JANUARY, 1893.)
It is also worth noting that he writes, p. 58, Siam as we do, but throughout his book Sciam for Shân.
The sounds of b and 8 always puzzled him, thus he wrote, p. 67, miodighi and ioadighi for myőbaji and ywábají. The hard sound of the Burmese ky, k'y, gy and gʻy (which letters also represent the modern Burmese pronunciation of kr, k'r, gr and gr) appears in the above two words, and in sesaucchi above quoted, and also in the following: pp. 66, etc., vunghi for wunji; pp. 91, etc., ponghi for panji. This hard pronunciation is still common among Europeans in Barma in spite of the usual vernacular soft sound of k and g as ch and j in such circumstances.
Quirini's book 14 is of much the same value in this connection, though it has never been translated. Besides the instances of his expressions already given he writes sueminulo (pp. 77, 141) for shwémyód), while giving a correct explanation of the import of the word. He has rondai=yándo: Cariani, as also has Sangermano (pp. 35, 36), - Karens, with which may be compared Crawfurd's (Embassy to Ava) Karians (p. 354, et passim): and many other interesting words and names.
Quirini has further a curious Miazza Pra Re dell' Ava, (pp. 79, 151, etc.), evidently meant for s'inbyayin (1763-1775). Miazza Pra may possibly stand for Myêdu (P'aya), a title of that mighty monarch as prince.
No. 4.-The Gadariya and the Ráni of Lálpur.1 Once upon a time a Râjâ went to hunt in a jungle. As he was returning he reached a great river on the bank of which was a fig tree (bargad) and then he sat down to rest. Meanwhile a boat appeared, coming from the direction of the city of Lalpur. On it a woman was sitting. She looked at the king and let go the iron anchor of the boat into the water. After this she dropped a ruby into the water, and opening her bodice showed him her breast and smiled at him, showing her teeth. Then she raised the anchor and went away in the boat. The Raja fell into great fear and returned to his palace, and went to sleep on his couch. Then a handmaiden brought him his food, bat she could not wake him. She returned and told the Rânt, who went herself to the Rajâ, but she could not make him sit up or speak. Then the Rani proclaimed in the city that whoever could make the Rają speak should receive half the kingdom. Many people came and tried to wake him, but no one succeeded. Then a shepherd woman (gaderin) came to the Rani and said to her, "My husband is grazing his sheep in the jungle; if he be sent for he can wake the Râja." The Rani sent her soldiers to bring the Gadariya. He said: “If one of the king's clerks (musaddi) comes and makes a list of my sheep, and the king's soldiers graze them for me, I will come." The Rani ordered this to be done. So the
14 Della Vita 1 di Monsignor Gio Maria Percoto della congregazione di S. Paolo Missionario ne' Regni di Ava e di Pogu' vicario apostolico e vescovo Massulense. I libri tre i scritti dal padre 1 D. Michelangelo Griffini della medesima congregazione. I el dedicati agl' illustriss sigg. I deputali della citta' di Udine. I per li Fratelli Gallici alla Fontana 1 con licenza de' superiori. The copy I have seen belongs to Bishop Bigandet, kindly lent me by him. It has a seal on the title page :-Missio Barmana India
Oblator B. M. V. * On the title rage also is the very interesting note written in caps :-D. D. JO. BALMAE O. B. M. V. I EPISC. PTOLEMAID. I VICAR. APOSTOL. I AVAE ET PEGV I CL. REGVL. S. PAVLI AP. I PROVINC. TAVRINENS. DD. DD. I A. MDCCCLIII. The date of the work is gathered from the colophon and other places. It contains pr. X. and 221, octavo. The colophon is worth reproduction here :-Noi Riformatori della studio di Padova. Avendo veduto per In Fede di Rivisione, ed approvazione del P. F. Gio: Tommiso Mascheroni, Inquisitor General del Santo Offizio di Venezia nel Libro intitolato Della Vita di Monsignor Gio : Maria Percoto, etc. M. S. non vi esser cosa alcuna contro a Santa Fede Cattolica, o parimenti per Attestato del Segretario Nostro, niente contro Principi, e buoni contumi, concediamo licenza alli Fratelli Gallici Stampatori di Udine, che possi essere stampato, osservando gli ordini in materia di Stampe, o presentando le solite Copie alle Pubbliche Librerie di Venezia, e di Padova. Dat li 24. Agosto 1781. (Andrea Querini Rif. (Alvise Vallaresso Rif. (Girolamo Ascanio Giustinian K. Rif. Registrato in libro a carte 17. a N. 139. Davide Marchesini Seg.
1 A folktale told by Hiralal, village accountant of R&mgarh, MirzApur District, and literally translated.