[AUGUST, 1893.
"Hail! Prosperity! In the 1[6]th year of etc., here, once for all, that the Saka years in my calwhich corresponded to the Saka year 1187, - on culation are all taken as expired years. the day of the nakshatra) Uttarashadha, which
Tuesday, and the Punarvasu nakshatra falling corresponded to Saturday, the third tithi of the
on a sukla pañchami in the solar month of second fortnight of the month of Simha."
Vpishabha, are the requirements of the 9th year No. III.
inscription; and Wednesday, and the nakshatra
Anuradhå falling on a krishna pratipadd in the On the same wall as No. I.
solar month Vpishabha, are required for the 10th Svasti śri Sakara-yându 118[7] perra Tiribu- year inscription. In both the inscriptions the vanagakkarava[r]ttiga! sri-visaiya-Kanda-Gopa- solar month is Vpishabha. Parts of two lunar ladevarkku ya[n]du 16vadu] Simba-nkyarru months, Vaisakha and Jyêshtha, fall in the solar apara-pakshattu tritiyaiyum Saņi-kkilamaiyum month Vrishabha. First I searched for the years, perra Uttirattádi-nål.
in which the given week days fell on the given "Hail! Prosperity! In the 1[6th) year of etc.,
tithis of Vaisakha and Jyêshtha. I need not which corresponded to the Saka year 118[7], -
give here all these years. I calculated afterwards on the day of the naloshatra) Uttara-Bhadrapada,
in which of these years the given week days, the which corresponded to Saturday, the third tithi
nakshatras, and the solar month fell together; of the second fortnight of the month of Simha."
and found that the three required things for
the 9th and 10th year inscriptions, respectively, The details of these three dates are correct for
fell together, actually or nearly, in the Saka years the Saka years quoted with them; except that
1181 and 1182, and again in 1184 and 1185. Also, the nakshatra of No. II. should be Uttara
taking each inscription separately, there is no Bhadrapadá instead of Uttarash&dha.
other year for either of them. The English equivalents of these three dates are :- No. I. Saturday, the 13th June A. D.
Of the above two pairs of years, first I take the 1265; and Nos. II. and III. Saturday.. the 1st
latter. According to the present Sürya-Siddhanta,
in Saka-Samvat 1185, the amanta Vaisakha Sukla August' A. D. 1265. The Saka years in thebe
púrnimd ended and the krishna pratipada comthree dates are expired, while that in the date
menced on Wednesday, the 25th April, A. D. of Ganapati is current.
1263, at 4 ghatis 25 palas; and the nakshatra From these data Dr. Hultzsch has already
Vibakhá ended and Anuradha commenced at pointed out that the year fitting to the details of
23 gh. 23 pa., Ujjain mean time (i. e. at so many the 10th year inscription of Sundara-Påndya
ghatis and palas after mean sunrise at Ujjain). should be sought for between the Saka years
So, two of the three requirements fell together 1172 and 1190.
after 23 gh. 23 a. from mean sunrise on the The 10th year inscription in which Sundara- Wednesday. But the Vrishabha-sankranti took Pandya alludes to his victory over Kanda- place on the same day at 44 gh. 7 pa. (Ujjain Gopala, is dated in the solar month of Vrishabha. mean time), which was 45 gh. 16 pa. of the We see from the date No. I. of Kanda-Gôpåla apparent time on that day at Trichinopoly, the that his accession must have taken place not place of the 10th year inscription. In finding before the commencement of the month Mithuna the apparent time, I have taken for Trichinopoly of Saka-Samvat 1172 expired. The first available latitude 10° 47' and longitude 78° 43' east of month Vpishabha after this is that of S.-S. 1173 Greenwich, and 3° 0 east of Ujjain (see expired. The Saka year, therefore, for Sundara. Johnston's Atlas). There seem to be two systems Pandya's 10th year inscription does not fall | at present of commencing a solar month civilly before S.-S. 1173 expired. Strictly speaking, (see South Indian Chronological Tables, p. 7 f.). therefore, we should seek for the Saka year fitting According to one, when & sankranti takes place to the details of the 10th year inscription of before sunset, the month is made to begin on the Sundara-Pandya, between the years 1173 and 1190 same day; while, if it takes place after sunset expired, both inclusive. Consequently, the Saka the month begins on the next day. According to year for his 9th year inscription should be sought the other system, when the sun enters & sign between the years 1172 and 1189 expired, both within three of the five parts into which the dayinclusive. Taking, however, one year more on time is divided, the month begins on the same each side, I find that the Saka years 1181 and 1182 day; otherwise, it begins on the next day. In expired are the only years corresponding respect the present instance, the solar month Vpishabha ively to the details of the 9th and 10th year did not begin on the Wednesday by either of the inscriptions of Sundara-Pandya. I may say two systems. Even if we take the actual time of