanulomato simadhikare Vinayavinicchayo ti sammad eva punnappunam upaparikkhati, punappunam anuvicinati. Tass' evam punappunam upaparikk hantassa punappunam vicinantass' evarupo Vinayavinicchayo patibhati: "Yasmim hi naranarinam gamanagamanatthanabhava-catu-iriyapathapavattanabhava-sad daniccharanatthanabhava-bhunjitabbayuppatitthanabhava-sankhata-lakkhanasahite karaggahaparicchinne pakatigamakhette va, visumgamakhette va, yam kinci yatharucitakam padesam gahetva, simam kattum icchanti. Tassa pakatigamakhettassa va visumgumakhettassa va annehi gamakhettehi rukkhasakhadi-sambandham avacchinditva, yassa simabandhanatthanabhutassa yatharucita kassa padesassa samantato dubinneyya-sima-maggayam mahatiyam simayam santhanabhada bhave pi bahuni nimitteni thapetva, suvinneyya-sima-maggayam pana khuddakasimayam singhatakasanthanam kattum icchayam, tini nimittani, samacaturassanthanam va dighacaturassasantharam va kattum iccahayam, cattari nimittani, nanasanthanabhedam kattum icchayam, pancadini nimittani thapetva, anto-nimitta-bahi-nimitta-bhutanam padesanam rukkhasakhadi-sambandham api byavacchijja simamaggam dassetva, nimittonam anto ca bahica yavatika tasmim gamakhette bhikkhu, to sabbe hatthapasanayanarahe hatthapasagate katva, chandarahanam va chande ahate, avasoso gamkhettato bahi niharupetve, disucarikabhikkhunam saucarapanayanattham tassa gamakhettassa samantato arakkhakamanasse thapotva, sannanakaranattham tesu tesu thanasu dhajam va patakam va ussapetva, bherisankhadini va thapetva, tikkhattum nimitteni kitteva, byanjanasampattiyuttaya kammavacaya sima bandhi. tabba. Evarupena vidhina kata simasammuti akuppa hoti thanaraha. Tassan ca simayam katam upasampadadikammam akuppam hoti thanaraham. Api ca vassanassa catusu masosu addhamase addhamasu sammadharapacchedavasena, ekavaravassanai va, pancahe pancahe sammadharapacchedavasena ekavaravassanam va samavutthilakkhanam. Addbamasato pana param ekavaravassanam dubbutthilakkhanam. Pancahato une caturahe. caturahe va, tihe tihe va, dvihe dvihe va, dine dine va, vassanam, panktivathilakkhapam. Samavatthike ca kale yassam nadiyam vassanassa catusu masesu yatthakatthaci titthe va atitthe va uttarantiye bhikkhuniya antaravasako eka-dv'aigulamattam pi temiyati; ayam nadisankham gacchati. Addhamase addhamase hi ekavaravassanalakkhanena samavutthike kale yassam nadiyam vassanassa catusu masesu yatthakatthaci uttarantiya bhikkhuniya antaravasako temiyati; ayam mahanadisankham gacchati. Dasahe dasahe ekavaravassanalakkhanena samavutthike kale yassam nadiyam vassanassa catusu masesu yatthakatthaci uttarantiya bhikkhaniya antaravasako temiyati; ayam majjimanadisankham gacchati. Pancahe pancahe eka varavassanalakkhanena samavutthike kale yassam nadiyam vassanassa catusu masesa yatthakatthaci uttarantiya bhikkhuniya antaravasako temiyati; ayam khuddakanadisankhain gacchati.
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________________ JUNE, 1993.] KALYANI INSCRIPTIONS. 157 Samavutthike ca kale yasgam nadiyam vassanassa catusu masesu yatthakatthaci uttarantiya bhikkhuniye antaravasako temiyati; dubbutthike kale tu na temiyati; sa nadisankhan na gacchatiti na vattabba: dubbutthiyu apamanatta. Samavathike pana kale vassanassa catusu masesu yatthakatthaci uttarantiyu bhikkhuniya antaravasako na temiyati; ativutthike pana kale vassinassa catusu masesu yatthakatthaci uttarantiya bhikkhuniya antaravasaku temiyati; su tu nadisankham gacchatiti na vattabba: ativuthiya pi apamanatti. Jatassaro pana sayam eva jati. Na yena kenaci khato; samantato agatana udakena paripurito. Tadise ca yasmin jatassare samavutthike kale vassanassa catusu masusu pivitum va hattbapede dhovitum va udakam hoti: ayam jatassaro ti saukham gacchati. Yasmim samavutthike kalo pahonakajatassa re dubbuthikale va hemantagimhesu va patum va hatthapado dhovitu vindakam na huti: ayam jatassaru ti sankham na gacchatiti na vattabbu. Samavutthike pana kale yasmim jatassare vassanassa catusu masesu pivitum va hatthapado dhuvitum va adakam na huti; ativathike tu udakam huti: ayan jatassaru ti suukhan na gacchati. Ayan ca Ramannadoso sabbavuthiko va: kathan pan' etassativutthikattam niyatiti? Yasma hi vassanassa catusu misusu ti' imina vassinnssa catumasikattam atthakathayam vuttam. Imasmim pana Ramaniadese vassenakalo chamasiko hoti. Pancho pancah' ekavaraVassanam samavutthiakkhanan ti ca vattatta; caturaho caturaho va, tihe tihe va, dvihe dvihu va, dinu dine vi, vassanam ativutthilakkhanan ti manyan. Imasmim pana Ramannadese kadici caturahe, kadaci tihe, kadaci dviho, kadaci dino dino, kadaci sattihamattam pi va, dasahamattam pi va, suriyappabhuya pi ukasam adatva, akulam api ghanam andhakarikam viya katva, sammadharapacchedanena duvu vassati. Tasmi Ramauzadisassativutthikattam vinnayati. Tasmi imasmim Ramannadase yidishyaro nadiynm samavutthike kale yatbuvnttonn Vassanappakarena deve vassante pi vassanassa catusu masesu yatthakatthaci uttarantiya bhikkhaniya antaravasakatemanar sambhaveyya; tadisayam mahanadiyam udakukkhepam karitvi, katam upasampadakammam akuppam thanaraham bhaveyya. Yadise pana jatassari samavut. thike kale yathavattena vassanappakarena deve vassante pi vassinnssa catusu masesu pivitam va hatthapade dhovitum va adakam bhaveyya; tadise mahajatassare udakokkhepam katva, katam upasan pada kammam akuppam thanaraham hotiti." Tass' evam patibhayamanasimavinicchayassa Ramadhipatino pan'avam cetaso parivitakko udapadi: "Ye hi keci thera yasmim gamakhotte simam bandhitum icchanti; tasmim gamakhette thitanam sabbesam eva bhikkhunam hatthapasanayanidivasena sudhanam akatva antonimittagate peva hatthapasagate katva simam sammannanti. Tesam simasammutikammar parisavipattito yeva kuppam hoti. Yasmin hi pakatigamakhott 'ekadesam ya kinci karaggahaparicchinnatthanam karabhagam datum icchayah, rajadihi paricchinditva, dinnam tam yeva visumgamasankhan gacchati. Baddhasimattan ca kammavacapariyusane yeva hoti: na nimittakittanamattena. Tasma ayam antonimittabhuto padeso niyatiya bhutagamasimato visumgamasankham pi na gacchati; baddhasimattam pi na papunatiti: anto-nimitta-padesa-bahi-nimitta-padosavam ekagumasima bhavato. Tassam ekagamasimavam thite sabbe pi bhikkhu hatthapasi nayanarahe hatthapasigate akatva, chandarahanam pi chandam anaharitva, bahi niharupetabbe aniharapetvi, antonimittagate yeva bhikkhu hatthapasagate katva, katam simusammatikamman vaggat hoti adhammikakamman ti. Tassan ca simayam katam apasampadadikammam simasammutikammassa kuppatta simavippattito koppati. Yo'va pana thera gumalakkhanarahitam yam kinci yathuracitakam thinam rujidihi paricchindap@tvu, visumg@makhettan hotiti sammaya vu, tasmin yatharucitakatthana yeva thit bhikkliu hatthapasagate katva, simam sammannanti; na sabbqsmim pakntigamakhutto. Tesam pi tan simasammatikamman parisavippattito kuppam hoti. Tasma tassam pi simayam katam upasampadadikammar simavippattito kuppati.
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________________ 158 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. (JUNE, 1893. Ye capare thera yasmit gamakbette simam sammapnitum icchanti; tassa gamakhuttass' anivhi gumakhottuhi rukkhasakhadisambandlavacchedam akstva, tastnit yeva gumaklette thitanan bhikkhunan hattbapasanayapadivasena sudhanan katva sima sammanhanti. Tesam pi simasammutikammam pariga vippattito kuppat hotiyasma hi: OBVERSE FACE OF THE SECOND STONE. Yatha dvinna baddhasimanam rukkbasakhadi-sambandhen' annamannar saokarabhava hoti; tatha baddhasima-gamasimanam pi va, dvinnam gamasimidam pi va. rukkhasuk hadisambandhena sai karabhava hoti yavati. Tassan ca simayana katam ajuusimpadadikamniam pi simavippattito kuppam huti. Ye pan' anna theri ativutthikasmim Ramannadese nadilakkhana-jatassaralakklana-virahj. tesu pi nadijatassaresu sajjitayam adakukkhepasimayam upasampadidikamman karunti. Tesam upasampadadikammam pi simavippattito kuppati. Ativutthiko hi Ramannadoso yadisayam nadiyam samavathike kale yathavuttena vassanappa karena devU yassante, vassanassa catusu masesu yatthakatthaci uttarantiya bhikkhuniya antaravasakatemanam na sambhaveyyn. Ativathikatta pan' imassa padesass' antararasakatemapam sambhaveyya. Tadisapi nadi samavutthikale yatbavuttam antaravasakatemanam attham gahotva, nadisahkham gacchati ti vatturi katham yajjeyya ? Yadise pana jatassare samavutthikale yathuvattena vassanappakarena deve vassante, vassanassa catusu masesu pivitum va hatthapade dhuviturn va udakam na bhaveyya. Ativuthikatta pan' imassa padesassa vassanassa catusu masusu pivitum va hatthapade dhovitum va adakam bhaveyya. Tadisa pi jatassara samavarthikale yathavuttam pivana-hattha-pada-dbovana-pahonak' udakassa vijjamanam attham gahetva, jatassara ti saikham Kacchati ti vattum katham yujjegya ti? Appe kacce pana thera yasmin gamakhette simam bandhitum icchanti; tass' annehi gumakhettebi rukkhasakhadi-sambandham avacchinditva, tasmin gumakhotte antonimittagatanan ca babinimittagatanan ca sabbegam pi bhikkhunam hatthapasanayanadim katva simam bandhanti. Tassam simayam apasampadadikammakaranakale pana tassu ca gamasimaya ruk. khasakhadi-samband ham aviyajetva apasampadadikammam karonti. Tesam upasampadadikammar parisavipattito kuppati. Tassa baddhasimaya ca gamasimiya e' annamannam sai karabhavapattito. Yadi va pan' ete tbera parisuddhaya baddhasimaya va, gamalakkhanasahite pakatigamakhette va, visurgamakhette va, nadilakkhanapattaya mahanadiga va, jatassaralakkhanapatte jatassare va, samuddalakkhanapatte samudde va, upasampadadikammam karonti. Ye pana tasmim upasampadadikamme gana hanti. To vuttanayena vippannasimaya va, gamalakkhanarahite visumgamakhette va, radilakkhanamapattaya khudda kanadiya va, jatassaralakkhanamapatte khudda kajatassare va, upasampanna bhikkhu yeva hontiti. Tekam u pasampadadikamman pi parisavipattito kuppam yevati." Atha kho Ramadhipatiraja Ramannadese upasampadAdikam massa simavippatti-parisavippattinam vijjamanabhavam atva: "Mayham pi imina vuttappakarena upasampadadikammassa simavippattiparisavippattiyo khayanti. Ramannadese ca Hamsavatinagare bahu tepitaka byatta patibala. Tesam pi upasampadadikammassa simavippatti-parisavippattiyo khayEyyum va no va. Appeva nama ham te pi sabbe s'atthakatha-tikam Vinayapalith byanjanato ca atthato copaparikkhapetva, Paliya c'atthakatham, atthakathaya ca tikam, pubbena caparam samsandapetvi, samanayapetva, simidhikare Vinayavinicchayam karapeyyan ti" cintetva, to sabbe pi tipitakadhare bhikkhu simadhikare Vinayavinicchayam karapesi. Tato Ramadhipatirajon' ajjhesita sabbe pi tipitakadhara bhikkhu s'atthakatha-tikam Vinayapalin byanjanato o' atthato o' apaparikkhitva, punappunam sammad eva samsandetva, samanayitva, simarippatti-parisa vippattinam vijjamanabhavam disvi, yathadittham ratio Vinayavinicchayam aracasu. Tato raja: "aho vata ! Buddhasasanam pancavassasahassa parimana kalam thassatiti' atthakatnacariyasabhehi vattam; idani pana Buddhassa Sambodhipattato sattacattaliskdbikam! dvisasiassamattam ovati ; idan ca kho dani yeva sasanam samalar sakantakam s'abbudam 1 Catusatthadhikan in MS. B.
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________________ JUNE, 1893.] FOLKLORE IN BURMA. 159 sasank'upasampadam jatam. Kathan ca rahi yavaparicavageasa hassa parimanakalapariyantapavattanasamattham bhaveyyati?" cintetva, pana cintosi: "Yajjaham idisam susano uppannan malakantak' abbuda disva va, yatha sasane nirasank'appeampadabhavapajjanena parisuddham pariyodatam hutva, yuvapancavassasabassa parimanakalapariyanta pavattanasamattham bhavuyya. Yatha byaparam anapajjitva v'upekkhako vihareyya; tatha sati Bhagavati Sammisambuddhu pi sukarapomabhi pasadenasamannagato garavacittikarenasamangibhuto va bhayissam. Appova nama maya sasanam visadhetabbam eva. Kuto du khvaham adito parisuddh'opasampadan samuharitva, imasmim Ramannadese patitthapeto ? Ye te saddhasampanna kulaputta tad upasampada pekkha; te tad u pasampadam gabapetva nirasaik' apasampadabbuvuna susanam parisuddhatn bhaveyyati." Ath' evam cintentassa Ramadhipatirajass' evarupo parivitakko udapadi. Sammisambuddhaparinibbanato kira dvinnar vassasatanam upari chattimsatime vasso vitivatte, Moggagaliputtatissamahatharena pesito Mahamahindathoro Tambapannidipam gantva, sasanam patitthapesi. Tato Devanampiyatisso Sihalindo there pasiditva Mahaviharam patitthapesi. Mahavihara patitthanato pana pathaya attharasadhikani dvovassasatani parisuddhan sasanam; eko yeva Mahaviharavasinikaya jato. Yada pana VattagamaniAbhaya raja Dadhiyan nama Damilarajanan jinitva, Lankadipe rajjam patto. Abhaya. giriviharam karapetva, sattahi Damilehi parajitva, palayitva, cuddasa vassani niliyitva, vasanakalo niocan pubb'apakarim Mahatissar nama theram inetvi tassadasi. Tam pana kulasamsasthan Mahatissatharam kulasamsatt hadosena Mahaviharavasibhikkhusanghu Mahaviharato uihari. Tato pabhuti Mahaviharavasika bhikkhu ca Abhayagiriviharavasika bhikkhu ca: dvedha bhinna dve nikaya jata. Tato Abhayagiriviharapatitthanato pana sattapannagavassadhikesu tisu vassasa tosu vitivattosu, Mahaseno nama raja Lankadipa sattavisativassani rajjam karesi. Tasmim kalo 8o raja Jetavanaviharam katva, Dakkhinaviharavasissa jimhantarassa asannatassa papamittassa Tiasatherassa pasiditva adusi. Tato pathaya Jutavanavibaravasiko bhikkhi Mahuviharavisikohi bhikkhuhi Abhayagirivasikuhi bhikkhuhi ca bhinditva, Jetavanavihuraviiriuikiyo nam' 6ky nikyo jato. (To be continued.) FOLKLORE IN BURMA. BY TAW SEIN-KO. No. 3.-The Three-eyel King. Saladanbawd was succeeded in 442 B. C. by Duttabaung, the son of Maharanbawa by Bedayi. The advent of this king, who had three eyes, the third being between the other two, was prophesied by Gautama Buddlm himself according to the following tradition, 1 There is a similar tradition among the Talaings, from whom tho Burmany appear to have a lapted their own version after the conquest of the maritime provinces by Alompra in 1757 A. D. Tho Talaing namo for the king is Mutpireje and not Duttabaung. The following is extracted from Haswell's Grammatical Notes and Vocabulary of the Peguan Language, p. xv.: "The Peguan name of Maulmain is Mot-moon-lum (Mot-mwe-lem) or One-eye-destroyed. The legend is, that an ancient king had three cyes, two in the usual places, and one in the centre of the forehead. With this third eyo be could soo what was going on in the surrounding kingdoms. The King of Siam was at war with him, and, finding his plans continually thwarted, suspected there were traitors in his camp, and called a council to find out who gave information concerning his plans to the enemy. His officers told him that there was no traitor, but thmt the King of Maulmain was able with his third eye to see all that was going on in tho Siamese Camp. It was suggested that the King of Siam should give his daughter to the King of Maulmair, so that when she had succeeded in gaining the confidence of the king, she might manage to put out his third eye. This counsel was followed and proved successful, and tho third eye was destroyed. Hence the name of the city. It is often called Mot-lum-Lam (Mut-lim-lem), or Eye-destroyed. destroyed." These traditions about Duttabaung and Mat-pireje are, I beliove, traceable to the worship of Siva, which prevailed in Burma in ancient times. * See ante, Vol. XIX. pp. 448, 489. [Observe the line of royal descont. Father, then elder-son, then younger-son (childless), then oIder-son's son. Compare ante, Vol. XXI. p. 2878.-ED.) * This tradition, with slight variations, is gravely recorded in the Maliyizawin ( Mahirkjuvari.80) or Chronicle of the Burmese Kings.
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________________ 160 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [JUNE, 1893. Gautama Buddha, in the fifth year of his Buddhahood, was presented by the two brothers Mahapunna and Chalapunna with & sandal-wood monastery situated at Vanijjagama, otherwise called Legaing, in Suna paranta. The sage accepted the gift and occupied the monastery for seven days. On his return he walked along the Yoma range fringing the right bank of the Irrawaddy, and from the top of the Po::daung hills to the north of Prome, he saw a piece of cow-dung floating in the sea, which stretched to the range of hills on the east. At the same time a male mole came and paid him homage by offering him some burrowings. On seeing these two omens the Master smiled, and being asked by Ananda the cause of his doing so, he replied: "My beloved Ananda, after I have attained Parinirvana, and after the religion has flourished for 101 years, yonder sea will dry up and the kingdom of Varek'ettari will be founded. The mole before us will be incarnated as Duttabaung, the founder of that kingdom, from whose reign will date the establishment of my religion in the country of the Mranmas." The mole had been asked by his wife to wake her up when Gautama approached their home, so that she might participate in the merit that would accrue to them both by making some suitable offering. As it was rather early in the morning when Buddha arrived, the husband thought that he would not disturb the slumbers of his wife. But when she got up and found out that the sage had come and gone, and that her husband had made an offering of his barrowings, she became irate at his remissness of duty, and lost no time in following Gautama and crying out to him, at the top of her voice, to stop and receive her offering. In compliance with her entreaty, he stopped at a hill, called, in after times, the Dangyidaung, and duly received her proffered borrowings. This done, the female mole thought that she would have revenge on her husband for his extreme recklessness for her spiritual welfare, and took an oath thus : "By the efficacy of the merit I have just acquired, may I, in my next birth, be a person capable of wreaking a singular vengeance on my husband in his next birth !" The male mole was duly incarnated in the womb of Bodayt, the Queen of Maharanbaw while his wife became Princess Pekdando in the country of Pandw4.10 The princess was beautiful, accomplished, and clever, and many were the princes that sought her hand. Her father determined that high birth, if not uninterrupted descent from the race of Sakyall kings of Northern India, should be the sine qua non of his fatore son-in-law, and he accordingly wedded his daughter to Duttabaung, king of darek'ettara. Dattabaung was a puissant prince, who wielded the sceptre of an extensive empire. His dominions included the whole of Jambudipal and his influence was felt even in the land of * Lagning is in the Minbu district. It is still a famous place of pilgrimage. * Burmans deriva Poses from Paw Asos (Sole-head) because, according to tradition, Gautama Buddha turned the soles of his feet on the top of this hill and pronounced an oracle regarding the foundation of Parek'ettard (Brfkahara). See, ante, p. 6. That the aes washed the shore as far as Prome appears to be supported by the marine shells found on the hills in the neighbourhood, but the exact or approximate period when it dried up has not, as yet, been determined. The exact derivation of Myanmd (pron. Bamd), the national appellation, by which the Barmans are knowu to themselves, has not been definitely settled. Sir Arthur Phayre says that it is derived from Brahma, the progenitor of the human race according to Buddhist tradition, while Bishop Bigandet derives it from Mien, the appellation by which the Burmans are known to the Chinese (Mran-md = according to one method of phonetico). Hodgson, on the other hand, maintains that it is derived from a word signifying 'man.' * Tho Dangyldaung hin is nearly opposite Prome. There is another of the same name opposite Pagan. The local derivation of Dangyfdaung is ton, to stop, abruptly, kyt, to see and lawng, a hill. . [Pekyant is spelt Pissan= () Pibuni.-ED.) 10 PandwA in identified with Taungdwingyt in the Magwe district. For the story of Bedayi, see ante, Vol. XIX. P. 437 4. 11 Burmese historians take a delight in tracing the descent of their kings from the Sakya race of Northern India, to wbioh Gautama Buddha belonged. 12 Burms is included by native writers in Jambodipa. Their iden of geography is extremely hasy.
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________________ JUNE, 1893.) FOLKLORE IN BURMA. 161 the Nagas and Asuras. His might and power was such that even Indra, 13 the Lord of the thirty-three gods of Tavatimsa, had to lendis his celestial aid to the consummation of his wishes. When darekettara was built both Sakra and the Nagas rendered valuable assistance, and on its completion Dutta baung was inducted to his throne by Sakra, 13 who conferred on him celestial weapons. One of these was a wonderful spear, which carried royal messages to the king's tributaries. Sakra also presented Duttabaung with a wonderful drum, which, when beaten, could be heard on the utmost confines of the empire, thereby indicating that the time for paying tribute had come. Duttabaung ruled with justice tempered by mercy, and great was the amount of tribute received by him. He was loved by his subjects and feared by his tribntary chiefs, and was, in short, blessed in all respects except one. That was, although he was extremely fond of his wife Pekdano, he was treated by her with coldness, haughty disdain, and inveterate hatred, dissimulated under the cloak of feigned obedience and respect. Her one object in life appeared to be to foil his designs wherever possible, to effect the reduction of his power and influence, and to bring ignominy and shame upon him in all that he undertook. But so long as the king observed the precepts inculcated by Gautama Buddha, supported the monks, and looked after the interests of the religion, the designs of this malicions queen were frustrated by the occult power of the nats (spirits). One day, however, in an evil hour, the king, without due investigation directed the confiscation of a piece of rice-land measuring 5 pes (a pe is a measure of land which may be taken for the purposes of the story at an acre), which a widowed sweet-meat seller had presented to her preceptor. Henceforth, owing to this sinful deed committed against the religion, the king's power declined.15 His satraps and governors grew refractory and eventually threw off their allegiance: tribute was withheld: the wonderful spear would no longer go on its wonted errands : and the drum would sound no more. To add to this long series of misfortunes Queen Pekand hit upon a plan, which was doomed to be successful in fulfilling her evil desire. She had an old skirt16 of hers washed clean, and obtained some rage from a cemetery, and then had a towel woven with these materials for the use of the king. Duttabaung placed too much confidence in the love and fidelity of his wife, and not suspecting anything wiped his face with it, when lo! on account of the extreme uncleanliness of the towel, bis third or middle eye became blind! Simultaneously with his blindness his celestial spear and dram disappeared ! Not convinced that his power had diminished, the foolish king in his dotage set ont on a progress through his dominions with the object of re-establishing his government on its former basis. He was cruising near Cape Negrais, 17 when by spitting into the sea he excited the wrath of the Nagas, who carried him and his brazen boat to their country under the earth. Thns perished the three-eyed king, Duttabaang, and the oath of his wife Pekand, in her previous birth, was fulfilled. 18 Bakra, the Recording Angel of Buddhism, is known to the Burmans w Pary-min. Min is pure Burmese, signifying an important personage : for Magyd (= Sakra), see ante, Vol. XX. p. 422. 14 Burmans have a saying that, when a king is powerful, even rulers of nata (spirita) have to render him Assistance. 16 Native histories are mostly the work of Buddhist monks, or of monks who have turned laymen; and overy opportunity is seized upon to improve their position, and to impress on the secular rulers the unwisdom of interfering with the Buddhist Religion, as inculcated by the monkish brotherhood. The Mahayaxaroin was put into its present shape by body of learned monks and ex-monks after the First Anglo-Burmese War (1824 A. D.). 16 Skirts of women and clothes from a cemetery are regarded by the Burmans to be specially unclean for men. [In the uncleannons of the former we have a most interesting survival of a custom of tabu.-ED.) 11 The Burmese name for Negrais is Nagayit = Nkga-coiling. [The symbols for yit may, however, be rach, ra. or ris according to the pbonetics adopted. The usual PAri form of the word is Nagardi.-ED.)
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________________ 162 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [JUNE, 1893. MISCELLANEA. SANSKRIT WORDS IN THE BURMESE book Committee of Burma, of which I was a memLANGUAGE. ber, the Sanskrit derivative bhissik was changed A REPLY. to bhisik on the advice of the native sayiis or I shall proceed to deal with Mr. Houghton's pandits, who were in the majority, and whose evident desire was to disclaim any relationship criticisms seriatim. of Burmese with Sanskrit, and, in spite of ancient Mr. Houghton disagrees with me in thinking usace. to try and derive all Sanskrit derivatives that any of the words given in my list relate to from Pali, the sacred language of the Southern social life or are in common use. In refutation of School of Buddhism. I do not at all see how "the his statement I may say that the following San- fact of the penultimate vowel in the Burmese form skrit derivatives are in very common use beingi and not d is a proof of its late introduction." among the Burmese :-(7) chaikram in the In the first place this statement is inconsistent with sense of walking about for exercise; (8) drap as a the assertion made in Mr. Houghton's first parasynonym for gun (Pali guna), meaning primarily to graph that "from very ancient times, indeed, the be possessed of a certain status in society, and kings of Burma kept Brahman astrologers at their secondarily to be proud; (10) kambhd, a world or courts for the purpose of making forecasts, fixing a cycle of existence; (12) parissad, an assembly or dates, and what not" (I suppose the vague "what audience, a congregation of people meeting to- not" would include the duty of performing the gether for purposes of religious devotion or festi coronation ceremony of Burmese kings). In the vity: (14) prakati, in statu quo, or in a state of second place, in dealing with Indo-Chinese langu. nature; (15) prassad, a turret, or a building with ages, which have borrowed their alphabet from a number of roofs overtopping one another." India, it is hardly safe to base one's conclusion on Adhvan.-Mr. Houghton says: "The word is, the mere morphology of words. The genius of however, an extremely rare one, and its meaning such languages is so different from either Sanskrit would probably not be understood by nine edu or Pali that it would be much safer to take also cated Burmans out of ten." With all due defer into consideration the phonetic forms of such ence, I must say again that this word is in very words. Although the derivative from Sansksit, common use. When a Burman wishes to express which we are now discussing, is written bhiss ik or the incalculable duration of his repeated existences bhisik, the combination ik is always pronounced before he can enter Nirvana, he would always Ok, thus establishing its affinity to the vowel e in employ this word in connexion with satisdra. abhishika. Again, in Burmese histories, as well as in conver- Chakra-I must again point out the very sation, the word is commonly employed to signify common use of the derivative from this Sansksit the long succession of kings subsequent to the word. The Pati expression dhammachakka is reigning ruler. always rendered into Burmese as dhamuachakra, Amrita.-The Sansksit derivative is pronounced thus showing the partiality of the Burmese amrail or amyaik, 18 pointed out by Mr. language for derivatives from Sanskrit and rebut. Houghton. The substitution of t for k, in my ting Mr. Houghton's contention : - "the former, former article (ante, Vol. XXI. p. 94) is, as admit or PAli, word (chakka) was that originally used, ted by the Editor, a misprint. The truth of Mr. and that the Sanskrit word has been introduced subsequently by some courtly scholar." One of Houghton's remark that, "the application of the the titles of the Burmese king was "the Lord of epithet amraik (amrita) to the Buddhist Nirvana is obviously modern and needs no discussion here," the chakrd weapon (or disc);" and in common can, I must confess, be hardly admitted by any conversation the notion of a supernatural element scholar who knows anything of Pali and Bud is always conveyed by the word chakri in such expressions as yatia: chakrd, supernatural or dhism. There can be no doubt that North Indian influence is responsible for tne transformation of flying chariots; nd: chakra, supernatural faculty the word, the various stages of which appear to be of hearing. as follows: amrita=amritzamrotampok, which, Chakravala.-The cosmogony of the Burmese according to the Burmese system of phonetice, is not derived from the Brahman astrologers at would be pronounced amrtik. the Court," bat was introduced with Buddhism. Abhisheka.-No doubt in the "corrected Chakravartin.-I cannot at all agree with spelling" issued under the authority of the Text- Mr. Houghton's statement as to the manner of 1 See ante, p. 244. The numbon refer to the words in my former list, ante, Vol. XXI. p. 85.
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________________ JUNE, 1893. ] MISCELLANEA. 163 Pali." the introduction of the derivative from this word. such preference? Surely terms, which had atNo Burmese king has ever arrogated to himself tained some popular fixity, would have been such a title, and the condemnation of the Burinese employed in translating astrological works, which, courtiers is hardly justifiable. Nor can I sub according to Mr. Houghton, were a later imporscribe to his espression the "old speakers of tation. Parissad.-In the Revised Vocabulary of BurChankram Childers, in his Pati Dictionary mese Spelling issued by the Text-book Com. Ukrye 99), identifies the Pali word caiskamo, meun- mittee, this word is, no doubt, ae pointed by iny "a covered walk, arcade, portico, cloister," Mr. Houghton, spelt parisat. At the sitting of with the Sansksit 134 + . The word 796 the Committee, when the spelling of this word as meaning "walk (abstract and concrete)" is was discussed, the reason given by one of the given at page 165 of Cappeller's Sanskrit- English sayus for the adoption of the form as it now Dictionary. stands was, that it was derived from parisati, which is but another form of parisd + iti! This Dravya.-The exceedingly common use of the was no doubt an attempt made with a vengeance word drap, which is derived from dravya, has to disclaim all connexion with Sanskrit. The already been pointed out above. word used to be spelt until a few years ago parisKalpa. Mr. Houghton contends that, where sad, but the modern school of Burmese writers, a Pali and a Sanskrit derivative having the who know nothing about the obligations of Bur. samo signification exist in Burmese, greater mese to Sanskrit, desire to eliminate all Sanantiquity should be attached to the former, skritio elements, which they do not understand and With all due deference to his scholarship I cannot appreciate. in Sanskrit means would beg lesve to differ from this view. I "sitting around, besetting assembly, congregawould select only a few instances to show that this tion." The corresponding PAli form parisd is pricontention is not warranted by facts. The PAli marily employed in the Buddhistic sense of the words dhammachakka and Sariputta always various classes of Buddha's disciples as monks, assume in Burmese partially Sanskritio forms as nuns, lay disciples, female devotees, &c., &o. (See dhammachakra and Suriputtard. Again, in a Childers' Pali Dictionary, page 346). Mr. Burmese inscription, dated 1198 A. D., which was Houghton's 'violent assumption' that 'the original found at Pagan, the word Nirpan occurs, which Sanskrit word means rather & council, as in a has closer affinity to the Sanskrit Nirudna than court, or an assembly of ministers,' and that it to the Pali Nibbdna; and the Pali Vissakamma is was so first used by the Brahmans in the king's always rendered in Burmese as Visakrom (Sanskrit court, the use of the word becoming afterwards Vibvakarman). How would Mr. Houghton explain more generally extended,' is scarcely warranted by this remarkable phenomenon P Could he explain it the circumstances of the case. The supposition in any way other than by saying that the Sanskrit that the word was first introduced in & political, derivatives in the Burmese language are of more and not a religions, sense, and that it then perancient date than the corresponding Pati deriva- meated to the masses is not reasonably justified by tives P the absence of means for the dissemination of ideas from a centre of political activity among the masses As regards the pronunciation of the conjunct of the people, by the difficulty of communication consonant l as anusvara in such words as alldpa and interoourse, and by the attitude of indifference and salldpa, it is hardly justifiable to adopt the generally assumed by native rulers towards their standard obtaining in Arakan, though it is un. subjects. There can be no doubt that the word doubtedly not nowadays a centre of native learn parissad was introduced into Burma with the ing. Since the fall of Arakan in 1785 A. D. the Buddhist Religion. capitals of Burma have been the seats of learning and the centres of literary activity for the whole Prakriti.-My acknowledgments are due to Mr. of the Burmese Empire. Houghton for rectifying this error. The Sanskrit derivative is now being superseded by tho Papi Mrigasiras and Pushya.-The point to which derivative, for the reasons explained above. I would desire to draw attention in connexion with these words is that in Burmese works, such Prasada. Burmese architecture is, at present, 85 the translations of JAtakas, preference is almost a terra incognita, and it is hard to refute always shown to the employment of Banskrit arguments in the shape of vague Burmises. derivatives. If the Pali derivatives were already | Preta.-See my remarks on abhisheka above. in existence, and were therefore, better and more The derivative prittd is in very common use strong widely understood, how could we account for the Burmese. That the Buddhistic sense of the
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________________ 164 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [JUNE, 1893. word is at one with the Sanskritic sense is clearly explanation about the possible confusion of the shewn at page 378 of Childers' Pali Dictionary. two Pati words satto, a "being, creature, animal, Rishi. --The derivative from this word is not sentient being, man," and satta, seven, is highly now used as a title of respect when addressing ingenious, but cannot bear any criticism, because Buddhist monks, the word now in use being rahan: surely when a Burman with some knowledge of (PAli, arahan). The modern signification at Pali reads a book in that language, he would have tached in Burmese to rasse is an anchorite, who common sense enough to construe according to is beyond the pale of the Order of Buddhist the context, and not take the meaning of each Monks. The imputation of pride and conceit to detached word without any reference to the other Burmese monks, as implied by Mr. Houghton's words in the same sentence. Mr. Houghton remarks, is, I think, uncalled for and unjustifiable. says: - "It seems probable that the Sanskrit In spite of the high authority of Dr. Judson, who form of this word (which is mainly used in philo. is, by the way, not an authority on Pali or San- sophical works) was adopted in Burmese ..." skrit, the Pali form isi of the word rishi is never This Sansksit derivative occurs as sattud, in an found in Burmese as a naturalized word. In ancient inscription of Pagan, dated 585 B. E. translating isi its equivalent rasse is invariably (1223 A. D.). used. In this connexion it may be interesting to Here, again, we have an instance where the word note that Sanskrit and Pali derivatives are is derived from the Sansk pit sattva, and not by the Burmese sometimes coupled together, from the Pali satta. &B if the object is to explain one by the Sakra.-Mr. Houghton accuses me of allowing other: my religious zeal to overstep my discretion in kan kramma = kamma PAli + karman giving this personage" the title of the "Re(Sanskrit) cording Angel of Buddhism :" "A very little kap kambha = kappa (Pali) + kalpa (San. enquiry would have shown him" that Childers skpit) makes use of this very title in his Dictionary (page Rased Rahan: = Rishi (Sanskpit) + Arahan 419), and that the Burmese notions regarding (Pali) this god are more in conformity with Buddhist Amepuccha praagang = Ames (Burmese) + than with Hindu ideas. puccha (Pali) + prasna (Sanskrit) The point at issue, therefore, between Mr. The above combinations are frequently met Houghton and myself is, whether Sanskrit with in Burmese prose. or Pali derivatives were first introduced into Samudra.-In Burmese books, so far as I have the Burmese language. His remarks appear read them, the word samuddard is always used, in a to show that he is in favour of the theory literal and not a metaphorical sense, in preference which accords priority to the latter class of to the vernacular word pinte. In Burmese poetry derivatives. I venture to hold the opposite the two words are sometimes found joined view and to base my conclusion on the together. I should be glad to know the grounds following statements of fact:of Mr. Houghton's statement: - "It was there In the Buddhist literature of the Burmese we fore probably introduced at a late period by meet with the remarkable phenomenon of trars. some philosophical writer." lating Pali words by means of Sanskrit derivaSariputra.--Theform Sdriputtard as well as that tives; e. g. of amraik (Sanskrit amrita, PAli amata) are found, in the Paramigan, the "Paradise Lost" of the Sanskrit Original form of PAli word. the derivative Burmese. This work was compiled by Bilavamsa, derivative. in Sanekrit. a learned monk of Taungdwingyi in the Magwe District of Upper Burma, in the latter half of the Amata. Amraik. Amrita. 15th Century A. D. Dhammachakka. Dhammachakra Dharmachakra. Sattva.-Here, again, Mr. Houghton has been Kamme. Kramma. Karman. misled by Dr. Judson, who says that sattava | Sakka. Sakrat Sakra. means a 'rational being' in Burmese, which is Samudda Samuddara. Samudra. not a complete definition. The sense in which Sangaha. Sangroh. Sangraha. this word is used in Sanskrit, Pali, and Burmese Skriputta. Sariputtara. Sariputra. is nearly identical. In Burmese we speak of lu Satta. Sattava. Sattva. sattavd. mankind, kon sattaud, animals of the Viesakamma. Vigakrom. Visvakarman. land, ye sattard, fishes of the sea. Mr. Houghton's * Spelt phonetically.
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________________ JUXE, 1893.) NOTES AND QUERIES. 165 Again, in the ancient inscriptions of Pagan (iii) that the Southern School or Hinayana, dating from the Ilth and 12th centuries we meet the language of whose scriptures is Pali, subwith the Sanskrit form of invocation Sri Namusequently absorbed and assimilated, by its Buddhiya instead of the customary Pali form stronger vitality, the Northern School, which, Nawu Tursa Bhagavaty Arahati Sanmisambud. through the cessation of intercourse with dhassa. Also in some inscriptions, as tho Posus Northern India, had fallen into corruption daung Inscription (see ante, p. 2) traces of the and decay. influence of the Mahiyaina, or Northern School These inferences are further supported by the of Buddhism, still exist in the expression of the evolution of the Burmese pagoda, in which ar wish of the donor to attain Buddhahood, and not combined the stupa type of Northern India and Arahatship (see Hibbero Lectures, 1881, pp. 251-5). the chaitya type of Ceylon, as pointed out by the Lastly, that Sanskrit studies were much cultivated Eclitor of this Journal in his lecture on the subject among the Burmese in ancient times is clearly before the Anthropological Institute in October proved by the Tet-hn wegyaung Inscription at Pagan, dated 804 B. E. or 142 A.D., which records a list not only of works belonging to the Buddhist I am glad that my short note on the existence Canon, but also of medical, astrological, gram- of Sanskrit derivatives in the Burmese language matical, and poetical works translated from the has been criticised by Mr. Houghton. The conSanskpit language. troversy will, I hope, excite some interest in the subject. At present there is a lamentable dearth These facts appear to indicate: of scholars in Burma, and Burmese history, (i) That the form of Buddhism first intro- Burmese literature, and Burmese antiquities are duced into Burma Proper was that of the fields in which the labourers are exceedingly few Mshayana or Northern School; though the harvest should be plentiful and (ii) that the Buddhist scriptures when rich. Taw SEIX-Ko. first introduced were written in Sanskrit, which is the language of the Northern School; | Christ's College, Cambridge, March 3th, 1893. 1892. . NOTES AND QUERIES. WISHING STONES IN BURMA. the health of relatives, and the girls with recard On the platform of the Shwedagon Pagoda at to their love affairs. R. C. TEMPLE. Rangoon there are two Wishing Stones. Thero BAO, IN DOEUROPEAN FOR MONASTERY, is also one on Mandalay Hill, and one in the Sangermano in his Description of the Burmese: Kogun Cave in the Amherst District. There are Empire, written 1780-1808 A.D., nses throughout probably others scattered about the country. the book the word bso to mean a Buddhist emasThe custom is to formulate a wish in the tery. At p. 90, (reprint 1885) he says, "there is mind and then try and lift the stone, e.g., "I not any village, however small, which has not one want so and so: may the stone be heavy (or light, or more large wooden houses, which are a species as the case may be) if my prayer is heard!" The of convent, by the Portuguese in India called stone is then lifted and if it proves heavy or light, Bao." He means clearly what is called a kyang according as wished, the prayer is heard. by the Burmese and a vihera in the classics. The Burmese are very fond of testing things Again in the Life of Monsignor Percoto by twice, but not oftener. Accordingly the wish Quirini on page 125 occurs :is nsually repeated twice, reversing the desired "egli sembra dissi, cho i Talapoini non siano weight of the stone: i.e., it is wished to be light che un' avanzo. e rampollo di cotali filo and then heavy, or vice versa. If the prayer is Indiani, menando una vita a quelli somigliante in answered to the same effect twice well and good, certi loro Monisterj, con vocabolo Egizio, o nell' but if the prayer is answered differently at the Egitto usato, Bsd chiamati." two trials it is neither granted nor denied. The Lastly in Haswell's Peguan Language, s.v., first trial in such a case is considered the better there occurs Bha, a monastery. This seems to of the two. settle the derivation of this word, which puzzled At Rangoon the stones are chiefly used by ola Yulc; scc Hobson-Jobson, s.v., Kyoung, in Supwomen and maidens. The old women to ascertain plement. R. C. TEMPLE. .
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________________ 166 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [JUNE, 1893. BOOK NOTICE. A SANSKRIT-ENGLISH DICTIONARY, being a have we to assume that the part which has not practical Handbook, with Transliteration, Acoen. survived contains no words which do not occur tuation, and Etymological Analysis throughout. in the part which has ? For this reason, though Compiled by ARTHUR A. MACDONELL, M.A., PH.D., I fully admit its practical convenience in a work Corpus Christi College, (Deputy) Professor of Sanskrit in the University of Oxford. London, like the present, I feel compelled to utter a proLongmans, Green & Co., 1893. test against a fashion, if I may so term it, which I cannot do better than commence by quoting is coming to the front, of treating with too much the first words of the preface of this excellent book. distrust the works of the oldest Indian Lexico. The aim of the present work is to satisfy, within graphers and Grammarians. I maintain that the compass of a comparatively bandy volume, all a complete Sanskrit dictionary should contain the practical wants not only of learners of Sanskrit, all words given in native dictionaries, whether but also of scholars for purposes of ordinary found in literature or not, for one never knows reading." It will appear from what follows that when & certain word will not be required by this modest aim has been completely arrived at. the student. Moreover, many of these unquotDr. Macdonell has followed the newer school able words may be found most useful to the of Sanskritists, of whom Professor Whitney is comparative philologist, whether he compare the most prominent leader, in abandoning native Sanskrit with other Aryan languages, or with authorities, and confining himself to words modern Indian languages, and even when he which can be quoted from actual literature. endeavours to study the life history of Sanskrit There is much to be said for this standpoint, and itself. To take an example from the field of no doubt it supplies a convenient hard and fast comparative philology with which I am most principle for the selection of words,-a principle familiar. There is a Hindi word agars, meaning too, which, in a work like the present, meant "sugar-cane sprouts," the derivation of which more for Sanskrit students than for comparative would be a mystery to the student, who had only a philologists, stands the test of practical useful lexicon based on the theory of the new school to ness. At the same time, with every respect for guide him. The preservation of the g shows that the learned scholars who have adopted it, I feel the word must have come through a Prakrit form bound to protest against it, as being based on a containing either a double gg or a g protected by false assumption. Even assuming that the prin a nasal. This would refer us to a Sanskrit form ciple is a sound one, it is impossible to carry it angdrikd, but no such word is to be found in out thoroughly at the present day. For until Dr. Macdonell's dictionary, as it is not quotable every Sanskrit work in existence has been made from literature. A reference, however, to the accessible to scholars, and has been indexed, it older dictionaries, shows that the Indian lexicois impobeible to say whether any word suggested graphers did give a word angdrikd, meaning for insertion in a dictionary, or any form sug. "sugar-cane sprouts." Here we have a direct gested for insertion in a grammar is quotable or proof that the old lexicographers were right, and not. But putting that point to one side, it is that the writer of a complete Sanskrit dictionary a fallacy to assume that the portion of Sanskrit would not err in including it. But this word is literature of which we have existing remains not only a help to the student of modern Indian contains the omne scibile of the language. I languages. It is a help to the student of Sanskrit believe that the greatest European Sanskrit itself. It is one of the many instances of false scholar will be the first to confess that in many etymologies which occur in that language, and is a particulars his knowledge of Sanskrit is very small valuable example of the way in which the founders beside that of scholars like Hemachandra or the of Sanskrit (as distinct from the Vedic language) authors of the Dhdtupatha. The latter may, no helped out the paucity of a traditional priests' doubt, be sometimes mistaken, but I should not language of the schools, and made it available for dream of doubting the existence of a word men- the use of the forum, by borrowing words from tioned by them, merely because it did not occur the vernaculars current at the time of the birth in known literature, unless some cogent argument of profane Sanskpit learning. They took these were advanced for showing that they were wrong. Praksit (I use the word for want of a better term) Besides, only a small portion of the whole of words and worked back from them to what they Sansksit literature has survived, and what right considered must have been the original word as 1 For reasons which it is unnecessary to quote here, there is no doubt that the PrAkrit word was aggaadia (i.6., agra, with pleonastic ada and ikd). This is, as a matter of letters, posible corruption of angariki, but is certainly not derived from that word.
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________________ JUNE, 1893.] BOOK NOTICE. 167 used in Vedio times, and adopted the word thus The only work which I should have been glad to formed as Sanskrit. Sometimes, as in the case see represented, and which has been left out, is of angarika, their etymology, was at fault, but the Nalodaya. This difficult poem has to be read this does not prevent the word being Sanskrit. at some time or other by every serious student It is therefore well to recognize at once the of Sansksit, and it has the advantage of having limits of Dr. Macdonell's work. For the purpose been excellently edited many years ago by Yates. of the student of Sanskrit literature it is There are many words in it with meanings which admirable and complete, but it does not supply I have not seen in any dictionary. Such are the wants of the comparative philologist nor does (to quote a couple of instances from the first few it pretend to do so. verses) Vrdj, to be happy (I. 5), adhirdja =rujdHaving said so much about what the dictionary nam adhikritya (I. 7). does not contain, it is time to say what it does. None of the puranas are included in the list, Briefly speaking, it is mainly a dictionary of nor are any of the tantras. The omission of the Classical (or as some call it, " Profane") San- first is immaterial, for the language of these krit and only contains such Vedic words as occur works is usually of the most simple description. in those portions of Vedic literature which are There are, however, a few words occurring in readily accessible in good selections. Out-of-the- mahatmyas and tantras which the reader will way technical terms are, as a rule, excluded, butamiss. Such are brf-8akta* (though purusha-stikta special feature of the work is the large number of is given), and bija, in the sense of 'mysticgrammatical and rhetorical terms so necessary formula,'' a word of frequent occurrence in the for the adequate comprehension of native glosses, tantras. Each mystic formula has a name such and which have hitherto not been found in any as maya-bija, and so forth, and they can all be dictionary. Chancing to have had a good deal to found, as well as I remember, in a work called the do with rhetorical terms lately, I have been able Tantra-sara, which has been printed in Calcutta. to test this feature of the work pretty thoroughly, and have found that_Dr. Macdonell's claims to The arrangement of the dictionary is as con pact as is compatible with clearness. Compounds usefulness in this respect are amply borne out. are arranged in convenient groups under a Even when the meaning of a rhetorical term is clear, it is not always easy to hit readily upon leading word. Before consulting the dictionary, the reader must be warned to master thoroughly the exact English accepted equivalent. The the system of punctuation, on which the whole translation of the Sahitya Darpana has hitherto system of each group of articles depends. Foi been the only guide to the student, but it is instance, anushangika, occurs under the group inconvenient to use, and only deals with the main stems of the many-branching tree of Hindu headed by dnu-kul-ika, and unless the meaning of the preceding semi-colon is understood, a rhetoric. For the purposes of a future edition learner may be tempted to read the "-shangika," I may refer Dr. Macdonell to a useful little as dnu-kul-shangika. The system is, however, Hindi book,-Bihari-Tulasi-Bhushana-Bodha, by simplicity itself, and, what is wanted in a Paudit Bihari Lal Chaube, which gives an alpha dictionary, aids compactness, without sacrificing betical list of some hundred and fifty rhetorical in any way the readiness with which a word can terms, each of which is fully explained, together be found. On one point I must congratulato with examples from Hindi literature. Dr. Macdonell on having the courage to revert to Dr. Macdonell, in his preface, gives a list of the books to which the dictionary specially refers. Benfey's system of giving verbal prepositions in alphabetical order after the last forin of the It contains some forty names, principally of the high classical period of Sanskrit literature. It simple verb with which they are used. includes such difficult works as the Kadambari, Although references are not given, all that is the Kiritdrjuniya, and the Sisupalavadha. really necessary to the ordinary student is to be Curiously enough the Ramayana is not men- found, viz, the literary period to which each word tioned, though no doubt every word in that not or meaning belongs, and the frequency or rarity very extensive epic will be found duly explained of its occurrence. Another point of importance ? Printed at the Kharg Bilas Press, Bankipur. The half of the 17th Century and the whole of the 18th book deals ostensibly with Hindi rhetorie, but it is nearly the only celebrated authors (always excepting equally useful for Sanskrit students, the technical the incomparable Biharf LAI) were men who taught terms being all borrowed from Sanskrit. I may men- people how to write poetry, but who could not write it tion that the study of rhetoric has been carried to astonishing lengths by Hindi writers, commencing with I omit from consideration the larger Petersburg K ava Dasa, who flourished in the middle of the 17th | Dictionary which I am not just now able to consult. century. After the death of Tulasi Dasa (1623 A. D.), 1 * Given in the smaller Petersburg Dictionary. poetry disappeared from India, and during the latter Not in the smaller Petersburg Dictionary.
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________________ 168 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [JUNE, 1893. is that wherever the accent is known from Vedic uncommon, and can always be referred through texts it has been indicated in the transliteration. Prakpit either to a Sanskrit , or to a Sansksit The etymological portion of the dictionary is, ati (a-i, 4. a). Henco I believe that this second so far as it goes, complete. As already men- meaning of akupya is to be referred to a Prakrit tioned, it does not aim at comparative philology, form of ikupya or atikupya. outside the bounds of the Sanskrit language. In order to test the vocabulary of this dicAll words, -except the small number which defy tionary, I have gone through the first sixty pages analysis, have been broken up into their com of the Kidambari, and compared it with the ponent parts in the transliteration. When these dictionary hitherto available to English scholars, mcans failed, the derivation is concisely added in that of Sir Monier Williams. In these sisty brackets. I only regret that Dr. Macdonell did pages there are about eighteen words which I not take advantage of the opportunity to point have failed to find in the older work, all of which, out how much Sanskrit, and especially Classical with a few unimportant exceptions, are duly Sanskrit, is indebted to words borrowed from registered in that under consideration. The ex. vernaculars in a state of much greater phonetic ceptions are of no moment, and cause no trouble decay than that at which the main portion of to the reader. Those I have noticed in my the language had been arrested. This is a wide edition of the Kidambari, are aklishtati (aklishta field, bardly touched upon as yet, save by Prof. is given), ushuidhin (ashalha, a palasa-staff, is Zacharia; and is one which promises with little given), utsuda (utsddana is given), rasita (rasita labour to yield a bounteous fruit. Words like is given) rupa (ripa mrigah svabhivavantah angdra already mentioned, the possible connec Wledocha, comm., bakuni-juna (bakuna-jauna, is tion between verbal bases such as ichchha, and given). This will show the thoroughness with pea, (both Vedio) parallel forms such as kapata which the work has been done, and of how far it and kawita, leshurika and chhurika, gdha and supersedes previous similar books. Of the above griha (both Vedic), pattra and patta, and hundreds omitted words, only one (utsdda) is found in the of others, point to one of two things, either the smaller St. Petersburg Dictionary. existence of dialects at the time the Vedic hymns were composed (if not when they were compiled), I have alrendy drawn attention to the compact or else to the borrowing, by a language already and convenient arrangement of the articles. A stereotyped, of words from vernaculars in a later word of praise must also be given to the beautistage of phoneticnl growth. Both of these facts | fully clear type, and to the freedom from misfall well within the province of the etymological prints, an accuracy which makes an Anglolexicographer: and a correct appreciation of Indian condemned to hard labour at the hands both is absolutely necessary to comprehend the of Calcutta compositors sigh with envy relationship between Profane and Vedic Sanskrit, In conclusion, I must congratulate Prof. Macand between the former and the Vernaculars of donell on being the first to produce a scientific India from the time of Asoka to the present day.cally arranged Sanskrit dictionary, of convenient One word I miss from Dr. Macdonell's dictionary, size and moderate cost. Measured by its aim it which well illustrates what I mean, - akupya. is a complete and brilliant success, and if here The word is not quotable, and hence it is quite and there I have appeared to be a chhidrinveshan, rightly omitted, but still I should have been glad I have referred not to the execution of what has to know what a skilled etymologist such as he been done, but have only expressed my regrets is, would have said about it. The word has two that his aim has not been a higher one. But meanings 'not (a) base metal (kupya),' and 'base then, if it had been as I wish it, and if Dr. metal.' Other dictionaries explain the second Macdonell had given us still more gifts from the meaning by declaring the a to be expletive, that storehouse of his learning, the size of his book is to say ignotum per ignotius. Pandits give the would not have been convenient, nor would its cost a its negative force, and say the word means have been moderate. Things are better as they that metal with reference to which all other are, and we may hope for, at some future time, metals are not base,' i.e., 'metal which is very a lexicon embracing the whole Sanskrit language, base. I believe that a reference to the despised and dealing with it in all its aspects from his vernaculars and Prakrits will clear up the diffi. competent pen. culty. In the former this a prefix is by no means G. A. GRIERSON. I am, of course, aware of the ow theory regarding these chchha bases. But whether ichchha is an original Sanskrit base or not, the fact that the Prakrit form of fpea, to wish to obtain, to desire, is also ichchha, cannot be overlooked by the student of Sanskrit etymology. So also they talk of a word a-vara (not ava-ra), very excellent' : 'that with reference to which all other things are not excellent.' e.g. Hindi achapala = chapala.
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________________ JULY, 1893.] TOPOGRAPHICAL LIST OF THE BRIHAT-SAMHITA. 169 THE TOPOGRAPHICAL LIST OF THE BRIHAT-SAMHITA. BY J. F. FLEET, I.C.S., Ph.D., C.I.E. THE topographical information contained in the Brihat-Samhita of Varahamihira 1 is to be tound chiefly in chapter xiv., entitled kurma-vibhaga or "the Division of the Globe;" the special object of wbich, in conformity with the astrological nature of the whole work, is to provide an arrangement from which it may be determined what countries and peoples suffer calamity when particular nakshatras or lunar mansions are vexed by the planets. For this purpose, the twenty-seven nakshatras, commencing with Ksittikah (the Pleiades), are divided into nine groups, of three each ; and the globe, into a corresponding numbers of nine divisions, starting with the Madhyadesa or middle country, as the central part of Bharatavarsha or the inhabitable world, and then running round the compass from east to north-east. And an application of the distribution, - though not a very careful one, unless it can be improved or corrected by any emendation of the present text,- is given in verses 32, 33, of the same chapter; where we learn that, as the groups of nakshatras are vexed, commencing with that of which the first nakshatra is Agneya or Krittikah, so, in due order, destruction and death come upon the kings of the Panchalas (middle-country), of Magadha (eastern division), of Kalinga (south-east division), of Avanti (southern division), of Anarta (south-west division), of the Sindhu-Sanviras (again the south-west division), of the Harahauras or Harahauras (not mentioned elsewhere), of the Madras (north-west division), and of the Kaunindas (north-east division). The first part of my catalogue, the divisional list, gives all the names thus mentioned in chapter xiv., as it runs in Dr. Kern's edition, arranged alphabetically under the divisions of the country adopted by Varkhamihira. As has been indicated, the primary division is the Madhyadosa or middle country. I do not find any definition of this term in the Brihat-Sanhita. And there seem to be differences in respect of its limits. Thus, Prof. H. H. Wilson has spoken of it as being "the country along the Narmada;" and Alberuni, from the information given to him, has explained it as being "the country all around Kanauj, which is also called Aryavarta." Sir Monier Monier-Williams, however, in his Sanskrit Dictionary, gives it a considerably more ample extent; defining it as "the country lying between the Himalayas on the north, the Vindhya mountains on the south, Vinasana on the west," i.e. apparently the place where the river Sarasvati was supposed to lose itself in the sand, "Prayaga on the east, and comprising the modern provinces of Allahabad, Agra, Dehli, Oude, &c." And this seems to be more in consonance with Varahamihira's view : since we find him including in it, on the east, Saketa (Oude), 8 and on the west, the Maru country (Marwad), and the Sarasvatas or people living on the banks of the Sarasvati which rises in Mount Abu, and, running almost due south, flows into the Ran of Cutch; while, on the other hand, the Yamunas or people living on the banks of the Jamna, which rises in the Himalayas, are placed by him partly in the middle country and partly in the northern division, and the Vindhya mountains, which run across the peninsula and constitute the northern boundary of the valley of the Narmada, are excluded by him from the middle country altogether, though, in connecting them only with the south-east division, he fails to represent fully their extent. In presenting this divisional list, I do not mean to suggest that it furnishes materials for preparing an accurate map of ancient India; or that the cities, rivers, mountains, tribes, &c.,and especially the tribes,- belong actually and only to the divisions to which they are allotted by Varahamihira. Mistakes in his details can easily be shewn: for instance, though he places Kachchha and Girinagara both in the southern division, he locates Raivataka in the southwest; whereas this mountain is quite close to Girinagara (Junagadh) and the Girnar mountain, 1 Vishnu-Purana, Translation, Vol. IV. p. 64, note 3. * Albirani's India, Translation, Vol. I. p. 173 ; also see p. 198. * So also the Matsya Purana places Ayodha (Oude) in the Madhyadeks; see Vishnu-Purana, Translation, Vol. IV. p. 168, note ul.
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________________ 170 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [JULY, 1993. and is considerably to the south of Cutch. My object is to make a start, in order that, when the lists of other books have been treated in the same way and all have been compared, we may then be in a position to put all the materiais together, and arrive at some consolidated and satisfactory results. In addition to the divisional list of chapter xiv., the astrological statements that run through the whole book, and in particular verses 1 to 39 of chapter xvi., which define "the countries, peoples, and things belonging to the domain of each planet," add a variety of other names which are not mentioned at all in chapter xiv. All these names I have included, with those taken from chapter xiv., in the general alphabetical list. And here I have inserted notes on some of the names, chiefly in the direction of quoting the earliest epigraphic references to them; but without attempting to give all that might be said about them, or about the others that I have passed over without comment. Little, if anything, in a topographical direction, is to be learnt from these astrological references; which simply tell us, for instance, that (chap. xviii. Verse 6) "should the Moon leave Saturn at her right, then sovereigns keeping the town will "triumph, and the Sakas, Bahlikas, (the people of) Sindhu, Pahlavas and Yavanas, be joyful." They are of value only as tending to indicate the comparative importance or notability of the different tribes and places, as judged by the number of different allusions to each of them. To apply them in any other way, e. g. to assume that the names mentioned in one and the same passage are to be referred to much about one and the same locality, would only be conducive to error. Thus, such a rule might be applied in respect of the verse just mentioned, without going far wrong. But chapter iv. verse 25, and chapter xvi. verse 22, give clear instances to the contrary. The former couples the Arjunayanas and the Yaudheyas, who belong to the northern division, and the Kauravas, who, as the people of Kuru-land, may perhaps be referred to the northern division, with the Pragisas or kings of the eastern country. And the latter couples the Arjaniyanas, Yandhyas, Traigartas, Pauravas, and Vatadhanas, of the northern division, with the Ambashthas of the east or south-west, the Paratas of the west, and the Sarasvatas and Matsyas of the middle country. But little, therefore, if anything at all, could be gained, in this or any similar list, by noting the way in which different names are connected with each other in the astrological passages. DIVISIONAL LIST. The Madhyadosa or middle country in- Surasenas, Uddehikas, Ujjihanas, Upajyotislas, clades (xiv, 2, 3, 4) Gajapura (see under Gaja- | Vatsas, and Yamunas. hvava), Kalakote, Kapishthala, Mathura], The eastern division includes (xiv. 5, 6, 7) and Saketa ; [Chandrapura), Kasi, Mekala, the milky sea the Maru and [Udumbaral countries; (kishirola), the eastern) ocean (sumulru), the Dharmiranya forest; [Tamalipti], and Vardhamana ;[the rivers Samsvati and Yamuna]; the [Kosaln), Magadha, Mithila, [Pundra], and the following tribes or peoples; the Samatata, and Udra countries;Arimedas, Asvatthas, Audumbaras, Bhadras, the mountains Anjann, Malyavat, Padma, Gauragrivas, Ghoshas, Gulas, Kaukas, Kuku- Sibira, Udayagiri, and Vpishabhadhvaja ;ras, Korns, Madhyamikas, Manilavyas, Mathu- the river Lauhitya;rakas, Matsyas, Nipas, Panchalas, Pandus, and the following tribes or peoples; the Salvas or Salvas, Samkhyatas, Sarasvatas, Ambashthas, Bhadras, Chandrapuras, Dantura * As far as the end of chapter lxxxv., of course I have utilized Dr. Kern's translation. It is to be found in the Jour. 1. 18. Soc., N. S., Vol. IV. pp. 130-479 (chap. i. to vii.); Vol. V. pp. 15-90 (chap. viii. to xv.), and pp. 231.288 (chap. xvi. to xxxv.): Vol. VI. pp. 35-91 (chap. xxxvi. to li.), and pp. 279-338 (chap. liii. to lxiv. ; chap. lii., on boils and their consonon , is loft untranslated, as being of no interest whatever); and Vol. VII. pp. 81-134 (chap. lxv. to lxxxv.). I havo glanced through the remaining nineteen chapters, without actually reading them here, the Devaailgari characters, with their absonca of capitala, may possibly have caused me to pass over a point or two which otherwiso I might have noted; but I think that I have not onittod anything of importance. Names in square brackets are supplied from the tribal appellations ; thus, in the present instance, Mathura, from the mention of the lathurakas.
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________________ JULY, 1893.] TOPOGRAPHICAL LIST OF THE BRIHAT-SAMHITA. 171 kas, Gandakas, Karvatas, Kausalakas, Khasas, The south-west division includes (xvi. Paundras, Pragjyotishas, Suhmas, Tamaliptikas, 17, 18, 19) the great ocean (mahirnava), and and Utkalas; also the cannibals (purushada), Vadavamukha ;the horse-faced people (asvavadana), the one the Anarta, Dravida, Kamboja), Paragava, footed people (ekapada), the people with ears shaped like a sickle (ourpukarna), and the tiger- the mountains Homagiri, Phenagiri, and faced people (vyaghramukha). (Revataka);The south-east division includes (xiv. , the river (or country) Sindhu ;9, 10) Hemakundya, the islands of bark, of and the following tribes or pooples; the bulls, andof cocoanuts, Kantakasthala, Kish Abhiras, Ambasbthas, Aravas, Badaras, kindha, and Tripuri;-- Barbaras, Chanchukas, Kalakas, Kapilas, the Andhra, Anga, [Chedi], Kalinga, Kobala, Karnapraveyas, Khandas, Kirktas, Makaras, Pahlavas, Raivatakas, Sindhu-Sauviras, Upavanga, Vanga, and Vidarbha countries; Sudras, and Yavanas; also the eaters of (raw) the Vindhya mountains; flesh (kravyasin), and the people with the and the following tribes or peoples; the faces of women (narimulsha). Chedikas, Dasarnas, Jatharas, Maulikas (or "Saulikas), Nishadas, Purikas, Sabaras (specified The western division includes (xiv. 20, as the leaf-clad 'Sabarus and the naked 'Sabaras), 21) the region of gold (kanaka), and TaraSaulikas (or Maulikas), Smasrudharas, and kshiti; Vatsas ; also the great-necked people (mahugri the Panohanada and Ramatha countries ;vu), the high-throated people ardhvakantha), the collection of forests (ranaugha); and the snake-necked people (vyalagriva). the mountains Astagiri, Kshurarpana, The southern division includes (xiv. 11-16) | Manimat, Meghavat, and Prasasta; Akara, Atri's hermitage, [Avanti], Baladeva and the following tribes or peoples; the pattana, the beryl-mines (vaidarya), Bharu Aparantakas, Haihayas, Jsingas, Mlechchhas, kachchha, Chitrakuta, (the places for obtaining) Paratas, Sakas, Santikas, Vaisyas, and conch-sheils (sarkha), Dasapura, Dharmapat Vokkanas. tava, the elephants' glen (kunjaradari), Gana- The north-west division includes (xiv. rajya, Girinagara, the hermitages (tapasasrama), 22, 23) the kingdom of the amazons (strithe islands (dvipa), Kanchi, [Karmaneya], Kol- rujya); lagiri, Kraunchadvipa, Lanka, Maruchipattana, the Asmaka, Kuluta, and Lahada or Ladaha Nasikya, the southern ocean (ydmyodadhi), (the countries; places for obtaining) pearls (mukta), Sinhala, the forest of the man-lions (nrisimhaTalikata, Vanavasi, and Vellura : vana); the Chera), Chola, Kachchha, Karpata, the rivers Garuha or Guruha, Phalgulaka, [Kerala], Konkana, and Tankana countries; and Venumati; the Dandakavana and Tambavana forests, and the following tribes or peoples; the and the great forest (mahatava); Charmarangas, Halas or Lahas, Madras, Manthe mountains Dardura, Kusuma, Mahen. davyas, Marakachchas, Sulikas (or Malikas), dra, Malaya, Malindya, Rishyamuka, and Talas, and Tukharas; also the dwellers in the Surps ; sky (khastha), the one-eyed people (@kapilothe rivers Kaveri, Krishna, Tamraparnin, chana), the long-faced people (dirghasya), the and Ven ; long-haired people (dirghakesa), and the people and the following tribes or peoples; the with long-necks (darghagriva). Abhiras, Aryakas, A vantakas, Bhadras, Cher. yas, Gonardas, Kairalakas, KalAjinas, Kauka The northern diivsion includes (xiv. 24-28) tas, Kirmaneyakas, Kirnas, Phanikaras, Pisi Bhogaprastha, the city of spirits (Chutapura), kas, Rishabhas, Rishikas, Sauris, and Sibikas: [Pushkalavati], [Takshasilk], Vasati, and also, the mariners (varichara), the peoplo with Yasovati; thick matted hair (jatadhara), and the eaters the Adarsa, Antardvipin, Gandhara, (Malaof whales (timingildsana.) | va], Trigarta, and (Uttara-Kurn) countries ,
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________________ 172 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [JULY, 1893. the mountains Dhanushmat, Himavat | The north-east division includes (xiv. 29, (Himalaya) Kailasa, Kranncha, Bleru, and 30, 31) Brahmapura, the kingdom of the dead Vasumat; (nashtarijya), the gold-region (suvarnablue), the river (Yamuna] : and the marshes or swamps (Palala); and the following tribes or peoples; the the [Kasmira] and Kuluta countrios; Agnidhras or Agnityas, Ambaras, Arjuna yanas, the forest of Vasus or spirits (vasuvana), the Dandapingalakas, Dasameyas, Daserakas, Gav- forest-kingdom (vanarajya), and tho forestyas, Hematalas, Hunas, Kachcharas, Kaikayas, territory (vanarashtra); - Kailavatas, Kanthadhanas, Kohalas, Kshatri- the mountains Meruka and Munja ;yas (under the name of rajanya), Kshema. and the following tribos or peoples; the dhurtas, Kshudraminas, Madrakas, Malavas, Abhisaras, Anavisvas, Bhallas, Chinas, Dama. Manahalas, Mandavyas, Pauravas, Push kala- ras, Daradas, Dirvas, Gandharvas, Ghoshas, vatas, Saradhanas, Sitakas (or Satakas), Sya- Kasmiras, Kaunindas, Khashas, Kiras, Kiratas, makas, Takshasilas, Udichyas, Uttara-Kurus, Kuchikas, Kunathas, Pauravas, Sairindhas, Vatadhanas, Yamunas, and Yaudheyas; also and Tanganas; also the nomads (pasupala), the flat-nosed people (chipitanasika) the thick the wearers of bark (chiranivasana), the haired people (kesadhara), the roamers in the dwellers in the sky (diri shtha), the demons sky (khachara), the dog-faced peoplo (svamu- with matted hair or elf-locks (jafasteret), the kha), and the horse-faced people (turage-one-footed people (ekacharana), and the threenana). eyed people (trinetra). ALPHABETICAL LIST. Abhira, or Abhira, the name of a people mines," considers that it denotes the modern placed in the southern division, xiv. 12, and Khindosh. The name apparently occurs in in the south-west division, xiv. 18; miscel- one of the Nasik inscriptions Archool. Surv. laneous astrological references, v. 38, 42; West. Indl. Vol. IV. p. 109), and in the Junaix. 19; xvi. 31. One of the Nasik inscrip- gadh inscription of Rudradaman (Inul. Ant. tions mentions an Abhira king (Archaeol. Vol. VII. p. 262; the text has Akar-Avan ty-). Surv. West. Ind. Vol. IV. p. 104). And the Alaka, apparently a city; the lord of Alaka Abhiras are named among the tribes subju- (Alaka-natha), misc. ref., xi. 58. Kern in gated by Samudragupta (Gupta Inscriptions, his translation gives the feminine form, p. 14). Alaka; which, however, does not suit the Abhisara, a people in the north-east division, metre. The published text is Ikshvaku xiv. 29; misc. ref., xxxii. 19. The Abhisara Rulakanathan, "the [kshvakus and the lord country is supposed to be the modern Hazara, of Ralaka ;" with the various readings of in the Panjab (McCrindle's Invasion of India kukula and rulaka, for ralaka. But, in a by Alexander the Great, p. 69, note 3). note to his translation, Kern prefers IkshudAdarsa, a country in the northern division, kur-Alakanaths; which is the reading of xiv. 25. the commentary, and is supported by the Agnidhra, or Agnidhra, a people in the remark Alaka-nagari tan-natho raja. The northern division, xiv. 25. In his text, only other Alaka that is known, is the city Kern reads Bhogaprasth - Arjunayan-Agni- of Kubera. The name of Ralaka is not dhrah; and in his various readings he notes otherwise known at all. that one MS. gives Agrioya, but all the amazons, the kingdom of the (denoted by others, except the one from which tho word strirajya), in the north-west division, xiv. in his text is taken, Agnityah. In his trans- 22; misc. ref., xvi. 6. Alberuni says, "Stri. lation he gives "Agnidhras (or Agnityas)." rajya, i. e. women among whom no man Alberuni has given the Brihat-Sarikita divi. dwells longer than half a year." sional list (India, Translation, Vol. I. pp. Ambara, a people in the northern division, 300-303); and here he gires "Agnitya." xiv. 27. Akara, a place in the southern division, siv. 12. Ambashtha, a people in the eastern division, Kern, who translates the word by "the xiv. 7; also in the south-west, xiv. 17; misc.
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________________ JULY, 1893.) TOPOGRAPHICAL LIST OF THE BRIHAT-SAMHITA. 173 ref., xi. 19; xvi. 22. In a note to his trans- See also Aparantya.' Mention is made of lation, Kern remarks that the Ambash thas the Aparanta people or country in one of the of the eastern division are the Ambaste of Nasik inscriptions Archaeol. Surv. West. Ind. Ptolemy, vii. 1, 66 seq.; and that they are Vol. IV. p. 109), and in the Junagadh not to be confounded with their namesakes inscription of Rudradaman (Ind. Ant. Vol. in the south-west. VII. p. 262). And one of the Asoka edicts Aparta, a country in the south-west division, classes the Yavanas, Kambojas, and Gandha xiv. 17; misc. ref., v. 80; xiv. 33; xvi. 31. ras as aparanta (id. Vol. XX. pp. 240, 241). This country is mentioned in the Junagadh Pandit Bhagwanlal Indraji has said that inscription of Rudradaman (Ind. Ant. Vol. there are reasons for thinking that Sopara, VII. pp. 262, 263). in the Thana District (see under 'Saarparaka'), Andhra, or Andhra, a country, and the people was the chief place in the Aparanta country of it, in the south-east division, riv. 8; Jour. Bo. Br. R. As. Soc. Vol. XV. p. 274, misc. ref., xvi. 11 ; xvii. 25; - the lord of and note 3). Andhra, or of the Andhras (Andhra-pati), Aparantya, a people, evidently identical with misc. ref., xi. 59. The Andhras are carried | Aparantaka, q. v.; misc. ref., v. 40, ix. 15. back to the third century B. C. by one of the Arava, a people in the south-west division, edicts of Asoka (Ind. Ant. Vol. XX. pp. 239, xiv. 17. 240, 247, 248). Other early epigraphic Arbuda (the modern Mount Abu), misc. ref., references are to be found in Gupta Inscrip: v. 68; xvi. 31 ; xxxii. 19. tions, p. 230, and Archaol. Sury. West. Ind. Arimeda, a people in the middle country, Vol. IV. p. 127. xiv. 2. Anga, a country in the south-east division, Arjunayana, a people in the northern division, ziv. 8; misc. ref., v. 72; ix. 10; x. 14; xiv. 25; misc. ref., iv. 25; xi, 59; xvi. 22; xi. 56; xxxii. 15. See under Jathara. xvii. 19. The Arjunayapas are named among Anjana, & mountain in the eastern division, the tribes subjugated by Samudragupta xiv. 5. (Gupta Inscriptions, p. 14). An early coin Antard vipa, or Antardvipin, a region in the of the Arjaniyanas is figured in Prinsep's northern division, xiv. 25. Essays, Vol. II. p. 223, Plate xliv. No. 22. Antargiri, a mountain region; misc, ref., v. 42. Arya, a people; misc, ref., v. 42, where Kern In a note to his translation Kern remarks -- takes the word as meaning "the inhabitants "I am not able to say which part of the of Arya varta," q. v. Himalayan hill country was called Antar- Aryaka, a people in the southern division, giri; it may be Kumaon, or a still more xiv. 15. eastern district. Cf. ch. xvi. 2, and Maha- Aryavarta, the inhabitants of Aryavarta (the bhar. II. ch. xxvii. 3." In xvi. 2, the origi- text uses the nom. plur.), which is a cusnal has bahir-antah-saila-jah, "the people tomary name for Northern India; misc. ref., beyond and within the mountains ;" note, v. 67. See also uttarapatha. The word "i. e. a part of the Himalaya," Aryavarta means 'the abode of the Aryas, Antarvedi, & region; misc, ref., v. 65. Kern or excellent or noble people. It is used to translates by "the Doab." The name may denote Northern India in the Allahabad apply to any Doab: but it usually denotes inscription of Samudragupta (Gupta Inscripthe country lying between the Ganga and tions, p. 13). In the Munavadharmasastra, the Yamuna, which is mentioned as Ganga- ii. 22 (Burnell's Translation, p. 18) Aryavarta Yamun-antarala, in lxix. 26, misc. ref.; and is defined as the land between the Himalaya it is used in that sense in the Indor grant and Vindhya mountains, extending to the of Skandagupta (Gupta Inscriptions, p. 69). eastern and to the western seas. But a Annvisva, a people in the north-east division, more precise division between Northern and xiv. 31. Southern India is given by the poet RajaA parantaka (v. l. A parantika)," the people sekhara, who, in the 'Balaramayana, Act of the western marches," a people in the 6 (see V. Sh. Apte's Rajasekhara : his Life western division, ziv. 20; misc, ref., v. 70. and Writings, p. 21), speaks of the river
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________________ 174 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. (JULY, 1893. 1 DO Narmada (the Nerbudda'), which rises in, Avantaka, the inhabitants of Avanti or Avanti, and runs along close to the south of, the 1 9. v., a people in the southern division, xiv. Vindhya range, as "the dividing line of 12; misc, ref., v. 73. See also Avanta' and Aryavarta and the dakshinapatha." Avantika.' Asikn, a people; misc. ref., xi. 56. Mention Avanti, a city (better known as Ujjayani, q. t., is made of the Asika people or country in or Ujjayin1), misc. ref., v. 40; ix, 17; also one of the Nasik inscriptions (Archaeol. Suru. an inhabitant of the same, misc. ref., ix. West. Ind. Vol. IV. p. 109). 18, 21. See also Avanti, Avanta, Avantaka, Asmaka, #country, and the people of it, in and Avantika.' The name Avanti occurs in the north-west division, xiv. 22 ; mise, ref., inscriptions at Nasik and Ajanta (Archaeol. v. 39, 73, 74; ix, 18, 27; xvi. 11; xxxii. Sury, West. Ind. Vol. IV. pp. 109, 127), and 15; the lord of Asmaka (Asmaka-pa, in the Junagadh inscription of Rudradaman, -natha, -narendra) misc. ref., xi. 54, 55; xvii. Ind. Ant. Vol. VII. p. 262; the text has 15. Below his translation of xiv. 22, Kern Akar-Avanty-). adds the note- "the Assakanoi of the Avanti, a city, the same as Avanti, q.o.; misc. Greeks." Mention is made of the Asmaka ref., xi. 35. people or country in one of the Ajanta inscrip- Avantika, & king or other inhabitant of tions (drchaeol. Suru. West. Ind. IV. p. 131). Avanti or Avanti,' q. v. misc, ref., v. 64; astagiri, the mountain behind which the sun lxxxvi. 2. See also Avanta' and Avantaks.' sets,' in the western division, xiv. 20. Ayodhyaka, the inhabitants of Ayodhya, which Asvattha, #people in the middle country, is the modern Ajodhya, Audh, Awadh, or xiv. 3. Oade;' misc. ref., iv. 24. See also Saketa.' asvamukha, horse-faced people;' misc. ref., The name Ayodhya occurs in the spurious xvi. 35. See also asvavadana' and 'turaga- grant of Samudragupta (Gupta Inscriptions, nana.' p. 257). asvavadana, 'horse-faced people,' in the eastern division, xiv. 6; identified by Kern with the Badara, a people in the south-west division, Hippoprosopoi of the Periplus Maris Ery- ziv. 19. thraei. See also asvamukha' and turaga- Bahlika, a country, and the inhabitants of it; nana.' misc. ref., v. 37; xviii. 6. See also . Bahlika, Atri (the hermitage of), in the southern divi- Vahlika, and Vahlika.' sion, xiv. 14. Bahlfka, the same as Bahlika, 9. v.; misc. ref., Audra or Odra, a country (the modern Orissa), . 7; xvi. 1; xvii. 13, 25; xxxii. 15. In and the people of it; misc, ref., v. 74. See xvi, 1, Kern translates by "Balkh." also .Udra.' Babugiri, rendered by Kern by "hill-districts," Audumbara, the people of the Udumbara but perhaps the name of some particular country, in the middle country, xiv. 4. mon ntainous country; misc. ref., xvi. 26. See also Udumbara.' Baladevapattana, a city in the southern diviAnjjayanika, the people of Ujjayant, q..; sion; xiv, 16. Below his translation Kern misc. ref., xi. 56. gives the note- "the Balaipatna of Ptolemy, Auainara, 'a king of the Ukinaras,' q. v.; misc. so that the reading Palaipatna, preferred by ref., xi. 55. Lassen, is proved to be a falso form." Avagana, or Avagana a people or country; Barbara, a people in the south-west division, misc. ref., xi. 61; xvi. 38. Kern translates xiv. 18; misc. ref., v. 42. the word by Afghans,' in both places. In bark, the island of charmadvipa), in the xi. 61, among other various readings there south-east division, xiv. 9;- wearers of are Chal-Abakana, Chol-Anhang ana, and bark (chiga-nivasana), a people in the northChola-Varga-Kaukana ; and in xvi. 38, east division, xiv. 31. Ch8l-Avagana, and Ch8l-Abakana. beryl-mines (vaidurya), in the southern division, Avanta, a king or other inhabitant of Avanti xiv. 14. or Avanti, q. v. ; misc. ref., xiv. 33. See Bhadra, a people in the middle country, xiv. 2; also Avantaka' and Avantika.' and in the eastern division, xiv. 7; and in
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________________ JULY, 1893.) TOPOGRAPHICAL LIST OF THE BRIHAT-SAMHITA. 175 the southern division, xiv. 16. In a note to with the note" or Bhasapura or Bhasavaras. his translation of xiv. 7, Kern explains the "May be, Bhasaparas (= Bhasavaras) means name by "the Blessed," and suggests that " those who live on this side of Mount the Bhadras are probably the same with the "Bhasa." Utpala gives no explanation. Bhadrasvas, q. v. Bhimarnth, a river; misc. ref., xvi. 9. The Bhadrasva, a people, to be placed in the middle published text has Bhimarathdyah, which country if identified with the Bhadras; the Kern rendered by " (the inhabitants of the king of the Bhadrasvas (Bhadrasva-nripa), western half of the district) of the Bhimaramiso, ref., ix. 11. In a note to his transla- tha." A various reading is Bhimarathyayah, tion, Kern remarks-"The Bhadrasvas area which gives the name of Bhimarathya. A mythical peoplo, fabled to live in the remote grant of the Eastern Chalukya king VishEast, or, according to the phrase of the nuvardhana I. gives the name as Bhimarathi astronomical Siddhantas, at 90deg E. from (Ind. Ant. Vol. XIX. pp. 304, 310). The Lanka, in the region where Yavakoti, "Java river is undoubtedly the modern Bhima, Point," is situated. (The reading Yamakoti which rises in the Sahyadri range, and flows is erroneous; for Yama's kingdom is in the into the Krishna near Raichur. South, not in the East; and, besides, the Bhringi (?), a people (?); misc. ref., iv. 22. compound Yamakoti is devoid of sense.) There are the various readings of Bhrigi, The origin of the Bhadrasvas living near Jsingi, and Vannga; and in his translation the Udayagiri may be traced, I think, to Kern stamps the word as "very doubtful." Rigveda, i. 115, 2, seq." Bhogaprastha, a (?) people, in the northern Bhalla, (v. 1. Bhilla), a people in the north-east division, xiv. 25. division, xiv. 30. Bhogavardhana, a (?) city or country; misc. Bharata, a people; misc. ref. xvi. 21. ref., perhaps an interpolation, xvi. 12. Bharatavarsha, xiv. 1. The word occurs in Bhutapura, the city of spirits,' in the northern other works as Bharatavarsha. In the division, xiv. 27. latter form, it means the country of Bharata ;' | Brahmapura, a city, in the north-east division, and in the other, the country of the Bharatas xiv. 30. or descendants of Bharata. And it is a balls, the island of (urishadvipa), in the southname for the whole of India, the first king east division, xiv. 9. of which is held to have been Bharata, son of Dushyanta. cannibals (purushida, purushada), in the eastBharukachchha, the modern Bharuch or Bha- ern division, xiv. 6; misc. ref., iv. 22. roch, i, e. 'Broach,' a city in the southern In a note to the translation, Kern remarks division, xiv. 11; misc. ref., xvi. 6; lxix. 11; -"the cannibals, being always placed in - the rulers of Bharukachchha (Bharu- the far East, must denote either the inhabikachchha-pah), v. 40. The name Bharukach- tants of the Andamans and Nicobars, or the chha occurs in inscriptions at Junnar and cannibal tribes of the Indian Archipelago, Nasik (Archaeol. Sury. West. Ind. Vol. IV. or both." See also kravyasin.' pp. 96, 100); and perhaps in the Junagadh castes. The work does not mention the inscription of Rudradaman (Ind. Ant. Vol. Brahmans with any topographical reference: VII. p. 262, where, however, "Maru and but it locates the Kshatriyas (mentioned by Kachchha" is preferred by the editors). the term rajanya) in the northern division, Sometimes the Sansksit or Sanskritised form xiv. 28; the Vaisyas in the western division, Bhrigukachchha is met with (e. g., Ind. Ant. xiv, 21; and the Sadras in the south-west Vol. XII. p. 189; Vol. XIX. p. 175). By the division, xiv. 18. Greeks it was called Barygara. Chaidya, the people of Chedi, q. v.; misc. Bhasa pura (P), a town (?); misc. ref., xvi. 11. ref., xi. 59. See also Chedika.' The published text has Bhasupura, with the Champa, a (?) town or country; misc. ref., various readings of Bhasapura, Bhasupurt, xvi. 3. Bhushaparar, and Dasapura. In his transla- Chanchuka (v. l. Champuka), a people in the tion, however, Kern gives "the BhAsaparas;" south-west division, xiy. 18.
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________________ 176 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [July, 1893. Chandrabhaga river, supposed to be the Chenab, one of the five rivers of the Panjab; misc. ref., xvi. 27. Chandrapuras, the inhabitants of the city of Chandrapura, in the eastern division, xiv. 5. A town named Chandrapura is mentioned in the Indor grant of Skandagupta (Gupta Inscriptions, p. 71). charmadvipa, the island of bark, in the south east division, xiv. 9. Charmaranga, a people in the north-west division, xiv. 23. Charudevi, a (?) town or country, misc. ref., ix. 18; the word occurs in the plural, as if denoting the inhabitants. Chedi, a country, misc, ref., xvi. 3; xxxii. 22; - the ruler of Chedi (Chedi-pa), xliii. 8. See also Chaidya and Chedika.' The Kalachuris of Central India were kings of Chedi. Chedika (v. I. Chaidika), the people of Chedi, 9. v., in the south-east division, xiv. 8. See also Chaidya.' Cherya, a people, evidently of the Chera country, in the southern division, xiv. 15. China, a people in the north-east division, xiv. 30; misc. ref., v. 77, 78, 80 ; x. 7, 11; xi. 61 ; xvi. 1, 38. Kern translates the word by "Chinese;" e. g. v. 77, 78, 80. chipitandsika, flat-nosed people, in the northern division, xiv. 26. chiranivasana, 'wearers of bark,' & people in the north-east division, 'xiv. 31. Chitrakuta, in the sonthern division, xiv. 13; misc. ref., xvi. 17. It is the modern Chitrakot or Chatarkot hill or district, near Kampta in Bundelkhand. The name occurs in the Sirur inscription of A. D. 866 (Ind. Ant. Vol. XII. p. 218). Chola, a country, and the people of it, in the southern division, xiv. 13; misc, ref., v. 40; xi. 61; xvi. 10, 38. In southern inscriptions, the name appears in the forms of Chola, Chola, and Choda; and it is taken back to the third century B. C. by one of the edicts of Asoka (Ind. Ant. Vol. XX. pp. 239, 240, 249). cocoa-nuts, the island of (nalikara-dvipa), in the south-east division, xiv. 9. conch-shells, the places for obtaining, are placed in the southern division, xiv, 14. dakshinapatha, the region of the south,' i. e. Southern India, below the Narmada, misc. ref., ix. 40; xlvii. 8. See under Aryavarta.' The term dakshinapatha occurs in the Junagadh inscription of Rudrada man (Ind. Ant. Vol. VII. p. 262); in the Allahabad inscription of Samudragupta (Gupta Inscriptions, p. 13); and apparently in one of the Nasik inscriptions (Archaeol. Suru. West. Ind. Vol. IV. p. 110). Damara (v. 1. Damara), people in the north east division, xiv. 30. Dandaka, a country or people, misc. ref., xvi. 11 ;- the king of Dandaka (Dandak-adhipati), misc, ref. xi. 56. Dandakivana, in the southern division, xiv. 16. This is, I suppose, another form of the name of the Dandakaranya, or Dandaka forest, which lay between the rivers Narmada and Godavari. Danda pingalaka, & people in the northern di. vision, xiv. 27. Danturaka, a people in the eastern division, xiv. 6. Alberuni says "Dantura, i. e. people with long teeth." Darada, a people in the north-east division, xiv. 29; misc, ref., v. 42, 79, xiii. 9. Alberunt omits them; or, rather, he gives Abhisarad, instead of Abhisara and Darada. Dardura, a mountain in the southern division, xiv. 11. Darva, a people in the north-east division, xiv. 30. Dasameya, a people in the northern division, xiv, 28. Dasapura, a city in the southern division, xiv. 12. It is the modern Mandasor, or more properly Dasor, in Malwa. It is mentioned in inscriptions at Nasik (Archaeol. Surv. West. Ind. Vol. IV. pp. 100, 114), and in inscriptions at Mandasor itself (Gupta Inscriptions, pp. 79, note 2, and 84, 86). Dasarna, & variant of Dasarna, q. 1.; misc. ref., v. 40; x. 15; xxxii. 11. In a note to his translation, Kern remarks that the Dasarnas are the Dosarene or Desarene of the Periplus Maris Erythraei. Dasarna, a people in the south-east division, xiv. 10; miso. ref., xvi. 26. See also Dasarna.' Daseraka, & variant of Daseraka, 4. v. ; misc. ref., v. 67.
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________________ JULY, 1893.] TOPOGRAPHICAL LIST OF THE BRIHAT-SAMHITA. 177 Daseraka, a people in the northern division, Dramidas)." In xiv. 19, Alberuni gives xiv. 26. See also Daseraka.' "Dramida." See also Dravida.' dead, the kingdom of the (nashta-rajya), in the Dravida, of or belonging to Dravida,'q. v.; north-east, xiv. 29. See under Meruka.' misc. ref., lviii. 4, where Kern renders demons with elf-locks (jat-asura), in the north- Dravidam by "(a measure) for Dravidas east division, siv. 30. (barbarians)." Devika, a river; misc. ref., xi. 35. Dhanashmat, a mountain, in the northern ears ; people with ears like a winnowing fan division, xiv. 24. The text distinctly stamps (surpa-karna), in the eastern division, xiv. 5. Dhanushmat as a mountain. But Alberuni elephants, the glen of (kunjara-dar), in the says "Dhanushman (!), i.e. the people with southern division, xiv. 16. bows." ekaoharana, one-footed people,' in the northDharmapattana, a city in the southern division, east division, xiv. 31. See also ekapada.' xiv. 14. Kern translates the name by ekapada, 'one-footed people, in the eastern "Yama's city." division, ziv. 7. See also 'ekacharana.' Dharmaranya, a forest region, in the middle elavilochana, 'one-eyed people,' in the northcountry, xiv, 3. west division, xiv. 23. diamonds are found in the Himavat mountains, elephants; the elephant's cave, or the glen of in Kalinga, Kosala, Matanga (?), Pandra, elephants (kunjara-dart), in the southern and Saurashtra, at Surpara (see under division, xiv. 16. Aparanta' and Saurparaka'), and on the eyes; one-eyed people (eka-vilochana) in the banks of the Vena, lxxx. 6, 7. north-west division, xiv. 23 ;-three-eyed dirghagriva, people with long necks,' in the people (tri-netra), in the north-east division, north-west division, xiv, 23. xiv. 31. dirghakesa, 'long-haired people,' in the northwest division, xiv. 23. faces ; 'dog-faced people' (sva-mukha), in the dirghusya, 'long-faced people,' in the north. northern division, xiv. 25 ;- horse-faced west division, xiv. 23. people'(asva-vadana) in the eastern division, divisktha, "the inhabitants of heaven," dwel xiv. 6, and (turag anana) in the northern lers in the sky, a people, in the north-east division, ziv. 25; misc. ref. (asva-mukha), division, xiv. 31. xvi. 35;- 'long-faced people' (dirgh-asya), dog-faced people (ova-mukha), in the northern in the north-west division, xiv. 23; division, xiv. 25. tiger-faced people' (vyaghra-mukha), in the Domba, the Gipsies ; misc. ref. lxxxvii. 33. eastern division, xiv. 5. Also, in liii. 84 the text has avapach-adayah, feet; one-footed people' (eka-pada), in the those who cook (and eat) dogs, and others eastern division, xiv. 7; and (6ko-charana), like them ;' and the commentary says sva- in the north-east division, xiv. 31. pacha Dombah, the cookers of dogs are the flesh, eaters of raw (kravy-asin), in the southDombas.' The name is doubtless identical west division, xiv. 18. See also canniwith the Domma that occurs elsewhere; e. g. bals. The word is, however, rather doubtin the Anamkond inscription of Rudradova ful; the readings are kravyaddnabhira, (Ind. Ant. Vol. XI. p. 17). And the and hravyakhyabhira, for which Dr. Kern Dommasor. Doms were the Gipsies (id. adopted, by conjecture, kravyasy-abhira. Vol. XV. p. 15). forests; the Dharmaranya, in the middle Dravida, a country, and the people of it, in the country, xiv. 3 ;- the great forest (mah south-west division, xiv. 19; misc. ref., ix. 15, atavi), in the southern division, xiv. 13; 19; xvi. 11; xxxii, 15; - the rulers of the Dandakavana, in the southern division, Dravida, or of the Dravidas (Dravid-adhipah) xiv. 16;- the collection of forests (van. misc. ref., iv. 23; the eastern half of the augha; v. 1. van-auka, the inhabitants of Dra vida countries (Dravidanan prag-ardha). forests'), in the western division, xiv. misc. ref, xvi. 2. In his translation of svi. 20;- the forest of the man-lions (nrinha11 and xxxii, 15, Kern gives - Dravidas (or sana), in the north-west division, xiv.
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________________ 178 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. 22; the forest-territory (vana-rashtra), in the north-east division, xiv. 29;- the forestkingdom (vana-rajya), in the north-east division, xiv. 30 - the forest of Vasus or spirits (vasu-vana), in the north-east division, xiv. 31. The kings of all the forest countries (sarv-utavika-raja)" were compelled by Samudragupta to do service to him (Gupta Inscriptions, p. 13). The same record mentions also a kingdom named Mahakantara, which seems to be a great forest kingdom (ibid.). And the hereditary territory of the Maharaja Samkshobha included "the eighteen forest kingdoms" (ashtadas-utavi-rajya; id. p. 116). Gajahvaya, apparently (the city) that has the appellation of the elephant,' i.e. Gajapura or Hastinapura, the modern Dehli, in the middle country, xiv. 4. Gambhirika, a river; misc. ref., xvi. 16. Ganarajya, a kingdom in the southern division, xiv. 14. Gandhara, a country (the modern Kandahar), and the people of it, in the northern division, xiv. 28; misc. ref., iv. 23; v. 77, 78; ix. 21; x. 7; xvi. 26; xvii. 18; lxix. 26. The name is carried back to the third century B. C. by one of the edicts of Asoka (Ind. Ant. Vol. XX. pp. 239, 240, 247). Gandharva, a class of supernatural beings, in the north-east division, xiv. 31; misc. ref., xiii. 8; lxxxvii. 33. Ganga, the river Ganges, described as constituting, with the Jamna, the necklace of the earth, xliii. 32;- reference to the region between the Ganga and the Yamuna, lxix. 26; misc. ref., xvi. 16. Garuha, see Guruha. Gaudaka, a people in the eastern division, xiv. 7. This is the reading in the text; but in his translation Kern gives "Gauras," and adds the note". e. the Whites,' supposed to live in Svetadvipa, which, according to Kathusaritsagara, 54, 18, 199, lies near the Cocoa-island" (see islands'). Alberuni gives "Gauraka." Gauragriva, a people in the middle country xiv. 3. Gavya, a people in the northern division, xiv. 28. Ghosha, a people in the middle country, xiv. 2; and in the north-east division, xiv. 30. [JULY, 1893. In xiv. 2, Kern translates "Ghosha;" and in xiv. 30, "Ghoshas (stations of herdsmen)." Girinagara, a city in the southern division, xiv. 11. The name has now passed over to the mountain Girnar, in Kathiawad; and the ancient city is now represented by Junagadh, at the foot of it. The original name of the Girnar mountain was Urjayat (Gupta Inscriptions, pp. 64, 65). Girivraja, the inhabitants of the district of Girivraja,' as rendered by Kern, - in accordance with the commentary, I presume; misc. ref., x. 14. H. H. Wilson (VishnuPurana, Translation, Vol. IV. p. 15, note 3), said that Girivraja is "in the mountainous part of Magadha ;" and further on (id. p. 180, note 1) he identified it with Rajagriha in Bihar. Godavari, the river of that name in Southern India; misc. ref., xvi. 9. Golangula, a (?) mountain; misc. ref., xvi. 3. gold, the region of (kanaka), in the western division, xiv. 21, and (suvarna-bhu) in the north-east division, xiv. 31. Gomanta, a mountain; misc. ref., v. 68, xvi. 17. Gomati, a river; misc. ref., perhaps an interpolation, xvi. 12. It seems to be the modern Gomti or Gumti, which rises in the Shahjahanpur District and flows into the Ganges about half-way between Benares and Ghazipur; at any rate, it is somewhere in that neighbourhood that we have to locate the place Gomatikottaka, which is mentioned in the Deo-Baranark inscription of Jivitagupta II. (Gupta Inscriptions, p. 217). But there is also a river Gomati in the Kangra District in the Panjab. Gonarda, a people in the southern division, xiv. 12; misc. ref., ix. 13; xxxii. 22. Guda, a people in the middle country, xiv. 3. Alberuni says "Guda Taneshar." Guruha, or Garuha, a river in the north-west division, xiv. 23. There are the various readings of Gulaha, Guluha, and Guruha. Below his translation, Kern remarks "Guruha (also Garuha) is, to my apprehension, the Garoigas of the Greeks; the river district they called Goryaia. Lassen, in his Altert. iii. p. 127 and 136, identifies the Greek name with Gauri. It need not be pointed out how exactly both forms coincide with Garuha and Guruha."
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________________ JULY, 1898.] TOPOGRAPHICAL LIST OF THE BRIHAT-SAMHITA. 179 Haihaya, a people in the western division, xiv. Hunas are mentioned in the Bhitari inserip 20. The Kalachuris of Central India were tion of Skandagupta (Gupta Inscriptions, Haihayas (Ind, Ant. Vol. XII. pp. 253, 268). p. 56), in the Mandasor inscription of YasoAnd the Western Chalakya king Vikra- dharman (id. p. 148), in the Aphead inscripmaditya II. (A.D. 733-34 to 746-47) married tion of Adityasena (id. p. 206), and in many two Haibaya princesses. later records ; but I do not know of any hair ; people with thick matted hair (jata. epigraphic passage which specifies "the dhara), in the southern division, xiv. 13; - White Hinas." long-haired people (dergha-kesa) in the northwest division, xiv. 23; -thick-haired people Ikshumati, & river; misc. ref., xvi. 4. (kesa-dhara) in the northern division, xiv. Ikshvaka, () people; misc. ref., v. 75; ix. 26; - demons with matted hair or elf-locks 17; xi. 58. Madhariputra-Purushadatta, a Cat-asura), in the north-east division, hero of the Ikshvakus, is mentioned in one xiv. 30. of the early inscriptions at the JaggayyaHala (. . Laha), people in the north-west peca stripa (Archaeol. Suru. South. Ind. Vol. I. division, xiv. 22; wisc. ref., xvi. 6; xxxii. 19. pp. 110, 111). Harahaura, '& king of the Harahauras or Iravati, a river; misc. ref., xvi. 27. Harahauras ;' misc. ref., xiv. 34. islands of balls (usisha-dvipa), of cocoanuts Hemagiri, a mountain in the south-west divi- (ndlikdra-dvipa), and of bark (charma-dvipa), sion, xiv. 19. in the south-east division, xiv. 9; "the Hemakundya, a place in the south-east divi- islands (dvipa)," saggested by Kern, below sion, xiv. 9. There are the various readings his translation, to be the Maldives, in the of Hema-kita, -kutya, -kudya, and -kudya. southern division, xiv. 14;- the islands of In his text, Kern gave the name as Home- the great ocean (mahdrnava-dvipa), misc. kotya; but in his translation he preferred ref., xvi. 6. Hemakundya, because Parasara exhibits the same form. Alberuni gives "Hemakatya." jackal-eaters (gomayu-bhaksha); misc. ref., Hematfila, a people in the northern division, xvi. 35. xiv. 28. jaladhara, 'people with thick matted hair,' in hermitages (tapas-harama), in the southern the southern division, xiv. 13. divison, xiv. 15;--the hermitage of Atri jatasura, demons with matted hair or elf(atri), in the southern division, xiv. 14. looke,' in the north-east division, xiv. 30. Himavat, the Himalaya mountains, in the Jathara, or perhaps Jathara-Anga, a people in northern division, xiv. 24;- spoken of as the south-east division, xiv. 8. The text is one of the breasts of the earth, the other Vang-Opavanga-Jathar-Angah; which Kern being the Vindhya mountain, xlii. 35 ;- translates by "Vanga, Vanga minor, (and) diamonds are obtained there, lxxx. 7;- and the Jathara-Angas." But the same compearls, lxxxi. 2, 5;- misc. ref., xvi. 2 bination, Jathara-Anga, does not occur any(bahir-antah-saila-jah, see Antargiri'); xvi. where else. Alberani separates the names, 17 (Himavat); lxxii. 1 (Hima-kshmadhara). and says "Jathara, Anga." horse-faced people (asva-vadana) in the eastern Jtinga, &. people in the western division, division, xiv. 6, and (turag-unana) in the 1 xiv. 21. northern division, xiv. 25; misc. ref. (asa-mukha), xvi. 35. Kachchha, a country in the southern division, Huna, (v. I. Huna), a people in the northern xiv. 16. It is evidently the modern Kachh, division, xiv. 27; misc. ref., xi. 61; xvi. 38. vulga Catch, to the north of Kathiawad. In xi. 61, Kern translates Ohol- Avagana- Kachchhara, a people in the northern division, sita-Huna by "Cholas, Afghans, (and) White Hunas ; " but in xvi. 33 be translates Pah. i Kaikaye, a people in the northern division, luva-sveta-Huna by "Pahlavas, Svetas, (and) xiv. 25; misc. ref., iv. 22, v. 67, 74 ; xvi. 26, Hunas," though sveta here ie exactly Byno. xvii. 18; - the lord of the Kaikayas nymous with sita in the other passage. The l (Kaikaya-ndtha), misc. ref. xi. 60.
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________________ 180 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. (JULY, 1893. Kailasa, a mountain in the northern division, must be located far more to the north than is xiv. 24. It is peculiarly sacred as being the done by Varkhamihira. The name is carried paradise of the god 'Siva. It belongs to the back to the third centary B. C. by one of the Himalayan range, and constitutes the water. edicts of Asoka. And Senart allots the tribe shed from which the Indus, Satlej, and to the tract of the river Kabul (Ind. Ant. Brahmaputra take their rise; but it appears Vol. XX. pp. 239, 240, 247). to be really in Tibet (Hunter's Indian Empire, kanaka, the region of gold, in the western pp. 43, 45). It is mentioned in the Gang- division, xiv. 21. The text is Jtinga-Vaisyadhar inscription of Visvavarian and the kanaka-Sakah; which Kern translates by Mandasor inscription of Bandhuvarman "the Jsingas, Vaisyas, (and) Gold(Gupta Inscriptions, pp. 78, 85, 86); and in Scythians." But he adds the note that the the last passage it is called one of the breasts commentary explains differently; vis. "the of the earth, the other being Sumeru. region of gold, and the Sakas." Alberuni Kailavata, & people in the northern division, also separates the words, and gives - Vaisya, xiv. 26. Kanaka, Saka." See also gold.' Kairalaka, the people of Kerala, q.v., in the Kanebi, a city, in the southern division, xiv. southern division, xiv. 12. The text gives 15. It is the modern Conjeveram. Vishnu. the reading Keralaka ; but this is a mistake gopa of Kanchi is named among the kings for Kairala ka, or still more correctly Kaira- whom Samudragupta is said to have captured laka, which occurs in the Allababad inscrip- (Gupta Inscriptions, p. 13). Barnell held tion of Samudragupta (Gupta Inscriptions, that the Sanskrit. Kanchi' is a mis-transla. p. 7, line 19). tion of the Dravidian Kanji' (South-Indian Kalajina (v. l. KAlanjana), & people or place Palcography, p. X., note 2). in the southern division, siv. 11. Can it be Kaika, a people in the middle country, xiv. 4. really intended for Kalaojara,' - a city of Kaukata, & people in the southern division, the Kalachuris of Central India, now re- xiv. 12. presented by the Kalanjar hill fort, - the Kantakasthala, a locality in the south-east name of which is sometimes wrongly given division, xiv. 10. in inscriptions as Kalanjana'? Kanthadhana, a people in the northern diviKalaka, a people in the south-west division, sion, xiv, 26. xiv. 19. Kantipara, a city ; misc. ref., xvi. 11. Kalakoti, & fortress or city in the middle Kapila, a people in the sonth-west division, country, xiv. 4. xiv. 17. Kalinga, a country, and the people of it, in the Kapishthala, (v. l. Kapishthaka), a people or south-east division, xiv. 8; - diamonds are locality in the middle country, xiv. 4. found there, lxxx. 7; - other misc. rof., Monier-Williams, in his Sanskrit Dictionary, v. 35, 75, 79; ix. 10, 26; X. 16; xvi. 1, 3; compares the Kambistholoi of the Greeks. xvii. 13, 22; xxxii. 15; - the king of the Karmaneyaka, a people in the southern diviKalinga country (Kolinga-desa-nriputt), misc. sion, xiv. 15. The place whence the name is ref., v. 69; - the lord of Kalinga (Kaling- derived, is mentioned in inscriptions as esa), misc. ref., xi. 54. See also Kalinga.' Karmaneya, Kamaniya, and Kammanijja; The name of the Kalinga country is carried and it is the modern Kamrej in the Baroda back to the third century B. C. by one of the territory (Ind. Ant. Vol. XVII. pp. 184 and edicts of Asdka (Ind. Ant. Vol. XX. p. 247). note 5, and 198). Kalinga, a king or other inhabitant of the Karnapraveya, a people in the south-west Kaliiga country, q. v.; misc. ref. xiv. 32. division, xiv. 18. There are the various Kalmiisha, a people; misc. ref., v. 69. readings of Karnapradeya and Karnapra. Kamboja, a country, and the people of it, in varana. The latter form, Karnapravarana, the south-west division, xiv. 17; misc, ref., which would equally well suit the metre v. 35, 78, 80; xi. 57; viii. 9; xvi. 1, 16. here, occurs in the Ramayana, KishkindhaWith the Yavanas and the Pahlavas, who are kanda, ul. 26 (Vishpul-Purana, Translation, mentioned in the same verse, the Kambojas Vol. II. p. 161, note u). Below his trans
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________________ JULY, 1893.) TOPOGRAPHICAL LIST OF THE BRIHAT-SAMHITA. 181 the p. 309). lation Kern remarks "Synonymous with eastern division, xiv, 7 [the text gives here Karnapra veya is Karpapruvarana. Now, I the reading Kosalaka; but this must be a pravarana is synonymous with praveni, so that mistake for Kausalaka]; misc. ref., v. 70; praveya either stands for privenya, or praveni x. 9. See also'Kausala. The correct spelling and pravenya are derived from the same base (see also under Kosala') appears to be with praveya. The Markandeya-Purana, 58; Kausalaka,' which occurs in the Allahabad 31, bas Karnapradheya, in which al is inscription of Samudragupta (Gupta Inscripmisread v." tions, p. 7, line 19). Karnata, the Kanarese country, in the southern Kansambi, the modern Kosam on the Ganges; division, xiv. 13. In the Samangad grant misc. ref., xvi. 3. The name occurs in one of Dantidurga, the Western Chalukya forces of the Asoka edicts (Ind. Ant. Vol. XVIII, are called "the boundless army of the Karnataka" (Ind. Ant. Vol. XI. p. 114). Kausiki, a river; misc. ref., xvi. 16. Karvata, a people in the eastern division, xiv. Kaveri, the river that still bears this name, in 5; misc, ref., xvi. 13. the southern division, xiv. 13 (where the Kasi, a city in the eastern division, better name is given in the plural, Kiveryal); known as Benares, xiv, 7; misc. ref., v. 72; misc. ref., v. 64. x. 4, 13; xxxii. 19;- the lord or king of Kasi Kerala, a country; misc. ref., xvi. 11. See (Kde-Escara, Kasi-pa, Kasi-raja), misc. ref., ix. also Kairalala.' Mantaraja of Kerala is 19; xi, 59; lxxviii. 1;- the country of Kasi named among the kings of Southern India, (Kasi-desa), misc. ref., xvii. 25. In the whom Samudragupta is said to have captured plural (Kasayah), the word is used to denote (Gupta Inscriptions, p. 13). the people of Kasi; misc. ref., v. 69. The | kesadhara, 'long-haired or thick-haired people,' city of Kasi is mentioned in the Sarnath in the northern division, xiv. 26. inscription of Prakataditya (Gupta Inscrip-khachara, the inhabitants of the sky, or tions, p. 286). roamers in the sky,' a people in the northern Kasmira, & people, in the north-east division division, xiv. 28. (the inhabitants of the Kasmir country), Khanda, dwarfs (?),' a people in the southxiv. 29; misc. ref., v. 77, 78; ix. 18; 2. 12. west division, xiv. 18. Also see Kasmiraka.' Khasa, a people in tl castern division, xiv. 6; Kasmiraka, the people of Kasmir; misc. ref., misc. ref., x. 12; lxix, 26. v. 70; xi. 57. See also Kasmira.' Khasha, a people in the north-east division, Kaunkana, the people of the Kookana, q. v.; xiv. 30. misc. ref., xvi. 11. khastha, .dwellers in the sky,' people in the Kaulinda, a people ; misc. ref., iv. 24. There north-west division, xiv. 22. is the various reading Kaulindra. See also Kira, a people in the north-cast division, xiv. * Kauninda, 29; misc. ref., iv. 23; xxxii. 19. In the Kauluta, the people of Kulata, q. v.; misc. Chambu grant, the Kiras are mentioned as ref., x. 11. being conquered by Salilladeva (Ind. Ant. Kanpinda (v. I. Kaulinda), a people in the Vol. XVII. p. 8). north-east division, xiv. 30; - a king of the Kirata, a people in the south-west division, Kaunindas or Kunindas' (Kauninda), misc. xiv. 18, and in the north-east division, xiv. ref., xiv. 33. There are the various readings, 30; misc. ref., v. 35, 80; ix, 35; xi. 60; Kaulinda (ziv. 30, 33), and Kaulindra (xiv. xvi. 2; xxxii. 19, 22; - tbe prince of the 30). See also. Kaulinda.' Kiratas (Kirata-bhartri, parthiva), misc. Kaurava, a people, probably the inhabitants of ref., is. 17; xi. 54. Kuru-land (soe Kuru'); misc. ref., iv. 25; Kirna, a people in the southern division, xiv. ix. 30; - the lord of the Kauravas (Kaurav- 11. adhipati), iv. 24. Kishkindha, a mountain, in the south-east Kansala, the people of Kosala, q. v.; misc. ref., division, xiv. 10. Monier-Williams defines 2. 14. See also Kausalaka.' it as "in Odra, containing & cave, the Kausalaka, the people of Kosala, 9. v., in the residence of the monkey-prince Balin."
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________________ 162 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. Alboran says, "Kishkindha, the country of the monkeys." Kohala, (v. 1. Kosala), a people in the northern Kshatriyas, under the term rajanya, placed division, xiv. 27. in the northern division, xiv. 28. Kshemadhurta, a people in the northern division, xiv. 28. Kshudramina, a people in the northern division, xiv. 24. Kollagiri, in the southern division, xiv. 13. It is, in all probability, the modern Kolhapur (properly Kolapur), the chief town of the Native Stato in the Southern Maratha Country, which is mentioned as Kollagira in an inscription at Terdal (Ind. Ant. Vol. XIV. p. 23). Konkana, (v. 1. Kaunkana), a country (usually known as the Seven Konkanas) in the southern division, xiv. 12. See also Kaunkana. Alberuni says " Konkana near the sea." Kosala, a country, and the people of it, in the south-east division, xiv. 8; diamonds are found there, lxxx. 6; other misc. ref., v. 69; ix. 26; x. 4, 13; xvi. 6; xvii. 22. See also 'Kausalaka.' The correct spelling (see also under 'Kausalaka') appears to be Kosala,' which occurs in one of the Ajanta inscriptions (Archaol. Surv. West. Ind. Vol. IV. p. 127), and in the Rajim grant of Tivaradeva (Gupta Inscriptions, p. 296). Mahendra of Kosala is named among the kings whom Samudragupta is said to have captured (id. p. 13). Kotivarsha, apparently a country; the king of Kotivarsha (Kotivarsha-nripa), misc. ref., ix. 11. Krauncha, a mountain in the northern division, xiv, 24. See also under Kraunchadvipa.' Kraunchadvipa, a country, in the southern division, xiv. 13; misc. ref., x. 18. MonierWilliams gives the word as equivalent to Krauncha,' which, he says, is the name of a mountain, part of the Himalayan range, situated in the eastern part of the chain, on the north of Assam, and is also the name of one of the dvipas or principal divisions of the world, surrounded by the sea of curds. kravyasin, eaters of raw flesh,' in the southwest division, xiv. 18. See also 'cannibals,' and under flesh.' [JULY, 1993. the river Krishna and the town of Vellura (q. v.). Krishna, a river (the 'Kistna') in the southern division, xiv. 14. Kern took this word, with the one that follows it in the text, to give the name of a place, Krishnavellara. But Varahamihira has undoubtedly mentioned -- Kshurarpana, a mountain in the western division, xiv. 20. Kuchika, a people in the north-east division, xiv. 30. Kukura, a people in the middle country, xiv. 4; misc. ref., v. 71; xxxii. 22. Mention is made of the Kukura people or country in one of the Nasik inscriptions (Archeol. Surv. West. Ind. Vol. IV. p. 109), and in the Junagadh inscription of Rudradaman (Ind. Ant." Vol. VII. p. 262). Kuluta, a country in the north-west division, xiv. 22, and in the north-cast division, xiv. 29; misc. ref., x. 12; xvii. 18. See also 'Kulutaka. Kuluta is mentioned in the Chamba grant (Ind. Ant. Vol. XVII. p. 8). Kulutaka, the people of Kuluta, q. v.; misc. ref., iv. 22. Kanatha (v. 1. Kunata, Kunaha, and Kunapa), a people in the north-east division, xiv. 30. kunjaradari, the elephant's cave, or the glen of elephants, in the southern division, xiv. 16. Kuntala, a country; misc. ref., xvi. 11. It is mentioned in one of the Ajanta inscriptions, under circumstances which imply, I think, that Ajanta itself was in Kuntala (Archeol. Surv. West. Ind. Vol. IV. pp. 126, 127); and it is, I consider, the country of which Nasik was the capital (see page 115 above). It is also mentioned in numerous later records. And the Western Chalukyas of Kalyani are. constantly described emphatically as "the lords of Kuntala." Kuntibhoja, a people; misc. ref., x. 15. Kuru, a people. The Kurus consisted of two branches, the northern and the southern; and the land of the northern Kurus is supposed to be a region beyond the most northern part of the Himalayan range, and is described as a country of everlasting happiness. Varahamihira mentions (1) the Kurus, without any qualification, as a people in the middle country, xiv. 4; and (2) the
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________________ JULY, 1898.) TOPOGRAPHICAL LIST OF THE BRIHAT-SAMHITA. 183 northern Kurus (uttarah Kuravah) as a between the river Mali and the Koukan people in the northern division (xiv. 24; (Ind. Ant. Vol. V. p. 1-45). It is mentioned here Kern translates by "the Hyperbo- in one of the Bandasor inscriptions (Gupta reans"). It is doubtless in connection with Inscriptions, p. 84), in the Aiholo inscrip(1) only, that we have to take Alberuni's tion of Palikasin II. (Inl. Ant. Vol. VIII. remark "Kuru = Taneshar," and Kern's p. 244), in one of the Ajantil inscriptions note on his translation of xvi. 32, in which (Archaeol. Surv. IVest, Inul. Vol. IV. p. 127), he specifies Kurukshetra as being "the and in various later records. country about Thanesar (Skr. Sthanvis Lauhitya (the river Bralumaputra), in the var.)" There are the following miscella- eastern division, siv. 6; mise, rof., xvi. 16. neous references; the Kurus, v. 383; xxxii. In a note to his translation Kern adds that 11; - the people of Kuru-land (Kurukshe- one MS. of the commentary has Lokiti traka), v. 78; (Kurabhiimi-ja) xvi. 32; - the nadal; and another Lauhito nailah. The lord of Kuru-land (Kurukshetr-adhipa), xi. form Lauhitya' occurs in the Mandasor 57; - the forest, or wild, or uninhabited, inscription of Yasodharman (Gupta Inscriplands of Kura (Kuru-jaigala), ix, 29. See tions, p. 148); and the form "Lohitya' in also Kaurava.' The land of the northern the Aphsad inscription of Adityasena (ul. Kurus is mentioned in the Udayagiri Jain p. 206). inscription (Gupta Inscriptions, p. 260). lions; the forest of the man-lions (nsisihaKusuma, a mountain in the sonthern division, tana), in the north-west division, xiv. 22. xir. 14. Madhyadesa, the middle country: the tribes, Laba, v.l. for Hala, q. v. &c., contained in it, xiv. 2, 3, 4; misc. ref., Labada, a country in the north-west division, 1 v. 78, 90; viii. 46; x. 5; xiv. 1; xvii. 19, 20, xiv. 22. There are the various readings of 22; xviii. 4; xlvii. 7. The country is perLahara, Ladaha, and Kalaha. In his trans- haps mentioned in the Sarnath inscription of lation, Kern gives " Lahada (or Ladaha)." Prakatiditya (Gupta Inscriptions, p. 286). And he adds the note this seems to be Madhyamika, a people in the middle country, Lahara, so frequently mentioned in the Raja. xiv. 2. tarangini, e.g. vii. 912, 1373 (Lahara, "Laha- Madra, & people in the north-west division. rian," 1173). It is a border-land between 1 xiv. 22; misc. ref., iv. 22; v. 40 ; 1. 4; xvii. Kashmir and Dardistan; to this identifica- 18; xxxii. 19; the lord of the Madras tion of Lahara and Lahaula, it will not be (Badr-esa), misc. ref., xiv. 33. See also objected that our author, committing the Madraka. grave blunder of placing Kashmir and Madraka, a people in the northern division, Dardistan in the North-east, should needs siv. 27;- the lord of the Madrakas (Madhave assigned a wrong situation to Lahada raka-pati) misc. ref., xi. 59. See also too." Madra. A tribe named Madraka is menLanka, in the southern division, xiv. 11. As tioned as subjugated by Samudragupta Simbala is mentioned in the same passage, (Gupta Inscriptions, p. 14). xiv. 15, Lanka would seem to denote here, Magadha, a country, and the people of it, in not the island of Ceylon, but its capital the eastern division, xiv. 6; misc. ref., iv. city, which it was perhaps thought necessary 22, 26; v. 69, 79; X. 14 ; xvi. 1; xxxii. 11;to mention separately, because it provides i the lord of Magadha (Magadk-esa), misc. the Hindu prime meridian. Alberuni says ref., X. 16;- the ruler of Magadha (Magadh"Lanka, ie, the cupola of the earth." The adhipa), misc. ref., xi. 55. See also MAgaisland of Lanka is mentioned in the Bodh- dhika.' In iv. 26, Kern translates Magadhan Gaya inscription of Mahanaman (Gupta (accus. plur.) by " Behar." Inscriptions, pp. 277, 278). Magadhika, the people of Magadha, q. v.; miso, Lata, a country, misc. ref., lxix 11. It corre- ref., xiv. 32. sponds to what might now be called central Mahanadi, a river; misc. ref., xvi. 10. It is and southern Gujarat, - to the country mentioned in the Samangad grant of Danti
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________________ 184 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. durga (Ind. Ant. Vol. XI. p. 114; for "of the great river Mahi and of the Reva," read "of (the rivers) Mahi, Mahanadi, and Reva"). mahagriva, 'great-necked people,' in the southeast division, xiv. 9. Maharashtra, the Maharashtra countries, or the people of them (the word occurs in the nom. pl., maharashtrah); misc. ref., x. 8. According to the Aihole inscription, which speaks of three divisions of the country, each called Maharashtraka, in the seventh century A. D. the country included, or was traditionally held to include, ninety-nine thousand villages (Ind. Ant. Vol. VIII. p. 244). mahurnava, the great ocean,' in the southwest division, i.e. the Indian Ocean, xiv. 19. See also 'ocean' and 'islands.' mahatavi, the great forest,' in the southern division, xiv. 13. See also 'forests.' Mahendra, a mountain in the southern division, xiv. 11; misc. ref., xvi. 10. The reference is probably to the Mahendra mountain in the Ganjam District, among the Eastern Ghants, which is mentioned in the records of the Gangas of Kalinganagara (Ind. Ant. Vol. XIII. pp. 121, 123; Vol. XVIII. pp. 145, 164, 170, 175). But there may have been also a mountain of the same name in the Western Ghauts (Archaeol. Surv. West. Ind. Vol. IV. p. 109; Gupta Inscriptions, pp. 146 and note 1, 148; see also p. 7, note 2). Mahi, a river; misc. ref., xvi. 32. It is mentioned in the Samangad grant of Dantidurga (Ind. Ant. Vol. XI. p. 114). Mahisha, a country; misc. ref., ix. 10. It has been considered to be the modern Mysore. See also Mahishaka.' Mahishaka, the people of Mahisha, q. v.; misc. ref., xvii. 26. There may perhaps also be the form Mahishaka;' see under Matrishika.' C Makara, a people in the south-west division, xiv. 18. Malati, a river, misc. ref., xvi. 10. Malava, a country, and the people of it, in the northern division, xiv. 27; misc. ref., iv. 24; xvi. 26; xxxii. 19; lxix. 11. The Malavas are mentioned among the tribes subjugated by Samudragupta (Gupta Inscriptions, p. 14). Varahamihira places them too [JULY, 1893. much to the north; as they are undoubtedly the people of Malwa, from whom (see Ind. Ant. Vol. XX. p. 404) the Vikrama era derived its original appellation. Malaya, a mountain in the southern division, xiv. 11; misc. ref., xvi. 10; xxvii. 2. It is mentioned in one of the Nasik inscriptions (Archaeol. Surv. West. Ind. Vol. IV. p. 109). Malindya, a mountain in the southern division, xiv. 11. Malla, a people, unless the word simply denotes 'wrestlers or boxers;' misc. ref., v. 38, 41. To his translation of v. 38, where he gives "Mallas" as a people, Kern adds the note "the Scholiast takes mallan here as an appellative noun, bahuyuddha-inan, 'boxers.' In v. 41 he translates malla by 'boxers,' and adds the note "or, 'the Mallas;' may be the expression applies both to these and to boxers." Malyavat, a mountain in the eastern division, xiv. 5. Manahala, a people in the northern division, xiv. 27. Mandakini, the river Ganges, or an arm of it, misc. ref., xvi. 10. The name occurs in the Alina grant of Siladitya VII. (Gupta Inscriptions, p. 184). Mandavya, a people in the middle country, xiv. 2; and in the north-west division, xiv. 22; and in the north, xiv. 27. Manimat, a mountain in the western division, xiv. 20. mariners (vari-chara), a people in the southern division, xiv. 14. Below his translation Kern suggests that "these may be the Pirates of Greek sources." marshes or swamps (palola), in the north-east division, xiv. 30. Marttikavata, a people; misc. ref., xvi. 26. Maru, a region in the middle country, xiv. 2; misc. ref., v. 68; xvi. 38. It is the modern Marwad. The Junagadh inscription of Rudradaman seems to mention the desert of Mara (Maru-dhanvan; Ind. Ant. Vol. VII. p. 260, line 8, and Archeol. Surv. West. Ind. Vol. II. p. 129). Maruchipattana, a city in the southern division, xiv. 15. Below his translation Kern gives the note "Marachi, or Muracbi, Marichi, seems to be the Muziris (transposed from Murizis) of the Greeks)."
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________________ JULY, 1893.] TOPOGRAPHICAL LIST OF THE BRIRAT-SAMHITA. 185 Marukuchcha, or Murukuchcha, a people in Mekala, a mountain, or a people, in the eastern the north-west division, xiv. 23. There are division, xiv. 7; misc, ref., v. 39, 73; xvi. 2. the various readings of Marukachcha, Meru, a mountain in the northern division, Murukuchcha, Muruku, Maruhaturukacha, xiv. 24; misc. ref., xxvii. 7. In his Sanskrit Bharukachha, Nuruka, Maru kastha, Puru- Dictionary Monier-Williams describes it as a kutsa, Gurukatsa, and Paramuch cha;' also fabulous mountain, regarded as the Olympus (Parasara) Marukuchcha,' which is the form of Hindu mythology, and says that, when used by Kern in his text. The possibility not looked at from that point of view, it of Bharukachchha is excluded, by this town appears to mean the highland of Tartary, being allotted in xiv. 11 to the southern north of the Himalayas. It is mentioned in division : nor can Maru and Kachchha be incriptions as Meru (Gupta Inscriptions, intended; since they are allotted respectively pp. 77, 163), and as Samoru (id. pp. 86, 147, to the middle country, xiv. 2, and the south- 278); and in two of the latter passages ern division, xiv. 16. In iv. 22, misc. ref., it is spoken of as one of the breasts of the where the various readings are Tarukachla, earth (the other being the mountain Kailasa), and Maruvachha, Kern gives Maru-Kachchha and as the abode of the god Indra. in the text; but in the translation he rectifies Meruka, a people, country, or mountain, in this, and adopts Marukuchcha; and he adds the north-east division, xiv. 29. But there the note -"the Marukuchchas, or Muru- does not seem any other authority for the kuchchas, were & people in the modern namo. And the text, Merukanashtarajya, Kaferistan, or thereabouts." suggests to me just the possibility of the Matanga, a (?) place where diamonds are original reading being Meru-Kanishkarajya. found, lxxx. 7. milky ocean (kshir-oda), in the eastern diviMathuri, a city; misc. ref., iv. 26; xvi. 17, 21. sion, xiv. 6. It is the so-called 'Muttra' in the North- mines, the (akara), a place in the southern West Provinces. See also Mathuraka. division, supposed by Kern to be the modern Mathuraka, the inhabitants of Mathura, q. v., 1 Kbandesh, xiv. 12 ; see Akara ; '-mines of in the middle country, xiv. 3. beryl-stone, (vaidurya), in the southern Matrishika (?), a people (?); misc. ref., xvi. division, xiv. 14. 11. In his text Kern gives the reading Mithila, a country in the eastern division, xiv. 48 sa-Mantrishikah; and notes the various 6; misc. ref., . 14. readings of sa-dlamtrisikhah, -Matriskikah, Mlechchha, a people, characterised as lawless,' - Mahishakdh, -Parasikah, and - Mamyushikah. or without moral customs' (nirmaryada), In his translation he gives - Matrishika ; in the western division, xiv. 21 ; misc. ref., and adds the pote - "perhaps an error of v. 79; ix. 13; xvi. 11, 35; xvi. 14, 16, 20; the copyists, or of the copies of some works - the Yavanas spoken of as Mlechchhas consulted by the author, for sah-Atry- (Mlechchha hi Yavanah), ii. 15. Kern transRishikah," with Atri's hermitage and the slates Mlechchha in ii. 15, by "foreigners ;" Rishikas;" ch. xix. 14 and 15." I think it and in the other paysages by "barbarians." very likely that the intended reading was In xiv. 21 the translation is "all the lawless sa-Mahishakdh, which would give another hordes of barbarians living in the west" form of the name of the people of Mahisha, (nirmaryada Mlechchha ye paschima-dik-sthi tas te cha). Alberuni says, "Mlechchha, i. e. Matsya, a people in the middle country, xiv. the Arabs." There is a passage in the 2; misc. ref., v. 37, 38; ix. 18; xvi. 22; Vishnu-Purana (Book IV. chap. III. ; xvii. 22; xxxii, 11 ; - the lord of the Wilson's Translation, Vol. III. p. 294 f.), Matsyas (Matsy-adhipatt), iv. 24. which seems worth quoting here; it tells us Maulika, a people in the south-east division, that Sagara "made the Yavanas shave their xiv. 8; but perhaps the correct reading is heads entirely; the Sakas he compelled to Saulika. See also Malika.' shave (the upper) half of their heads; the Maghavat, a mountain in the western division, Paradas wore their hair long; and the xiv. 20. Pahlavas let their beards grow; in obedience
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________________ 186 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY [JULY, 1893. to his commands. Them, also, and other Nirvindhya, a river; misc, ref., xvi. 9. Kshattriya races, he deprived of the esta- Nishada, a people in the south-east division, blished usages of oblations to fire and the xiv. 10; misc. ref. v. 76. Kern translates, study of the Vedas; and, thus separated in xiv. 10, Nishada-rashtram, by " the terrifrom religious rites, and abandoned by the tory of the Aborigines;" and in v. 76, Nisha - Brahmans, these different tribes became da-sanghah, by " the savage tribes." The Mlecbchhas." The Mlechchhas are men- Junagadh inscription of Rudradaman mentioned in the Junagadh inscription of Skan- tions the Nishada people or country (Inil, dagupta (Gupta Inscriptions, p. 62). Ant. Vol. VII. p. 262). mountain of sunrise (udaya-giri), in the eastern nomads (pasu-pala), in the north-east division, division, xiv. 7; misc, ref., xxviii. 3; - xiv. 29. mountain of sunset (asta-giri), in the western noses; flat-nosed people (chipita-nasika) in the clirision, xiv. 20. northern division, siv. 26. Halika, a people in the north-west division, nsisinha-vana, "the forest of the man-lions,' in xir. 23; but perhaps the correct reading is the north-west division, xiv. 22. Sulika. See also "Maulika,' Munja (v. I. Punja), a mountain in the north-oceans; the ocean (samudra) in the eastern cast division, xiv. 31. Alberuni gives the division, i.e. the Bay of Bengal, xiv. 6; - the name as "Punjadri." ocean of milk (kshit-oda) in the eastern diviMuro kuchcha, a people; see Marukuchcha. sion, xiv. 6; the southern ocean (yamy #dadhi) in the southern division, xiv, 15; -- Naimisha, a people; the king of the Naimishas the great ocean (mah-arnava) in the south(Naimisha-nripa), misc. ref., xi. 60. west division, i. e. the Indian Ocean, xiv. 19; adlikeradvipa, the island of cocoanuts, in the - the eastern ocean (purva-sagara), misc. south-east division, xiv. 9. ref., v. 65; - the ocean mentioned as the wirimukha, a people with the faces of women, gone or girdle of the earth, xliii. 32. For in the south-west division, xiv. 17. some other interesting references, see the Narmada, the river Nerbudda ;' misc. ref., index of Gupta Inscriptions. 1. 64; xvi. 1, 9. See also Reva.' The name Odra, or Audra, a country, the modern Orissa, Narmada occurs in the Eran inscription of and the people of it; misc, ref., v. 74. See Budhagupta (Gupta Inscriptions, p. 90). also 'Udra.' Nasikya, a town or country, in the southern division, xiv. 13; unisc. ref., perhaps an Padma, & mountain in the eastern division, interpolation, xvi. 12. It is the modern xiv. 5. Nasik. The form Nasika' appears to be Pahlava, a people in the south-west division, established by inscriptions at Bedsa and at xiv. 17; misc ref., v. 38; xvi. 38; xviii. 6. Nasik itself (Archeol. Surv. West. Ind. See also under . Mlechchha.' The Pahlavas Vol. IV. pp. 89, 98). are mentioned in one of the Nasik inscripwashtordjya, the kingdom of the dead, in the tions (Archeol. Surp. West. Ind. Vol. IV. north-east division, xiv. 29. But see ander p. 109. And a Pahlava minister of Radra. Meruka.' daman is mentioned in the Junagadh innecks; great-necked people (mahd-griva) in scription (Ind. Ant. Vol. VII. p. 263). the south east division, xiv. 9; snake-necked palla, the marshes or swamps, in the northpeople (vyalu-griva) in the south-east divi- east division, xiv. 30. Below his translation, sion, xiv. 9; long-necked people (dirgha- Kern remarks that "palila must be the gris) in the north-west division, xiy. 23. vulgar pronunciation for the Skr. paloala, Also see throats. swamp, marsh.' The modern name is Terai, Vepala, a country, and the people of it; misc. the eastern part of which, near Kuch-Behar, ref., iv. 22; v. 65. It is the modern Nepal. seems to be meant by palola in our list." The name occurs in the Allahabad inscription Panchala, a people in the middle country, xiv. of Samudragupta (Gupta Inscriptions, p. 14). 3; misc, ref., iv, 22; v. 35, 38, 41; ix. 29, Nipa a people in the middle country, xiv. 2. 34; . 4, 13; xiv. 32.
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________________ JULY, 1893.] TOPOGRAPHICAL LIST OF THE BRIHAT-SAMHITA. 187 Panchanada, '(the country) of the five rivers,' Paurava, a people in the northern division, the Panjab, in the western division, xiv. 21; xiv. 27, and in the north-east, xiv. 31; misc. misc. ref., x. 6. See also * Panchanada.' ref., xvi. 22; xxxii. 19. Paichanada, a king or other inhabitant of Payoshni, a river; misc. ref., xvi. 10. In his Panchanada, q. v.; misc. ref., xi. 60. translation, Kern notes that "another read. Pandu, a people in the middle country, xiv. 3. ing, also in Kasya pa, is Paroshai." The Rajim grant allots Indrabala, Nanna- pearls; the places where they are found dera, and Tivararaja, to the Pandu-vama or are located in the southern division, xiv. lineage of Pandu (Gupta Inscriptions, p. 298). 14 ;-in addition to being obtained from Paydya, a country, and the people of it; oysters, pearls are obtained from or found in northern Pandya (uttara-Pandya), misc. ref., mines (sic), and in the Himavat mountains, xvi. 10; - the Pandya king (Pandya-nares- in the northern country (kauberu), and in varu, Pandya-natha, Pandya- ripa), misc. Pandyavata, Paraloka, Parasava, Simbala, ref., iv. 10; vi. 8, xi. 56. The Pandyas are Surashtra, and Tamraparni, lxxxi. 2. carried back to the third century B. C. Phalguluka, a river in the north-west division, by one of the edicts of Asoka (Ind. Ant. xiv. 23. Vol. XX. pp. 239, 240, 249). Phanikara, a people in the southern division, Pandyavata, a place or country where pearls xiv. 12. are found, lxxxi. 2, 6. Phenagiri (v. I. Phenagiri) a mountain in the Para, a river ; misc. ref., xvi. 10. It may south-west division, xiv. 18. Monier perhaps be the same with the Parada of one Williams says it is near the mouth of the of the Nasik inscriptions, which has been Indus. identified with the river Par or Paradi in Pisika, a people in the southern division, xiv. the Surat District (Archeol. Surv. West. Ind. 14. Alberuni repeats "Sibika" here. Vol. IV. p. 100, and note 2). Prabhasa, a place of pilgrimage near Dvaraka, Peraloka, a place where pearls are found, misc, ref., xvi. 32. It is mentioned in Ixxxi. 2, 4. inscriptions at Nasik and Karle (Archceol. Parasava, a country, and the people of it, in Suru. West. Ind. Vol. IV. pp. 100, 101). the south-west division, xiv. 18; - pearls Prachyadhipa, the kings of the eastern are found there, lxxxi. 2, 5; - misc. ref., country; misc. rof., v. 69; - the lords of liii. 15. Alberuni says, " Parasava, i.e. the the eastern and other countries (PrachyPersians." adindin patayah), misc. ref., lxxxvi. 75. Parata, a people in the western division, xiv. See also Pragisa.' 21 ; misc. ref., 1.5, 7; xiii. 9; xvi. 4, 13, Pragisa, the kings of the eastern country; 22. The Paratas may possibly be identical | misc, ref., iv. 25. See also * Prachyadhipa.' with the Paradas; see under Mlechchha.' Prugjyotisha, a people in the eastern division, Pariyatra, (v.l. Paripatra), a mountain in the xiv. 6; misc, ref., xvi. 1. middle country, xiv. 4; misc. ref., v. 68; vi. Prasasta, a mountain in the western division, 10; lxix. 11. The form Paripatra' is xiv. 20. deduced from one of the Nasik inscrip- Prasthala, a people ; misc. ref., xvi. 26. tions (Archaeol. Sury. West. Ind. Vol. IV. Prayaga, probably the place of pilgrimage at p. 109). "Pariyatra' occurs in one of the the confluence of the Ganges and the Mandasor inscriptions (Gupta Inscriptions, Jamna; misc. ref., xi. 35. The name occurs p. 157). See also Pariyatrika in the Aphsad inscription of Adityasena Piriyatrika, the people of the Pariyatra moun- (Gupta Inscriptions, p. 206). tain, q. v. ; misc. ref., I. 15. Palinda, & people; misc. ref., iv. 22; v. 77, 78; Parvatiya, & people; misc. ref., xvii. 16, 23; ix. 17, 29, 40; xvi. 2, 33; - the Pulinda xviii. 2. tribe (Pulinda-gana), miso, ref., v. 39. The paoupala, nomads, in the north-east division, Palindas are carried back to the third xiv. 29. century A. D. by one of the edicts of Aboka Paandra, the people of Pandra, q. 1., in the (Ind. Ant. Vol. XX. pp. 239, 240, 247, 248). eastern division, xiv. 7; misc. rof., v. 74, 80. Pandra, country, and the people of it;
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________________ 188 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. diamonds are obtained there, lxxx. 7; other misc. ref., v. 70; ix. 15; x. 14; xvi. 3; the leader of the Pundras (Pundradhipati), misc. ref., xi. 58. See also 'Paundra.' Purika, a people in the south-east division, xiv. 10. purushada, purushada, cannibals,' in the eastern division, xiv. 6; misc. ref., iv. 22. See also kravyusin.' Pushkalavata, a people in the northern division, xiv. 26. Alberunt says, "Pushkalavati, i. e. Pukala." Pushkalavati, whence Pushkalavata is formed, appears to be the Peukelaotis of the Greek writers; and the latter has been identified with the modern Hashtnagar, near Peshawar (Invasion of India by Alexander the Great, p. 59, and note 3). See also Pushkalavataka.' Pushkalavataka, a people, identical with Pushkalavata, q. v.; misc. ref., xvi. 26. Pushkara, probably the modern Pokhar in Ajmir, misc. ref., v. 68; xvi. 31; - the forest of Pushkara (Pushkar-aranya), misc. ref., xi. 35. The Pushkaras (poksharani, = pushkarani) are mentioned in one of the Nasik inscriptions (Archaeol. Surv. West. Ind. Vol. IV. p. 100). Raivataka, in the south-west division, xiv. 19; misc. ref., xvi. 31. Raivataka is the hill at Junagadh, opposite to the Girnar mountain. It is mentioned in the Junagadh inscription of Skandagupta, and in the Jaunpur inscription of Iavaravarman (Gupta Inscriptions, pp. 64, 230). " rajanya, Kshatriyas,' placed in the northern division, xiv. 28. Ramatha, a country and the people of it, in the western division, xiv. 21; misc. ref., xvi. 21. Alberuni gives "Mathara." See also 'Ramatha.' Ramatha, the people of Ramatha, q. v.; misc. ref., x. 5, Rathahva, a river; misc. ref., xvi. 16. In his translation, Kern notes that it is difficult to decide upon the true form, as some of his manuscripts had Rathasva, Rathampa, and Rathasya or Rathaspa. With Rathahva, we may compare Gajahva. Reva, the river Nerbudda;' misc. ref., xii. 6. See also 'Narmada.' The name Reva occurs [JULY, 1893. in one of the Mandasor Inscriptions (Gapta Inscriptions, pp. 156, 157). Rishabha, a people in the southern division, xiv. 15. Rishika, a people in the southern division, xiv. 15. Can the name have any connection with the Ristika' or Ristika' of one of the edicts of Asoka (Ind. Ant. Vol. XX. pp. 240, 247, 248). Rishyamuka, a moun tain in the southern division, xiv. 13. Romaka, a people or place; misc. ref., xvi. 6. Kern translates by "the Romans." Alberani, speaking of the determination of longitude by the Hindus, from Lanka, says (India, Translation, Vol. I. p. 303) "Their remarks on the rising and setting of the heavenly bodies show that Yamakoti and Rum are distant from each other by half a circle. It seems that they assign the countries of the West (i. e. North Africa) to Rum or the Roman Empire, because the Rum or Byzantine Greeks occupy the opposite shores of the same sea (the Mediterranean); for the Roman Empire has much northern latitude, and penetrates high into the north. No part of it stretches far southward, and, of course, nowhere does it reach the equator, as the Hindus say with regard to Romaka." As regards Yamakoti mentioned here, see under Bhadrasva.' Sabara, a people; misc. ref., v. 38; ix. 15, 29; x. 15, 18; xvi. 1, 33; xxxii. 15; - naked Sabaras (nagna-Sabara), and leaf-clad or leaf-eating Sabaras (parna-Sabara), in the south-east division, xiv. 10; the band of the Sabaras, hunters, and thieves' (Sabaravyadha-chaura-sangha), misc. ref., lxxxvii. 10. In a note to his translation, Kern remarks on the word parna-Sabara, "i. e. 'leaf-savages,' meaning those that feed upon leaves; they are manifestly the Phyllita of Ptolemy." The grant of PallavamallaNandivarman mentions Sabara king named Udayana (Ind. Ant. Vol. VIII. p. 279). & Sahya, a mountain; misc. ref., lxix. 30. It is the Sahyadri range, in the Western Ghauts. It is mentioned in one of the Nasik inscriptions (Archaeol. Surv. West. Ind. Vol. IV. p. 109). It is sometimes spoken of as one of
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________________ JULY, 1893.) TOPOGRAPHICAL LIST OF THE BRIHAT-SAMHITA. 189 the breasts of the earth, - the other being Saurashtra, a country, the modern Kathiawad, the Vindhya range (Gupta Inscriptions, and the people of it; diamonds are obtained p. 184). there, lxxx. 6, and pearls, lxxxi. 2, 4; misc. Saindhava, the people of the Sindhu country; ref., v. 68 ; ix. 19; xvi. 17, 31. See also misc. ref., v. 71. See also 'Sindhu.' Saurashtraka, and Surashtra.' Sairindha, a people in the north-east division, Saurashtraka, the people of Saurashtra, 7. v. xiv. 29. misc. ref., xxxii. 11. Saka, a people in the western division, ziv. 21; Sauri, a people in the sonthern division, xiv. misc. ref., v. 38, 75, 79; ix. 21; xiii. 9; 11. In a note to his translation, Kern xvi. 1; xvii. 26; xviii. 6. In each instance, suggests that the Sauris are the Sorce of Kern gives - Scythians" in his translation. Ptolemy. See also under 'kanaka' and 'Mlechchha.' Saurparaka, of or belonging to Surpara,' The 'Sakas, as a people, are mentioned in where, it is said, black diamonds are found, one of the Nasik inscriptions (drchaeoi. Surv. lxxx, 6. Surpara is the modern' Soparai, in West. Ind. Vol. IV. p. 109); and individual the Thana District, Bombay Presidency. For Sakas, including Ushavadata, son-in-law of a long note on it, giving all the varieties of the Kshatrapa Nahapana, are mentioned in the name and epigraphical and literary the same series of records (id. pp. 101, 104, references, see Jour. Bo. Br. R. As. Soc. Vol. 114). The 'Sakas are also mentioned among XV. p. 273. See also under Aparantaka.' the tribes subjugated by Samudragupta Sauvira, & people ; misc. ref., xvi. 21. See (Gupta Inscriptions, p. 14). also Sauviraka, and Sindhu-Sauvira.' The Sakota, the modern Audh, or "Oude' or Junagadh inscription of Rudradiman men Oudh,' in the middle country, xiv. 4. See tions the Sauvira people or country (Ind. also * Ayodhaka.' Ant. Vol. VII. p. 262). Salve, (v. I. Salva and 'Salva), a people in the Sauviraka, a people; misc. ref. iv. 23. See middle conntry, xiv. 2 ; misc. ref., v. 76; also Sauvira, and Sindhu-Sauvira.' xvi. 21 ; xvii. 13, 18. Sibi, & people; misc. ref., iv. 24; v. 67 ; xi. Samatata, in the eastern division, xiv. 6. The 59; xvi. 26 ; xvii. 19. See also 'Sibika.' name means the country of which the Sibika, a people in the southern division, xiv. Hvers have flat and level banks, of equal 12. See also Sibi.' height on both sides,' and it denotes Lower Sibira, (v. l. 'Savara), a mountain in the eastern Bengal. It occurs in the Allahabad in- division, xiv. 6. scription of Samudragupta (Gupta Inscrip- Sinhala, Ceylon, in the southern division, xiv. tions, p. 14). 15;-the ruler of Sinhala (Sinhal-adhipa), Samkhyata, a people in the middle country, misc. ref., xi. 60; - pearls are obtained xiv. 2. there, lxxxi. 2, 3 See also 'Lanka.' The Santika, a people in the western division, xiv. Saimhalakas, or people of Simhals, are men tioned in the Allahabad inscription of Saradhana, a people in the northern division, Samudragupta (Gupta Inscriptions, p. 14). xiv. 26. Simhapuraka, a people; misc, ref., v. 42. Sarasvata, people in the middle country, xiv. Sindhu, either the river Indus, or the Sindh 2 ; misc. ref., xvi. 22. They seem to be the country, in the south-west division, xiv. 19; people dwelling on the banks of the Saras- - the Sindhu river (Sindhu-nada), misc. vati, q.o. ref., xvi. 16, 21;-the (river) Sindhu, misc. Sarasvati, a river; misc. ref. to the region ref., xvi. 10; - the banks of the Sindhu where 'it disappears, xvi. 31. See also (Sindhu-tala), misc. ref., v. 66, 80; - the Sarasvata.' Sindhu country (Sindhra-vishaya), misc, ref., Sarayu, a river; misc. ref., v. 65; xvi. 16. lxix. 11; - other misc. ref. to either the Satadru, a river ; misc. ref., xvi. 21. river, or the country, or the people of it, iv. Saalika, a people in the south-east division, 23 ; xviii. 6. The Sindhu country is menxiv. 8; but perhaps the correct reading is tioned in the Junagadh inscription of Maulika, See also "Salika.' Rudradaman (Ind. Ant. Vol. VII. p. 262). 20.
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________________ 190 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. And the seven months of the river Sindhu are mentioned in the Meharauli inscription of the emperor Chandra (Gupta Inscriptions, p. 141). See also 'Saindhava.' Sindhu-Sauvira, a people in the south-west division, xiv. 17; misc. ref., x. 6; xiv. 34; also Sindhu-Sauviraka, misc. ref., ix. 19. Alberuni says, "Sauvira, i. e. Multan and Jahravar." Sipra, a river; misc. ref., xvi. 9. sita, a white people, misc. ref., xi. 61. See also 'sveta,' and under 'Huna.' Sitaka (v. 1. Sataka), a people in the northern division, xiv. 27. sky; dwellers in the sky (khastha), in the north-west division, xiv. 22; roamers in the sky (khachara), in the northern division, xiv. 28; dwellers in the sky (divishtha), in the north-east division, xiv. 31. On xiv. 22, Alberuni says "Khastha, i. e. people who are born from the trees, hanging on them by the navel-strings." Smasradhara, a people in the south-east division, xiv. 9. Sona, a river; misc. ref., v. 65; xvi. 1, 9. spirits, the city of (bhuta-pura), in the northern division, xiv. 27. 'Sriparvata, a mountain; misc. ref., xvi. 3. Srughna, a town or country, misc. ref., xvi. 21. Gen. Sir Alexander Cunningham has identified it with the Su-lu-k'in-na of Hiuen Tsiang, and the modern Sugh near Thanesar (Anc. Geogr. of India, p. 345). stri-rajya, the kingdom of women, i. e. the amazons, in the north-west division, xiv. 22; misc. ref., xvi. 6. See under amazons.' Sudras, placed in the south-west division, xiv. 18. Suhma, a people in the eastern division, xiv. 5; misc. ref., v. 37; xvi. 1. Sukti, a place or people; the Sakti lord (Sukty-adhipa), misc. ref,, iv. 24 Sulika, a people in the north-west division, xiv. 23; misc. ref., ix. 15, 21; 1. 7; xvi. 35; but perhaps the correct reading is Malika. In his text of ix. 15, Kern gives Sulika, with the palatal aspirate; but in his translation he gives Sulika, with the dental aspirate, and adds the note that "this seems to be the preferable spelling." See also "Saulika." [JULY, 1893. sunrise, the mountain of (udaya-giri), in the eastern division, xiv. 7. sunset, the mountain of (asta-giri), in the western division, xiv. 20. supernatural people and places; the city of spirits (bhuta-pura), in the northern division, xiv. 27;-demons with matted hair (jatasura), in the north-east division, xiv. 30;the grove of spirits (vasu-vana), in the north. east division, xiv. 31;- Gandharvas, or the heavenly choristers, in the north-east division, xiv. 31; misc. ref., xiii. 8;-dwellers in the sky (khastha), in the north-west division, xiv. 22;- dwellers in the sky (divistha), in the north-east division, xiv. 31;- roamers in the sky (khachara), in the northern. division, xiv. 28. Surasena (v. 1. Surasena), a people in the middle country, xiv. 3; misc. ref., v. 35, 69; ix. 17; xvii. 13, 22; lxix. 26; the lord of the Surasenas (Surasena-pati), misc. ref., xi. 54. See also Surasenaka,' An inscription of the Surasenas has been published in Ind. Ant. Vol. X. p. 34; the name occurs as Surasena there, and also (as a proper name) in one of the Nepal inscriptions (Gupta Inscriptions, Introd. p. 180). Sarasenaka, a people; the king of the Surasenakas (Surasenaka-nripa), misc. ref., ix. 11. See also Surasena.' Surashtra, a country, the modern Kathiawad, and the people of it, in the south-west division, xiv. 19; pearls are obtained there, lxxxi. 2, 4; other misc. ref., iv. 22; v. 79; x. 6; lxix. 11. See also 'Saurashtra.' The base 'Surashtra' occurs in one of the Nasik inscriptions (Archeol. Surv. West. Ind. Vol. IV. p. 109); in the Junagadh inscription of Rudradaman (Ind. Ant. Vol. VII. p. 262); and in line 9 of the Junagadh inscription of Skandagupta (Gupta Inscriptions, p. 59): but line 8 of the latter record shews that the customary expression was Surashtrah (nom. pl.), the Surashtra countries.' Sarpa, a mountain in the southern division, xiv. 14. suvarna-bhu, the region of gold, in the northeast division, xiv. 31. Below his translation, Kern gives the note" in all likelihood a mythical land; with Ptolemy it is. called Chryse (cf. Lassen, Altert. iii. 242), which is not to be confounded with the real
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________________ JULY, 1893.] island and peninsula Chryse. The latter is held to be Malakka; the Golden Island, however, the existence of which is denied by Lassen (Altert. iii. 247), but sufficiently attested not only by the Greeks, but also in the Kathasaritsagara (x. 54, 99; 56, 62; 57, 72; xviii. 123, 110), cannot be but Sumatra, including, perhaps, Java. Cf. Ramayana, 40, 30 (ed. Bombay)." TOPOGRAPHICAL LIST OF THE BRIHAT-SAMHITA. Suvasta, a place or country, misc. ref., xxxii. 19. Can it denote the Swat territory ? Suvira, a people; misc. ref., v. 79. See also 'Sauvira, Sauviraka, and Sindhu-Sauvira.' sva-mukha, a dog-faced people, in the northern division, xiv. 25. eveta, a white people; misc. ref., xvi. 38. See also sita,' and under Huna.' swamps or marshes (pulola), in the northeast division, xiv. 30. Syamaka, a people in the northern division, ziv. 28. Takshasila, the inhabitants of Takshasila, q. v., in the northern division, xiv. 26; misc. ref., xvi. 26. Takshasila, a city; misc. ref., x. 8. See also Takshasila.' The place is the well-known Taxila of the Greek writers. And it was one of the principal seats of Asoka's power (Ind. Ant. Vol. XX. p. 247). Alberuni says "Takshasila, i. e. Marikala." Marikala seems to be the same with Marigala, in connection with which he speaks of "the country between Bardari and Marigala," and of "the country Nirahara, behind Marigala" (India, Translation, Vol. II. p. 8). Tala, a people in the north-west division, xiv. 22. Alberuni gives "Talahala," not "Talas and Halas," as given by Kern, from the commentary, I suppose. There was an ancient town named Talapura or Talapura in the neighbourhood of Nirmand in the Panjab (Gupta Inscriptions, p. 290). Talikata (v. 1. Tapitata), in the southern division, xiv. 11. Talikot in the Bijapur District suggests itself; but it is hardly possible that the place can be so ancient. Tamalipti, a city; misc. ref., x. 14. It seems to be the Tan-mo-li-ti of Hiuen Tsiang, which has been identified with Tamluk on the Selai, just above its junction with the 191 Hughli (Buddh. Rec. West. World, Vol. II. p. 200, and note 36). See also 'Tamaliptika.' Tamaliptika, (v. 7. Tamalipta and Tamaliptaka), the inhabitants of Tamalipti, q. v., in the eastern division, xiv. 7. Tamraparni, in the southern division, xiv. 16; pearls are obtained there, Ixxxi. 2, 3. It is not clear whether the reference is to a river, said to be noted for its pearls, rising in Malaya, or to Ceylon, which was known as Tamraparni (whence Taprobane') in the days of Asoka (Ind. Ant. Vol. XX. pp. 239, 240, 249). Tangana (v. 7. Tankana, q. v.), a people in the north-east division, xiv. 29; misc. ref., ix. 17; x. 12; xvi. 6; xxxii. 15. Taikana, a country in the southern division, xiv. 12; misc. ref., xvii. 25. A country named Tanka is mentioned in the Dasavatara eave inscription at Ellora (Cave-Temple Inscriptions, p. 94, text line 10). See also 'Tangana.' Tapi, the river Tapti; misc. ref., perhaps an interpolation, xvi. 12. The name occurs in one of the Nasik inscriptions (Archeol. Surv. West. Ind. Vol. IV. p. 100). The v. l. for Talikata, q. v., would give a reference to the banks of the Tapi. Tarakshiti, a (?) country, in the western division, xiv. 21. throats; high-throated people (urdhvakantha) in the south-east division, xiv. 8. Also see 'necks.' timingildiana, 'a whale-eating people,' in the southern division, xiv. 16. Traigarta, the people of Trigarta, q. v.; misc. ref., x. 11; xvi. 22; xvii. 16. Also Traigartaka, misc. ref., iv. 24. Trigarta, a country in the northern division, xiv. 25; misc. ref., ix. 19. See also 'Traigarta.' Trigarta is mentioned in the Chamba grant (Ind. Ant. Vol. XVII. P. 8). trinetra, 'three-eyed people,' in the north-east division, xiv. 31. Tripura, a city; misc. ref., v. 39. See also 'Tripuri.' Tripuri, a city in the south-east division, xiv. 9. See also 'Tripura.' There can be little doubt, if any, that it is the Tripurt, - the modern Tewar near Jabalpur, of the Kalachuris of Central India. -
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________________ 192 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [JULY, 1893. Tukhara, a people in the north-west division, Utkala, a people in the eastern division, xiv. 7. xiv. 22; misc. ref., xvi 6. In the latter Utkala is always explained as denoting Orissa passage, Kern translates the word by uttara patha, a customary name for Northern "Tocharians." India, misc, ref., ix. 41, See also Aryavarta ;' Tumbavana, a forest in the southern division, and contrast dakshinapatha.' Occasionally xiv. 15. udichipatha occury in place of the more turagunana, horse-faced people, in the customary and technical uttarapatha. The northern division, xiv. 25. See also asva- Western Chalukya records speak of Harshamukha, and asvavadana.' vardhana of Kanauj as "the lord of all the uttarupatha or region of the north" (e. g. udayagiri, the mountain of sunrise,' in the Ind. Ant. Vol. VI. p. 87). eastern division, xiv. 7. Uddebika, (v. I. Audebika and Audd@hika), Vadavamukha, in the south-west division, xiv. a people in the middle country, xiv. 3. 17. The name means the mare's mouth, Alberunt says, "Uddehika, near Bazana." which is the entrance to the lower regions Bazana, which name is marked by the trans- at the south pole, where the submarine fire lator, in the index, with a query, is said by is. Below his translation Korn remarks - Alberuni (India, Translation, Vol. I. p. 202) | "in the astronomical Siddhantas Vadavato be twenty-eight farsakhs (one farsakh = mukha is the supposed abode of the dead at four miles, id. p. 200) in a south-westerly the South Pole," direction from Kananj. He also says that Vahlika, Vahlika, a country, and an inhabitant Bazana is the capital of Gujarat, and " is of it; misc. ref., v. 80; ix. 10. See also called Nardyan by our people." And he BAhlika, Bahlika. The name of Balkh seems places Ambilwad sixty farsalchs to the south- to be derived from this word. But the west of Bazana (id. p. 205). statement, in the Meharauli inscription (GupUdichye, the people of the north; miso. ref., ta Inscriptions, p. 141), that the emperor xvi. 21. Compare udichipatha as a name of Chandra crossed the seven months of the Northern India, ante, Vol. XVII. p. 312 Indus and then conquered the Vahlikas, Udra (v. l., perhaps, Odra or Audra), a country, tends to locate the tribe, for that period, far the modern Orissa, and the people of it, in to the south of Balkh. the eastern division, xiv. 6; misc. ref., v.35; Vaidarbha, the people of Vidarbha, q. v.; misc. xvi. 1 ; xvii. 25. Also see Audra, and Odra.' ref., ix. 27. Udumbara, a people; misc. ref., v. 40; xvi. 3. Vaideha, the people of Videha, q. v.; miso. See also 'Audumbara.' ref., xxxii. 22. Ujjayani, the modern Ujjain ; misc. ref., x. 15; Vaidehaks, the people of Videha, q. v.; miso. xii. 14; lxix. 30. See also 'Aujjayanika, and ref., ix. 13, 21 ; xvi. 16. Avanti.' In the Pruksit form of Ujoni, the vaidurya, the place or places where berylname appears in one of the Nasik inscrip- stones are found, in the southern division, tions (Archaeol, Surv. West. Ind. Vol. IV. ziv. 14. p. 101), and is also carried back to the third Vaisyas, placed in the western division, xiv. 21. century B. C. by one of the edicts of Asoka Vanavasi, in the southern division, xiv. 12; (Ind. Ant. Vol. XIX. pp. 85, 96). misc. ref., ix. 15; xvi. 6. It is the modern Ujjihana, a people in the middle country, ziv. 2. Banawasi in the North Kanara District, Upajyotisha, (v. I. Aupajyautisha), a people in above the Ghauts. Alberuni says " Vanathe middle country, xiv. 3. vasi on the coast." And Rashidu-d Din Upavanga, a country in the south-east division, (Elliot's History of India, Vol. I. p. 58) says xiv. 8. Kern translates the name by "Vanga " Banawas on the shore of the sea." It minor." seems to be some similar wrong information Ardhvakantha, "high-throated people,' in the that led the Greek writers to speak of south-east division, xiv. 8. Buxantion, which appears to represent Ubinara, a people; misc, ref., iv. 22; xvi. 26. Vaijayanti, another ancient name of BanaSee also Ausinara, wasi, -as a sea-side mart.
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________________ JULY, 1893.] TOPOGRAPHICAL LIST OF THE BRIHAT-SAMHITA. 193 vanaugha, the collection of forests, in the members of the community of ascetics western division, xiv. 20. " whose permanent abode was in the caveVanga, a country, and the people of it, in temples at Valluraka," and who had come to the south-east division, xiv. 8; misc. ref., pass the rainy season at Karle; the other v. 72, 73, 79; ix, 10 ; x. 14 ; xvi. 1; xvii. two records, however, seem to mean that a 18, 22; xxxii. 15. See also "Vaiga, and branch of the saingha from Valluraka ultiUpavanga.' The Vanga countries (Vanyeskre; mately settled at Karle, and gave its name loc. plur.) are mentioned in the Meharauli to one or more of the caves there: there inscription of the emperor Chandra (Gupta seems no foundation for the suggestion, ibid. Inscriptions, p. 141). p. 101, note 1, that Valluraka was the Vanga, a variant of Vanga, q. v.; misc. ref., ancient name of Karle itself). Under the xi. 60. Sanskritised name of Elapura, the place is Vardhamana, a city or country, in the eastern also mentioned in connection with the Rash division, xiv. 7 ; misc. ref., xvi. 3; lxxix. trakuta king Krishna I., 'for whom the 21; xciv. 2. It is the modern Bardwan in "Kailasa temple" was constructed there Bengal. (Ind. Ant. Vol. XII. p. 228). Vasati (v. l. Vasati), in the northern division, Vena, a river in the southern division, xiv. xiv. 25; misc. ref., xvii. 19. 12; -diamonds are obtained there, lxxx. 6; Vasumat, a mountain, in the northern division, misc. ref. iv. 26; xvi. 9. xiv. 24. Venumati, a river in the north-west division, vasuvana, 'the forest of Vosus or spirits,' in xiv. 23. Alberuni says, "Venumati (?), i. e. the north-east division; xiv. 31. Tirmidh." Vatadhana, a people in the northern division, vetravati, a river; misc. ref., xvi. 9. xis, 26 : misc, ref., xvi. 22. The text of xvi. Vidarbha, a country in the south-east division, 22 shews that the Vatadhana. But xiv. 8. See also * Vaidarbba. Vidarbha is on xiv. 26 Alberuni gives "Dasera ; Kava- mentioned in one of the Nasik inscriptions tadhana," instead of "Daseraka and Vata (Archaeol. Surv. West. Ind. Vol. IV. p. 109). dhina." Monier-Williams says that, in Viddha, a country, and the people of it; miso. addition to being the name of a degraded ref., v. 41, 71 ; xvi, 11. See also Vaideha, tribe, the word means the descendant of an and Vaide haka.' outcaste Brahman by a Brahman female. Vidisa; misc. ref., xvi. 32. Monier-Williams Vatsa, a people in the middle country, xiv. 2; gives the word as denoting (1) the capital and in the south-east division, xiv. 8; -1 of the district of Dasarna, and (2) a river in misc, ref., x. 5; xvii. 18, 22. Malwa. Vedasmriti, a river; misc. ref., xvi. 32. Vidyadhara, a class of supernatural beings; Vellura, a town in the southern division, xiv. misc. ref., ix. 27. Kern translates by "the 14. It is, undoubtedly, the well-known inhabitants of Fairy-land;" and identifies Vera!, Yerola, Elure, or Ellora, in the them with the Teutonic "elves." Nizam's Dominions, where the cave-temples Vindhya mountains; "the inhabitants of the ere. The place is also mentioned, as Vallura recesses of the Vindhyas," or the people (for Vellura), in the inscription at the Bud. dwelling near the boundaries or at the end of dhist vikara, known as the Ghatotkacha the Vindhyas (Vindhy-anta-vasinah), in the cave, near Gulwada in the neighbourhood south-east division, xiv, 9;- the forests of of Ajanti (Archaeol. Suru. West. Ind. Vol. IV. the Vindhyas (Vindhy-atavi), xvi. 3; pp. 139, 140); and as Valuraka, or probably the range spoken of as one of the breasts of more correctly Vallaraks (for Velldraka), the earth, the other being the Himavat mounin three Buddhist inscriptions at Karle tains, xliii. 35; -misc. ref., zii: 6; xvi. 10, 12 (Archeol. Suro. West. Ind. Vol. IV. pp. 101, (perhaps an interpolation); lxix. 30. The 108, 113: as regards the first of these Vindhya mountains are mentioned in one of records, I differ from the published transla- the Nasik inscriptions (Archaeol. Suru. West. tion, and take the record to mean that the ind. Vol. IV. p. 109). In other epigravillage of Karaika was granted to some phic passages, they are mentioned as one of
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________________ 194 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [JULY, 1893. the breasts of the earth, the other being the the northern division, xiv. 25. In xiv. 2, Sahya range (Gupta Inscriptions, p. 184); as Kern translates those who dwell along the constituting both the breasts (id. p. 185); banks of the Jamna;" and in xiv. 25, "those and as extending up to, and including, the who live near the sources of the Jamna." On Nagarjuni Hill in the Gaya District id. xiv. 2, Alberuni says "the valley of the pp. 227, 228). Yamuna;" but on xiv. 25, "Yamuna, i.e. a Vipasa, a river ; misc. ref., xvi. 21. kind of Greeks," - evidently confusing Virata, a country; misc. ref. (perhaps an inter- Yamuna with Yavana. polation), xvi. 12. Viratakote, the fort of Yasovati, a city in the northern division, xiv. Virata,' was a name of Hangal in the Dhar- 28. Below his translation, Kern notes that war District. it is "a mythical city of the Elves." Vitaka, a pooplo; misc. ref., xvi. 2. In his Yaudheya, a people in the northern division, translation Kern adds the note, which per- xiv. 28; misc, ref., iv. 25; v. 40, 67, 75; haps includes the Mekalas and the Kirktas, xvi. 22; xvii. 19. See also Yaadheyaka.' -"These are the same tribes ho by a The Yaudheyas are mentioned in the synonymous term are called Lampakas and Junagadh inscription of Rudradaman (Ind. Utsavasanketas; they are said to scorn the Ant. Vol. VII. p. 262), and in the Allahabad institution of matrimony, and to form only inscription of Samudragupta (Gupta Inscriptemporal engagements, lasting for the time tions, p. 14); and there is a fragmentary of a festival." inscription of some leader of the tribe at Vitasti, the river Jhelam; misc. ref., xvi. 27. Bijayagadh (id. p. 251). Vokkana, & people in the western division, Yaudheyaka, another form of Yaudheya, q. v.; xiv. 20; misc. ref., xvi. 35. misc. ref., xi. 59; - the king of the Yaudhe. Vpishabhadhvaja, & mountain in the eastern yakas (Yaudheyaka-nsipa), misc, ref., ix. 11. division, xiv. 5. Yavana, a people in the south-west division, urishadvipa, the island of bully,' in the south. xiv. 18; misc. ref., iv. 22; v. 78, 80; ix. east division, xiv. 9. 21, 35; X. 6, 15, 18; xiii. 9; xvi. 1 ; xviii. tyaghamukha, a tiger-faced people,' in the 6;- the Yavanas spoken of as Mlechchhas eastern division, xiv. 5. (Mlechchha hi Yavanah), ii. 15 (see also vydlagriva, 'a people with serpents' necks' in under "Mlechchha'). In ii. 15 and xvi. 1, the south-east division, ziv. 9. Kern translates the word Yavana by "the Greeks ;" and the first of these two whales, eaters of timingil-hsana), in the passages mentions the flourishing state of southern division, xiv. 16. astronomy among the Yavanas. On xiv. 18, wlite peoplo (gaudaka) in the eastern division, Alberuni says "Yavana, i.e. the Greeks." xix. 7 ; misp. ref. to white people (sveta) or And McCrindle gives the following note to White Hunas (sveta-Huna), xvi. 38,- (Invasion of India by Alexander the Great, but see under Huna.' p. 122, note 1), to explain the derivation women; the kingdom of women, i.e. the of the word :-"The name of lon, the country of the amazons (stri-rajya), in the eponymous ancestor of the Ionians, had north-west division, xiv. 22; & people originally the digamma, and hence was with the faces of women (ndri-mukha), in written as Ivon. The Hebrew transcription the south-west division, ziv. 17. of this digammated form is Javan, the name by which Greece is designated in the Bible. Yamuna, the river Jamna ; miso. ref., v. 37; The Sanskrit transcription is Yavana, the xvi. 2; - mentioned as the daughter of the name applied in Indian works to Ionians or Bun (divakara-suta), zliji. 32 ; - the region Greeks and foreigners generally." The between the Ganga and the Yamuna (Ganga. thirteenth rock edict of Asoka speaks of the Yamun-antardla), misc. ref., lxix. 26. See Yonas, i. e. Yavanas (Ind. Ant. Vol. XX. also Yamuna.' pp. 239, 240, 247); and it describes AntiYamuna, the people living near the Yamuna, ochus II. of Syria, as a Yona, i. e. Yavana, q. o., in the middle country, xiv. 2, and int king (ibid. pp. 239, 240, 241, 242). The
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________________ JULY, 1893.) MISCELLANEA. 195 Yavanas, as a tribe, are mentioned in one of original stone, I take the reading to be the Nasik inscriptions (Archaeol. Suru. West. Asokasya Mauryasy=asite Yavana-rajeny Ind. Vol. IV. p. 109); and several indivi- Tuskasphenoldhishthaya &c.) Like the dual Yavanas are mentioned in the same Kambdjus and the Pahlavas, the Yavanas series of records (ibid. pp. 90, 91, 93, 94, are located by Varahamihira too much 95, 115). And the Junagadh inscription of towards the south; unless the reference is Rudradaman speaks of a Yavana prince or simply to some large settlement of them king named Tushaspha, apparently as sl in the neighbourhood of Nasik. contemporary of Asoka (Ind. Ant. Vol. VII. Yagamdhara, & people; misc. ref., xxxii. p. 260, text line 8; from an inspection of the 19. MISCELLANEA. FOLK-ETYMOLOGY OF PLACE NAMES IN THE & torrent, such as commonly rushes down the hill SANDOWAY DISTRICT, BURMA. sides in the rains. There was no one to help, Extract from a diary kept by the My0,0% of and so she was drowned. Her last words were Sandoway shewing the popular etymology of ame 18' and hence the streamlet is thereabouts place names in the Dade Circle of the Sando named Mowa, whence also a neighbouring village way townships. In all four cases it can be took its name. shewn that the etymology is false : Lower down are two villages, Yetbe, and In ancient times there lived near the source of Palaing. These took their names from the the Dade River a pute, who had a daughter. yetbet and palaing, with which the girl had The girl was amusing herself by fishing in the been fishing, and which were found on the banks stream, when she was suddenly swept down it by at these spots. B. HOUGHTON. NOTES AND QUERIES. ORDEAL IN MODERN INDIAN LIFE. by caste a Thakur from Faizabad in Oudh, and Lately a pair of boots belonging to me disap- I had brought it himself in the medicine bottle peared in a suspicious manner. The servanta had from Hardwar. been quarrelling, and it was pretty evident that The mehtar then essayed to take up the holy one of them had made away with the boots in water, but was not perinitted to touch the bottle ; order to spite the man in charge. They decided so be produced his three children,-& son, & to take oath among themselves to find out the danghter and a child in arms. He successively culprit. The servants implicated were the coach- touched their heads and swore to the above effect. man, the cook, the bhists, the khansdman, the All the Musulmans then swore on the Qur'an bearer, a khidmatgdr, and a chuprdal, all Musal. mans; a chuprdst, a sais, two pankhdrolds, all that none of them were guilty. Hindus; and a mehtar. In the end the khdnadman came to me, and said I watched the proceedings. Firstly, real holy they had all sworn to innocence. There was no gainsaying that, but one of them was, in their water (gangdjal) from Hardwar was produced in a medicine bottle (!) and uncorked. This the Hindus own opinion, guilty nevertheless, and so they had in turn solemnly held in both hands, while they decided to divide the cost of the boots amongst repeated, each in his own fashion, an oath which themselves, aga general punishment for failing ran somewhat thus:-"May my eyes go blind, to detect the culprit between them! In this and my body break out, etc., if I stole those every one acquiesced, and that ended the matter boota!" The bottle was then lifted above the to every one's satisfaction, except the master's, head by both hands in the usual form of saluta. who lost a comfortable pair of boots. tion. There was no doubt as to the holy water. R. C. TEMPLE. It belonged to one of the pankhdwdlds, who was Rangoon, March 1898. 1 Township officer. Merchant, wealthy man. "My mother!" common expression of astonishment and trouble. A fshing instrument. A basket.
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________________ 196 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [JULY, 1893. BOOK NOTICE. SANTAL FOLKTALES. Translated from the Santalf by Northern India of the demon who chows grains of A. Caunpbell, Free Church of Scotland, Santal iron and is killed by the hero, while the rascally Mission, Manbhoom. Santal Mission Prese, Pokhuria. Dom or Dhobi takes all the credit. Next follows Any fresh collection of Indian folktales is wel "The King and His Inquisitive Queen," which come, and in particular one made among primitive corresponds perfectly with the well-known story isolated races like the Santals, who may be expected in the Introduction of the Arabian Nights," to be in a great measure unaffected by Hindu where the deus ex machind, who warns the merinfluence, and among whom we know that some chant, that he is a fool not to thrash his wife, is a really original folklore undoubtedly exists. There cook: here it is a he-goat. Then comes " The is, for instance, the remarkable legend of their Story of Bitarim." Bitlu, Dr. Campbell may be creation from goose which is probably of a glad to know, is good Hindi, as well as Santali, for totemistic character. a span, and the story of Bittarim, who is known I must admit, however, that Dr. Campbell's as Bittan all over Northern India, is the Oriental collection is somewhat disappointing. Nor has representative of one of the most delightful of he, I venture to think, gone quite in the proper Grimm's Household Tales (No. 37), "Thumbling." way of collecting. Many of these tales display, The only difference is that the Santali Hop-o'-myas may be easily shewn, undoubted traces of Thumb is more of an imp than the touching foreign influence : and this being the case, before creation of the German fancy, in which, too, we we can satisfactorily classify them, it is absolutely find the charming parental tenderness for the necessary to know by whom and under what dear little creature which we miss in the Eastern circunstances they were told and recorded. It form of the tale. "The Story of the Tiger" is would then be, perhape, possible to trace the our old friend the fox, who acts as arbitrator and source by which much undoubtedly foreign folk induces the tiger to go back to his cage to shew lore has come to be included among them. But how he managed to come out. In "Lapi and on this point Dr. Campbell vouchsafes absolutely Lapra" we have the well-known idea of the clever no information whatever. It would again not youngest son who gets the better of his brothers, have been a difficult task to suggest some of the and " Gumda the Hero" is of the Munchausen analogies and parallels to other collections wbich type. In Upper India it appears in the form of appear throughout this collection. the "Wrestler of the East and the West." The first story, "The Magic Lamp," is an un. Perhaps the most original and characteristic doubted variant of our old friend Aladdin of the of these stories are those about animals. A good "Arabian Nights," which is not part of the one describes the dilemma of the man who had original recension, and has probably reached India to arbitrate daily between the tiger and the in quite recent years from Western sources. In lizard : and here, too, we come across the stupid the second tale, "Jhorea and Jhore," we have old tiger who allows his tail to be fried, who takes several of the familiar drolls known in Northern people about on his back, and is swindled by the India as "The Wiles of Shekh Chilli." Many of crane who takes one year the root crop and in these, according to Mr. Jacobs, form the basis of the next the leaves, of which we have a German our Joe Miller. In the third tale, The Boy and version in Grimm. In the " Seven Brothers and bis Stepmother, we have the familiar type of the their Sister" we have the old superstition of cruel stepmother and her stepson, which in India human sacrifice at the foundation of buildings, often takes the form of the malicione saut or on which Dr. Campbell might have given an co-wife, who appears later on in "Sit and Bosont." interesting note. In this third tale it is mixed up with the Faithful It will thus be seen that, to the student of comAnimal" cycle, which, in this case, is represented parative folklore, there is much of interest in this by the protecting cow-a legitimate descendant of collection. We can only express the hope that in the Kamadhenu of Hindu mythology. Here, too, another series Dr. Campbell will give us more of we have a well-known incident of the lovey who the really indigenous folktales, and ruthlessly finds the golden hair of the princess floating down discard those which are obviously of foreign the stream. The common Northern India version origin: and he would do more justice to his work of this is given by Mr. Mark Thornhill in the if he would send it outequipped with analysis, Princess with the Golden Hair" and in Major notes and illustrations of parallel plots and inTemple's "Wonderfal Ring." cidents, without which any collection of folklore, In the fifth tale, "Kara and Guja," we have intended for serious students, is of comparatively another well-known incident popular all over little value. W. CROOKE. 1 Dalton Descriptive Ethnology, p. 209 f. Indian Fairy Tales, p. 86. Wideawake Stories, p. 201.
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________________ AUGUST, 1893.] NOTES ON TUL'SI DAS. 197 NOTES ON TUL'SI DAS. BY G. A. GRIERSOX, I. C. 8. (Continued from p. 129.) TT may be useful to give a somewhat fuller account of these works than has been given in 1 the Modern Vernacular Literature of Hinduistan. (1) Ram Lala Nahachha. Twenty verses of four lines each in Sshar-chhand, consisting of 16 syllables and 22 mutras. A short poem, celebrating the ceremonial touching of Rama's nails before his investiture with the sacred thread. This ceremony will be found described in Bihar Peasant Life, $ 1314. A good commentary by Pandit Bandan Pathak, which has been printed at the Khadg Bilas Press, Bankipur. The two opening verses may be taken as a sample of the style and metre Adi Sarada,. Ganapati, Gauri mandia hoi Ram a- Lali kara malachha gai 8 dia ho II. Jehi gae sidhi hoi parama-nidhi paia ho 1 K i janama kara patalca dari 80 jdia ho 11 1 11 Kotinha bdjana bajahin Dasaratha ke griha hoi Deva-loka saba dekhahin ananda ati hia h8 11 Nagara soh dwana lagata barani na jatai ho 1 Kausalya ke harakha na hridaya samatai ho 11 2 1 First revere I 'Sarada, Ganesa and Gauri, and then sing I the nail-touching of the sweet childi Rama. He who singeth it gaineth perfect knowledge and the supreme treasure, and the sins accumulated through countless transmigrations leave him for ever (1). Myriads of musical instruments sound in Dasaratha's house. The Gods look on rejoicing in their hearts. The city of Oudh seemeth so beautiful that tongue cannot describe it; and the bliss of Kausalya cannot be contained in her heart (2). (2) Vairagya-Sandipani (usually spelled odipint) or the Kindling of Continence,' or of Devotion' (as contrasted with the common expression kamagni-so, the kindling the fire of love, exciting sexual desire). In three prakasa or lectures, with an introductory invocation. In verse 7, the poet himself calls the work Biraga-Sandipini. A good Commentary by Bandan Pathak, with gloss by Mahadev Par'sad, Khadg Biias Press, Bankipar. The contents aru described by the names of the various lectures, as follows:-- Invocation I., 1-7. Prakasa I., Sant-Swabhav-barnan, an account of the true nature of a holy man. I, 7-33. Metre Doha, Soralha and Chaupai. Prakasa II., Sant-mahima-barnan, an account of the true greatness of a holy man. II., 1-9. Metre, as above. Prakasa III., Santi-barnan, an account of the true Peace. III., 1-20. Metre, as above. The work is principally composed of short sententious verses. The following may be taken as examples of the language : 5. Tulasi, yaha tana Iheta hai, Mana vacha karma kisana! Papa punya dwai bija hain, Bawai 80 lawai nidana 11 III, 1. Raini ko bhukhana indu hai, Diwasa ko blukhana bhana 1 * Lala = 141, a darling.
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________________ 198 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [AUGUST, 1893. Disa ko whilkhana thakli hain, Bhakti Lo bhukhana jiuna 11 11 Jhina ko lnvikhana hyana hai, Dhyana lo Shukhana tyaga 1 Tyuja ko bhukhana sunti-pada, Tulasi, amala ailaga 11 2 11 I have noted two verses of the Vairagya Sandipini, which are repeated in other works of the poct :-rit., Bai. I, I. This occurs in Dhabali (1) and Sat'sai (1, 2). Bai. I, 15. =D6habai (38) and Sat'sai I, 107. The poem being a short one, and containing much of interest to the student of comparative religion, I here give a translation of the whole. I.-Invocation. Dla, - On the left of Ramn sitteth Sita and on his right Lakshmana: meditation on him. thus is ever propitious, and is, O Tulsi, to thee thy wishing-tree (1). Tulsi, the darkness of thie delusions of this world is not wiped away by the virtue of ten million holy deeds: for the lotus of thy heart will no'er expand, till the sun of the Lord (himself descended from the sun) shineth upon it (2). He beareth without ears, and seeth without eyes. Without a tongue doth he taste. No nose hath he, and yet he smelleth; and no body hath he, yet he feeleth (3). Soratha - Unborn is he. He alone existeth; his form cannot be comprehended. Utterly free is he of quality, of Maya (illusion) is he the Lord, and for the sake of his servants did he take unto himself the form of man (4). Dohd, - Tul'si, this body of thine suffereth. It ever suffereth the threefold woe. It obtaineth not peace, till, by the Lord's might, it reacheth the stage of peace (5). Thy body is a field, thy mind, thy words, thine actions, are the husband men. Two seeds are there, Sin and Holiness. As thou sowest, so wilt thou reap (6). This book, the * Kindling of Devotion containeth the marrow of all knowledge. It giveth the teaching of the Vedas and Purinas, and the wisdom of all holy books (7). II.-The Nature of the Holy. Doha, - Simple are his syllables, simple his language. But, though simple, know thou, that they are full of menning. Tulsi, simple is the Holy, and thus mayst thou recognize hirn (8). Chauput, -Unimpassioned is be, but giving happiness to all. Just and self-restrained ever singing the praises of the Lord. Erer enlightening the souls of the ignorant, and ever for this purpose wandering from place to place (9). Dohu, - Such men are only here and there. Blessed is the land where many Holy dwell. Ever devoted to helping others, ever devoted to the supreme goal, in loves working out their lives (10). Wlrether he shutteth the door of his mouth, or whether he speaketh the truth, in this world is the Holy man ever discreet' (11). When he speaketh, it is with discretion, and full of his own sweet nature : nor ever placeth he his foot on the way which leadeth to pain or angry words (12). He showeth enmity to no man, to no man showeth he over-friendship. Tul'si! this is the religion of the Holy, ever to speak with even justice (13). Chaupai, - Very true is he to the One, ever keeping his members in subjection. His thoughts dwell on no one but the Lord. For he knoweth in his heart that this world is but a mirage. Tulisi, by these marks dost thou know him (14), - Rama is, throughout Tulle DAs's philosophy, the equivalent of the fovara of Ramanuja's VedAntio system, I hence translate the word for the future as the Lord.' Vide post, the remarks on the Sat'sal. 3 Here the poet adopts the language of Bankara Acharya. + Woo is of three kinds, those from within the body (ne disease, &c.), those from God (as a lightning stroko, &c.), and external (as from wild beasts, or serpents). Cf. Sankhya Karika, I. . I take the reading priti not vritti. Jatha artha equal to yathartha. 16. 9., even when speaking the truth, he speaks kindly.
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________________ AUGUST, 1893.] NOTES ON TUL'SI DAS. 199 Doha,- One trust, one strength, one hope, one faith. As the chdtak-bird longeth for a raincloud in the season of Swati, so longeth he for the Lord (15). He hath no anger nor fault, and is a ship wherein to cross the ocean of existence. He hath abandoned desire, and hath betaken himself to humility and content (16). He betaketh himself to humility; He endureth all things; with heart and mouth, he ever calleth on the name of the Lord. So dwelleth the Holy man, and so dooth he (17). Those who dwell by him, he maketh like unto himself'; while the wicked man giveth his soul twofold" sorrow. Saith Tul'si, the Holy man is like Mount Malnya, but without its fault" (18). Gentle are the words of the Holy man, falling like nectar on the ear. When the hard heart heareth them, it becometh wax (19). They beget the happiness of comprehending The Supreme;" they lift and carry away the errors of this world, and in the heart they are (sharp arrows) piercing sio (20). Cooling are they like unto the beams of the moon. Ten million fevers do they cure in the soul of him on whose ears they fall (21). Chaupai, -- They destroy every thorn of sin and sorrow. Like the sun do they clear away the darkness of error. O Tul'si, so excellent is the pious man that the Scriptures declare that the ocean of his virtue is fathomless (22). Dihu, - Not by deed, not by thought, not by word doth he ever give pain to any one. Yea, he is such because the Lord dwelleth in him on this earth13 (23). When thou seest the face of a Holy man, thy sin abandoneth thee. When thou touchest him thy deeds" depart. When thou hearest his words the error of thine heart is swept away, and bringest thee to Him from whom thon camest (24). Very gentle is he, and pare even in his desires. In his soul is there no defilement. On his, Master alone is his heart ever stayed (25). Him, from whose heart hath departed every worldly longing, doth Tul'si praise with thought, and word, and deed (26). To him gold is the same as a piece of glass : women are but as wood or stone. Such an Holy man, is a portion of the supreme Deity upon earth (27). Chaupai, - Gold looketh he upon as clay, woman as bat wood or stone. Of these things the flavour hath he forgotten. That man hath the Lord manifest in his flesh (28). Daha, - Free of worldly possessions, his members in subjection, ever devoted to the Lord alone, such an Holy man is rare in this world (29). He hath no egoism, nor maketh any difference between I' and 'thon,' (but knoweth that all are but parts of the Lord). No evil thought is ever his. Sorrow doth not make him sorrowful, nor doth happinese make him happy (30). Equal counteth he gold and glass. Equal counteth he friend and foe. Such an one is counted in this world an Holy man (31). Few, few wilt thou meet in this world, Holy men who have freed themselves from all illusion: for in this iron age men's natures are ever lustful and crooked, like the peacock and the crows (32). He who hath wiped out I' and *thon,' and the darkness of error, and in whom hath risen the sun of know thyself': know him as Holy, for by this mark, saith Tul'si, is he known (33). III.-The Greatness of the Holy. Soratha.-Who, O Tulsi, can tell with a single mouth, the greatness of the Holy man? For the thousand tongued serpent of eternity, and Siva himself with his fivefold mouth cannot describe his spotless discernment (34). Doha, - Were the whole earth the tablet, the ocean the ink, all the trees turned into pens, and Ganesa himself the learned recorder, that greatness could * Comm. asd man ka chan'nd, bharosd buddhi k4, biswda chitt ka, bal ahamkar ka. * Or, if we read dwlkha, for dokha, he hath neither love nor hatred. 10 Sorrow for the wicked man's unhappy state, and sorrow caused by the persecution of the wicked, 11 Mt. Malaya is famous for its sandal trees which give their soent to all who approach it, good and bad alike.. Ita fault is its origin. It was originally a pile of ordure. 13 Comm. anubhava-sukha brahma-sukha. 13 Lit., he is Rama's form upon the earth. The corresponding idea in English is that given above. # Thy karma. The consequences of thy good and bad actions. Every motion binding the soul to earth and separating it from the Lord. 15 The peacock, fair without and mean within. The crow, black without and within.
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________________ 200 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [AUGUST, 1893. not all be written (35). Blessed, twice blessed, are his mother and his father. Blessed are they that he is their son, who is a true worshipper of the Lord, whatever he be in form or shape (36). Blessed would be the skin of my body, if it but form the sole of the shoe of him from whose mouth cometh the name of the Lord, even though it be by mistake (37). The lowest of the low is blessed, if he worship the Lord day and night; but what availeth the highest caste, if the Lord's name is not heard therein (38). Behold, how on very high mountains are the dwelling places of sunkes, but on the lowest low lands grow sweet sugarcane and corn and betel (39). Chaupai, Tul'si saith, I have seen the good men of all nations, but none is equal unto him, who is the single-hearted servant of the Lord, and who night and day at every breath reiterateth his name (40). Let the Holy man be ever so vile by birth or station, still no high-born man is equal unto him. For the one day and night uttereth the Name, while the other ever burneth in the fire of pride (41). Doku,-The Servant of the Lord is ever devoted but to the one Name. He careth not for bliss or in this world or hereafter. Ever remaining apart from the world, he is not scorched by the fire of its pains (42). IV.-Perfect Peace. Dohu, The adornment of the night is the moon, the adornment of the day is the sun. The adornment of the servant of the Lord is Faith, and the adornment of that faith is Perfect Knowledge (43). The adornment of this knowledge is Meditation, the adornment of meditation is total Self-surrender to the Lord, and the adornment of self-surrender is pure and spotless Peace (44). Chaupai,This Peace is altogether pure and spotless, and destroyeth all the troubles mankind endureth. He who can maintain sach peace within his heart ever remaineth in an ocean of rapture (45). The sorrows which are born of the threefold sins, the intolerable hoard of grief begotten of faults committed, - all these are wiped away. Him, who remaineth rapt in Perfect Peace, doth no woe e'er approach to pierce (46). O Tul'si, so cool" is the Holy Man, that ever he remaineth free of earthly cares. The wicked are like serpents, but what can they do unto him, for his every limb hath become a sure medicine1 against their bite (47). Doha,- Very cool is he, and very pure, free from all taint of earthly desire. Count him as free, his whole existence rapt in Peace (48). Chaupai, In this world, call thou him cool, who never uttereth words of anger from his month, and who, when pierced in front by sharp arrows of words, never feeleth one trace of wrath (49). Doha,-Search ye the seven regions, the nine continents, 20 the three worlds," and ye will find no bliss equal to Peace (50). Chaupai,-Where Peace hath been imparted by the True Teacher, there the root of anger is consumed, as if by fire. Earthly lusts and desires fade away, and this is the mark of Peace (51). Peace is a bliss-giving ocean, whose shining actions holy sages have sung. Him, whose body and soul are rapt in it, no fire of self can burn (52). Doha, In the fire of self, burneth the whole universe, and only the Holy escape, only because that they have Peace (53). Peace is like unto a mighty water, which when a man toucheth he becometh peaceful, and the fire of self consumeth him not, though (the wicked) try with countless efforts (54). His virtues become glorious as the sun, which when the world seeth it marvelleth; but he who hath once become as water, becometh again not as fire (55). 22 - 16 Sin is of three kinds, and it is committed by thought (manasa), by word (vachaka), or by deed (kayaku). 17 The expression "cool" has a peculiar significance in a hot climate like India. The poet describes what con stitutes "coolness" in the following verses. 18 The garala sila is said to be a stone on smelling which a person bitten by a snake recovers. 19 The sapta dripa, Jambu and the others. 20 The nava khanda, Bharata and the others, named from the nine sons of Rishabhadeva. n Earth, heaven and the world of the departed. 23 Virtues in the sense of "qualities," not "good qualities."
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________________ AUGUST, 1893.] NOTES ON TUL'SI DAS. 201 Albeit it is cool, and gentle, pleasure giving, and preserving life, still count not Peace as water, 23 for as fire also are its virtues (56). Chaupai,- Those mortals ne'er bave Peace even in a dream, whose way is that they blaze, thoy burn, they are angry, they make angry, they spend their lives in love and hate alternately (57). Doha, -He is learned, he is skilled, he is wise and holy, he is a hero, he is alert, he is a true warrior (58), he is full of wisdom, he is virtuous, he is generous and full of meditation, whose soul is free from passion and from hato (59). Chaupai, -The fire of Passion and Hate is extinguished. Ltust, anger, desire are destroyed. Tulisi, when Peace hath taken up its abode within thee, from thy heart of hearts ariseth a loud cry for mercy (60). Dola, -- There ariseth a loud cry to the Lord for mercy. Lust and its crew are fled, even ns the darkness fleeth ashamed before the arising sun (61). Good man, hear thou with attention this Kindling of Devotion,' and where thou meetest an unfit word, correct it (and forgive the poet) (62). (3) Barawd or Barawai Ramayan. In the Barawa metre (6 + 4+2 +4 +2 + 1= 19 matras). In 7 kands or cantos. Kind I, Bal-kand vv. 1.19. Kand II, Ayodhya-kund vr. 20-27. Kand III, Aranyu-lund, vv. 28-33. Kand IV, Kishkindhya-kand, vv. 34-35. Kand V, Sundar-kand, vv. 36-41. Kand VI, Lanka-kand, v. 42. Kand VII, Uttar-kand, vr. 43-69. A good commentary by Bandan Pathak, another by Baij'nath, published by Nawal Kishor, Lucknow. Pandit Sudhikara Dvivedi is of opinion that this work is incomplete as it stands now. No other work of the poet is without a mangala, or introductory invocation. After three introductory verses in praise of Sita's beauty, the poem follows the story of the Ramayan, in an extremely condensed and often enigmatic form. Thus, the whole narrative of the Kishkindhya-kund is given in two verses, and of the Lanka-ledyd in one verse; as follows: Kishkindhya-kand. Syama gaura dou murati Lachhimana Rama 1 Ina te Chai sita kirati ali abhirama II 1 11 Kujana-pala guna-barajita akula anatha Kahahu kripa-nidhi raura kasa guma-gatha | 2 I (Hanuman points them out to Sugriva and says): "These two forms, one dark and the other fair, ore Rama and Lakshmana. They have won (lit. from them is sprung up) a spotless glory, very charming (to him who hears the tale).' (When Rama had killed Bali, and set Sogriva on the throne. The latter approached him and said), "Tell me, Abode-of-mercy, how I can sing thy virtues. I am but a lord of ku-janas (monkeys), without a single virtue of my own, of mean birth, and with no protector (except thoe).' Lanka-kund. Bibidha vahani vilasata sahita ananta Jala-dhi sarisa ko kahai Ruma bhagawanta II (On hearing about Sita from Hanuman), the holy Rama (started for Lanka) glorions with an army (vahani for vahini) of many kinds of animals), accompanied by the Serpent of Eternity (i.e. Lakshmana who was its incarnation). Who dare say that (the army) was like the sea ? (For the sea is destructive, but Rama's army was for the benefit of mankind, as with it he conquered Lanka 23 This requires explanation. The poet has in the last few verses compared Peace with water and opntrasted it with fire. But, he says, the comparison must not be carried too far, for water, thongh it assuages thirst, &o., has but temporary effects, and thirst returns, while the effects of Pence are permanent. On the other hand, fire, though a burning destroyer, is also an universal purifier, and as such resemblea Ponce.
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________________ 202 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [AUGUST, 1895. (4) Parbati-mangal. The marriage song of Parvati. Sixteen stanzas. Each composed of sixteen or twenty-four lines in Aruna chhand, followed by four lines in Harigits-chhand, a total of 360 lines or charans. The poem describes the marriage of Uma, or Parvati, to 'Siva, -well known to readers of the Kumara Saribhava. It is a favourite subject with Tulsi Das, (cf. Ram. Ba, 75 and ff.). who makes skilfal use of the contrast between the snowy parity and grace of the daughter of the Himalaya, and the terrifying horrors of Siva's appearance. The tale may well be described as telling the legend of the marriage of pure Aryan Nature-worship to the degrading demonworship of the aborigines of India. The following example describes the approach of Siva's gruesome marriage procession to Umi's home : Dibrulha Coli Hari kaheu nikada puru deu ! Apana upana suju sabahin vilagher | 97 II Pramatha-natha ke satha Pramatha-gana rdjahin Bibilha bhanti mukha bahana bekha birdjahin 11 98 1 Kamatha khapara madhi khala nisana bajawahin! Nara-kapala jala bhari bhari piahin piuwahin 11 99 II Bara anuharata barata bani Hari hansi kaha! Suni hia hansatu Mahesu kali kautuka maha il 100 11 Bada binodu maga modu na kachhu kahi iwata Jdi nagara niarani barata bajdwata | 101 !! Pura kharubharu ura harakkeu Achalu Akhandalu Paraba udadhi umageu janu lakhi bidhu-mandalu | 102 II Pramudita ge agawanu biloki baratahi Bhabhare banai na rahata na banai paratahi 11 103 II Chale thaji gaja biji phirahin nahin pherata Balaka bhabhari bhulana phirahin ghara herata | 104 1 Dinha jai janawasa supasa kic saba Ghara ghara bilaka bata kahana lag& taba II 105 II Preta betala barati bhita bhay anaka 1 Barala chadhd bara bhuura sabai kubanaka 11 106 11 Kusala karai karatara kahahin hama sarchia Dekhaba kofi liaha jiata jaun banchia || 107 II Samachara suni sochu blaeu mana Mainahin Naraila ke upadesa kawana ghara gai nahin | 108 11 Chhand. 11 Ghara-ghila-chalaka kalaha-priya kahiata parama paramarathi 1 Taisi barekhi kinha puni muni sata swuratha sarathi Ura lai Umahin aneka bidhi jalapati janani dukha manai ! Ilimawanu kaheu Isanu-mahima agama nigama na janai 11 13 11 (Sira, with his retinue of ghosts and goblins attended by all the other gods, approaches the bride's home. The goils, healel by Vishnu, can hardly conceal their laughter at his strange array). Hari addressed the gods and said "The city is now near. Let us each march separately, cach with his own rotinue.25 Goblins will look best in attendance on their lord.' (So 'Siva's # Aruna.chhand. 20 matria, with pause at the 11th. The last two syllablen must be one matr each. The inetre is not incutioned by Kellogg, or by (olebrooke in his essay on Sanskrit and Prikrit Poetry. It is described in the Gume I'rosluruka-Irakva. of Ram Das Udast, which gives the first two lines of the Parbati-mangal as an example. Hariviti-chhand, also called Mahisharic-hhand is well known. Described by Kellogg on p. 20 of his prosody, not mentioned by Colebrooke. It has seven feet in each line (4 x 5) + 6 + 9 = 28 matras. Pause at the 16th instant, secondary pause at the 9th. The last syllable of each charan must be long. This is the standard of the metre, but there are many varieties, which, while having 28 matras, with the last syllable of each charan long, do not follow the orthodox divisions. This is the case in the Parbati-mangal. 25 This is simply a piece of mischief on Hari's part, to make Siva's retinue more ghastly by contrast.
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________________ AUGUST, 1893.] NOTES ON TUL'SI DAS. 203 retinue assembled), conspicuous with many kinds of faces, vehicles and dresses. They played on kettle drums made of skin stretched over tortoise-shells or skulls, and filling human skulis with water they drink from them, and give each other to drink. Hari laughing cried, 'Like bridegroom, like procession;' and Mahesa, as he heard his words, also laughed in his heart at the outlandish contortions of his followers. Sporting mightily they went along the road. No tongue could describe their diversions, as, when the procession neared the city, the music began. When the stir rose in the city, the Unscatlied Mountaiu26 rejoiced in heart, as the ocean swells when it sees the face of the Moon at its change. The heralds joyfully went forward to meet the God, but when they saw his procession, in terror they could neither stand still nor run away. The elephants and horses fled in dismay and the latter refused to answer to their reins, while the children ran for their lives in terror straight back home. (The procession) was led to its lodging place, where all arrangements for their comfort were made, while in every house the children began to tell their elders) about their adventures. The bridegroom's people are demons, goblins, and frightful ghosts. The bridegroom is a maniac riding on a bull and of terrible exterior. We declare of a truth, that if God saves us, and we do not die of fright, we shall see countless weddings. When Maina heard the news, grief filled her soul What house hath Nanada's counsel not destroyed 27 Chhand.--A desolater of homes is he, & lover of strife, though he calls himself a seeker after supreme bliss. So also the seven sages, companions of their own selfish ends, have arranged this marriage.' Full of sorrow the mother lamenting took Uma to her breast, but Himalaya said : Not even do the Scriptures know the full extent of Siva's greatness.' (5) Janaki-mangal. The marriage song of Sita. Twenty-four stanzas, with the same metre as in the Parbati-mangal. Total 480 lines. The poem describes the journey of Rama with Visvamitra from Oudh to Mithila, the breaking of 'Siva's bow, and Rama's marriage to Sita. The following specimen describes the journey of the young princes, with the saint through the the forest : Giri taru beli sarita sara bipula bilokahin! Dhawahin bila-subhawa bihaga mriga rokahin 11 33 11 Sakuchahin munili sabhita bahuri phiri awahin Tori phula phala kisalaya mala banawahin 11 34 11 Dekki binoda pramoda prema Kauska ura Karata jahin ghana chhaiha sumana barakhahin sura 11 35 H Badhi Tadaka Rama jani saba layaka Bidya mantra rahasya die muni-ndyaka 11 36 11 Maga-loganha ke karata suphala mana lochana 1 Gae Kausika asranahin bipra bhaya-mochana 11 37 11 Mari nisachara-nikara jajna kararodeu ! Abhaya kie muni-brinda jagata jasu gdeu 11 39 11 Bipra-sadhu-sura-kaju mahamuni mana dhari Ramahin chalk liwdi dhanukha-makha misu kari | 40'II Garitama nari udhari pathai pati-dhamahin Janaka-nagara lai gaeu mahamuni Ramahin | 41 11 Chhand. 11 Lai gaeu Ramahin Gadhi-suana bilaki pura harakho hio 1 Muni-rau age lena deu sachiwa guru bhusura lie 1 Nripa gahe panya asisa pai mina adara ati kif ! Abaloki Ramahin anubhavuta janu Brahma sukha sau gunawie #1 5 11 * So I translate achalu akhandatu, in the sense of Uma's father, the Him Alaya. It may also be translated 'the firm, the unbroken one,' i.e., Sive 97 Narada was a great stirrer up of dissension and was the author of the rain of mapy families.
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________________ 204 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [AUGUST, 1893. The princes looked about them at the mountains, trees, ereepers, rivers and large lakes, and in their boyish way ran after the birds and deer to try to catch them. Then remembering in awe the saint, they would turn back to him in fear, and, plucking fruit, flowers and tender twigs, would weave thein into garlands. Love filled Viswamitra's heart as he watched their playful sport. The clouds cast shade, the gods dropped flowers on them. When Rama lind plain Tidaki, the mighty saint knew that he wae all-fitted for his task, and imparted to him the mystic charm of knowledge. Satisfying the hearts and eyes of the people on the way, driving away the fears of the holy men, they arrived at Kaasika's hermitage. There the boy prince attacked and defeated the demon army, and gave the hermits security for their sacrifices, while the whole world sang his glory. Then the great saint, intent upon the needs of Brahmanas, saints, and gods, induced Rama to accompany him (to Mithila) on the pretext of the sacrifice of the bow. On the way the prince wrought salvation for Ahalya, Gautama's wife, sending her to her husband's abode, and then, the great saint conducted Rama to Alithila, the city of Janaka. Chhawl. The son of Gadhi (Viswamitra) conducted Rama, and gazed upon the city with his heart full-filled with joy. Hearing of his arrival, the king (Janaka) with ministers of state and honorable Brah manas came forth to meet the lord of saints. The king himself clasped his feet and earned his blessing, showing him hospitable reverence : and then, as his eyes fell upon Rana, he felt as if the Almighty had multiplied his happiness thousand times. (6). Sri Ramajna, or Sri Ramagyd, or Ram-Sagungball. The Commands of the Holy Rama, or The Collections of Rama-omens. Metre Doha. In seven adhyayas or lectures, of seren saptakas or septads, each containing seven pairs of dohas. Each adhyaya forms a sort of running commentary or summary of the corresponding kunda of the Ramayana. Each verse or pair of dohas is used as a means of foretelling the success or otherwise of anything undertaken. It is a kind of Sortes Virgiliane. The ingoirer takes three handfuls of lotus seed. He counts the first handful out by sevens, and whatever number remains over, is called the number of the adhyaya. Again he counts out the second handful in the same way, and whatever is over is the number of the saptaka; and similarly, whatever number is over from the third handful is the number of the doha. Thus if there are 53 seeds in the first heap, the number of the adhyaya is 4 (i.e. 49 7 X 7) + 4. If there are 108 in the second heap the number of the saptaka is 3 (15 X 7 + 3 = 108), and if there are 15 in the third heap, the number of the doha is one. In this case the verse which is to be accepted as an omen is the first verse of the third septad of the fourth lecture. If the number of any handfal is exactly divisible by seven, then the remainder is considered to be seven. There are other ways of finding out the verse based on the same principle, which need not be detailed here. The following is a specimen of this work. It is the third septad of the third lecture: Maya mrigu pahichani Prabhu chalb Siya-ruchi jani Banchaka chora prapancha-krita saguna kahaba hitahani | 1 | Siya harana-abasara saguna bhaya sansaya santapa Nuri-kaja hita nipala gata pragafa parabhava papa 11 21 Gidha-raja Ravana samara ghayala biru biraja Sura sujasu smigrama mahi maranu susahiba kaja II 3 11 Rima Lakhanu bana bana bikala phirata Siya-suthi leta! Sachata saguna bikhadu bada asubha arishta acheta II 4 11 Raghubara wilula bihangu lakhi 88 biloki dou bira Siya-sudhi kahi Siya Rama kahi taji deha mati-dhira 11 51) Dasaratha te dasa-guna bhagati sahita tasukari kaju! Sochata bandhu sameta Prabhu keripa-sindhu Raghu-raju 11 6 # Tulasi sahita saneha mita sumirahu Sita Rama Saguna sumangala subha sadu adi madhya parinama 11 711
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________________ AUGUST, 1893.] NOTES ON TUL'SI DAS. 205 Though he saw through (Maricha's disguise as) the false deer, the Lord, knowing Sita's longing, went forth. This must be called a disastrous omen of a deceiving thief, produced by illusion. The omen of the opportunity for the rape of Sita is one of fear, and doubt, and anguish. Especially in reference to a woman's actions, doth it portend defeat and sin. The Vulture-king fought with Ravana, and, wounded, shone forth as a hero. In the contest (this is the omen of) the glory of the valiant--that is death in cause of the Good Master. Rama and Lakshmana wander distraught through the forest, seeking for news of Sita. They point to an omen of great sorrow, of unlucky, senseless misfortune. When Rama saw the bird (JatAyu, the vulture-king) distraught, and he saw the two heroes, he gave him news of Sita, and, crying Sita Rama,' with steadfast soul gave up the ghost. (This is an omen of salvation after death.) The Lord Rama, the Ocean of pity, performs the funeral ceremonies of that (vulture), whose faith was ten times that of Dasaratha, and with his brother, grieves for the loss of bis friend. (This is a good omen for those who believe.) Tulisi, ever meditate with love on Sita and Rama,-an omen ever fortunate and lucky, at the beginning, at the middle, at the end. The following interesting legend about the composition of the Romagya has been communicated to me by Babu Ram Din Singh. At that time the Raja of Kasi Raj Ghat in Banaras was a Gahawar Kshattriya (to whose family the Rajas of Maora and Kantit now belong). His son went out on a hunting expedition with the army, and one of his people was killed by a tiger. This gave rise to a rumour, which reached the king, that it was the prince who had suffered, and full of anxiety he sent to Pah'lad Ghat to summon a well-known astrologer named Ganga Ram Jyotishi. On the astrologer's arrival he asked him to prophesy the exact time at which the prince should return from his hunting expedition. If his prophesy turned out true he would be rewarded with a lakh of rupees, but, if false, his head would be cut off. Dismayed at this peremptory order, Ganga Ram asked for time till tomorrow morning to calculate out his answer, and under this pretext obtained permission to return to his house at Pah'lad Ghat, where he spent some very bad quarters of an hour. His dearest friend was Tul'si Das, who was living close by in the suburb of Asi, and the two holy men were in the habit of meeting constantly and at the time of evening prayer taking the air in a boat on the river Ganges; accordingly, on this evening, Tul'si Das came in his boat to Pah'lad Ghat, and called out for Ganga Ram' who, however, was too much occupied with his own unhappy thoughts to notice the cry, though it was repeated again and again. At length Tul'si sent a boatman to see what was the matter, who returned with a message that the Jyotishi was just then unwell and would not go out that evening. On hearing this, the poet landed and went to his friend's house, and seeing him in tribulation asked him what was the matter. On being told the cause, Talsi Das smiled and said, Come along. What cause for tribulation is this? I will show you a means of extricating yourself, and of giving a correct reply.' Consoled by these words, and trusting fully to Tul'si Das's almost divine knowledge, Ganga Ram went out with him and, as usual, offered his evening prayer. On their returning together to Pah'lad Ghat, after nightfall, Tul'si Das asked for writing materials, but no pen or inkstand, only some paper could be found. So the poet took some catechu out of his betel box for ink, and began to write with a piece of ordinary reed (not a reed pen). He wrote on for six hours without stopping, and named what he had written, Ramagya. He gave the manuscript to GangA Ram, and showing him how to use it for purposes of divination (as previously, explained) went home to Asi. Ganga Ram then consulted the oracle, and found that the prince would return all well next evening. Early in the morning he went to Tul'si Das, and told him what he had divined from the manuscript. The poet directed him to go and tell the
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________________ 206 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [August, 1893. Raja accordingly. He therefore went to Raj Ghas, and declared to the Raja that the prince would return all well that evening. The Raja asked at what hour, and the astrologer replied one ghari before sunset.'28 Thereupon the Raja ordered Ganga Ram to be kept in confinement till further orders. Sure enough, at the very time predicted by the astrologer the prince returned, and the Raja, overcome with joy at his arrival, forgot altogether about the former, and his promised reward. Five or six gharis after nightfall, Ganga Ram sent word to him that the prince had returned, and asked why he was still in prison. Then the Raja remembered and hurriedly calling for him, offered him with much respect the promised lakh of rupees. Ganga Ram at first replied, Maharaj, neither will I take this money, nor will I ever practice prophecy again. It is too dangerous. A moment's inadvertence may cost me my head.' The Raja, full of shame, replied, What I said, I said when I was not responsible for my words. Show favour to me by forgetting them, forgiving your humble slave, and accepting this money.' The astrologer at first consented to take a small sum, but the Raja would hear no excuse, and insisted on sending him and the whole likh, to his home in charge of a guard of soldiers. Ganga Ram, took tbe money direct to Tulsi Das at Asi, and laid the whole amount at his feet. The poet asked him why he had brought it. Because,' replied the astrologer, 'the money is yours, not mine. Why should I not bring it to you? My life has been saved and the money earned by your grace alone. It is for this reason that I am come to you. It is more than enough for me that my life has been saved.' Brother,' said the poet, the grace was not mine. All grace cometh from the Holy Lord Rama and his blessed spouse Sita. You and I are friends. Without Rama's grace, who can save whom, and who can destroy whom? Take now away this money to your home, where it will be useful. What need have I of this world's goods ? But Ganga Ram refused to be persuaded, and these two good and holy men spent the whole night arguing as to who was the rightful owner of the money. At dawn, Tal'si Das was persuaded to keep ten thousand rupees, and helped the astrologer to convey the remaining ninety thousand to the latter's house. With the ten thousand rupees, he built ten temples in honour of Hanuman, with an image of the God in each. These ten temples exist to the present day, and may be known by the fact that they all face south, Tul'si Das is believed to have composed other works to assist divination, but the one which is admitted on all hands to be authentic is the Ramagya, of which the copy written by his own band, with the reed-pen, and the catechu ink, was in existence at Pah'lad Ghat up to about thirty years ago. As stated above, a large number of verses of the Ramagya are repeated in the Dohabali. (To be continued.) A PRELIMINARY STUDY OF THE KALYANI INSCRIPTIONS. DHAMMACHETI, 1476 A. D. BY TAW SEIN KO. (Continued from p. 159.) Evan Lankadipe saganapatitthanato chasu vassasatesu kinci aparipunnesu yava. Lankadipa bhikkhu tidha bhinnati : tayo nikaya jata. Tesu Mahaviharavusinikayo vaccanta parisuddho dhammavadi; nesa dve nikaya aparisuddha adhammavadino. Tato patthaya Lankudipe anukkamena dhammavadino appatara dubbala; adhammavadino pana bhikkhu balutari balavanta. Te vividha apatipattiyo duppatipattiyo va patipajjanti. Tena susanam samalan sakantakam s'abbudam jatan. Lankudipa sasanapatitthanato dvesattadhikacatusatadhike vassasahasse, satthuparinibbanato pang atth 'uttarasattasatadhike vassasahasse vitivatte, Sirisanghabodhi. 23 Pandit Sudhakar Drivedl justly points out that this sentence marks the whole story as apocryphal. The Rimdjad cannot be used for such divination as this. It only discloses good or bad omena for commencing now work. Sce dihas 1-3 of the last septad, where this is clearly stated. The Ram Salaka is one.
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________________ AUGUST, 1993.] Parakkamabahumaharajassa Lankadipe rajjabhisekapattato attharasame vasse, raja apatipattiduppatipattiyo patipajjantanam sasanavacarikanam bhikkhunam dassane, susanassa uppanna-mala-kantak'-abbuda-bhavam natva: "Yadi madiso sasanassa uppanna-mala-kantak'abburda-bhavam janitva pi, yatha sasanam parisuddham bhaveyya; tatha byaparam anapajjitva v'upekkhako vihareyya; tatha sati Sammasambuddhe sukara-pumabhipasada-garava-cittikarabahnlo na bhavayya. Appeva namaham Udumbaragirivasi Mahakassapathorapamukhassa sammapatipattipatipannassa dhammavadino Mahaviharavasisanghass' upatthambhakam katva, yath Asoko dhammaraja Moggaliputtatissamahatheram upanissayam katva, vibhajjavadi Sammasambuddho ti vadantass' accantaparisuddhassa dhammavadino mahato bhikkhusanghass' upatthambhakam katva, sassatadivadi Sammasambuddho ti vadante aparisuddhe satthisahassamatte papabhikkhu uppabbajetva, sasanassa visodhanam kareyyan ti. Evam evaham pi apatipatti-duppatipattiyo patipajjante aparisuddhe adhammavadino bahu papabhikkhu uppabbajotva. Mahaviharavasinikayam ekanikayam avasesetva sasanavisodhanam kareyyan ti" cintetva, tathu katva, sasanavisodhanam akasi. Bhikkhunan ca katikavattam karupesi. Pacchapi ca Vijayabahuraja ca, Parakkamabahuraja ca, sasanavisodhanattham katikavattam karapesum. Tato patthaya Lankadipe accantaparisuddhassa sammapatipattipatipannassa dhammavadino Mahaviharavasibhikkhusanghassa pavenibhuto ekanikayabhuto bhikkhusangha yav 'ajjatana pavattati. "Tasma byatto patibale bhikkhu sammad avayacanen 'ajjhesetva, Lankadipe suparisuddham upasampadam sammaharapetva, imasmim Bamannadese patitthapetva, saddhasampannanam upasampadapekkhanam kulaputtanam tad upasampadam gahapetva, sasanam nirasaik 'upasam padabhavapajjanena parisuddham pariyodatam hutva, yavapancavassasahassaparimanakalapariyanta-pavattanasamattham kareyyan ti." Tato Ramadhipatiraja Moggalanatheradayo bavisatithere nimantetva evam ayaci: "amhakam idani bhante, Ramannadese bhikkhunam upasampada sasaika viya khayati. Tasma sasank'upasa mpadadhinam susanam katham yavapancavassasahassa parimanakalapariyanta thassati ? Sihnladipe ca bhante, sasanapatitthanato patthaya yav' ajjatan 'accantaparisuddho Mahaviharavasisangha paramparabhuto bhikkhusangho pavattati. Yadi bhante, tumhe Sihaladipam gantva, Mahaviharavasisanghaparamparabhutasanghato parisuddham garahaparupavadamattavirahitam ganam uccinitvi, Sammasambuddha-deha-sitali-karanatthanabhutaya Kalyanigangaya sajjitayam udakukkhepasimayam upasampadam sammahareyyatha; tad upasampadam susanabijam katva, rupetva, idha Ramannadese saddhasampannanam upasampadapekkhanam kalaputtanam upasampad 'ankuram nippajjapeyyama. Tatha sati sasanam idam parisuddham hutva, yavapancavassasahassa parimanakalapariyauta thassati. KALYANI INSCRIPTIONS. 207 Sihaladipagamanan ca bhante, tumhakam mahapphalam bhavissati, mahanisamsam. Sihaladipam patta hi bhante, tumhe tatha Siridathadhatua ca, Dakkhinasakhadayo Bodhirukkho ca, Ratanacetiyadini cetiyani ca, Samantakutapabbatamatthake thitam Bhagavato Padavalanjacetiyan ca, vanditun ca pujitun ca laccheyyatha. Tena bhante, tumhakam anappakapunnabhisando vaddhissati. Tasma Sihaladipagamanaya tumhakam santike varam asisamati." Atha te thera Sasanavuddhihetukatta: "Maharaja, dhammika te varasisa. Sihaladipagamanan ca no accantam evanappako punnabhisando vaddhissati. Tasma varan te damma, Sihaladipam gacchissamati" vatva patinnam adamsu. Atha raja theranam patisasanam labhitva: pannasaphala-suvanna viracitam thupikoparipatitthapitam mahaggh' inda-nila-manimayam ekam selapattan ca; satthiphala-suvannabhisankhatam sadharakapidhana-pattan ca; timsaphala-suvannaparikatam suvannabhingaran ca; timsaphalasuvanna-sajjitam dvadasakona-tambula-petakan ca; tettimsaphala-suvannabhisankhatam cetiyasanthanam suvannamayadhatumandiran ca; phalikamayam dhatumandiran ca; masaragallasadisa-kacamani-parisankhatam dhatumandiran ca; suvannamalan cati;etthakam Siridathadhatupujasakkaram abhisankari patisajji.
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________________ 208 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [AUGUST, 1993. Ratanacetiyadi-cetiya-Padavalanja-bavisa-Bodhirukkha-pujanstthaya ca: nadavannani pancasitivitanani ca ; suvannalimpte madhusitthamaye pannasamahadipe ca; suvannalimpite madhusitthamayi pannasadipe cabhisankhari. Sihaladipavusinam mahatheranam atthaya: sokhumanam kappasadussanam cattalisamanjuse ca ; kusegyamayani ca kappasamayani ca rattavanna-pitavanna-cittavanna-dhavalavannavasena nana vannani visatipavuranani ca; cittavannani Haribhusjadesiyani visatitambulapetakani ca; catasso selamayakundikaya ca; athal Cinadesiya cittakundikayo ck; visati Cinadesiya bijaniyo ca patisajji. Api ca Ramannadesissara dhavalagajapatibhuta Ramadhipatiraja Sihaladipavasinam ayyanam mahatheranam sakkaccam abhivadetva, sandesapannam idam nivedesi: "Siridathadhata dipujanatthaya bhante, maya pahitehi pujasakkarehi Siridathadhatadayo pujetum byaparam kareyyatha. Sasissehi bavisatiya therehi saddhim pesita Citraduta-Ramadutabhidhana saparijana Siridathadhatum passitum va, vanditum va, pujitam va, yatha labhissanti; tatha ayya, vayamam karontu. Siridathadhatu-dassanabhivadanapujanani katva, sasissa bavisati theru Mahaviharavasipavenibhutabhikkhusanghato garahaparupavadamattavirahitam ganam uccinitva, Bhagavati nahanaparibhogena paribhattaya Kalyanigangaya sajjitayam udakukkhepasimayam upasampadam yatha labhissanti; tatha ayy, vayamam karontati." Eva Sihaladipavasinam mahatheranam pahetabbasandesapappam abhisaukhari. Sibalissarassa pana Bhavanekabahurajassa : dvisataphala-rupiy' agghanike dve nilamanayo ca; timsadhikacatusataphal'agghanike dve lohitankamanay ca; dighakancukatthaya katani givakkhakatinitambapadatthanesu parisankhatacittakani mahagghani cattari Cinapattani ca; dhavala-nilavannani bhasmanibhani purimapupphikani tini ghana-Cinapattani ca; dhavalanilayannani bhasmanibhani matthani dve ghana-Cinapattani ca; dhavalavannam mattham ekam ghana-Cinapattan ca; haritavangani vayimapupphikuni dve ghana-Cinapattani on; haritavannam mattham ekam ghana-Cinapatta ca; mocakavannani mathani dve Cinapatlani ca; pitavaanavayimapupphikam ekam ghana-Cinapattan ca;rattavanna-vayimapupphikamekam pelava-Cinapatan ca; dhavala-nilavannam bhasmanibham vayimapupphikamekam pelava-Cinapattan eati : visati Cinapattani, Pavityabhidhanabhiyyani visaticitrakaseyyavatthani ca; cammakosavirahitanam tattarikanan dvephalasatani cati; etthakam pahemakam patisankhari. Sihalissarassa Bhuva. nekabahurajassa Sihalavasikamabatheranam pahite sandesapanne vattavacanasadisena sandesavacanona viracitam suvannapattan ca patisankhari. Evam raja yam yattakam patisankharitabbami tam sabbam patisan kharitv., bevisatitheranam ticivaratthaya, sukhumakappasadussanam catacattalisamanjusanica; Marammadesiyani unnamayani bavisatipavuragani ca ; bavisaticitracammakhandani ca; Haribhunjadesiyani sapidhanani bavisatioitmtambulapetakani oa datva; maggantaraparibbayatthaya ca, bhesajjatthaya ca, bahu deyyadhammam datva; tosarn sissabhutanam pi bavisatibhikkhunam bavisati-Katiputtabhidhanavatthani ca: Marammadesiyani ghanapupphani bavisatipavuranani ca datva; sissohi saddhin te bavisatithere Citraduta-Ramadutabhidhananam dvinnam dutanam appetva yathavuttam dhatupujasakkaran ca; Sihaliyanam mahatherada pahetabbadeyyadhamman ca, sandesapannan ca, Bhuvanekabahu-Sihalissarassa pahenakan ca, sandesasuvannapattan ca dutapam hatthe adasi. Bavisatiganana co thoranam dubbhikkhadyantaraya sati, catupaccayam uppadam katva datum, suvannajatakani dvephalagatani datanam adasi. Tato sasisso Moggalanatheradayo okadasathara Ramadutana saddhim ekanavam abhiruhapesi. Sasisso Mahasivalither dayo kadasatbere Citradutona saddhim ekanavam abhiruhapesi. REVERSE FACE OF THE SECOND STONE. Atha RamadutAbhirulha nava muni-sikhi-naga-Bakkaraja maghamasassa kalapak, kho ekadasamiyam adiccavaro Yogabhidhananadimukhato nikkhamitva, samuddam 1 Cha in MS. (B).
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________________ AUGUST, 1893.] KALYANI INSCRIPTIONS. 209 pakkhanta. Citraditibhiruhi pana nava maghamasassa kalapakkho dvadasamiyam candavara Yogibhidhananalimnklatu nikkhamitrit, samudan palkanlitva, chukuna niyamani, phsggunamasassa kalapakkho atthamiyam Kalambutitthan patta. Tato Bhuvanekabuhu-Sihalari ja tam pavattim sutra, phagynami-assa kalapakkl' uposathadivasi, tesam eka lasannan thuranan Citradutassa cu paccuseamanan karapetra, Rumadhipatimaharajona dhavalagajapatikuladappanuun simmaninam atidlavalatarasaikliakunda-kumuda-sarada-candika-samana-yajapati-bhutun saddhal yanukagunagapasamangina palitasando-apannabhutain Citmdutun' initam suvannapatam vilcupotva, ativiya pitisumanassajato. Thoreli ca Citraditonn ca sammullaniyam kathnin saraviyan vitisurutva, sayam uva vutthalitra, kapparuna salihin tambulnilinan katva, thoranam uivasanatthanai ca pindaputapacenyasi ca dupotva, Citraditassa ca nivasanatthanan ca paribbayai ca daposi. Panadivasu Citrodato Rumudhipatimaharajuna palitad5yyaudhammonn sardhim Sihalndesigunam mahuthuranam sand Jsa pamam adasi. Atha tu malathora : "yatha Ramadhipatimaharu. jassa ruccati, tatli kurissimiti" patinnam akarsu. Tato Citradutanuvabhirulha ukudnsnthura, Ramaditavavabhirn!hinam thoranam assompattatta: "yavi eta sainpapunissanti, tuva mayam Sihalaraino igncitvi (idh'ova Lanka li; vasissumati cintetva tatl'ova Sihalaranno ayacitva, tosam Ramadutanavabhirullinan thoranam agamanam agamanto vasinisu. Atha Ramadatabhirulhi nava)? Anuradhapurngamimnggunigatntta savitvi, gamanakala patilomavatunagatatta kicchena kasiruna gautva, citramasassa sukkapakkhe navamiyam adiocavara Valligumam sampatta. * Tasmim pana Valligame Garavi nama Sinaliyimacco ranna damarikakammam katra pativasati. Tassa navaya sampattakulu pana, Sihabarani kanitthabhata navabhirullo yudhibhirolhahi bahunivini snddhim, tuna damarikimaccona sadlim yajjhanatthayabhiyasi. Tato su amacco bhitu patiyajjhitun asakkunto, tamha gama nikkhamitva paliyitra, vanam pavisi. Tato rano kanitthabhata Valligumam labhitva pativasati. Damarikassa panamacassa sunikarayodhanam Valligamassa ca Jayavaddhananagarassa c'antara tasmim tasmim thano niliyitvi, 'gatagatanam jananam antara yakaratta, thorusu ca Ramadutoca Jayavaddlananagaram gantum icchantesu pi, raino kanithabhata tesa ykas nadasi. Tasmin pana naga-sikhinaga-sakkaraja-bhute samvacchare durasalhabhava patham 1sa!hamasassa kalapakkha dutiyayam tithiyam Ov okasar labhitva, thera ca Ramaduto ca Valligamato nikkhamitva, maggantaragamanona pancadivasani vitinamotva, atthamiyam Jayavaddhananagaram sampatta. Tats Bhuvanekabahu Sihalamanajindo theranam Ramadutassa c'agamanapavattim entra, pacenggamanam karupetva, Ramadutena samanitam Ramadhipatimaharajassa suvanpaptam vaca petva, pamuditabadayo vuttanayen' iva kattabbapatisantharam katva, thuranam Rumadutassa ca pindapatan ca paribbayai ca dapetvu, nivusanatthanam adasi. Panadivase Ramaduto Hamsa vatipuradhipena ranna pahitan deyyadhamman ca sandesapannan ca Sihaladesiyana mahatberanam adasi. Te sabbe pi mahathora Citradutassa viya Ramadutassapi patiinam adamsu. Tato param ekamase vitivatte, Citradutanavabhirulha Anuradhapuragata thera Ratanacetiyan ca, Maricivatticetiyan ca, Thuparamacetiyan ca, Abhayagiricetiyan ca, Silacetiyan ca, Jetavanacetiyan ca, Dakkhinasakham Mahabodhirakkhan ca vanditva, Lohapasadan ca passitva, tesu tesu cetiyanganesu kattabban tinalatavanapakarapaharanakiocam sumatthiya 'nurupato katva, puj58akkarapibbakan vattpatipattin puretva, peccagantv8, Jayavaddhananagaram sampatta. * Lacuna supplied from MS. (A).
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________________ 210 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [Argust, 1893. Tato Sihalaraja navadvagabhirulhu sabbe pi thuru samugata tesam Siridathadhatun dassutun ca, vandapotui cn, kulo sampatto ti mantva, dutiyasalhamasassa kalapakkhassa patipadabhuto adiccavaro vass'upanayikadivase, sabbath Siridathadhatumandirapasiidam alaukuapetvai, celavitanam bandhapetva, gandha-dipa-dhumamalahi pujapetra, Sibaladesivo mabathere okamantam vasapetra, sasisso navadvayabhirulho buvisatimabathere ca nimantapetva, Citraduta-Rumaduto ca pak kosupetva, suvannamayamandire Siridathadhucum nihara petra, te buvisatithere ca Citraduta-Ramadati ca passapesi, vandapusi, pujapesi. Tato Sihalaraja Ramadhipatiranno sandusam anussaritva, tuna palite suvannamayadhatumandiri Siridathadhatui thapupetra, tass' upari setachattam dharupetva, dhatuya puritam suvannamayapattai ca, suvannamayabbingarai ca, suvannamayam dvudasakunam tambulapetakan ca, slapapetra, bavisatitheranai ca, Citraduta-Ramaditanan ca dassetva: "tumhe ca bhante, Citraduta ca, Ramadata ca, Sotagajapatissn yathu sandesakaram mu janantuti" aha. Tatu param Silunlaraja: "Sutagajapatissa yatha sandesam karissamiti," Sihaliyamacco anapetra, nahunapariblogena Bhagavata paribhuttaya Kalyunigangaya navasaighatain karupetva, tass' upari pasadam kuraputru celaviti nan bandhupotva, ninividhan pi vitanalambanam karapusi. Vidagamamahatheran ca Mahaviharavasipavenibhutablikkhusaughato pi garahaparupavadamattavirahitam ganam uccinapusi. Tada Vidigamamahatheru Dhammakittimahathera-Vanaratanamahathera-Pan. caparivenavasi-Mangalathera-Sihalarajayuvaraja cariyatheradikan caturisati parimanam ganam uccini. Evam raja navasaiylatam patisajjapetva, ganan d' uccinapetva, dutiyasalhama. sassa kalapakkho ekadasamiyam buddhavare Dhammakittimahathe adayo kammakurake catuvisatibhikkhu nimantapotva, navasanghatam abhiruhapetva, tesam catucattalisanam Rimannadisiyanam bhikkhunam upasampadanam karapesi. Tatu Sihaladusiyanan mahatheranam pubbe paradisato agatigatanam bhikkhunam apasam. padadanakalo yathacinnanurupam te catucattalisa-Ramannabhikkhu gihibhave patitthupetra puna Vanaratanamahathoro kasuyadana-saranagamanadana-vasona pabbajetva sumanerabhumiyarn patitthapesi. Tato param buddhavarassa rattiyar, Moggalanathera ca, Kumarakassapathero ca, Mahasivalithera ca, Sariputtathera ca, Manasagarathero cati: panca thera catuvisatiparimunassa ganassa santike Dhammakittimahatheram upajjhayam, PancaparivenavasiMangalatharam acariyam, katva, upasampanna. Dvadasamiyam pana guruvarassa rattiyam, Sumanathoro ca, Kassapathero ca, Nandathero ca, Rahulathero ca, Buddhavamsathero ca, Sumangalathero ca, Khujjanandathera ca, Sonuttarathero ca, Gunasagarathero ca, Dhammarakkhitathero cati: dasathera pana Vanaratanamahatheram upajjhayam, Pan caparivonavasi-Mangalatheram acariyam, katva, upasampanna. Tato param terasamiyam sukkavarassa divakale, Culasumangalatharo ca, Javanapannathero ca, Culakassapathero ca, Culasivalithero ca, Manisarathero ca, Dhammarajikathera ca, Candanasarathero cati: satta pi thera Vanaratanamahatheram upajjhayam, Pancaparivenavasi-Mangalatheram ovacariyam, katva, upasampanna. Tato param cuddasamiyam sannivare, tosam sissa buvigatidaharabhikkhu Pancaparivanavasi-Mangalatharam upajjhayam, Sihalarajay uvaraja cariyatharam acariyam, katva, upasampanna. Fato Sihalaraja a pasampanne buvisati-Ramannathere nimantetva, bhojetra; bhojanavasune ekam ekassa ticivaran ca, Gocaratidesiyam ekam ekam sanin ca, vitanan ca, siharasena lekhitam ukam ekam citracammakhandan CA, chekena cundakarunabhisankhatam hatthidantamayam ekam ekam talavantabijanin ca, ekam ekam tambulapetakan ca, datva, pun' uha: "Jambudipam bhante, tumhe gantva, Hamsavatipure sasanam ujjutayissatha. Angadeyyadhammadanena me bhanto, kitti na hoti: sati karane khippam eva nassanadhammata. Tasma idanaham tumhakam numapantattidanam dadeyyam. Eram bhante, tumhakam yaratayukar sa thassatiti" vatvi, Ramadutanavablirashanam: Moggalanathera-Kumara kassapathara-Nanasagarathera-Buddhavamsathara-Nandathera-Rahulathera-Sumangalathora-Dhammarak k hitathara-culas umangalathora-Kassapathara-Manisurathara-sau khi tanam skudasannon theru
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________________ ATGUST, 1893.] KALYANI INSCRIPTIONS. 211 nam : Sirisaighabudhisimi-Kittisirimoghasami-Parakkamabahurami-Buddhnglosaximi-Silaladipavisuddhasami-Gunaratanacharasami-Jinalajikirasimi-Ratanamalismi- SalellammatejasamiDhammaramasimi-Bhuvanukabahusamiti kamun' okadasonamanidatva; Citradutanivablirnhanni C: Mahasivalithera-Sariputtathara-Sumanthera-Dulakassapathora-CulanandatheraSonuttarathera.Gunasagarathera-Javanapannathera-Culasivalithora-Dhammarajikathera-Candanasarathara-sauklatinam ekadasannam thurunan: Tilokngurusami-Siriramartanasami-Mangalathorasami-Kalyunitissasumi-Candanagirisami-Siridantauhatusni-Van visitispitsumi-Ratanalnikarasumi-Mahadovasumi-Udumbalagirisumi.Caliblinyatissasiimti kamon' ikidesanamani adasi. Tato pana Rumadutana Abhira!ha ekadasathuru Ramaditona snddhi Jayavaddhanato nikkhamitra, Valligumam eva pacchgati. Citradutanivabhiru!hit pan' ukiulasathuri Sanantikutapabbatamatthako thitam Siripulibhidhanam Paulavalanjacetiyain vanditvah, Jayaradhanam era paccagata. Valligamapaccagata pan' eta 'kadasathura bhaddamisassa sukkapakkne dutiyayam buddhavara, navabhirulba paccagantva, bhaddamasassa kalapakkhe dutiyayam guruvare, Yogabhidhananadimukham patta. Atha klu Rumadhipatiraja Rimaditanavabhiruthanam thoranain Yogibhidhinanadimu. klasarpatta-pavattin sutva: "naklupan 'utan patirupain, yam mayam ajjlisitinam Silualadipan pantva, upasampalasammiharikanau thornain yuna kunaci parijanena posetvi, paccurgamanam kitapetum. Appura namaham simam yova Tigumpanagaram gantvu, tosalassatulaparimankanu pasajjitam mahaylantam jivaminnka-Sammasambuddha-kosachutn-citiyassa assayajapun. pomiyam mahapnvaranvlivasi pujoyyam, tato nivattotvi theranam paccugganunam karayyan ti' cintotva: "gavitham Tigampanagaram papanissami; tava bladdanta Tignmpanagaru Tevi Vasantuti" sandusnpannin dntra, thurinni vasanathann cn, pindupatan ca, patisni kharapotra, samuddagaminiyu jungauavuy' uruhuputva, nadigamimiyo navuyo 'bhiruhuputvi, Tigumpanagaru vasupusi. Citraditanavabhirn!ha pan' ukudasathora --"Sutagajapatissa bhante, Ramadhipatimaharujass' al vehi palita-pamakarehi, saha mama pitu-Parakkamabahumaharajassa niccavalaijita. sataphala-parimanam plzussarugavajiramaniparikatam Siriduthadhatubimbasan khatam dhammikapannakaram palinitum dutam posutum icchami; yava tassa dutassa nava nitthitaparikamma hutva, tumhukam navaya suddhim ikatu gantum labhissati, tiv' agametbati" Sihalarujona vuttatta niyamacintanurupo Rumannadosa-paccugamanayugyo yuttakulu paccagantuin nalabhimsu. Tato Citradutuna saddhim okudasasu thurosu Sihalaranno dutam agamantosa yova Kalambutitthu pasin'ulanibakam katva, thapitam janakayabhirulham jungumahanavain paradhibhidhunu viruddhamahavato utthahitva, samudda usidapesi. Atha kho Sihalaraja Citraditanavaya samuddosidanapavattiin sutva, thure Citradutan c'evam aha: "yadi tumhnkam nava n'atthi, mama dutina saddhim ekanavam abhiruhitva, paccigucchuyyuthati." Tato thuru ca saparijano Citraduto ca Sihnlarajassa dutena saddhim ekana vabhiru!hu Kalambutitthato nikkhamitva, buhirasamuddaguminu maggena ugantvi, Sihaladipa-Jambudipanam antara Sillamabhidhanasamuddagamina magguna paccagatii. Atha Kalambutitthato nik khamantunom tisam nava rattittaye vitivatto, viruddhamahuvatona phalitatta samuddodakanimagganam pusinasiuganam antara laggitvi, patit hita. Atha nivAbhiro!ha sabbe jana pusinasinganam antari patitthitaya navaya niharitum asakkuneyyabhavam natva, yattaka pavaya veludaradabbasambhara santi, te sabbe gahetva, ulumpam katva, tatrabhirulbu Jambudipatirass' asannabhavena, Jambudipam patta. Tada Sihalarujadito pannukaranam abhavena Sihaladipam eva paccagantum arabhi. Thera pana Citraduto ca pattika va yena Nagapattanam ten' upasadkamimsu; upasaukamitva Nagapattano Padarikaramavihara vatthum passitva, Hemamala-Dandakumarabhidhananam ubhinnar jayapatikanam Siriduthudhataya Lai kudipanayanakale, samuddatire dhitu patitthan'akase Cinadesissarena maharajena karapitaya mahaguhaya, Buddhapatimam vanditva, sena disibha gena Navutabhidhanapattanam tad'avasarimsu. Tasmim pana pattane MalimparakayA
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________________ 212 THE INDIAN INTIQUARY (AUGUST, 1893. baidhano ca Pacchaliyabhidhano cati: dve pattanadhikurino sam vacchare sam vacchare dvihi zuvahi vanijjatthaya parijane pesetva, Rumadhipatimaharajassa pannakarain pahitatta, tonn Rimathipatimaharujuna kutapatisantharatta ca, Ramadhipatimalurajini sampasanti. Tona thurannin civarui cn, pinlaputai ca datva, vasanatthanam datva, samupasusum. Citraditassa ca paribbayai ca nivasanavatthan cada riisu. "Navigamanekalo yev' amhukam bhanti, navabhirulha Sutrujnpatissit snkiisam ayyil gacchantuti." Atha kho Tilukaguruthuro ca, Ratanalaikiratheru cn, Mahilovathuru ca, Calabhayatissatheru citi: cattaro thera catuhi bhikkhuli snddhim tosin santiko pativasitisu. Avasisi pana sattathora: "sattabhikkhuhi saddlim Komalapattano niyan abhirulissumati" Komulapattanam gantvi vasimsu. Ruddha-sikhi-naga-sakkaraje pana visakhamasassa sukkapakkho catutthiyam buddhavara Tilskaguruthuru ca, Rataualaikarathuru ca, Mahudevathera citi: tayu thora dilimpart kayabhithanapattanadhikarana vabhirulla, Culabhayatissatheru pana Pacchaliyabli linapattanadhikaranavabhirashu, Navutabhidhanapattanato prkkbantu. Tusu pana tayo thori thurattayabhirulhayn nuvayn visakhamasassa ka!apakkhe dvadasamiyam sukkavare Nagarasipabbatokkantanadimukhapattatta, jotthamasassa sukkapakkho putipadadivase anguravara, Kusimanagaram sampapunimsu. Culubhayatissnthuro asashamasassa sukkapakkhe torasamiyam angaravare Hansavatinagaram sam papuni. kumulapattanam gantvi sattabhikkhuhi sahn vasantusu sattasu pana thurosu Mangalathoro mijasissona bhikkhanit cn, Vanaratanathurasissona bhikkhuni cn, Siridantadhitutherasissona bhikkhuni cn, rupa-veda-nuga-sakkaraje bhaddamasassamavasiyam budd havure, Bindaityabhidhunanavikanavabhirulho, Komalapattanato nikkhamitva, kattikamasassa sukkapakkho patipadadivase sukkavure Nagarasipabbat'okkantanadimukham patva, ekadasamiyam candavafe Kusimanagaram patva, kattikamasassa kalapakkhe cuddasamiyam sukkavaro Hansavatinagaram sampapuni. Avasusti pana chathuru catuhi daharabhikkhuhi saddhin sabbasattanam kammadiyadatta akusalakammapatham atikkamitum asamattlatta, aniccatam papunimsu. Ahu sabbasaikhara anicci ti! OBVERSE FACE OF THE THIRD STONE. Naga-sikhi-naga-parimuno yova pana sakkaraje, Rumudhipatimahuraja mahighaman Kosadhatuchotiyassa pujanatthaya essayujamasassa sukkapakkho atthamiyam guruvura navusaighatoparipatisaj khatasuvannakutagurabhirulho bahuhi indavimunabhidhinadistavaunanivapamukhahi navahi purakkhato kamena gacchanto, yena Tigumpanagaram tad avasari. Tigumpanagaram sampattakale pana assay ujamasassa sukkapakkba terasamiyam gugurevara, Rumadutanavabhirulho 'kadasathere nimantetva, nun' aggarasablojanana santapputri sampavaretra, ticivaratthaya c' ek' ekassa dve dve dussayagi datva, kattabbapatisantharui ca katva, nivusana thanam eva patanapesi. Tnto Rumidhipatimaharaji tini divasani mahasainajjam kuruputvi, mahapavuranudivasu surnvar tan mahaghantain Kesadhaturetiyassa pujanatthaya cetiyauganam arupapesi. Patipadau.livas sukkuru pana, Tigumpavusinam bhikkhunam dunam datva, kapani 'ddhikavanibbakarcu databbani duyyadhammam dapetva, kalapakkhe tatiyayam adiccavure 'kadasanavuyo sak kacenm alaikarapetvu, paccuggamanattbaya amacce theranam santikam appesi. Evan Ramadhipatirija theranam paccuggamanavidhin sajjitva, catutthiyam candavare pato va, Tiyumpanagarato apakkamitva, kamena gacchanto atthamiyam sukkavaro Hansavatinagaram patvu, niccavanagirablutam ratanamandiram pavisi. There pana Mahabuddharupasannatitthe yuv'okaham vasupetva, dasamiyam udiccavare bahunavaya sammapatisak harapetva, nana. dhajapatakehi snbbatalavacarehi ca saddhim amaccadaya pesetva, there paccaggahapetva, ratuurmandivam aruhupusi. Tato pana tu thera' ratanamandirabhidhanam rajamandiram patva, Siridathadhatulimpitacanduracunnakarandakan ca; Siridathidhatubimban ca; Bodhirukkhasakhapattabijanica; posl.
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________________ AUGUST, 1893.] FOLKLORE IN WESTERN INDIA. 213 sasanavisadhakassa Sirisaugbabodhi-Parakkamabahumaharajassa ca, Vijayabahumaharajassa ca, Parakkamabahumaharajassa ca, sasanasodhanavidhidipakam; bhikkhuhi patipajjitabbupam tena tena ranna bhikkhusangbam ayacetva, karapitanam katika vattanan ca dipakam; Sihaladesiyehi therehi pahinitva dinnakatikavatta potthakan ca ; sandesapannan ca; Vanaratanamahatherena viracitam gathabandhan ca ; Bhuvanekabahu-Sihalarajassa sandesapannan ca; Ramadhipatimaharajassadamsu. Evam Ramadhipatimaharaja therebi saddhim kattabbapatisantharam katva, there 'kadasapi 'paccekam amacce anapetva, bahuhi dhajapatakehi sabbatala vacarehi ca saddhim, sakam sakam viharam pahinapesi. Tato para Ramadhipatimaharajass' etad ahosi: "Ime pan' ekudasathera Sihaladipam gantva, tato parisuddh'upasampadam gahetva samayata. Imasmim ca Hamgavatinagare parisuddhabaddhasima va, nadilakkhanapatta mahanadi va, jatassaralakkhanapatto mabajatassaro vas suvisadhaniyam gamakhettam va, n'atthi. Kattha nu kho pan' ime thera upusathadisanghakammam upasampadakammam va katam labhissanti ? Yam nunham surakkhaniyam khuddakam gamakhettam pariyesetva, tatth' ekam baddhasimam imehi yeva therebi sammad eva bandha. peyyam. Tatba sati tatth' ete thera v posathadisa nghakammam upasampadakammam va katum labhissantiti." Atha kho Ramadhipatiraja parijane pesetva tatharupam gumakhettam pariyesipesi. Tato ranno parijana pariyZsitva, Mudhavabhidhanas88 mahacetiyansa pacchimadisayam vanapariyante Narasuramaccassa gamakhottam khuddakam surakkhaniyan ti natva ranno tath' arecesum. Tato raja sayam eva gantva tam thanam oloketva, surakkhaniyam idam gamakhettam patirupam; ettha simasammannan ti ointetva, tatth' ekasmim padese bhumim sodhapetva, sammannitabbasimatthanam sallakkhetva, vemajjhe ekam salam karapetva, salay' anto ca bahi balaya sammannitabbasimatthanan ca tato bahi pi yatharucitakan kinci padesam harit'upalittam karapetva, samantato catusu disasu vatim karapetva, sakavatam catudvaram yojapesi. Tasga gamakhettassa ca samantato aunehi gamakbettehi sankaradasam pabaritum, hettha bhumiyan cupari akase ca rukkbasakhadi-sambandham avecchinditva, vidatthimattagambhiravittharam khuddakamatikam khanapesi. Simasammannatthanato pana pacchimadisayam avidure sanghakammakarakanam ekadasannam theranam viharan ca bhattasalan ca nahanakotthakan ca vaccakutin ca karapetva, te nimantetva vasapesi. Tato param puna pi Ramadhipatiraja cintesi : "kincapekadasathera saddhim ekadasahi sissabhutehi daharabhikkhuhi Sibaladipato accantaparisuddham upasampadam gahetva, samayata; tatbapi' me sasissa thera garaba parupavadamattasambhavabhavavicaranavasena parivi. mamsitabba va. Ye pana tesu garahaparupavadamattasahita tesam accanta parisuddh' upasampadabhave pi simasammutiya ganabhave parivajjanam ev' amhakam roccati: simaya sasa. namulabhavato hi; suddh' apasam padanam pi garahaparupavadamattasahitanam simasaramutiya ganabhave sati garabaparupavadamattassayatim sasanapaccatthikanam ukkotapakaranabhavato cati." (To be continued.) FOLKLORE IN WESTERN INDIA. BY PUTLIBAI D. H. WADIA.1 No. 18.-The Sleeping Nasib. Once upon a time there lived two brothers, one of whom was possessed of ample means, while the other was utterly destitute, but the rich brother would not so much as give a handful of barley to save his brother and his poor family from starvation. One day the rich brother had occasion to give a large feast in honour of the nuptials of his children, and although he had invited a large number of his friends to it, he had not so much as sent a servant to ask his brother and his family to join them. Now the poor brother, who had been long out of work, had exhausted all his resources, so that on the day of the feast he and his family had not a morsel of anything to eat, and For a variant of this tale, see ante, Vol. XVII. page 13. Nasib means 'luck, good fortune.'
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________________ 214 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [AUGUST, 1893. this had been their state for two or three days past. Towards evening therefore he said to his wife: "Go, wife, and see if you can bring us some of the leavings of the feast. There must be some bones and crumbs left in the pots and dishes; so make haste and do bring as something." The poor woman accordingly went round to the back of her rich relative's house. But she saw at a glance that she was too late, as the pots and pans had already been scrubbed clean, and that there was, therefore, no chance of her getting anything. Just then she saw some white finid in a large tub, and knew that it was the water in which the rice for the feast had been washed. So she begged of the servants to let her have some of it; but the mistress of the house, who happened to come up at the time, forbade them to give her anything at all. "Even this water has its uses," said she," and it must not be wasted," and she relentlessly turned her back on her poor relative, who had to walk home to her unfortunate little ones empty-handed. When she told her husband how she had been treated by his brother's wife, he was beside himself with rage and disappointment, and swore that he would go that very night to the rich barley fields of his brother and bring away some sheaves of barley, in spite of him, to make bread with for his starving little ones. So he took a scythe, and under cover of night stole noiselessly out of his house, and walked up to his brother's barley fields. But just as he was entering one, his further progress was arrested by somebody, who looked like a watch-man, loudly asking him what he wanted. "I am come here to take home some barley from this field of my brother, since he is determined not to give me anything, although my children are actually dying for want of food. But who are you, to put yourself thus in my way P" "I am your brother's nasib (Luck), placed here to guard his possessions, and I cannot let you have anything that belongs to him!" was the stern reply. "My brother's nas 6 indeed!" exclaimed the poor man in surprise; "then, where on earth has my nasib stowed himself away that he would not help me to procure the means of subsistence for my starving wife and children?" " Thy nasib !" said the other mockingly; "why, he lies sleeping beyond the seven Beas: go thither if thou wouldst find and wake him !" So the poor fellow had to trudge back home just as he had come. The words of his brother's nasib, however, jarred on his memory, and he could not resi till he had told his wife of his interview with that strange being. She, in her turn, urged him to go and find out his nasib, and see if he could wake him from his slumbers, as they had suffered long enough from his lethargy. The husband agreed to this, and the wife borrowed, or rather begged, some barley of her neighbours, ground it, and made it into bread, over which the poor starving children and the unfortunate parents broke their four days' fast. The poor father then took leave of his family, and set out on his journey. He had proceeded about twelve k88, or so, when he again felt the pangs of hunger, and sat down under the spreading shade of a tree to eat a loaf or two of the bread that his wife had reserved for his journey. Just then, a little mango dropped at his feet from the tree, and on looking up, he saw that he was under a mango-tree filled to luxuriance with a crop of young mangoes. He eagerly picked up the fruit and gnawed at it, but to his great disappointment found that it was quite bitter! So he flung it away from his lips, and oursing his fate for not letting him enjoy even so muoh as a mango, again looked up at the tree and sighed. But the tree echoed back his sighs and said: "Brother, who art thou P and whither dost thou wend thy way? Have mercy upon me!" "Oh! do not ask me that question," said the poor man in distress, "I do not like to dwell apon it."
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________________ FOLKLORE IN WESTERN INDIA. 215 AUGUST, 1893.] On the tree, however, pressing him further, he replied: "As yon are so very anxious to know my history, I shall tell it to you. Learn then first of all that I am going in search of my nasib, which I am told lies asleep beyond the seven seas! He then unfolded to the sympathising tree the whole doleful tale of his poverty, his brother's brutal treatment of him, and his interview with his brother's nasib. When the tree had heard all, it said: "I feel very much for you, and hope you will succeed in finding out your nosib. And if ever you meet him, will you not do me the favour to ask him, if he can tell why it should be my lot to produce such bitter mangoes? Not a traveller that passes under me fails to take up one of my fruit, only to fling it from him in disgust on finding it taste so bitter and unwholesome, and curse me into the bargain." "I will, with pleasure," was our hero's reply, as he listlessly rose and again proceeded on his weary journey. He had not gone many miles, however, when he saw a very strange sight. A large fish was rolling most restlessly on the sandy banks of a river- it would toss itself to and fro, and curse itself at every turn for being so miserable. Our hero felt much grieved to see the plight the poor creature was in, when the fish, happening to look at him, asked him who he was, and where he was going. On being told that he was going in search of his nasib, the fish said: "If you succeed in finding your nasib, will you ask him in my name, why it is that a poor creature like myself should be so ill used as to be made to leave its native element and to be tortured to death on these hot sands ?" "Very well," replied our hero, and went his way again. Some days after this, he arrived at a large city, the towers of which seemed to touch the skies, so grand and beautiful was it. As he proceeded farther into it, admiring its lofty edifices and beautifully built palaces, he was told that the Raja of that place was just then engaged in having a new tower built, which in spite of all the skill the best architects bestowed on it, tumbled down as soon as it was finished, without any apparent cause whatever. The poor traveller, therefore, out of mere curiosity, went near the tower, when the Raja, who was sitting by, with a disconsolate look, watching the operations of the workmen, was struck with his foreign look and manners, and asked him who he was, and where he was going. Our hero, thereupon, fell at the Raja's feet, related to him his strange story, and told him the nature of his errand. The Raja heard him through, and then desired him to inquire of his nas.b why it was that the tower he was bent on building collapsed as soon as it reached completion. The poor man made his obeisance to the Raja, and promising to do his bidding, soon took leave of him. He had not gone very far, however, on what now seemed to be his interminable journey, when he encountered a fine horse beautifully caparisoned and ready bridled, pasturing in a meadow. On seeing him the steed looked sorrowfully at him and said: "Good Sir, you look as if you were laden with as much care as I am; tell me, therefore, where you are going, and what is the object of your journey?" Our hero told him every thing, and the horse, too, in his turn, charged him with a message to his nasib. He was to ask that personage, why it was that the gallant steed, so powerful and so handsome, was destined to his utter grief and despair to idle away his life in the manner he did, instead of being made to gallop and prance about under the control of a rider, although he was all-anxious to serve a master and go to the battle field to share his fortunes, whenever le might wish to take him. "Very well, my friend," replied our hero, "I shall do as you desire." So saying he patted the noble animal on its back and trudged along as before.
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________________ 216 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [AUGUST, 1893. But as he proceeded farther and farther without so much as getting a glimpse of even one of the seven seas he had been told of, our hero felt utterly disheartened, and tired out both in body and mind by the hardships and privations he was going through. So he threw himself under the shade of a large tree and soon fell fast asleep. But in a short time his slumbers were suddenly disturbed by the cries and yells of some eagles that had their nest in the top-most branches of the tree. No sooner, however, did he open his eyes than he saw & huge serpent creeping up the tree to get at the young eagles in the best. He immediately drew his sword and divided the hideons crawling reptile into three pieces! The poor little eagles in the branches joined each other in a chorus of delight at this, and our hero, covering up the remains of their tormentor with his plaid, sheathed his sword, and soon fell fast asleep again! When the old birds that had gone out in search of food came back and saw the traveller sleeping under the tree, they were at once seized with the idea that he was the enemy that had 80 long and so successfully been destroying their progeny ; for many times before had that serpent succeeded in climbing the top of the tree and devouring either the birds' eggs or their little ones. So the enraged couple determined to be revenged upon him, and the male bird proposed that he would go and perch himself upon one of the topmost branches, and then fling himself down upon the sleeper with such violence as to crush him to death! The female bird, however, was for breaking the bones of the supposed enemy with one swoop of her powerful wing! At this stage, fortunately for our hero, the young birds interfered, and declared how the man had proved himself their friend by destroying their real enemy, the serpent, the carcass of which they pointed out to them covered up with the plaid! The old birds immediately tore the cloth open, and were convinced beyond doubt of the innocence of the sleeping man. So the old female bird, changing her anger into love, placed herself by bis side, and began to fan him with her large wings, while the male flew away to a neigbouring city and pouncing upon a tray full of sweetmeats, temptingly displayed at a pastry cook's bore it away with him, and placed it at the feet of the still slumbering traveller When our hero awoke from his slumbers he saw the situation at a glance, and was deeply gratified at the attentions bestowed upon him. So without much hesitation he made a hearty meal of the sweet things he saw before him. It was, in fact, the first hearty meal he bad made for many and many a day, and, feeling very much refreshed in body and buoyant in spirits, he told the birds all his story, how he had left bis starving children to set out in search of his nasib, how he had travelled to such a distance amidst great hardships and privations, and how he had hitherto met with no success. The birds felt deeply grieved for him, and told him that it was hopeless for him to try to cross the seven seas without their help, and that they would, therefore, as a small return for what he had done for them, give him one of their numerous brood that would carry him on its back and deposit him dry-shod and safe beyond the seven seas. Our hero was profuse in his thanks to the birds, and soon mounted the back of one of the young eagles, and bidding a hearty farewell to his feathered friends resumed his journey, this time not over hard and rough roads and mountains, or through deep dark jungles, but through the fresh balmy air and the cool transcendant brightness of the skies. All the seven seas were crossed one after another in quick succession, when from his lofty position in the air he one day perceived a human figure stretched at full length on a bleak and desolate beach. This he was led to believe must be his nasib, so he asked the good eagle to place him down near it. The bird obeyed, and our hero, eagerly went up to the recumbent figure and drew away from his head the sheet in which its was enveloped. Finding, however, that it would not wake, he twisted one of the sluggard's great toes with such violence that he started up at once, and began to rub his eyes, and press his brows to ascertain where he was, and who had so radely awakened him.
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________________ AUGUST, 1893.] FOLKLORE IN WESTERN INDIA. 217 "You lazy idiot," cried our hero, half in delight at his success and half in anger," do you know how much pain and misery you have caused me by thus slumbering peacefully on for years together? How can a man come by his share of the good ?hings of this world while his nasib neglects him so much as to go and throw himself into such a deep slumber in so unapproachable a corner of the earth? Get up at once, sud promise never to relapse again into slumber after I depart." "No, no, I cannot sleep again, now that you have waked me," replied the nasib ; "I was sleeping only because you had not hitherto taken the trouble to rouse me. Now that I have 'been awakened I shall attend you wherever you go, and will not let you want for anything." " Very well, then," cried our hero, perfectly satisfied," now look sharp and give me plain and true answers to a few questions I have been commissioned to ask you." He then delivered to him all the different messages given to him by the mango-tree, tho fish, the Raja, and the horse. The nasib listened with great attention, and then replied as follows : "The mango tree will bear bitter mangoes so long as it does not give up the treasure that lies buried under it. The fish has a large solid slab of gold hidden in its stomach, which must be squeezed ont of its body to relieve it of its sufferings. As for the Raja-tell him to give up building towers for the present and turn his attention to his household, and he will find that, although his eldest daughter has long since passed her twelfth year, she has not yet been provided with a husband, which circumstance draws many a sigh from her heart, and as each sigh pierces the air, the lofty structure shakes under its spell and gives way. If the Raja therefore, first sees his daughter married, he will not have any more cause to complain." Coming then to speak of the horse, the nasib patted our hero on his back, and continued : "The rider destined to gladden the heart of that noble animal is none but yourself. Go, therefore and monnt him, and he will take you home to your family." This terminated our hero's interview with his nasib, and after again admonishing him not to relapse into slumber, he mounted his aerial charger once more, and joyously turned his face homewards. When the seven seas had again been crossed, the faithful bird took him to where he had found the horse, and laid him down safe beside him. The traveller then took leave of the eagle with many expressions of gratitude and going up to the steed stroked him gently and said: "Here I am sent to be your rider! I was predestined to ride you, but as my nasib was lying asleep up to this time, I could not see my way to do so !" "Bismillah," exclaimed the horse, "I am quite at your service." Our hero, thereupon, mounted the steed and the noble animal soon galloped away with him, and both horse and rider being infused with a sense of happiness did not feel the harships and fatigues of the journey so much as they would have done under other circumstances. While passing by the river on the banks of which he had perceived the fish writhing in agony, our hero saw that it was still there in the same sad plight. So he at once went up to it, and catching hold of it, squeezed the slab of gold out of its body, restored the poor creature to its element, and putting the gold into his wallet, made his way to the city where he had encountered the Raja. When he arrived there he put up at a saral, and purchased with the gold acquired from the fish, rich clothes, jewellery, and weapons befitting a young nobleman, and, attiring himself in them, presented himself before the Raja.
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________________ 218 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. (AUGUST, 1893. The Raja was surprised to see him, so much changed did he look from his former self, and welcoming him most cordially, gave him a seat of honour in the midst of his nobles. He then inquired of him whether his nasil had given him any solution of the vexed question of the collapse of the tower, and was delighted to hear in reply that so simple a matter was the cause of all the annoyance he had suffered, and all the expense he had been put to. With a view, therefore, to put an end to the difficulty at once, he ordered his daughter to be brought before him, and putting her hand into that of our hero, proclaimed him then and there his son-in-law ! After this the tower stood as erect and firm as the Raja wished it, and the whole kingdom resounded with the praises of the traveller who had been the means of contributing to its stability, and no one grudged him the hand of the fair princess as a reward for his services. After a few days spent in feasting and merry-making, our hero took leave of his father-inlaw, and set out on his homeward journey with a large retinue. When he reached the mango tree that produced bitter fruit, and sat down under its branches, surrounded by all the evidences of wealth and honour, he could not help contrasting his former state with his present altered circumstances, and poured forth his thanks to the good Allah, who had bitherto befriended him. He then ordered his men to dig at the roots of the tree, and their labours were soon rewarded by the discovery of a large copper vessel, so heavy as to require the united strength of a number of men to haul it up. When the treasure trove was opened, it was found to be full of gold and jewels of great value, and our hero got the whole laden upon camels, and joyfully resumed his journey home. When he entered his native place with his bright cavalcade and his lovely wife, quite a crowd of cager spectators gathered round him, and his brother and other relatives who were of the number, although they recognized him, were too awe-struck to address him. So he ordered his tents to be pitched in a prominent part of the town, and put up there with his bride. In due course le caused inquiries to be made regarding his first wife and his children, and soon had the satisfaction of embracing them once more. He was grieved to find them in the same half-sturved, ill-clad condition he had left them in, but was nevertheless thankful that their life had been spared so long. His next step was to take his new bride to his first, and therefore more rightful wife, place her hand in hers, and bid her look upon her as a younger sister. This tho old lady promised gladly to do. All his friends and neighbours then called upon him to offer him their congratulations, ard even his hard-hearted brother and his wife failed not to visit him, and wish him joy of his good fortune. Seeing now that he was a much richer man than themselves, they tried their best to ingratiate themselves into his favour, and tho wife even went so far as to invite his two wives to a grand feast, which she said she was going to give in honour of his happy return and reunion with his family. Our hero consented to let his wives go to the feast, and the next day the two ladies, attiring themselves in their best clothes and jewels, went to their brother-in-law's house, where a large party, consisting of ladies of the best families, had assembled to do them honour. After some time spent in the interchange of civilities, the whole company sat down to a sumptuous banquct. As the meal proceeded however, what was the surprise of the guests to see, that instead of putting the rich viands into her mouth, the old wife of our hero placed a tiny morsel cach time on each of the different articles of her jewellery and on the deep gold embroidered borders of her sasi. For some time no one dared to question her as to the reason of her strange behaviour, but at last, one old woman, bolder than the rest, and who was, moreover, possessed of a sharp touguo, cried out in a loud voice : " Bibi, what are you about? You don't seem to have come here to feed yourself, for up to now you have been doing nothing but feed your jewellery and your clothes!"
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________________ AUGUST, 1893.] MISCELLANEA. 219 "You are right, old lady," replied our hero's wife, "you are quite right when you say that I have been feeding my jewellery and clothes; for has not this repast been provided, and all this distingaished company brought together, in honour of our rich clothes and jewellery ? There was a time, when neither my husband or myself was thought fit to partake of our hostess's hospitality; nay, at one time, even so much as a bucketful of water in which rice had been washed for a feast, was refused to me, although my husband, my children and myself were starving! And all that because then we were not possessed of these fine clothes, and this jewellery!" With these words she took her co-wife by the hand, and the two turning their backs on their hostess, walked majestically out to their palanquins and returned home! The chagrin, disappointment, and rage of the hostess knew no bounds at this, especially as all her guests, instead of taking her part, began to laugh at her, and told her she had been well served for her ill-mannered pride and her hard-heartedness to her relatives when in distress. Nay, to shew their contempt for her, they all left the feast unfinished, and went away to their homes in rapid succession. Our hero passed the rest of his life with his two wives and their children very happily ever afterwards, and had never again any cause to complain against his nasio. MISCELLANEA. THE DATE OF SUNDARA-PANDYA. In his 10th year inscription Sundara-Pandya JATAVARJAN. tells us that he conquered Kanda-Gupala and Dr. Hultzsch has published materials for Ganapati. Dr. Hultzsch gives a date of Ganapati calculating the date of Sundara-Pandya- in the Sakn year 1172, and tells us from other Jatavarman, ante, Vol. XXI. pp. 121-2 and sources that he died in Saka-Samvat 1180. He 343-4. He has given parts containing dates also gives three dates of Kanda-Gopala, which of two inscriptions of Sundara-Pandya. One are as follows: belongs to the 9th and the other to the 10th year of his reign. The details of the date of No. L. the 9th year inscription are (ante, Vol. XXI. On the south wall of the 80-called "rock" p. 343):- Tribhuvanachakrava[r]ttiga[!] sri. (malai) in the Arulla-Perumal temple. Sundara-Pandiyadevarkku ya[n]du gavadu Svasti sri Sakara-yandu 1187 perra TiribuvanaIshava-nasya]rru parvva-pakshattu palichamiy[u]m Se[v]vay-kkilamaiyum perra Punar chchakarava[r]ttiga! sri-vijaya-Kanda-Gopala devarkku yendu 15vadu pasattu nal. -" In the 9th year (of the reign) of Miduna-nayarru the emperor of the three worlds, the glorious apara-pakshattu trayodasiyum Sani-kkilamaiyum Sundara-Pandyadeva, - on the day of the perra Rosani-na! nakshatra) Punarvasu, which corresponded to "Hail! Prosperity! In the 15th year of the Tuesday, the fifth tithi of the first fortnight of reign) of the emperor of the three worlds, the the month of Rishabha." And the details of the glorious and victorious Kanda-Gopaladeva, date of the 10th year inscription are (ante, which corresponded to the Saka year 1187, - Vol. XXI. p. 121):- Ko-Chohadaipanmar-ana on the day of the nakshatra) Rohini, which Tribhuvanachchakravarttiga! emmandalamun= corresponded to Saturday, the thirteenth kond aruliya erf-Bundara-Pandiyadovar[ku) tithi of the second fortnight of the month of yandu 10vadu pattavadu Rishabha-neyarru apara Mithuna." [pa]kshattu Budan-kilamaiyum prathamaiyum No. IL perra A[nillattu nal. "In the 10th -tenth - year (of the reigri) of king Jatavarman, alias On the north wall of the second prakdra of the the emperor of the three worlds, the glorious Ekamrandtha temple. Sundara-Pandyadeva, who was pleased to Svasti eri Sakara-yapdu 1187 perra Tiribuvaffaconquer every country, - on the day of (the chchakkarava[r]ttiga! sri-visaiya-Kanda-Gopanakshatra) Anuradha, which corresponded to ladovar[k*]ku yandu 1[6]vadu Simha-ngyarru Wednesday, the first tithi of the second fortnight apara-pakshattu tritiyaiyum Sagi-kkilanaiyum of the month of Rishabha." perra Uttiradatta na!.
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________________ 220 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [AUGUST, 1893. "Hail! Prosperity! In the 1[6]th year of etc., here, once for all, that the Saka years in my calwhich corresponded to the Saka year 1187, - on culation are all taken as expired years. the day of the nakshatra) Uttarashadha, which Tuesday, and the Punarvasu nakshatra falling corresponded to Saturday, the third tithi of the on a sukla panchami in the solar month of second fortnight of the month of Simha." Vpishabha, are the requirements of the 9th year No. III. inscription; and Wednesday, and the nakshatra Anuradha falling on a krishna pratipadd in the On the same wall as No. I. solar month Vpishabha, are required for the 10th Svasti sri Sakara-yandu 118[7] perra Tiribu- year inscription. In both the inscriptions the vanagakkarava[r]ttiga! sri-visaiya-Kanda-Gopa- solar month is Vpishabha. Parts of two lunar ladevarkku ya[n]du 16vadu] Simba-nkyarru months, Vaisakha and Jyeshtha, fall in the solar apara-pakshattu tritiyaiyum Sani-kkilamaiyum month Vrishabha. First I searched for the years, perra Uttirattadi-nal. in which the given week days fell on the given "Hail! Prosperity! In the 1[6th) year of etc., tithis of Vaisakha and Jyeshtha. I need not which corresponded to the Saka year 118[7], - give here all these years. I calculated afterwards on the day of the naloshatra) Uttara-Bhadrapada, in which of these years the given week days, the which corresponded to Saturday, the third tithi nakshatras, and the solar month fell together; of the second fortnight of the month of Simha." and found that the three required things for the 9th and 10th year inscriptions, respectively, The details of these three dates are correct for fell together, actually or nearly, in the Saka years the Saka years quoted with them; except that 1181 and 1182, and again in 1184 and 1185. Also, the nakshatra of No. II. should be Uttara taking each inscription separately, there is no Bhadrapada instead of Uttarash&dha. other year for either of them. The English equivalents of these three dates are :- No. I. Saturday, the 13th June A. D. Of the above two pairs of years, first I take the 1265; and Nos. II. and III. Saturday.. the 1st latter. According to the present Surya-Siddhanta, in Saka-Samvat 1185, the amanta Vaisakha Sukla August' A. D. 1265. The Saka years in thebe purnimd ended and the krishna pratipada comthree dates are expired, while that in the date menced on Wednesday, the 25th April, A. D. of Ganapati is current. 1263, at 4 ghatis 25 palas; and the nakshatra From these data Dr. Hultzsch has already Vibakha ended and Anuradha commenced at pointed out that the year fitting to the details of 23 gh. 23 pa., Ujjain mean time (i. e. at so many the 10th year inscription of Sundara-Pandya ghatis and palas after mean sunrise at Ujjain). should be sought for between the Saka years So, two of the three requirements fell together 1172 and 1190. after 23 gh. 23 a. from mean sunrise on the The 10th year inscription in which Sundara- Wednesday. But the Vrishabha-sankranti took Pandya alludes to his victory over Kanda- place on the same day at 44 gh. 7 pa. (Ujjain Gopala, is dated in the solar month of Vrishabha. mean time), which was 45 gh. 16 pa. of the We see from the date No. I. of Kanda-Gopala apparent time on that day at Trichinopoly, the that his accession must have taken place not place of the 10th year inscription. In finding before the commencement of the month Mithuna the apparent time, I have taken for Trichinopoly of Saka-Samvat 1172 expired. The first available latitude 10deg 47' and longitude 78deg 43' east of month Vpishabha after this is that of S.-S. 1173 Greenwich, and 3deg 0 east of Ujjain (see expired. The Saka year, therefore, for Sundara. Johnston's Atlas). There seem to be two systems Pandya's 10th year inscription does not fall | at present of commencing a solar month civilly before S.-S. 1173 expired. Strictly speaking, (see South Indian Chronological Tables, p. 7 f.). therefore, we should seek for the Saka year fitting According to one, when & sankranti takes place to the details of the 10th year inscription of before sunset, the month is made to begin on the Sundara-Pandya, between the years 1173 and 1190 same day; while, if it takes place after sunset expired, both inclusive. Consequently, the Saka the month begins on the next day. According to year for his 9th year inscription should be sought the other system, when the sun enters & sign between the years 1172 and 1189 expired, both within three of the five parts into which the dayinclusive. Taking, however, one year more on time is divided, the month begins on the same each side, I find that the Saka years 1181 and 1182 day; otherwise, it begins on the next day. In expired are the only years corresponding respect the present instance, the solar month Vpishabha ively to the details of the 9th and 10th year did not begin on the Wednesday by either of the inscriptions of Sundara-Pandya. I may say two systems. Even if we take the actual time of
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________________ AUGUST, 1893.) MISCELLANEA. 221 the sankranti, the month began at about mid- the Karana-prakdea, a work composed in Saka. night; but no religious ceremony is likely to Samvat 1014, and based on the first Aryatake place after midnight. According to the Siddhanta with a bija correction. And by the first Arya-Siddhanta, which is the authority in Karana-prakdea I find that the tithi ended at the Tamil country, the solar month in question Trichinopoly at 2 gh. 58 pa., apparent time. This actually commences about 4 ghatis earlier; that tithiended rather soon after sunrise, and therefore is at about 40 gh. (Ujjain mean time); but that I calculated it from different authorities, to find hour also is too late. So, Saka-Samvat 1185 is whether it might end on the previous day, Tuesday, not the year of the 10th year inscription by any authority; but now I am sure that by no Now as regards the 9th year in ription. Ac- authority, likely to be in use in the Tamil country cording to Prof. K. L. Chhatre's Tables, in Saka. at the time of the inscriptions in question, could Sarvat 1184, Vaisakha eukla panchami ended on it end on the Tuesday. On the above Vaisakha Tuesday, 25th April, A. D. 1262, at 19 gh. 40 pa. krisluna pratipada, Wednesday, the nakshatra was (Ujjain mean time); and up to about 33 gh. Anuradha, which ended at 7 gh. 34 pa, Ujjain from sunrise there was the nakshatra Panarvasu. mean time, and at 8 gh. 45 pa., Trichinopoly But here again, the Vpishabha-samkrinti took apparent time, according to the Surya-Siddhanta, place, according to the present Surya-Siddhanta, and at 9 gh. 46 pa, Trichinopoly apparent time, on the same day at 28 gh. 36 pa. (Ujjain mean according to the Karana-prakdea; and the solar time). So, only after this time on that day month was Vtishabha, the day being its fourth the three requirements, the week day, the civil day, the sun having already entered the sign nakshatra, and the solar month, came together. Vpishabha on the night of Saturday, 24th April, Moreover, the tithi, panchamt, was not current A. D. 1260. So the three required things fell with them, though it was current at sunrise and together in the Saka year 1182. up to 19 gh. I may state here that the Saka years 1170 and Taking the 9th year inscription alone, this year 1171, and again 1191 and 1192, are other pairs of might be taken fitting, though not satisfactorily, years, in which the three required things fall to the details of its date. But taking both together, actually or nearly. But the first of the inscriptions together, there remains no these two is more unsatisfactory than the pair of doubt that Saka-Samvat 1184 is not the year of years 1184 and 1185 above described. The second the 9th year inscription. So Saka-Samvat 1184 pair is a little less satisfactory than the pair of and 1185 are not the years of the 9th and 10th years 1181 and 1182. But these two pairs are year inscriptions respectively. out of our limit, which has, as I have stated The other pair of years Saka-Samvat 1181 and above, kaka-Samvat 1172 and 1173 on one side 1182 is, however, quite satisfactory. In S.-S. and 1129 and 1190 on the other. 1181, Vaisakha kukla panchami ended, according So, the Baka years 1181 and 1182 expired to Prof. Chhatre's Tables, on Tuesday, 29th April, are the only years respectively for the 9th and A. D. 1259, at 16 gh. 10 pa. (Ujjain mean time); 10th year inscriptions of Sundara-Pandyafrom sunrise to the end of the tithi there was the Jatavarman. Ilis accession must have taken nakshatra Punarvasu ; and the solar month was place on some day from the fifth day in the solar Vrishabha, the day being its fourth civil day, the morth of Vsishabha of Saka-Sarivat 1172 up sun having already entered that sign at night on to the fourth day in the same solar month of 8.-S. Friday, zoun Apru. So, the three required things, 1173: or from Vaisakha krishna dvitiui of S.-S. the week day, the nakshatra, and the solar month, 1172, to Vaisakha sukla panchami of S.-S. 1173. did exist together in S.-S. 1181. In S.-S. 1182, There being about ten or eleven months of the according to the present Sarya-Siddhanta, year 1172 and only one or two of 1173, we should, Vaisakha krishna pratipada ended on Wednesday, in the absence of other definite proof, prefer 28th April, A. D. 1260, at 0 gh. 16 pa. (Ujjain the Baka year 1172, expired, for the accession mean time), and at 1 gh. 27 pa., Trichinopoly of Sundara-Pandya-Jatavarme.n. apparent time. A practical work, based on the first Arya-Siddhanta,- the chief authority for the There is not a single year from Saka-Samvat Tami] solar calendar, - must have been in use at 1170 to 1192, both inclusive, that satisfactorily Trichinopoly and other Tami) provinces at the fits the details of the date No. 2, ante, Vol. XXI. time of the inscription in question. I do not p. 344, of the 9th year inscription of Sundaraknow the actual work; but it must be similar to Pandya-Maravarman. In the Saka years 117 In the other calculations, also, in this note, I have beenred as much accuracy as is required in each individual case.
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________________ 222 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. (AUGUST, 1893. and 1177, there is only a near approach of the three requirements. In these two years, Chaitra krishna dvittyd ended and tritiya commenced on a Friday, at respectively 16 gh. 55 pa. and 46 gh. 41 pa. (Ujjain mean time), according to Prof. Chhatre's Tables, and after that time only, the required things, - krishna tritiyd coupled with * Friday, the nakshatra Vieakha, and the solar month Mesha - fell together. If the Sundara. Pandya-Maravarman of this inscription of the 9th year were the same as Sundara-Pandya. Jatavarman, the details of its date should fit Saka-Samvat 1181; but they do not. It is certain, therefore, that Sundara-Pandya-Maravarman is different from Sundara-Pandya-Jatavarman. SHANKAR B. DIKSHIT. Dhulia, 10th May 1893. NOTES AND QUERIES. SRAHE. tad-varsham-modal-agiy=eradu braheya siddhaBraho is a puzzling word, which appears in the yam-olag-dgi. This shews that there were two dates of a few inscriptions in the Kanarese srahe-days in the year; and that certain fixed country (see ante, Vol. XIX. p. 163). duties or taxes were paid on them. It also I have just found another, rather different, proves that the word is orahe; and not aerdhe, as instance of the use of it. An inscription of the is equally possible in the other passages in which time of the Western Chalukya king Somesvara I., the word has been met with. But the meaning dated in A. D. 1050, at Sadi in the Ron Taluka, of the word still remains unexplained. Dharwar District, mentions, among the grants, J. F. FLEET. BOOK NOTICE. PASINI, Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der indischen which puts him 1,100 years later. The author's Literatur und Grammatik. Von Bruno Liebich, own opinion on this point is that we have not yet Dr. Phil., Leipzig. Hassel, 1891. sufficient ground to come to a definite conclusion, It is an observation as trite as it is true, that but that in all probability he came after the but that in all probability ha an epoch-making work, besides having an import- Buddha and before the commencement of the ance of its owu, renders possible the production Christian Era : and that he was nearer the of other good books, and thereby opens out paths earlier than the later limit. In the second of investigation, which but for them would have chapter the author continues the inquiry, by seekremained closed to the most adventurous pioneers ing to establish the dates of Panini's commentators. by an impassable barrier. As Gumani of Patna The author of the Katika Vritti, died about 660 puts it : A. D. He was preceded by Chandragdmin, who pUrvajazuddhimiSAvi gaGgAmU appears to have lived in the 4th or early in the 5th prApitavAnsa bhgiirthbhuupH| century A. D. Before him came Patanjali, the bandhurabhUjjagataH paramo'sau author of the Mahabhdshya, who probably lived sajjana hai saba kA upkaarii| in the second century. B. C. Katyayana, the author of the Varttika, lived some generations Dr. Kielhorn's Edition of the Mahabhushya is a before Patanjali, and Panini was at least one case in point. A monument of accurate and solid learning in itself, it has incited Dr. Liebich, and generation before Katyayana. made it possible for him, to write the excellent | Dr. Liebich in his third chapter opens the essay which forms the subject of this review. most original and interesting portion of the work. The work may be described as having the same! He compares the Sanskrit language as laid down object as Goldstucker's well-known essay-to in Panini's Grammar with the actual Grammar determine the place of Panini in Sanskrit exhibited by four stages of Sanskrit literature, Literature and it may be at once stated that between the first and last of which he must the author has made a great advance in this certainly have lived. For this purpose he takes a interesting investigation. He has had at his thousand verbal forms in each of the followingcommand materials not available to former (a)the Gitareya Brdhmana, (b) the Brihadaranyaka authors, and he has employed new methods, Upanishad, (c) the Asvaldyana and Paraskara which they had hitherto not been able to adopt. Grihyasutras, and (a) the Bhagavadgita. The first Dr. Liebich's first chapter is devoted to a review represents the language of the older Brahmanas of the attempts of former authors to fix the date the second that of the later Brahmanas, the third of Panini, from Goldstucker's suggestion of that of the satras and the fourth that of Epic poetry. not later than 700 B. O., to that of Dr. Pischel, Every form is compared with what Panini says it
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________________ AUGUST, 1893.] BOOK NOTICE. 223 ought to have been, and each departure from his posing him to have lived a hundred years earlier or grammar is recorded and classified. Omitting a hundred years later, in the matter of the growth irregularities which are noticed by Panini himself, of a language really makes very little difference. as belonging to the Chhandas or older (i.e. before Now we know that the Vedic hymns, which, in him) language, the following is the number of their original forms, were in the vernacular languforms found to be grammatically false according age of the people who first sang them, existed to his rules, out of the thousand examined in certainly some centuries before Panini. The each work,-(a) 6, (6) 27, (c) 41, (d) 37. From older Brahmanas, equally certainly were comthese statistics, and from a consideration of the posed some centuries before Panini's time, and nature of the irregularities in each case, he comes finally, the Sutras were composed about his time. to the following conclusions : On the other hand, the Asoka Inscriptions, which 1. That Panini is nearest in time to the were in the vernacular language of the Court of Grihyasutras. Magadha, were fifty, or at most a hundred and 2. That both the Aitareya Brahmana and the fifty, years later than Panini. Now, taking Brihadaranyaka Upanishad certainly belong to Panini's own time as the standpoint and looking backwards and forward, what do we see P Look. a time earlier than his. ing backward, through a long vista of centuries we 3. That the Bhagavadgitu certainly belongs see the hymns of the Vedas, the searchings of the to & time later than his. Brahmanas and the teachings of the Satras, all In his fourth chapter the author deals with the couched in what is practically one and the same Panini's relation to the language of India; with- language. The oldest hymns of the Rig Vedio out a clear comprehension of which it is im- have ancient forms, and it may be argued that we possible to solve the problem of the extent to should exclude them,-be it so. Between the oldest which Sanskrit was a living speech. Tbe Bruhmanas and Panini at least one century must author first gives a brief resume of the various have elapsed, and the language of the Bruhmanas propositions on this point which have hitherto and the language of Panini are identical. Bebeen advanced, in which I may notice that hetween Panmi and Asoka, certainly not more than omits to mention Senart's arguments, contained a century and a half elapsed, and the language of in his essays on the Inscriptions of Piyadasi. Asoka is as different from that treated by Panini, His own opinion is that Panini taught the as Italian is from Latin. Nay, this was the case, language spoken in India at his time, that although the people of Asoka's time had Panini's the Sanskrit which he taught was, syntactically, Grammar before them as a guide, and though the practically identical with that of the Brilmunas Asoka Inscriptions show plain signs of a striving and of the Satras, and that in grammar, it after style more in accordance with the teachings of only differed from the Bruhmanas by the the Sanskrit schools than the existing vernacular absence of a few ancient forms, most of which of the day. Aboka, it is true, lived in Eastern were specially noted by him as Vedic peculiarities, Hindustan, and Panini in the North-west, but that and from the Sutras by the omission to notice can be of little weight. It is impossible to certain loosely used forms, such as those which suppose that, while language developed along exist in every language beside the stricter ones its natural lines in the east, that developmeat enjoined by grammar. remained arrested in the west. In suggesting that Panini taught in his gram- Those, therefore, who maintain that Panini mar the Aryan language, in the form in which it wrote a grammar of the language generally was at the time generally spoken even by the spoken at his time must account for two things. educated in India, I think Dr. Liebich goes too Before his time, for at least a hundred years! far. That Panini, in his grammar, illustrated the vernacular language remained, fixed, una language which was spoken at the time by changed, in a state of arrested development. After, some persons, and probably by himself, is pos. bis time, during at most a century and a half, sible, and may be allowed; but I, for one, can- and possibly during only half a century, the not admit that that language was in Panini's same vernacular language underwent a course of time the general spoken language of India, or decay or development, as great as the developeven of North-Western India. One fact alone ment of Latin into Italian. This, too, during a makes the thing seem to me impossible. Panini time when it had before it Panini's great Gramprobably lived somewhere about 300 B.C., but sup- mar to keep it straight, in the right way, and to 1 Of course I do not for a moment suggest that the oldest Brahma jas were only a hundred years older than Papini. I am only stating the case in the most favour able way I can for the other side.
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________________ 224 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [AUGUST, 1893. arrest its development, as suddenly and fixedly as the course of time had even branched out into the developinent of Sanskrit was arrested. The scholastic dialects, as Dr. Liebich's statistics of assumption of such two conditions of existence in the Sutras show. two periods of a language's history, one of which I think, therefore, that Dr. Liebich goes too far, immediately succeeds the other, is too violent to if I understand him aright, when he says that be credible. PAnini's Sanskpit was the spoken, the living But I have admitted that it is possible that at speech of the learned men of his time.' Unless he the time of Panini, Sanskrit was a spoken lan- means by this that it was merely a school language guage. If it was not spoken by the common of the learned, entirely distinct from the general people, by whom was it spoken P The answer language of Hindustan, also spoken by, and is, by the schools. actually the vernacular even of, these learned men, I cannot but consider him, and the many who From the earliest times the Brahmans devoted agree with him, to be labouring under a false themselves to the study of the language of impression. their sacred books, and no doubt they used it amongst themselves, in the schools, as & medium In concluding this subject, Dr. Liebich's classi. of disputation, and, perhaps, even, of ordinary fication of the various stages of the Sanskrit intercourse. In later times we find, in the Ramd language may be given here. He divides them yana, Hanuman considering whether he should as follows:address Sita in Sanskrit or in Prakpit, And no I. Ante-classical doubt this illustrated the state of affairs in The Sanhitas of the four Vedas. Panini's time as well. Brahmans could address II. Classical each other in the holy language, which they so (a) Brdhmanas and Sutras. Jarefully studied and kept up in its integrity, but (6) Panini's teaching. in communication with the outer world beyond III. Post-classical the boundaries of their schools, they had to use (a) Literature not governed by Panini : that vernacnlar language of the people, which, The Epic poems. descended from the dialects in which the Vedic (6) Literature arisen under the influ. Hymns were first composed, passed, regularly and ence of Panini: the language inevitably, in the course of centuries, into(amongst of Kalidasa, &c. others) the language of Asoka, and thence into that In the fifth chapter Dr. Liebich combats Prof. of Hala and of Tulasi Das. Call that Vernacular language what you will, so long as it is Whitney's attacks on the Sanskrit grammatical not called Sans' rit. Many things add proof to school in general, and in the sixth he applies the the existence of this vernacular language at the statistics already given to deciding whether any time when Sanskrit was fixed, -nay, Sanskrit itself portions of the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad and bears witness to it itself, on its very face, in the of the Aitariya Brahmana are older or more way in which it has borrowed some of these verna modern than other portions; but I must refer the cular words, in their vernacular forms, and then re reader to both these essays directly; as the transferred them, by a process of reversed etymo. demands of space do not allow me to describe logy into what it imagined to be their original their contents. Suffice it to say that with regards Vedic forms. Its mistakes in this process of rever. to the Kanva Recension of the foriner, he considers sion betray the secret. No doubt in speaking the whole of it (with a reservation regarding the Sanskrit in the schools many things were referred 5th book) to be earlier than Panini. So also to, of which the original Vedic name was forgotten, the Aitareya Brahmana with the exception of the and of which the vernacular form had perforce to 31st Adhyaya. be used in a form dressed up for the occasion." This excellent and most interesting book conIn short, Sansksit was used in the schools in cludes with two useful appendices, in which the Panini's time much as Latin was used in the author explains the Paninian teaching on the schools in the Middle Ages. It was habitually genus (pada) of the Verb, and on the formation used and spoken as a scholastic language, and in of the Feminine of nouns. ? An example is the Sanskrit angara, sugarcane that angara was the Sanskrit word for sugarcane sprout. sprouts, which I have referred to (ante, p. 166) in review. Really, the word is derived from agra with pleonastic ing Dr. Macdonell's Sanskrit Dictionary. This word is I da (quasi drit). There are many examples of this sort. manufactured from the old Prikrit aggaala. Sanskrit # Just as Father Tom said to the Pope in their imtook aggaada, and by a mistaken otymology assumed mortal conversation : 'Dimidium cyathi vero wpud me. that it was derived from angara, and therefore it declared tropolitanos Hibernicos dicitur dandau ( dandy
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________________ SEPTEMBER, 1893.] NOTES ON TUL'SI DAS. 225 NOTES ON TUL'SI DAS. BY G. A. GRIERSON, I.C.S. (Continued from p. 206.) (7.) Dohabalt. See above. Five hundred and seventy-three miscellaneous duha and soratha verses. The following may be taken as a specimen. They are extracts from other works of the poet: Taba lagi lousala na jica kuhun sapanehun mana bisrama Jaka lagi bhajata na Rama kahun sila-elhama taji kama 11 131 11 Binu sata-sanga na Jari-Bathie tehi hinu mohr na bhaya ! Miha gae binn Rume-rala hoe na dridha anuraga 1| 132 N Dinn bistrisa bhagati nahin teki bini cravahin M Rima l Reima-keripii bine sapaneha jina nu laha bisrama 11 133 H 131. No happiness will be in life, no rest to the soul even in dreams, till a man, abandoning desire, that home of sorrow, worships Rama. 132. Without fellowships of the faithful, there can be no converse abont God, an! without that converse illusion does not disappear. Unless illusion disappear, there is no firnu love for Rama's feet. 133. Withont trust there is no fnith, and without faith Rima is not compassionate. Without Ramn's mercy there is no rest for life, even in one's dreams. (7a.) The Sat'sai, or Seven Centuries. I have already discussed at considerable length the question of the authenticity of this work. Whether written by Tulsi Das or not, it certainly .contains, and is the only work attributed to him which does contain, a systematic exposition of his religious opinions. It therefore deserves more than a passing notice. Although nominally in seven sargas or parts, each consisting of a century of verses, this is not quite an accurate description, for, as will be seen, each part contains a few more or less than a hundred. This lends countenance to the theory that verses have been interpolated here and there. The object of the work is purely religions, and though each doha is capable of being quoted independently by itself, the book is not a mere collection of disjointed gnomic verses. A clear connecting leading idea runs through the whole of each part. The verses may be considered as falling into three classes, viz. gnomic, parenetic, and purely devotional. The majority belong to the second class. The following are the names of the various parts: Sarga I., Prema-bhakti-nirdeea, Explanation of Faith as Affection. One hundred and ten dohas. Sarga II., Upasand-parabhakti-nirdesa, the Explanation of Faith in itsel Highest Form 26 Adoration. One hundred and three dohas. . . bet 2.1 1 Kodo Ram, pupil of Janakt Sarma, the pon of Besh Dutt Barth, in the sathor of the following Home, Ghrparing the various Sargas to different portions of sta's body Metre Chhopaait . Wh o C Srt ja promet paya" tanke atigipya para hai Vakros nesudara, Rama t amnije bhard. ha v e ed il Hridaya atama-bodha, karme-rildhdnto, aald heidare 210 2 T Ananan daranta janda hai brakma hala he u.. . Raja-ufti has a riya, ehi vidki Tulas Daaghiye, at VISA ants WA dekhij sataniyd" has alfa... Sve L 5 12 Tbe srga on Paith Affootion in St's feet, that on faith in its Highet Form greatly to be aherished as her 10 waist, that on the Fesence of the Lord described in Enigmas, filled with npotar, is her womb, that on Self-knowledge. is hot heart that on the Doctrine of barma' her neck, thint on the Doctrine of knowledge, by which Brahman may sortsinly (bo found), in her face, and that on the Duties of kinga is her, houd. Thus did Tul's Das determine i n his heart that from beginning to end the gata Whould be representation of Sitarix l i 10 of. Shaditys Ly 1. ath bhaltijada, paranuraktir fuar. Now,then there is wish to know faith, sladi its bigbook for it is an affection frred on thoai Covo). W a t too ) 3930 de ses
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________________ 226 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [SEPTEMBER, 1893. Sarga III., sanketa-vukrokti-rama-rasa-varnana, the Description of the Essence of the Lord by means of symbolical Enigmas. One hundred and one dihas. Sarga IV., Atma-bodha-nirdesa, the Path of Self-knowledge. One hundred and four dohas. Sarga V., Karma-siddhanta-yoga, the Influence of the Doctrine of Karma. Ninety-nine dohas. Sarga VI., Jnana-siddhanta-yoga, the Determination of the Doctrine of Knowledge. One hundred and one dolas. Subject, -the necessity of a spiritual guide for a perfect knowledge of the mystery of the Perfect Name. Sarga VII., Raja-niti prastava-varnana, On the Duties of Kings (and their subjects). As stated above, a large number of the verses in the Sat'sai are repeated in the Dohabali. Sat. I., 2, also occurs in the Bairagya Sandipani (I., 1) and Sat. I., 107, in Bai, I, 15. Both these verses are also repeated in the Dondbali (1, 38). The part of the Sat'sai which is best known is the third sarga, in which various devotional exhortations are disguised in symbolical enigmas, in the style long afterwards made popular by Bihari in his Sat'sai. As already explained, the authenticity of this part is more than doubtful. Each dohd is a riddle, in which the true meaning is hidden to any one not possessed of the key. Two examples will suffice. Bija dhananjaya rabi sahita Tulari tatha mayanka! Pragata tahan nahin tama tami sama chita rahata asanka 115 Literally this means : * The seed of Dhanamjaya with the sun, and, O Tul'si, also the moon. Where they are manifest, the night of darkness is not, and the soul remains at peace and secure. This is, as it stands, nonsense. But lija is a technical term for the esoteric meaning of the letters of the alphabet, and the word dhananjay means also "fire. Therefore the bija of dhanawijaya means that letter, the esoteric meaning of which is fire,' i e., ra. So also the bija of ravi, the sun, is a, and of mayanka, the moon, mi. These three together make up the word Rama, and hence the poet means to say that when the name of Rama is manifest, the night of ignorance vanishes, and leaves the soul at peace. Again, Bhaju hari adihin bufilca bhari ta rajiba anta! Kara ta pada biswasa bhawa sarita tarasi turunta # 22 11 Worship, after taking away the first syllable of (a-rama, a synonym of) balika, a garden, and adding ta to the last syllable of ($-81, a synonym of) rajiba, the moon (i.e. worship Rama and Sita). Place trust in their feet, and at once dost thou pass over the sea of existence. The fifth sarga is a good example of the author's didactic style, and the following free translation of it may be acceptable, as it contains Tul'si Das's doctrine of karms or works. It will be advantageous, however, first to warn the reader as to the ground on which we are treading. Tul'si Das's system of philosophy was mainly that of the Vedanta, -not how Tal'si DAs's use of the word karma, may be gathered from 90th doha of this sarga, where he gives in illustration & goldsmith as the karta or agent, the gold on which he works as the karana or object acted on (i.e. the material cause), and the finiehed ornament as the karya or effect. Karya and karma are to him almost equivalent terms ( g., ds. 86). Just as there cannot be an earthen pot without presupposing the existence of potter, so without a kartd or agent, there cannot be a karma. It is only by koowing the kartu that the true nature of the karma can be recognized (87). Karma can never be wiped out, only the Lord is free from its law (12). Each individual is a store' of karma (9), and hence nevor loses his identity. As & seed always produces its own kind and not another plant, so an individual always remains the same, even when he is absorbed in the Lord (10). Just as water is absorbed by the sun, and yet is never destroyed, so the individual is absorbed in the Supreme God, and yet is never rodaoed to nibility (8).
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________________ SEPTEMBER, 1893.] ever of the school more usually known, that of 'Sankara Acharya,-but partly based on the lesser known school of Ramanuja, as developed in the Sri Bhashya. Fifth (?) in descent from Ramanuja (11th-12th century), in the line of religious teachers came Ramanand, the founder of the Ramawat Sect, to which Tul'si Das belonged. The philosophical system of the Ramanujas is much the same as that of the Ramawats. It is in matters of detail of doctrine that they differ. The main difference is the somewhat illiberal views of Rimanuja. He wrote for the Brahmans and in Sanskrit, and his system of ceremonial purity was strict in the extreme. Ramanand was converted to broader notions by his expulsion from that brotherhood for an imaginary impurity, and this insult was the direct cause of one of the greatest religious revolutions which India has seen. A revolution, like the Buddha's, from intolerance to tolerance, from spiritual pride to spiritual humility, and from a religion which teaches that the highest good is self-salvation, to one which teaches love to God and a man's duty to his neighbour. That Perfect Faith in God consists in Perfect Love to God is the first text of the sermon which Ramanand's disciples preached, and the second was the Universal Brotherhood of Man, for we are all His children.' Ramanand called his followers Avadhuta, for they had shaken off the bonds of narrow-mindedness. To the happy accident of the insult, we owe the noble catholicity of Ramanand's disciple (greater than his master) Kabir, and this teaching reached its final development, and what is more, reached its acceptance by the masses of Hindustan, at the hands of Tul'si Das. " NOTES ON TUL'SI DAS. 227 We are, however, now more concerned with the scheme of philosophy on which this system was based. The main points of difference betwee the Vedanta doctrines of Sankara Acharya and of Ramanaja, are given by Dr. Thibaut, in the introduction to his translation of the Vedanta Sutras, and a very brief sketch, based on his remarks, such as is necessary for understanding Tul'si Dis's language, will suffice here. I shall translate throughout the personal name Rama' by 'The Lord." As Dr. Thibaut says of Ramanuja The only "sectarian" feature of the Sri Bhashya is, that it identifies Brahman with Vishnu or Narayana; but . . . . Narayana is in fact nothing but another name of Brahman.' So also Tul'si Das identifies Brahman or lavara with the Rama incarnation of Vishnu. The key note of Ramanuja's system is a personal Supreme Being, whether called Brahman (neuter), Naravana, or Rama, roddar ovomarov poft pia. According to 'Sankara, on the contrary, Brahman, the Supreme being, the highest Self, is pure Intelligence or Thought, or which comes to the same thing, pure Being.' Absolutely nothing can be predicated of it. All the world around us is simply a projection of this absolute intelligence in association with maya or illusion, and, as so associated, Brahman is called Isvara, the Lord. Each soul (jiva) is pure Brahman, and the aggregate of bodily organs, and mental functions which make up the individual, and which separate and distinguish one soul from another, are mere maya and unreal. So also all objects of cognition, volition, &c., the external world, are mere maya; the only thing that really exists is the soul, the projection of the supreme (param) qualityless (nirgunam) Brahman. The non-enlightened soul is unable to look beyond the veil of may, and blindly identifies itself with its adjuncts, the bodily organs and cognitions which make up the individual. It thus becomes limited in knowledge and power, as an agent and enjoyer. As such it burdens itself with the merit and demerit of its actions, and as a consequence is subject to a continual series of births and rebirths into infinity, each of which is a direct - Now in course of publication in the Bibl. Ind. That Tal's! Das is considered a professed follower of Ramanuja is manifest from the introductory verses of the Minas Sankvoll of Bandan Pathak. He praises Sita, Rama, Hanu mat, Ganesa and Tul's! Das. Then he goes on ri-Riminuja-mata prabala dharaka taraks jiva Tuld-rama Briguru charana bandun &c. The author would not have brought Ramanuja's name so prominently forward, were it not germane to the subject of his work. Sacred Books of the East. [Just as I have insisted in Legends of the Panjab in similarly translating Rem, Hari, Baghblr, Raghunath, &c., as "God." As the point is of much interest I give the following references to that work.-I. 135, 835, 357, 362, 365, 498: II. 7, 41, 101 ff., 204, 212., 219, 376. III. 381.-ED.]
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________________ 228 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. (SEPTEMBER, 1893. consequence of its previous actions. The only way of escaping from this weary continual round of births, is the recognition by the soul of the soul as one with the Supreme Brahman, - the highest self. By such knowledge the seeker after truth withdraws from the influence of maya, and, at the moment of death obtains immediate final release, being absorbed into and altogether losing his identity in the absolute Supreme Brahman. He once more becomes himself pure "Being," without qualities, cognitions, or identity. On the other hand, recording to Riminnja, Brahman, the Supreme Being, the highest Self, the Lord,' is not pure Intelligence, though Intelligence is his chief attribute. So far from being pnroBeing,' devoid of all qnalities, he is endowed with all auspicions qualities. The Lord (I quote Dr. Thibaut's words) is all-pervading, all-powerful, all-knowing, all-mercifal his nature is fundamentally antagonistic to all evil. He contains within himself whatever exists.' Matter and soul (achit and chit) constitute the body of the Lord ; they stand to him in the same relation of entire dependence and subserviency, as that in which the matter forming an animal or vegetable body stands to its soul or animating principle. The Lord pervades and rnles all things which exist, material or immaterial-as their antaryhmin,' or inward ruler. Antter and soul as forming the body of the Lord are also called modes of him (prakura).' They are lookod npon as his effects, but they have enjoyed the kind of individual existence which is theirs from all eternity, and will never be entirely resolved into Brahman. Creation (as both he and Sankara agree) takes place at intervals. Between each period of creation, is a period of pralaya or non-creation, during which matter is anevolved (nvyakta), and according to Riminnja)'individual sonls are not joined to material bodies, but their intelligence is in a state of contraction, non-manifestation (sankicha). During this pralaya period Brahman is said to be in his causal condition (karanivastha). When the pralaya state comes to an end, creation takes place owing to an act of volition on the Lord's part. Primary unevolved matter becomes gross and requires those sensible attributes (such as visibility, tangibility, &c.), which are known from ordinary experience. At the same time the souls enter into connexion with material bodies corresponding to the degree of merit or demerit acquired by them in previous existenco; their intelligence at the same time andergoes a certain expansion (vikasa). The Lord, together with matter in its gross state, and the "expanded" souls, is Brahman in the condition of effect (karyavastha). Canse and effect are thus at the bottom the same; for the effect is nothing but the cange which has undergone a certain change (parinama).' There is thus, as in Ramanuja's system a never ending rond of births influenced by former nctions, and the only way of escaping from the endless chain is cognition of and meditation on the Lord, a thing which can only be done by His grace. There is no veil of mayk, as there is in Sankara's system, between the soul and the Lord: but without the Grace of the Lord, true anderstanding and true meditation is impossible. He who obtains that grace obtains final emancipation, and an everlasting blissful existenee. He does not become abecrbed in Brahman, but enjoys a separate personal existence, and will remain a personality for ever.' The release from smisara, the world of births and rebirths means, according to Sankars, the absolute merging of the individual soul in Brabman, due to the dismissal of the erroneons notion that the soul is distinct from Brahman; according to Ramanuja it only means the soul's passing from the tronbles of earthly life into a kind of heaven or paradise, where it will remain for ever in andisturbed personal bliss.' The above brief abatract of Dr. Thibant's laminone comparison of these two sister philosophies, will, it is believed enable the student to understand the parenetic side of Tul'st Dis's writings, and in concluding this portion of the essay, I will give one more quotation from Dr. Thibaut, which (rem acu tetigit) accurately sums up the history of this side of religious * Note that according to Sankara there are two conditions of Brahman, higher, which is Brahman, pure Intelligence, param wigwam Brahman - lower, Associated with mdyd. aparam sagam Brahman, known as Tivara, the Lord. Ramanuja knows only one condition of Brahman, with which name Tivara, the Lord, is ynonymons.
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________________ SEPTEMBER, 1893.] thought in India. Although this (Sankara's) form of doctrine has, ever since Sankara's time, been the one most generally accepted by Brahmanic students of philosophy, it has never had any wide-reaching influence on the masses of India. It is too little in sympathy with the wants of the human heart, which, after all, are not so very different in India from what they are elsewhere. Comparatively few, even in India, are those who rejoice in the idea of a universal non-personal essence in which their own individuality is to be merged and lost for ever, who think it is sweet "to be. wrecked on the ocean of the Infinite." The only forms of Vedantic philosophy which are and can at any time have been really popular, are those in which the Brahman of the Upanishads has somehow transformed itself into a being, between which and the devotee there can exist a personal relation, love and faith on the part of man, justice tempered by mercy on the part of divinity. The only religious books of wide-spread influence, are such as the Ramayan of Tal'si Das, which lay no stress on the distinction between an absolute Brahman inaccessible to all human wants and sympathies, and a shadowy Lord whose very conception depends on the illusory principle of maya, but love to dwell on the delights of devotion to one all-wise and merciful. ruler, who is able and willing to lend a gracious ear to the supplication of the worshipper.' NOTES ON TUL'SI DAS. 229 With these introductory remarks I submit the following analysis of the fifth, or karma, sarga of the Sat-sai. The commentator Baij'nath's preface to this part is not uninteresting and must first be quoted. The subject matter of this part is an account of the doctrine of actions (karmasiddhanta-varnana). Now this karma is the primal cause (adi-karana) of all things. This karma may be good or evil (subhasubha). It is, as it were, the wings of the bird-like soul (jiva-rupapakshi), wings by the support (adhara) of which the soul continually makes progress (gati). Moreover, good and evil karmas ever emanate naturally from the soul,-good, such as giving water to the thirsty, gifts to the hungry, setting on the right path those who have gone astray, leading the heat-oppressed to shade, and the like,-evil,-but they are countless. Or again; everything doable (yavat kartavyata) is karma, as for example, calmness, self-command, patience, trust. The six kinds of religious meditation, freedom from passion, desire for salvation, and other means of obtaining perfect knowledge are all examples of karma. Or again; hearing the Scriptures, chanting hymns, prayer and adoration, faith, these are all karmas Or again; no karma which may be done contrary to a man's position in life or caste can be considered a good one. Thus, the branches of the tree of karma extend to hell (naraka), to the lower heaven (svarga), and to the abode of supreme bliss (mukti-dhuman), and are (the soul's) one support. Wherever the soul may go, if it do karma with a selfish object (savasika karma) (e. g., to obtain salvation), it must remain dependent upon karma alone, which thus becomes its fetter; but if it does karma with no selfish object (nirvasika karma), that is merely in order to please the Lord, then karma is no longer a fetter; it gives faith and salvation, nay, it is an agent (kartri) of both. For example, Prithu when he sacrificed, had no selfish object, and became endowed with faith to the Lord, but through performing a sacrifice with a selfish object Daksha fell a victim to calamities. So Dhruva performed unselfish austerities, and obtained faith, but Ravana per formed selfish austerities and wrought his own destruction. Ambarisha obtained faith through his unselfish sacrifice. Other examples of karma are, unselfish justice, as in Yudhishthira, and, selfish (karma), Jarasandha. Thus a man who relies on selfish karma attains only to the lower heaven (svarga), and having thus exhausted his merits must again be born in the world of mortals. Hence, in order to attain to faith in the Lord, a man should only perform good karmas. This ocean of the doctrine of karma is fathomless and illimitable, but with the aid of a spiritual teacher, one crosses it as in a boat.' End of Preface. Text. Consider thy body as worthy of honour, for the Lord himself once took the human The fifth sarga is devoted to the doctrine (siddhanta) of karma, and the sixth to the doctrine of jnana. There is no reference here to the karma-kanda (parva-mimamsa) and the jnana-kanda (uttara-mimams) of the Vedantists.
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________________ 230 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. SEPTEMBER, 1893. form (and became incarnate as Rama),' and knowledge of the non-dual (advaita) Lord is never far from it (1, 2). The holy man alone understandeth the mystery of the sun and the water, and obtaineth nirvanalo (3). The Lord is like the sun which draweth water from the Earth in the hot season and again dischargeth it upon the Earth in the rainy season, never desisting in his course (4). He calleth the holy to union with himself as the magnet doth steel (5). Even as the sun's action in giving water is visible, but in taking water (by evaporation) is invisible, so is the action of the Lord, which can only be learnt by the grace of a spiritual guide (6); for every one knoweth what is before him, visible to the eye,-the gifts of the Lord, bat who knoweth what happeneth after death, when the Lord absorbeth (laya) a man to himself (7)11 ? Even as water is drawn from the earth to the sun, and is not lost in it but remaineth water, even so life goeth to the feet of the Lord, but is not absorbed (laya) in him 12 (8). Each according to his nature taketh his store of actions (karma) with him, and where'er he goeth he beareth its consequences (9). As a seed (or Earth-born material cause) changeth not its nature, but always produceth its own kind, so doth a man when absorbed (laya) in the Lord still retain his individuality (10). Thus, all things are in the Lord, yet is he not affected by them, as a mirror is not affected by that which it reflects (11); for karma (i. e. actions) cannot be wiped away, 13 it is like a series of waves; the actions of a man's present life (kriyamana) are the result of those of his former lives (sarachita) and cause those of his future lives! (12,13). Actions (karma) are of two kinds good and bad), 15 and the Lord alone is entirely free from them. Few there are who can understand this mystery (14). But the holy man, who is absorbed in faith in the saving power of the Lord, doeth every action only out of adoration for his Lord, and never looketh back (15). He unchangingly looketh upon Sita (the energic power of the Lord) as the giver of happiness, and upon Rama (the Lord) as the taker away of his woes; the moon and the sun of the night and day16 of his faith (16). The holy man's one joy is in Sita, the tender, illuminating moon of his faith (17) and as gold gloweth in the fire, so gloweth the soul of a holy man in the cool rays of that moon, casting itself at their feet17 (18). Mankind, in their own obstinacy, keep binding themselves in the net of actions (or works) (karma), and though they know and hear of the bliss of those who have faith in the Lord, they attempt not the only means of release (19) Works (karma) are a spider's thread up and down which he continually rundeth, and which is never broken; so works lead a soul downwards to the earth, and upwards to the Lord (20). Thy nature is ever with thee, and where thou art, there is thy nature too, nor is it set aright till thou has learnt association with the holy (21). If, as the Vedantists do, we talk of an individual's subtile body (sukshma karira) and his grosser body (sthula sarira) then there is . This is not the interpretation of Baij' nath, and depends on a reading ye tanu instead of yatana (yatna) in the first line. 10 It will subsequently appear, of. Vss. 8 and ff. that this is very different from the nirvana of Buddhism. 11 Baij'nath's explanation differs bere. 13 For the Lord is devoid of karma (a-karma), and cannot become one with a sa-karma soul. 11 The argument is that a soul can never free itself from its karma, while the Lord is ever free from karma, hence the two never can become one. A-karma cannot unite with sa-karma. 14 Karma (actions) has thus three aspects, that which is being done now (kriyamana), which is the result of that which has been done in the past (samhchita), and which is the cause of that which has to be done in future (prerabdha). 18 Baijnath gives an alternative classification. He says that, with reference to the future, the present and the past of the present are the same. Therefore the two kinds may be, on the one hand sanchita (including kriyamana) and on the other prarabdha. 16 The night' of ignorance (Tvidya), and the day of knowledge (jaldna). The darkness of night is miha, illusion, and the heat of the day is 'works' (adhana), which Rama, unlike the real sun renders unnecessary, by the gift of knowledge. 11 As fire destroys the dross of gold, so Rama and Sita destroy the dross (sin) of human beings. She, however, does not burn, as fire burns the gold.
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________________ SEPTEMBER, 1893.] no difference between them. The faults and virtues of the subtile are all found in the grosser body (22). NOTES ON TUL'SI DAS. 231 As water for four months cometh from the sun, and for eight months goeth to it, so are the souls of men; they return to the place whence they camels (23). The water as it cometh is visible, but as it goeth is invisible, even so is the going of the soul hard to know without a spiritual guide (24). The wicked man goeth along the path of sorrow and is reborn to misery for countless generations (25). There are the two paths of bliss and sorrow, but without the grace of the Lord they cannot be recognized (26), and it is not till he experienceth the sorrow of these perpetual births, that he calleth for the moon, lit. way of Sita (wisdom) (27). Once a holy man treadeth on this path his woes disappear. For that path leadeth to Sita's (wisdom's) feet, which guide him to the feet of the Lord19 (28). This moon of wisdom distilleth nectar of itself, and never suffereth eclipse or shadow (29). Like the real moon she giveth joy to all the world, and if the chakravaka bird and lotus (i. e. the worldly) grieve when she appears, 'tis not her fault (30). Yet when the world, without experience, seeth them in sorrow, it falsely accuseth her of the fault, though, with a spiritual guide, all that sorrow would be wiped away (31). Learn the parable of the rain-cloud, which sheddeth water and maketh the whole world to rejoice. But, though the rain also causeth the jawas plant to wither, no one blameth the cloud (32). The moon draweth poison from the earth, and yieldeth nectar in return; such is faith which destroyeth the holy man's sins, and giveth him peace (33). Again, the fierce rays of the sun draw moisture from the earth, and the cool rays of the moon give back nectar. 20 Each is the complement of the other, so is it with the Lord and with wisdom (34, 35). The earth is like the grosser (sthula) body, and water like the subtile (sukshma) one (which is absorbed by the sun, and given out by it again). This requireth a spiritual guide to understand (36). The just man adoreth the cool rays of this moon, while others are seeking refuge (at once) in the fierce rays of the sun21 undergo difficulties and miseries (39). Therefore should a man by every possible device seek association with the holy, for this endeth finally in union with the Lord (38). Take the part of a servant, which leadeth to happiness, and not that of a master (which by pride and confidence in good works) leadeth to misery. Remember the fates of Vibhishana and Ravana (39). The moon produceth coolness, and the sun heat,' (so saith the ignorant), but neither produceth either; consider thou this carefully (40). No one ever saw them do it, yet everyone calleth them the cool-maker' (sta-kara) and the heat-maker' (ushna-kara), and saith, therefore it is true, and cannot be false.' But the maker of heat and cold, of sun and moon, is the Lord alone (41). The very Vedas tell us of the virtues of nectar, how a draught of it destroyeth disease, and bringeth the dead to life, yet even it is subject to the Lord's will22 (42). Every one knoweth that the property of earth is smell, of water coolness, of fire heat, and of air the sense of touch, and their existence is accepted as proved, although they cannot be seen23 (43). 18 That is to say during the pralaya period (see above) during which matter is unevolved, and intelligence is in a state of contraction, when the Lord is in his causal state. 19 Baij'nath's commentary is instructive. A father cannot cherish a young child. The mother cherishes it and brings it to the father, so, &c.' 20 Or, the sun gives fiery rays, and the moon coolness. 21 i. e. seeking to know the supreme deity at once, by pure reason, without an intercessor, or by means of good works alone. 23 As for instance, the shower of nectar after the battle of Lanka only brought the bears and monkeys to life, and not the rakshasas. Read, gandha sita api ushnata sparta vidita jaga jana. A reference to the well known categories of the Nyaya philosophy. In the following verse, ala alaris parna: chetana parabrahmarupa Ramachandra. I am indebted to Pandit Sudhakar Dvivedi for the explanation of this very difficult verse, of which the commentators available to me can make no sense. If, in verse 44, we could read bilakha, na instead of bilakhata, the passage would be still easier: So in these (i. e. the faithful) the Pure Almighty is not visible, but is revealed, &c."
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________________ 282 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [SEPTEMBER, 1893. In them all is visible the Pure Almighty Lord, who is revealed easily to the heart by the teaching of a spiritual guide (44). Of this nature is the supreme knowledge, which only a few by the grace of their spiritual guides obtain, and thus become for ever holy and able to understand (45). As the young cuckoo deserteth its foster-father, the crow, and seeketh its own kin, as soon as its wings are grown, - so the soul, when it gaineth wings of intelligence (chaitanya) abandoneth things of this world and seeketh the Lord (46). An even mind (samata) and clear discrimination (viveka) follow from abandoning mundane welfare (svar tha)24 (47), yet all men clamour for the latter, though not one desire is ever perfectly fulfilled; for, void of knowledge (jnana) their delight is in ignorance (ajnana), and their trust is in their hard and evil intellect (48). But that only is welfare (svartha) which destroyeth woe, and a spiritual guide alone can point it out (49). They desire this welfare, which is an effect (karya), withoat doing those things which are its cause. Learn, saith Tul'si, the parable of the cotton bush, and the sugarcaneas (50). Every one confesseth that the effect (kary a26) is a necessary consequence of the material cause (Karaw), and saith Tul'si, thou and thou alone art the agent (kara or kartri) which acteth upon this material cause (51) : for without an agent there can be no effect, and how can he attain (to his effect, i. e, salvation) without the instructions of the spiritual guide (as a material cause). The agent acteth upon the material cause, and the effect is produced, but, under the influence of delusion (moha) the agent acteth not (goeth not to the spiritual guide), and hence the effect cometh not (53). For the effect (i.e. salvation) never cometh without the action of the agent upon the material cause (e.g. faith), as surely as waves come not except from the action of the wind upon the water (54). The ultimate refuge of the agent (towards which he should act) is the Lord (55). The agent and the material cause are the two essentials.27 By them thou becomest free from impurity, and endowed with faith in the one Lord, while karma (actions) waxeth or waneth (as their effect) (56). Where there is a material cause, the action (karma) must be produced (as an effect) self-born like the sweat-born insects.28 No cne sees them produced, and yet they come (57). From unholy actions (karma) holiness cannot come. Wash thyself clear of unholiness, and be holy (58). Show love to all creatures and thou wilt be happy (59), for when thou lovest all things, thou lovest the Lord, for He is all in all (60). Thou and the universe are made of the same elements, and in thee dwelleth thy soul (jivatman), which thou canst not know till thon hast gained perfect knowledge (61). This knowledge may come in a sudden inspiration, or from humbly sitting at the feet of a spiritual guide (62). Learn from thy guide to distinguish effects (karya) temporal from effects eternal (63); the night is dark, let the sunrise of 24 Defined as (1) sundart vanita, (2) atar Adi sugandh, (3) sundar vasan, (4) budahan, (5) gan tan, (6) tambar, (7) uttam bhijan, (8) gajadi, > Worldly welfare consists in fine clothes, sweet food, and the like. These are effects, and cannot be produced without weaving cotton, and pressing the sugarcane. The preparations of the cotton and of the sugarcane are therefore the material causes of these effects. So also the supreme welfare, or salvation, is an effect which neces sitates & material cause. This material cause is true knowledg use is true knowledge, faith and the like. Here the dry cotton bush represents the dry (nfrasa) path to salvation by philosophy alone, while sugarcane represents the sweet (sarasa) path to salvation by faith in the Lord. * I follow the reading karona-kara jo, a) tain. # Baij'nath says, these two of the three (agent, material cause, and effect) are the essentials, because when the agent acquires belief (Sraddha, not bhakti; cf. Sindilys, 24) he approaches material causes, such as association with the holy. By the power of these his mind (manas) is directed to the Lord, and he does works (addhano) such As hearing the soriptures, hymn-singing, adoration and the like from which love (preman) arises. Thus his dualistic wisdom (dvaita-buddhe), which was foul, is destroyed, and into his pure mind monistic discrimination will enter, and with pure affection he will obtain the Lord. So also, when the Agent associates with the worldly, he looks upon mysteries after their fashion, and any purity which he originally had is destroyed, the mind becomes attached to things of the senses, and owing to sinful karma increasing, the agent gains the eighty-four hells. Therefore, saith Tul's Das, make association with the holy a material cause. + Lice, &c., which are classed as a separate order of beings, distinct from those which are viviparous or oviparous. They have no parenta.
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________________ SEPTEMBER, 1893.] NOTES ON TUL'SI DAS. 233 knowledge shine. A man cannot trust for salvation to his good works (karma)," for often do they mislead and the wisest are thereby made fools 30 (65). A work (karma) done for mere reputation (numa-kura) defileth, for it is done without considering its effects (66). Flee evil communications. Holiness waneth when near wickedness, as the moon waneth when approached by the sun, and waneth as it goeth farther from it (67). As thy father and thy mother were born, so hast thou been born, but thou art not one with thy father and thy mother (thou art only one with the Lord) (68). Hence thou art one with the whole universe (which is one with him), yet, at the same time thou art a distinct separate being (69). Even as gold is made into various ornaments, but still remaineth gold: so is the soul, and only by the Lord's ce can the wise man test it (as a goldsmith testeth the ornament, and knoweth that it is gold) (70).33 It is one thing throughout, yet it hath many qualities and many names," , beyond the possibility of counting, and thou canst only ascertain its true nature with the help of a spiritual guide (71). The gold is the rootsubstance, and it is only the adjuncts (upadhi) of name, form, &c., which cause it to appear as the countless ornaments of the body (72). The form of the root-substance may change owing to its adjuncts, and according to them it is beautiful or the reverse, and only the clear intellect considereth the effect of these qualities in his mind (74). When thou seest the outer form, give thou it its name and tell of its qualities only after 29 I retain throughout the word karma besides translating it. Here it means good works, which, I may note, are of three kinds, those done for the love of God (manasika), those done for personal salvation (kiyika), and those done for mere reputation (nama-kara). The names, however, do not agree with the descriptions, which are Baij'nath's. 20 Baijnath gives several examples. Two will suffice to explain the author's meaning. The pious Nriga gave the same cow to two Brahmans by mistake, and was cursed in consequence. Here a good karma led to a bad result. Ajamila, a notorious sinner, accidentally, and not intending it, uttered the name of God when at the point of death, and thereby got salvation. Here a bad karma led to a good result. Hence the moral is, put not your trust in karma or works, but in faith in the Lord. 31 All commentators explain this by a reference to the Sankara doctrine of May, which was ignored by Ramanuja, who only recognizes the Lord in two conditions of cause and effect, karanarastha and karyavastha. If the interpretation is true (which I greatly doubt), then Tul'st Das has superadded to Ramanuja's doctrine, a doctrine of sakti-maya. Baij'nath's explanation is as follows, As a son is born from the union of his father and his mother, so the soul comes into living being from the union of the Lord (fevara) and MayA. At the will of the Lord Maya became fakti, and then became a triple-qualified self (triguntmaka). Maya has two forms, vis., of cause and of effect, and Iavara projected a portion of himself, like seed vtjavat), into the causal form (karana-rupa, rajas). Thence was produced the soul in a condition of forgetfulness of its true self, and imagining its body, &c., to be its real self. At the same time MAy& in its form of effect (karya-rapa), having deluded the organs of sense, &c., and having caused them to forget happiness in the Lord, made them devoted to temporal happiness. Hence the poet tells the soul not to think himself one with his earthly father and mother, or even with his supreme parents favara and karana-rupa Maya, but to recognize himself as really one with the Lord only. sa Here we come back to Ramanuja's doctrine of the eternally separate individuality of the soul. There is nothing about the sakti-maya in the text. Indeed in doha 16 the poet apparently treats Sit& as a kind of sakti, and he assuredly would not call her Maya. 35 Baijnath carries on his explanation,-Just as gold is made into many ornaments, yet still remains gold, and its quantity remains unchanged, and is not diminished, so, with MAyA for a material cause, the formation of bodies takes place, but the true nature of the self (atma-tattva) is in no way minished, but ever remains unaltered. 54 Gold may have many qualities, e.g., it may be used for charity or for debauchery, for food or for clothes, ornaments, and so on, and many names, as, a specified coin, a bracelet, an earring, and so on. According to Baijnath, gandhana is a trade term used by goldsmiths for gold. So also Sesh Datt Sarma. It is not given in the usual dictionaries. 36 Baijnath says ornaments (bhashana) are of twelve classes according as they are worn on the crown of the head (1), forehead (2), ear (3), throat (4), nose (5), arm (6), wrist (7), finger (8), waist (9), foot (10), ankle (11), toe (12). Each of these classes contains countless ornaments. 37 From the 44th to the 74th doha, the poet has dealt with the question of the soul recognizing its own form. He now deals with the question of recognizing the form (rupa) of the Lord. According to Baij'nath, the Lord has five principal forms, viz. (1) Antarydmin, the Inward Ruler, who is void of quality, nirguna, (2) Para, He who becomes incarnate, like Rama, out of pity for mankind, (3) Vydha (not explained), (4) Vibhava, He who becomes incarnate for special purposes, such as Nrisimha, &c., (5) Archd, Local forms, such as Jagannatha, &c., No. 2-5 have qualities (saguna). Antaryamin (inward ruler) is usually mistranslated by Hindt scholars as antarjnanin, the inward knower (antar ko janat, Baijnath).
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________________ 234 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. (SEPTEMBER, 1893. careful thought (75). The Lord is ever endowed with all auspicions qualities, in whom alone is the hope of ultimate salvation (76). There is only one easy, simple, means of approaching this saguna (with-quality) Lord (namely faith), while the way of knowledge to a nirgunum (without-quality) Brahman is full of countless difficulties (77).*' In that one Lord there are four classes of qualities, and say (O doubter) what existeth not within these qualities ? All things are included in them, & saying hard to anderstand (78). The holy man knoweth the secret of the universe from East to West, and without that knowledge how can one wipe out one's heritage of woe" (79); for the disease which hath doubt and sorrow (or error) for its root giveth unmeasured sorrow, as snakes seen in a dream, from which a man cannot esen pe** (80). The snakes to him are real things, until he openeth his eyes; so is this sorrow real, till the eyes of the soul are opened by hearing the words of the spiritual guide (81). As long as hope (in things temporal) but toucheth the sonl, no full sight of the true object of desire can be gained ; even as, in the rainy season, as long as rain cometh not, the husbandman is not satisfied (82). As long as the soul hath ever so little desire, every one is greater than it, but once a man entirely loseth all desire, who can be greater than 'hets and be obtaineth in the end the supreme home (83). The cause (karana) is the agent (kartri) (i.e. Brahman) immutable, without beginning, in the form of the uncreated, free from blemish, and incomparable. From it cometh many effects Sukha-sagara-madhurya (or divya) gunan kari agadh. It will be seen that Baijnath in the above note says that Antary Amin is nirguna. This is directly opposed to Ramanaja, and is not stated by Tul'st Dis. Baij'nath adds that he is both chit, soul, and achit, matter, which agrees with R&manujs, who says that these form the body of the (nagum) Lord, and are modes (prakdra) of him. So I translate this verse, which I take me arguing against the nirgunam Brahman doctrine of Sankara, in favour of the sagunam Brahman (or saguna'Iivara) doctrine of Ramanuja. It involves translating upadhi here as equivalent to updya. The verse literally translated is as follows: The device for (obtaining) the riguna padirtha (padartha-zartha dharma kama mokshads, that is to say, sath porna-guna-sahita sarra-sukha-dayaka sagwa sri Rama) is one and everlasting. The devices for the ninguna (padartha ) are countless. Tul'si saith, consider with special care, and follow the very easy course.' Baijnath, following his original error, explains nirguna, not by the Sankara, as opposed to the Ramanuja, Brahman, but by the Antarydmin, who, he again repeata is agun, and akarta. As already said, according to Ramanuja, the Antarydmin is eaguna, and pervades and rules all things which exist, both material and immaterial, chit and achit. ** Baij'nath quoting from the Bhagavad-guna-darpana, explains that in the Lord are all possible qualities, and it is useless denying that anything which erista has qualities which he has not. These qualities (guna) are divided into four classes. (1) Those oonducive to the creation (utpatti) and maintenance of the universe, vi Jadna (+)-saleti (")-bal (*)-aisvarya (*)- vfrya (6)-tejamsy (-afdshata) 1 tavanantagunasyapi ahad fua prathamd gundh II hayapratyantkatvaseshatvdbhydrh saha gundahtakam idar jagad-utpattyddi-vydpardahu pradhanash kdranata 11 knowledge, power, foroe, lordship, virile energy, ardoar; to whioh some add, hostility to what should be abandoned, and infinity. I give the original Sanskrit, because Beijingth has entirely misunderstood the latter, prose, portion. (2) Those conducive to devotion, eight, vis.:---satyatva, truth; jndnatva, knowledge in the abstract; anantata, endlessness; ekatva, oneness; vyapakatva, pervadingness; amalatva, purity; rdtantrya, independence; Anandatva, bliss in the abstract. (3) Beneficial to those who take refuge in a person (afrita-faranopaygin) nineteen, vis, -dayd, meroy; kripa, graciousness: anukampd, compassion; anrifamaat, mildness; vdtaalya, tenderness; nowffly, amiability; saulabhya, scoeasibility: karunya, pity: kshamd, forbearance ; gambhfrya, profundity; audarya, nobility; sthairyd, firmness; dhairya, patience; chaturya, sagacity; krititua, expertness; kitajnatva, gratitude; mardava, sweetness; drjava, rectitude ; sauharda, kind-heartedness. (4) Beneficial to the outward appearance, vir.-soundarya, beauty, madhurya, softness; saugandhya, fragrance; saukumarya, youthfulness; aujjvalya, olearness of complexion; lavanya, charm; abhirdpa, good proportion; kanti, enhancement of beauty by love: tarunya, gracefulness, and the like. It will be observed that these are all auspicious qualities, with which, according to Ramanuja, the Lord is ondowed. +1 Again the commentators go wrong in explaining this very simple verse, trying to force Bankara'. doctrine into it. * That is to say, ignorance causes real Borrow, just as a phantom snake, seen in a nightmare, gives very real agony. is As long as it wants anything which it has not got and another has, that other is a greater man than it. ++ Or all things are equal in his sight.
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________________ SEPTEMBER, 1893.) NOTES ON TUL'SI DAS. 285 (kdrya) (84)." But the agent cannot be known without the help of a spiritual guide, and except in the way of true happiness, how can sorrow be wiped away (85)? The world knoweth that an earthen vessel cannot be made without a potter, so how can any action (karma) be done without an agent (86) ? Learn thou to know that agent (the Lord) from whom cometh the chief action ; for without that knowledge, though thon reason in countless ways, thou wilt not come to see him (87).** Reasoning cannot prove anything without a witness, therefore, if thou depend upon reason, I challenge thee to show me what visible proof thou hast (88). The potter, the agent, with his material cause, the earth, maketh (vessels of) many (varieties as his effects); but the man without discrimination looketh only at the cause (the earth) and considereth not that there must also have been an agent (the potter) (89). The goldsmith, as the agent, maketh manifest the gold which is the material cause; his joy-giving effects are the ornaments which he maketh from it, whose qualities are to enhance the beauty of the wearer** (90). From the gold come ornaments of countless kinds, each depending on the intention of the agent. The soul which devoteth itself to them (instead of to their agent, the Lord), and hath not a spiritual guide is doomed) to woe (91). Owing to the trammels of) its body, the soul imagineth that whatsoever existence it findeth itself in, that is the real one; but when given knowledge it knoweth that this is not so (92). The potter's vessels are of various kinds, each taking its form according to the volition of the agent, and he who hath a spiritual guide and knoweth this (not only) giveth joy (to others but) obtaineth matchless wisdom (93). In the market (every one looketh at and admireth the vessels (for sale), and but few think of the potter, according to whose volition there are many forms, vessels very small aud very great 5 (94). The potter is uniform, and so is the clay. The vessels are of many kinds, small and great, and their form is due to the volition of the 4 In this and the following verses I deliberately throw over all the commentators. First, because my translation is literal, and secondly, because it exactly agrees with Ramanuja, who says expressly that the Lord in the pralaya state is in his causal stato kirandustha. When the pralaya stato comes to an end, creation takes place according to an act of volition on the Lord's part. He is therefore now both a cause, kirana, and an agent kartri. When creation is complete the Lord (together with all created things) is in the condition of an effect, karyavastha. Cause and effect are thus at the bottom the same. It will be seen that this is just what Tul'af DAS says above. The commentators explain the agent to be the soul, and the cause to be means of salvation (converse with the holy and the like) or the reverse. These two are immutable, &c. The effect they explain to be good actions, karma, &e. This is nonsense, as I understand it. How can such a causo be described as immutable and so on P Ramanuja, it is true (I1, 3, 33--40), ascribes kartritra to the jive, but I do not think that this is what Tulisi Das refers to here, though he undoubtedly does so in doha ol ff. + The clay is the material cause, the potter is the agent, making the pot is the sotion or karma (Baij'ngth in his oummentary on Doha 84, distinctly says that karma = karya, and I think that here he is nearly right). So all this will be very familiar to readers of the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, cf. also Vedanta sutras II., 1, 14-20. So also the Lord, acting as above described, creates all things, which effects are karma. By 'chief' action, I understand the creation of all existing things. Not only the Lord, but every individual soul is an agent. The Lord is the chief agent, and his action should also be the chief. 47 Baijnath, still interpreting the soul as the agent, adds, - the effects are joy-giving, because, if the goldsmith is skilful and fears the king, nor covets and steals a portion of the gold, but uses all his industry to make beautiful ornaments, and gives them to the king to wear, the beauty of the king is enhanced. Then the king, being pleased, gives the goldsmith a reward, who thereby is made joyful. But if the goldsmith is foolish and covetous, and puts alloy in the gold, the ornament is spoiled, and the king punishes him. This parable is to be explained as follows: The soul is the agent, the goldsmith. His skill is self-knowledge, and abandonment of worldly desire. Association with the holy, and the like, are the cause, the gold. The nine different categories, preman, love, &o., are the effecta, the ornaments. The Lord is the king. By causing him to wear the ornaments, the qualities of tenderness to the devotee and the like are made manifest. By the grace of the Lord, the faithfnl being released from fear, are exalted. On the other hand, the soul which is foolish, attached to things of this world, and full of desires, makes alloyed ornaments for its karma or actions, and its punishment is (toil of the world. *I adopt the reading karataba (karlavya). karta-mana bhava ripa, its form became existing according to the mind of the agent. The commontators make mana=jiva, the soul, and say, as there are many kinds of vessels, so the soul, as agent, with the material universe (bhava = sansara) as cause, makes many kinds of bodies. I tako bhava in its common meaning of boonmo,' the past tense of Wind. The application of mukhada is doubtful. Possibly the spiritual guide is joy. giving, and not the enlightened soul. 50 ja ke mana kt rupa bahu. Baijnath explains, the potter as the soul under the influence of whose desires (mana = mansratha), the body takes new forms after death.
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________________ 236 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [SEPTEMBER, 1893. agentol (95). Wherever He is, and in whatever form He dwelleth, there He is ever the same." No past hath He and no future hath He, the Pure, the Incomparable (98). He cannot be recognized. The grace of the Lord is the only means of showing Him (and teaching the nature of the Higher Self), just as a pure mirror maketh visible the (hitherto unseen water) in the breath-wind of the body" (97). But why make these comparisons? His immutable conditions are incomprehensible, and only they can understand the way who have gained the true knowledge (98). According to the time, from the agent and the material cause come actions (karma); know this as my decision. Again, according to the time, the agent goeth far off, and the cause remaineth as a proof of his existence (99),55 54 (To be continued.) A PRELIMINARY STUDY OF THE KALYANI INSCRIPTIONS. DHAMMACHETI, 1476 A. D. BY TAW SEIN-KO. (Continued from p. 213.) Atha raja panditajane pesetva parivimamsapesi. Tato parivimamsanakale therass' ekassa catunnan ca daharabhikkunam Sihal' upasampadagahanato pubbe mahantaravajjabhave pi tucchassa garahaparupavadamattassa sambhavam natva, ranno tath' arocesum, Tato Rama. dhipatiraja sasanassa accantaparisuddhakankh'ajjhasayataya parisuddh' upasampadabhave ca upasam padagahanato pubbe mahantaravajjabhave ca sante pi rittakagarahaparupavadamattasahitam tam theram sasissam parivajjetva, tath' anne pi cattaro daharabhikkhu parivajjesi. Tad avasesa pana dasathera ca cha daharabhikkhu c' accantaparisuddh' upasampada 51 The earth, the material cause, has nothing whatever to do with the shape of the resultant effect. Cause and effect are essentially the same, and in all the vessels the same canse, the earth, exists unchanged. Any difference in form is due therefore to the volition of the agent, whom I interpret as the Lord, and Baij'nath and other commentatora as the soul, acting on Mayd as the material cause, and producing different forms in different births. 62 Every soul is of the Lord, and a portion of him. He therefore is in every thing, unchanged and unchangeable, without beginning (past) or end (future). 63 This is the plain meaning of the words Sudsa-samira pratyaksha apa wachchha darasa lakhata. The commentators, however, give an altogether different mystical interpretation. The body is composed of five elements, ether, air, fire, water and earth. Here air, includes ether and fire, and water includes earth. Therefore air and water are the essentials of the body. Therefore the line means this; self, composed of breath and water, when visible, is pure like a mirror, but it is only visible by the Lord's grace. Read, Tulasi tuli rahi jata hai juguti na achala upadhi. Papdit Sudhakar Dvivedi gives me the following explanation of this verse, which has completely baffled the commentators. Tulasi tuli (tuland kar) rahi jata hai (chup hi jata hai). Achala upadhi men juguti (yukti) nahin hai, arthat yukti nahin milti. 65 Here again, with fear and trembling, I differ from the commentators. The verse is as follows, and I have given above a literal translation: karta karana kala k yoga karma mati jana punah kala karta durata karana rahata pramana II I interpret this as referring to the two states of the Lord. In the karyavastha, the condition of effect, he creates and actions are produced. Again, in course of time, in the praliya-kala, matter becomes unevolved, and individual souls are in a state of non-manifestation (samk6cha). The Lord himself is quiescent, and as it were, far off. He is then in his karanavastha. Hence the poet says 'at one time, during the period of creation, the Lord is an active agent; by his volition all actions (karma) take place. At another time, during the (pralaya) period, he withdraws himself, and becomes a mere unevolved cause (kirana) which is all that remains to prove bis existence.' The commentators treating the agent as meaning the individual soul, say that kala yiga means according to age periods, such as the satya yuga, the dvapara yuga and so on: or, in other words, according to associations. According to good or evil company, the agent (the soul) and the cause (the associations or maya) produce different fruits (karma), some good, some evil. Then durata 'becomes distant,' is interpreted to mean 'changes,' and the second line is translated as times change, the soul (the agent) changes its nature as a goldsmith manufactures his ornaments as the fashions change) (karta, jo jeva, soa durat, bhav, svabhav badlat, arthat samay anukul jiva bhi huai jat; yatha svarnakar jaisa samay dekhat tais! bhashan rachat. Ta-te kal-ke dare-te karta bhi durat.), while the cause (just as the gold and the clay of the potter are always the same) i.e., mayd, that is to say, ignorance, evil companionship, wickedness, and on the other hand, knowledge, good companionship, honesty, remains always exactly the same.' I cannot admit this interpretation to be correct. It is in the first place forced, and in the second place is opposed to Ramanuja's doctrine.
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________________ SEPTEMBER, 1893.] KALYANI INSCRIPTIONS. 237 rittakagarahaparupavadamattato pi virahita simasammutiganabhavayogyati sannitthanam akasi. Simasammannanasannakale pan' etesu Gunaratanadharathero gela ena pilitattu sissena saddhim sakaviharam paccagantva vasati. Tena Sirisanghabodhisami ca, Kittisirimeghasami ca, Parakkamabahusamica, Buddhaghosami ca, Jinalankarasami ca, Ratanamalisami cd, Saddhammatejasami ca, Sudhammaramasami ca, Bhuvanekabahusami cati : nava thera; tesam sissabhuta pana daharabikkhu: Sangharakkhito ca, Dhammavilaso ca, Uttaro ca, Uttamo ca, Dhammasaro ca: pancati; cuddas'eva bhikkhu simatthanato pacchimadisayam karupite vihare vasanti. Tato para Ruja simasammutikamman karapetakamo: "Yattha bhikkhu simam sammannitum icchanti; sace tattha purunasima n'atthi; tatthedini sammanitasima sambhavati; sace pan'atthi, abhinavasima na sambhavati: simasambhed'ajjhuttharanadusapasa o kato. Tasma tattha puranasit asamugghatam katva vedani sammannitu 'bhinavasima sambhavati. Tasma simasammutiya pathamam eva simasamugghatakammam kattabban ti": manasi ridhaya atthakathaysantam simasamugghataparikammam katum arabhi. "Evan ca pana bhikkhave, ticivarena avippavaso samuhanitabbu ti." Ettha simam samu. hanantena bhikkhuna vattam janitabbam. Tatr' idam vattan: khandasimaya thatva avippava. sasimasaikhata mahasima na samhanitabba; tatha avippavasasimasaukhataya mabasimaya thatva khandasimuna samuhanitabba. Khandasimaya pana thitena khandasimi va samuhanitabba; tatha'itaraya pi shitena itara. Sima nama dvihi karanehi samubananti: pakatiya khuddakan puna avusavaddhanatthaya mahatim va katum, pakatiya mahatir pnna annesam viharokasadanatthaya khuddakam va katari. Tattha saco khandasiman ca avippavasasimasan khatam mahasiman ca jananti; samuhanitua ca bandhitun ca sakkhissanti. Khandasimam pana jauanta, avippavasasai khatam mahusimam ajunanta pi, samuhanitan ca bandhitud ca sakkhissanti. Khandasimam ajananta, avippavasasa ukhatam mabasimam yeva jananta, cetiyangana-budhiyangan uposathagaradisu nirasankatthanesu thatva, appeva nama samuhanitum sakkhissanti; bandhitum pana na sakkhissant'eva. Ce bandheyyum, simasambhedam katva viharam aviharam karayyum: tasma na samuhanitabba. Ye pana ubho pi na jananti; te n'eva samuhanitum na bandhitum sakkhissanti. Ayam hi sima nama kammavacaya va asima hoti; sasan'antaradhanena va; na ca sakka simam ajanantehi kammavacam katun; tasma na samuhanitabba. Sadhukam pana fiatva yeva samuhanitabba ca bandhitabbati vuttatta simasamugghatakamman kattum icchanta bhikku sacu paranasimaya vijjamanattan vo paricchedan va jananti ; tattha kammapatt@hi bhikkhuhi thatva puranasima samuhanitun ca abhinavasimam bandhitui ca labhanti. Sace pana purunasimuparicchedan na jananti; tatha sati tarn samuhanitun ca abhinavasimam sammannitun ca na labhantiti atthu apanna viya dissati. Vimativinodaniyam pana: "keci pana idisesu pi vihuresn cha-pancamatte bhikkhu gahetva, viharakutito patthaya viharaparikkhepassa anto ca bahi ca samanta leddupate tattha sabbattha mancapamane akase nirantaram thatra, pathamam avipparasasimam tato samunasamvasa kasiman ca samihananavasena simasamugghate kate, tasmim vihure khandasimaya va mahasimaya va vijjamanatte sati avassam ekasmi mancatthane tasam majjhagata te bhikkhu ta samuhaneyyum. Tato gumasima eva avasisseyya. Na h'ottla simaya va paricchedassa va jananam angam hoti. Simaya pana anto thanam samuhanissamati kammavacakaranasi c'ettha angam. Asthakathayam khandasimam pana jananta avippavasam ajananta pi samuhanitun c'eva bandhitun ca sakkhissantiti. Evam mahasimaya paricchedassa ajunane pi samuhataya vuttatta gamasimay' eva ca avasitthaya tattha yatharucitakam duvidham pi simam bandhitun c'eva upasampadadikammam katun ca vattatiti vadanti. Tam yuttam viya dissati; vimamsitvu gahetabban ti" vuttatta tesam kesanci theranam adhippaya yuttarupu viga diseati. Atthakathayasi ca purunasimaya vijjamanattam va paricchedam va ajanantanam simasamugghatassa dukkaratta mahartam vayamam akatva gena va tena va vayamena samuhapanavasena simasamuggbatam sandbaya ye pana ubho pi na jananti; te n'eva samuhanitun ca na bandhiton ca labhantiti vuttam. Na pana
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________________ 238 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [SEPTEMBER, 1893. mahantam vayimam katra ajananavasona simasamugghato kate vijjamanaya simaya samuhatabhavan sandhuya vuttam. Tothi hi yatthabhinavasimam bandhitum icchanti. Tattha kincapi purunasimaya vijjamanattan va paricchodam va na jananti. Tathapi kattabbuyabhinavasimaya nimittanam thapanarahokasato anto ca bahi ca yatharucitake padese catuhattha pamanam va pancabatthapamanam va paricchedam panti-pantivasoda va kotthasa-kotthasavasena va paricchedam katva, tattha kutthase kotthase yadi kammapatta bhikkhu nirantaram katva, simasamugghatam karanti. Tattha vijjamanapurinasimanam katham samuhati na bhavUyya ? Gamasima eva ca avasittha katham na bhaviyyati ? Tasma tena nayana simasamugghataparikammavidha. yakam karapasi: sammannitabbayabhinavasimaya nimittarthapanokasato anto ayamata ca vittharatu ca panca panca batthapamanam padesam paricchindupetva bahi ca panca panca hatthapamanam padosam paricchindapetva connena va stamattikaya va lokham karupetva panti-panti-kotthasar karupusi. Tato param pancahi daharabhikkhuhi saddhim te navathera nimantitvi simisamugghatakammam evam karapisi. Pathama-pantiyan pathama-kotthasa yathavutto enddasnblikkha vasapetva kommavacam pi sattasu thanesu pathupetva visum visum sattasi varusu simisamugghatakammavacam vacapesi. Tato parar pathama-pantiyam eva kutthaso kotthaso anukkamuna thatva tath' eva katva avasano antima-kotthaso simasamug. ghatakammavicam vacapatva pana dutiyaya pantiga antima-kutthasato patilomena kotthase kotthase kamuna thatva datiya-pantiya pathama-kotthase thatra simusainugghatakammavacam vicapusi. Evam vuttanayena dve dve pantiyu pantiyu analomena sakim patitomena kotthase kotthaso simasamngghata kamnavacam vacapetva kotthasosu parikhinasu simusamagghatain parinitthaposi. Idan ca simasamugghatakammam migasiramasassa sukkapakkhe sattamiyam sannivaro parinitthitan ti datthabbam. Atthamiyam pana Ramadhipatiraja simasammutikammam karapatu pato va gantva simasammutito pathamam kattabbam parikammam evam karupesi. Yattakam padisam simam kattum icchati; tattakassa padesassa bahi catusvanudisasu cattari nimittani thapapusi. Catusu disasu pana cattari nimittani konesu catunnan nimittanam thapanaya payajanabhutacatarassasanthanatu santhanabhedasankhatam payajanam dagsetum majjhe kinci vitthakam katva thapapesi. Tato param athannam nimittapasananam abbhantarimo passe rajjum kaddhitra rajjuyanusarena blumiyam lekham datva, lekhato anto simam kattakamattaya bahi lekhaya simamaggasankhatassa paricchedassa pakatikabhavakaranattham vidatthimattayambhiravittharam khaddakamatikam khanapetva, nimittapasananam anto ca bahi ca ga makhetta padesanam sankaribhavakaranattham rukkhasakhadi-sambandham vicchinditva, khudda kamatikaya mattikam linpapatva udakam sincupetva tesam athannam nimittapasananam suvannalimpanasinduracunnalimpanonalankarapetva, rattavattha-Betavatthehi-vetha petva, Bhagavati garavena tesam nimittapasananam santiko chatta-dhaja-dipa-dhumapupphani pujapetva, kumudapupphacchannavilasitamokho kalasi ca thapapetva, annehi ca vatthadihi pujaniyavatthuhi pujapesi. Evam simasammatiya pubbaparikammai abhisan kharitvi, pancahi daharabhikkhuhi saddhim te navathera nimantetva puratthimadiaato patthayanukkamen'atthasu disasu atthanimittani kittapetva, pathamakittitanimittena ghatapetva tena nayona tikkhattum nimittani kittapesi. Tato param patu va Narasuramaccagamakhettassa samantato tasmim tasmim thuno dhajapatake ussapotva, bhurisau kha-disaddasanninam karapetva, disacarikabhikkhanam sancaranivaranattham tasmim gumakhatte thitanam annesam bhikkhunam gamakhettato bahi singham nihara panatthan ca thapite arakkhakamanussi assaruhu ca singhagamino pattikaca pesetvu, samantato 'nuyunjapetva, tatth' annesam bhikkhunam n' atthi-bhavamiti sutva va, simasammutikammavacam byanjanaparipurivasena sattakkhattum vacapetva, simasammutikammam nitthapesi. Parinitthite ca pana simasammutikamme tikkhattum sabbatalavacare vajjapetva sabbajanakayam ukkuthim karapesi. Imissa pana simaya Kalyanigangaya sajjitayam udakukkhepasimayam upasampanna bhikkhuhi sammatatta Kalyanisimati namam adasi. Kalyanisimasammutito ca puretaram eva, Sibaladipe upasam pajjitva paccagatanam theranam sampattakalato patthayate saddhasampanna byatta patibala gaina ganacariya Ramadhipatirajanam upasan kamitva: "na 'kho pan' etam no Maharaja, patirupam yam mayam Buddhasasane
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________________ SEPTEMBER, 1893.] KALYANI INSCRIPTIONS. 239 pabbajitva, upesa.npajjitva, yatha pannattani sikkharadani patipajjantapi, upasampadaya sasanka bhavUyyama. Labhayyama Maharaja, tesan thoranam santike upasampadam ; evam no' pasampada nirasanka bhavissatiti" ahamsu. Tato Ramadhipatiraja evam aha: "ye ta blante, gawino gamacariya saddhasampanna Bhagavata ajjhasayanurupam Vinaya-vinicehayam upaparikkhitva, nij 'apasam pedaya sasanka accanta.parisuddha-Mahaviharavasi-bhikkhusanghassa parariaparabhuta-bhikkhusanghata nirisan kam upasam padam patiggahetva, paccagacchantanan thzranan santike tad u pasampadam ganhitakama te ganhantu: te pi ma ganhathati na nivaremi. Yo pi c'eto gawino ganacariya Bhagavato ajjhasayanarupam Vinaya-vinicchayam upa parikkhitva, nij 'upasampadaya nirasaika tesam theranam santike Sihaladesiy' upasam pada-paramparabhutam upasampadam garhitum wicchanti; to pi gaphath' evati na visahami. Vinaya-viniochayam Va paminam. Tu dhammam eva sukaram upaparikkhoyyathati." Tato pazam evam Ramadhipatiraja cintjsi: "apajjhaya mulika pabbajja sa u pasampada ca; upajjhuyabhava ca desavassinam thura blavappattanuen patibalanam yeva Bhagavata 'nunnato. Ime thera pan' imasmim yeva samvacchare upasampanna. Na ca tesvekassapi yattarupe upajjhuyabhava ti. Katha. pan'etam labhuyyana? Yo Mahaviharavasibhikkhusangha-paramparabhuta-bhikkhusangka-santiko pari. Buddh' upasam padat gahotva, paccagato upajjhayabhavayugyo; tam upajjhayam katva, sabbi Silaliy'upasampada-parampar'a pasam padam ganhitukama gayino gapacariya imusam Sihaladipato paccigatanam thuranam santika ganhitun labhissantti" cintutva tadisam bhikkhun pariyesapisi. Tato Parakkamabahusamithero: "atthi Maharaja Suvannasobhano nam eka thera; Mahavikaravasi-param parabhikkhusaiigha-santike yer' u pasampanno; upajjhayabhavanurupo. So hi Mahurija, arannavisi, dhutangadharu, appiccho, santuttho, sallukhi, lajji, kukkuecaku, sikkbakamo, byatto, patibala ti" aba. Atha kho raja parijanam appetva tam nimantapetva pucchi : "Sihaladipam bhante, gamanakale, katarasimayam kittakassa ganassa santike upasampanno 'si? Ka pana te upajjhaya? Ko kammavacacariyu ? Sihaladipe upasampannakulatu pathaya 'dani kativasso 'siti?" Tada Suvannasobhanathara rajanam evam aha: "Kalambunamo Maharaja, mahajatassara sajjitayam udakukkhapasimayam appamanassa ganassa santike Vanaratananamakam parana-Mahasangharajanam upajjhayam, pubbakala Bahulabhaddanamakam, idani Vijayabahu-Sangharajanam kammavacacariyam katva vaham upasampanna. Tato patthaya ohabbisavasgo 'mhiti." Atha raja pamuditahadayo upasampada pokkhanam upajjhayabhuvatthaya thuram nimantesi. Tada thera: "pabbakipi Maharaja, khinasavathura attan hitam vihitva paccanto sasanasuddhim ovakamgu. Evam ovaham pi Maharaja, sappurisagatia anugantva sasanasuddhim karissamiti" vatva ranna patinnam adasi. REVERSE FACE OF THE THIRD STONE. Sinasammutiya 'nantaram eva yu tu saddhasampanna byatta patibala pubb' upasampadaya sasaiki Siha!' upasampada-param par' upasampadam ganhitukama patikaco' eva rajanam u pasan kamitva yacinsa. To rajanam u pasankamitva evam ahamsu: "Sima sa Maharaju, samrad eva samannagata ; upajjhayabhavanurupa ca mahathuro celaddlo; labheyyams mayath pi dani Sibal' upasampadan ti." Tato raja migasiramasassa sukkapakkhe navamiyam candavara pato va tehi ganacariyabi saddhim yana Kalyanisima ten' upasankami. Pancahi daharabhikkhuhi saddhim uavathera ca upajjhayabhavanurupa-Suvannasubhasathurai ca nimantaputva Kalyanisimayam nisidupesi. Tato raja Sihat upasampadam gauhitakamo ganacariyo thaputva, yuna Siha!adipagaminu thura tun' upasaii kami; u pasaukamitva te evam iha: "Imu bhantu, ganacariya tumhakam santike Siha ujasampadam ganlitum icchanti; detha bhanto, tumho upasampadam imesam ganacariyanan ti." Thura punad evam aharusu: "magan Maharaja, Maharajona pusita Sihadadi pam gantva, Mahaviharavasi-paramparabhutabhikkhusangha-santike parisuddh' upasampadarn ganheyyama. Tusum nu Maharaja, parisuddh' upasam padagahanato pathaman Siha!adesiyu mabat bera evam uhutusu : Pubbukunaia ayasmauta, Sibuladesiyauat mabuthuranam idacinam : yan paradesato
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________________ 240 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. SEPTEMBER, 1893. agatanam bhikkhunam apasampadagahanato pathamam eva gihino mayan ti vacibhedan karapetva, civaram apanetva, setavatthadanena gihibhave patitthapetva, puna civaradavasaranagamanadana-vasena samanera-pabbajjaya sampabbajetva, samanera-bhumiyan patitthapi. tanam yev' u pasampadanam. Tam kissa hetu? Yel' ayasmanto, bhikkhu idhagata: purimopasampada no parisuddba, Sibaladesiy' upasampada soddhati mannamana saddbasampanna butva, nay' apasampadam ganhirsu. Te cayasmanto, bhikkhu paccha sissadinam yesam kesanc, parijanam adiyitva, vipatisarino hutva, abhinavavassam aganetva, purana vassam yeva gaphimsi. Na cetam no ruccati: ten' evam acinnam. Tasma yadi tamhe pi saddhasampanna hatvai parisuddh' apasampadam ganhitum icchatha; Siha adesiyanam mabatheranam acinnan rupam karissatha. Evan tumhakam upasampadam dassama; no ce karissatha; anacinnatta tumhakam upasampadam datum agamattha bhavissamati'. Tato Sihaladesiyanan mahatheranam icimnanurupam katva vamhakam apasam padan te adarsuti." Tada te pi babaganacariya: "yadi bhante, tumhe Sihaladesiyanam mahatheranam acionanurupam katra va, parisaddh' apasampadar ganheyyatha; eram mayam pi saddhasampannatta reva parisuddh' apasampa-dam akankhayama. Tasma Sihaladesiyanam mahatheranam acinnanarupam eva katvi parisuddh' upasampadam ganhissamati" ahamsu. Evam Sihaladesato paccagata thera teli sabbehi ganacariyehi saddhin samstadetva tad anantaran yeva Dhammakittinamagagacariyam adin katva, Sihaladesiyanam acinpanurupan karapetva, Suvannasobhanatheram upajjhayan katva, Sihaladesato paocagatesu navasu theresu dve dve varena varena kammava cacariyo katva upasampadesum. Tasmim pana apasampadakammakaranakale pathamadivasabhute migasiramasassa sukka pakkhe navamiyam candavara Ramadhipatiraja sayam eva tattha nisiditva, kammakarakabhikkhunai ca, apasampandanan gasacariyananca, apasampadapekkhanan ca garacariya. nam, pure bhattabhojanan ca pacchi bhattam vividhapanan ca santappanattham patisanklarapetva, apasampadadanapariyosane ca sadhukaradapattham bherisau khadini dhamapetva upasampannanam apasam pannanam ganajananattham 18kavoharaka vide lekhake anekamaece canekapanditajane hapetra, rattiyam upasampadatthaya ca bahu dipe thapetva, suriyatthangamanaAannakale patinivattitva nijamandiram agamasi. Navamito patthaya yava terasamiya pancadivasam up asampanna ganacariya pan. cacattalinadhikadvisatsparimana ahabum. Tato raja catuddasiyam sannivare upasampanne pancacattalisadhikadvisata-parimana te thera-ganacariye: "Sve bhaddanta migasirapunnam uposathadivase adiccavare upasampadakammakarakehi pannarasa bhikkhuhi saddhin Kalyanisimayam uposatham karontu; tad avasane bhaddantanam pindapatan ca annan ca deyyadhammam datum lacchama, cittan ca pasadetun laochamati" nimantapesi. Uposathadivase pana raja mahata parivarena saddhim pato vagantva Kalyanisimaya pannapetabbasanani pannapapetva, padodakan ca patitthapetva, apasampannopasampanne te ganacariye ca pannaras' upasampadakammakarake cagamayamana nisidi. Atha te sabbe sannipativa Kalyanisimayam uposatham akarimau. Tad avasane raja te sabbe pi nanappakarehi khajja-bhojj@hi ca vivid hehi ca tambuladibhesajjehi santappetva, ek'ekassa ticivaratthaya sukhumanam kappasadussanan dve dve yago datva, puga kattariyadiparivaram sapidhanam ekam ekan tambulapetakan cas talabijanim ekam ekan ca, sindipanpachattam ek' ekan da, sadharakapidbanam pattam ek' ekan ca, dapesi. Tato raja sabbegam bhikkhunam apupatiya yeva Suvannasobhanatherassa 'Kalya. nitissamahathero' ti namam adasi, Tata pabhuti raja pancahi daharabhikkhubi saddhin tesam apasampadakarakanan Kalyanitissamahatheradinam dasannan theranan ca, tassat simayam agatinam upasampannanam ganacariyanan ca, bahunam upasampadapekkbanan ca, pindapatadi-paccayehi upatthapanatthaya amacce panditajane ca, upasampannanam apasampannanam ganasanjananattham bahu lekhake ca, upasam padakammavacaya parinitthana-pariyosane sadhukaradanatthaya bherisaukhadivadake ca, antatam eva tattha vasapesi,
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________________ SEPTEMBER, 1893.] KALYANI INSCRIPTIONS. 241 Upasampada kammakaraka dagathara ce, upagampann' upasampanna pancacattali. sadhikadvisatapamananam gandcariya ca, tesat ca sissabhute bahu bhikkhu ca, Siha!' upasampadam ganhitukame anno odgatagate ganAcariye ca, divase divase nirantaram upasampadesum. Api ca Ramadhipatiraja sakalam pi bhikkhusanghamayacotva, tassanumatiya yava sabbasmin pi Bamannamandala thitanam sabbosam bhikkhunam idisam katikavacanam aracesi : "Ajjatagge bhaddanta, sace pabbajja pekkhe pabbajetakami honti; ye pana pabbajjapakhba lakkhanaihata va honti; dhajabandhacora va; 'garabhedaka va; rajadubbhino va: jarajinna va; adhimattagelain' upapilita va; hatthacchinuadi-angavikala va; khujja va; Vamana va; khanja va; kunino va; ye va pan' anne pi parisadusana honti. Yo ye pabbajite pi, passanta passanti manussa keli va, parihasam va, garaham va, karunti; cittara pagadetu va, garavam uppadetam va, na sukkunti. Te tadise bhaddanta, ma pabbajentu. "Sace va pana bhaddantanam santiku upasampadapekkha santi; te pi Ramadhipatiranno va, Hamgavatipuradhivasinath ganaoariyabhutanam va theranam, anaracetva, sakasakatthane yev' upasampadam ma karontu. Sace pan' amhehi katarh pi katikavattam anadiyitva, saka-sakatthano yov' u pasampadath bhaddanta karissanti: tatha sat' upasampadapekkhanam matapitanar va, natakanam va, upatthakabhutanam va dayskanam, mayam dandakammam upanassamati ca. "Ye va pana papabhikkhu vajjakammam karunti; ye va ganakakammam vaddhakikammam dantakaran katva, raja-rajamahamattadinan sabbesam pi jananam jatakopadharasiyena va, uppadanimitta-supin'-uppada-karana-vasena va, snkhadukkham acikk hanti. "Ye va bhikkhu yudisam yadisam acikkhanan, cittakarakammavaddhakikamma-dantakarakamma-cundakarakamma-bimbakarakammadikam katva, gihikamabhogino viya jivitam kappenti. Tam sabbam ajivitam kappenti. "Ye va pana bhikkhu kappasakhettatthanam gantva ayatakena saruna dhamman kathenta kappasatulapindan labhitva vanijjam karanti. "Yo ca bhikkhu sali-vihi-yavadi-khettathanam gantva dhamma kathanta dhannam labbitva vanijjam karunti. "Yo vi pana bhikkhu maricatthanam gantva dhamma kathatva maricam labhitva vagijjam karonti. "Ye vi pana bhikkhu annen' annena pakarena vanijjan karonti. "Ye va pana bhikkhu akkhadhatteli va, itthidhattebi va, suradhuttehi va, coriyakammajivikebi va, rajapurigahi va, yehi kehici va naranaribi saddhim ananulomikena gihisamsaggena samsatha viharanti. "Ta sabba pi papabhikkhu. Papabhikkhuna tesar bhaddhantanam nicca santika vasitum okasam ma dadantati ca. "Ye panna bhikkhu saddhasampanna; yathasikkhapadam patipajjamana sammapatipattipabbaka; addesaparipucchadipasuta; tesam yeva bhikkhunam bhaddantanan niccam santike vasitum okasam dadantuti ca. "Sace pana saddhasampanna gihikulapatta bhaddantanam santike pabbajitakama honti. Te akkharani lekhapetva akkharesu byanjana paripurikaranavasona paricayan karapetva, saranagamanam va sikkhapadani va sikkhapetva va, bhaddanta pabbajantuti ca. "Ye pi ca samanera paripannavisativassa upagampada pokkha; to pi upasampannabhikkhuhi paripuretabbam patimokkhasanvarasil'-indriyasamvarasil-ajivaparisuddhisila-paccayasannissi. tasilasankhatam catuparisuddhisilan sankhepato pannapetva, Bhikkhupatimokkhan ca Khuddasikkhan cadito yava pariyasanam byanjanato ca atthato ca sikkhapetva, apattidusanan ca catupaccayapaccavekkhanan ca vac' nggatam karapetva, Bamadhipatirano oa Hamsavatipuradhivasinam gandcariyanan caresanta. Tada Ramadhipatiraja ta parikkharen' upatthambhotva viupasampadapeseatiti oa.
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________________ 242 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [SEPTEMBER, 1893. " Sabbe pi ca bhaddanta Vinaye Bhagavata pannattasikkhapadanurupam patipattiro yeva patipajjantuti ca. "Pubbe pana Ramabadego bhikkhunam nananikayatta yeva sisane idisam mala-kantak'. bbudam jatan. Idani pana sabbesam pi bhaddantanam saddhasampannatta yeva Mahaviharavasinam parampara-Sihal' upasam padagahita. Yatha Sihaladesiyanam mahathoranam kes'oropa! nam va sivarabandham va bonti; tatha katra v'ekan ikayo botati ca." Evan ca pana Ramadhipatiraja sabbasmim pi Ramannamandale bhikkhunam yar katikavattam aracetva, ye te bhikkhu jatarupa-rajatadi-dhana-dhanna-hatthi-assa-go-mahimsa-dasi-dasa-vanto tesam idisam aracapesi : "Sace pan' ayya, saddhasampanna butva, jatarupa-rajatadi-dhanadhanna-hatthi-assa-go-mahimsa-dasi dase vissajjitum ussahanti; te nissajjitva Bhagavata pannattasikkhapadanurupam sammapatipattim yevs patipajjantu. Sace pana n' ussahanti, yathaka. mam vibbhamantuti." Atha appe kacce bhikkhu saddhasampansatta te sabbe nissajjitva sikkhapadanurupa sammapatipattiyo ya patipajjanti. Appe kacce thera sabbe pi santike nissajjitum anossahanta' yathakamam vibbhamanti. Ye va pana bhikkhu pakatabhuta yev' antimavattham accantam ev' sjjhapajjanti ; tesam ayacanam katra, gibibhave patitthapesi. Yesam accantam ev antimavattham apannabhavo na pakata; garahaparupavadamattam pana dubbisodhaniyam; tekam ayacanam katva, gihibhave patitthapesi. Ye ca papabhikkhu vajjakamman va karonti; ye va yathavuttam gananakammadi-kammar va karonti; ye va gihikamabhagino viya cittakammadim ajivika katra micch&jivena jivitam kappenti; ye va pana bhikkhu dhammakathaya pujasakkaram labhitva vaaijjam karonti; ye vi pan' anne pi bhikkhu annen' annena pakarena vanijjam karunti-te sabbe pi gibibhave patitthapesi. Evam Ramadhipatiraja sabbasmim pi Ramannamandale sasanamalam visadhetvi, sa kalam pi bhikkhusangham ekanikayam akasi. Evan sabbasmim pi Bumannsmandale gamavasino arannavusino ca bhikkhu nagasikhi-naga-Bakkarajato yava rupa-beda-naga-sakkarajam Mahaviharavasi-paramparaaccanta-parisuddha-Siha!'-upasam padam nirantaram eva ganhimsu. Tasar ganacariyabhuta atthasata parimana honti; daharab hikkhu pans pancaBatthadhikadvisat'-uttaracuddasasahassa-pamanahanti: ete ubho pi sampindita pancasafthadhika-panna-rasa-sahassapamana hanti. Tesvatthasatanam ganacariyanam upasampadagahana-pariyosane raja ticivaratthaya dve dve sukhumakappasiyaduss ayuge ca, tambulapattapuga-kattari-mukhapan-chanacoladi-parikkhara-sahitam sapidhanam tamb ulapetakan ca, sindipaonachattan ca, sadharakapidbana-pattan ca, talabijanin ca, ek'ekass' ek'ekam evadasi. Yesam ganacariyanam numa-pannatti pi databba hoti: tesam pi sabbekam nama-pannattim adasi. Tato param pubbe katakatika niyamen' eva natacatu parisuddhisilanan sikkhita-patimokkhakhuddasikkha-pakarananam vac'-uggatapatti-desana-paccavekkhananan paripunnavisntivassanam ekadhika-cha-satanam samaneranam patta-civara-parikkharadi-dEyyadhammeh' upatthambhetvi, Kalyanisimayam upasampadapasi. Te pi sampinditva tada Ramanfamandala chasatthadhikachagat'-uttara-pannarasa-saha88a-pamana bhikkhu ahesum. Evam pana Buddhasisanam visadhanam karanta Ramadhipatiraja : "yava panca-vassasahassa-pamana-kala-pariyanta Buddhasasanam idam nirasauk'apasan padabhaven' ova dussilanam bhikkhunan ca garahaparupavadamattavirahitanam bhikkhunam capagamanavasena parisuddham pabhassaram pariyadatam hutva, pavattatati" manasi nidhayakasi. 1. Pur' Asako dhammaraja atulavibhavodayo Sasanam piyataya 'ssa mala-dassana-kampito. 2. Moggaliputtatissatheram u panissuya sodhanam Bhikkhu chanahute 'kasi, uppalbajiya papake. 3. Lankadipe Sirisanghabodhadipada-namako Parakkamabahuraja pi Buddhasasanam amako.
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________________ SEPTEMBER, 1893.] FOLKLORE IN SALSETTE; No. 16. 4. Malinam sasanam disva samvegapannamanaso Papake babavo bhikkhu dhamsiyadhammavadino. 5. Mahaviharavasinam pavenim dhammavadinam Sangham ekanikayan ca thapetva sodhanam aka. 6. Tato paccha puna c' anno Vijayabahu-bhupati Parakkamaraja capi tatha sasanasodhanam. 7. Amhakam Bodhisatto pi purento parami pura Tidasalayasaggamhi devarajjam akarayi. 8. Tada Anandathero pi Baranasipure aka Rajjam Usinnaro hutva Kassapa Buddhasasane 9. Malam disva pi majjhatto naka sasanasodhanam. Tada Sakko devaraja dibbasukham param-mukho 10. Kanhasunakha-vannena gantva Matalina saha Uttasetvana rajanam tada 'sinnaranamakam. 11. Sasanadhanatthaya laddha tap patijananam Paccha 'nusasanam katva paccaga Tidasalayam. 12. Tasma Ramannadesissaro pi Ramadhipati-bhupati Sanadaram satacaram anugantvana sasanam 13. Yavapancasahassanta patitthanaya 'sodhayi. 14. Ittham sasanasodhanakuslam Ramadhipati-ham alattham yam Tenakhinam iva jatam santam suddham sivam paccha. 15. Hamsavatipuradhipatino saddhaluno Bhupalavara Disva sasanajam malam punayitum vayamantu sada. 16. Khiusava katakiccathera Majjhantikadayo Vimuttisukham ohaya pavivekarata api 17. Sasanavuddhiya hetu byaparam akarum pura. Tasma tesam sanadarain anukamme supesalo 18. Paccha Hamsapuravasi bhikkhusangho ca sadaro Sasanassa malam disva sudhanam kurutam tato 19. Yatha tam tibhav' oghagata taritum durite kasi-ayatane jahitum Ariyam padadhim pavaram gamitum adhibodhi-budhalalitam lalitam. Iti Kalyani nama pasanalekha nitthita. (To be continued.) 243 FOLKLORE IN SALSETTE. BY GEO. FR. D'PENHA. No. 16. The Prince and the Kambals.1 There once lived with his queen a king, whose dominions extended far and wide, and who had an immeasurable hoard of treasure; but, as the saying goes, "there was no one to eat," or in other words, the good couple had no children, though they had become old, and this grieved them very much. Every day the queen used to make it her habit to sit in the balcony of her palace, with a supli (sieve) full of gold, which she distributed among beggars, with the expectation that she would get a son through their prayers and blessings. One day, as she was seated as usual with a sieve full of gold, there came up to her a gosanvi who asked her what she had in the sieve. The queen answered saying it was gold. 1 For the description of a kambal, see the story of "The Snake and the Girl," ante, Vol. XIX. page 315, note 5. 2 For the description of a gosanvi, see the story of " Bapkhadi," ante, Vol. XX. p. 142, note 1.
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________________ 244 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [SEPTEMBER, 1893. Upon this the gosunvi again asked her:-"Is there any one that will eat it ?", meaning "Have you got any children who will enjoy all this gold ?" "No!" said the queen in a sorrowful tone; "and that is the reason why I am sitting here with this sieve full of gold in order that, by distributing it, the receivers of it may pray and obtain a son for me; but up to this time it seems that their prayers have not been heard." The queen was then asked where her husband, the king, was;