(FEBRUABY, 1893.
On the 8th day, Ramadhipatirajg, in order to have the ceremony of consecrating a sima performed, visited the place in the morning, and had the preliminary arrangements carried out in the following manner :
On the outside of the site selected for consecrating the sime, and facing the four quarters, four boundary-marks were fixed; and in order to bring into prominence the advantage derived from fixing the boundary-marks in a form other than that of a four-sided figure, each of the additional four boundary-marks was placed at the end of a line drawn from the middle of the line joining each of the two corners facing the four quarters. Within the space thus enclosed by the eight boundary-stones, a rope was stretched, and along it a line was drawn on the ground. As the simá was to be consecrated within the line, and, as it was desirable to make manifest the limit of its site, a small trencb, a span in depth and the same in width, was dug outside that line. In order to obviate janction with other gamakhéttas, both inside and outside the limit of the boundary-stones, such means of connection as the branches of trees were cut down. The small trench was ameared with mud, and some water was placed in it. The eight boundary-stones were beautified with gilding and vermilion, and were wrapped up in red and white cloth. By way of showing honour to the Blessed One, near the boundary. stones, umbrellas, banners, lamps, incense, and flowers were offered ; water-pots, whose mouths were covered and adorned with kumuda flowers, were placed; and other offerings such as of cloth were made.
The preliminary arrangements connected with the consecration of the simd having thus been carried out, the nine théras and the five young priests were invited, and the eight boundary-marks in the eight quarters, commencing with the one in the East quarter, were suc. cessively proclaimed. The proclamation was continued till the first boundary-mark, which had previously been proclaimed, was reached. In this manner the boundary-marks were pro. claimed three times.
On the following morning, flags and streamers were planted at various places around the gámakhétta belonging to the Minister Narasûra; drums, conch-shells, and other musical instruments were sonnded; and the guards, mounted men, and swift messengers, who had been stationed for the purpose of stopping the progress of travelling priests, and of causing other priests residing on that gámakhétta to be speedily excluded from it, were sent out to patrol all round it. It was only when the absence of other priests on that gámakhélta had been reported, that the kammaváchú relating to the consecration of a sima was read seven times with proper intonation, and that the ceremony of consecration was concluded. At the conclusion of the ceremony, gongs and other masical instruments were sounded three times, and the populace were commanded to raise a shoat of acclamation. In commemoration a: the consecration of this sims by the priests, who had received their upasampada ordination in the udakukkt. pasima situated on the Kalyani River, it received the appellation of the Kalyani-sima.
Previous to the consecration of the Kalyani-simâ, and also since the return of the tréras from Sihaladipa after receiving their upasampadá ordination there, the leading priests, who were imbued with faith, learned, and able, had approached RÂmâdhipatiraja and said to him thus: "Mahûraja, it is, indeed, an anomaly that we, who have received both the pabbajja and upasam padá forms of ordination of the Religion of Buddha, and practised all the precepts that have been enacted, should find our upasampadá ordination to be impure. We desirr, Maharaja, to receive the upasampade ordination at the hands of these théras, and thus shall our ordination become pure." To this Råmâdhipatirája thus replied: "Revererd Sirs, if any leading priests who are replete with faith, should, after investigating the ruling of the Vinaya, that is in conformity with the intention of the Blessed One, find that their upasampadá ordination is impare, and should desire to receive the pare form of the upasampadá ordination at the hands of the théras, who have returned home after receiving such ordination at the hands