[MARCH, 1893.
Hrangchala dared not do it. When Kuavang carried off Kangöri also, Hrangchala dared not say hin nay. He was afraid. Afterwards we followed Küngöri's line of cotton thread, which lead us to Kuavang's village. Küngöri (after we had released her from there) forgot her comb. We told Hrangchâl to go and fetch it, but he dared not. I am afraid,' said he. so I went to get it. He then took Kangöri and left me behind, shutting the hole in the earth with a great stone. They went away. I married Kuavang's daughter, and, while she was absent, I climbed up the stalks of the creeper, and came here." On (hearing) this; ** Is it so," said they, “then you shall be united." So Hrangchala died and Phothira and Küngöri were married. They were very comfortable together, and killed many gayal. They possessed many villages, and lived happy ever after. Thus the story is concluded.
poet tells the well-known fable how on Mount 1.- Arthana Stone Inscription of the
Arbuda (or Aba) the sage Vasishtha, when his
cow Nandini was carried off by Visvamitra, proParamára Chamundaraja, of the
duced from the sacred fire the hero Paramara, (Vikrama) year 1136.
who defeated Visva mitra. In the family of Dr. Hörnle has sent me, some time ago, a very | Parumara there was born in the course of time in perfect pencil-rubbing of an inscription dis. Vairisinnha (line 8), who had a younger brother, covered at Arthûna in Rajputana, together with named Dambarasimha (line 10). And in the a rough transcript of the text and an English
family of Dambarasimha was born Kamkadeva translation of it, received from Mahamahopadhyâya (line 11), who near the Narmada defeated the Kaviraj Syamal Dås, member of the State Council i forces of the ruler of Karnata and thus desof Mwad. This inscription contains 18 lines of troved thu enemy of the Maiuva king Briharsha, writing wbich cover a space of 6" broad by but who apparently lost his own life on that 92 high. The writing appears to be well pre- occasion. Kamkadêva's son was Chandapa (line served. The size of the letters is about " The 13)hia son was Satyaraja (line 14); from him characters are Någari. The language is Sam- i sprang Mandanadava (line 16), and his son again sirit, and the inscription is in verse. The total was Chamundaraja' (line 30), who is said to have number of verses is 87.
defeated Sindhurája. Beyond what has been The inscription is a prasasti or laudatory stated here, the inscription contains nothing of account of a line of princes or chiefs who belonged importance. The princes Vairisimha and Sriharto the Paramára 'family, and its object is, to sha, mentioned above, are of course the wellstate (in line 14) that the prince Chamundarája. known Vairisimha II. and Sriharshadêva-Siyaka in honour of his iather Mandanadeva, founded of Malava. a temple of Siva, under the name of Mandauêsa, 2.--Chitor Stone Inscription of the Guhila and to record (in lines 45-50) the endowments Family, of the (Vikrama) year 1331. made in favour of that temple. The prasasti was Sir A. Cunningham has supplied to me a pencil. composed by the poet Chandra, a younger brother rubbiug.. taken by Mr. Garrick, of the inscription of Vijayasadhara and son of Sumatisådhåra, of
at Chitor of which a photo-lithograph has been the Sådhåra family. And it is dated in line 53:
published in his Archeol. Survey of India, Vol. samvat 1138 Phalguna-sudi 7 Bukre, corre
XXIII. Plate xxv. This inscription contains sponding, for Vikrama 1136 expired, to Friday, the 54 lines of writing which cover a space of 26" 31st January A. D. 1080, when the 7th tithi of the broad by 27" high. Line 39 appears to have bright half ended 20 h. 3 m. after mean sunrise.
been almost completely scratched out'; otherwise Beginning with two verses which invoke the the writing is on the whole well preserved. The
1 I cannot find Arthùná on the maps at my disposal. In the papers sent to me it is stated that "a sight of the ruins of Arthan confirms the view that a large city existed there in ancient times, where only a small village stands at present, surrounded by several temples in ruit." The rubbing of the inscription was procured through the assistance of the Political geut of Banswårå.
The names of the writer and of the engraver are illegible in the rubbing.
In Archæol. Survey of India, Vol. XXIII. p. 124, Yr Garrick reports that at a small bamlet called Nimtor,
in Rajputånd, he found an inscription of seven lines, dated in Samvat 1027. From a very faint photograph of this inscription, shewn to me by Dr. Burgess, I am able to state that the inscription was put up during the reign of a Mahárojidhirdja who also boro the name Chimn. daraja, and that it is datad in the (Vikrama) year 1628.
• A very incorrect copy, made by a Pandit, of this inscription I had previously received from Dr. Fleet, to whom it had been given by Dr. Burgess, together with copy of another long inscription from Chitor which is per haps the second praiasti, referred to below,