ViVPK1 Feuta (16) PVBKV1V?KISS U olfa:ho. (24) PVBKV V2K1 ozifa fyra. (28) PVBKV1V2K1 ograd (31) U wiadziai. Page-178 :
(1) S'U paraqeso. (6) Tpv saiso, (18) PVBKVTVK'S'u fearailao. (21) J .Eratiaroc. (23) PVBKV1V'K' faazito (26) J kifo (29) J ika a Page-179 :
(4) Janto (6) K The portion ofanya nao is rewritten on the yellow paste applied to blur the miswritten part of the line, (9) J सापेन. (9) J सन्न dropping समा. (10) pशकुचता, and is corrected as # in the Ms., BKK1 *ar. (11) J # rana. (24) PVBKV V2. efarqsao (25) P Figo, and 110 is corrected as al in the Ms., BKK 911*140.
(1) P ngaroo, and 10 is corrected as 4 in the Ms. (2) Tpv oaifa. (5) B the syllables opaco are dropped. (8) PVBKVVK! 9110. (19) Padroa, tois corected as in the Ms. (31) PVBKV VK'S'U Aurifa Page-181 :
(12) Tpv qara ça (5) PVBK V1 V2Ki 93at. (18) B 21, dropping the syllables 9**, (21) Tpv 991412. (22) PVBKV V2K1 ofenfetar. (23) P 221922a, and To is corrected as u in the Ms. (23) PVBKV V2K fagra'. (26) PVBKV V2K ofacto (26) P euf :: 28) P Tpvolo, and to is corrected as # in the Ms. (28) PVV1V? To BKK 720 Pags-182 :
(4 Pofaze, 7 corrected as in the Ms; BKK1 12. (15) PVBKV1V2K1979. (16) P aurat, and edlo is corrected as in the Ms. BKK1 ofegat. (29, PVBKViviKi azei. Page-183 :
(2) PVBKVIVK9 999170 (2) PVK o aigti (9) PVBKV V2K1 yal (23) PVBKV1V2k1 ott fetal. (30) Jarcato
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