JANUARY, 1893.)
desa are re-ordained on the Kalyani River by a Chapter elected from the Mahavihara sect. The Sinhalese King confers titles on them. Rûmadůta's ship returns home and arrives safely. Chitradata's ship is wrecked at Kalambu (Colombo). Chitraduta's party is again shipwresked. The members of the party travel on foot to Navutapatana, whence four théras and their disciples travel on to Komâlapattana. Of the latter party, six théras and four young priests die and the rest reach home.
Consecration of the Kalyani-sima. Ramadhipati's reception of the eleven théras, who return by Ramadata's ship. A site is selected for the consecration of a sima for these théras. Enquiry is held into the antecedents of the theras and their discipleg. A Chapter consisting of nine théras and five young priests is appointed for consecrating the proposed simd. Ceremonies of desecration and consecration are performed, and the simd is named the Kalyani-sima, after the river where the officiating priests received afresh their upasampadá ordination. The priests of Ramaññadosa request RÂmadhipati to be permitted to receive the Sinhalese form of the upasampadd ordination. Suvannasôbhaņathêra is appointed upajjháya.
REVERSE FACE OF THE THIRD STONE. Establishment of the Sinhalese form of ordination in Ramannadesa. The priests of Ramaññadêsa receive the Sinhalese form of wpasampadd ordination in the Kalyani-sima. Râmidhipati's edict to the priesthood regarding admission into the Order. Expulsion of pseudo-priests from the Order. Royal gifts to bhikkhus and sdmaneras. Hortatory yerses.
I will now give a translation of the MS. Text. The transcribed text which follows the translation is that collated from the MSS. above alluded to.
Obverse face of the first stone. Reverence to the Blessed One, the Holy One, the Fully Enlightened One. May the excellent Religion of the Conqueror flourish and prosper, and may reverence be paid to Buddha !
The purification of the Religion of the Conqueror was effected by Ramadhipati, King of Ramannadesa. An account of this event will be related.
During the reign of Ramadhipatiraja, King of Râmaññadesa, the Religion of the Con. queror became purified.
Two hundred and eighteen years had passed away since the attainment of ParinirVaps by the Pully Enlightened One, the Sage of the Sakyas, when Dhammasokaraja was inaugurated as king. In the fourth year after this event, owing to Nigródhassmanera, the King had grest faith in the Religion of Buddha'; and the gifts and honours to the prieste greatly increased, while those to the heretica diminished.
The heretics, for the sake of gifts and honours, embraced the ascetic life among certain, priests, received the upasampadá ordination, and promulgated their own hevesies, such as the Sassata hereby. Some took orders themselves, assumed the guise of priests, and taught their own heretical doctrines, All these heretics mixed promiscuously with, and resided among the priests, who performed wpôsatha and such other ecclesiastical ceremonies. Owing to this cir
As the Burmese rookon, the parinirudna to bare taken place in 844 B. C., this yields 222 B. C. m the traditional date of the conyersion of Anks to Buddhism.