VI. The compendiums of the TM
With an aspiration to preserve the memory of great poets and their esteemed works, as also with a wish to popularise such a work among the students of Sanskrit language and literature, Sanskrit compendiums were composed from the tenth century onwards. Such compendiums did serve as an aid to memorize the principal details of the stories of the classics. At least four such compendiums, three of them in verse and one in prose, are extant. They are :(i) the Tilakamañjari-sära of Pallipala Dhanapala; (ii) the Tilakamañjari-kathā-sära of Lakşmidhara; (iii) the Tilakamanjari-kathoddhāra ascribed to Padmasāgara; and (iv) the Tilakamañjari-sangraha of Krishnamacarya (Abhinava-bāna). Over and above these, there has been an attempt at recasting the TM in the from of modern Gujarati novel very recently by Shri Mohanlal Chunilal Dhami. an Ayurvedic physician. We propose to give here a brief account of all of these compendiums.
(1) Tilakamañjari-Sara': The author of this compendium of the TM was another Dhanapala, a one of the four sons of a poet named Amana of the Pallipāla family wellknown in Aşahillapura. 3 Amana had composed an epic entitled "Śri-nemicaritam'. His son Dhanapala composed his TMS in the year V.Sam. 1261 (i.e. 1205 A.D.). 4 The author is rather not very particular about the exact title of his work which is variously mentioned as 'Kathā-sangraha', 'Tilakamañjariñsāra', and also
1. Critically edited by me and published by the L.D. Institute of Indology,
Ahmedabad, 1969. -2. TMS, Epilogue, vs. 5 : TATI#tasafa fagtatraf12771 ARE' fati5ef:
FAT: facuta II 3. TMS, Epilogue, vgs. 1-4 : miferazena: TATEI99: | FACERTARET:
श्रीमानसुकविरामनः ।। १॥ सुश्लिष्टशब्दसंदर्भमद्भुतार्थ रसोमि यत् । येन श्रीनेमिचरित महाकाव्य विनिम मे ॥२॥ चत्वारस्तनुजास्तस्य ज्येष्ठस्तेषु विशेषवित् । अन्नतपालश्चक्रे यः स्पष्टां गणितपाटिकम् ॥३॥ धनपालस्तता नव्यकाव्यशिक्षापरायणः । रत्नपालः स्फुरत्प्रज्ञा गुणपालश्च
faxa: 118 11 4. ibid., 1,6 : FOCTEVIETA afë Pll alfararti suda Furer: sufora: 11
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