MAY, 1893.1
place, and the solar month Vaisakha began, 19 h. the thirteenth lunar day of the dark half of the 41 m. after mean sunrise of the 27th March A. D. i uonth of Makara of the Yuru-savimvalsara, 1549. And the European equivalent of the date which was current after the Saka year 1497 (had is Thursday, the 4th April A. D. 1549, when the passed).' 7th tithi of the bright balf ended 14 h. 41 m. and By the sonthern luni-solar system the year when the ntshatra was Punarvssu for about Yuvan is Saka 1497 expired, as stated in the date. 17 h. 44 m. after mean sunrise. By tbe lunar And in that year the sun was in the sin Makara, calendar this was the 7th of the bright bulf! or, in other words, the solar month Migha lasted. of Vaisakha, and sbe day thus belunged to both
froin 4 h 57 m. after mean sunrise of the 20th the solar and the lunar Vaisakha.
December A.D. 1575 to 15 h. 51 n. after mean 4.-On p. 18, an inscription on the north wall sunrise of the 7th January A.D. 1576. During of the Perumal temple at Ganganar near Velor this time there was only one 13th tithi of the is dated: On the day of (the nakshatra) Rohiņi, dark half, and this tithi lasted from shortly after which corresponds to Monday, the first luar day sunrise of Thursday, the 29th December, to about of the former half of the month of ķishabha of the end of the same day, and it cannot in any the Pranathin year. (rohich was) the 17th year of Way be joined with a Wednesday.--In my opinion, (the reign of) Sakalulólachakravartin.'
the word Makara of the date is probably an According to Dr. Hultzech, the year Pramåthin
crror for Dhanuh; for the Dhanuh-sar.
kránti of the same year took place 20 h. 36 m. must here be Saka 1261 expiacd. In that year
after mean aunrise of Tuesday, the 29th Novernthe Vrishabha-samkranti took place, and the
.ber A.D. 1575, and a 13th tithi of the dark half Bular month J yaishtha began, 9 h. 46 m. after mean
ended on the following day, Wednesday, the sunrise of the 26th April A. D. 1339. And the
30th November, 5 h. 15 m. after mean sunrise. European equivalent of the date is Monday, the 10th May A.D. 1339, when the first tithi of the
This day would belong to the solar Pausha, and
by the lunat calendar to the amanta Margaśîrsha. bright half ended 11 h. 33 m., and when the nakshatra was Rohini for 7 n. 53 m. after mean
7.-On p. 80, an inscription on the base of the sunrise. By the lunar calendar the day was the
Isvara temple at Tellor near Velor is dated :first of the bright half of Jyaishțha, and it there
*On the day of the nakshatra) Tiruvònam (ie, fore belonged to both the solar and the lunar
Sravana), which corresponds to Monday, the
fifth lunar day of the former half of the month Jyaishtha.
of Karkataka of the Sadharana year (and) the 5.-On p. 104, an inscription or the south wall
Saka year 1353.' of a Mandapa at the base of the Tirumalai rock
By the sonthern luni-solar system the year is dated : On the day of the nakshatra) Utti.
Sådhårana is Saka 1352 expired (or 1353 current). ratadi (i.e., Uttarabhadrapada), which corre
And in that year the sun was in the sign Karkata, sponds to Monday, the eighth lunar day of the
or, in other words, the solar month Sravana former half of the month of Dhanus of the
lasted, from 23 h. 13 m after mean sunrise of the Ananda year, which was current after the Saka
28th June to 10 h. 30 m. after mean sunrise of the year 1296 (had passed).'
30th July A.D. 1430. During this time there By the southern luni-solar system the year
was only one 5th tithi of the bright half, and this Ananda is Saka 1296 expired, as stated in the
ended 17 h 31 m. after mean sunrise of Tuesday, dute. In that year the Dhanub-sankranti | the 25th July. when the moon was in Hasta (18), took place, and the solar month Pausha began,
not in Sravana (22), and which therefore clearly 20 h. 21 m. after mean sunrise of the 27th is not the day of the date.-In Saka 1352 expired, November A. D. 1374. And the European equi- the year of this date, the only fifth of the bright valent of the date is Monday, the 11th December half on which the moon was in Sravana was A.D. 1374, when the 8th tithi of the bright half Monday, the 20th November A.D. 1430, which commenced 3 h. 41 m., and when the moon entered by the northern calendar was Marga-sudi 5, aud the nakshatra Uttarabhadrapada 3 h. 17 m. which also was the 22nd day of the solar Maros. after mean sunrise. By the lunar calendar this sirsha. Now, as the solar Margasirsha of the day fell in the bright half of Pausha, and it north would in the south be called the month of therefore belonged to both the solar and the lunar Kárttigai, I am inclined to think that Monday, Pausha.
the 20th November A.D. 1430, is really the day The four following dates (Nos. 6-9) do not of the date, and that in the date the word work out properly.
Karkataka has been erroneously put for Karttigai. 6.-On p. 74, an inscription on a stone at Sattu 8.-On p. 108, an inscription at the Ammaiapvachchêri near Velor is dated :-'On Wednesday, pêsvara temple at Padavedu is dated :--To-day,